Overview of systems for automating business processes. Automation of business systems: tools and technologies

Business processes - the activities that create a product or service for the consumer - require automation from their participants, which will achieve better results in a shorter period of time. And this is already an increase in income and an increase in the standard of living for both the business owner and his employees.

When automating business processes, new communications are built or previously created communications between departments and services of an enterprise or organization (for example, marketing, production, sales, service) are optimized. The exchange of information between them is much faster, more accurate and, importantly, controlled by the manager or owner, including remotely.

Thus, entrepreneurs get a powerful and convenient tool for administering their business from anywhere in the world.

We serve organizations and enterprises of small and medium-sized businesses of any direction in accordance with 54-FZ.

What problems does business process automation solve?

Accounting policy, process control and resource management have always been critical to the prosperity of any business. In non-automated business organizations, the manager often has problems with controlling the work of employees and accounting for goods or services, especially when the latter are located remotely.

The lack of transparency in the work of staff increases the percentage of errors and reduces the productivity of workers.

The problem of taking into account the goods and services produced, the results of work and the efficiency of each employee, department or workshop reduces the mobility, efficiency and continuity of business management.

It is problematic for the owner to manually develop a business in several points at the same time, to optimize operational activities and staff.

Today modern means it is possible to automate every process at business facilities at any scale - from the site to the interaction between enterprises and industries.

This allows not only to competently regulate business processes, but also to improve them, including competently planning the further development of production or an enterprise.

Results of business process automation

Automation of business processes brings an economic effect that covers the costs of its introduction, and increases the effectiveness of personnel actions:

  • The speed of interaction with the client increases, which increases sales and, accordingly, the profit of the company.
  • Raw materials and products are accounted for and controlled throughout the entire production process. Payment for goods delivered and services rendered is carried out according to a predetermined plan.
  • Facilitation of accounting leads to a simplification of the selection of assortment and inventory without interruptions and stops in production, warehouses, stores.
  • Controlling the working hours of employees reduces losses and prevents theft. Settlements with employees are registered and optimized. The effectiveness of employees is revealed, which allows you to keep the optimal staff.
  • Available indicators of profitability and turnover by objects in the current time in a single database. Information exchange between objects is carried out with the division of workflow.
  • The head (owner) of the business has management reporting for all organizations in one place, statistics of turnover and profitability are available in real time.

Benefits of automating business processes from Online-kassa.ru

By contacting our company, you get the following benefits:

  • 100% legal security in the preparation of documents from the Federal operator for the sale, connection and maintenance of cash registers.
  • Working draft for agreement, revision and approval.
  • Automation of business processes by individual project or standard solution.
  • Dedicated group of experienced professionals - over the past year, more than 230 successful implementations.
  • Complex integration from official dealer 1C and other software manufacturers, we also use our own developments.

What business process automation solutions do we offer?

Common truth - the lack of an alternative is unnerving. Therefore, our clients always have a choice - which of the projects for automating their business processes to prefer, depending on their needs and wishes:

  • This may be the initial project “Typical”, in which our specialists will provide you with services for registering online cash desks at the tax office and connecting them to the FD operator, install hardware and software drivers, set up the taxation system, conduct a training course for users to work with 1C software.
  • The next suggestion is project "Budget" includes: supply and connection of optimal equipment, installation and start-up software, training of personnel to work with equipment and software.
  • And, of course, you will receive a personal offer - project “Individual turnkey”. Delivery, connection and launch of equipment and software, as well as user training will be carried out according to the initial data, problems and wishes of each specific client.

Business process automation- activities aimed at streamlining and regulating the business processes existing in the company, using specialized software methods. Such a definition is based on the description of the term business process:

“A business process is a set of activities ordered in time to produce a desired result.”

There are many programs designed to automate processes. It is proposed to automate both individual business processes, for example, CRM, and all business processes of the company in a complex way. It is possible to use both programs-services, without purchase and installation, and desktop software products. Among which are relatively affordable 1C configurations and the most powerful and expensive solutions, such as SAP.

But before deciding which system suits you best, you should analyze the processes proposed for automation.
To begin with, it is necessary to divide the company's processes into business processes:

  • Control system;
  • managed system.

