GOST 30515 13 cements general specifications.




STANDARD 30515-2013

General specifications

Official edition

(EN 197-1:2011, NEQ) (EN 197-2:2000, NEQ)

Moscow Standartnfor m 2014


Goals, basic principles and the basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

About the standard


2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 63-P dated December 27, 2013)

4 This standard complies with the following European regional standards EN 197-1:2011 Cement - Part 1: Composition, specification and conforming criteria for common cements. technical requirements and conformity criteria for conventional cements), EN 197-2:2011 Cement - Part 2: Confo unity evaluation (Cement. Part 2: Conformity assessment) regarding the classification of cements, test methods, quality assessment rules, criteria for the quality of cements to comply with regulatory requirements.

Translation from in English(ate).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 No. 654-st, the interstate standard GOST 30515-2013 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from January 1, 2015

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards*”, and the text of changes and engravings is published in the monthly information decree “National Standards”. In the event of a revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be included in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information. notice and texts are also placed in information system general use - on the official SAP of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

F Standardinfork; 2014 In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 30515-2013

1 area of ​​use.............................................. .................................

2 Regulatory data .............................................................. ......................................

3 Terkins and definitions ............................................... .................................

4 Classification................................................... ...............................................

5 General technical requirements............................................................... .............

5.1 Characteristics................................................... ...............................................

5.2 Requirements for materials .......................................................... ......................

5.3 Packaging................................................... .................................................

5.4 Marking.............................................. ...............................................

6 Safety requirements............................................................... ...............................

7 Sampling ............................................................... .................................................

7.1 General provisions...................................................................................

7.3 Checking the homogeneity of the pooled (laboratory) sample

7.4 Sampling and preparation procedure ............................................................... .......

7.5 Packaging, labeling and storage of samples....................................................

7 .6 Sampling act ............................................... .........................................

8 Rules for acceptance ............................................... .................................

8 1 General ............................................................... ................................................

8.2 Acceptance ............................................... ................................................. .

8 3 Evaluation of the quality level a....................................... ...............................

8.4 Quality control of cement by the consumer and regulatory authorities

S 5 Conformity .................................................................................. .................

9 Methods of use .......................................................... .........................................

10 Transport and storage............................................................... ...................

10.1 Transport .................................................................. ...............................

10.2 Storage................................................... ................................................

11 Validation of compliance with safety requirements ..............................................

12 Manufacturer's Warranty............................................................... ...................................

Appendix A (mandatory) Terms and definitions Appendix B (mandatory) Form of sampling report from the manufacturer

GOST 30515-3013

Annex B (mandatory) Form of sampling report in any organization,

other than the manufacturer.............................................. ......................

Annex D (mandatory) Acceptance of cement in the stream ..................................................

Annex E (recommended) Form of the log of acceptance tests .............................................. ...................................

reception in the stream .................................................................. ...............

Annex I (mandatory) Evaluation of the quality level of cement by variables .............................................. ...................................

Annex K (normative) Evaluation of the representativeness and accuracy of cement tests at the enterprise .................................................................. .............


CEMENTS General specifications

Cements. General specifications

Introduction date - 2015-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to all types of cements and specifies:

Terms with related definitions,


General technical requirements,

Safety requirements,

Sampling requirements for cement quality control,

Acceptance rules;

Compliance criteria,

Rules for assessing the conformity of the quality of cements with the requirements of regulatory documents for cements of specific types,

Test methods;

Requirements for transportation and storage,

Manufacturer's warranty.

This standard uses Normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 1581-96 Portland cement cops. Specifications

Official edition

GOST 30515-2013

GOST 2226-2013 Bags made of paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binders. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Methods of chemical analysis

GOST ISO 9001-2011 Quality management systems Requirements GOST 9078-84 Flat pallets. General specifications GOST 14192-96 Cargo marking

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management Basic concepts Terms and definitions

GOST 15895-77* Statistical methods of quality management Terms and definitions

GOST 16504-81 State product testing system. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 General requirements to the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene thermoshrinkable film Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30744-2001 Cements. Test methods using polyfractionated sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current of the year, and according to the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, guidance should be

15 of the Russian Federation are GOST R 50779.10-2000, GOST R 50779.11-2000

GOST 30515-2013

be replaced by a replacing (amended) standard If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

The terms that should be used in regulatory documents, technical and technological documentation for cements, and their definitions are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification

4.1 Cements are classified according to the following main features:

by appointment,

Kind of clinker;

material composition,

compressive strength,

curing speed,

Setting times.

4.2 According to the purpose, cements are divided

For general construction,


4.3 According to the type of clinker, cements are divided into those made on the basis of:

portland cement clinker,

Alumina (high alumina) clinker,

Mixtures of Portland cement and sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker

4.4 According to the material composition, cements based on Portland cement clinker are divided into types characterized by different kind and the content of mineral additives:

GOST 30515-2013

Type I - Portland cement containing only Portland cement clinker as the main component of the material composition;

Type P / A - Portland cement with mineral additives, containing as main components Portland cement clinker and a mineral additive or a mixture of mineral additives in an amount of 6% to 20%,

Type П/В - Portland cement with mineral additives containing Portland cement clinker and slag as main components in an amount of 21% to 35%;

Type Sh - slag port cement containing Portland cement clinker and blast-furnace granulated, electro-thermal osphorus or fuel slag as main components in an amount of 36% to 65%,

Type IV - pozzolanic cement containing Portland cement clinker and pozzolana as main components in an amount of 21% to 35%,

Type V - composite cement containing Portland cement clinker and a mixture of slag and pozzolana and / or fly ash as main components in an amount of 22% to 60%

The values ​​of the permissible content of mineral additives in cement refer to the sum of the main and auxiliary components of cement (except for gypsum stone or other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate), taken as 100%.

Note - When determining the content of the additive, the result is rounded to the nearest whole number *,

Type 1-C - sulfated Portland cement containing Portland cement clinker as the main component, sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker as an auxiliary component in an amount of not more than 5%,

* In the Russian Federation, the content of the additive is determined according to GOST R 51795-2001.

GOST 30515-2013

Type П-С sulfated Portland cement, containing as main components Portland cement clinker, sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker in an amount of 6% to 20%

The name and content of mineral additives in cement and the types of cements can be further specified in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products.

