3 examples of the interconnection of global problems of mankind. The relationship of global problems of mankind

Global problems modern society have become a natural continuation of the uneven development, both between the levels of states (the problem of the North-South), and within the countries themselves in different areas. What is exacerbated by the large gap between financial position, the real standard of living and the opportunities of various strata of society. The emergence of many global problems of our time was facilitated by the scientific and technological revolution, which brought humanity to a new stage of development, gave it modern technologies, allowed it to cope with diseases ... And opened the way to the destruction of the entire planet.

So, as a result of the arms race, already in the 80s, the total stock of weapons was 100 times higher than that used by all participants during the Second World War. Thus, the global problems of the modern world raise sharply the question of the survival of man as a species. This is so important that they are considered not only by social science, but also by sociology, political science, economics, some branches of geography, statistics, ecology, and so on.

There is an opinion that the blame for everything was globalization, which gave rise to such growth. Some also blame certain countries, in particular the economically developed West, as well as Europe, believing that the current state of affairs in the world was largely the result of their exploitation former monopolies, consumeristic and often predatory attitude towards the world ecology.

However, reflecting on whether the following judgments about global problems, that is, those already mentioned, are correct, one cannot but note that the USSR played its role in exactly how everyone came to the present. And the countries that were part of the USSR, with the exception of the Baltic states and partly Georgia, now cannot be called economically successful and belong to this group of states. Nevertheless, this does not relieve them of responsibility, including historical.

Thus, it is difficult to say that the cause of global problems is somehow connected with prosperity or, on the contrary, with backwardness in terms of economic relations. And the phenomenon is much deeper, it is not a simple sum of national or regional problems that have reached a new level. There is an opinion of scientists that a person found himself on the next stage of development and faced new problems for himself. The more opportunities he has, the more serious tasks have to be solved. And the higher the bet - the price for a probable loss. In fact, in the present, the economic, scientific, technological, transportation, etc. capabilities of people as a whole are unprecedented. And, accordingly, the risk is also maximum.

What are they?

Social science and philosophy divide the global problems of mankind into 3 large groups. The first includes those that arose along the line of the relationship between people and nature. In particular, global environmental problems (and we are talking about them) include issues of environmental pollution, the rapid decline in biodiversity, the destruction of ecological systems, the lack of clean drinking water, food. The issue of resources is also often included in this list, although it is rather at the junction.

In terms of people and society as a whole, there is a demographic crisis, which has now become more complicated than just a matter of overpopulation of the planet. So, in some countries there is too much density, while others cannot even simply provide a guaranteed generational change due to a sharp drop in the birth rate. This also includes the problem of poverty, terrorism, social inequality, although the latter will already be controversial, many consider them rather regional, just some very large-scale.

And finally, intersocial. These are the problems of preventing nuclear war, the backwardness of developing countries in comparison with developed ones. And not only. In general, the global problems of the world economy are associated with hyperinflation, periodic crises, as well as the amount of resources spent on permanent weapons. And now this issue has again been sharply raised in connection with the confrontation between Russia and the West.

Separate global problems of mankind

Some problems are so acute that they stand out from the main group and receive a special status. This is exactly what happened at one time with the greenhouse effect, which began to be discussed separately at the international level, when they realized that among all environmental issues this may be the most critical in the near future. Today, the topic of the World Ocean has a similar status.

Recall that it occupies 70% of the land. Without it, there would be no life on the planet. At the same time, ocean pollution is much more difficult to control than many developing countries take advantage of, dumping waste there and thus saving on their disposal or recycling. Developed countries are trying to control this process, but, firstly, they do not always have enough legal capacity, because no country can fully tell another what to do. Secondly, the oceans are huge. To cover the entire space, too large resources will be needed.

In addition, let us recall that the global problems of the world economy are, among other things, also a matter of resources, the provision of raw materials. What does oil production refer to, and now it is increasingly affecting the oceans. Of course, most companies follow safety precautions, try to prevent leaks, and carefully control the process. However, one major accident is enough to affect a significant part of the territory. And it is difficult to localize the disaster zone in the World Ocean.

In general, examples of this kind of global problems are known in large numbers. Sometimes we are talking about a simple mistake, sometimes - about technical imperfection. But most often, negligence, neglect of one's own duties, malicious intent, and even more often, poverty lead to tragedies (people in developing countries cut down forests, because for them it is often almost the only way feed) and illiteracy.

