Survey of employees in order to identify job satisfaction. The study of factors of satisfaction with the working conditions of the personnel of an educational organization

The concept of "customer focus" is firmly established in the business vocabulary. No one needs to be convinced that the level of customer satisfaction of a company determines its long-term prospects. But, unfortunately, not all managers pay attention to another strategically important variable - the level of employee satisfaction. Low employee satisfaction is highly likely to result in low customer and partner satisfaction. In my article, I would like to tell you how and by what criteria you can assess the morale of your team. This is necessary both to determine the starting positions and to assess the dynamics of changes.

The tasks of assessing employee satisfaction

"Find the dissatisfied" is the wrong task. Employee satisfaction assessment is carried out in order to find opportunities for the development of the company. And while identifying the strengths of a business organization is an important task of such a project, the identification of “grievance zones” and desires of employees (however unpleasant for management and shareholders) will bring the greatest benefit. Another task of evaluation is to see the changes taking place by comparing current performance with past years.

Ultimately, satisfaction measurement should guide how to attract and retain the most valuable employees for the company.

Step One: Identify Drivers

It would be a mistake to start the preparation of the survey with the drafting of the questionnaire questions. Each company has its own specifics of activity, its own history, culture, strategy and tasks. First of all, it is necessary to determine which factors (drivers) are key in terms of influencing employee satisfaction in a particular business. If Archimedes were a business consultant, his famous saying might sound like this: "Give me a list of key drivers - and I will turn the business around." Looking through other people's questionnaires, you should always take into account the characteristics of the company for which they were developed.

    To begin with, you can outline the search areas for drivers, for example:
  1. Working conditions,
  2. nature of work,
  3. Management,
  4. Compensation,
  5. Education and development,
  6. Career,
  7. Relationships in the team.

Further, in each of the areas we determine the key conditions for achieving success (in our case, success is 100% satisfaction of employees with work in the company and their readiness to continue their activities for the benefit of shareholders). As an example and starting point, I offer the following list:

  1. Working conditions
  • 1.1. Convenient office location;
  • 1.2. Comfortable environment inside the office;
  • 1.3. Technical equipment of the workplace;
  • 1.4. Convenient work schedule.
  • Nature of work
    • 2.1. Pride in working for the company;
    • 2.2. Possibility of self-expression;
    • 2.3. Variety of tasks performed.
  • Management
    • 3.1. Clear, concise, achievable goals;
    • 3.2. Clear tasks, responsibilities and procedures;
    • 3.3. Fair evaluation of the results of work;
    • 3.4. The presence of the necessary powers;
    • 3.5. The attention of management to the ideas and opinions of employees;
    • 3.6. Respectful attitude from leaders.
  • Compensation
    • 4.1. Compliance of the motivation system with the situation on the labor market;
    • 4.2. Compliance remuneration professional level and results of the work of employees;
    • 4.3. Compliance of non-material incentives with the personal values ​​of employees;
    • 4.4. Feeling of security and confidence of employees in the future.
  • Education and development
    • 5.1. Availability of training programs;
    • 5.2. Compliance of programs with work tasks;
    • 5.3. Opportunity to get mentor support in the workplace;
    • 5.4. Ability to access training materials and best practices.
  • Career
    • 6.1. Vertical career opportunity;
    • 6.2. Horizontal career opportunity.
  • Relationships in the team
    • 7.1. Friendly atmosphere in the team;
    • 7.2. Opportunity to get peer support.

    Driver statements can either describe a desired outcome, such as "respectful treatment by leaders", or define a course of action, such as "clear operating procedures". The latter option is preferable.

    Compiling a list of key drivers is a difficult but important task. It can be solved by involving the employees themselves, for example, by conducting interviews and focus groups. Do not rely solely on the opinion of the representatives of the company's management.

    Step two: preparing the questionnaire

    With a list of drivers in hand, you can move on to compiling a list of questions. Depending on the requested information, the type of question is selected. In some cases this may be closed question suggesting a "yes" or "no" answer. But most of the questions, most likely, will offer to make a choice from the available options (a 5-point scale will be the best choice due to its simplicity and obviousness). It is desirable to provide each question with a field for comments.

    Below are questions that need to be adapted and supplemented to fit your list. key factors success.

    Overall satisfaction rating

    • How do you rate the Company as a place of work?
    • Would you advise your close friend to work for the Company?
    • How long do you plan to work for the Company?
    • What are the most common reasons for experienced employees to leave the Company?
    • What one phrase would you use to describe the Company as a place of work?

    Working conditions

    • Is it convenient for you to get to and from work?
    • you have everything necessary materials and equipment to get the job done right?
    • Office space and interior conducive to productive work?
    • Does your work schedule allow you to effectively balance work and personal life?

