That lives 1 day. Why is living in the moment a bad recommendation? Memories of experience are more important than experiences

Hunger is the lack of nutrients in the body. It is widely used as a method of getting rid of excess weight and healing. To understand how long a person can live on water without food, you need to understand all the nuances of this condition.

Food is the most important and indispensable source of energy for any living being. For the normal functioning of vital systems, the necessary amount of nutrients must enter the body.

Without proper nutrition, natural processes are disrupted - the immune defense weakens, the organs stop working in their usual rhythm. The gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, skeletal system, blood vessels, heart and brain suffer. In addition to physiological disorders, psychological disorders are observed - sleep worsens, apathy, irritability occur.

In the absence of nutrition, the body is gradually depleted, the reserves of adipose tissue dry out, bones are destroyed, anorexia develops. Without correcting the condition, a fatal outcome may occur.

How long can you go without food

Our organism is thought out and universal. In the absence of food, he is able to do without food for some time, to function offline.

1-4 days of fasting. The person feels some physical and psychological discomfort. Increased food arousal. There are pains in the intestines, profuse salivation.

End of the first week(5-8 days) without food. The feeling of the need for food is dulled. A whitish coating forms on the tongue, urine becomes cloudy, and the smell of acetone comes from the oral cavity. Fatigue, depression, weakness in the bones and muscles are felt.

9 -12 day without food. The peak of the restructuring of the body, which is called the acidotic crisis. The body learns to live without external sources nutrition.

13 - 20 days fasting. The stage of autonomous work of the body, when the body tries to get by own resources. Skin color improves, normalizes psychological condition. Previously acquired symptoms disappear. Heart rate and blood pressure decrease. There is drowsiness.

21 - 30 day hunger. Energy saving mode. The minimum amount of power is wasted. Only the vital organs are fully functional. The body is already accustomed to the lack of nutrition, lives autonomously. The practitioner feels much better.

1 month and more. There is a second attack of acidotic crisis. Symptoms are less pronounced, easier to bear. This stage should be considered critical. Uncontrolled starvation in the future will lead to the shutdown of some systems, and ultimately to death.

According to experts, the duration of survival without food for people of different age groups and gender is different. First of all, teenagers will suffer, then men, then old people. Younger women are more likely to survive. The amount of time is indicated taking into account fluid intake. Without water, a person will not live more than 7 days, after which dehydration and death occur.

How to help the body go without food

To "help" your own body during fasting, you can take the following measures:

  1. Give up an active lifestyle. Go on vacation, spend time in a country house, devote time to reading books or keep bed rest. The less energy is wasted, the better for the whole organism.
  2. In addition to water, drink a variety of infusions, decoctions, juices or tea. They will not break the fasting system, but at the same time enrich the body with vitamins. Rudolf Breuss' cancer treatment diet is based on this principle.
  3. Avoid stress. The human body reacts to any emotional shock with a surge of adrenaline, which requires energy.
  4. More time to be outdoors. A weakened immune system needs to be maintained, and walking on the street has a beneficial effect on strengthening it.
  5. Spend time in companies. Strangers will help to distract from the thought of food. Having a good time will positively affect your emotional state.
  6. Devote your thoughts not to food, but to the purpose for which it was abandoned. Such psychological training will help to concentrate attention, show willpower and cheer up when you can no longer be without food.

In addition to your own mood for positive thinking, you need to feel the understanding and support of loved ones.

There are circumstances in which, according to medicine, it is contraindicated for a person not to eat. These include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children and youth up to 18 years;
  • diagnosed wasting and anorexia;
  • elderly age;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcer;
  • heart, kidney or liver failure;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • previous stroke or heart attack;
  • previous operations;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • oncological processes in the body;
  • blood diseases;
  • gout;
  • mental illness;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • pronounced low blood pressure;
  • acute infectious diseases (until full recovery).

Some contraindications are temporary restrictions. Before starting a diet, it is worthwhile to objectively assess the condition, if necessary, postpone the event to a later time.

To protect yourself from possible complications during the fasting period, it is recommended to visit a doctor. According to his appointment, undergo a complete diagnostic examination in order to get an answer about the state of the body.

Consequences of prolonged abstinence

Attempts to go without food for a long time (more than 35 days) can adversely affect the condition. There is a possibility of irreversible consequences, including dystrophy internal organs, changes in the biochemical composition of the blood, disruption of the brain and nervous system.