For increase executive system efficiency , not only business process automation is used, there is a sufficient number tools and technologies aimed to improve the processes of the managed system. Which prove their effectiveness by being adopted companies - world leaders .

But it is the focus on improving business processes control system brings the maximum contribution to improving business efficiency.

“Effective business processes are your powerful competitive advantage

To methods of improvement control system processes can be attributed:

  • Socio - psychological support;
  • Staff motivation;
  • Automation of business processes.

More about process automation on 1C or SAP

I would like to talk about process automation separately. All books about business process management , which I happened to read, shout with one voice:

“By implementing typical 1C or SAP business process automation systems, you deprive your business of individuality,” and even: “Typical process automation will lead your business to inevitable collapse.”

I beg to differ with these conclusions!
Where do such inferences come from?
Let's see what is behind the words: "business process automation system" .
And so, any information system, including a system for automating business processes, on an enlarged basis is:

  • Database - information is stored there in the form of interrelated tables, in certain sections and with a certain depth of detail;
  • User interface - the visible part of the program, by manipulating which the user enters data or generates reports;
  • Programmatic methods of working with the database are a kind of bridge connecting the interface and the database.

I think that few people have the idea that the database and the program code for input and output of information can lead to the collapse of your company, then the whole point is user interface . Let's dig deeper.

Processes to be automated

What are the main processes to be automated in the first place? Of course, these are the most routine business processes:

  • The process of registering payments, both incoming and outgoing;
  • The process of issuing primary documentation;
  • Cost reflection process.

Namely, from the information registered by these business processes, the lion's share of reporting will be formed for decision-making. And that gives the core value of automation.

Is there a lot of uniqueness in each company in described processes?

If the competitive advantage of your business lies in the uniqueness of these processes, sharing this information will surely make a splash in "management" science.

You can certainly give an example, more complex business process automation programs are also common in the market, for example, CRM automation.

But, again, I want to speak out in support of business process automation systems. Have your marketers (marketers) or salespeople come up with something much better than a sales funnel, or XYZ analysis?

If not, then all such tools are, to one degree or another, represented in the software offered on the market.

Disadvantages of automation systems

Nevertheless, business process automation systems also have disadvantages and this is due to the fact that they are developed as a universal tool suitable for use in any business.

These include:

  • The absence of some really important details for you. Yes, I acknowledge that such props are possible.
  • Not a good enough interface.
  • Nuances of use, on different devices.
  • performance.

But most of these problems can be solved by careful selection of solutions, and of course any system has the ability to customization for the client, it's just a matter of price.

The products provided are best practices for automating business processes in code - use them.

In addition, using typical business process automation systems, you can evaluate the effective or ineffective impact of automation on your business. And do it at a relatively low cost.

Now let's discuss the real reasons for the "failure of business"

All these reasons lie in the desire to make intensive changes in the business, to increase its efficiency, but by proxy without their own intervention and, of course, without personal responsibility.

Or perhaps simply, not the desire for change, but the automation project is used as an excuse: “We tried, but it didn’t work out.”

Some reasons why project automation fails:

  1. Negative attitude towards the opinion of 1c or SAP implementers: “Who are they, are they to advise us to change our business processes…”. And it even plays into the hands of the implementers, to do what has already been done, and even to tie the customer to themselves forever, because. except for a specific developer, no one will be able to understand the non-standard code.
  2. Unwillingness to delve into the procedures provided by the software product. Basically, there is a logic here. We can say that it is not the business of top management to deal with a software product. But the mistake is that there is usually no project manager for the implementation of business process automation (formally appointed, this is the same). And local leaders, as a rule, react to automation like this: “Okay, so be it, do it as it is and don’t pester.” This is the road to nowhere!
  3. The presence of "sacred cows" such employees who are able to resist any innovation, even lowered from the very top. Ultimately, senior management takes the side of the "cows" and merges the business process automation project.
  4. Not wanting to just clean up and identify who is responsible for what, breaking all the excuses like: "We have no time to do writing."


In general, of course, the automation of business processes is a complex and responsible process, in which the best forces of both the customer company and the implementer company should be involved. And the choice of a business process automation system must be approached carefully and scrupulously.

But, for small and medium-sized businesses, process automation should be based on standard solutions, and large companies may afford their own customized developments in order to maximize the benefits of implementation.