4.5 In terms of compressive strength, cements are divided into classes: 22.5; 32.5; 42.5; 52.5. Regulatory documents for cements of specific types may establish additional strength classes or restrictions on the classes used. For some special types of cements, taking into account their purpose, it is allowed to establish only one strength class or to set strength values ​​\u200b\u200bthat differ from those indicated above.

4.6 According to the speed of hardening, general building cements are divided into strength subclasses:

Normally hardening (N) with normalization of strength at the age of 2 (7) and 28 days,

Fast-hardening (B) with normalization of strength at the age of 2 days, increased compared to normally hardening, and 28 days;

Slow-hardening (M) with normalization of the initial strength at the age of 7 (2) days, reduced compared to normally hardening cements, and 28 days.

4.7 According to the setting time, cements are divided into:

For slow-setting - with a normalized setting start time of more than 2 hours,

Normally setting - with a normalized setting start time from 45 minutes to 2 hours,

Fast-setting - with a normalized setting start time

less than 45 min.

GOST 30515 - 3013

4.8 The classification of special cements by purpose is established in the regulatory documents for these cements.

4.9 The classification according to the purpose of special cements is established in the regulatory documents for these cements

4.10 It is recommended that regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products include recommendations on rational areas of application of cements

5 General technical requirements

Cements must comply with the requirements of this standard and regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products and be manufactured according to technological documentation approved by the manufacturer

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 The quality indicators established in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types are divided into mandatory and recommended.

5.1.2 The nomenclature of the mandatory quality indicators used in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types is given in table 1.

Table 1 - Nomenclature of mandatory quality indicators

Name of indicator, unit of measurement

Type of cement

Compressive strength,

All cements, except for oil-well cements of types 1.11 and III according to GOST 1581

Tensile strength in bending, MPa

Cements for transport construction and grouting cements of types I, II and III according to GOST 1581

Material composition,%

All cements containing mineral additives as the main component

Uniformity of volume change, mm

All cements based on Portland cement clinker, except for plugging, expanding and stressing

Beginning of setting, min

In all cements, except grouting

GOST 30515-2013

Tab ending 1

Name of indicator, unit of measurement

In the id of cement

Thickening time, min


Linear expansion, %

Expanding, non-shrinking, straining

Heat release, kJ/kg

Low heat

Water separation, % or ml

Grouting, cement for concrete road and airfield pavements, cement for mortars

All cements based on Portland cement clinker

All cements based on Portland cement clinker

Aluminous cement, sulphate-resistant Portland cement, sulphate-resistant cement for road and airfield concrete

Mineralogical composition of clinker, %

All cements based on Portland cement clinker of normalized composition

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, Bq/kt

All cements

5.1.3 Quality indicators, end of setting, specific surface area (grinding fineness), mobility of cement-sand mortar, spreadability of cement paste, hydrophobicity, content of free calcium oxide in clinker, alkaline oxides, insoluble residue, weight loss on ignition in cement are recommended for inclusion in regulatory documents for cements of specific types. If these indicators are included in the relevant regulatory document, they become mandatory when it is applied.

5.1.4 Normalized values ​​of mandatory and recommended quality indicators are established in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products, depending on their purpose, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

GOST 30515-2013

5.2 Material requirements

For the production of cements used:

Clinker manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's technological regulations. Clinker of a normalized mineralogical composition, as well as with standards for chemical composition used in cases where it is provided for by regulatory documents for special cements,

Gypsum stone according to GOST 4013. It is allowed to use other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents,

Mineral additives as the main or auxiliary component of cement according to the relevant regulatory documents,

Technological and special additives that regulate the basic properties of cement, according to the relevant regulatory documents

Additives should not impair the properties of cement or concrete and mortar made from it.

Note - At the request of the consumer, plasticizing additives should not be introduced into cement if they are only combined with the super-hyperplasticizers used by the consumer. The latter should be specified in the agreement (contract).

5.3 Packaging

5 3.1 Cement is shipped with or without packaging.

5.3.2 For cement packaging, the following are used:

Paper five- or six-layer bags according to GOST 2226 or paper bags of any ply according to the relevant regulatory or technical documents, whose quality indicators are not lower than the requirements established by GOST 2226;

Soft containers with an airtight liner or other

GOST 30515-2013

packaging that reliably protects the cement from moisture and pollution, as well as from the effects of COe and air moisture, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents

For small packaging, polyethylene cans, bags, as well as other packaging that ensures the safety of cement, are used in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents.

5.3.3 The nominal net weight of the cement bag should not exceed 50 kg, the capacity of the flexible container should not exceed 2 tons.

The downward deviation of the average net weight of cement should not exceed the limit values ​​established by GOST 8.579.

5.3.4 The average gross weight of a bag of cement is determined by weighing 20 bags randomly selected from a lot and dividing the result by 20

The average bag weight is determined by weighing 20 bags selected at random from a batch of bags received and dividing the result by 20.

The average net weight of the cement in the bag is determined by subtracting the average weight of the bag from the average gross weight of the cement bag.

The deviation of the average net weight of cement in bags in a batch from the net weight indicated on the package should not be more than + 1.0; - 0.4%

5.3.5 The average net mass of the cement in the flexible container is determined by subtracting from the gross mass of the flexible container with cement the average mass of the flexible container, determined similarly to the average mass of the paper bag.

The deviation of the average net weight of cement in a flexible container from that indicated on the package should not be more than + 2.0; - 0.5%.

5.3.6 The net weight of cement in a separate package with small packaging should be [(3; 5) ± 0.05] kg, [(10; 20, 25) ± 0.3] kg.

GOST 30515-2013

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 The marking shall be legible and contain:

The name of the manufacturer and his trademark,

Sign of circulation on the market, if it is provided for by the legislation of the country of manufacture and (or) importer of cement,

Symbol cement and (or) its full name in accordance with normative document;

Designation of the regulatory document in accordance with which cement is manufactured and supplied,

The average net weight of cement in a package or the net weight of cement in a vehicle,

Conformity mark for the supply of certified cement (if provided by the certification system).

5.4.2 When packing cement into bags, the marking is applied to each bag in any part of it. When packing cement in soft containers, the marking is applied to a label inserted into a special pocket on the soft container. It is allowed to mark with indelible paint on the side surface of the flexible container

5.4.3 In case of small packaging of cement, the marking is applied to the label, which is glued to the package or applied directly to the package, or inserted between the outer and inner layers of the package (with the transparency of the outer layer of the package). Each package of cement must have brief instructions on its use, which can be applied to the packaging or attached to it.

