Creative Lego building project in kindergarten. senior group

Formed design skills and abilities, the ability to analyze an object, highlight it characteristics, the main parts, to establish a connection between their purpose and structure. Developed the ability to apply their knowledge in the design and assembly of structures. The cognitive activity of children, imagination, fantasy and creative initiative are developed. Improved communication skills of children when working in pairs, teams, distribution of responsibilities.

Preconditions formed learning activities: the ability and desire to work, perform tasks in accordance with the instructions and the goal, bring the work started to the end, plan future work. There are ideas: about the details of the designer and how to connect them; about the stability of models depending on its shape and weight distribution; on the dependence of the strength of the structure on the method of connecting its individual elements; about the relationship between the form of a structure and its functions.

Project "Kids plus LEGO"

Project type : information - creative, group, short-term.


1. Great popularity of the game among children all over the world.

2. The LEGO set offers great potential for developing children's creativity.

3. A deeper and more detailed acquaintance with the constructor and its frequent use will help to solve difficult problems through an exciting game.

Objective of the project: learn to analyze;

Strengthen the ability to work independently;

Develop imagination and eye.

Project objectives:

1. Expand children's understanding of the possibilities of the LEGO constructor.

2. Develop perception, thinking, speech, through verbal analysis - reasoning in the process of active actions to find connections from a wooden toy to innovative developments.

3. Cultivate children's imagination and curiosity.

4. Continue to form fine motor skills of the fingers.

Planned result:

Children will have an idea about the possibilities of playing with the LEGO constructor.

Project implementation

LEGO is the girls' favorite game, but especially the boys in my group.

But what do they know about him? It turned out a little.

LEGO is a construction set with many details of different colors and shapes, it can be played by both girls and boys.

Stage 1 - preparatory

Target: define the main areas of work:

Informing and familiarizing parents with the topic and project plan

Collection and accumulation of information about the LEGO constructor

Planning joint activities.

Stage 2 - analytical

Target: help children in collecting information about the LEGO constructor.

1. Conversations on topics:

- "Children of the world play with LEGO."

- "What kind of hero would you be and why?"

2. Riddles with LEGO

3. Plot- role-playing games with LEGO constructor: LEGO Heroes, Police, LEGO city.

4. Educational activities: modeling, coloring, building LEGO characters.

5. Creation of interesting models at will and in free time.

Stage 3 - practical

Target: To develop in children the ability to use the knowledge gained about the designer in games.

Game "Trained Animals"

Game: "Guess the tale"

Game: "What's wrong?"

The game "Who, where to be?"

Water games:

“A boat is floating”: a child constructs a boat, a boat or a raft from LEGO, attaching a sail (a paper napkin) to the building, after which breathing exercises are performed (the child blows on the boat - the boat floats);

"Looking for treasure": the child is looking for the details of the designer with his eyes closed, holding his hands in a container of water;

Sand games:

“Guess what part”: the child looks for a designer part buried in the sand pool and determines its name.

“Connect the parts by touch”: the child searches for the parts of the designer buried in the sand pool and connects them by touch, after which he pulls out and describes what the building looks like.


An important role in the work in this direction is played by the interested attitude of parents. At the initial stage of work on the use of Lego sets in the cognitive development of preschoolers, 45% of families had a set, but did not use it as a developmental material. In order to reveal the possibilities of LEGO to parents, I used a variety of forms of work: consultations, workshops, open classes for parents, etc. Thanks to this work, 87.5% of parents purchased Lego constructors of various sizes for their children and note that such work gives boys the opportunity and girls to show their creativity, is a real pleasure and brings invaluable benefits in preparing children for schooling.

It should be emphasized that in the process of playing with the constructor

child develops:

Thinking: the ability to compare, generalize, analyze, classify


fine motor skills

Ability to follow a pattern

Spatial imagination, the ability to see different ways creating images and buildings

Achieving a certain result, the child develops the purposefulness of his own actions.

The program contributes to the formation of positive motivation for learning, the active involvement of the child in the game process, and creates the basis for the formation of learning skills.

Timely mastery of constructive-playing activities is also important in terms of creating readiness for further education at school. Preschoolers form the prerequisites necessary for future learning: cognitive development, the ability and desire to work, complete tasks in accordance with the goal, bring it to the end, plan future work.

Advice for parents: "Cognitive development of preschoolers through the LEGO constructor"

A person who is able to think constructively, quickly solve logical problems, is most adapted to life, as he quickly finds a way out of difficult situations, makes a rational decision. The influence of constructive activity on the mental development of children was studied by A. R. Luria. He concluded that “design exercises have a significant impact on the development of the child, radically changing the nature of cognitive activity.”

Construction is "a productive activity of a preschooler, involving the creation of structures according to a model, according to conditions and according to one's own plan."

Constructive activity occupies a significant place in preschool education and is a complex cognitive process, as a result of which the intellectual development of children takes place: the child acquires practical knowledge, learns to identify essential features, establish relationships and connections between details and objects.