PeterSoft: BPM is a product in which:

First, a special user draws diagrams of executables in the information business process system,

Then he sets up their connection with the accounting system (for example, 1C: ERP 2),

Then all users start their processes for execution,

The manager controls the progress of their implementation,

The received data on processes are analyzed,

Decisions are made to optimize processes based on the analysis.

PiterSoft: BPM is capable of automating business processes in all areas of an enterprise. The product allows you to create a single process information data model for the entire enterprise as a whole.

Why do you need to implement the product "PiterSoft: BPM"? Consider the following example:

In the classical accounting system there is a document "Invoice". It has two states: "not posted" and "posted". In case 2, the shipment is considered to be made, the client owes money, and the goods (or finished products) is no longer in stock. In terms of accounting, the problem is solved.

But in fact, several services are involved in the process of transferring goods to the client, and each must complete its task in a timely manner, otherwise errors will occur. Those. the process must be built and executed correctly. In this case, a manager is involved who agrees that the client will be delivered at such and such a time and on such and such conditions (delivery or pickup). The accounting department must issue documents. The correct item must be selected in the warehouse.

Logisticians must timely order transport and make delivery. And then the accounting department should receive the signed return documents. And the sequence of tasks should not be confused, and each of the tasks should start in a timely manner and with the necessary information.

In this case, it is possible to provide a large number of shipments without interruption with a small number of employees.

The phone is used only if something went wrong. All tasks come to users in the BPM system and a mark is placed there on their completion. At any given time, the manager knows what is currently happening with order number 24975.

The classical accounting system will not solve process issues. This is the task of the BPM system.

What companies might need it?

This is an enterprise that:

  • there are routine processes, the automation of which can save time;
  • urgent accounting issues have already been resolved and automation of interaction between employees of various departments is required;
  • there are more than 10 employees who are PC users and work within the framework of solving common problems;
  • employees have their own specialization (this is not an option when "everyone does everything");
  • employees are geographically separated, located in different premises;
  • organization of work to high standards is required, for example, ISO9000

What other processes can be automated?

Any process can be automated. But it is better to automate those that are the most intensive and where there is the greatest loss of information and time.

Functionally, these are:

  • Negotiation of contracts;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Payment approval Money;
  • Acceptance of orders;
  • Reception and management of complaints;
  • Ensuring production;
  • Travel preparation;
  • Expense reports;
  • Warehouse inventory;
  • The process of receiving goods;
  • Other processes

The list of business functions that can be automated as part of process management is endless. Any industry has its own unique processes, the automation of which can greatly facilitate the life and management of their leader.

Why does PiterSoft know how to implement BPM?

PiterSoft employees first study the Customer's subject area, no matter how complex it may be, then offer a solution for automation. When it is required to make an accounting in an unfamiliar subject area for us, we do it.


In order to automate any enterprise, it is necessary to understand what information flows flow in the enterprise, what accounting mechanisms are used, which users must enter what data at what point in time so that the enterprise can receive the necessary reporting.

Exclusive individual turnkey work

Sometimes it happens that an enterprise has features that do not allow the use of a "typical" scheme of work. In this case, in order to make the correct settings, you need to thoroughly understand the nuances and subtleties of the enterprise. Often, employees of the customer's enterprise do not know how to reflect their activities in the information system, or employees of various departments cannot agree on interaction schemes with each other, how to divide the authorities and areas for entering information into the system.

For this we use our experience and those best practics with which we have enriched ourselves while working with other customers. We carry out the setting or optimization of accounting schemes, the setting of business processes or their optimization, we create the rules for the operation of departments within the accounting system. We implement the vision of these rules agreed with the customer in the settings information system.

Employees of "PiterSoft" understand all types of accounting (production, warehouse, financial, operational, management, accounting, tax, etc.).


Leaders of any manufacturing enterprise must be taken every day management decisions based on the situation at the enterprise. The current state of affairs is best reflected in quantitative terms, i.e. you need to know whether there is money on the settlement accounts for the purchase of materials and payment of wages, whether there are enough materials in warehouses to release the required batch on time, whether the supplier has materials at the price that will be included in the order calculation, and so on. Data in quantitative terms is always relevant only when accounting is working at the enterprise, otherwise you have to work only intuitively, "on a hunch". For a large enterprise, such work is unacceptable. This means that it is necessary to keep inventory, financial, and operational, and accounting for reserves, and accounting, etc. All these types of accounting converge in single system called 1C:ERP 2.

