Personal account Rostelecom Chuvashia personal account. How to enter your personal account using your personal account number

Rostelecom is a Russian telecommunications company with predominantly state participation, the full name of which sounds like Public joint-stock company long-distance and international telecommunications "Rostelecom".

This telecommunications company offers its customers a variety of services, including local and long-distance telephony, broadband access Internet, interactive television, cellular And so on. Learn more about each of the services, as well as get a different useful information regarding Rostelecom, you can visit the official website of the company.

Among other things, a personal account is presented on the official Internet resource of Rostelecom - a service available to both individuals and legal entities.

To go to your personal account, you must use the tab of the same name located in the upper right part of the site, after which you will find yourself on the page, where you should select an account for individuals or an account for business, then you should specify the data required for entry: username and password, or register.

In general, a personal account for private clients allows you to manage your services at any time convenient for you (by the way, in addition to your own services, you can also manage the services of your loved ones if necessary). So, you can enable and disable services, packages and options, change tariff plans, receive monthly invoices for services by e-mail, pay bills without commission, and also activate the auto payment service.

The account is also an opportunity to pay bills of third-party organizations, view payment history and make accruals Money, accumulating and spending points in the bonus program, viewing information about personal offers and promotions from Rostelecom, and much more.

Features of the Unified Personal Account

At the same time, a personal account for legal entities provides an opportunity to control expenses, view call details and service consumption statistics, access detailed information on personal accounts. The office also allows you to receive accounting documents in in electronic format, information about services (service management is also available), answers to questions.

If you are an individual and you do not yet have a personal account, you should register on the Rostelecom website, for which you should go to the appropriate tab available on the account login page.

During registration, you will need to provide an email address or mobile phone number (which will be used to confirm registration, enter your personal account, and also to recover your password) and password. In this case, the password must consist of at least nine characters and include Latin letters of any of the registers and numbers. You will also need to select a place of residence from the list provided here. After you have provided all the required information, click on the "Continue" button. However, before that, you must also read the User Agreement, with the terms of which you automatically agree by registering on the Rostelecom website.

After that, you will need to confirm registration on the Rostelecom website. To do this, you need to follow the link that contains sent to you electronic message(if an email address is specified), or enter a code from an SMS message (if a mobile phone number is specified).

Next, you will be asked to link your personal accounts to the Unified Personal Account. It can be both your personal accounts and the accounts of your relatives. In addition, you can complete registration without linking a personal account, for which you need to follow the appropriate link. After completing the registration procedure, you will find yourself on the main page of your personal account.

In the future, to enter your personal account Rostelecom, you will need to enter the login specified during registration (e-mail address, mobile phone number or account login) and password. If necessary, you can check the "Remember me" box. You can also log into the office using the account of one of the social networks, the list of which is presented here.

If you do not remember your password, which was created during registration, use the "Forgot your password?" link, then enter your login, email address or mobile phone number, with which you can recover lost data.

After entering your personal account, you will find yourself on its main page, where information is available on all connected personal accounts and services on them, as well as key services. So, in the central part of the main page, the main blocks are presented, including “My personal accounts”, “Payment”, “Auto-replenishment rules” and “Bonus program”. At the top of the page there are links to the Rostelecom website and Help. In addition, a block with notifications can be placed here, where information about planned work, news reports, and so on is published.

A quick menu is also available in the personal account, including a tab such as "Services", where you can order new service, as well as refer to the history of applications. “Personal accounts” are also available here - a tab in which you can view previously connected personal accounts, as well as link new ones. Contains the Rostelecom account and the "Payment" tab, where the history of accruals and payments, the history of promised payments, auto-replenishment rules, cards and invoices for payment are available.

Personal Area

Also in the quick menu of the Rostelecom cabinet, “Bonuses” and “Profile” are available (personal information, linking to social networks, notifications, applications, archive of actions, etc.), "Equipment" and "Help".

If registering on the Rostelecom website or working with a service such as a personal account caused you difficulties, refer to the "Help" section available at the top of the login page, as well as in the account itself. It is here that answers to frequently asked questions are collected, video instructions are presented, a form is available feedback. Here you can also learn more about the Unified Personal Account, as well as refer to the User Guide.

