Name for a pirate. The most famous pirates

The critical condition of a person is determined by a set of symptoms that are defined by a separate area of ​​medicine. Patients with chronic diseases are more often among the risk group. Less common are patients after emergencies. Systematization of diseases leading to dangerous outcomes helps to reduce the number of severe cases.

Directions of rehabilitation medicine

The purpose of studying patients is:

  • improving the quality of life of terminally ill patients;
  • help to prolong life;
  • exclusion of such advanced cases in healthy people.

Timely rehabilitation of patients in extremely serious conditions helps to fully study the problem of incurable diseases. Each new successful experiment suggests that such incidents can be completely prevented. But at the moment, classical approaches are not able to save people from a near-death diagnosis.

By moving in the direction of emergency care for patients, significant improvements in the condition of the patient's body can be achieved. It follows from the above: medicine that excludes a critical condition gives people with severe forms of illness a chance to return to normal life in the future. Science is constantly moving forward, and perhaps there will be a solution to problems that are not yet available to doctors.

The problem of saving patients

The basics of resuscitation of each patient should be known to all doctors in any field. The direction of the return to human life lies on the shoulders of even an ordinary therapist in order to recognize the critical conditions of the body in time. However, the most experienced specialists in this field are:

  • ambulance workers;
  • resuscitators;
  • anesthesiologists;
  • intensivists.

Resuscitation is aimed at the area in which pathological changes have occurred in humans. The developed methods allow to return patients to life even at home, on their own. Replenishment of the experience describing the critical state is carried out daily. Each positive outcome is studied in detail, new methods are introduced that exclude deaths.

Classification of the resuscitation area

Critical differs by the type of chronic diseases:

  • Central nervous system - poliomyelitis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
  • Internal organs: liver - cirrhosis, hepatitis, cancerous foci; kidneys - subacute glomerulonephritis, renal failure, amyloidosis.
  • Circulatory system - leukemia, hypertension, thrombosis.
  • Respiratory system - cancer, obstructive disease, emphysema.
  • Cerebral cortex - cerebrovascular disease, tumor, vascular sclerosis.

Each area is distinguished by the specifics of the rehabilitation approach and has its own characteristics of the recovery period. Mixed types of diseases are also taken into account.

The statistics include infections:

Mixed types pose the greatest danger to humans. They can provoke serious conditions and clinical forms of inflammation. Critical conditions in children are associated with mixed infections, especially in newborns.

What has already been achieved in the field of resuscitation?

Critical care therapy has already helped to reduce the number of the following patients:

  • The first benefit of rehabilitation measures is the saving of the lives of patients on the brink.
  • Reducing the disability of the population.
  • Incurable diseases can be operated on.
  • The treatment period is significantly reduced.
  • The recurrence of chronic inflammation is excluded.

Restoration of the body of terminally ill patients is the main task the field of medicine. Exist practical examples helping people who have previously been diagnosed with a near-death condition. The essential value of the resuscitation approach lies in the economic payback of such investments.

In the future, not only current chronic diseases patient, but also a possible critical condition. Substances for resuscitation are selected in advance in order to use them immediately at the time of deterioration of health.

What are the prospects for the development of resuscitation?

The main directions of the movement of medicine in the field of studying conditions bordering on death are the search for fundamentally new approaches to resuscitation of the patient. Classical methods of therapy no longer meet modern requirements.

At clinical death heart massage and impact on the chest can be replaced by technological methods of pumping blood and supplying oxygen to a suddenly deceased person. Computer intelligence can be used to perform such a function. Such devices have already been successfully used in isolated cases.

When the critical condition of the patient requires the use of urgent care, the tasks of resuscitation medicine include returning the person to a normal state. Classical methods only postpone the hour of death. There is a constant search for ways that at first glance seem absurd and incredible.

What are the possible complications after death periods?

If the patient was able to get out of such a phase as a critical state of health, the human body is still under the threat of repeated attacks. To prevent the development of complications, it will be necessary to carry out a long rehabilitation treatment.