Why ERP? By definition, because ERP is an enterprise resource and process management system.

Employees of "PeterSoft" know the product "PeterSoft: Process Management", because are its developers.


In 2007, we launched the PiterSoft: Process Management BPM system on the market, which is developed and flexibly configured to the specifics of the customer's enterprise and allows you to manage business processes within individual departments, manage business processes of interaction between the enterprise as a whole and processes of interaction with all contractors.

PiterSoft employees have great experience implementation of BPM and related solutions 1C: Document Management.


Automation of process management is a key competence of PiterSoft.

For 10 years, more than 300 enterprises have become customers, in total, more than 20,000 jobs have been automated using process control technology. We list some of the projects for the implementation of the BPM system: Property Fund of St. Petersburg, North-Western Fishing Company - Murmansk, Gaztekhleasing, Krasny Yar Production Company, Central Research Institute of Marine Engineering, Prionezhskaya network company, GK "Sodruzhestvo", etc.

The product is included in the curriculum of more than 10 leading universities in Russia. To this day, the product continues to improve, accumulating the latest technological innovations.


Employees of "PeterSoft" carry out projects, training the employees of the Customer to work with the software product "PeterSoft: Process Management". At the same time, solving certain automation tasks, we increase our experience and learn various options for working with software products. Also, we are always critical of our knowledge, the requirements for the system, and the tasks that the Customer sets. When we have something to suggest, we do it. It is not in our rules to blindly agree with what seems wrong to us. In this case, we will try to convince the Customer to accept a more correct option from our point of view. But it happens that the Customer convinces us, and in this case we add a new practice to our treasury of knowledge, expanding our horizons. By honing our skills, we become even more useful consultants for the Customer.

System of values


When you are a master of your craft, there are such concepts and needs as professional pride in the results that are provided to the customer. I would like to make such a product that the customer would appreciate the class offered professional services. We respect our customers. Therefore, in the case when our customers have new needs - the development of an implemented system, a new implementation at a related enterprise, system maintenance, they tend to continue working with us. And we've been working together for years, and we get new clients through referrals. We realize that working well and honestly is profitable and correct in every sense.

The product works in the same database with the accounting system and for the user there is no border between the accounting system and the BPM system. This is a whole. The setup takes place without programmers.

"PiterSoft: Process Management" is able to automate business processes in all areas of the enterprise. The product allows you to create a single process information data model for the entire enterprise as a whole.

Automation of business processes is the transfer of typical business tasks and standard operations under the control of a software and hardware complex. As a result, resources are released, which allows to increase labor productivity and efficiency. strategic management. To optimize the work of the organization, they use systems for modeling and optimizing the execution of business processes. As you can see, the relevance of business process automation is very high.

Types of automation

Automation of important business processes can be carried out in two directions:

  • Work on the main business processes (communication with customers, sales management). The purpose of automating this area is to improve the quality of products, increase sales, and increase business profitability.
  • Simplification of supporting processes. Accounting, office work, reporting can act as such processes. Automating these actions will not directly affect the increase in income, but it will help reduce the time to perform routine work.

A convenient system in which business process automation is often performed is Bitrix 24, as well as other software: 1C: Accounting, 1C: Salary, AuditExpert, Master Finance Analysis, Fingrand.

Business Automation Tasks

Automation of the execution of routine business processes in an enterprise using Bitrix 24 or other systems is performed to solve the following tasks:

Support for the operational activities of the organization, simplification of control and accounting;

  • Rapid preparation of various documentation for business partners. Example: invoices, waybills, reconciliation acts;
  • Prompt receipt of reports with information about the state of affairs in the organization for any period of time;
  • Reducing staff costs, increasing the efficiency of the workflow by freeing workers from routine activities;
  • Minimizing the impact on important business processes of the human factor;
  • Improving the quality of service;
  • Secure storage of information.

Benefits of Business Process Automation

Automation of enterprise business processes using Bitrix 24 or other software will help improve the quality of products, optimize company management.