    Nature of work

    • Do you enjoy talking about your work to your family and friends?
    • Does your job allow you to fully realize your abilities?
    • Does your current job give you the opportunity to develop as a professional?
    • Are the tasks assigned to you in line with your interests?
    • Do you have the opportunity to take the initiative and implement your ideas?


    • you know and understand strategic goals companies?
    • Are decisions made in the Company promptly and without unnecessary delays?
    • Do you clearly understand what results are expected of you?
    • Are all the tasks assigned to you feasible?
    • Do the tasks assigned to you correspond to your level of professionalism?
    • Do you have a good understanding of your responsibilities and work procedures?
    • Is the interaction between your department's employees well organized?
    • Do you receive regular evaluation of your performance from your line manager?
    • Do you think that the assessment of your work is objective and fair?
    • Do you have enough authority to carry out the tasks assigned to you?
    • When setting goals, does your manager ask for your opinion?
    • Do you receive moral support from your line manager?
    • Does the Company's management treat you with respect?
    • Does the management of the Company encourage reasonable risk and be tolerant of mistakes?
    • Do you understand the decisions made by the company's management?


    • Do you think that your salary corresponds to the situation on the labor market?
    • Do you think that material and non-material compensation corresponds to the level of your professionalism and the results of your work?
    • Does the system of non-material incentives meet your expectations?
    • Do you feel confident in the future while working for the Company?
    • Do you have to look for additional sources of income?

    Education and development

    • Does the company encourage the professional growth of its employees?
    • Does the company provide an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the tasks?
    • Can you get support from more experienced comrades if needed?
    • Do you have access to information that helps you do your job better?

    Career opportunities

    • Do you think that your current position corresponds to your level of professionalism and services to the Company?
    • Do you see a real opportunity to make a career in the Company?
    • Do you feel the interest of the Company's management in your career?
    • Do you understand how and by what principles the Company promotes employees?
    • Do you know what exactly needs to be done to get a promotion?
    • Has your supervisor talked to you about your career?

    Relationships in the team

    • Do all divisions of the Company work for a common result?
    • Do you rate the atmosphere in the Company as friendly and aimed at productive work?
    • If you ask colleagues for help, are you most likely to receive it?
    • Do you have colleagues that you could call your friends?
      I would advise you to prepare questions in three stages:
    1. Make a "long list" without trying to filter questions.
    2. Collect the most accurate and clear questions by preparing a draft questionnaire.
    3. Test the questionnaire on a limited circle of employees, identifying incomprehensible to representatives target audience questions or questions that produce ambiguous answers. Adjust the form based on the test results.

    An example of a questionnaire design

    Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements. 1: strongly disagree; 2: rather disagree; 3: find it difficult to answer; 4: rather agree; 5: totally agree.

    Question 1 2 3 4 5 Your comments
    1.1. □ □ □ □ □
    1.2. □ □ □ □ □
    1.3. □ □ □ □ □

    In the questionnaire, you can allocate a place for the ideas of employees, for example, offer to answer the question: “What, in your opinion, the Company should stop/continue/start doing in order for its attractiveness as a place of work to grow?”

    For a deeper analysis, it is useful to include several “socio-demographic” criteria in the questionnaire, for example, gender, age, marital status, education, work experience in the company, work experience in the current position.

    Step three: conducting a survey

    The first requirement for the survey procedure is confidentiality. If an employee has the slightest doubt about the safety of his participation, you can not count on obtaining reliable results.

    The second requirement is the technical ability to process the received data quickly and without errors. The best option for organizing a survey is with the help of Internet technologies. Completing and reviewing paper forms will take a significant amount of time.

    It is very important to “sell” the research idea to employees. A positive perception of the survey is necessary so that there is no formal attitude when answering questions. Employees must believe that they have a real chance to influence the work of the company.

    The task of presenting the research is undertaken by the first person of the company and immediate supervisors. In addition, the survey form itself must include a preamble with brief description goals and objectives of the study, as well as simple and understandable instructions.

    Instruction example

    Please take the time to answer some of the questions in this survey. The purpose of the study is to find out your opinion and the opinion of your colleagues about the working conditions in our company. Your answers will help us to know what you think it is necessary to keep as strengths our organization and what needs to change. We will be grateful for your sincere and accurate answers.

    The survey is conducted anonymously and the data obtained will be used and presented to the management of the company in a generalized form.

    The questions are divided into groups and relate to several aspects of your work. Most of the questions involve choosing the answer that best reflects your point of view. If you would like to provide an extended comment on your answer, please do so in the "Your comments" field. Please, answer all questions of the questionnaire.

    Completed questionnaires are accepted until the XXth day.

