Consequences of the globalization of the world economy presentation. Presentation "Globalization and its consequences" (grade 11) in geography - project, report

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Presentation on the topic: Globalization and its consequences

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In the early 80s. 20th century American sociologist J. Naisbit identified new trends in world development - the transition: from an industrial society to an information one; development of technology to the development of high technologies; closed national economy to an open world economy; short-term tasks of planning and programming development to setting long-term strategic goals; tendencies of centralization towards decentralization; hierarchical to network type of organization of social and political space; alternative choice (according to the “either-or” principle) to the variety of choice; developed North to the developing South.

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What changes have taken place in the world? Review the diagram and comment on it. The ability to effectively cope with the demands placed on the state has weakened Goods, capital, people, knowledge, as well as crime easily cross state borders Globalization The functions and responsibilities of the nation state have expanded Global systems of trade, finance and production have tied together the fate of housewives, collectives and entire nations TNCs, social movements and relations began to penetrate almost all areas human activity

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To the greatest extent, the tendency to blur borders is manifested in the economy. How does it happen? What does it lead to? Let's investigate this problem. There is a division of labor not on a regional or national scale, but on a planetary scale Globalization of the economy Mechanisms for regulating world markets arise at the supranational level Globalization has also embraced financial markets. They began to play a role independent of the market. The symbol of globalization is transnational corporations. Their activities: reduce differences between countries within regions; affects people's lives; increases economic dependence; contributes to the creation of a planetary culture; accelerates integration, development of new technologies; leads to the unification of the way and standard of living Economic boundaries between countries are blurring The degree and role of mutual influence is increasing national economies on top of each other Integration processes in the world economy are intensifying (for example, the creation of the European Union)

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Technological High tech are turning into a defining component of ensuring the security, prosperity and geopolitical status of a country or people within the framework of the world community. High technologies dominate (primarily information, communication and biotechnologies). They are directly related to the central resource of the new economy - the production of knowledge. Technology has become a universal means of economic, cultural and political development. At the same time, they play an increasingly significant role in changing international economic relations. They expand the possibilities of subordinating many enterprises scattered in different regions to direct control concentrated in one place.

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Political Influenced by economic globalization priorities public policy in the international arena are gradually shifting to the sphere of the economy, which, of course, is accompanied by increased competition. The forms of regulation of this competition will in the future have a great influence not only on the world economy, but also on the entire field of international security and political relations. The essence of the ongoing changes lies in the gradual transition from "power games" between states seeking to expand their territories to "prosperity games", in which the task of economic growth is set. Instead of the confrontation between states that has dominated for centuries, an extra- and supra-state system of financial markets, organizations, and structures is emerging.

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Cultural Influenced by technical and technological change Globalization is also increasingly evident in the sphere of culture. With the openness of state borders and the intensification of communication between people, under the influence of the development of means of communication and under the influence of the media, certain prerequisites are created for the formation of a kind of single human community, increasingly united common goals, values ​​and interests. Huge impact on the widest international audience It is provided by powerful broadcasting corporations, since the programs of the world's largest television companies can now be received almost anywhere in the world. In terms of broadcast volume and audience reach, television has become an unparalleled cultural force. Not only information, but also entertainment youth channels (such as MTV) are becoming more widespread. The development and strengthening of the influence of the media is also one of the manifestations and at the same time a factor in the deepening of the process of globalization. The Internet plays a big role

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Conclusions: 1. Globalization is an objective process of transformation of society under the influence of scientific and technical progress, a technological breakthrough in the field of informatics, electronics, biotechnology. 2. This process really affects all parties modern society. 3. The benefits of globalization are clear. She promises the economic growth, improved living standards and new opportunities. 4. However, in reality, globalization, like any major socio-political phenomenon, has its own reverse side. 4. Contradictions of the process of globalization

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The presentation on the topic "Globalization and its consequences" (Grade 11) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 14 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Globalization and its consequences

Purpose: to get acquainted with the process of globalization, to show the contradictions of the globalization process, the role of scientific and technological revolution and information and communication technologies in the process of globalization

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In the early 80s. 20th century American sociologist J. Naisbit identified new trends in world development - the transition: from an industrial society to an information one; development of technology to the development of high technologies; closed national economy to an open world economy; short-term tasks of planning and programming development to setting long-term strategic goals; tendencies of centralization towards decentralization; hierarchical to network type of organization of social and political space; alternative choice (according to the “either-or” principle) to the variety of choice; developed North to the developing South.