Implementation automatic system for modeling and executing critical processes will provide the following benefits:

  • Acceleration of information processing, simplification of solving repetitive tasks;
  • Automation manual labor;
  • Increasing business transparency;
  • Increasing the coherence of the work of employees, improving the quality of work;
  • Control of large volumes of information;
  • Reducing the number of errors, increasing the accuracy of control, the possibility of parallel execution of several tasks;
  • Prompt decision-making in typical situations.

Automation of business processes is an opportunity for a manager to quickly receive detailed information in the form of analytical reports, thanks to which the company is managed with the maximum consideration of internal and external indicators of the organization.

How to automate business processes?

Automation of business processes, an example of which you can easily find in numerous materials, is performed using modern technologies. In the table, we have collected the main examples of business automation and optimization.

Tool Peculiarities
Cloud technologies No need for your own company service. Ideal for small businesses due to low cost.
Automation of marketing tools Use of CRM systems, programs for automating BI systems and contextual advertising.
M&M, machine-to-machine interaction Provides minimal participation of a person in the modeling and execution of processes in which he cannot always adequately and promptly respond to changes.
big data Business intelligence based a large number data. Solution for large companies: to process significant amounts of data, you need specialized equipment.
Real-time information analysis The ability to perform fully synchronized operations due to the evolution of business automation systems into real-time transaction processing systems.

Automation of business processes is an important condition for the success of an organization of any size, regardless of the field of activity or structure. The rapidly changing economic environment, the need to reduce risks, high speeds decision-making - all this requires modern approaches. Through the use of automation, it is possible to free up valuable resources and focus maximum efforts on key areas of activity.

Enterprise business processes

Business processes include a sequence of stages, steps, functions and other actions, as well as all interacting members of the organization (managers, employees, customers). The work of any enterprise is a series of related business processes.

There are four main types of business processes:

  • Key. Create the value of goods / services, increase their price at the stage of installation, production or other intermediate stage;
  • Supportive. Represent resources that are important for key processes, support the company's infrastructure;
  • Development processes. They provide opportunities for improving the future work of the enterprise. The process includes training or advanced training of personnel, as well as planning the future activities of the company;
  • Managers. Solve company problems with operational management, planning, training, staff motivation.

Automation of business processes of an enterprise will be successful only if the manager knows how to effectively manage these processes. The director must organize the work of the company in such a way that business processes are carried out strictly according to the drawn up scheme and without failures. Ideally, it shouldn't take long to process the documentation.

There are many effective ways to organize a business. The most rational option complex automation processes based on own or adapted information system model. The use of automation systems allows you to increase the profitability of production and significantly reduce costs.

The relevance of business process automation

There are a number of symptoms that indicate the need for comprehensive automation of business processes (including procurement processes) of a company:

  • The firm works intermittently, employees cannot coordinate actions and carry them out smoothly;
  • The company experiences regular delays, distortions and loss of information;
  • When performing daily work, the company's specialists cannot push their own interests into the background;
  • The tasks of the company are carried out inefficiently, customer focus is very poorly developed;
  • Employees do not have a clear understanding of how their activities affect the performance of the organization;
  • There is no clear distribution of which employees are responsible for specific goals and functions of the enterprise;
  • There are no time frames for completing tasks;
  • The company does not always work in the interests of customers.

If at least a few of the described signs are present in your company, it means that business process automation is required to make the enterprise more productive and successful.

  1. Determination of automation goals.

Before you begin actions to automate business processes, you need to set yourself specific strategic goals. Think about what you want to achieve, what tasks you should be able to solve by automating business process management. For example, automating supply chain business processes is different from automating customer service. If in the first case you need to optimize logistics, receiving / sending cargo, etc. Then in the second case, you need to track other indicators: calls, sales funnel efficiency, etc.

  1. Formalization of business processes.

To describe business processes, you need to determine which sub-processes are present in them, how information moves, in what sequence activities are performed, what are the restrictions and what resources you can use.

  1. Optimization of business processes.

After developing the model, experts analyze them in order to then translate them from the desired into the real one. Then a plan is made to achieve the set goals using processes. As a result, a business process is built, from which unnecessary operations and delays are excluded.