    We thank you for your understanding of the importance of the study for the company and your participation in the project. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

    Step Four: Summing Up

    I propose to summarize the results of the survey not in points, but in percentages, which characterize the number of people who answered positively (put 4 and 5 out of 5 point system). In this case, it will be possible to assess the state of affairs for each of the key factors:

    • above 70% - everything is fine, maintenance at this level is required;
    • 30-70% - work on improvement is required;
    • below 30% - urgent action is needed.

    The results can be visualized using colors (similar to the colors of a traffic light): green, yellow, red.

    If the survey is not conducted for the first time, it becomes possible to compare the course and dynamics of the organization's development by one or another indicator, and if the survey was conducted on a company-wide basis, then compare the results for various divisions - functional and territorial.

    All drivers are important, but some are more important. Having an appropriate statistical base, it is possible to assess how the overall level of satisfaction changes due to a change in one or another indicator, in other words, to calculate the correlation of key factors. By understanding which aspects primarily determine the level of satisfaction, it will be possible to allocate company resources more efficiently.

    An easier way to evaluate the significance of a factor is to give employees the opportunity to prioritize themselves.

    To clarify the picture, it is worth holding a series of focus groups and individual interviews with survey participants. For obvious reasons, the focus should be on the most valuable and most promising employees. Issues for discussion: identified strengths and weak sides activities of the company, as well as the survey itself (the immediate reaction of the participants and their expectations regarding the use of the survey results).

    And, of course, you should pay attention to the percentage of employees who took part in the survey. This is an eloquent indicator of the involvement of people and their trust in the initiatives of the leadership.

    Step five: develop a development plan

    Awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization of the company's activities should result in an action plan to eliminate the identified bottlenecks. It is better to focus on 3-5 problems than to draw large-scale but impossible projects. First of all, you should pay attention to the variables that have the highest value on final result but received the lowest scores.

    The more specific the plan, the more likely it is to see its result.

      Mandatory items:
    • Identified problem;
    • Causes of the problem (bottlenecks in the organization);
    • Tasks to be solved;
    • Initiatives to eliminate bottlenecks;
    • Timing of implementation of initiatives;
    • Responsible "sponsor" of the project and members of the project team.

    Step Six: Presenting Research Results to Employees

    If participants don't see the results of a study, you can be sure that they will take the next one with a grain of salt. For the same reasons, you should not delay the presentation of the survey results - the sooner, the higher the interest and involvement, the more comments and ideas you can get.

    What should be presented to employees? Firstly, to show the strengths of the company and "celebrate" joint achievements together. Secondly, to present those aspects of the work that require changes and improvements. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to make excuses or blame anyone. In general, the tone of the presentation should be positive: strengths speak for themselves, and weaknesses are opportunities to make companies even stronger. Do not forget, no private opinions - only generalized results (for example, you do not need to clarify with a particular employee what he had in mind when he filled out the questionnaire).

    The data received is already yesterday, it is much more important what will happen tomorrow. Conclusions are more important than the received figures, therefore, the presentation should be completed with the presentation and discussion of the developed plan for further actions. Honest acknowledgment of what remains unclear and a sincere willingness to hear staff make changes to the prepared action plan will bring valuable comments, ideas and support from those who will implement this plan.

    The last words of the presentation are gratitude for participating in the study, questions asked and suggested ideas.

    Sixth seventh: implementation and monitoring of the execution of the plan

    Employees' trust and motivation can only be maintained if they receive information about the current status of the project on a regular basis. For example, a monthly report describing current results, problems, and next steps will help you see progress and make adjustments in time.

    If the management is not ready or doubts that the results of the study will be able to change the better job companies, it is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​a survey of employees. And at the same time from the idea of ​​creating a customer-oriented organization.

    Is there a sample (form) of the Questionnaire on employee satisfaction with working conditions? Sincerely, HR Inspector Olga


    Answer to the question:

    Yes, Anna Gennadievna, in the VIP version Systems Personnel in the section Tests and Questionnaires( ) presents more than 130 tests, questionnaires and questionnaires, including those for assessing job satisfaction and loyalty.

    At your request, we attach to this letter two questionnaires (see below):

    • Questionnaire for assessing staff satisfaction with work (with closed questions);
    • Spector's job satisfaction questionnaire.

    We hope they will help you in your work!

    You can also get acquainted with the rest of the tests by getting demo access to the VIP version or by purchasing permanent access through your manager.

    Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

    Questionnaire for assessing staff satisfaction with work (with closed questions)

    staff satisfaction assessments

    The management of the company and the personnel department conduct a survey of employees in order to optimize personnel policy companies. Your opinion will be taken into account when developing measures to improve the efficiency of the personnel management system. The questionnaire is anonymous. When answering questions, you must mark the answer that corresponds to your opinion.