5.4.4 When supplying colored cement, a strip of the corresponding color must be applied to the packaging and label

5.4.5 When cement is supplied in small packages placed in an enlarged container, the label is also stuck on the container. At the same time, the number of packages in a container is additionally indicated on the label.

GOST 30515-2013

5.4.6 When forming overpacks from bags of cement, the top row of bags should be laid so that the markings on the bags are clearly visible. The packages of the upper row are additionally marked with transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192.

5.4.7 Each vehicle is provided with a label, which indicates all the information on 5.4.1 and additionally the batch number of the cement and the date of its shipment.

The label is attached to the vehicle in an accessible place in any way that ensures its safety during transportation and ease of reading, and when cement is delivered by road, it is included in the shipping documentation transferred to the accompanying person or driver.

6 Safety requirements

6.1 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides Ap* in cement should not exceed 370 Bq/kg, and in materials used for cement production, for example, in mineral additives, not more than 740 Bq/kg.

6.2 The standards for cements of specific types must also contain safety requirements confirming the compliance of the products with the technical regulations in force in the country, as well as with the legislation of the country of the manufacturer and (or) consumer of the cement.

6.3 It is not allowed to introduce auxiliary components, technological and special additives into cement that increase the hazard class of cement

7 Sampling

7.1 General

7.1.1 Sampling for production control is carried out in accordance with

compliance with the manufacturer's technological documentation

7.1.2 Sampling for cement quality control by a third party for inspection, certification and other types of tests is carried out only from a batch (part of a batch) accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service

7.1.3 The test results of a sample taken in accordance with the requirements of this standard apply only to the batch (part of the batch) of cement from which the sample was taken. It is not allowed to extend the test results of a sample taken from a part of a lot to other parts of the same lot.

7.1.4 To control the quality of manufactured cement, one combined sample is made from point samples taken from each controlled batch (part of the batch).

It is not allowed to make a combined sample from cement of different batches.

7.2 Sampling, mixing and separating equipment

7.2.1 For the selection and mixing of incremental samples and the separation of the combined sample into parts (laboratory samples), equipment and devices made of materials that do not react with cement are used.

It is not allowed to use equipment and fixtures made of aluminum or galvanized materials. Attachments must be in a dry, clean state.

If necessary, the equipment used and sampling locations should be agreed upon by the parties concerned prior to sampling.

7.2.2 For sampling cement from tanks, vehicles or packaging, the equipment and fixtures of any design used should provide:

Sampling at a given depth of the cement layer or at a given location


GOST 30515-2013

Protection of the taken sample from mixing with the cement of the overlying layers when it is removed from the container or packaging

7.2.3 For sampling cement from pipelines, samplers of any design used must provide:

Sampling in equal parts at regular intervals established by the technological documentation, or continuously throughout the entire period of cement pumping through the pipeline,

Sampling only in the place where the uniformity of the flow over the cross section is achieved.

It is not allowed to install samplers in places where pipelines are bent, as well as near places where material is discharged from aspiration devices and in front of such devices.

7.2.4 For mixing increments and subdividing the pooled sample, use any equipment or apparatus, as well as procedures that ensure the homogeneity of cement in the pooled sample or parts thereof.

7.3 Checking the homogeneity of the pooled (laboratory) sample

7.3.1 To check the uniformity of the combined sample, from each laboratory sample obtained by dividing the combined sample, or from different parts of the combined sample, cement samples weighing at least 100 g each are taken, in which the content of calcium, silicon and sulfur oxides (VI) is determined. The sample is recognized as homogeneous if the discrepancy between the results of the chemical analysis of two samples does not exceed twice the value of the maximum repeatability error in accordance with GOST 5382 for each of the determined indicators. If an unsatisfactory result is obtained for at least one indicator, the procedure for averaging the combined sample should be corrected until a homogeneous sample is obtained.

GOST 30515-2013

7.3.2 Checking the homogeneity of cement over the pipeline section is carried out once when choosing a place to install the sampler, achieving uniformity of cement characteristics over the entire pipeline section.

7.3.3 The homogeneity of the pooled or laboratory sample shall be checked by the manufacturer as necessary, but at least once a month. The verification of the homogeneity of the combined sample of a batch of cement must be recorded in the acceptance test log or on electronic media, if the results of acceptance tests are stored on such media.

7.3.4 When taking samples for quality control at the enterprise, inspection, certification or other tests, the homogeneity of cement in the samples is checked only if this is required by one of the parties involved in the sampling

7.4 Sampling and preparation procedure

7.4.1 Spot sampling of cement packed in bags, flexible containers or other containers, as well as from specialized vehicles when transporting cement without packaging, is carried out from at least five units of packages or vehicles selected at random

If the controlled mass of cement consists of five or less units of packages or specialized vehicles, an incremental sample of approximately the same mass is taken from each of them.

7.4.2 From bags, soft containers or other containers, a sample is taken from a depth of at least 15 cm, but not more than 15 cm from the bottom of the container (tare). With a container depth of less than 30 cm, samples are taken from the middle of the layer.

Sampling from specialized vehicles when transporting cement without packaging is carried out from the flow of cement during its loading or unloading. It is allowed to take samples through the top hatch vehicle from a depth of at least 15 cm

GOST 30515-2013

7.4.3 When accepting a batch of cement in a stream and during production control, sampling is carried out from each cement mill operating in one silo when it is filled at regular intervals established by the manufacturer's technological documentation, but at least five times from each mill operating in a silo during its filling.

7.4.4 The mass of incremental samples must be such that the mass of the combined sample made up of them is at least 20 kg when checking the quality of cement by the manufacturer, consumer and supervisory authorities and at least 30 kg when checking the quality of cement in case of claims by the consumer

7.4.5 To prepare a pooled sample, all incremental samples taken from one lot (part of a lot) are combined and thoroughly mixed manually or mechanically

7.4.6 From the pooled sample prepared according to 7.4.5, obtain laboratory samples, each weighing approximately 8 kg, in the quantities specified in 7.4.7 and 7.4.8.

Laboratory samples may be obtained using any type of sample divider.