  1. Development of technical specifications.

The exact tasks that cannot be solved without the participation of the owner are determined.

  1. Coding information, development of job descriptions.

An organization that implements automatic solutions performs coding of information. On the this stage it is also recommended to start developing office instructions to facilitate future staff training.

  1. Employee training.

This step is required only when the structure of the workflow is changed or the composition of employees is planned to change.

  1. Experienced operation.

There is only one way to evaluate the productivity of an automation system: to put it into practice. This step will help you debug your workflow and avoid errors.

Business processes: transition difficulties

A business process automation system is not always implemented quickly and easily: certain problems and difficulties may arise in the process. Let's consider the most common of them.

The project implementation timeline is being delayed.

Often this happens when processes are not broken into manageable blocks and checkpoints are not allocated. This problem can be solved by highlighting common logical schemes, setting the sequence of operations for implementing a business process automation system.

There is no logical framework for the project.

The process will not be delayed if time limits are clearly stated in the approved document. The role of the latter can be design solutions or technical tasks.

Resources are not attracted in a timely manner, and their quality leaves much to be desired.

The staff of the company does not accept innovations.

Use various information resources to inform employees about business process automation. Emphasize the importance of implementation. If the conflict cannot be resolved, fire the organizer of the protest.

No real testing functionality automated business processes.

To organize the workflow, it is required to highlight positive results. To do this, analyze the results after a certain time period, if necessary, refine the obtained indicators to the ideal.

Not effective system management.

An invited specialist in conflictology will help to solve this problem. It will help resolve conflicts and disputes between employees and resolve difficult situations.

The project has a low priority, and its implementation occurs on a residual basis.

Find and eliminate the reasons for the negligent attitude to the project. If the situation does not change, replace the performer.

Project goals are not defined, there are no criteria for achieving goals or evaluating results.

Evaluation criteria must be drawn up individually, taking into account the direction of the project. By defining specific project goals, you will simplify the implementation of your goals and achieve positive results faster.

Automation of business processes of supply management or other processes will ultimately help you optimize the work of the enterprise, make it efficient.

Constantly changing market conditions, high speed in decision-making, multitasking in asset management and the need to reduce risks require modern approaches to the organization economic activity. The way out in the face of increasingly complex internal and external environment enterprises is becoming a comprehensive automation of business processes. It frees up precious resources for strategic planning and concentration of management on the key areas of the company's work. We will talk about what automation and an ERP system are, why a process approach is needed, and what software is most popular in the world and in Russia.

Business and automation: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Business automation is a partial or complete transfer of stereotyped operations and business tasks under the control of a specialized information system, or a software and hardware complex. As a result, the release of human and financial resources to increase labor productivity and the effectiveness of strategic management.

Automation is usually carried out in two directions:

* Automation of the main business processes: for example, sales or customer service management. In this case, it is carried out to directly increase sales, the number of products produced and increase the profitability of the entire business as a whole.
* Automation of supporting processes such as accounting, reporting, office work. Such automation does not directly affect the increase in income, but it helps to reduce the time and costs of doing routine work.

The main tasks of business automation are as follows:

* effective support for the operational activities of the enterprise, organization of accounting and control;
* preparation of any documents for partners, including waybills, invoices, reconciliation acts and business proposals;
* quick receipt of reports on the state of affairs in the company for any period of time;
* optimization of personnel costs, increasing the efficiency of the use of working time by freeing employees from routine work;
* minimization negative impact"human factor" on the most important business processes;
* secure storage of information;
* Improving the quality of customer service.

Automation of business processes can significantly improve the quality of management in a company and the quality of its product. For the enterprise as a whole, it provides a number of significant advantages.

* Increasing the speed of information processing and solving repetitive tasks.
* Increasing the transparency of business and its manufacturability.
* Growth of coordination of actions of the personnel and quality of its work.
* Ability to control large amounts of information.
* Automation of manual labor.
* Reducing errors and improving control accuracy.
* Parallel solution of several tasks.
* Quick decision making in stereotypical situations.

As a result of automating business process management, the head of the enterprise receives more information for analyzing business processes in the form of detailed analytical reports and has the opportunity to manage the company qualitatively, taking into account external and internal indicators.