When a person is in critical condition, there are psychological shifts in his mind. During the period there are deviations:

  • the patient discovers that he cannot, as before, lead a full life;
  • difficulties arise when performing mental work (mathematical calculations, the ability to draw logical conclusions);
  • there is a partial loss of memory;
  • the patient notices that he is not able to make responsible decisions.

Post-traumatic syndrome is accompanied by a decrease in the number of brain cells, which is reflected in all areas of life. Recent studies have shown that a patient who has survived the line between life and death needs not only to return to his former physical condition, but also to carry out treatment in the direction of returning the psychological component.

Body recovery technique

New methods allow patients to fully recover, subject to the following rules for caring for a sick person:

  • the patient needs to avoid nervous situations, even the slightest experience for any reason;
  • observe the conditions of sleep, silence, lack of light is recommended here;
  • the patient needs constant support of loved ones;
  • the emotional state of the patient is affected by the noise of operating devices and the loud conversation of the clinic staff;
  • it is necessary to reduce the supply of drugs after visible improvements in the patient's condition;
  • to return physical capabilities with the patient, constant exercises are carried out.

For a person to be completely cured, a long period of treatment with several specialists from different fields of medicine will be needed. Attempts with the help of relatives or independently to return to the social world may not be successful. An integrated approach and systematic execution of tasks will help reduce the duration of therapy.

Distinctive features of resuscitation

There is a significant difference between the treatment of an ordinary patient and a critically ill patient:

  • The method of treatment of a classical specialist is aimed at maintaining the viability of the patient's body. He needs periods of examination of a person's health to make corrective changes to therapy. In intensive care, there is absolutely no time to carry out such actions.
  • The first step in becoming an effort to restore the viability of the patient, and only then making the necessary clarifications about the state of health. The usual doctor has a different approach: first you need to establish the cause of the ailment, then act according to the prescriptions for the treatment of a particular disease.
  • The classical doctor follows the path of analyzing the diagnosis. In resuscitation, the approach of determining noticeable syndromes is used.
  • Lack of time affects the choice of a drug that eliminates a critical condition. Sometimes doctors can confuse substances due to the lack of a patient's medical history, but if a person still survives, then this is due to the efforts of the body. An ordinary specialist has a chance to study the full picture of what is happening.

How is the plight of patients determined?

To prevent death, doctors rely on the main syndromes that indicate critical conditions. These prerequisites may be:

  • loss of breath;
  • periodic;
  • the tongue sinks, the person suffocates due to spasms of the larynx;
  • complete immobilization of the patient, loss of consciousness;
  • bleeding, dehydration;
  • change in the shape of the limbs, head, body due to internal hemorrhage;
  • analysis of symptoms in stroke, heart attack, the condition of the pupils, heartbeat, respiratory rate is assessed.

Which patient is at risk?

For the analysis of preresuscitation events, the concept of "critical state of development" is used. It is based on the collection of the following information about the patient that affects the development of syndromes:

  • congenital predisposition of the body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • pain and abnormalities in the work of organs;
  • collection of general analyzes or necessary X-ray images;
  • assessment of injuries in case of mechanical damage to the body.

What are the typical complications that require resuscitation?

Among the huge list of critical conditions, we highlight a few:

  • Shock conditions: infectious nature, toxic, hemorrhagic, anaphylactic.
  • Embolism: renal arteries, pulmonary, vascular.
  • Peritonitis: general, local. The peritoneal region is affected.
  • Sepsis: latent and with manifestations of acute symptoms.

All of these conditions have their own syndromes, according to which resuscitators are guided for emergency care. Rehabilitation treatment and the choice of drugs depend on the type of development of a critical condition.

In this state, pathological changes in the cardiovascular system are observed:

  • Weak pulse;
  • Hypotension or hypertension;
  • Heart boundaries are violated;
  • The permeability of large vessels is difficult.

The body is quickly dehydrated, the skin becomes pale, almost gray, cold to the touch. There are extreme changes in the lung tissue, which manifests itself in or seizures.