7.4.7 During the quality control of cement by the manufacturer, two laboratory samples are obtained from the combined sample: the first for testing in the manufacturer's laboratory, the second for storage with him during the warranty period established by the regulatory document or the supply agreement (contract), in case it is necessary to re-test .

7.4.8 During the quality control of cement by the consumer or supervisory authorities, three laboratory samples are obtained from the pooled sample. The first sample is sent to an accredited third-party testing laboratory, the second remains with the consumer or manufacturer, the third is stored with the manufacturer for at least three months

When controlling the quality of cement, in the event that a consumer claims, three laboratory samples are obtained from the combined sample. the first

GOST 30515-2013

the sample is sent to an accredited third party testing laboratory, the second and third - to the manufacturer and consumer.

7.4.9 Each laboratory sample obtained in accordance with 7.4.6 shall be packaged in accordance with 7.5 and sent to the appropriate laboratory for testing within three working days excluding the day of collection.

7.5 Packaging, labeling and storage of samples

7.5.1 Packaging and storage of samples should ensure that the properties of the controlled cement are preserved. The container in which the samples are packed must be clean, dry, air and moisture tight and made of a material inert to cement.

7.5.2 Samples intended for testing in a third party laboratory and remaining with the consumer or manufacturer are packed in airtight containers, sealed or sealed. The containers are labeled with the following information:

Manufacturer's name,

The symbol of cement and (or) the name in accordance with the regulatory document,

Date and place of sampling;

Batch number, date of manufacture.

7.6 Sampling report

7.6.1 When controlling the quality of cement by the consumer, as well as for the purpose of carrying out certification, control and other tests, sampling is drawn up by an act with the mandatory inclusion of information in accordance with Appendix B or C. In case of sampling not from the manufacturer, he is notified in advance of possible participation in sampling.

7.6.2 When controlling the quality of cement, upon presentation of claims by the consumer, a sampling report is drawn up in accordance with the procedure

Interstate standard GOST 30515-2013


(put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 N 654-st)

Cements. General specifications


Goals, basic principles and the basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, application , updates and cancellations"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to all types of cements and specifies:

Terms with related definitions;


General technical requirements;

Safety requirements;

Sampling requirements for cement quality control;

Acceptance rules;

Compliance criteria;

Rules for assessing the conformity of the quality of cements with the requirements of regulatory documents for cements of specific types;

Test methods;

Requirements for transportation and storage;

Manufacturer's warranty.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 1581-96 Oil-well portland cements. Specifications

GOST 2226-2013 Bags made of paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binders. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Methods of chemical analysis

GOST ISO 9001-2011 Quality management systems. Requirements

GOST 9078-84 Flat pallets. General specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions

GOST 15895-77* Statistical methods of quality management. Terms and Definitions

GOST 16504-81 State product testing system. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30744-2001 Cements. Test Methods Using Polyfractionated Sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

The terms that should be used in regulatory documents, technical and technological documentation for cements, and their definitions are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification

4.1 Cements are classified according to the following main features:

By appointment;

Kind of clinker;

material composition;

Compressive strength;

curing speed;

Setting times.

4.2 By purpose, cements are divided into:

For general construction;


4.3 According to the type of clinker, cements are divided into those made on the basis of:

Portland cement clinker;

Alumina (high alumina) clinker;

Mixtures of Portland cement and sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker.

4.4 According to the material composition, cements based on Portland cement clinker are divided into types characterized by a different type and content of mineral additives:

Type I - Portland cement containing only Portland cement clinker as the main component of the material composition;

Type II / A - Portland cement with mineral additives, containing as main components Portland cement clinker and a mineral additive or a mixture of mineral additives in an amount of from 6% to 20%;

Type II / B - Portland cement with mineral additives, containing as main components Portland cement clinker and slag in an amount of 21% to 35%;

Type III - Portland slag cement containing as main components Portland cement clinker and blast furnace granulated, electrothermophosphorus or fuel slag in an amount of 36% to 65%;

Type IV - pozzolanic cement containing Portland cement clinker and pozzolana as main components in an amount of 21% to 35%;

Type V is a composite cement containing Portland cement clinker and a mixture of slag and pozzolana and/or fly ash as main components in an amount of 22% to 60%.

The values ​​of the permissible content of mineral additives in cement refer to the sum of the main and auxiliary components of cement (except for gypsum stone or other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate), taken as 100%.

Note - When determining the content of the additive, the result is rounded up to the nearest whole number **;

Type I-C - sulfated Portland cement containing Portland cement clinker as the main component, sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker as an auxiliary component in an amount of not more than 5%;

Type II-C sulfated Portland cement containing Portland cement clinker, sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker as main components in an amount of 6% to 20%.

The name and content of mineral additives in cement and types of cements can be further specified in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products.

4.5 In terms of compressive strength, cements are divided into classes: 22.5; 32.5; 42.5; 52.5. Regulatory documents for cements of specific types may establish additional strength classes or restrictions on the classes used. For some special types of cements, taking into account their purpose, it is allowed to establish only one strength class or to set strength values ​​\u200b\u200bthat differ from those indicated above.

4.6 According to the speed of hardening, general construction cements are divided into strength subclasses:

Normally hardening (H) with normalization of strength at the age of 2 (7) and 28 days;

Fast-hardening (B) with normalization of strength at the age of 2 days, increased compared to normally hardening, and 28 days;

Slow-hardening (M) with normalization of the initial strength at the age of 7 (2) days, reduced compared to normally hardening cements, and 28 days.

4.7 According to the setting time, cements are divided into:

For slow-setting - with a normalized setting start time of more than 2 hours;

Normally setting - with a normalized setting start time from 45 minutes to 2 hours;

Quick-setting - with a normalized setting start time of less than 45 minutes.

4.8 The classification of special cements by purpose is established in the regulatory documents for these cements.

4.9 The classification according to the purpose of special cements is established in the regulatory documents for these cements.

4.10 It is recommended to include recommendations on rational areas of application of cements in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products.

699 09/18/2019 5 min.

Today they produce more quantity different types of cement. For each of them, its own standard has been developed, according to which it is possible to determine all of its specifications, composition, scope and test methods.

According to this standard, cement can be classified into such types as general construction and special.

General cements

According to the type of material used in the production of clinker, cement is divided on the basis of:

  • Portland cement clinker;
  • aluminous clinker;
  • sulfoaluminate clinker.