If you are also a client of another Russian telecommunications company - Yota, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the possibilities of such a service, as available on the official website of the corresponding company.

Personal account Rostelecom -

Today, Rostelecom is the leading provider in Russia, providing its customers with Internet access, digital and interactive TV connections, as well as home and mobile telephone services.

Such a rich list of available services implies the need to monitor each of them. And in order to optimize the time spent, and the forces of users, the company's specialists decided to create a single personal account. And now the service is available for visiting on the official website of the company

How to get to the service page

There are several ways to get to the login page of the service. The first one looks like this:

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Write in the address bar
  3. Press "Enter".
  4. You will be automatically transferred to the main login page and to your Rostelecom personal account.

Another method involves a gradual transition to the desired page:

  1. Open the official website of the company, which is located, as we have already said, at
  2. Select the actual region that matches your location.
  3. Find the link with the name "Personal Account", located in the upper right part of the resource, and click on it.
  4. You have reached the main login page of the service.
  5. If you already have access to the service, you only need to enter the correct login/password pair and click on the "Login" button to log in. If you have not used the system before, you need to register in it.

So we got to the list of necessary actions for registering in the system of a single personal account. And it looks like this:

  1. On the login page, click "Create a single personal account."
  2. On the page that opens, you will see a form for filling in the data. You need to enter in it:
  • A unique login that has not yet been registered in the system. If the entered login matches the existing one, the system will display an appropriate error message for you;
  • A strong password that includes at least nine characters;
  • Password repetition to confirm the correctness of the entered data.
  1. After filling in all the windows, you must click on the "Next" button, highlighted in blue.
  2. On the next page, you will again see a form for filling in the data. This time, enter:
  • Surname;
  • Surname;
  • Date of birth in three drop-down lists (day, month and year);
  • Region (select the current location from the drop-down menu).
  1. After filling out the form, click on "Next" again.
  2. The next window also includes several fields to fill out, as well as other items:
  • Enter your email address;
  • Enter a contact phone number;
  • Choose the best method for confirming the registration procedure in the service;
  • Agree to the terms of the company.
  1. After filling in all the points, click on the "Register" button.
  2. Wait for the information to confirm the registration to your phone or mailbox (depending on the choice you made earlier).
  3. Confirm registration.
  4. Congratulations! You have successfully registered.

After completing the registration, you will be able to authenticate in your personal account on the page

Personal account Rostelecom- remote system subscription service. With it, you can manage services and control your account via the Internet. You do not need to visit the operator's offices, all actions are performed remotely - online. Consider registering in your Rostelecom personal account for individuals.

Rostelecom personal account features:

  • Service and options management
  • Changing the tariff plan
  • Viewing information about the balance, accruals and payments, statuses of connected services and additional options
  • Refill different ways: by bank card, electronic money () and payment card of PJSC Rostelecom.

How to register in your personal account Rostelecom

To create a Rostelecom Personal Account go to the official website and click on the "Register" link.

This simple procedure consists of 3 steps. After passing it 1 time, you will be able to manage all communication services: from home Internet to interactive television.

At the first step of registration, create a login and set a password to enter Rostelecom's Personal Account.

  • The login must be written in Latin letters, it may contain numbers, hyphens or underscores.
  • Password - at least 9 characters, consisting of Latin letters of lower or upper case, numbers (0 ... 9).
  • Repeat password.

In the second step, enter personal data, namely:

  • Surname
  • Surname
  • date of birth
  • Region

In the third step, provide your contact information:

  • Email
  • Mobile phone. It is used to send SMS confirmations of completed actions in the Personal Account.
  • Choose confirmation method: by E-Mail or SMS

Check the box next to "I accept the terms of the user agreement" and click the "Register" button.