From the gastrointestinal tract, the reaction of the body is manifested as follows:

  • Diarrhea;

Treatment of such patients is carried out in the intensive care unit under continuous medical supervision.

Extremely serious violations

The patient's health is rapidly deteriorating: the life support systems are in a depressed state. Without timely medical intervention, death will occur.

Symptoms of extremely severe disorders are as follows:

  • A sharp deterioration in general well-being;
  • Extensive throughout the body;
  • The face becomes earthy gray, its features sharpened;
  • Heart sounds are barely audible;
  • Breathing is disturbed;
  • When listening to the lungs, wheezing is clearly audible;
  • It is not possible to determine blood pressure indicators.

It is impossible to help a person with such violations on his own. The sooner medical help arrives, the greater the chance of saving the patient's life. In this case, the only help that can be provided to the patient is to immediately call the resuscitation ambulance team.

Stable serious condition

Relatives of patients who were admitted to intensive care units hear from doctors the conclusion: the condition is stable and serious. Should I be afraid of such a diagnosis and what does it mean?

A stable condition means a violation of the functioning of life-support systems of moderate severity, which, thanks to the efforts of doctors, does not turn into an extremely severe one. That is, there are no dynamic changes in the life support process of the patient: neither positive nor negative.

For such patients, round-the-clock monitoring with the help of medical devices is provided. They record the slightest changes in the indicators that the medical staff monitors. Violations of stably severe require the same therapy as in other cases: round-the-clock administration of medications to maintain the vital activity of the body.

The duration of the absence of dynamic changes depends on the nature of the pathology and its severity. So, often a stable serious condition is observed after surgery, when the patient is delivered at the time of recovery from anesthesia. Its duration is from 2 days to 3 weeks.

After the stable serious condition of the patient has taken positive dynamics with the help of intensive therapy, he is disconnected from the equipment that artificially supported life support. Nevertheless, the patient and his condition continue to be closely monitored to adjust further drug treatment tactics.

Then diagnostic examinations are carried out, after which further treatment is expected.

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Surnames and names of famous pirates

Pirates- these are sea and river robbers of any nationality, who at all times robbed the ships of all countries and peoples.

The word "pirate" (Latin pirata) comes from the Greek. "try, test" The meaning of the word "pirate" is to try one's luck, a gentleman of fortune.

The word "pirate" came into use around the 4th-3rd centuries BC. e., and before that the concept of "leistes" was used, known since the time of Homer and closely related to such concepts as robbery, murder, booty. Piracy in its original form sea ​​raids appeared simultaneously with navigation and maritime trade. All the coastal tribes, who mastered the basics of navigation, were engaged in such raids. Piracy, as a phenomenon, is reflected in ancient poetry - in Ovid's Metamorphoses and Homer's poems.

With the development of trade and legal ties between countries and peoples, attempts began to be made to combat this phenomenon.

The pirates had own flag. The idea to sail under a pirate flag appeared in order to psychologically influence the crew of the attacked ship. For the purpose of intimidation, the blood-red flag was originally used, which often depicted symbols of death: skeleton, skull, crossbones, crossed sabers, death with a scythe, skeleton with a goblet.

The most common method of piracy attack there was a boarding (fr. abordage). The enemy ships approached side to side, grappled with boarding gear, and pirates jumped onto the enemy ship, supported by fire from the pirate ship.

Modern piracy

Currently, most of the pirate attacks occur in East Africa (Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique).

The region of the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia is not free from pirate raids.

Types of pirates

Sea pirates

River Pirates

Tevkry- Middle Eastern pirates in the XV-XI centuries BC. They were destroyed by the combined forces of the Greeks during the Trojan War.

Dolopians- Ancient Greek pirates (Skyrians), in the second half of the VI century BC settled on the island of Skyros. They hunted in the Aegean Sea.

Ushkuiniki- Novgorod river pirates, who hunted throughout the Volga up to Astrakhan, mainly in the XIV century.

barbary pirates– pirates North Africa. Based in the ports of Algeria and Morocco.