The composition of cement GOST 30515 2013 may contain the following components:

  • chlorine ion not more than 0.1%;
  • sulfur oxide (VI) not less than 1.0;
  • gypsum - no more than 5%.

But what cement is made of and what it looks like, you can see

Material test methods involve the following actions:

Portland cement and slag Portland cement

This standard contains all the information about the properties of cement based on Portland cement clinker. 1017885 contains all technical requirements for the production of the material, test methods, labeling, transportation.

The classification of cement 10178 85 can occur according to its constituent components. In this case, allocate:

  • Portland cement, which does not contain mineral additives;
  • Portland cement with additives, their volume does not exceed 20%;
  • slag Portland cement with the addition of fine slag, the content of which does not exceed 20%.

According to ongoing compression tests, the cement was tested for 28 days.

As a result, the following brands were obtained:

  • portland cement - 400, 500, 550 and 600;
  • slag Portland cement - 300, 400 and 500;
  • fast-hardening portland cement - 400 and 500;
  • fast-hardening Portland slag cement - 400.

The hardening process of cement 10178 85 occurs after 45 minutes, and the final hardening - after 10 hours from the start of mixing.

Test methods are carried out according to the following plan:

General construction

To obtain such a material, Portland cement clinker, mineral components, gypsum, as well as materials containing calcium sulfate are used.

The finished product can be subjected to the following research methods:


The presented material is used in the production of structures made of reinforced concrete and concrete, which can withstand corrosion and aggressive environments.

Upon receipt of sulfate-resistant Portland cement with mineral components according to GOST 22266 94, a mixture of slag and pozzolans is used, but their volume should not exceed 20%. Plasticizers can be added to the composition of the material, which will add strength to the finished product. The setting process should occur after 45 minutes, but no later than 10 hours from the moment of mixing.

Control methods include:

  1. The determination of the physical and mechanical properties of the material is carried out according to 30744.
  2. The chemical formula of cement is determined by 5382.

But how much cement is needed per 1 cube of concrete, you can read

30515 97 state standard

For such material, the following control methods are used:


This standard defines the main characteristics of oil well cements. At the manufacturing plant, tests are carried out for strength, spreadability, consistency, hardening time, water separation.

For the strength test, a mold with dimensions of 50x50x50 mm is used. Its edges must be clean and treated with a small amount of machine oil. But the base of the mold is treated with a temperature-resistant lubricant to impart tightness. But what is the bulk density of cement m400, you can find out

GOST 26798.2 96 cement is sent to the prepared form and tamped with the help of a tamping rod. After the first layer has been laid and thoroughly tamped down, a second layer is applied and subjected again to the same tests. Remove excess dough with a knife.

The form with the samples is covered with a metal plate, which is then attached so that water does not get inside. The whole product is sent by a thermostat preheated to a temperature of 60 degrees. The sample holding process lasts 7 hours and 15 minutes. When the time has passed, the forms are taken out of the thermostat and marked.


Such material is presented in the form of finely ground high-alumina blast-furnace slags and gypsum. When the cement is tested for 28 days, during the hardening process it should change in volume evenly. Concretes and mortars obtained from this material have high water resistance. But how much cement per 1 m3 of concrete m200 is needed, information will help to understand

To determine the strength finished product according to GOST 310-69, samples are sent to molds, and for storage in a bathroom with a hydraulic seal. Then the forms are transferred to the water for a day. To determine the uniformity of the change in volume, it is necessary to take samples-cakes and send them to the water for 27 days.

According to the established standard, the technical requirements that must be followed in the manufacture of alumina materials are determined. They are used in the production of fast-hardening and heat-resistant concretes and mortars.

Control methods include the following:

  1. The determination of the physical and mechanical properties of the material is carried out in accordance with GOST 30744.
  2. The chemical formula of cement is determined according to GOST 5382.
  3. To determine the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in cement, GOST 30108 is used.

But what should be the cement-lime mortar for plaster.

The requirements established by the standard make it possible to determine the composition of cement, its strength characteristics, and the level of water resistance. These data are very important in the preparation of various mortars used in the field of construction.




STANDARD 30515-2013

General specifications

Official edition

(EN 197-1:2011, NEQ) (EN 197-2:2000, NEQ)

Moscow Standartnfor m 2014


Goals, basic principles and the basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization Rules for the development, adoption, application, updating and cancellation"

About the standard


2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 63-P dated December 27, 2013)

4 This standard complies with the following European regional standards EN 197-1:2011 Cement - Part 1: Composition, specification and conforming criteria for common cements, EN 197-2: 2011 Cement - Part 2: Confo unity evaluation (Cement. Part 2: Conformity assessment) in terms of cement classification, test methods, quality assessment rules, criteria for cement quality compliance with regulatory requirements.

Translation from English (ate).

Degree of conformity - non-equivalent (NEQ)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated June 11, 2014 No. 654-st, the interstate standard GOST 30515-2013 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2015.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards*”, and the text of changes and engravings is published in the monthly information decree “National Standards”. In the event of a revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be included in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information. The notification and texts are also placed in the public information system - on the official SAP of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

F Standardinfork; 2014 In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 30515-2013

1 area of ​​use.............................................. .................................

2 Regulatory data .............................................................. ......................................

3 Terkins and definitions ............................................... .................................

4 Classification................................................... ...............................................

5 General technical requirements............................................................... .............

5.1 Characteristics................................................... ...............................................

5.2 Requirements for materials .......................................................... ......................

5.3 Packaging................................................... .................................................

5.4 Marking.............................................. ...............................................

6 Safety requirements............................................................... ...............................

7 Sampling ............................................................... .................................................

7.1 General provisions............................................................... ....................................

7.3 Checking the homogeneity of the pooled (laboratory) sample

7.4 Sampling and preparation procedure ............................................................... .......

7.5 Packaging, labeling and storage of samples....................................................

7 .6 Sampling act ............................................... .........................................

8 Rules for acceptance ............................................... .................................

8 1 General ............................................................... ................................................

8.2 Acceptance ............................................... ................................................. .

8 3 Evaluation of the quality level a....................................... ...............................

8.4 Quality control of cement by the consumer and regulatory authorities

S 5 Conformity .................................................................................. .................

9 Methods of use .......................................................... .........................................

10 Transport and storage............................................................... ...................

10.1 Transport .................................................................. ...............................

10.2 Storage................................................... ................................................

11 Validation of compliance with safety requirements ..............................................

12 Manufacturer's Warranty............................................................... ...................................