For example, when using the software "First Form" for the first six months of work, the most important performance indicators of the company increase:

* planning accuracy - by 40%;
* overall efficiency - by 50%;
* Saving the manager's time - by 80%.

Most companies begin automation with routine labor-intensive processes, as well as with operations that significantly affect profits and revenues: finance and accounting, document management, production and inventory control. Automation of such areas of activity as enterprise management, marketing, quality management and external communications at most Russian enterprises is just beginning.

In conditions economic crisis priorities in the field of business process automation are changing somewhat. The main trends of the current season include the following:

1. Usage cloud technologies . The main difference of this automation method is that the company does not have its own server. Such systems are very popular with small businesses, as they cost significantly less than the traditional version.
2. Active automation of marketing tools: implementation of CRM-systems, contextual advertising automation systems and BI-systems.
3. Development of machine-to-machine interaction technologies. The emerging trend of M2M - Machine to Machine - involves the minimum participation of a person in those processes where possible, since the complication of business processes and equipment does not always allow a person to adequately assess and respond to a changing situation.
4. Application of big data tools. Another trend in the development of business process automation is the attention to big data and related business intelligence. in demand big companies because processing big data requires specialized, expensive hardware.
5. Real-time data analysis. Business automation systems will evolve towards real-time transaction processing, resulting in fully synchronized operations.

Key areas and business process automation software

One of the main conditions for business automation is the use of a process approach by an enterprise. This term is understood as an approach that defines the consideration of the company's activities as a network of business processes that are inextricably linked with its main goals, objectives and mission. The process approach, unlike the structural approach prevailing in many companies, is not focused on the existing organizational structure enterprises, but on real business processes, end result which is the creation of a service or product.

The process approach helps to increase the flexibility of the business, reduce the response time to market changes and improve the performance of the enterprise.

Each business process in a company consists of a set of individual operations with an order of execution determined by technology or instructions. The necessary characteristics of a business process are routes and rules, as well as inputs, outputs, consumed resources, participants and owners.

Before proceeding with the automation of business processes, it is necessary to carry out work on their isolation and description, as well as classifying them as main or auxiliary processes. This is a rather lengthy procedure, in practice it requires the participation of all departments of the company in close cooperation.

The types and number of business processes are individual for each company. All differentiated business processes can then be integrated into several main areas, for each of which automation can be carried out both as a whole and as part of a separate process:

1. Management:

* strategic management;
* economic security;
* legal support;
* Management Accounting;
* budgeting;
* Information Security.

You can use the program system "1C: Enterprise", the control module of the SAP R / 3 system.

2. Marketing and sales:

* control marketing activities;
* PR;
* management of advertising activities;
* sales management;
* customer relationship management (CRM).

To automate this area, software is often used: CRM systems - Megaplan, 1C: Bitrix24, Clientbase.ru, advertising management - EFSOL: AMS Advertising Management, SiZiF, site management (CMS) - Bitrix, UMI. CMS, NetCat, HostCMS, AMIRO.CMS, DataLife Engine (DLE), etc.

3. Production:

* control production processes;
* enterprise inventory management;
* material supply management;
* management of production equipment;
* logistics system.

Software products: Kraft systems, USU, AVA ERP production module, VOGBIT, Sage, Super Warehouse, Warehouse and Sales.

4. Quality management:

* quality management system (QMS);
* quality control of products and production indicators;
* work with claims.

Software used: Indicators Administrator, FINEKS: Quality Management, Master: Quality Management, Wonderware MES Software/Quality, ProdX.

5. Personnel management:

* recruitment;
* training and development of personnel;
* personnel accounting;
* motivation and pay

Software products: E-Staff Recruiter from Datex Software, 1C: Payroll and HR Management, Oracle/HR Management, Pharaoh, BOSS-Kadrovik.

6. Finance:

* Accounting;
* tax accounting;
* financial planning;
* management of settlements with clients;
* payment wages enterprise employees.

Automation software: "1C: Accounting", "1C: Salary", "AuditExpert", "Master Finance Analysis", "Fingrand".

7. Organization of the company's activities:

* document flow;
* Secretariat.

Software products: "1C: Document Management", "E1 Euphrates" from Cognitive Technologies, "Master Doc" from Master Group, QPR 2014, Open Text.