Likedelers- pirates of the northern European seas, descendants of the ancient Vikings.

Buccaneers- the English name of the filibuster, a synonym for a pirate who hunted in the waters of America.

filibusters- sea robbers of the 17th century who robbed Spanish ships and colonies in America. The word comes from the Dutch "vrijbuiter", which means "free earner".

Corsairs- this word appeared at the beginning of the XIV century from the Italian "corsa" and the French "la corsa". IN war time the corsair received from the authorities of his (or another) country a letter of marque (corsair patent) for the right to rob enemy property. A corsair ship was equipped by a private shipowner, who bought a corsair patent or a letter of reprisal from the authorities. The captains and crew members of such a ship were called corsairs. In Europe, the word "corsair" was used by the French, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese in relation to their own and foreign gentlemen of fortune. In the countries of the Germanic language group, a synonym for corsair is privateer, in English speaking countries privateer(from the Latin word privatus - private).

privateers- private individuals in the countries of the German language group, who received from the state a license (diploma, patent, certificate, commission) to seize and destroy ships of enemy and neutral countries in exchange for a promise to share with the employer. Such a license in English was called Letters of Marque - letter of marque. The word "caper" comes from the Dutch verb kepen or the German kapern (to seize). Germanic synonym for corsair.

Privateers is the English name for a privateer or corsair.

Pechelings (flexelings)- so in Europe and the New World (America) they called Dutch privateers. The name comes from the main port of their base - Vlissingen. This term has appeared since the mid-1570s, when Dutch sailors began to gain fame (rob) around the world, and little Holland became one of the leading maritime countries.

Klefts (sea guides)- Greek pirates in the era of the Ottoman Empire, who attacked mainly Turkish ships.

Wokow- pirates of Japanese origin who attacked the coasts of China, Korea and Japan in the period from the 13th to the 16th centuries.

Surnames and names of famous pirates

Teuta (Teuta)- the queen of the Illyrian pirates, III century. BC.

Aruj Barbarossa I(1473-1518)

Khair-ad-Din (Khyzir)(1475-1546), Barbarossa II

Nathaniel Butler(born 1578)

Hawkins John(1532-1595)

Francis Drake(1540-1596)

Thomas Cavendish(1560-1592)

Dragut-Rais(16th century)

Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin(c. 1645-1707)

Edward Teach(1680-1718), nickname "Blackbeard"

Jan Jacobsen(15(?)-1622)

Arundell, James(d. 1662)

Henry Morgan(1635-1688)

William Kidd(1645-1701)

Michel de Grammont

Mary Reid(1685-1721)

Francois Olone(17th century)

William Dampier(1651-1715)

Abraham Blauvelt(16??-1663)

Olivier (Francois) Le Wasser, nicknames "La blues", "buzzard"

Edward Lau(1690-1724)

Bartholomew Roberts(1682-1722), nickname "Black Bart"

Jack Rackham(1682-1720), nicknamed "Calico Jack". It is believed that he is the author of the pirate symbol - the skull and crossbones.

Joseph Barss(1776-1824)

Henry Avery

Jean Ango

Daniel "The Destroyer" Montbar

Laurens de Graaf(17th century)

Zheng Shi(1785-1844)

Jean Lafitte(?-1826)

Jose Gaspar(first quarter of the 19th century), nickname "Black Caesar"

Moses Vauclain

Amyas Preston

WilliamHenryHayes(William Henry Hays)(1829-1877)

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Automatic name selection

Name selection according to astrology, incarnation tasks, numerology, zodiac sign, types of people, psychology, energy

Name selection by astrology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Selection of a name according to the tasks of embodiment (goals of life, purpose)

Name selection by numerology (examples of the weakness of this name selection technique)

Name selection according to the zodiac sign

Name selection by type of people

Psychology name selection

Name selection by energy

What you need to know when choosing a name

What to do to choose the perfect name

If you like the name

Why you don't like the name and what to do if you don't like the name (three ways)