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What changes have taken place in the world? Review the diagram and comment on it.

The functions and responsibilities of the nation state have expanded

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High technologies are turning into a defining component of ensuring the security, prosperity and geopolitical status of a country or people within the world community. High technologies dominate (primarily information, communication and biotechnologies). They are directly related to the central resource of the new economy - the production of knowledge. Technology has become a universal means of economic, cultural and political development. At the same time, they play an increasingly significant role in changing international economic relations. They expand the possibilities of subordinating many enterprises scattered in different regions to direct control concentrated in one place.

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Under the influence of economic globalization, the priorities of state policy in the international arena are gradually shifting to the economic sphere, which, of course, is accompanied by increased competition. The forms of regulation of this competition will in the future have a great influence not only on the world economy, but also on the entire field of international security and political relations. The essence of the ongoing changes lies in the gradual transition from "power games" between states seeking to expand their territories to "prosperity games", in which the task of economic growth is set. Instead of the confrontation between states that has dominated for centuries, an extra- and supra-state system of financial markets, organizations, and structures is emerging.

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Under the influence of technical and technological changes, globalization is increasingly manifested in the sphere of culture. With the openness of state borders and the intensification of communication between people, under the influence of the development of means of communication and under the influence of the media, certain prerequisites are created for the formation of a kind of single human community, increasingly united by common goals, values ​​and interests. Powerful broadcasting corporations have a huge impact on the widest international audience, since the programs of the world's largest television companies can now be received almost anywhere in the world. In terms of broadcast volume and audience reach, television has become an unparalleled cultural force. Not only information, but also entertainment youth channels (such as MTV) are becoming more widespread. The development and strengthening of the influence of the media is also one of the manifestations and at the same time a factor in the deepening of the process of globalization. The Internet plays a big role

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should only have Key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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The presentation on the topic "Globalization" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Globalization Pros and Cons

Completed by: Golovneva V.D. Checked by: Guskova I.V.

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Globalization is a process of worldwide economic, political and cultural integration and unification. The main consequence of this is the global division of labor, the migration on a global scale of capital, human and production resources, the standardization of legislation, economic and technological processes, as well as rapprochement and fusion of cultures of different countries. This is an objective process that is systemic in nature, that is, it covers all spheres of society. As a result of globalization, the world is becoming more connected and more dependent on all its subjects. There is both an increase in the number of problems common to groups of states, and an increase in the number and types of integrating subjects.

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The main area of ​​globalization is the international economic system(world economy), i.e. global production, exchange and consumption carried out by enterprises in national economies and in the world market. By the end of the twentieth century. the international economic system has become a complex structure with about 200 political units, including 186 states. All of them participate in one way or another in the production of the total product and try to build and regulate their national markets. Globalization has a great impact on the economy of all countries, which is multidimensional. It affects the production of goods and services, the use work force, investment in "physical" and human capital, technologies and their distribution from one country to another. All this ultimately affects the efficiency of production, labor productivity and competitiveness.

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Globalization, being an objective trend in the development of human civilization, opens up additional opportunities and promises considerable benefits to individual countries. Thanks to this objective process, savings on production costs are achieved, the allocation of resources on a global scale is optimized, the range and quality of goods on national markets are expanded, and the achievements of science, technology and culture become widely available.