ERP: a new stage in the evolution of automation systems

"Island" automation of individual business processes of the company sooner or later becomes ineffective, since attempts to combine several different automation systems into a single whole most often fail. When implementing the "island" approach, the goal of increasing the overall efficiency of the enterprise is usually not set.

In contrast, an integrated business automation system is a system for managing the company's financial and economic activities and ensures the maintenance of operational, managerial and accounting generally.

The concept of an integrated enterprise management system - ERP - was developed in the late 80s of the last century. In the early 90s, it began to gain popularity as control systems began to appear that could implement this concept. The ERP system is based on the principle of creating a single information space, which helps to track in real time all information about business processes in all departments of the company.

ERP systems are built on a modular basis, and their structure implies the presence of separate blocks that are responsible for a specific process. Thanks to this principle of organization, it is possible to refine and expand the functionality of the entire system as new technologies appear, changes in legislation or customer needs.

Most ERP systems include the following groups of modules:

* logistic;
* production;
* marketing
* providing;
* marketing;
* other.

In Russia, ERP systems appeared only at the end of the last century and were originally used exclusively by large companies, but today they are being implemented at enterprises of any size.

After the implementation of an ERP system, a company can stop using numerous disparate programs for working with finance, warehouse, office, and logistics. This, in turn, will allow the business to significantly reduce the cost of IT support.

In 2016 by rating consulting company Panorama Consulting Solutions top three leaders of the world market of ERP systems included SAP with a share of 20%; Oracle -13.9% and Microsoft - 9.4%. Further, in descending order, the following companies are located: Infor, Epicor, Sage, NetSuite, IFS, IQMS, Syspro.

The leader in terms of implementation speed was Oracle, and in terms of payback period - SAP.

In Russia, according to the analytical center TAdviser, the most popular ERP system in 2016 was "1C: Enterprise" (see Fig.). Among the most demanded software, one can also note such products as Galaktika ERP, SAP ERP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Rice. Diagram of applied software products for business automation in Russia

How to choose a software product

When choosing a business process automation system software, there are two ways to go:

* use of a typical product;
* development and implementation of individual software.

On a note

A standard (boxed) product will cost the company less and is also somewhat easier to implement. But we must not forget that not every standard software can be repurposed for individual characteristics enterprise, since in a number of programs the possibilities of additional settings are limited or even excluded. The same problem exists with cloud services.

In order to choose the right specific program, it is important to answer a number of very serious questions:

1. What business processes are planned to be automated?
2. Will the functionality of this or that program correspond to the tasks assigned to it?
3. Is it possible to customize for a specific business practice?
4. Is it possible to quickly change the system without discontinuing operation in case of changes in business processes or business conditions?
5. How easy is the system to use?
6. Is it possible to integrate the system with existing services or automation programs?
7. Who and how will provide technical support?
8. How much will the implementation cost and technical support(ownership)?

Since it is practically impossible to answer these questions independently and at the same time, it is advisable to get advice from vendor companies (software developers). In addition, you should talk to business colleagues, as their experience sometimes helps to make a choice. However, it is important to understand that opinions in the business community can be very subjective, due to the specifics of the industry, the size of the enterprise, limited experience with various ERP systems and, as a result, the inability to see the whole picture and compare all products in relation to yours. conditions.

As for whether to automate individual processes or install an ERP system, it all depends on the specifics of a particular enterprise.

Software cost and implementation costs

It is very difficult to answer unequivocally the question of how much business automation will cost for a particular company, since the cost of specific software depends on several factors, including:

* tasks, which the software is designed to solve;
* type of program: typical or custom;
* resources required for implementation;
* number of workstations connected to the system.

For example, the price of a license for the popular integrated program "1C: Enterprise" for 100 jobs is 432,000 rubles, for 50 jobs - 187,200 rubles, for 20 jobs - 41,400 rubles.

The cost of automation also consists of several components:

* the cost of the system itself, including the cost of the "box" or rental payments in the case of using the "cloud" version;
* the cost of setting up an automation system and staff training;
* the cost of regular technical support.

Indirect costs should also be added to the price of automating business processes, for example, the time spent by the manager and key users on participating in the project.