    With all my experience, I was unable to register. On the website of the Security Council of Russia, the procedure seemed simpler. I hoped, by creating a personal account, to solve the problem of a payment that did not "pass" through the SB terminal for September. Contacting the office (Tver) did not solve the problem: I lost 1 hour. 10 minutes. time in the queue, showed the check, filled out the corresponding application; I received a response from 11/17/16 that "the work with my application No. 109235892 has been completed" (as ?????? + or -), and on 11/22/16 - another SMS about the payment of the same invoice for September. Lose another 2.5 hours. time, including the road, there is no possibility ...

    Can't bind L. check

    Registration is not possible! The page is not activated!
    In September, the phone did not work for a whole month! Accordingly, the Internet too!
    And the bill is complete!


    I'm trying to perform at least some operation in my personal account - to no avail, the system is "dead". There are calluses on the fingers from "poking" into the "clave". Calls to the support service do not give positive results. Please provide a screenshot for confirmation. And how to do it if the system does not respond to anything. Logging out of the system is only possible with a forced power off.


    I couldn’t register, I went to Rostelecom’s personal account, followed the link LK.RT.RU, but everything freezes there, I tried to call the number on the bill, but wait 3 minutes. WONDERFUL!

    I can't register in my account. Everything hung.

    how to register

    can't register

    I can’t register in my personal account, it hung when I dialed the street

    It is impossible to register in the Personal Account. The system is completely down. I regret that I contacted Rostelecom. Horror.


    I can’t register in my personal account, I’ve been poking at the keys for half an hour and to no avail. Bills for services have not come for six months, they changed the personal account. How to find out what I am paying for is unknown ... And is this a connection?


    Just awful! It is impossible to enter Rostelecom's personal account, nor to recover the password! Where previously registered, there are no SUCH problems anywhere. Rostelecom also encourages you to use your personal account. By no means should you do this! Reliable company, is called!!! People are fooling their heads reliably!

    I absolutely agree with all the comments. They sent a notice of debt, for which it is not known. Neither call the toll-free number, nor register in your personal account to check the account. Nightmare.

    Access to Rostelecom's personal account is very difficult, it is not possible to see the full details of accounts, there is only a superficial one. Not very clear billing details. Why does the invoice on the site and the invoice presented in the mail not match? So in the invoice in January (apparently for December), an invoice was billed in my personal account for something about 550 rubles, and at the post office - 750 rubles, the same leapfrog and in February I was billed at the post office for 744 rubles. Why and for what I overpay money, I don’t have extra services connected. No one says anything to me in the mail. When will you have ease of entry to your site? Full detailing of invoices, their transparency?


    I forgot the password to my personal account Rostelecom. I could not recover my password or register with a new one. Sat for two hours.

    I tried to register a personal account with Rostelecom for 1.5 hours, but I did not succeed. You probably do it on purpose so that we sit and read your instructions. In short, send receipts for payment, and do not look for fools.

    Irina Vasilievna

    It is impossible to register in a personal account! Like all the previous ones. Why are you fooling people? The name "Rostelecom" is not ashamed? Not able to create a website, I just connected today, but I'm afraid that I did it in vain, I probably need to terminate the contract without starting to use it.

    Rostelecom system - personal account - complete silence. More than 2 months of correspondence, the result is zero. I wanted to link a personal account to a personal account. What nonsense they don’t write, then such an email. mail was already registered, then the phone was registered, then there is no such login and other heresy. I even sent all the passport data and the personal account - deafly !!!

    It’s impossible to register, some kind of nonsense, it’s specially done so that it’s impossible to leave a claim, then the phone is not the same, I wrote another one, I didn’t like it, the mail doesn’t work either, and what to do? Maybe someone can explain...

    I don’t understand something, this personal account was created for those who have nothing else to do? The second day I try to register - the result is 0. Or the creators of the scoop site are final, let's already decide whether there is a personal account in Rostelecom or an attempt to have one !!!

    Roslokhotron. Register everyone!

    I can not enter my personal account Rostelecom. The site is not working. What's the matter? Rostelecom specialists respond! And finally fix your jambs! On all pages there is only Rostelecom advertising and a video on how to register a personal account. In fact, nothing works! EVERYTHING HANGS! THIS IS A SCAM! What are you getting money for? People cannot do the simplest operation. If I could, I would refuse your services altogether. The highest rates and the lowest quality. A SHAME! Return DATACOM. Everything worked for them. And the balance of the account could be viewed at any time.