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TNCs (Transnational Company) play a positive role in the creation of modern industries in developing countries. But this process in its current forms is fraught with costs and threats to national economies, not only poor, but also rich countries. The problem is that it is not easy for individual countries, especially small and poor ones, to control what is happening outside their borders, and global processes that are spontaneous or directed by strong powers can also have negative consequences for them.

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The benefits of economic globalization are by no means automatic, and not all countries feel them equally. Moreover, in the eyes of many of them, rich and powerful states are in an unfair advantage. No matter how great the achievements of economic globalism in the last two decades of the 20th century, they have not removed from the agenda the need to overcome dangerous gaps in the levels of economic development countries, a task that was at the center of the movement for a new international economic order in the 1970s. The 20% of the world's population living in rich countries account for 86% of the world's GDP, and only 1% for 20% living in poor countries.

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There is also no convincing evidence that the process of globalization has contributed to sustainable economic growth on our planet. The analysis of the most important economic and social indicators of the countries of the world over the last twenty years of the 20th century (1980-2000) undertaken by the American Center for Economic and Political Research, in comparison with the previous twenty years (1960-1980), showed a slowdown in global progress in many areas. The annual rates of economic growth per capita for all the studied groups of countries, from the super rich to the super poor, have noticeably decreased. For example, in the group of the poorest countries, they fell from 1.9% to 0.5%, in middle-income countries - from 3% to less than 1%. progress has slowed in reducing child mortality, which remains unacceptably high in the poorest and middle-income countries, as well as in promoting schooling and eradicating illiteracy. In a word, globalization has little effect on overcoming backwardness, eradicating poverty, malnutrition, and dangerous diseases. And the matter lies not only in the legacy of colonialism and historical fate, but also in the shortcomings of today's organization of economic life in individual countries and on a global scale.

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The leading role in the global system is played by a small number of states, mainly united within the framework of the "Big Seven" (G7) - the USA, England, Germany, Italy, Canada, France, Japan. They determine the policy of key interstate organizations, they are the first to get the fruits of economic globalization. The fate of the vast majority of other states is to try to adapt to the conditions of international trade and currency relations that are being formed practically without their participation. The situation is even more complicated due to the fact that the number of small states increased significantly in the 20th century due to the collapse of colonial empires and multi-ethnic states, and this process intensified after the Second World War and the collapse of the world socialist system. For the most part, they are economically weak, politically fragmented, and their voices in international organizations are of little importance.

Points of view on globalization Is a beneficial and progressive phenomenon in its essence, which will contribute to the solution of the main problems of mankind Globalization has only negative consequences Which of these points of view more adequately reflects reality and why?

Globalization is a process of integration of states and peoples in different fields of activity Transition from an industrial society to an information society, to high technologies Transition from the centralization of the economy to its decentralization Transition from a national economy to a global one Transition from an alternative choice (or / or) to a variety of choices technologies: Internet, satellite TV Causes

What changes have taken place in the world? Review the diagram and comment on it. The ability to effectively cope with the demands placed on the state has weakened The functions and responsibilities of the nation state have expanded Goods, capital, people, knowledge, as well as crime easily cross the state borders of TNCs, social movements and relations have begun to penetrate almost all spheres of human activity Globalization

To the greatest extent, the trend towards erasing boundaries is manifested in the economy. There is a division of labor not on a regional or national scale, but on a planetary scale. Financial markets are also covered by globalization. They began to play a role independent of the market Economic borders between countries are blurring The degree and role of mutual influence of national economies on each other is increasing Integration processes in the world economy are intensifying (IMF, World Bank, WTO) The symbol of globalization is transnational corporations

Multidimensionality of globalization processes Aspect Essence 1. Technological High technologies are turning into a defining component of ensuring the security, prosperity and geopolitical status of the country in the world community 2. Political Priorities of state policy in the international arena are gradually shifting towards the economy, which, naturally, is accompanied by increased competition. Gradual transition from "power games" between states to "games of prosperity" 3. Cultural With the openness of state borders and the intensification of communication between people, under the influence of the development of means of communication and under the influence of the media, certain prerequisites are created for the formation of a kind of single human community united by common goals , values ​​and interests Working with the text of the textbook, fill in the table