Appendix A (mandatory) Terms and definitions Appendix B (mandatory) Form of sampling report from the manufacturer

GOST 30515-3013

Annex B (mandatory) Form of sampling report in any organization,

other than the manufacturer.............................................. ......................

Annex D (mandatory) Acceptance of cement in the stream ..................................................

Annex E (recommended) Form of the log of acceptance tests .............................................. ...................................

reception in the stream .................................................................. ...............

Annex I (mandatory) Evaluation of the quality level of cement by variables .............................................. ...................................

Annex K (normative) Evaluation of the representativeness and accuracy of cement tests at the enterprise .................................................................. .............


CEMENTS General specifications

Cements. General specifications

Introduction date - 2015-01-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to all types of cements and specifies:

Terms with related definitions,


General technical requirements,

Safety requirements,

Sampling requirements for cement quality control,

Acceptance rules;

Compliance criteria,

Rules for assessing the conformity of the quality of cements with the requirements of regulatory documents for cements of specific types,

Test methods;

Requirements for transportation and storage,

Manufacturer's warranty.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 8.579-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for the quantity of packaged goods in packages of any kind during their production, packaging, sale and import

GOST 1581-96 Portland cement cops. Specifications

Official edition

GOST 30515-2013

GOST 2226-2013 Bags made of paper and combined materials. General specifications

GOST 4013-82 Gypsum and gypsum anhydrite stone for the production of binders. Specifications

GOST 5382-91 Cements and materials for cement production. Methods of chemical analysis

GOST ISO 9001-2011 Quality management systems Requirements GOST 9078-84 Flat pallets. General specifications GOST 14192-96 Cargo marking

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management Basic concepts Terms and definitions

GOST 15895-77* Statistical methods of quality management Terms and definitions

GOST 16504-81 State product testing system. Testing and quality control of products. Basic terms and definitions

GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene thermoshrinkable film Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30744-2001 Cements. Test methods using polyfractionated sand

GOST 31108-2003 General construction cements Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current of the year, and according to the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, guidance should be

15 of the Russian Federation are GOST R 50779.10-2000, GOST R 50779.11-2000

GOST 30515-2013

be replaced by a replacing (amended) standard If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

The terms that should be used in regulatory documents, technical and technological documentation for cements, and their definitions are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification

4.1 Cements are classified according to the following main features:

by appointment,

Kind of clinker;

material composition,

compressive strength,

curing speed,

Setting times.

4.2 According to the purpose, cements are divided

For general construction,


4.3 According to the type of clinker, cements are divided into those made on the basis of:

portland cement clinker,

Alumina (high alumina) clinker,

Mixtures of Portland cement and sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker

4.4 According to the material composition, cements based on Portland cement clinker are divided into types characterized by a different type and content of mineral additives:

GOST 30515-2013

Type I - Portland cement containing only Portland cement clinker as the main component of the material composition;

Type P / A - Portland cement with mineral additives, containing as main components Portland cement clinker and a mineral additive or a mixture of mineral additives in an amount of 6% to 20%,

Type П/В - Portland cement with mineral additives containing Portland cement clinker and slag as main components in an amount of 21% to 35%;

Type Sh - slag port cement containing Portland cement clinker and blast-furnace granulated, electro-thermal osphorus or fuel slag as main components in an amount of 36% to 65%,

Type IV - pozzolanic cement containing Portland cement clinker and pozzolana as main components in an amount of 21% to 35%,

Type V - composite cement containing Portland cement clinker and a mixture of slag and pozzolana and / or fly ash as main components in an amount of 22% to 60%

The values ​​of the permissible content of mineral additives in cement refer to the sum of the main and auxiliary components of cement (except for gypsum stone or other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate), taken as 100%.

Note - When determining the content of the additive, the result is rounded to the nearest whole number *,

Type 1-C - sulfated Portland cement containing Portland cement clinker as the main component, sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker as an auxiliary component in an amount of not more than 5%,

* In the Russian Federation, the content of the additive is determined according to GOST R 51795-2001.

GOST 30515-2013

Type П-С sulfated Portland cement, containing as main components Portland cement clinker, sulfoaluminate (sulfoferritic) clinker in an amount of 6% to 20%

The name and content of mineral additives in cement and the types of cements can be further specified in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products.

4.5 In terms of compressive strength, cements are divided into classes: 22.5; 32.5; 42.5; 52.5. Regulatory documents for cements of specific types may establish additional strength classes or restrictions on the classes used. For some special types of cements, taking into account their purpose, it is allowed to establish only one strength class or to set strength values ​​\u200b\u200bthat differ from those indicated above.

4.6 According to the speed of hardening, general building cements are divided into strength subclasses:

Normally hardening (N) with normalization of strength at the age of 2 (7) and 28 days,

Fast-hardening (B) with normalization of strength at the age of 2 days, increased compared to normally hardening, and 28 days;

Slow-hardening (M) with normalization of the initial strength at the age of 7 (2) days, reduced compared to normally hardening cements, and 28 days.

4.7 According to the setting time, cements are divided into:

For slow-setting - with a normalized setting start time of more than 2 hours,

Normally setting - with a normalized setting start time from 45 minutes to 2 hours,

Fast-setting - with a normalized setting start time

less than 45 min.

GOST 30515 - 3013

4.8 The classification of special cements by purpose is established in the regulatory documents for these cements.

4.9 The classification according to the purpose of special cements is established in the regulatory documents for these cements

4.10 It is recommended that regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products include recommendations on rational areas of application of cements

5 General technical requirements

Cements must comply with the requirements of this standard and regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products and be manufactured according to technological documentation approved by the manufacturer

5.1 Characteristics

5.1.1 The quality indicators established in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types are divided into mandatory and recommended.

5.1.2 The nomenclature of the mandatory quality indicators used in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types is given in table 1.