One of the most severe conditions resulting from hunger is anorexia. In this state, the practitioner refuses food, rapidly loses body weight and acquires a mental and emotional disorder. To survive in this situation, specialized help is needed. In most cases, this condition leads to a hungry coma, followed by death.

A person can survive without food, on water alone. If the period of hunger is short-term and lasts for several days, this will be beneficial. There will be a cleansing of toxins and toxins. With a protracted diet, there are real threats to health and life.

Hello. My name is Nastya, I still live in Kyiv and do what I do.
A year ago, I wrote a post "" and now I will almost repeat it.
Apparently, I was not a good and even an evil girl, because the universe gave a kick in the ass and
I am at home with a broken leg. I think about my behaviour. Three more weeks to think.
So, I will show you a day about me and my broken leg on February 27, 2015 in 55 photos.

The morning began with the fact that I was well done and overslept. I really wanted to write "and I ran", but
It's been a week now that I've been moving around in a very strange way. And I crawled. Time 07:07.
Of course, I didn't take it off. Who cares about morning hours?

Another thing is the constant cup of morning coffee. She's much more interesting.
There will be many photos of this angle, since me and my leg are a little limited.
While the drink is cooling, I crawl around the apartment like a jellyfish. First a bath, but I won't show it.
Then, check if Tarapunka is dressing.

Tarapunka's plans did not include a trip to the garden. But I was adamant. Almost like a rock.
Moreover, the day promised to be rich in adventure.
By the way, about the rock:

This is me enjoying life. With self-portraits, I did not work out, so there will be no more of them.
But there will be a lot of hours that I have long wanted to paint.

Meanwhile, in the city, as if someone spilled milk

Fog over the Yangtze.
The cats need food.
Cats make very sad faces when they demand food. I'm thinking about doing
a series of photo-emotions and I go (although the word "go" is not very suitable) to feed them.

and a child at the same time. The husband takes him to the garden. But there is no such joyful event in the photo.
And a photo of a joyful husband, too, no.

After eating, the child has time to dress quickly and go with the parent to the garden.
Since he dresses with fireworks, my leg and I did not really have time to shoot it.
Only an intermediate process.

I am sitting, which is logical, at home, but I will work remotely that day. Before the work day starts
I put on music.

Time 8:10, suddenly someone did not see.
To walk from the kitchen to the room, on average, I spend 25 seconds. And since I was told to walk very little,
I try to do as much as possible in one area. I have a bath on the way, so it's worth loading up the laundry.
But having taken 15 photos of the display and none with straight lines and not a littered horizon, I decided
that there is nothing interesting in the washing machine.

Therefore, fotochki earrings. Earrings are always more interesting than a display with a washing mode.

As a good housewife and responsible girl, I put dried things in the closet.
But, the cabinet will not fit into the lens, and I do not need a matchbox in order to reach the handle.
But the rest is similar.

This is what I have prepared for myself. Pay attention to the shaggy. If you beat him, he makes different screams.
There is no better toy for people with repressed aggression.

At this time, I was already connected to work. I work perfectly - lying down. Even remorse tortured me.
A leg in a tire so that no one thinks that the evil Nastya is playing the fool.

I won't show it again. In general, I try in every possible way to look for pleasant moments in a patella fracture,
While there are no new letters, I go to collect food for my mother at work. I take pictures along the way.

My mother is a needlewoman. When she has free time, she makes beauty.
On my way back, I visit again. And I find a cat in a bag, a cat in a bag.

In the room where my sofa study is located, fish are painted on the walls. I'll just show you.
This is what my son and I drew. Once.

Then I got tired of lying and I moved the office to the kitchen. And watered the plant.

About work or good or not at all. It's good that I have it.
But I'm not good at talking about it.

I write down tasks in detail because I have lived to the point where memory cannot be 100% trusted.
I have access to all working resources, except for 1C. Those. and to her was, but one fine Wednesday he disappeared.
The girls at work helped me a lot. I work on TV. Not a journalist.

