How to inspire yourself. How to suggest something to a person? Affirmations are the easiest method of self-hypnosis.

How to give yourself everything. Self-hypnosis techniques.

Suggestion is the presentation of information, perceived without critical evaluation and influencing the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-hypnosis, sensations, ideas, emotional states and volitional impulses can be evoked, as well as have an impact on the autonomic functions of the body.

The essence of self-hypnosis methods is the formation of positive impulses by constantly repeating specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious mind and it begins to act according to this thought impulse, transforming it into a physical equivalent. Repetition of settings for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.

Words and phrases of self-hypnosis must be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle "not" in verbal formulas is excluded. You can't say "I don't smoke". You need to say "I quit smoking" or "I stopped smoking." You should also not pronounce long monologues. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full concentration of attention on the subject of suggestion. During the pronunciation of each phrase of self-hypnosis, it is desirable to vividly represent what is being suggested.

Self-hypnosis methods work most effectively when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful setting to the subconscious) flow against the background of a state of relaxation of the body. The more relaxed the body, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve the set specific goal, on the degree of concentration of attention on the settings for the subconscious.

There is enough a large number of autosuggestion methods are affirmations, psychological moods, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechnics.


Affirmations are a method of self-hypnosis where you repeat formulas out loud or to yourself. The meaning of this psychotechnics is that you build a sentence in which you report that you have reached a certain goal. For example, “I am in good health”, “I am confident in myself”, “I have good job"," I'm married to a loved one. What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and gradually completely replace them. And then everything that you repeat will come true in your life.

Gratitude is a kind of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnic. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we thank, strong emotions arise at the same time, and this is a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything that you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health”, “Thank you for my new house”, even if you don't have one. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this house. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and you will have the repeatable.

For this psychotechnics, the most ordinary state of a person, in which he usually lives every day, is suitable. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, the content of his whole day. That is, you can do whatever you want: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe, so long as the necessary affirmation continues to live on the surface of memory.

Affirmations are the most simple method self-hypnosis and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious, they are less powerful than visualization and they need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is the mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnics is simply to imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our mind does not distinguish between real and imagined events. When you imagine something, the mind thinks it is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with your own eyes. If you imagine a car, you must imagine that you are driving this car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you insert the keys into the keyhole for the first time and open the door, how you enter the house, how you inspect it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.

You need to visualize in a comfortable, calm environment, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting with your toes and ending with your head, alternately relax. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is placed in the subconscious must be very clear and bright - then the subconscious will be able to give a command to the relevant organs and tissues.

The duration of this psycho-technique does not matter much. The main criterion is your satisfaction. Visualize yourself for as long as you like. It can last for an hour or five minutes. Most importantly, the process should be fun. The more often you submit the desired image, the sooner the update process will begin. And the results you get will simply amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnics, a person takes a comfortable position sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a whisper, without any tension, several times (at least 20) monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula. The formula should be simple, consisting of a few words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content. For example, "I'm healthy." In no case should it contain the particle “not”, since the denial of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be mistaken for the opposite statement. A session of this method of self-hypnosis lasts 3-4 minutes, repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended using prosleep states in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep for psychotechnical sessions.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lower stage) or hypnotic trance (higher stage). The creator of the method of autogenic training is Johans Heinrich Schultz, he also owns the term “autogenic training”. This psychotechnics is based on the findings of the ancient Indian system of yogis, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the self-hypnosis method of E. Kue and others.

Practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which comes on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended to lie or sit in the "coachman" position. To achieve relaxation, you need to:
- activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
- to cause, if necessary, not only calming, but also an increase in psycho-emotional tone,
- accompany the self-hypnosis formulas with figurative representations.

The effectiveness of the application of this psycho-technique will depend on the degree of concentration, so other cases are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily practice, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one is extremely bad for achieving the effect.

A variety of autogenic training is imago - training. The author of this method of self-hypnosis is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago-training, each person, without any training, is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago-training specialist) beyond the limits of his usual capabilities and reveal his creative abilities.


Meditation is an intense, penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness into the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one thing and eliminating all interfering factors, both external and internal, from the consciousness.

Necessary condition for meditation is to stop the internal dialogue, the conversation that we constantly have with ourselves. It's very easy to stop it. To do this, it is usually enough to focus on something in yourself. For example, on both hands at once.