Table 1 - Nomenclature of mandatory quality indicators

Name of indicator, unit of measurement

Type of cement

Compressive strength,

All cements, except for oil-well cements of types 1.11 and III according to GOST 1581

Tensile strength in bending, MPa

Cements for transport construction and grouting cements of types I, II and III according to GOST 1581

Material composition,%

All cements containing mineral additives as the main component

Uniformity of volume change, mm

All cements based on Portland cement clinker, except for plugging, expanding and stressing

Beginning of setting, min

In all cements, except grouting

GOST 30515-2013

Tab ending 1

Name of indicator, unit of measurement

In the id of cement

Thickening time, min


Linear expansion, %

Expanding, non-shrinking, straining

Heat release, kJ/kg

Low heat

Water separation, % or ml

Grouting, cement for concrete road and airfield pavements, cement for mortars

All cements based on Portland cement clinker

All cements based on Portland cement clinker

Aluminous cement, sulphate-resistant Portland cement, sulphate-resistant cement for road and airfield concrete

Mineralogical composition of clinker, %

All cements based on Portland cement clinker of normalized composition

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, Bq/kt

All cements

5.1.3 Quality indicators, end of setting, specific surface area (grinding fineness), mobility of cement-sand mortar, spreadability of cement paste, hydrophobicity, content of free calcium oxide in clinker, alkaline oxides, insoluble residue, weight loss on ignition in cement are recommended for inclusion in regulatory documents for cements of specific types. If these indicators are included in the relevant regulatory document, they become mandatory when it is applied.

5.1.4 Normalized values ​​of mandatory and recommended quality indicators are established in the regulatory documents for cements of specific types or a group of specific products, depending on their purpose, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

GOST 30515-2013

5.2 Material requirements

For the production of cements used:

Clinker manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer's technological regulations. Clinker of a normalized mineralogical composition, as well as with standards for chemical composition, is used in cases where this is provided for by regulatory documents for special cements,

Gypsum stone according to GOST 4013. It is allowed to use other materials containing mainly calcium sulfate, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents,

Mineral additives as the main or auxiliary component of cement according to the relevant regulatory documents,

Technological and special additives that regulate the basic properties of cement, according to the relevant regulatory documents

Additives should not impair the properties of cement or concrete and mortar made from it.

Note - At the request of the consumer, plasticizing additives should not be introduced into cement if they are only combined with the super-hyperplasticizers used by the consumer. The latter should be specified in the agreement (contract).

5.3 Packaging

5 3.1 Cement is shipped with or without packaging.

5.3.2 For cement packaging, the following are used:

Paper five- or six-layer bags according to GOST 2226 or paper bags of any ply according to the relevant regulatory or technical documents, the quality indicators of which are not lower than the requirements established by GOST 2226;

Soft containers with an airtight liner or other

GOST 30515-2013

packaging that reliably protects the cement from moisture and pollution, as well as from the effects of COe and air moisture, in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents

For small packaging, polyethylene cans, bags, as well as other packaging that ensures the safety of cement, are used in accordance with the relevant regulatory documents.

5.3.3 The nominal net weight of the cement bag should not exceed 50 kg, the capacity of the flexible container should not exceed 2 tons.

The downward deviation of the average net weight of cement should not exceed the limit values ​​established by GOST 8.579.

5.3.4 The average gross weight of a bag of cement is determined by weighing 20 bags randomly selected from a lot and dividing the result by 20

The average bag weight is determined by weighing 20 bags selected at random from a batch of bags received and dividing the result by 20.

The average net weight of the cement in the bag is determined by subtracting the average weight of the bag from the average gross weight of the cement bag.

The deviation of the average net weight of cement in bags in a batch from the net weight indicated on the package should not be more than + 1.0; - 0.4%

5.3.5 The average net mass of the cement in the flexible container is determined by subtracting from the gross mass of the flexible container with cement the average mass of the flexible container, determined similarly to the average mass of the paper bag.

The deviation of the average net weight of cement in a flexible container from that indicated on the package should not be more than + 2.0; - 0.5%.

5.3.6 The net weight of cement in a separate package with small packaging should be [(3; 5) ± 0.05] kg, [(10; 20, 25) ± 0.3] kg.

GOST 30515-2013

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 The marking shall be legible and contain:

Manufacturer's name and trademark,

Sign of circulation on the market, if it is provided for by the legislation of the country of manufacture and (or) importer of cement,

Symbolic designation of cement and (or) its full name in accordance with the regulatory document;

Designation of the regulatory document in accordance with which cement is manufactured and supplied,

The average net weight of cement in a package or the net weight of cement in a vehicle,

Conformity mark for the supply of certified cement (if provided by the certification system).

5.4.2 When packing cement into bags, the marking is applied to each bag in any part of it. When packing cement in soft containers, the marking is applied to a label inserted into a special pocket on the soft container. It is allowed to mark with indelible paint on the side surface of the flexible container

5.4.3 In case of small packaging of cement, the marking is applied to the label, which is glued to the package or applied directly to the package, or inserted between the outer and inner layers of the package (with the transparency of the outer layer of the package). Each cement package must have a brief instruction for its use, which can be applied to the package or attached to it.

5.4.4 When supplying colored cement, a strip of the corresponding color must be applied to the packaging and label

5.4.5 When cement is supplied in small packages placed in an enlarged container, the label is also stuck on the container. At the same time, the number of packages in a container is additionally indicated on the label.

GOST 30515-2013

5.4.6 When forming overpacks from bags of cement, the top row of bags should be laid so that the markings on the bags are clearly visible. The packages of the upper row are additionally marked with transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192.

5.4.7 Each vehicle is provided with a label, which indicates all the information on 5.4.1 and additionally the batch number of the cement and the date of its shipment.

The label is attached to the vehicle in an accessible place in any way that ensures its safety during transportation and ease of reading, and when cement is delivered by road, it is included in the shipping documentation transferred to the accompanying person or driver.

6 Safety requirements

6.1 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides Ap* in cement should not exceed 370 Bq/kg, and in materials used for cement production, for example, in mineral additives, not more than 740 Bq/kg.

6.2 The standards for cements of specific types must also contain safety requirements confirming the compliance of the products with the technical regulations in force in the country, as well as with the legislation of the country of the manufacturer and (or) consumer of the cement.

6.3 It is not allowed to introduce auxiliary components, technological and special additives into cement that increase the hazard class of cement

7 Sampling

7.1 General

7.1.1 Sampling for production control is carried out in accordance with

compliance with the manufacturer's technological documentation

7.1.2 Sampling for cement quality control by a third party for inspection, certification and other types of tests is carried out only from a batch (part of a batch) accepted by the manufacturer's technical control service

7.1.3 The test results of a sample taken in accordance with the requirements of this standard apply only to the batch (part of the batch) of cement from which the sample was taken. It is not allowed to extend the test results of a sample taken from a part of a lot to other parts of the same lot.