    1. Are you satisfied with your work in our company?

      • Rather yes
      • Difficult to answer
      • Probably not

    2. Rank in order of importance the factors below (on a 7-point scale):

    3. Please mark the statement that corresponds to your position:

    4. If you have a desire to speak, please write your wishes for improving the business of our company (you can skip the answer to this question) _____________________________________________________________________________

    5. If you think it is necessary, write your last name, first name and patronymic (You can skip the answer to this question) ____________________________________________________________________________

    Thank you for your responses!

    Spector's job satisfaction questionnaire



    The following are statements that describe a person's perception of various aspects of their work. Refer these statements to your current work and evaluate how much you agree or disagree with them using the scale:

    1 - completely disagree;

    2 - disagree;

    3 - rather disagree;

    4 - rather agree;

    5 - agree;

    6 - totally agree.


    Question 1 2 3 4 5 6
    1. I think I get good pay for the work I do.
    2. In this organization, I have almost no chance of getting a promotion.
    3. I have an exceptionally intelligent and competent leader
    4. I am not satisfied with the system of additional payments that exists in this organization
    5. When I do my job well, I feel recognition and gratitude.
    6. Many of our rules and regulations interfere with normal operation
    7. I like the people I work with
    8. Sometimes I feel like my work doesn't make any sense.
    9. This organization is well-established in informing its employees
    10. Pay raises are very small and rare.
    11. Those who are good at their jobs have a real chance of promotion.
    12. I don't like the way my manager treats me.
    13. The perks and benefits we get here are just as good as most other organizations.
    14. I do not see that what I do is somehow appreciated.
    15. My attempts to improve the process of work do not run into red tape and delays.
    16. Many of my colleagues sin with incompetence.
    17. I am interested in solving problems that arise in my work
    18. The goals that this organization sets for itself are unclear to me.
    19. I think that I am not valued enough in this organization, judging by how much I am paid.
    20. Chances to advance career ladder It's not worse here than anywhere else.
    21. My supervisor shows little interest in the feelings of his subordinates.
    22. Our organization provides a good social package
    23. We almost do not receive material rewards for good work
    24. I have to do a lot of formal and unnecessary things.
    25. I enjoy working with my colleagues.
    26. I often feel like I don't know what's going on in our organization.
    27. I take pride in the work I do.
    28. I am satisfied with the opportunities for a salary increase
    29. We don't have that social package, which should have
    30. I really like my manager
    31. My work is overloaded with writing
    32. I don't feel like my efforts are being appreciated the way they deserve.
    33. If I want, I have real opportunities for promotion
    34. I really like the atmosphere of our team
    35. I enjoy this job
    36. I am not satisfied with the level of informing employees in our division

    Key to Spector's Job Satisfaction Inventory

    Description of the questionnaire

    Spector's 36-item Job Satisfaction Inventory measures an individual's affective response to work and specific aspects of it. The questionnaire measures job satisfaction in nine aspects of work:

    • salary;
    • promotion;
    • leadership;
    • additional benefits and payments;
    • dependent rewards;
    • conditions for the performance of work;
    • colleagues;
    • the nature of the work;
    • informing.

    Result Analysis

    Rate each aspect (subscale) on four responses. To evaluate statements, use a six-point format for choosing answers, where: 1 - strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - rather disagree; 4 - rather agree; 5 - agree; 6 - totally agree.

    Questionnaire items are formulated in both directions. Therefore, the answers to items 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 26, 29, 31, 32 and 36 should be reversed before processing, that is, if there was If the answer is “1 - I completely disagree”, then when calculating the points, you must take the option “6 - I completely agree”.

    Subscale Description Items
    Salary Payment and cash compensation 1, 10, 19, 28
    Promotion Promotion Opportunities 2, 11, 20, 33
    Management Immediate supervisor 3, 12, 21, 30
    Fringe benefits Cash and non-cash payments above direct salary 4, 13, 22, 29
    Dependent Rewards Gratitude, recognition and monetary rewards for good work 5, 14, 23, 32
    Execution conditions Rules, procedures and bureaucratic obstacles 6, 15, 24, 31
    Colleagues People with whom the individual works 7, 16, 25, 34
    Nature of work Tasks solved at work 8, 17, 27, 35
    Informing Communication within the organization 9, 18, 26, 36
    All subscales All aspects in general 1–36

    First, find the sum of the scores for each subscale for each questionnaire, as well as the total score for each questionnaire. Next, evaluate all questionnaires and find the average score for each subscale across all questionnaires and the average total score for all questionnaires.