For the sake of conspiracy, I blur letters and correspondence. Time is 10:18.
Nightmare, only 10:18! I will shorten the story.
Since I'm in the kitchen, I make tea with apples. Two cups of tea. Both for themselves. Both are half a litre.
Firstly, because of laziness, so as not to do it several times, and secondly, to save electricity.
But more, because of laziness of course. I still find a use for the rest of the apple.

While the tea is being brewed, I check on my cranberry tincture.
I shake it, admire the color and put it back.

Me and my leg sat in the kitchen. Leg decided that she was tired of sitting on a stool and decided to go to the sofa.
Completely agreed with her. I get a lot of calls at work. Because I release the polecat from captivity.

Only a person with a broken lens or a fidgeting animal can understand how hellishly hard it is to focus a frame properly. I tried five times. Then five more. Then another one, and in a strange way, this last one turned out.

10 minutes later the prisoner returned to the cage. and I turned on the lights on the easel.
The picture was presented kind people. In October. I didn't have a chance to draw it.
Now it is.

Lunch, which takes place at the standard lunch time - I will not show. I don't like showing food at all.
After dinner I feed and sing to the cockroach spider bugs. Next will be a few photos with cockroaches and a spider.

I feed the rest of the apple to the Seine beetle, nameless cockroaches, and 18 worms.
Senya beetle is not very photogenic. Once he was one of a dozen fodder worms,
but they did not want to eat him, then he became Senya. Senya loves to drink and climb cockroaches. What gender I still have not figured out. But now I have time to do it.

Beetle Senya saddled his friend a hysterical cockroach. Probably should make him a girlfriend.
Although, cockroaches, too, had to be of different sexes. Did not work out.

I change the water for the spider. My spider is beautiful. I'm terribly afraid of him.
In general, I am afraid of everything that I can break or accidentally kill. I'm afraid of turtles too.

I make tea. again. But already different. Already berry.

Opposite view.

And slowly crawl into the room for canvas paints.
Because until they write to me, I can draw the picture promised to my grandmother.

time. At the same time I will show our dolls with my mother. Mom makes them more often. I made mine seven years ago.
mine, the one that is long.

he's not bald, he's got ostrich feather hair.
looked at Igor. Igor has grown several young leaves. it's good, I thought
that is about to dry up.

Prepared materials.

Immediately I decide to get an aroma lamp. In which, suddenly, there was varnish.

The instructions for the essential oil say that it improves mood and helps in the fight
with depression. I often believe what is written in the accompanying papers.

But, they really do make you feel better.
First I make a sketch (do not think, I have a laptop on the table and I monitor mail)

and then I start painting.

The time is about 17:00. The boys will be here in an hour.
It's a good thing I don't show a storyboard of the paint mixing process.

I get a call from work again, and I put off drawing to check the playlist.
But I won't show it. It's not very interesting. While I finish work, I let out for a walk
Turtle Tilda Matilda. She is extremely curious.

And I took an incredible amount of photos. And that's scary too. No sense of proportion.
I also suffer from mania. I paint cups with houses. Houses, like lighthouses, are my weakness.
Psychiatrists have an opinion on this and I respect it. IN last time I painted the cup with whales.
I think progress.

Finished work at six. And finished the windows. And I didn't like the picture. but I will show it.

The boys arrive at 18:10. The son stays, the husband leaves on business. While the child is undressing, I wipe the water from the floor.
Because well done. Let me remind you that the leg for it long time hasn't grown yet. And I suffer from self-pity.

Cats live in the hallway. On the wall. Beautiful. I can not do that.

while back and forth, while I talked with the child, so much time ticked by. I'll paint the clock anyway.

Tarapunka asks for a nut. And in our bourgeois latitudes, coconuts are just found.

The coconut is in the saucer on top of the book that I want to read. But today it doesn't work for me.
Doesn't light up at all.
About eight they called me from work, they said that now there will be a lot of it. And it really became a lot. Very.
I had huge plans for the evening, I wanted to play tracker and make a cast of plaster shoes with the cub. But it didn't work out. That's why I set up an easel for him.

My husband came, and I'm working. Because the husband fed the child. But I didn't see it.
After eating, the son painted a little more.

I'm working. At ten o'clock Tarapunka went to bed. I came to kiss him and turn on a bedtime story.
Usually we read ourselves, but not today. Fairy tale: Pippi Longstocking.

The husband followed his son to bed. And I went to the kitchen. Work. And drink tea.
And look at the book I want to read.