Let me explain about the latter: in the modern world, with the availability of education, as well as the Internet, everyone can, if desired, find out what types of plants and (or) animals are listed in the Red Book, what is the danger of their destruction, how to behave in nature. But there are a fairly large number of people living just in places where wild animals gather, who do not understand the whole picture. They do not have Internet access, they may not be aware of the problem. And yet such people

exploit nature without thinking. Many do not understand what else they can have a way out. Educational programs in India, for example, helped save the lives of many leopards: local residents began to help them when they found themselves, quite by accident, in traps designed for other animals.

The relationship of global problems

The global nature of today's existing problems is connected not only with the fact that they have an impact on the entire planet. Among other things, they cannot be solved by the forces of one country or even a group of states. This is where efforts need to be made. And it is also critical to consider the relationship. It is impossible to find something that would relate to the global problems of our time, but at the same time did not influence others or did not experience a corresponding influence - in turn.

In general, the chain can be considered as follows. Approximately two hundred years ago, a critical mass of discontent accumulated in different countries, which led to dramatic social changes and revolutions that took place somewhere earlier, somewhere later. People were no longer satisfied with religion, they began to look for answers in science, which resulted in a scientific and technological revolution. And it led to the creation of new medicines, an increase in living standards, and a solution to the issue of hunger (despite the fact that food shortage continues to be one of the global ones, fewer people are now undernourished than before). As a result, there was a population explosion, as a result - overpopulation.

Which, in turn, led to the threat of resource depletion and pollution environment. A large number of people itself can also exacerbate problems between countries and lead to new conflicts. And scientific and technological progress has put new, more powerful and dangerous weapons in the hands of states. Which led to the current state of affairs.


I. Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C4.

It seems to me that today, when humanity has come close to an ecological catastrophe, when all the terrible consequences of utopian claims to total control of social processes are extremely clear, the fate of the humanistic ideal is connected with the rejection of the idea of ​​mastery, suppression and domination. The new understanding of the relationship between nature and man corresponds not to the ideal of anthropocentrism, but to the one developed by a number of modern thinkers, in particular, the famous scientist N.I. Moiseev, the idea of ​​co-evolution, the joint evolution of nature and humanity, which can be interpreted as a relationship of equal partners, if you like, interlocutors in an unplanned dialogue...

This can and should be understood in a broader sense. Freedom as an integral characteristic of the humanistic ideal is conceived not as mastery and control, but as the establishment of equal partnerships with what is outside of a person: with natural processes, with another person, with the values ​​of a different culture, with social processes, even with unreflexible and " opaque” processes of my own psyche.

C5 (1). Name 3 main global problems of our time.

C 6. Illustrate with three examples the relationship between the problems associated with the widening gap between developed and third world countries and the problem of preventing a new world war.

C6 (1). Give three examples of the relationship between global problems of our time.

C7 (1). Today, in connection with the existence of global problems of our time, there are quite loud calls for the rejection of scientific and technological progress, the cessation of research in the field of the latest technologies. Do you share this point of view? Are these calls consistent with the concept of sustainable development? Give three reasons to support your opinion.

C7 (2). Speaking at a scientific conference, an environmental scientist said: “It is time to realize that humanity is coming to its end. We do not have the strength and ability to save ourselves. We are doomed". Do you agree with this opinion? Give three reasons to support your position.

C8. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The environmental crisis as a global problem of our time." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

Answers to the tasks of the topic " Global problems of our time»

Part 1

1 - 1
3 – 3
5 – 2
7 – 4
9 – 1
Part 3

  1. C1 - C4

1) realities modern society:

- “Humanity has come close to an ecological catastrophe”;

- "all the terrible consequences of utopian claims to the total control of social processes are extremely clear";

2) the essence of the new understanding humanistic ideal:

"the idea of ​​co-evolution, the joint evolution of nature and humanity, which can be interpreted as a relationship of equal partners, if you like, interlocutors in an unprogrammed dialogue."