    Compare these sums with the maximum value: 24 points for the subscale and 216 for the total score. Thus, the overall satisfaction of the employees of the organization and satisfaction for each of the nine aspects (subscales) will become clear.

    If the survey format allows, that is, it is not completely anonymous, but with an indication structural unit, then make a cut of satisfaction by departments: general and for each aspect.

    With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Galina Tsimerman,

    Expert Systems Personnel

    The natural desire of every owner is to get the maximum possible result from his business. Funds are invested in equipment, in modern technologies and materials, but very often the expected effect does not occur. Consultants, analysts, trainers are involved to improve efficiency, but there is still no result.

    In most cases, the cause of failure lies in people - in the company's employees, more precisely, in their attitude to tasks and to the company itself. And if with employees occupying top positions, everything is more or less transparent - they are in sight, their tasks are digitized and controlled, then with the rest of the staff - workers, engineers, office employees - everything is much more complicated. Especially in large companies where the ideas of the owner are distorted along the way to the performers, and the aspirations and needs of ordinary workers and specialists simply do not reach the top level, getting stuck in the labyrinths of information channels of middle management.

    There are two magical concepts that can give an employer confidence that the tasks that a business faces will be more or less met. It is contentment and engagement. Why are these two criteria important?

    Engagement is the willingness of employees to do more than what is expected of them, to invest in the result of the company as in their own personal result.

    Satisfaction is the emotional response of an employee to the conditions in which he works.

    Satisfied employees most often relax at some point. They are doing well, they do not want to change anything, any attempt to shake their status quo is perceived with hostility. Therefore, it is important to control both the satisfaction and the level of employee involvement.

    Factors affecting job satisfaction

    Since employee satisfaction is a reaction to working conditions, it is necessary to take into account the whole range of factors that directly or indirectly affect the employee. Each company is unique, but I believe that there are job satisfaction factors that should not be ignored by any company:

    1. Economic factor - includes everything related to wages: the level wages, the regularity and timeliness of its payment, the availability of indexation and all additional payments required by law.
    2. social factor- the presence, composition, size, conventionality and accessibility of the social package.
    3. physical factor- here they take into account the convenience of the workplace, its equipment and compliance with the requirements of labor protection, the provision of high-quality and convenient tools, means of individual and collective protection from the effects of harmful factors.
    4. The communicative factor determines the microclimate in the team, the level vocational training colleagues, interaction with colleagues.
    5. Leadership style - this factor includes communication with management, methods of setting tasks, the level of delegation and trust, the presence of management interest in specific employees, the implementation of agreements by management.
    6. Discipline - takes into account the accuracy of following the rules and requirements established in the company, the attitude to the tasks set and the quality of the work performed by both the employees themselves and their colleagues.
    7. Career and development - the opportunity to learn, grow professionally, climb the career ladder.
    8. Loyalty is the willingness of employees to work in the company for a long time, to recommend the company to friends, the awareness by employees of the need for themselves and their work.
    9. Awareness - the sufficiency and timeliness of information about the enterprise and events, the reliability of information, the possibility of feedback.

    Algorithm for assessing the state of employees

    To determine the staff satisfaction index, you need to divide all the work into 3 stages:

    1. Understand what an employee satisfaction questionnaire is, draw it up taking into account the peculiarities of internal processes in the company.
    2. Conduct a staff satisfaction survey - distribute questionnaires, collect responses.
    3. Calculate specific indicators.

    Step 1. Job Satisfaction Questionnaire

    To make a good questionnaire, for each factor it is necessary to develop from 3 to 5 questions that will be regularly used in surveys for a long time. It is important to assess the satisfaction and involvement of employees in dynamics, that is, an annual assessment is needed. Changing the content of the questions by more than 10% with each subsequent survey, you will get a distortion of the results, and their comparison with the previous period will be irrelevant.

    A single measurement of satisfaction is also not indicative. In the first year, surveyed employees tend to overestimate their responses out of fear of the unknown, so the results of the second survey usually show a sharp drop in satisfaction levels. This fact usually upsets the employer, but in fact, such dynamics of job satisfaction is an indicator of the growing trust of employees and should be perceived positively.

    The Staff Satisfaction Questionnaire is unique for each company. We offer one of the options that can be taken as a basis.

    Step 2: Gather Employee Opinions

    Once the employee satisfaction survey has been developed and approved, the next difficult step is to collect employee feedback.

    By default, people are wary of any innovations on the part of the employer, so it is important to choose exactly the method of collecting information that is suitable for a particular company.

    We actively used 5 methods, which are presented in the table with the pros and cons of each.

    Communication channel


    Regular meetings with small groups of employees (individual divisions).