At 23 hours. And I'm working. At 23:30 I finished writing last letter. At the same time, my mother came.
And at the end of this extraordinarily interesting day, I looked something like this:

In his new job, anti-poverty activist Thomas A. Nazario and Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer René Baier have captured the lives of the world's poorest people in photographs.

The 10-chapter book Living on a Dollar a Day brings together the stories of families from four continents living below the poverty line. One of the chapters describes their problems, everyday life in poverty, their slums. In the chapters "Still Children Play" and "Hope", the reader will get a little respite from the horrors described in other chapters of this book. The life of these people is many times worse than many people on the planet, but they do not despair and continue to live on!

The book can serve as a guide to action. At the end of each chapter, the reader will find information on how to help in the difficult fight against poverty.

"I was surprised at the gratitude, generosity, courage and bravery of the hardworking men, women and children who let me into their lives," said Bayer, who is the recipient of a prestigious international photography award. "I hope you will be deeply moved by these photographs and may they change your life too."

1. Four-year-old Anna-Mary Tudor stands in the doorway, hoping for a miracle that they will not be evicted from their tiny apartment with one room and a toilet. Her father recently had an operation to remove his gallbladder and is now unable to work. Bucharest, Romania.

2. This is an electronics dump where 8-year-old Fati is forced to work with other children. Here, among the hazardous waste, they are looking for something valuable, so that they can later exchange it for pennies and buy elementary food. Now she is balancing with a bucket on her head, in which, she found non-ferrous metal. She cries in pain. The fact is that a few years ago she fell ill with malaria, which gives her unbearable pain. This job allows her to survive.

3. Crowds of people pass by 13-year-old Khanupa Begum, who has been blind for 10 years in her life. She is forced to beg on the streets of Delhi in India to feed her family. After all, all that she earns is the only income of her entire family - her brother, 6 years old, who has a tumor in his head, her mother, who, at 35, suffers from asthma and uterine cancer, and in this way, she does not can do physical work. Their father died already 10 years ago from tuberculosis. Hanupa's wheelchair, donated to passers-by.

4. Pai Fanna, 60 years old. He lost his leg when he stepped on a fugue in 1988 near the Cambodia-Thai border. He is a widower and the sole breadwinner of his family, taking care of his eleven children in a house he does not own. In 2008, his house was bought by a private developer and is about to be demolished. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

5. In the slums of Charan, North India lives 20-year-old Kalpana, one of her children Sangita, 2 years old, cries of hunger, while her 5-month-old younger sister Sarita sleeps in her arms. Sarita is very weak, she weighs only 4 kilograms. Her children are forced to help their mother, they are with her all the time while she is begging. To many, this may seem inhuman and cruel to children, but this is the only way people have compassion and they give her pennies in order to somehow feed their babies.

6. Five brothers, ages 5 to 12, sleep together on the floor in a tiny room. They are safe and warm here. But this is temporary. They were found roaming the dangerous streets where banditry and violence flourish. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

7. Zhestina Koko, 25 years old, with her daughter Satta Kuye, 5 years old. From the age of three, her life depends only on the hands she uses to move around. She survives by doing laundry for others and selling cookies on the street, as well as begging money in Monrovia, Liberia. Both of them suffer from malaria. She dreams of a wheelchair, a separate room for herself and her daughter to live in, so that her daughter can go to school. They sleep in the hallway of a house that has no electricity, toilet or water. August 29, 2010.

8. After the death of his father, Alvaro Calancha Cuispe, 9 years old, helps his family survive by farming. Now he is making a corral for the Alpaca and Llama out of stones so that they can graze in this corral all day long. Then he leaves for school. In this part of the world, in the highlands of Bolivia, about 13,000 feet above sea level, residents live in houses with no insulation, no electricity, and no beds. They take water from streams that flow from the snow-capped mountains. Their livelihood is entirely dependent on their animals. Each head produces about three pounds of fur each year, and each pound of fur sells for 18 bolivianos, which is about US$2.50. In total, this family can earn about $200 in income annually.

9. Viorica Gulie, 31, complains of stomach pains and takes a break from making soup for her family. Her mother, Constanta Gulie, 58, is pictured on the left. Viorica suffers from gastritis. With no money for medicines, and the possibility of being treated in a hospital, she is forced to endure pain and live with her illness. Their house, which has neither running water nor a bathroom, is built on state land, and they constantly live in fear of being evicted. Slatina, Romania.