  1. “Freedom as an integral characteristic of the humanistic ideal is conceived ... as the establishment of equal partnerships with what is outside of a person: with natural processes, with another person, with the values ​​of a different culture, with social processes, even with non-reflective and “opaque” processes of my own psyche";

  2. “freedom is understood as such an attitude when I accept the other, and the other accepts me”;

  3. "free acceptance based on understanding as a result of communication."
C3. the humanistic ideal present stage ceased to correspond to anthropocentrism the following reasons:

  1. the establishment of human dominance over nature has led to irreversible changes external environment;

  2. irreversible changes in the external environment have a negative impact on human health, the functioning of society;

  3. the amount of resources that the rapidly growing humanity can use for its development has been significantly reduced;

  4. the installation of domination extended to the relationship of a person to his own kind, to public interests.
C4. The relationship of people "with what is outside of man":

  1. “relationships with natural processes”: the use of nature-saving and resource-saving technologies by man, limiting consumption;

  2. “relationship with another person”: recognition of the unconditional value of the personality of another person, respect for his freedom;

  3. “relationships with the values ​​of a different culture”: a tolerant attitude towards the values ​​of a different culture and the bearers of these values;

  4. "relationships with social processes": rejection of the installation of personal and group egoism, consumerism, striving for social peace;

  5. “relationships with non-reflexive and “opaque” processes of my own psyche”: an attentive attitude to one’s own psychological state sparing its adjustment in necessary cases, the maximum use in the activity of one's own mental abilities and states.

  1. C1 - C4
C1. The author highlights the following issues:

Limited resources;

The North-South problem;


Consequences of NTR.

C2. Assumptions:

Humanity's scientific knowledge and technical means for global transformational activities (and means of destroying life on the planet);

Formation of a consumer society in which speed and comfort are among the dominant values.

C3. Examples supporting the author's statement:

communist ideologies;

Ideology of the Enlightenment;

The illusion of the omnipotence of science and the possibility of its victory over hunger and disease.

C4. Overcoming the contrasts between "rich" and "poor" countries in the near future is hardly possible, since this is hindered by the following:

The situation of uncontrolled births in conditions of limited resources and unfavorable living conditions;

A small share of participation in the global division of labor;

Growth of military and other expenditures of developed countries, preventing the redistribution of funds in favor of "poor" countries.

C5 (1). The main global problems of our time:



The North-South Problem.

C6 (1). Examples of the relationship of global problems of our time:

The threat of an ecological crisis forces economically developed countries to transfer harmful, environmentally hazardous industries to third world countries, which exacerbates the North-South problem;

The threat of international terrorism in modern conditions is closely related to the problem of preventing nuclear war, maintaining peace (terrorists are trying to gain access to technologies for the production of weapons of mass destruction);

The demographic problem in the modern world appears primarily as a problem of the rapid demographic growth of third world countries, which increases the backlog from economically developed countries.

C6 (2). Examples that reveal the global nature of the environmental problems of the modern world:

Climate warming is leading to the melting of polar ice caps and an increase in the level of the world's oceans, which in the future may change the contours of continents, swallow islands and archipelagos, i.e. the human environment is threatened;

The population of all countries of the continents suffers from pollution of soils, atmosphere and the World Ocean by industrial and household waste;

disappearance certain types animals not only affects local ecosystems, but in its long-term consequences disrupts the balance of the global ecosystem.

» The relationship of global problems of mankind

The relationship of global problems of mankind

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Global problems are closely interconnected. On the one hand, one should keep in mind the “horizontal” interconnection and interdependence within the framework of identifying groups of global problems affecting the basic commonalities of modern civilization (“society-society” system), as well as the “man-society” and “man-nature” relations. Indeed, overcoming, for example, food or raw materials difficulties implies, in particular, the solution of the global energy problem, which is associated not only with more rational use traditional, but also the foundation of new energy sources, the practical use of energy resources of outer space and the oceans. If we turn to the system of problems "man - society", which includes, in particular, the problems of scientific and technological progress, it is obvious that the development of science, technology and technology has an impact not only on the progress of material production, but also involves the further development of human potential, related problems of education, culture, health care, etc. At the same time, the development of man himself is the most important regulatory factor that society has to identify and implement positive areas of social, scientific and technological progress of civilization. On the other hand, the "vertical" interconnection of global problems between their identified groups is obvious.