    Everything is terrible! "Hanging" for 2 hours at registration, NO result. Just as it is impossible to register normally in the Personal Account, the service as a whole is NO, disgusting.

    People do not try to make auto replenishment from the card - DO NOT DISCONNECT. They take as much as they want and for whom they want. I can’t find the ends for half a month. Looks like I'll have to lose bank card. Registration is not possible. In the offices of Rostelecom, they cannot help, except to draw up a service agreement.

    I join the outrage! All the same! The second time I lose time with registration in L.K. Even calls for help did not help. Consultants politely try to help, but to no avail!

    Some kind of madhouse, it's impossible to register, all sorts of nonsense comes out!

    Can't register or pay.
    Rostelecom! You are the only ones where I can't do anything, just close your page and that's it...


    Good afternoon! Previously, Rostelecom paid bills through her personal account. Now I can't login or register. I received an SMS on my phone with a request to pay for services for the Internet. So I can't log in. I can not check the debt, nor pay. I do not know what to do. Please take some action.

    Dirty connection! You need to register constantly, hangs, requires some non-existent passwords. A total mess!

    Good afternoon. Nightmare has not yet seen a private office. I went through registration, but now it’s IMPOSSIBLE to enter it, all the time there is an error that the login or password is not correctly selected, I tried to recover the password - again an error, there is no such email address, there is no such login. Why create a Rostelecom personal account if there is no access to it. On the site: and there is just a picture, but there is no way to move on it, it is like a virus and cannot be closed and it is impossible to work, for some reason it is very detailed instructions how to do it all. Registration for the state services, tax and other government bodies takes 2-3 minutes and there are no problems, what is your problem? Gentlemen, you sell the Internet, but making a normal site is weak?

    We also have a terrible connection! We are waiting for it to get better, patience is running out!


    What a mess, login and password do not work, it is impossible to register, get through too, and at the same time calls - Give us a rating please! Why just contact you?

    I agree with the previous comments COMPLETELY. Nothing is functioning. Called. Answer: everything is in order, you have problems with your computer.


    Can't register. After I enter the site, the computer hangs.

    In addition, a complete bacchanalia on bills. Grow exponentially.

    After contacting the support group, there are only replies. In order to know when and how much the tariffs increased, I wanted to open a personal account of Rostelecom. But here is a bummer. It's time to terminate the contract and choose another service provider. I would not recommend anyone to do business with Rostelecom.

    The same problem. The connection is disgusting, and there is no way to register in your personal account. For three days there was no internet or television at all. And if you have to call, then it’s generally atas, press 1, press 2, press 10. Vicious circle. Not a company, but an almshouse.

    I have been using Rostelecom services for over 10 years. The wired phone works disgusting. With wired internet the same problems. The portal is terrible, and the site is just awful. They send me notifications about violation of the terms of payment, and for a month (!) I cannot make a payment from a credit card due to the fact that the site is constantly hanging. As soon as I get a chance, I will move to another carrier. I wonder if it is possible to sue a company for providing poor quality services for a quality fee.

    Agree with previous comments. Horror.

    Nikolay Vasilievich

    Disgusting work of the provider in Maykop. At the first payment, I was lucky to register, but the second payment is just some kind of nightmare. I can't log in to my account, although I enter registration data. Answer: Invalid username or password. But I have them recorded and there can be no input errors, moreover, an additional login is also ignored. Come on, guys, correct the situation, remove the headache from consumers. With not very great respect, Nikolai Vasilyevich.

    KhMAO-Yugra. Surgut.
    Why does the registration system on the Rostelecom website not work?
    You are a company that provides Internet communication services. And you can't fix your site.
    What kind of specialists do you work with? Aren't you ashamed to fool people's heads?
    When contacting the company's phone, the operator vaguely answers.
    It must be said right away that registration does not work.

    I can't attach my account. I've been fighting for 12 hours now. Put your site in order, and then provide services.

    Didn't find any positive comments. Mess.