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Corrective name for an adult

Adaptation to a new name

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1680 - 1718

The most famous pirate in the world is Edward Teach, or he is also called Blackbeard. He was known to the world for his cruelty, desperation, strength, indomitable passion for rum and women. On his behalf, the entire Caribbean Sea and the English possessions of North America shuddered. He was tall, strong build, had a thick black beard braided in braids, wore a wide-brimmed hat and a black cloak, and always had seven loaded pistols. Opponents in horror surrendered without resistance, considering him a fiend. In 1718, during the next battle, the pirate Blackbeard continued to fight to the last, wounded by 25 shots, and died from a saber strike.

1635 - 1688

This pirate was known as the Cruel or Pirate Admiral. One of the authors of the Pirate Code. An incredible man who excelled in the trade of piracy and was a respected lieutenant governor, commander in chief of the Jamaican navy. The pirate admiral was considered a talented military leader and a wise politician. His life was full of bright big victories. Sir Henry Morgan died in 1688 and was buried with honors in the church of St. Catherine of Port Royal. After a while, due to a strong earthquake, his grave was swallowed up by the sea.

1645 - 1701

The most bloodthirsty pirate legend. He possessed amazing endurance, special cruelty, sadistic sophistication and a skillful talent for piracy. William Kidd was an excellent expert in nautical science. He had unconditional authority among the pirates. His battles were considered the fiercest in the history of piracy. He plundered both at sea and on land. Legends about his victories, countless treasures live to this day. The search for the stolen treasure of William Kidd continues to this day, but so far without success.


A successful English navigator and talented pirate during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The second, after Maggelan, Francis Drake circumnavigated the world. They discovered the widest strait in the world's oceans. During his career, Captain Francis Drake made many discoveries of lands unknown to mankind. For numerous achievements and rich booty, he received the generous recognition of Queen Elizabeth I.

1682 - 1722

His real name is John Roberts, his nickname is Black Bart. The richest and most incredible pirate. He always liked to dress with taste, adhered to the manners generally accepted in society, did not drink alcohol, wore a cross and read the Bible. He knew how to convince, subdue and confidently lead minions to the intended goal. He spent many successful battles, mined a huge amount of gold (approximately 300 tons). He was shot on his own ship during a raid. The trial of the captured Black Bart pirates was the largest trial in history.

1689 - 1717

Black Sam - got such a nickname because of the principled rejection of a combed wig, preferring not to hide his unruly dark hair tied in a knot. It was love that led Black Sam to the path of piracy. He was a noble purposeful person, a wise captain and a successful pirate. Both white and black pirates served on board Captain Sam Bellamy, which was considered unthinkable at the time. He had smugglers and spies under his command. He won many victories and won incredible treasures. Black Sam died during a storm that overtook him on the way to his beloved.

1473 - 1518

Famous powerful pirate from Turkey. He was characterized by cruelty, ruthlessness, love of bullying and executions. He was involved in piracy with his brother Khair. The pirates of Barbarossa were the menace of the entire Mediterranean. So, in 1515, the entire Agiers coast was under the rule of Aruja Barbarossa. The battles under his command were sophisticated, bloody and victorious. Aruj Barbarossa died during the battle, surrounded by enemy troops in Tlemcen.

1651 - 1715

Sailor from England. By vocation, he was a researcher and discoverer. Made 3 trips around the world. He became a pirate in order to have the means to engage in his research activities - the study of the direction of winds and currents in the ocean. William Dampier is the author of such books as Travels and Descriptions, A New Journey Around the World, Direction of the Winds. An archipelago in the northwest coast of Australia is named after him, as well as a strait between the western coast of New Guinea and Waigeo Island.

1530 - 1603

Female pirate, legendary captain, lady of fortune. Her life was full of colorful adventures. Grace possessed heroic courage, unprecedented determination and a high talent for piracy. For enemies, she was a nightmare, for adherents, an object of admiration. Despite the fact that she had three children from her first marriage and 1 child from her second, Grace O'Malle continued her favorite business. Her activities were so successful that Queen Elizabeth I herself offered Grace to serve her, which she received a decisive refusal.