    Thematic meetings at which the management informs employees about trends, news, tasks on the stated topic-factor (for example, on PPE, on wages, on training opportunities, etc.) and receives feedback through direct communication. At the next meeting, the leader gives feedback, which was done on the issues raised.

    the ability to build trust between management and employees;

    no misrepresentation of information;

    the fullest coverage of employees.

    requires a lot of time and distraction from the work process of both employees and managers;

    is possible only if the leaders have highly developed communicative competencies.

    Polls are open.

    Collecting the opinions of employees through questionnaires in which, in addition to answers, the employee indicates the name and place of work

    the ability to observe the dynamics of satisfaction during periodic surveys;

    possibility of targeted response to the results of the survey.

    there is a risk of inaccurate answers if the company has not developed a culture of openness and trust;

    difficulty in processing the results.

    Polls are anonymous.

    Collecting the opinions of employees through anonymous questionnaires, including electronic ones.

    reliability of information;

    the opportunity to observe the dynamics of satisfaction during periodic surveys.

    difficulties in processing the results.

    Feedback sheets.

    Sheets (A1 format) placed at the production sites, directly near the workplaces, where any employee can indicate the problem (anonymously or not - at the choice of the employee). Managers responsible for the direction in which the problem is identified are required to provide feedback within 3 days.

    promptly informing management about problems;

    prompt response to requests;

    preventing a decline in satisfaction.

    senior management involvement and oversight is required.

    Feedback boxes.

    Sealed boxes for collecting suggestions, comments and questions from employees.

    for the employee the ability to choose the mode of openness or anonymity;

    promptly informing management about problems.

    difficulty in providing feedback;

    difficulty in assessing the dynamics;

    the risk of hiding information.

    There are other formats like general meeting collective, meetings with trade unions (or representatives of collectives), but they are less effective for an objective assessment of satisfaction.

    Each company can determine the best option for communication with employees. Based on my experience, I prefer to combine thematic meetings with small groups of employees, anonymous surveys and feedback sheets. Meetings create an atmosphere of trust, surveys measure the dynamics of the level of satisfaction and engagement, and also provide a basis for building an HR strategy in the long term, feedback sheets relieve tension that can arise in operational work due to production failures or discommunication. Also, feedback sheets are actually a litmus test for measuring the growth of negativity in a team. A sample feedback sheet is suggested in the table.

    Recording date

    Description of the problem

    Area of ​​responsibility

    Solution Description

    Decision date

    Protective gloves are torn after 4 hours of use

    Head of HSE department

    Procurement quality control was carried out. A batch of gloves dated 11/20/2018 was seized

    Leaking roof over workplace #6

    Chief Engineer

    Roof repair included in the action plan for June 2019

    February invoices not issued

    Head of OTiZ

    The quality, reliability and scope of the survey directly depends on the systematic approach to the organization of the survey. It is important to conduct an information campaign to prepare employees for the upcoming survey, create and test a questionnaire processing system, and verify the accuracy of the questions in the questionnaire.

    It is also important to choose the method of questioning: on paper or in in electronic format. Automation is very attractive, especially for office companies, but when conducting anonymous surveys, there is a problem of controlling participation. When using questionnaires on paper, it is necessary to think over the systems for processing questionnaires in advance. These can be pivot tables in Excel or specially designed ones. software products. In any case, additional human resources for entering data from questionnaires into the system.

    Step 3. Calculate indicators

    There are several ways to calculate satisfaction. If the employer wants to take a more conservative approach to the assessment, then the “satisfied” category includes answers in full agreement with the question, and the other options, that is, denial and answers implying doubt, fall into the “not satisfied” category. In the classical version, the options “strongly agree” and “not sure” are considered satisfactory.

    The algorithm for converting the number of responses into a percentage and the satisfaction index is as follows:

    Index = ((agree + not sure) - (disagree)) / (all answers).

    Percentage = (index + 1) / 2.

    What to do with the results

    First bring them to the attention of the manager and employees. The following is a variant of the survey report for a virtual company. This is a complete report that may be of interest to the manager. For employees, it is enough to create one slide with graphs showing the overall level of satisfaction for the company and the level of satisfaction of employees in a particular unit.

    Option for the full survey report

    After that, it is necessary to give employees the opportunity to express what exactly influenced this or that assessment, to listen and write down all the comments.

    The last step is to create a plan to improve (or maintain) the level of satisfaction for the year, publish it in the enterprise and ... work on it.

    The effective activity of the company is impossible without satisfaction from the work of its employees. According to research results, this parameter is influenced by such factors as the culture of the enterprise, leadership style, degree of involvement in work and freedom of decision-making. To assess these and other factors, the questionnaire of staff satisfaction will help.