In pedagogical practice, various types of design are widely used - from designer parts, large-sized modules, from paper, natural and waste materials. Of all the variety of construction kits that are used in preschool institutions, I would like to focus on the LEGO constructor, which is a "bright, colorful, multifunctional material that provides great opportunities for the search and experimental research activities of the child." With its help, difficult tasks can be solved through an exciting creative game in which there will be no losers, since every child can cope with it. Elements of the LEGO constructor have different sizes, varied in shape, simple fastening options with other elements. There are a lot of options for fastening LEGO elements together, which creates almost unlimited possibilities for creating various types buildings and game situations.

LEGO - the designer is widely used in the design classes and solves the following tasks: develops thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.). Enough effective remedy the activation of thinking is the construction of models, schemes, drawings, plans, samples, from memory.

Constructive activity requires a relatively high concentration of attention in children. Before proceeding with the creation of a structure, an accurate calculation, thoughtfulness, a certain sequence and accuracy in work are necessary. In the process of executing the design, preschoolers develop the ability to complete the work they have begun, to control their activities and get a quality result, which is very important in learning. Activation of attention is facilitated by designing according to a plan, scheme, model, building up to a whole figure (“Build a house”, “Restore a broken bridge”, “Complete a house (garage, car, etc.) according to the model”.

Legoconstruction as a means of developing children's spatial thinking preschool age in the conditions of preschool

Today, Lego constructors are indispensable materials for classes in preschool institutions. Children love to play in free activities. In pedagogy, Lego technology is interesting because, based on integrated principles, it combines elements of play and experimentation. Lego games here are a way of exploring and orienting the child in the real world. Children learn from the moment they are born. They touch objects, pick them up, move them - and in this way they explore the world around them. For children aged three to six years, the basis of learning should be a game - in its process, kids begin to imitate adults, try their hand, fantasize, experiment. The game provides children with great opportunities for physical, aesthetic and social development. In our kindergarten I have been working with the Lego constructor for the second year. I teach children to work in stages.

Stages of development of design abilities:

1. Plan upcoming activities, present the progress of operations, describe the final result of the finished product.

2. Master the elements of graphic literacy: the ability to characterize the model.

3. Self-design.

4. Master specific design skills in cooperation with the teacher and children.

5. Self-control during construction and mutual verification of children for the implementation of the model in accordance with the tasks set and the planned sample.

6. Determine the purpose of the resulting product.

If I see that the children are tired, I offer a warm-up.

They clapped their hands: one, two, three.

- They stamped their feet: one, two, three.

- Eyes winked: one, two, three.

- And then they jumped: one, two, three.

- The cubes rattled: knock, knock, knock.

- The train went: choo, choo, choo.

- Do you like Lego? Yes Yes Yes.

The kids keep building.

Another version of the warm-up game, it can be used at the beginning of the game.

- Two claps, two stomps: hedgehogs, hedgehogs (movements of the fingers imitate hedgehogs)

- One, two, three on the anvil: scissors, scissors (hand movements crosswise show scissors)

- Running on the spot, running on the spot: bunnies, bunnies (hands raised up to the head, depict the ears of the bunnies)

- Come on together, come on together: girls, boys (first the girls shout in unison, then the boys shout in unison).

“Our children are very friendly, both girls and boys. Therefore, we take all children on an exciting journey through the country of LEGO. Bright, colorful, wonderful LEGO designers are waiting for you. You show what can be built using the details of these constructors. Show off your creativity and imagination.

Using the LEGO DUPLO "Farm" constructor to develop the speech of children in the second junior group.

All children love to play building blocks. The LEGO Farm set is a great illustration of life in the countryside. The constructor helps children to learn what pets look like and what benefits they bring to people.

Children can create their own farm, build a house, which contributes to the development of children's imagination, learn the initial concepts of color, shape.

In joint activities, you can combine LEGO sets, this will teach children to play role-playing games, come up with various stories.

"The labor of people on the farm

"Drink the Animals"

"Build paddocks"

"Plant Flowers"

Daily routine and others

The LEGO Farm set can be used in didactic games:

"Who's screaming?"

"Find the baby's mother"

"Who eats what?"

"Russell Animals"

"What changed?"

"Who's gone?"

"Learn by description"

"Summary of Lego construction classes in the second junior group

Purpose: Development of children's ability to visual modeling through LEGO - constructor.


1. Develop visual and spatial perception;

2. To activate attention directed to the continuation of the rhythmic pattern of the building;

3. To consolidate the ability of children to build according to the model;

4. Develop visual-effective thinking;

5. Raise children to work in a team of peers, helping each other in joint construction;

6. Develop the ability to carry out an elementary analysis of objects, highlight the whole and parts;

7. To develop skills in children, to convey the characteristic features of animals, based on the scheme.

Material: LEGO - man, individual sets with designer parts, a model building for children, diagrams for each child.


The teacher meets the children, offering to go to the carpet. Mysterious music sounds. Lego man descends in a hot air balloon.

I am Lego man. I flew to you from the magical land of LEGO. At night there was a strong hurricane. When we woke up in the morning, we saw that our beloved zoo had been destroyed, and the animals had fled. Help us.