In reality, it is difficult to count on a positive resolution of food, energy or environmental problems within the framework of the "man - nature" system, unless we proceed from the need to create adequate socio-economic conditions for the purposeful development of scientific and technological progress. Finally, the problems of the first group (“society-society” system) serve as a general prerequisite for resolving the entire system of global problems. Only a combined "vertical" and "horizontal" consideration of global problems creates objective prerequisites for their analysis. The analysis of this topic will be incomplete without the involvement of modern factual and statistical material illustrating the aggravation of global problems of our time. Let's show this with some examples. One of the global problems of our time is the issues of war and peace. The arms race, despite the "warming" of the international situation, has enormous negative consequences for modern humanity. She impoverishes world economy, provokes aggressive tendencies in the external of individual states, militarizes the spiritual culture, political thinking.

The arms race led to the fact that in the second half of the 1980s, the destructive power of the world's nuclear potential was more than 100 times greater than the total firepower of weapons used by all warring countries in the Second World War.

Let us take another problem: the lag in the development of developing states. Within the framework of the world economy, the division of labor is carried out in such a way that the most economically developed states are assigned the role of world industrial centers, while developing countries play the role of an agrarian-raw material periphery. various methods exploit natural, labor resources developing countries, hinder the creation in them independent economy. With a low level of economic potential in the face of rapid population growth, developing countries were forced to take large loans from international financial institutions. But as the volume of credit grew, so did bondage. At this time, the debt of the countries of the "third world" is 1.25 trillion. dollars and continues to grow. In 1977, the developing countries paid their creditors $15 billion in interest alone; in 1986 - already 70 billion dollars. The debt places a heavy burden on the population of states. In the developing world, there are now 700 million hungry, 1.5 billion without medical care, and 1 billion people living in extreme poverty. The environmental problem has become extremely aggravated in modern conditions. It is no coincidence that the state of the current ecosystem is characterized as an "environmental bomb" or "environmental heart attack". Among the main reasons that gave rise to the environmental problem can be attributed to the historically established traditional approach to material production. It took shape over the centuries and involved the creation of powerful mono-enterprises. Each of them produced one or more basic products, the rest went to waste, which had to be stored somewhere, destroyed, etc.

In modern conditions, only 1-3% of the raw materials mined by mankind are used, and the remaining more than 90% in a deformed form alien to nature become waste that pollutes the environment. What this threatens in the future is not difficult to imagine, given that the volume of industrial production on the planet is doubling every 8-10 years. Over the past two centuries, as a result of the processing of fossil fuels, about 180 billion tons of carbon dioxide have been released into the atmosphere. As a result, its concentration increased during this period by 25% and is increasing at an accelerated pace: since 1960 alone, it has increased by almost 8%. As a result, there are clear signs of changes in the composition of the atmosphere on a global scale. A cap of carbon dioxide appeared over the planet, which gave rise to the so-called "greenhouse climatic effect", which resulted in an increase in temperature in the atmosphere, melting of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. Global warming will lead to the fact that the air temperature in the next century will rise at a rate of about 0.3 per 10 years. As a result, by 2025 it will increase by 2 degrees, and by 2100. - by 4 degrees. Global warming will be accompanied by an increase in precipitation. As a result of melting eternal ice and increased precipitation, global sea level will rise by 20 cm by 2030 and by 65 cm by the end of the next century. A projected 65 cm sea level rise is putting 800 million people at risk. Scientists note with concern that emissions of chemical compounds into the atmosphere inexorably lead to a decrease in the density of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, which acts as a filter. The thinning of this layer will lead to an increase in the penetration of ultraviolet radiation to the Earth's surface. The consequence of this is the spread of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, a decrease in the life expectancy of people, and an increase in the number of handicapped children. Thus, in the mid-1950s, genetically handicapped newborns accounted for approximately 4%; at present, this figure in developed countries has reached 10%. Violation of the ecological balance has a number of important consequences.

Among the global problems in the last decade, one of the most urgent has become the problem of growing external debt, and, as a result, the economic, political and

The historical originality and social uniqueness of the global situation that took shape at the beginning of the third millennium imperiously demand from humanity a new political thinking, high moral responsibility and unprecedented practical actions both in domestic politics individual countries, as well as international relations, both in the interaction of society with nature, and in the relationship between people themselves. The current global situation has woven all the contradictions of the current era into a single, indissoluble "tight knot", which can only be untied by the social and spiritual renewal of human society, new thinking combined with new practical activities.