    So many terrible reviews, but Rostelecom does not respond. With this attitude, you will soon be left without consumers. The personal account, if you can call it that, is just awful. I haven't been able to get in. And why was it created?

    I can not enter my personal account Rostelecom. I found a phone on the Internet (8 800 181 18 30) called from both home and cell, no effect. Why is such an office needed?

    8 800 1000 800 - Support service.

    Shit, not Rostelecom. I haven't been able to register for a week now. I connected to myself unlimited in order to surf the Internet and look for how I can register in my personal account.

    Nikolay Vasilievich

    I can not pay for the phone and the Internet! They can't find my Yandex money account. Well, isn't it a shame? In my personal account, they didn’t like my password, even though I have it written down and I can’t confuse anything and there is no way to get intelligible information. Maybe your services have already become free?


    We had no other choice but to conclude an agreement with Rostelecom, there are no other operators in the new building. Where the antimonopoly committee is looking is unknown.
    And so it began… How to pay? Rostelecom's personal account is not activated! Some nerves, before there were no such problems with other operators.

    LC on Rostelecom is not a problem to create and register. The problem is that in order to find out an incoming call to your own number, you need to pay a tidy sum for detailing. In the phone settings, the determinant is only 6 digits. good thing"made" to pump money out of your pocket. "Outgoing" is free in detail, and fork out for incoming. The fees are endless.

    Unable to link account!


    I read all the reviews about the work of Rostelecom and it turned out that I did not find a single positive one from different regions of our country. I also went through all the above problems and still go through, the quality of public service remains at a very low level, everything has been optimized: they stopped bringing paper media indicating the amount of the fee, the sites do not work, in particular, it is impossible to register in your personal account, although I used to registration took place, now it does not work, the subscriber office in the nearest area was liquidated, calls to technical support also do not essentially solve problems. I'm coming to the conclusion that it's time to change the company. And, unfortunately, it is not possible to reach out to the leaders of different ranks.


    In one word horror

    Gennady Ivanovich

    Dear employees of Rostelecom! Do you read customer reviews of your ugly work? If you read, then you need to take some measures and not torment customers. After all, it is impossible to register in a personal account - all customers write this in the reviews. I confirm this too. On all sites it is written how to register in your personal account, but there is no site for entering your personal account. I think that the entrance to your personal account should be simplified. And must be used as a login email. mail and mobile numbers phone, as well as the definition of a forgotten password. I also consider it a shame to cancel paper receipts for payment for services. This self-will of Rostelecom should be considered by Rospotrebnadzor.

    Permanent increase prices without any warning! They only send SMS that you have to pay extra when there are already penalties, as they say, chicken grain by grain. Why no paper receipts! Give at least once a normal answer, and do not dial to answer the questions of schoolchildren, although they would have answered better than your employees who are disconnecting without warning! I have never received a clear, specific answer to the question - one "water". First they connect the "free" functions that I don't need, then I have to call and cancel them, unless, of course, I notice, and so again mani! In general, they got it, I think there is enough profit, but everything is not enough, you won’t take it with you.

    Hello Hope. Where are your receipts and why they do not come can only be known in Rostelecom. This is an information site, not a Rostelecom site. Unfortunately, I can't help you.

    Semyon Mendeleev

    I have been sitting for three hours trying to find a way to enter my personal account, which once worked well. I wanted to pay money by incoming SMS - deaf! Tried to get through new registration- like in a tank after a nuclear explosion inside! On all pages there is a lot of chatter, pictures, fun - what to do, how to pay, you can go to the communication salon with your harmonica and cheer the people there. If I am connected to ROSTELECOM, then give me a free entrance, and do not feed me pictures with arrows!

    Are you kidding me! Registration fails! Everywhere it turns out, but you do not! Like this? Are you preparing agents or? I would like to know your tariff, but alas, the information is hidden, are you for people or ...? Keep it simple more customers will be!

You can manage mobile communications, television, Internet access through Rostelecom's personal account. A unique tool opens up a huge number of opportunities for customers. The question arises, how to enter Rostelecom's personal account, what needs to be done for this?