    From the article you will learn:

    Useful document:

    A loyal employee who is satisfied with his work and his place in the company is motivated to work with high quality and strives for self-development. Employee satisfaction reflects the attitude of the employee to various aspects of work:

    • safety and working conditions;
    • status and prestige of work;
    • relationships with colleagues;
    • the adequacy of the assessment of the results of work by management;
    • relationship between management and subordinates;
    • degree of possible autonomy and area of ​​responsibility;
    • opportunity for growth and development.

    Employee satisfaction with their work can be assessed using various questionnaires.

    Staff Satisfaction Survey

    It makes sense to conduct a staff satisfaction survey every six months. It is advisable to choose periods of “low” seasons in business so that the assessment procedure does not become an additional annoying factor for employees and does not negatively affect work.

    This study should be carried out in cases where the following factors are observed:

    1. high performance staff turnover- here it is important to determine the true reasons for the dismissal of employees, to reduce production costs due to layoffs;
    2. are held organizational changes at the enterprise - at the same time, it is necessary to improve the processes for managing changes;
    3. low performance - the reasons are clarified and solutions are found to optimize the organization of the labor process.

    Before analyzing satisfaction, the management of the enterprise needs to identify the basic needs of a particular employee, prompting him to professional activity. External consultants can be invited to conduct such studies, but with a small staff, you can handle it on your own. However, in this case, you need to have confidence in the honesty of the employees' answers.

    Stages of the study of staff satisfaction with work:

    1. Specification of the purpose of the study. Any survey should not be conducted for show. The management, before including this or that question in the questionnaire, needs to clearly define what to do with all this information and how the employer is ready to respond to the information received from the staff.
    2. Preparation of questions and compilation of questionnaires.
    3. among employees, filling out questionnaires.
    4. Analysis of the research results. Evaluation of the performance of the current motivation system.
    5. Informing management and staff about the results of the study.

    Test yourself: answer 3 questions and find out what kind of person you areHR - guru, expert or beginner

    How to make a questionnaire

    Questionnaire sheets should be compiled by each manager, taking into account the objectives of the study and the features of the structure and activities of the enterprise. In general, one can rely on several general rules. In the course of the study of employee satisfaction with the work, you need to find out:

    • categories of working conditions;
    • the degree of significance of these categories for employees;
    • how, from the point of view of employees, these categories are satisfied;
    • which categories are the least satisfied, in terms of employees.


    Working conditions

    Comfortable working conditions

    Convenient work schedule

    Convenient office location (easy to get to work)

    Material incentive system

    Adequate and understandable system of remuneration, from the point of view of personnel

    Stable pay

    An opportunity for an employee to influence the remuneration received due to the availability of material benefits

    Complex and interesting job requiring creativity

    Autonomy at work

    Difficult job with a high degree of responsibility

    Stability in work, lack of frequent personnel and organizational changes

    Confidence in the future

    Fulfillment of obligations of the employer to the staff

    Clear goal setting

    Improved feedback from the manager

    Open discussion of problems and difficulties


    Psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the team

    Good relationship with leaders

    Shared interests and worldview with the manager and colleagues

    Recognition, respect for the invested work and merit

    Recognition of the value of work by both peers and management

    Show approval and respect from the manager

    Interest in employee ideas and suggestions

    Development opportunities

    Opportunity for career growth

    Prospects for professional development

    Opportunity to acquire new skills, knowledge and skills

    Corporate culture of the company

    Availability in the company developed system corporate values, rituals and traditions supported by the vast majority of employees

    Communication with colleagues outside the enterprise

    Regular corporate events at the enterprise, joint celebration of anniversaries and holidays

    In accordance with the specified goal, management from the above categories needs to select those for which the study will be conducted.

    Table. The main reasons why employees are dissatisfied with their work, and ways to deal with negativity

    Sample Questions for Staff Satisfaction Questionnaires

    As examples of questions for staff satisfaction questionnaires for the group “ Interaction with management"The following can be cited:

    • Question about the significance of the category:“On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is clear task setting from your manager to you?”
    • Satisfaction question:“Determine the degree of validity of the statement “I have specific tasks before me.”
    • For category " Stability and security factor»:
    • Significance question:“How often do you save money for a rainy day?”
    • Satisfaction question:“How much, in percentage terms, are you currently worried about the prospect of losing your job?”

    Experts of the magazine HR Director will tell:

    Each employee is individual and can give the most unexpected answers. Therefore, for each question, several possible options must be offered, one of which the employee must choose. This will allow you to calculate the results of the survey, bringing the average values ​​to common denominator. Answer options can be offered as a percentage, numerical or verbal scale (excellent, good, bad, very bad).