All global problems of our time are closely connected with each other and mutually determined, so that their isolated solution is practically impossible. Thus, ensuring further economic development Humanity with natural resources obviously presupposes the prevention of growing environmental pollution, otherwise it will lead to an ecological catastrophe on a planetary scale in the foreseeable future. That is why both of these global problems are rightly called environmental and even with a certain reason are considered as two sides of a single environmental problem.

In turn, this environmental problem can be solved only on the path of a new type of economic development, fruitfully using the potential of the scientific and technological revolution, while at the same time preventing its negative consequences. The prospects for scientific and technological progress in this regard are evidenced by theoretical calculations, according to which - even compared with the best world indicators - energy costs for the production of steel can be reduced by 4 times, aluminum - by 6, cement - 5 times, for oil refining - 9 times, paper production - 125 times. Even more opportunities for saving natural resources are contained in the termination of their wasteful use, when up to 90-95% of them are waste products of final human consumption.

A close relationship is also evident between economic backwardness and rapid population growth in developing countries. Thus, in the first post-war years, the gap in the level of national income per capita between developed and developing countries was 10: And although the rates of economic growth over the past decades in general in developing countries were significantly higher than in developed countries, by now this gap has increased to 12: due to higher population growth rates in developing countries.

Statistical calculations show that if the annual population growth in developing countries were the same as in developed countries, then the contrast between them in terms of per capita income would have been reduced by now to 1: 8 and could have doubled in comparable sizes per capita. higher than now. However, this "demographic explosion" in developing countries, according to scientists, is due to their continuing economic, social and cultural backwardness.

Continuing to consider the issue of the interconnection of global problems, it should be noted that the preservation of peace and overcoming the economic and cultural backwardness of certain countries largely depend on the solution of the problems of interethnic relations.

The energy problem is closely related to such global problems as environmental, demographic, the problem of the development of the World Ocean, the problem of preventing man-made accidents and disasters. The last of the above is most clearly seen in the example nuclear power plants, the need for the construction of which is due to the existing needs for electricity; at the same time, the construction of these power plants increases the risk of global catastrophes with unpredictable consequences for people and the environment.

Once again I am convinced that everything in this world is interconnected, if not by nature, then by man himself



C5. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "institutions of society"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences containing information about the institutions of society.


The institution of society is a historically established stable form of organization joint activities people who perform certain functions in society, the main of which is the satisfaction of social needs.

There are economic, political, social institutions, institutions operating in the spiritual field. Each institution of society is characterized by the presence of a goal of its activity, specific functions that ensure the achievement of such a goal. The institutions of society are a complex and ramified formation: within the fundamental institutions there are very distinct divisions into smaller ones. From the point of view of the organization of society, the key institutions are: inheritance, power, property, family, etc.

Illustrate with three concrete examples interconnection and interaction between the spheres of society.


2) Formation of civil society institutions, social movements and initiatives mainly by representatives of the middle strata with economic independence and prosperity illustrates the relationship between the economic, social and political life of society;

3) Decline in the standard of living of society and, following it, a decrease in interest in culture, in cultural heritage The past illustrates the links between the social and spiritual spheres of society.

Global problems

C6. Name two reasons for the emergence of global problems of our time


Improvement and development of productive forces, i.e. the result of the development of the material culture of society; the result of social progress, etc.

C 7. Regarding the global problems of our time, there is an opinion that humanity is coming to its end, people do not have the strength to save themselves, the doom of the world community is proclaimed. Name three major signs of global problems. Do you agree with the given opinion? Justify your position.



  1. They are generated not by the activities of one country or group of countries, but by humanity as a whole;
  2. They threaten the existence of all mankind, the foundations of life on earth;
  3. They can be solved only if the efforts of the entire world community are united.

The scientific and technological revolution taking place in modern conditions creates real technical and technological foundations for solving global problems. An economy built on a combination of market mechanisms and state regulation spontaneous economic processes, which allows for effective social protection of the population, overcoming the conflict between the efficiency of production and the social interests of people. Gradually, the idea of ​​non-violence, the solution of emerging problems not by force, but by negotiations, the search for compromises, and dialogue is becoming a reality in the minds of politicians and the idea of ​​non-violence is becoming a reality. The irreconcilable ideological confrontation, which turned into a psychological war, is becoming a thing of the past. The foundations for tolerance and mutual cooperation within the world community are gradually being strengthened, which creates conditions for joint action to solve global problems.