Children, you agree to help Lego - a friend. He is so interesting, unusual (draws attention to the LEGO man figure)

Why is he unusual? (Suggested responses of children)

Yes, it is made from designer parts.

What is the name of this constructor?

Correctly. This is a LEGO set.

He came to us from the magical LEGO country. To help him, we need to go there.

Do you agree? How to get there?

And I propose to build a road, but not a simple one, not an ordinary one, but a magical one. Why is she unusual? It is made up of Lego pieces.

But first, let's build a magical road.

Find the right brick

The road to LEGO - collect the country.

Educational game "Magic Path"

To build a road, you need to follow the rules, everyone needs to take only 2 parts. Details must be different: different either in color or in size. We start building: I put the first part. The next one should be similar to mine in color or size.

Who has the right one? (Helps match parts by color or size.)

Is your item similar to mine? By color or size?

Why did you include this item?

Has everyone put in their details? Is the road ready?

So that no one gets lost on the way, we tightly grapple with our little fingers, like LEGO parts (in a circle around the table).

You can hit the road. (Like a spell)

Take your friends with you.

And get into LEGO country.

Eye exercise. MAN (Eyes up, down, right, left, opened wide in surprise, closed their eyes tightly, blinked.)

We are with you in LEGO country. (I take a little man) And here is the zoo (they approach the table with the zoo). Let's hurry to him!

Look, the walls of the zoo are destroyed. Can we restore them? But as? Part of the wall has been preserved. This will be a hint for us. Let's take a closer look at it.

What is it made of? Yes, from Lego parts - the designer.

Are all parts the same color?

And what color are they?

Are they the same size (specify size)?

How are LEGO pieces held together? (about buttons).

Take containers with parts and go to the clearing, position yourself comfortably, but so that you can see the sample (watch your posture). We start construction.

details, details,

You are not tired of sleeping.

This morning

It's time for us to build.

We start construction.

(Individual work is in progress: assistance by showing, additional explanation, support, approval.)

Carry the buildings to the destroyed zoo. Take containers with you. Lego friend is waiting for us. Let's rebuild the walls.

We just need to fix your walls on the foundation. Place them tightly, without cracks or openings. (Secure with green details).

There were many bricks.

Each one was nothing.

And now the details

They stood up as a strong wall.

The zoo has been restored. You can return to the clearing.

Guys, look how beautiful our zoo looks!

You like? What good fellows we are. Residents of the LEGO country will come to the zoo ... Consider and whom they will see. But there are no animals in the zoo.

What animals do you know? How many animals do you know!

Can you show them with your hands?

For example, a bunny! (right hand, left hand, simultaneously)

And how to show the dog? (Children try, the teacher shows his own).

The dog has a pointed nose

There is a neck, and there is a tail. (Two hands).

Elephant in the zoo

Ears, trunk, he is gray.

nods his head,

It's like he's inviting you.

Crocodile swims in the river

Eyes bulging.

He is green all over, like mud.

From crown to tail.

Well done! You have magic fingers!

A wall has grown out of Lego.

Shall we continue the good deeds?

A LEGO friend has pictures of the animals that lived in the zoo. Children, we are with you, in LEGO - the country, which means that you can collect animals from .... LEGO details! We have animal charts. Some schemes are light - they are green. And the red ones are more complex. Let's take a look at them

(children come to the board).

Did you recognize them? (Pay attention to body parts and, in accordance with this, manufacturing technology). (Summarizes) They are made too. from lego. Who would like to collect what animal?

Take a photo - a diagram and go to the tables - it will be more convenient to work there.

(Children build to the music, the teacher provides assistance as needed).

Posture, posture, unsure.

We are smart and wise

We build everything differently.

This is how it happens in LEGO country -

Everything we love comes to life.

Carry them carefully and carefully. Do not rush to populate the zoo. Let's see who will live in it.

He settled in our zoo. It was built...

Tell me about him: does he have a name? What does he like to do? Are there any friends? What is his character? Who is his zoo neighbor?

You noticed: what amazing buildings you have. Strong, beautiful, original, all different. And you spoke wonderfully about them.

Lego - a friend likes them very much. He thanks you for your help. And what kind of help?

You helped the residents of LEGO country. The zoo has been restored. You were brave, courageous, resolute, quick-witted - wonderful helpers. You can be relied upon. What can you praise yourself for?

Now stand in a circle and put your palms together.

Flourish Lego Country

And it's time for us to go home.

Close your eyes-

We are leaving this fairy tale. A wonderful bag” and others.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the younger group using the LEGO constructor:

"Space Journey"


To give children knowledge about space, about planets, stars;

Exercise in the design of a spaceship from the LEGO constructor;

Fix the names of parts, their color;

Develop the ability to build according to the model;

Develop creativity, imagination, speed of reaction, the ability to navigate in space;

Materials and equipment:

Tape recorder, LEGO constructor, LEGO master and Luntik toys, “magic bag”, illustrations depicting stars, planets, comets and a spaceship, hoops.

Lesson progress:

Luntik: - Hello guys, let's get to know you. Do you know what my name is? And what is your name? (Children say their names).