Meditation is a psychotechnique that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more, in principle, it is very simple. It can be conditionally divided into four parts, four components:
— installation definition;
— entry into a state of emptiness and a real feeling of a given attitude in oneself;
- exit from the state of emptiness to the normal state with the installation already embedded in the subconscious;
- if it is necessary to fulfill the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.

Installations should be extremely concise, capacious and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechniques. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase "I sleep deeply ...". Then you should mentally calculate from five to zero, imagining how you are breaking away from the familiar world further and further, plunging deeper and deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After counting “zero”, say the key phrase “I am a deep sleep ...” again and mentally look around. You are inside your subconscious. Now it's time to say the formula that will help you reach this state faster in the future. It sounds like this: “Each time I say the words “I am a deep sleep ...”, I enter the state of self-programming faster and faster.”

This formula must be repeated at each of the first lessons several times, and only after that, pronounce the self-hypnosis formulas.


Recapping is an effective psychotechnique that makes it possible to re-experience the past situation in a virtual space, but to experience it in a new way. Re-experiencing is seeing new possibilities in the old situation, and not for then, but for new possibilities now. We are talking about situations that are still significant. Only therefore it makes sense to experience them, only therefore they can be experienced. To really relive a situation is to see new possibilities in it.

The main provisions of this psychotechnics are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not just restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which alone make it a given existential situation. The reality of the significant components of the situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, there is something in them that can be seen anew, rethought, and so on.
3. It is necessary to restore, reproduce in a situation what happened for you personally. A situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there is a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.


For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important, when a person's consciousness reaches the maximum degree of composure. Therefore, during the implementation of the mood, it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move vigorously, but not lie down. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.

Tune in these words addressed by a person to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. From the fact that the words are pronounced by the person himself, their influence will not weaken. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word coming from within, in which the speaker himself believes, will have a much more pronounced effect than heard from another.


Visualize above your head a deflated balloon. Take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely relieved of these worries by filling the balloon with them. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize the balloon floating up and disappearing, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is a great mental technique and is best done before bed, especially if problems are preventing you from sleeping.


This psychotechnics was developed by Gennady Andreevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed, in terms of the power of influence on the subconscious, is a hundred times greater than the word seen, said or heard.

Psychotechnics is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write the suggestion formula on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). Read it several times. Then go to bed and, pronouncing the suggestion formula, fall asleep.

No matter how skeptical we are about the existence of the subconscious, it often prevents us from achieving our goals, remaining self-confident and even healthy. Why not use it to your advantage? And this will help self-hypnosis.

Admit how often you find yourself unable to stop the flow of negative thoughts that carry you into the abyss of negative emotions. Feelings of fear, resentment, hatred, dissatisfaction with ourselves capture us entirely and make us helpless in life circumstances.

Psychologists say that it cannot be otherwise if the subconscious mind is constantly tuned to the negative and tells us that there is no way out... Bad thoughts are especially often associated with health, which will only aggravate the situation. How to deal with it?

Medicine knows many cases when the disease is cured with the help of suggestion or self-hypnosis. If every day we convince ourselves that we are healthy and happy, then our subconscious, in the end, will “believe” in this.

As an example, let's take the story of the American archaeologist Henry Servin. In 1970, he participated in the search for ancient relics in Mexico. In one of the caves, he found words carved on the wall, which, in his opinion, were the key to eternal youth, which was used by the ancient Aztecs. Then Servin, fearing the ridicule of his colleagues, did not publish the secret of the spell. However, for myself I decided to repeat it for 15 minutes daily. Surprisingly, more than thirty years have passed, and Henry has not aged!

« I did a comprehensive study of Dr. Servin, - said Manuel Lopez, an aging specialist. - And to my surprise, I must say that I have never had to deal with people who have so few signs of aging. Dr. Servin is 62 years old, but you can’t give him more than 30. His heart, lungs, blood pressure and reactions are everything, like a person half his age».

Psychologists believe that there is nothing surprising in this. Science has long unraveled this effect of self-hypnosis. Although scientists admit that very complex physiological and psychological processes are hidden behind external simplicity. All the work of the body is subordinate to the brain, and if the brain “decided” that a certain phrase stops aging, then with the regular repetition of this phrase, it will work in the right direction - to replace dying cells with young ones, to tune the endocrine glands to produce the right hormones in the right quantities, then there is to prevent decrepitude of all organs.

In this regard, it becomes doubtful that the phrase found by Servin is the key to eternal youth, but it worked. Just as, probably, any other would have acted in her place if the archaeologist had believed in her.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that staying young, healthy and happy is a matter of one repeated phrase ... Yes, if you inspire it in yourself and believe in it.