1785 - 1844

Zheng Shi closes the list of the most famous pirates in the world. She made her name in history as one of the most successful female pirates. Under the command of this small fragile Chinese robber there were 70,000 pirates. Zheng Shi started the pirate business with her husband, but after his death, she boldly took over the reign. Zheng Shi was an excellent, strict and wise captain, she formed a disciplined and strong army from a disorderly gathering of pirates. This ensured successful offensive operations and enchanting victories. Zheng Shi lived out her years quietly, the owner of a hotel, within the walls of which there was a brothel and a gambling house.

The most famous bloodthirsty pirates Video

A little over 100 years have passed since women first seriously declared their equality with men: the desire to do men's work, wear trousers, smoke and get married when they themselves want it. Until the middle of the 18th century, there was no talk of any equality. The mistress of the hearth, maid, secretary, saleswoman and governess - this is a small list of professions in which women could be involved.

The exception, perhaps, was the ladies of the Wild West, and even then only because the conditions of life did not endure ceremonies. The rest of the representatives of the weaker sex led the life that was imposed on them by men. But not all of them willingly put up with the fate prepared for them.

The girl became a pirate

In the history of navigation and navigation, there are legends that women, dressed in men's clothes, went to sea and even became captains of pirate ships.

The legend about Alvilde- a girl from Scandinavia, who opposed the will of her kind, prophesying her a profitable marriage. She went to sea, where she became a pirate. Alvilda, who lived more than a thousand years ago, is considered the first girl who ventured on a sea voyage. She endured all the hardships of the journey along with the men, for which she was elevated to the rank of captain of the ship.

Famous female pirates

A few centuries later, a Frenchwoman repeated the feat of a Scandinavian woman and went to sea already as the commander of a squadron of three ships. The reason for such a decisive step was the execution by the French king of her husband, who was a supporter of one of the contenders for the throne. The disappointed and heartbroken woman, instead of mourning her husband and moving on, went with her two children to England.

French Jeanne de Belleville

There, having got an appointment with the monarch, she asked him for permission to stand at the head of a squadron of corsair ships that fought the French. Since the action took place during the Hundred Years War, the English king did not refuse the request and indeed appointed the woman as the captain of the squadron. Jeanne fulfilled her obligation to the king. She not only more than avenged her husband's death, but also became a real threat to any ship that tried to enter the English Channel under the French flag.

Nicknames for female pirates

Three centuries ago, at the end of the 17th century, another woman earned the fame of a bloodthirsty pirate - Mary Read, better known as Bloody Mary. This girl, at the age of 15, ran away as a sailor on a warship. From there she got into an infantry regiment, and only after becoming a dragoon was she forced to reveal her gender, falling in love and marrying her comrade. The marriage, which did not last long, ended with the death of her husband in one of the skirmishes.

Mary, however, did not despair, but remembered her love for the sea and went on a trip on a privateer ship. Soon Mary's ship was in the hands of pirates, led by another woman named Ann Bonnie, who was just as young and courageous. Pirates, oddly enough, found a common language and began to swim together. Despite the fact that they were female, their cruelty knew no bounds. Even the most notorious villains and those froze at the mention of names Mary Reid And Ann Bonnie. But fate, so cruel to many pirates, did not pass these women. Mary died in childbirth, and nothing is known about Ann's history. Most likely, she shared the fate of her team, hanged for piracy.

Mary Read and Ann Bonnie

It should be noted that, despite the above, the likelihood of a woman being included in a pirate ship was low. Especially when she reveals her true gender. The well-known prejudices about the presence of a woman on a ship existed among sailors, regardless of the legality of their activities.

Nowadays, the situation has changed dramatically and the crews of many ships in the world also include women. They serve not only in the surface, but also in the submarine fleet, performing their duties no worse than men.