Why do you think I have such a name where I live? (On the moon).

Where is the Moon? (In space).

What else can you see in the night sky? (Stars).

Guess the riddle:

The coals are burning

Scoop can't get it

You can see them at night

And you can't see it during the day. (Stars).

This unusual, huge world is called space. It is filled with many stars, planets, comets (show illustrations).

What is the riddle about?

A yellow plate hangs in the sky

The yellow plate gives warmth to everyone (the sun).

The sun is not alone in space, it has a family - the planets.

Earth is the planet where people live - you guys.

I stayed with you and I want to go home to the moon.

How can I get to the moon?

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land

But he can do it

Make fast ... (Rocket).

Help me guys build a spaceship.


Sit down Luntik. Guys, let's turn to the LEGO master and use the constructor to create a rocket.

LEGO - master: - Of course I will help you, but first I want to play the game "Guess by touch" with you.

The game is being played.

Educator: - Let's see how the rocket is built? What parts is the body of the rocket made of? How many? What parts is a rocket engine made of? How many? What did we put them on? Get to work (Children build to space music).

When built, transfer the rocket to the spaceport. What it is? (The place where rockets take off).

Children are looking at buildings.

Educator: - We built, guys,

The best starship ever.

We'll check everything, we'll fix everything

And let's take flight.

Thank you for your help Lego Master. Luntik, get ready to fly.

Let's play the game "Astronauts". Walk in a circle and say with me:

Waiting for new missiles

For trips to the planets.

What we want

Let's fly to this one.

There is only one secret -

There is no room for latecomers.

Children, on a signal, take their places in the hoops.

Space music sounds.

Educator: - We are flying with you in space. What do you see? What a bottomless sky, warm and affectionate. Interesting in space. But we need to go home.

What is the name of our planet? (Earth).

What is the name of our city? (Zelenogorsk, Orlovka village).

Close your eyes: 5-4-3-2-1 - now we are sitting in the hall.

Did you enjoy our trip?

We helped Luntik return home, and now we will return to the group ourselves.

Using LEGO bricks to organize educational process, makes it possible to involve children in creativity, which makes it possible for children to show initiative and independence, the ability to set goals and cognitive actions, which is a priority in the light of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and is fully consistent with the objectives of developmental education. Promotes the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills, the ability to communicate with peers, enrichment vocabulary, the formation of coherent speech.



Lego and us project.

Type of project according to the target setting - information - practice - oriented

Project type by duration - long

Implementation period - December 2016

Project type by the number of participants - group

Participants - educators, children, parents.


The relevance of the introduction of LEGO-construction in the educational process of preschool education is due to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of a subject-spatial developing environment, the demand for the development of a broad outlook of a preschooler and the formation of prerequisites for universal educational activities. LEGO design in the Federal State Educational Standard is defined as an activity that contributes to the development of research and creative activity of children, the ability to observe and experiment.

The use of LEGO constructors in the organization of the educational process makes it possible to introduce children to creativity, which makes it possible for children to show initiative and independence, the ability to set goals and cognitive actions, which is a priority in the light of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and fully corresponds to the tasks of developmental education. Promotes the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, communication skills, the ability to communicate with peers, enrichment of vocabulary, the formation of coherent speech.

Educational areas in kindergarten do not exist in a "pure form". Their integration always takes place, and with the help of LEGO construction, it is easy to integrate cognitive development, which includes technical design with artistic and aesthetic development, and creative design with social and communicative development and other educational areas.

Project idea : to make LEGO-construction a guided process, to expand the content of the design activity of preschoolers, through the introduction of new generation constructors, and to involve parents in joint technical creativity formed the basis of our Lego project.

Objective of the project : the introduction of LEGO design in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.


1. To form primary ideas about design, its significance in human life;

3. Develop productive (design) activities: ensure that children master the basic assembly techniques;

2. To involve in scientific and technical creativity: to develop the ability to formulate a technical problem, to collect and study the necessary information, to find a specific solution to the problem and materially implement your creative plan;

4. To cultivate a value attitude towards one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

5. To form cooperation skills: work in a team, in a team, small group(paired with).

6. Ensure purposeful use of LEGO constructs in the educational process of the kindergarten:

7. Raise the educational level of teachers by teaching LEGO technology.

8. To increase the interest of parents in LEGO construction through the organization of active forms of work with parents and children.

Planned results of the project implementation:

1) the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint design, technical creativity, has the skills to work with various sources of information;

2) the child is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately shows his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts;

3) the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in different types research and creative and technical activities, in the construction game and design;

4) the child owns different forms and types of creative and technical games, familiar with the main components of the LEGO constructor; is able to identify, distinguish and name the details of the designer

5) the child is able to design according to the conditions set by adults, according to a model, according to a drawing, according to a given scheme, and independently build a scheme. Be able to work according to the given instructions

6) the child is quite good at oral speech able to explain technical solution can use speech to express their thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech statement in a situation of creative, technical and research activities;

The main forms of work with children:

1. Model building - offering children samples of buildings made from parts building material and designers.

2. Construction according to conditions - without giving children a model of construction, drawings and methods of construction, determine only the conditions that the building must meet and that emphasize practical purpose.