10. Dominga Illari, 70, left, and Manuela Quispe Avile, 70, right, dance after harvesting potatoes. Ávile owns the land and Illari works for her in exchange for food. Santiago de Okola, Bolivia.

11. Labone, 27, took the day off today to spend with her one-year-old daughter, Nupur, born to a client. She would later return to work in a brothel in Jessore, Bangladesh.

12. Rudra, 5 years old, and his sister Suhani, 3 years old, are looking for a place to drink tea in the Charan slums in Dharamsala, India, where they live with their family. They survive, but two of their brothers recently died of starvation.

If billionaire Peter Thiel is about to hire someone, his signature question to the applicant for the coveted job looks like this: “Name the truth that is important to you and that others disagree with.” Almost a hundred years ago, the writer Mark Twain spoke on this topic: “Think about it whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority.”

What's wrong with life one day?

Most of the newly-minted "gurus" who motivate people to achieve and financial well-being give the same advice to their wards: you need to live one day, and do only what brings pleasure right now. This theory has a right to exist, it is reasonable and in some way logical, but often does not work in the real world. In many cases, living one day only destroys people. One moment is a swift moment, it does not exist independently of the past and the future. That is why adherents of this theory so often accept impulsive decisions. As a result, families break up, health goes away, some people become overgrown with debts.

arrow of time

Instead, it is necessary to consider the moment of time, lasting now, as an extension of one line. We must look back, remembering best moments. Time is fleeting, and the present moment is barely perceptible. When we focus on the present moment, it already becomes the past.

What is the measure of current success?

Looking far back, many of us will find a lot of mistakes and grievances. And the recent past is still fresh in my memory. Let me tell you a secret: what you did a few days ago is a clear indicator of your current success. Today is the day that tomorrow becomes yesterday. You live today so that tomorrow you have something to remember. That is why you need to live with an eye on the past, ensuring your future. What you are doing right now is shaping your future success.

Existing for the Past

This theory reflects how you exist in the present. When you live one day, all your actions are dictated by impulses. In this case, behavior becomes a product of circumstances, but not a conscious choice. As a result, so many wrong decisions are formed... If you start relying on memories, on your positive and negative experiences, your actions become more conscious.

Memories of experience are more important than experiences

It may sound a little strange, but a person's memories of past experiences are more important than the experiences themselves. The moments we spend with family, children and loved ones cannot last forever. The day passes, vacation ends, comes New Year. Now the children have grown up, and now they have their own life. What is left, except for photographs, which capture the most amazing moments? Memories of those days do not go anywhere, they cut into the memory, in fact, being an invaluable experience.

How to learn to form solutions

Memories from the past contain a lot of information. In order to accept correct solution, it is necessary to turn off the impulses. In fact, our life is a story that we write ourselves. At the moment, the pen draws letters that add up to words, and words give rise to sentences. If you compare one day with the chapter of an entire book, then this is not even a letter or a word, it is just an ink trail. One thing a man knows for sure: as long as he is alive, he cannot stop the pen. It's time to take control of fate and start consciously writing chapters in this book!

Confidence in the present

The past determines the confidence in the present. So, for example, if you have a great morning, you are sure to have a great time for the rest of the day. Why it happens? Based on recent memories, you have deliberately programmed yourself for success. What we remember about our recent past (yesterday, week or month), our feeling from the experience, largely determines confidence in the present. Thus, living each moment from the point of view of the past, you accumulate memories, feel pride in your actions. This information is truly invaluable, and success develops in a spiral.

How to simulate an ideal future

Stephen Covey, in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, suggested modeling the present by counting down from the 80th birthday. A person needs to imagine how relatives, relatives, children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren gathered for this honorable anniversary. How they express their feelings, what words they say. What they say about the life of the hero of the day, how they talk about the character, what his main achievements are remembered, what influence this person had on the life of the family. Such systems approach to the definition of global goals. It allows you to maximize all the potential inherent in a person and set the necessary priorities.