    Questions in questionnaire must be arranged in random order, alternating from different categories. This will allow you to get the most frank and reliable answers. At the end of each block of mandatory questions with answers, it is desirable to leave space for comments on the initiative of employees, their expression of personal opinion without given options.

    Staff Satisfaction Questionnaire: Sample

    The following template can be used as a basis for compiling a questionnaire at a particular enterprise.

    Each worker must independently complete the questionnaire within the set time and return it for calculation of results. If possible, the study should be conducted anonymously, as this significantly increases the chances of obtaining reliable results.

    The data obtained during the survey, the management can use to improve the working conditions of the staff. As a result of such a survey, one can not only clarify the weaknesses in communications, but also identify other factors that hinder well-coordinated work in the company.

    In conclusion, it should be added that it is important for employees to see that their participation in the survey was not a formality, but had an impact on the work of the company. Management should really try to solve the identified problems and take appropriate steps to do so.

    Each company that values ​​its customers tries to keep them by any means, as well as to improve the level of service. In a difficult process, a fairly simple marketing tool helps - a customer satisfaction questionnaire. Customer needs change every year, as does the idea of ​​service quality. To keep your finger on the pulse, you need to understand what your customers are thinking - what they don’t like, what they are delighted with and what else they dream of.

    How to measure customer satisfaction?

    It will help to find out the wishes of your customers - a satisfaction questionnaire. Questioning is a common practice for analyzing customer satisfaction in many large and medium-sized companies. Questioning allows you to understand how satisfied a person was and his wishes or comments.

    Also, with the help of competent implementation of satisfaction monitoring, with the help of questionnaires, you can find out how well this or that department worked, and even a specific employee, how satisfied the client was with the product or service, and much more. All the results of the call, with the help of various contact and call-centers, are ultimately summarized in a questionnaire, which is then processed and segmented according to specific goals.

    Types of survey

    The Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire can be in paper or electronic form. Now electronic questionnaires are being introduced more and more often, as it is convenient for the client and for the company: the buyer does not need to fiddle with paper and pen, and it is easier for the company to process data. Moreover, there is a very subtle point in the process of filling out a satisfaction questionnaire - this is the atmosphere in which a person fills out any questionnaire.

    In the presence of an employee of the company, the client may show the highest score of satisfaction, not wanting to be judged for bad marks, but in fact he may have a negative impression of something.

    Here the main task customer satisfaction analysis is the reliability of the data.

    Problems of customer surveys

    When a person receives on a tablet, phone, computer a request for email with an offer to fill out a questionnaire, a satisfied client can ignore this request, but a dissatisfied one will definitely write the truth. So you can get a good analysis of the internal problems of the company directly from the buyer. An electronic customer satisfaction survey is a great way to get feedback, but it's far from perfect, as there are a number of problems:

    For example:

    • the client may simply not use e-mail;
    • he may have a negative attitude towards such surveys, he immediately deletes such letters;
    • he can lie and give false information in pursuit of personal goals;

    And there are a number of problems on the part of the company:

    • the survey was incorrect. Questions cannot reveal the problem.
    • the questionnaire is overloaded with questions and causes a negative reaction from the client;
    • the form is being processed incorrectly. Conclusions based on the results of the questionnaire are not made correctly;
    • questionnaires and surveys are conducted too often. The client gets annoyed and loses loyalty to the company.
    • too high requirements for the client. The company wants to see an absolutely 100% satisfied client and, as a result, for any small remark, the client is tired of long questions on the phone why he gave 9 out of 10 and not 10 out of 10. According to customers, this annoys them because they have to make excuses for their opinion or rating.

    The last problem on the list does not take into account the fact that people are very complex creatures, whose conclusions are largely dependent on emotions at the moment in which they take a survey or fill out a satisfaction questionnaire. For example, yesterday a person can be happy, but today he is very disappointed with something, and of course the results these days will be different.

    For example: for a person who is a perfectionist in everything, a score of 10 out of 10 is simply unacceptable under any circumstances, but this does not mean that the company has problems with the quality of service. It is necessary to respond only to a clear deviation from the norm and not to invade the client's personal space once again.

    Compilation of a satisfaction questionnaire

    The processing of the results of calls or questionnaires, as well as the compilation of customer satisfaction questionnaires, should be carried out exclusively by professionals in a particular narrow sphere business.

    What questions should be included in a satisfaction survey? Each questionnaire is compiled based on the needs of the customer, what purpose he pursues by applying the questionnaire or calling.

    Below is an example of a universal customer satisfaction questionnaire, which can be supplemented with questions and applied in any company:

    There can be thousands of questionnaire options, it is important to want to understand the client and devote a little time to this. It would seem that such a simple method can not only affect the level of sales, but also prevent problems in the service in time.

    And what questions do you use in your questionnaires, share in the comments!