Basic methods and techniques educational activities:

Construction, creative research, presentation of their models, competitions between groups;

Verbal (conversation, story, briefing, explanation);

Visual (showing, working according to instructions);

Practical (assembly of models);

Reproductive method (perception and assimilation of ready-made information);

Partial search (performance of variable tasks);

Research method;

The method of stimulating and motivating activities (game emotional situations, praise, encouragement.

Project implementation model:

Presentations, poems, coloring pages

Compilation fiction by Lego construction

Summaries of classes, conversations, leisure and entertainment;

Scheme cycle.

Resource support of the project:

1. Lego is a corner.

2. Visual material:



Posters, illustrations, plot pictures, coloring books.


1. Folders-sliders "All about Lego"

2. Conversations with parents "LEGO construction through the organization of active forms of work with children"

3. Consultations for parents "The value of LEGO - construction in the development of children in preschool";

4. Memo for parents "Play Lego at home"

5. Photo exhibition "We play LEGO"

Stages of work on the project

I stage. Preparatory

1. Choice of topic, its relevance;

2. Drawing up a work plan for the project;

3. Creation of conditions for the implementation of the Lego and Us project;

4. Accumulation of information and materials on the topic of the project:

Selection of fiction on the topic of the project;

Preparation of visual illustrative material (diagrams);

Audio recordings;

5. Development of abstracts, conversations, cognitive and creative activities;

6. Launching the project (watching cartoons with stories of the creation of the LEGO constructor, conversations, reading fiction)

II stage. Basic


Conduct form


Week 1

Conversations: 1. "Children of the world play with LEGO."

2. "Amazing - in the history of LEGO."

3. What does it mean

word- LEGO

4. “What LEGO sets do you have at home?

Activate the constructive imagination of children;

Create conditions for mastering the basics of design;

D / I “What is superfluous?”

develop attention and memory.

D / I "Build without opening your eyes"

We learn to build with our eyes closed, develop fine motor skills of hands, endurance.

D / I "Hello, it's me!", "I give you a smile"

To form the ability to convey with the help of figurative language means, emotional states;

Develop communication skills.


"Russian stove" from the fairy tale r. n. With. "Swan geese"

Continue to acquaint children with the design possibilities of various parts used to shape different objects (oval part, semicircle, etc.);

To form a sense of symmetry and the ability to correctly alternate colors in their buildings;

"Viewing schemes for legoconstruction"

Develop the ability to analyze a sample - to highlight functionally significant parts in it (edges, base, name and show the details of the designer from which these parts are built.

2 weeks

Viewing presentations and educational cartoons on the topic: “The history of the creation of LEGO”, “Who is Ole Kirk Christiansen?”, “The transformation of plastic”.

Formation of motivation for the development and learning of preschoolers, as well as creative cognitive activity.

The game "Whose team will build faster"

We learn to build in a team, to help each other;

Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills of hands. On a walk


"Winter town"

To consolidate the acquired design skills;

Develop creativity and independence

Construction "Bridge"

Learn to build a bridge, following the rules of connection, using a model of construction. To consolidate the ability to create strong buildings, observing the rules for connecting bricks.

Virtual tour of the sights of the city.

To acquaint children with the history of the formation of the Yugorsky bridge across the Ob River. Raise love and pride in their homeland.

3 week

Reading and memorizing poems about LEGO

Help children collect information about the LEGO constructor.

coloring lego coloring pages

Role-playing games with the LEGO constructor: LEGO Heroes, Autolady

Design "Bird feeder"

Strengthen skills, build according to schemes;

Learn to build a feeder from a Lego constructor;

Distribute Lego pieces correctly.

D / I "Find the same detail as on the card"

fix the names of Lego-constructor parts;

Examination of illustrations, a story about wintering birds;

Consolidate children's knowledge, develop attention

Construction "Wintering Birds"

To consolidate the skill of designing birds;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards nature.

4 week

Riddles with LEGO

Develop mindfulness, ingenuity, logical thinking

Role-playing games with the LEGO constructor: Police, LEGO city

To give children the basic concepts of a winter landscape, to remember the features of city buildings;

To develop the ability to transfer the form of an object by means of a constructor. Examination of illustrations, diagrams.

Construction "Christmas toys"

Develop children's imagination and imagination;

Strengthen the skill of fastening parts;

Learn to build more complex buildings

"Winter Holiday - New Year"

Examination of photographs, paintings, illustrations;

Tell the children about the New Year traditions of their country, as well as introduce them to the traditions of other countries.

Construction "New Year's round dance"

"Herringbone beauty all the guys like it."

Consolidate the acquired skills;

Develop imagination, creativity;

Evoke positive emotions.

III stage. Final.

Analysis of the effectiveness of work on the project "Lego and Us"

Lego building work empowers preschoolers to enter the world social experience. Children develop a single and holistic view of the objective and social world.

Construction is closely related to the sensory and intellectual development of the child: visual acuity, perception of color, shape, size are improved, thought processes (analysis, synthesis, classification) are successfully developing.