Living one day does not allow you to comprehend the holistic nature of time

Time is an arrow with three components (past, present and future). Those who live only one day concentrate only on a point located on a huge extended scale. Such people fail to comprehend the integral nature of time. All three components do not exist independently on the timeline, they are strongly interconnected with each other. When you live from the experience of the past, you are consciously modeling an ideal future while still existing in the present.

You can have any future you want. But more importantly, you have a unique chance to have the past you deserve. Together, this forms pride in one's own actions and deeds.


A life that relies on the experience of the past provides an opportunity for a better choice. It's easy to justify bad decisions that were made on impulse. It is easy to break the obligations given to someone, it is easy to yell at children, not to control your anger and succumb to temptations. It's harder to save than to spend, or fight for what you believe in. It is very difficult to improve yourself and be consistent. It is more difficult to get up when you want to sleep or work, while others are having fun at this time. You will eventually learn to want to do the hard but right thing just because it is necessary.

Would you like to know the secret of the success of people who have achieved power, fame, position, wealth? Then this article is for you!

You can easily achieve everything if you stick to this technique. It will help you organize yourself, become the master of your own destiny, manage your own life and make the right decisions.

We know that everything in life is relative, there are only two known quantities, two sides of the same coin - you and the world around you. A chaotic stream of information and events falls upon us from the outside world. We often find ourselves in a situation where we don’t know what to grab onto, we don’t know where is the basis, that fulcrum, on which you can build your life and make decisions.

The secret of success lies in…

Our whole life is made up of days. Imagine that these are not different days, but only 1 day that we live over and over again. That is, every day we are given a chance to live the day anew. Let's choose the 1st day that we live today as a fulcrum.

The secret of success is that the way we live this day, we will live the rest of our lives.

Our whole endless life narrows down to just one day, which we can live an infinite number of times.

How do successful people live 1 day?

1. For there to be day, there must be night

Simply put, you need to get enough sleep and wake up early in the morning. For those who get up early, the day seems long, the person has time to do a lot. The optimal length of the day is 16 hours, sleep - 8 hours.

The best time to wake up is 5 am and go to bed at 9 pm. But you can set the time for yourself the most suitable time, the main thing is to get enough sleep to gain strength for a new day.

2. We all want to be free!

We all want to be free, not live like robots - according to a schedule. A contradiction appears. On the one hand, the daily routine drives us into rigid limits, on the other hand, we lose our foothold if we behave chaotically every minute.

Chaos will lead to the fact that our lives will be controlled by circumstances or other people, and not you and me. So let's find a compromise. Namely, we will divide our day into two parts: the first is mandatory events, the second is complete freedom. With the second part of the day, everything is clear, so we will not consider it anymore.

3. First part of the day: obligatory activities

What is its duration? It is different for everyone, everyone is free to choose how much time to leave for work, and how much for rest.

4. Each of us has a dream

Surely everyone has a dream to achieve something in life, to get what they want. To make it easier for the universe to fulfill your dream, choose one of the most desirable, we will postpone the rest for later.

Set aside a piece of time from the first part of the day to work on the realization of a dream. It is advisable to leave this piece of time at the very beginning, immediately after the morning procedures. After all, the fulfillment of desire is the most important thing for us.

Working on the realization of a dream is a separate topic, everyone chooses the most appropriate techniques¹ and outlines steps to achieve the goal. It is important to understand one thing - if you do the same thing every day at the same time, a huge force develops that allows you to achieve your goal².

5. Each of us has responsibilities.

We live in a society. And, therefore, we have to go to work, do something around the house, take care of ourselves, take care of clothes, cook food and so on. We will place all these duties in the rest of the first part of the day, allotted for mandatory events.

6. Plan the day

So, we have a certain plan for the day, which is equivalent to a plan for our whole life:

  • morning procedures;
  • work on the realization of a dream;
  • mandatory activities;
  • complete freedom of action.

All you have to do is set the start and end times for each interval. You can also describe in more detail the list of events for some items. And that's it! Our life is in our pocket. Now you control life, not circumstances or other people.

7. The secret to success is overcoming difficulties

In practice, a problem may arise: “How to force yourself to do what he thought of himself every day?” A serious motivation will help to solve such a problem, strong enough to keep from the temptations that will lead away.

The best stimulus in this case may be an outside observer. You can choose a loved one as an outside observer. You can choose yourself, but this will require a lot of willpower and the ability to self-suggestion³.