С 6. Expand on three examples the global nature of the environmental problems of the modern world.


1) climate warming leads, for example, to the melting of polar ice and an increase in the level of the world ocean, which in the future can change the contours of continents, swallow islands and archipelagos, i.e., the environment for the existence of mankind is endangered;

2) climate change, which, according to most scientists, is the result of human transformation, affects the population of all countries and continents;

3) the extermination of certain animal species, for example, the sea cow, affects not only the local ecosystem, but in its long-term consequences upsets the balance of the global ecosystem.

C6. Illustrate with three examples the relationship between the problems associated with the widening gap between developed and Third World countries and the problem of preventing a new world war.


1) a significant number of local weapons of conflicts fall on the countries of the "third world", some of which have nuclear weapons (for example, the Indo-Pakistani conflict);

2) due to the aggravation of the problem of providing raw materials and energy resources, the most developed countries of the world provoke, and sometimes themselves participate in wars for control over sources of raw materials (for example, the war in the Persian Gulf or the American-Iranian war);

3) the poverty of certain regions of the planet contributes to the spread of the most radical, militant ideologies in them, the adherents of which are fighting against developed countries (for example, Islamic terrorist organizations)

C 6. Using three examples, illustrate the relationship of global problems of our time.


1) the economic backwardness of developing countries gives rise to the use of technologies that cause great damage to nature;

2) the rapid growth of population in developing countries exacerbates economic problems, increases the backlog from developed countries;

3) low socio-economic level of a number of developing countries, lack of advanced systems health care, education leads to an increase in dangerous diseases such as AIDS.

C 7. Population growth in developing countries has posed a food problem with all its severity. To solve it, an extensive development path is used. Agriculture- development of new lands. This leads to large areas of tropical forests being cut down. The intensive path of development of agricultural production, associated with the use of modern technology, is often inaccessible to these states due to their economic backwardness. Interrelation, what global problems can be traced here? List three problems.




The gap in the levels of economic development of the countries "North" and "South".

C 6. The modern world is not spared from a number of local wars and armed conflicts. Many thinkers attribute local wars of our time to global problems, threats facing all of humanity. Give three reasons to support your position.


1) any local conflict, local war can become an arena for the use of weapons of mass destruction (chemical, bacteriological, nuclear);

2) third countries may be drawn into a local conflict, and then it will develop into a regional or even global one;

3) any local conflict is the basis for the financial support of terrorist organizations, training camps for militants, increasing the danger of international terrorist activities, etc.


C7. Do you share the following point of view: “Globalization is another kind of colonization by one part of the planet of another part of it. At the heart of such colonization is the US monopoly on the production of a number of high-tech products: weapons, microprocessors, pharmaceuticals, Operating Systems, Hollywood productions, etc.”? Give the necessary arguments. Can it be argued that globalization is a natural process? Justify your answer.


The presented point of view is one-sided and does not reveal the fullness of such a new historical phenomenon on a planetary scale, which is globalization. This is not only the transnationalization of production and consumption, but also the rapid "mixing" of races and nationalities; concentration of "minds" on the leading and priority scientific directions; "digestion" of cultural and ideological ways, incl. cooperation and spiritual interpenetration of various religions and confessions; integration of millions of people into new, previously unusual conditions for them Everyday life. Globalization is a natural process. Its objectivity is based on scientific and technical progress and the economic growth. The Internet, information and communication technologies, satellite communications - all this determines a huge acceleration in the turnover of financial capital, and hence an increase in the return on invested funds, an increase in investments and freely circulating capital on a global scale.

C 7. Analysis current trends world development shows that transnational corporations with their multi-ethnic staff, international professional communities, government organizations, informal groups Internet-based interest groups are playing an increasing role in the global economy. In various fields of activity, through the efforts of the most well-trained people, numerous formal and informal associations of “citizens of the world” appear. What phenomenon are we talking about? Give 3 signs of this phenomenon.


It's about globalization.