It turns out that everything that surrounds us is the result of our mental activity, what we represent is also the result of our thoughts about ourselves. We get sick because we think about diseases and their causes. For many years we have ruined our lives with self-pity, resentment, depression.

Change for the better is in your hands. Every day, openly state what you want out of life, say it in an affirmative way, as if you already have it: “I feel great. I am in good health." Our body, like everything that surrounds us, is nothing but a reflection of our beliefs. Every cell in our body reacts to our every thought and every word. Just believe in it, and expect positive changes, even if they do not come immediately.

self-hypnosis, as you know, one of the most effective methods of self-management of the individual, which is often used in psychology. positive autosuggestion able to give amazing results in the treatment of diseases, advancement in career ladder able to improve personal life. But often we cannot think positively every day and it turns out that bad thoughts involuntarily come into our heads.

Not infrequently in life it turns out that we think negatively. We criticize ourselves, we do not believe in our own strengths and capabilities, we imagine the development of the situation in a negative outcome for us. Thinking about the bad, we attract various troubles to ourselves. It is known that human thoughts are realized in life. How to get rid of negative self-hypnosis you will find out in this article.

Negative thoughts and emotions can drive a person to depression, illness, and relationship breakdown. Therefore, first of all tune in positive emotions . Try to think positive thoughts, like the beautiful weather, a delicious cup of coffee at dinner, or seeing old friends soon. Thoughts must always be positive and set you up for good mood. If bad thoughts still creep into your head, drive them away. Tell yourself: "No, this will not happen to me", "I will be fine" and so on.

Self-hypnosis is a very exciting process and where it will lead depends only on you. With its help, you can cure any disease, and possibly acquire it. How to get rid of negative self-hypnosis? Try do something all the time- work, self-education, favorite hobby. When a person is busy, he does not have time for bad thoughts. If you still have time, find yourself another new hobby- it will help lift your spirits.

Give yourself only good thoughts, but at the same time remember that you need to be based on real events. When you get something - praise yourself. Do not worry too much about failures, most often everything is fixable, for example, a failed exam can be retaken. If you can't think positively, start tracking bad thoughts and writing them down in a special notebook. After five days, analyze the recordings and track the main negative attitudes. Next, try to change negative attitudes to positive ones and repeat them to yourself. Be diplomatic and do not hide your mistakes from yourself, and most importantly, learn to trust and listen to yourself.

Again, you noticed negative thoughts behind you - quickly change them to new positive attitudes. Besides think purposefully, that is, you have conceived something, do not sit idly by, but act. And after you have reached your goal, do not forget praise yourself. This attitude to the results achieved will also help you not to think about the bad. Every person has hidden reserves and positive thinking helps to reveal inner potential. Believe in the possibilities of your thoughts - they can help you achieve your goals. Of course, at first it is difficult to cope with the flow of negative thoughts in your head, but over time, following these tips, you will definitely succeed. Remember that thoughts are realized in our lives and what we think about today happens to us in the future.

The common truth says: a healthy mind in a healthy body. This emphasizes the close relationship between the physical and mental state of a person. Therefore, with any disease, a lot depends on the state of the psyche, on the psychological attitude.

How to help yourself get healthy

Of course, one cannot expect that any disease can be cured by self-hypnosis alone - without the help of medicines this is unlikely to be possible. But at the same time, firm confidence not only in the possibility, but also in the inevitability of recovery enhances the effect of drugs, and the attitude that the disease will be long and intractable weakens them.

Negative autosuggestion must be countered with a positive one, knocking out a wedge with a wedge. The power of positive self-hypnosis is most effective in the following cases:

  • with long-term chronic diseases when exacerbation alternates with periods of remission;
  • when recovering from injuries and severe vascular pathologies - heart attacks, strokes;
  • in diseases directly related to psychological state such as migraines, bronchial asthma, sexual dysfunctions, etc.

The so-called placebo effect convinces of how great the power of positive self-hypnosis can be for a sick person. In this case, instead of real pharmaceuticals, doctors give patients harmless "pacifiers", which, in theory, should not have any effect on a person - neither positive nor negative.

However, as the experience of their use confirms, in about one-third of all cases of placebo use, it affects the body precisely as medicine. So, when using a placebo instead of analgesic (painkillers) drugs, they actually relieved pain in 30% of patients who were sure that they were given an analgesic drug.

Under the influence of self-hypnosis, the brain began to produce endorphins - hormones that have an analgesic effect, and the pain disappeared.