7.1.4 To control the quality of manufactured cement, one combined sample is made from point samples taken from each controlled batch (part of the batch).

It is not allowed to make a combined sample from cement of different batches.

7.2 Sampling, mixing and separating equipment

7.2.1 For the selection and mixing of incremental samples and the separation of the combined sample into parts (laboratory samples), equipment and devices made of materials that do not react with cement are used.

It is not allowed to use equipment and fixtures made of aluminum or galvanized materials. Attachments must be in a dry, clean state.

If necessary, the equipment used and sampling locations should be agreed upon by the parties concerned prior to sampling.

7.2.2 For sampling cement from tanks, vehicles or packaging, the equipment and fixtures of any design used should provide:

Sampling at a given depth of the cement layer or at a given location


GOST 30515-2013

Protection of the taken sample from mixing with the cement of the overlying layers when it is removed from the container or packaging

7.2.3 For sampling cement from pipelines, samplers of any design used must provide:

Sampling in equal parts at regular intervals established by the technological documentation, or continuously throughout the entire period of cement pumping through the pipeline,

Sampling only in the place where the uniformity of the flow over the cross section is achieved.

It is not allowed to install samplers in places where pipelines are bent, as well as near places where material is discharged from aspiration devices and in front of such devices.

7.2.4 For mixing increments and subdividing the pooled sample, use any equipment or apparatus, as well as procedures that ensure the homogeneity of cement in the pooled sample or parts thereof.

7.3 Checking the homogeneity of the pooled (laboratory) sample

7.3.1 To check the uniformity of the combined sample, from each laboratory sample obtained by dividing the combined sample, or from different parts of the combined sample, cement samples weighing at least 100 g each are taken, in which the content of calcium, silicon and sulfur oxides (VI) is determined. The sample is recognized as homogeneous if the discrepancy between the results of the chemical analysis of two samples does not exceed twice the value of the maximum repeatability error in accordance with GOST 5382 for each of the determined indicators. If an unsatisfactory result is obtained for at least one indicator, the procedure for averaging the combined sample should be corrected until a homogeneous sample is obtained.

GOST 30515-2013

7.3.2 Checking the homogeneity of cement over the pipeline section is carried out once when choosing a place to install the sampler, achieving uniformity of cement characteristics over the entire pipeline section.

7.3.3 The homogeneity of the pooled or laboratory sample shall be checked by the manufacturer as necessary, but at least once a month. The verification of the homogeneity of the combined sample of a batch of cement must be recorded in the acceptance test log or on electronic media, if the results of acceptance tests are stored on such media.

7.3.4 When taking samples for quality control at the enterprise, inspection, certification or other tests, the homogeneity of cement in the samples is checked only if this is required by one of the parties involved in the sampling

7.4 Sampling and preparation procedure

7.4.1 Spot sampling of cement packed in bags, flexible containers or other containers, as well as from specialized vehicles when transporting cement without packaging, is carried out from at least five units of packages or vehicles selected at random

If the controlled mass of cement consists of five or less units of packages or specialized vehicles, an incremental sample of approximately the same mass is taken from each of them.

7.4.2 From bags, soft containers or other containers, a sample is taken from a depth of at least 15 cm, but not more than 15 cm from the bottom of the container (tare). With a container depth of less than 30 cm, samples are taken from the middle of the layer.

Sampling from specialized vehicles when transporting cement without packaging is carried out from the flow of cement during its loading or unloading. It is allowed to take samples through the top hatch of the vehicle from a depth of at least 15 cm

GOST 30515-2013

7.4.3 When accepting a batch of cement in a stream and during production control, sampling is carried out from each cement mill operating in one silo when it is filled at regular intervals established by the manufacturer's technological documentation, but at least five times from each mill operating in a silo during its filling.

7.4.4 The mass of incremental samples must be such that the mass of the combined sample made up of them is at least 20 kg when checking the quality of cement by the manufacturer, consumer and supervisory authorities and at least 30 kg when checking the quality of cement in case of claims by the consumer

7.4.5 To prepare a pooled sample, all incremental samples taken from one lot (part of a lot) are combined and thoroughly mixed manually or mechanically

7.4.6 From the pooled sample prepared according to 7.4.5, obtain laboratory samples, each weighing approximately 8 kg, in the quantities specified in 7.4.7 and 7.4.8.

Laboratory samples may be obtained using any type of sample divider.

7.4.7 During the quality control of cement by the manufacturer, two laboratory samples are obtained from the combined sample: the first for testing in the manufacturer's laboratory, the second for storage with him during the warranty period established by the regulatory document or the supply agreement (contract), in case it is necessary to re-test .

7.4.8 During the quality control of cement by the consumer or supervisory authorities, three laboratory samples are obtained from the pooled sample. The first sample is sent to an accredited third-party testing laboratory, the second remains with the consumer or manufacturer, the third is stored with the manufacturer for at least three months

When controlling the quality of cement, in the event that a consumer claims, three laboratory samples are obtained from the combined sample. the first

GOST 30515-2013

the sample is sent to an accredited third party testing laboratory, the second and third - to the manufacturer and consumer.

7.4.9 Each laboratory sample obtained in accordance with 7.4.6 shall be packaged in accordance with 7.5 and sent to the appropriate laboratory for testing within three working days excluding the day of collection.

7.5 Packaging, labeling and storage of samples

7.5.1 Packaging and storage of samples should ensure that the properties of the controlled cement are preserved. The container in which the samples are packed must be clean, dry, air and moisture tight and made of a material inert to cement.

7.5.2 Samples intended for testing in a third party laboratory and remaining with the consumer or manufacturer are packed in airtight containers, sealed or sealed. The containers are labeled with the following information:

Manufacturer's name,

The symbol of cement and (or) the name in accordance with the regulatory document,

Date and place of sampling;

Batch number, date of manufacture.

7.6 Sampling report

7.6.1 When controlling the quality of cement by the consumer, as well as for the purpose of carrying out certification, control and other tests, sampling is drawn up by an act with the mandatory inclusion of information in accordance with Appendix B or C. In case of sampling not from the manufacturer, he is notified in advance of possible participation in sampling.

7.6.2 When controlling the quality of cement, upon presentation of claims by the consumer, a sampling report is drawn up in accordance with the procedure