Conclusions: 1. Globalization is an objective process of transformation of society under the influence of scientific and technical progress, a technological breakthrough in the field of informatics, electronics, biotechnology 2. This process affects all aspects of modern society 3. The benefits of globalization are obvious. It promises economic growth, improved living standards and new opportunities 4. However, in reality, globalization, like any major socio-political phenomenon, has its downside.

Imagine we are in a meeting round table. The question of the inconsistency of the process of globalization is discussed. What arguments will you give "for" and what - "against" globalization? "For" Against Thanks to the development of communications and television networks, today hundreds of millions of people in various parts of the world can listen to or watch a fashionable theatrical production, opera or ballet premieres, take part in a virtual tour of the Hermitage or the Louvre 1. The impact of globalization processes on sphere of spiritual culture. 2. Same technical means deliver completely different samples of culture to the audience: unpretentious video clips, annoying ads. Unification of behavior patterns, lifestyle 3. The differentiation of countries according to the level of development is preserved and even deepens 1. The influence of globalization processes on the sphere of spiritual culture is subjected to sharp criticism. 2. The same technical means deliver completely different samples of culture to the audience: unpretentious video clips, annoying advertisements. Unification of behavior patterns, lifestyle 3. The differentiation of countries by level of development is preserved and even deepened

Thus, the consequences of globalization are very contradictory. On the one hand, the growth of interdependence of various countries and regions of the world is obvious. On the other side, global problems, geo-economic rivalry is a permanent state, the purpose of which is to improve the position in the market of one's country, creating conditions for continuous and fairly dynamic growth. Which of the points of view on globalization presented above do you think more adequately reflects the reality and why?

Complete the task. Choose the correct answer. Are the following judgments about the consequences of the globalization process correct? A. Globalization contributes to the integrity of the world and its development B. Globalization promotes the spread of values ​​and norms characteristic of Euro-American culture. 1) Only A is true. 2) Only B is true. 3) Both judgments are correct 4) Both judgments are incorrect Answer: 3

“Today, no country in the world can successfully develop without taking into account global trends and problems of the development of human civilization as a world community, for which the main task is to preserve peace, socio-economic well-being, ensure a world economic order based on liberalization, openness of the economy, freedom trade and cooperation between countries” (V. Martinenka)

Globalization is a historical process of rapprochement of nations and peoples, between which traditional boundaries are gradually being erased and humanity is turning into a single political system. Globalization is a process of worldwide economic, political and cultural integration and unification.

Concept The term "globalization" was first used in 1983 by T. Levitt, who used it to characterize the process of merging markets for individual products produced by transnational corporations (TNCs). The concept of "globalization" was fixed as one of the stereotypes of consciousness in the second half of the 1990s. It has been introduced into active circulation since 1996, in connection with the 25th session of the World Economic Forum in Davos, where the discussion was built around the topic “Globalization of the main processes on the planet”.

The term globalization is associated with the name of the American sociologist R. Robertson (1985). Globalization is a process of ever-increasing impact on the social reality of individual countries of various factors of international importance: economic and political ties, cultural and information exchange, etc.

System-theoretical approach (I. Wallerstein, W. Beck, N. Luhmann, etc.) Globalization is seen as a systemic transformation of society, accompanied by the weakening of traditional instruments of political management and the formation of a power vacuum. As a result of globalization, a new social system often leading to an aggravation of social conflicts. The emphasis is on understanding the systemic risks generated by globalization, on the structural and institutional effects of international communication, on the new role of TNCs and intergovernmental organizations, and on the consequences of dismantling the welfare state.