The child acquires the skills of a work culture: he begins to keep order in the workplace, distribute time and effort in the manufacture of models (each lesson has its own theme) and, therefore, plan activities.

The LEGO constructor is used both in the joint activities of an adult and children, and in independent activity children not only within the framework of the GCD, but also during leisure activities, holidays, in project activities;

The basis of the educational process using LEGO technology is the game - the leading type of children's activity.

Thus, the use of gaming techniques with the help of LEGO brings variety to the learning and development process, makes it more vivid, dynamic, develops constructive creativity, imagination and, of course, fine motor skills.

The implementation of the project is significant for the development of the education system, as it contributes to:

* Ensuring work within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;

* Formation of the image of a children's educational institution;

*Satisfaction of parents in educational services DOW;

*Increase professional level teachers.

List of used literature:

1) Brofman V - Papa Carlo School of Architecture: a book for children and adults. - M .: "LINKA - PRESS", 2001. -144 p.: illustration.

2) Davidchuk, A.N. Development of constructive creativity in preschoolers / A.N. Davidchuk. – Ed. 2nd, add. M., "Enlightenment", 1976.

3) Komarova, L. G. Building from LEGO (modeling of logical relations and objects of the real world by means of the LEGO constructor) / L. G. Komarova. - M.: "LINKA - PRESS", 2001. - 88 p.: ill.

4) Kutsakova, L.V. Design and artistic work in kindergarten: Program and notes of classes / L. V. Kutsakova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009. - 240 p.

5) Luss T.S. “Formation of skills of constructive-playing activity in children with the help of LEGO: A guide for teachers-defectologists. - M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2003. -104 p.: ill. - (Correctional pedagogy).

6) Feshina E.V. "Lego construction in kindergarten": A guide for teachers. -M.: ed. Sphere, 2011.


Lego construction is one of the most modern trends development of children, widely using three-dimensional models of the real world and the subject-play environment for the education and development of the child. LEGO allows children to learn by playing and learning through play. The most important thing is to give children the opportunity to "live" the material that is interesting to them. Learning new things, children learn to express their attitude to what is happening. By constructing, they are immersed in a situation organized by adults. In the course of educational activities, children become builders, architects and creators, while playing, they come up with and implement their ideas. In the process of activity, a variety of tasks are solved: psychological, cognitive activity develops. While traveling, children help their friends, help heroes out of trouble, learn Interesting Facts. Preparing for the journey, children design, learn poetry, work with diagrams. At the same time, children develop creative imagination, communication skills, curiosity. The main thing is that there are no spectators, there are only participants, and everyone participates with great desire. The knowledge acquired by children is relevant and necessary for them. A meaningful, interesting material is absorbed easily and forever.

Project types.

By activity: creative.

By the number of participants: group.

Length: medium length.

Project participants.

Teachers, parents, children of the group preparatory to school MADOU No. 29.

Children's age: 6-7 years old.

Product of children's activity.

Composition from a Lego-constructor based on the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Terenty - black grouse".

Project problem.

To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow a black grouse hibernates.

Game motivation of the project.

Objective of the project.

To teach children to build from a Lego constructor, choosing the right sequence of actions, connection techniques, a combination of shapes and colors.

Project objectives:

  • Expand your understanding of wild animals and wintering birds. To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the black grouse hibernates.
  • To form a steady interest in constructive activities, the desire to create, invent.
  • Learn to mentally divide an object into its component parts and assemble a whole from parts.
  • Learn to build from Lego - the designer "Fox", "Marten", "Black grouse".
  • Develop imagination, constructive imagination and the ability to creatively use acquired skills.
  • To form mathematical knowledge about the account, form, proportion, symmetry.
  • Teach correct and quick orientation in space.
  • Develop independence in working with diagrams.
  • Develop attention, ability to concentrate, memory, thinking.
  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands, stimulating general speech development and mental abilities in the future.
  • Dramatize the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Terenty the black grouse".
  • To form a careful attitude towards Lego-constructor.
  • Cultivate friendly relations, respect for one's own and other people's work.

Stages of work on the project.

Preliminary work:

1. Thinking through problems and game situations.

2. Preparation of schemes for the design of "Foxes", "Martens", "Teterev".

3. Preparation of the script for the dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Terenty the black grouse".

Stage Teacher activity Children activities

immersion in the project

Problem formulation: The teacher invites the children to remember how wild animals winter in the forest, how birds winter. Offers to find out how the black grouse hibernates.

Introduces into the game situation Formulates tasks:

The teacher introduces the book of V. Bianki "Terenty-grouse" to the group and invites the children to find out how the black grouse hibernates, construct the plot of V. Bianchi's fairy tale with the help of a Lego constructor and beat it.

Getting into a problem.

Living in a game situation.

Acceptance of tasks.

Addition of project tasks.


organization of activities

Reading the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Terenty the black grouse".

Invites children to consider schemes, to distribute between children who and what does in each group.

Helps to plan activities.

Organizes activities.

Interaction with families. Together with children and parents, we draw a plan-scheme of the project and hang it in a conspicuous place.