Detailed registration instructions

You can take advantage of the offers of the LK at any time. For this you need to register. This can be done through the official website of the company. Instructions for the subscriber:

  1. Enter your login and password.
  2. Enter your personal details.
  3. Provide contact information.

Each client of the company is able to create a Rostelecom personal account at a convenient time, the procedure is free of charge. Be sure to include your details: email address, home phone number, or cell phone number. South personal account of UTC Rostelecom is an opportunity to change the tariff at any time, connect additional service. Rostelecom's unified personal account is a special service with which you can easily use the company's advantageous offers.


LC, located at, allows you to cope with some tasks:

  1. Change rates.
  2. Connect services ( home Internet), options.
  3. View statistics.
  4. Pay bills, home internet.
  5. Carefully review the details.

Remember that the possibilities of LK are wide. If you wish, link your account to VKontakte, classmates (created social networks). In order to proceed to service management, you need to enter the personal account using your login and password (you can create it at the discretion of the client). It will be empty at first, as certain services are missing. But after connecting, the personal account information will appear in the office, which is very convenient. If you are already a subscriber of this mobile operator and plan to add suitable services, options, then pay attention to the following points:

  1. Specify a region.
  2. The selected option (home phone, home internet).
  3. Confirm adding services.

Don't know how to register by phone number? Check this point with the operators of the company. They will help you.

Entrance to LC

How to enter your personal account Rostelecom? To do this, you need to know secret information and have access to the Internet. They entered the old LC knowing the face or phone number. A personal account for legal entities makes it possible to control expenses for mobile communications, view account information. If necessary, receive documents in electronic form, take part in bonus programs, promotions, replenish your account without additional fees. The main advantage is that it can be done 24 hours a day.

Please note that phone sign-in is currently not possible. Authorization is carried out by password and login. Use the new version of the LC. Thus, registration in a personal account, both for individuals and for legal entities, is completed in a few minutes. In order to register, you will need an Internet connection, be online. Still have questions, is it difficult to register yourself? Then take a look at the nearest offices of the company. The staff will help you to register, provide detailed information. If you have an old version, consultants will tell you how to update, download a new one. The client will not be left without attention. Find out the account details, look at the personal account. If you have any questions, please call.

For all already connected users, and even those who are just about to become a subscriber, there is a personal account from the onlime company - Rostelecom, which gives users a number of additional features. Previously, this service was provided by regions, and there could be delays due to the need to communicate with the central database.

But today it is already one-stop service throughout Russia, and no matter where your location is Moscow or Vladivostok, you will be able to manage your services without the help of an operator.

Advantages and possibilities of a personal account

Let’s take a look at what benefits you will get by opening a personal account. You can:

  • Check the balance on your own, easily and quickly track the presence or absence of debt on your package;
  • Pay for services rendered to you without withholding commissions. And also, if you have several accounts, distribute funds between them;
  • Setting up auto payments is another advantage that the subscriber receives, and then you definitely won’t forget to pay for the service for the next month, and you won’t be left without TV channels or the Internet;
  • Personally, at your own discretion, manage the already ordered services;
  • Directly from your account, you can change or change the package of channels at will;
  • Implement the ability to add to your existing package;
  • Also, the cabinet gives you the opportunity to send SMS and MMS to relatives and friends.
  • connect additional options: Night acceleration or Turbo acceleration.

Thus, the personal account of the Onlime subscriber - Rostelecom - is another plus in the activities of the most popular provider of broadband Internet, digital television and telephone communications covering the largest number of subscribers.

Registering a personal account Online

To register an Online personal account, the easiest way is to go to and follow the algorithm that the page will prompt. Registration is done in literally 3 simple steps.

  1. Come up with a login that comes to your mind, the main thing is that you do not forget it. Also, each client enters the password chosen for himself twice. It must consist of at least six (and also no more than 10) letters, possibly some symbols and numbers.
  2. Specify personal data by entering them in the form fields.
  3. Be sure to leave contact information - email address and phone number.

Video on registration in your personal account Rostelecom

That, in fact, is all. It remains to check your mail and confirm registration by simply clicking on the link offered in the letter. But keep in mind: activation via the link is available for 24 hours. We didn’t have time - we need to go through the same (in general, simple) procedure again.