The main prerequisites (driving forces) that determine the process of globalization: 1. Production, scientific, technical and technological: a sharp increase in the scale of production; rapid and widespread dissemination of new technologies that eliminate barriers to the movement of goods, services, capital; a qualitatively new generation of means of transport and communication, ensuring the rapid dissemination of goods and services, resources and ideas; rapid dissemination of knowledge as a result of scientific or other types of intellectual interchange; a sharp reduction due to advanced technologies of transport, telecommunications costs.

2. Organizational: international forms of implementation production and economic international organizations such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, etc. began to play a new global role. 3. Economic: liberalization of trade in goods and services, capital markets and other forms of economic liberalization; concentration and centralization of capital, a sharp reduction in the time for the implementation of inter-currency transactions; implementation by international economic organizations common criteria for macroeconomic policy, unification of requirements for tax, regional, agrarian, antimonopoly policy, employment policy, etc.; strengthening of the trend towards unification and standardization. Uniform for all countries standards for technology, ecology, activities are increasingly being applied. financial institutions, accounting and statistical reporting.

4. Political: weakening the rigidity of state borders, facilitating the freedom of movement of citizens, goods and services, capital; the end of the Cold War, the overcoming of political differences between East and West. 5. Social and cultural: weakening the role of habits and traditions, social ties and customs, overcoming national limitations, which increases the mobility of people in territorial, spiritual and psychological terms, contributes to international migration; manifestation of the trend towards the formation of globalized "homogeneous" means mass media, art, pop culture; transcending boundaries in education through development distance learning; liberalization of the training of labor resources, which leads to a weakening of the control of national states over the reproduction of "human capital".

T. Friedman distinguishes three main stages of the globalization process. The first stage (from 1492 to 1800) began with the journey of H. Columbus in search of a western route to India. This stage T. Friedman calls "globalization 1.0". “She,” he writes, “established a new dimension: the world stopped being big and became average.” The second stage (from 1800 to 2000) "globalization 2.0" during this period the world ceased to be average and became small. The third phase (since 2000) of "globalization 3.0" is shrinking the world to its limits: the world is no longer small and becomes tiny, while at the same time it is leveling the global playing field. And if the driving force of Globalization 1.0 was the country, Globalization of the company, the driving force of Globalization 3.0 is the emerging potential for global cooperation and competition, which is now available to the individual.

Theories of globalization globalization as a linear process of modernization "world-system" model of I. Wallerstein, the theory of the global system by E. Giddens and L. Sklar the theory of global sociality by R. Robertson and W. Beck the theory of "societies based on knowledge" (N. Ster) the concept of "new world of new worlds" by E. Tirikyan the concept of "hybridization" by J. Peters the idea of ​​"global landscapes" by A. Appadurai

I. Wallerstein's world-system paradigm ("Modern world-system", 1974) Considers the emergence and evolution of a global social organization as an integral, relatively closed international system of societies based on the division of labor between component societies, which, in turn, characterized by a variety of historically fluid cultures and political structures of dominance. The initial unit for analyzing the processes of differentiation, integration and social evolution is not a separate society, but the world (global) social system.

He distinguishes three main types of world systems, or world-systems, which generally correspond to the main stages of social evolution

The second and dominant type in modern times world-systems- this world-economy (or world-economy) is composed of politically independent states, each of which is usually formed or is being formed around a single national culture. The third type of world-system, world-socialism, is a purely theoretical construction that has not yet found a historical embodiment. World-socialism is a single political and economic system (“world government”) in which cultural differentiation will completely supplant economic inequality and the political division of modern nation-states.

The modern world-economy, according to I. Wallerstein, consists of three types of participating states: "nuclear" highly developed states with a strong and effective political organization, occupying a dominant position in the world-economy and deriving maximum benefit from the international division of labor; "peripheral" states that serve primarily as the raw material base of the world economy, ruled by weak governments and economically dependent on the "core" (some countries in Asia, most of Africa and Latin America); "semi-peripheral" countries occupying an intermediate position in terms of the degree of political autonomy within the world-system, producing less technologically advanced products and to some extent dependent on the "nuclear" states economically (the states of Central and Eastern Europe, the rapidly developing countries of Southeast Asia, etc. .).