Collect information, material: Listening to the tale of V. Bianchi "Terenty-grouse".

Examining illustrations for the work.

Listening to an audio recording and watching a cartoon (YouTube) based on a fairy tale.

Drawing fairy tale characters.

Combining children into working groups: making "Foxes", making "Martens", making "Teterev".

Consideration and analysis of schemes.

The distribution of roles and responsibilities among the children of each group.

3rd implementation activities Practical assistance to children in creating figures of "Foxes", "Martens", "Teterev" from Lego-constructor.

Drawing up a general composition.

Directs and supervises the implementation of the project.

Creation of Lego-constructor figures "Foxes", "Martens", "Black grouse".

Drawing up a general composition.

4th presentation of results Distribution of roles between children for dramatization of a fairy tale, rehearsal.

Creating a cartoon based on a fairy tale using LEGO and creating a project.

- Dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Terenty the black grouse";

Cartoon display.

Rehearsal of a dramatization of a fairy tale.

Presentation - dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Bianchi "Terenty the black grouse".

1. Exhibition of the composition "Terenty - black grouse" based on the fairy tale by V. Bianchi in the group.

2. Performance of children with a dramatization of a fairy tale, showing a cartoon.

3. Presentation of the project at the city Lego-construction festival among preschool children "Tales from the Forest".

Dramatization script based on the fairy tale by V. Bianchi"Terenty - black grouse."

/ There is a Christmas tree on the stage, behind it is a wooden cube.

Under the Christmas tree - "snow" - white fabric./

flies Grouse: "Oh, save me!" Runs around the Christmas tree: "Oh, help!"

He rushes about in fear, looking for where to hide - in the snow: "Oh, you see!" On the tree: "And here you can see!" Under the tree: "And there's no hiding here!"

And right in front of the Christmas tree falls into the "snow" - covered with white cloth.

From different sides simultaneously appear Marten and Fox.

Marten thinks she's late looking for black grouse, climbs on the Christmas tree.

Grouse looks out from above and sees a Fox under the tree.

Fox also thinks she is late; walks around the tree, sits down, sniffs: looking under the tree. Raises his head, sees - Marten bares his teeth. Jumps off the tree.

Fox:"Did you eat my Terenty?"

Marten:“You ate it yourself, but you’re talking about me?

Fox: " Here I am for you!” (throws snow)

Marten:"Oh, you are!" (jumps off tree)

Begins fight around the "snowdrift"(in which he sleeps black grouse).

Fox and Marten circling around the snowdrift, making growling sounds.

Suddenly "snow" starts stir. Fox and Marten, seeing this, in fright they move back in different directions around the Christmas tree, collide with their backs. Marten hiding on the tree Fox- under the tree.

black grouse throws off the "snow" - white cloth - shakes himself off, looking at the audience in surprise.

Grouse: "Where am I?" Passes, looks around, sees frozen with surprise and fright, the Marten and the Fox. They look at each other and look at Black Grouse.

Black grouse: "Ah, are you here?"

black grouse throws a cloth over himself and, singing "Spoon snow interfering, night a big one is coming, takes Marten and Fox under the arms. Continuing to sing: "What are you, silly, do not sleep?", looks at the animals.

Black grouse, Marten and Fox leave.

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Project "LEGO TALE" (for children of senior preschool age) Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 17 in Chelyabinsk" Completed by: teacher of the highest qualification. Ignatenko S.S.

Explanatory note Every teacher knows how difficult it is to make classes on the retelling of literary texts interesting for children. Therefore, we became interested and began to develop the Legoskazka project, which begins precisely at the design stage. The Lego Fairy Tale project is aimed at creating models of fairy tale characters and buildings for children to develop fairy tales with their further use in the game. It helps children to master the basis of a literary work, being an excellent tool for analyzing ready-made stories or discussing special and relevant topics, greatly expands the possibilities of visual representation of fairy tales for children and opens up the widest scope for creativity and imagination, while actively involving children in the development of language skills! Materials, tools and equipment necessary for working with children on the project”: 1. Nine literary works are selected for the year (one work per month); 2. Demonstration of Lego fairy tales with the use of the Lego constructor is held once a month, the duration of classes is 25-35 minutes. 3. Preceded by preparatory stage, on which children construct the characters of a literary work, as well as select attributes, learn the text, consolidate knowledge of the work in various types activities (drawing, applique, modeling, reading fiction, FEMP, listening to music).

We used the "Legoskazka" technology in several ways: Initially, it was the literary work of a child (inventing a fairy tale), and then Lego-designing according to its plot; Inventing Lego fairy tales based on a ready-made set of heroes and buildings for the development of a fairy tale plot; Coming up with a Lego fairy tale based on a ready-made set of heroes and buildings for the development of a fairy tale plot with further additions to the building, the introduction of new heroes, and the development of new storylines. Thanks to the Legoskazka project, learning to retell is becoming an exciting activity for children of senior preschool age, regardless of their abilities or knowledge! The product helps not only to consolidate the basics of retelling, but also develops their communication skills. Thanks to joint work in a team, children learn to interact with each other and develop social communication skills. Based on this, we see the RELEVANCE of our project in the fact that children of senior preschool age, working with the LEGO constructor, will quickly learn to retell literary texts. They develop creative thinking and imagination. The project "Legoskazka" promotes the development of fine motor skills, which in due time contributes to the development of speech in children.