If autosuggestion is capable of influencing real diseases, then in pathological conditions that have no other basis than negative self-suggestion, it is the only effective remedy.

In our age of universal availability of a variety of information, people who are prone to increased suspiciousness get an excellent opportunity to study in detail the symptomatic picture of a particular disease and try it on themselves. Therefore, such a phenomenon as self-hypnosis of diseases, practically unfamiliar to our illiterate ancestors, has become quite common.

However, to be absolutely sure that the cause of your morbid condition is auto-suggestion, and not a real disease that needs medical treatment, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination. If it gives negative results, you can start self-psychotherapy.

It is best to conduct healing autosuggestion sessions early in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, at the time of falling asleep. At this time, the brain falls into the so-called borderline state, the middle between sleep and reality, the subconscious takes over the sleeping or not yet fully awakened consciousness, and it is easier to give it the necessary psychological mood.

You need to prepare for such sessions in advance: make a list of short phrases of a persuasive nature, which psychotherapists call affirmations.

Try to remember them, and periodically repeat them out loud or to yourself, or listen to them in the form of an audio recording. This will help to gradually oust from memory negative attitudes that depress and slow down the healing process.

Know how to laugh in the face of all fears

Illness is not the only cause of phobias, as psychotherapists call inexplicable uncontrollable fears. People are afraid of great heights, big water, closed and open spaces, loneliness and crowds, public speaking and travel in transport, and much more.

If you think about it, these fears have a real basis: you can drown in the sea or a lake, get stuck in an elevator between floors, fall from a great height, get into an accident while driving a car, etc. Only the degree of danger of this particular expression of such situations is exaggerated. Most phobias are unconscious in nature, and sometimes a person cannot even explain to himself why he is so afraid of it.

Phobias prevent a person from living a full life, make him unsure of himself and his capabilities and abilities, causing the development of all kinds of complexes. They can and should be fought, and for this, experts have come up with many effective ways.

Phobias are rooted in the subconscious - a compartment of the brain archive that controls unconscious processes. The subconscious is practically uncontrollable by the active part of the human self, and yet you need to try to establish contact with it - without the support of the subconscious, it is almost impossible to defeat phobias.

To do this, you need to convince your subconscious, and therefore yourself, of your own merits and abilities. This will help affirmations, which have already been mentioned above. For such installations to work, they must be correctly configured and used. The main requirements for writing affirmations include:

  1. Brevity - Since an affirmation is supposed to stimulate action, it looks like an order, and should contain a minimum of words, and not spread thought along the tree. The fight against phobias is a war, and everything should be as short and clear as possible.
  2. You need to compose affirmations on your own - who knows better than the person himself what installations will be most effective for him? In addition, these formulas need to be felt and passed through.
  3. They should contain and emphasize the personal component - in the first place are the words "I", "me", "me". At the same time, they are talking about the present tense: not “I can”, but “I can”. By postponing the deadlines for achieving the desired for an indefinite time, a person deprives the installation of specifics, and in such a situation it is difficult to count on its effectiveness.
  4. When compiling affirmations, denials and words associated with negative emotions and concepts are not used: it is correct to say to yourself not “I am not sick”, but “I am healthy”, not “I am not afraid”, but “I am brave”, etc. It is necessary to talk not about what you want to avoid, but about what you want to achieve.

It is important to fix each such formulation on paper or in the form of a sound recording, since affirmations must be repeated regularly - at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, but if possible, then more often.

You should not skip sessions of “affirmation therapy”, otherwise you cannot count on its effectiveness. There should not be too many formulations - for a start, one or two dozen will suffice, the number can be gradually increased, but it is not worth exceeding the threshold of 50 affirmations - there is no need to disperse forces.

It is better to get ten affirmations fulfilled than to write down a hundred and not do a single one.


You need to pronounce affirmations in a firm, convincing tone, and listen carefully and with concentration - the subconscious mind is stubborn, and it is not so easy to make it obey.

It is useful to keep a diary in which the successes and difficulties of the fight against phobias will be recorded - this way it will be easier to figure out what the reasons for possible failure are.

You can also write down each of your fears on a separate sheet of notebook, and as you realize that he is defeated, tear off and burn such sheets.

And most importantly, you need not only to believe in your own strength, convincing the subconscious with words of the possibility and ability to overcome fears, but also to take actions. Affirmations are not fabulous spells for fulfilling desires, but a guide to action.