The Theory of the Global System by E. Giddens and L. Sklar E. Giddens considers globalization as a direct continuation of modernization, believing that globalization is immanently (internally) inherent in modernity. Allocates four dimensions of globalization: 1. World capitalist economy; 2. The system of nation-states; 3. World military order; 4. International division of labor. The transformation of the world system takes place not only at the world (global) level, but also at the local (local) level.

L. Sklar - globalization - a series of processes of formation of a system of transnational capitalism, overcoming national-state borders. Transnational practices exist at three levels that form the basic institution that stimulates globalization: 1. Economic (TNC); 2. Political (transnational class of capitalists); 3. Ideological and cultural (consumerism).

The theory of global sociality by R. Robertson and W. Beck The global interdependence of national economies and states is only one of the aspects of globalization, while the second aspect - the global consciousness of individuals is just as important for turning the world into a "single socio-cultural place" The world "shrinks", becomes one devoid of barriers and fragmentation into specific zones by social space

R. Robertson rethinks the relationship between globality and locality. In the process of globalization, he reveals two directions: 1. Global institutionalization of the life world. 2. Localization of globality, which reflects the trend of becoming global not "from above", but "from below". special term glocalization combination of globalization and localization processes in human development

The Theory of "Knowledge Societies" (N. Stehr) Globalization is a form of expansion or "stretching process", especially in the spheres of economic and political activity. The central categories for the knowledge of globalization are fragmentation and homogenization. The processes of globalization have become possible due to the growing role of knowledge in society. Societies, especially at the stage of becoming knowledge societies, have an increasing amount of resources available to resist homogenization. The transitional nature of globalization makes it possible to simultaneously apply classical and non-classical sociological methodologies (in the latter, he singles out homogenization and fragmentation as the main concepts)

The concept of the "new world of new worlds" by E. Tirikyan From 1490 to 1520. the main features of modernity, such as the state, capitalism and Protestantism, appeared on the public scene, as well as the emergence of modern science. Their interaction gave rise to a revolution not only in social, but also in cognitive structures. This period is characterized by three features: - 1) the establishment of ties with different peoples between Europe and America, Europe and Asia, etc., that is, the onset of the era of geographical discoveries; – 2) moving the center of modernity from the south of Europe to its north; – 3) change of mentality.

E. Tirikyan's concept of the "new world of new worlds" The current state of the West began to take shape in 1968 (after mass protests by youth). The cultural divide within Western societies has made it possible to speak of a new paradigm - the paradigm of a post-industrial society, which is notable as the end of what has been called "old Europe". A "new Europe" was formed - the European Community. A “new world of emerging new worlds” is emerging, characterized by the uncertainty of situations

The phrase “new worlds” can be interpreted “in the phenomenological sense as new structures of consciousness, in the spatial sense as new territories or new spaces where the actors are located, in the interpersonal sense as new social connections, uniting peoples previously cut off from each other or invisible to each other. "New world of new worlds" is the biggest challenge of sociology

The concept of “hybridization” by J. Peters I do not agree with the interpretation of globalization as a process, as a result of which the world becomes more unified and standardized through technological, commercial and cultural synchronization emanating from the West, i.e. with the fact that globalization is global modernization. Global processes are contradictory "they can cause both forces of fragmentation and unification ... the strengthening of international ties can create conflicts over interests and ideologies, and not just remove the difficulties of mutual understanding."

The concept of "hybridization" by J. Peters Globalization as hybridization: structural - the emergence of new, mixed forms of cooperation, and cultural - the development of translocal cultures. Hybrids are "the ways in which forms separate from existing practices and recombine with new forms in new practices." Hybridization is understood as a factor in the reorganization of social spaces. Hybridization is carried out in special "hybrid places": free enterprise zones and offshore zones.