Re-entry to the created account

After completing a simple registration operation, each client has the opportunity to enter his personal account at any time convenient for him. In order to log in to the LC, you only need to enter your own login and your password. And then freely work with your services and payments.

The old version is temporarily available

If earlier you already had a subscriber's account registered, but in the old version, when your region is the Moscow region, you can still enter it. You can choose an Internet tariff Online. But it's still better to register in new version personal office.

Login to Rostelecom personal account

To get started with Rostelecom personal account , you need to check the relevance of the Internet browser on personal computer. Versions of browsers from which the user account is opened: Mozilla Firefox after version 17, Internet Explorer after version 9, Google Chrome after version 22. Authorization in the system is available only to registered subscribers who use one or more provider services.

Authorization requires a username and password. When entering a password, it is advisable to use the virtual keyboard to avoid mistakes. Make sure that the Caps Lock key is not activated and that the English keyboard layout is selected.

Preventing the possibility of third-party access to the Rostelecom account personal account, the company has provided for two-factor authorization. After specifying the login and password, to the specified in the contract mobile phone an SMS notification will be sent to 6 digit code secondary authorization. This code is written in the transaction confirmation form, after which the “Continue” option is pressed. After authorization is completed, the home page of your personal account opens.

Rostelecom personal account login, video:

Rostelecom personal account: interface

The main page of the online resource is visually divided into several areas:

  1. User account- data and settings system associated with the account, news, contacting a company employee through the feedback form.
  2. Menu categories- a block with the functionality of a personal account.
  3. Main unit- working panel, where the main data about the section is recorded.
  4. Additional Information- an area with quick navigation through the categories of your personal account, information about the Rostelecom company.

If the subscriber wants to check the information on his account, he must select one of the categories with settings from the drop-down informative window account. To correct profile data, you need to go to the section "Profile Management", and check the following parameters in the fields:

  • Name of organization - telecom operator;
  • full name of the user;
  • Contact phone number;
  • E-mail address.

In the same section, the status of the personal account is checked, the newsletter is configured by e-mail. When the changes are made, the "Save" button is pressed. The system will automatically capture the new data.

Rubric "Change Password" changing the current account password. First, the old password is entered in the fields, then the new password twice. At the end of the procedure, the "Save" button is pressed. The new password must be remembered so that it is entered correctly the next time you log in. In order to receive SMS notifications or e-mails in a timely manner, you need to go to the “Notification settings” section and check the box “Create / Modify an application”.

Information about the contract and details

Rostelecom personal account provides open access to details for receipts, contracts and settlement transactions. On the main page of the cabinet, you need to select a category "Treaty", then its full number and the full form with information on it will be displayed:

  • The organization with which the contract is signed;
  • Registration address;
  • Billing address;
  • personal account;
  • Balance for the current date;
  • Amount of accruals for the previous month;
  • Amount of payments for the previous month;
  • Current balance.

In this section you can find the history of payment transactions, the history of accruals. By default, the sections open information for the current calendar month. To view data on another personal account that is included in this division, you need to return to the list of agreements by clicking on the hyperlink "Return to the list of agreements" and click on the number of the required personal account.

Contacting support from Rostelecom personal account

If you have any questions about the work of the provider, its services, you can write to the support service specialist directly from your personal account. This is done in this way: the user opens the section "Appeals", clicks the hyperlink "Write an appeal". The first step in creating a case is choosing its type:

  • Gratitude;
  • Consultation;
  • Claim;
  • Operation of the "Personal Account" system;
  • Technical support;
  • Financial consultation / Request for documents.

The second step of the procedure is to fill in the field in the banner for creating an appeal. The structure of the fields depends on the type of request, which is selected at the first stage. You can attach a file uploaded from a computer to the online form. The file size should not exceed 5 megabytes. Next, the contact person, contact phone number, e-mail are checked. After filling in all the fields, the "Submit" button is pressed. A dialog box will immediately appear on the screen. "Your request has been sent to work". A response from a support specialist can be received within a day.