Surely many of you have heard of autosuggestion of illness. And here's how it goes autosuggestion of illness, and moreover, not many people know how to get rid of it. And if so, then let's take a closer look at the issue autosuggestion of illness. So…

A person's well-being largely depends on his thoughts and mood. If a person maintains a sense of health, strength, then he manifests them in life. If a person succumbs to despondency, painful thoughts, is constantly afraid of getting sick with something, then this affects the state of health, and usually results in some kind of illness. This mental phenomenon is called autosuggestion of illness.

Medicine knows the facts when autosuggestion of illness made people disabled, prematurely reduced to the grave. But it also saved from death and much suffering. It's amazing how little people know about self-hypnosis. But the ability to it is inherent in man. In addition, use autosuggestion It's very easy once you get the hang of the technique.

But first, let's see how autosuggestion of illness. Let's imagine a situation: a person woke up, went to the bathroom and saw himself in the mirror, pale and exhausted. He slept badly at night, under his eyes, as it seemed to him, black circles. And yet, this man overcame the feeling of discomfort with willpower. He did morning exercises, mentally saying to himself: “Now I will go out into the fresh air and I will definitely feel good. I'm not the kind to turn sour and give in to a bad mood." Straightening his back and raising his head, he walked with a confident gait to work.

The above situation is an example of correct behavior. She demonstrates a positive attitude towards life, fortitude and self-control. It can be called an example of the right self-hypnosis.

But let's look at another example: a person saw himself in the mirror, as it seemed to him, unhealthy and immediately lost heart. Still, because he slept very badly today. The thought immediately arose in my head: “Is this the beginning of some kind of illness?” And then, as luck would have it, there was a prick in my side and my head was spinning and my eyes darkened. Sometimes in such cases even go to the doctor. And this is not the worst option, it happens that they don’t go to the doctor (once or it’s scary), but they constantly think about the disease, about the symptoms, in general, about the negative.

Here there is autosuggestion of illness. If this person had been critical (or ironic) of his feelings, everything would have been different. After all, it is not a fact that these are symptoms of a terrible disease. Perhaps yesterday he ate something not very fresh, and that's how he feels bad. So no, he will think about the worst possible scenario, and thereby worsen his condition. And then the situation develops on the rise: every day it gets worse and worse, new symptoms of the disease appear (or rather, the person is looking for them), the state of health worsens, and here it’s a stone’s throw from a real illness.

And the worst thing is that people of this type of character (mind) inspire diseases not only to themselves, but also to others. It is only worth mentioning to them that your head hurts - they will immediately tell you that you have pressure, and you definitely need to take care of your health.

Do you still think that self-hypnosis in general and autosuggestion of illness in particular - is it nonsense? And how do you like that? A fact is known when a person accidentally closed in a refrigerator car froze, although in fact the refrigerator was not turned on. One psychic experience led to death. This would not have happened if a person, once in a refrigerator car, inspired himself: “I have the strength to keep warm. Everything will be fine. I will be warm if I work my muscles. I will be able to let people know about me ... "

A fact from the life of the Indians is also known. It was like this, a crime was committed in the village. To identify the criminal, they called a local sorcerer. According to the ideas of the villagers, the sorcerer must know everything. And the sorcerer at the same time understands that if he does not identify the culprit of the crime, people will stop believing in his witchcraft, he will lose authority and influence on his fellow tribesmen. He gave all the suspects to drink a "witch" potion - a rather poisonous, but not lethal composition. Everyone drank boldly, being completely sure that if someone was not guilty, the poison would not affect him. But the perpetrator of the crime fell into despair. He had already convinced himself that he was finished. In the body, he experienced drastic changes in the form of a violation of vegetative functions, and soon he was found dead. Both the guilty and the innocent were affected by force self-hypnosis.

But let's get right back to the topic. autosuggestion of illness. From all of the above, it follows that in 90 cases out of 100 we are ill with diseases suggested by us ourselves. English doctors offer several ways to deal with autosuggestion of illness. The easiest way, in their opinion, is to repeat to yourself that you are healthy. Another successful means of fighting for their health, English doctors consider daytime sleep. At the same time, before falling asleep, it is highly recommended inspire oneself that you lie on the beach on the warm sand and think only about something pleasant. These representations should promote sound sleep and release the brain from excess stress.

And Vernon Coleman, dealing with issues self-hypnosis in the fight against "non-invented" (real) diseases, recommends during the period of the disease to try as brightly as possible to imagine the infection in the form of an extremely thin, frail, homeless and frightened tramp. This presentation will help you easily overcome the disease.