For the social structure, globalization means an increase in the possible types of organizations: transnational, international, macro-regional, national, micro-regional, municipal, local, etc. “Those informal spaces that are created within them, in between”, namely: diasporas, emigrants, refugees, etc., who are "sources of social renewal".

The idea of ​​"global landscapes" A. Appadurai Considers globalization as deterritorialization - the loss of binding of social processes to physical space. In the course of globalization, a “global cultural flow” is formed, which breaks up into five cultural-symbolic spaces-flows: 1. Ethnospace, which is formed by the flow of tourists, immigrants, refugees, guest workers; 2. Technospace (formed by the flow of technologies); 3. Financial space (formed by the flow of capital); 4. Media space (formed by a stream of images); 5. Ideospace (formed by a stream of ideologemes).

These fluid, unstable spaces are " building blocks"imaginary worlds" in which people interact, and this interaction is in the nature of symbolic exchanges. Thus, in the theoretical model of A. Appadurai, the initial opposition "local - global" is replaced by the opposition "territorial - deterritorialized", and globality and locality act as two components of globalization.

The theory of the golden billion The golden billion is an expression that means the population of developed countries with a fairly high standard of living in conditions of limited resources. An estimate of the size of such a population is associated with the total population of such countries and regions as the USA (310.5 million), Canada (34.3 million), Australia (22.5 million), the European Union (27 countries, a total of 500 million), Japan (127 4 million) by the beginning of the third millennium. The "Golden Billion" consumes the lion's share of all resources on the planet. A. Wasserman considers the “theory” of the golden billion a “legend”. PLUSES AND MINUSES OF GLOBALIZATION + Additional opportunities open up and considerable benefits to individual countries Savings on production costs are achieved Optimized allocation of resources on a global scale Expands the range, improves the quality of goods on national markets Achievements in science, technology and culture of TNCs play a positive role in creating modern industries in developing countries - the transfer of a significant part of control over the economy from sovereign states to transnational corporations and international organizations, which have their own and often opposite national interests, liberalization and structural adaptation programs recommended to a number of countries by international organizations, increasingly subordinate domestic social policy to external economic forces slowdown in global progress on many fronts

Americanization Globalization is often identified with Americanization. This is due to the increased influence of the United States in the world in the 20th century. Hollywood releases most of the films for worldwide distribution. World corporations originate in the USA: Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Pepsi and many others. McDonald's, due to its prevalence in the world, has become a kind of symbol of globalization.

Other countries are also contributing to globalization. For example, one of the symbols of globalization IKEA appeared in Sweden. The popular instant messaging service ICQ was first released in Israel, and the well-known IP telephony program Skype was developed by Estonian programmers.

The Big Mac Index, an unofficial way of determining purchasing power parity, is the theory that the exchange rate should equalize the value of a basket of goods in different countries(that is, the ratio of exchange rates), but instead of a basket, one standard sandwich is taken, produced by McDonalds worldwide.

Yellow Peril "Yellow Peril" is a descriptive name for potential aggression from the many and rapidly growing Asian nations. P. Beaulieu for the first time expressed his fears about the "awakening of the East" - the strengthening of countries such as China and Japan.

Russia's Possible Paths in the Light of World Integration The first is the inclusion of the country in the system of world economic relations while simultaneously rejecting the value and cultural and political aspects of globalization. The second is an accelerated entry into globalization, which implies a relatively rapid assimilation of the values ​​and political practices of globalization. The third rejection of globalization, the reduction of economic ties with the outside world to Soviet model, involving the supply of raw materials in exchange for high-tech equipment, food and some consumer goods. Which of these strategies will eventually be implemented is impossible to predict. It cannot be ruled out that Russia's policy will be a combination of elements of all strategies. world development leaves Russia less and less time to realize that full inclusion in globalization has no alternative.