Passport of the Lego Fairy Tale project Purpose: To develop children's active speech using Lego constructor. Project objectives: -development of coherent speech and the ability to retell Russian folk tales; -development of figurative, technical thinking and the ability to express one's intention; -development of the ability to creatively approach the solution of the problem; -development of the ability to design according to one's own plan, based on a technological map, a map-diagram of a model. - to consolidate the ability to use the created designs in layout games, role-playing games. Project participants: Children of senior preschool age, speech therapist, educator, parents. Type of project: Reproductive - the use of technological maps, maps, illustrations, literary works and other visual material for the implementation of the project Productive - performing exercises, creative tasks, didactic games in games, taking into account the personal characteristics of children and teachers By duration: Long term conditions for the implementation of the project LEGOPK constructors, a projector, a music center, a camera, etc. Demonstration material on the subject of GCD. Didactic games to fix the technique. Presentations. Technological maps, maps - schemes of buildings. Themed coloring pages.

Educational standards: (relevance) Theatrical games with created Lego characters are very popular with children: they create conditions for the development of speech, creativity, and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere of the child. Through the heroes of a fairy tale, made by hand, it is easier for a child to reveal his individual characteristics. Lego helps the child to see the world in all its colors, which contributes to its comprehensive development. When building buildings according to verbal description and visual action, children learn to cope with complex phased constructions, elements and even more complex connected parts can turn into anything (a person’s house, a castle, a cave, a bridge) and in front of children turn the details into fairy-tale characters. Planned results for children: organization of the "Construction" center in groups, exhibitions creative works, photo album. for adults: abstracts of GCD, technological maps, maps of buildings, attributes for classes and games Directions for the development of the child Cognitive development enrichment, consolidation of cognitive material for the project;

Speech development - learning fairy tales, poems, guessing riddles, reading and compiling stories, using speech games, conversations. Communicative and personal development of a dramatization on the subject of the project. Organization of role-playing games, discussions, conversations. on the topics of the project. Artistic and aesthetic development conducting directly educational activities on the application: "Inhabitants of the forest", "Ryaba hen with family", "Spring joys", "Inhabitants of reservoirs". on constructive-model activity: "Ship", "Bears in the forest", "Fox", "Family". Physical development learning physical minutes, finger gymnastics on the topics of the project. Organization and holding of folk games.

Development of integrative personal qualities Speech development Shows interest in literary works: stories, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems, riddles. Artistic and aesthetic development Able to independently reproduce a fairy tale. Together with adults, he creates the necessary attributes for games. Physical development Knows gymnastics, finger gymnastics Social and communicative development Actively joins the GCD according to a fairy tale, both independently and at the suggestion of others (adults, children). Initiates communication and joint activities with peers and adults and actively participates in them. Cognition Shows cognitive interest in the process of communicating with adults and children, asks questions of a search nature. He has knowledge about the lego constructor, tells fairy tales with the help of the lego constructor. Identifies and analyzes the relationship between goals, objectives, process and results; carries out activity planning. Shows interest in storytelling

Stages of project implementation: Content of children's activities Content of teachers' activities Interaction with parents, acquaintance with the history of Lego, creation of interest in Lego design issues, accumulation personal experience; entry into the game situation (problem); formulating problems and tasks together with the teacher; suggesting ways to solve the problem; clarification of the tasks of the project analysis of theoretical material, creation information base; introducing children into a game (problem) situation; formulation of the problem, goals, objectives; definition of the project product; creation of conditions for the implementation of the project; acquaintance with the problem of the project; clarification of tasks; preparation of the conditions necessary for the implementation of the project Stage 1 Start of the project

The content of the activities of children The content of the activities of teachers Interaction with parents systematization of knowledge about Lego design, performance of creative work; production of attributes for fairy tales; organization of children's activities, coordination and control; assistance to children in the process of project implementation; assistance to children in preparing for the defense of the project; assistance in creating the necessary attributes for the project in accordance with its plan; assistance to children in the process of project implementation; assistance in creating a photo album; assistance to children in preparing for the defense of the project Stage 2 Implementation of the project:

The content of the activities of children The content of the activities of teachers Interaction with parents Assistance in the design of an exhibition of creative works; assistance in the design of a photo album based on the results of the project, the creation of a Lego center; abstracts, presentations, technological maps, attributes for classes; organization of an exhibition of creative works; creation of a photo album based on the results of the project; participation in the preparation for the exhibition of creative works; assistance in the design of a photo album based on the results of the project 3 The final stage of the project:

Applications to the project: 1. Complex-thematic planning of the project. 2. Summaries of directly educational and joint activities with children. 3. Creation of a developing environment. four. Technological maps. 5. Presentations on the topics of the project. 6.Consultations for teachers, implementation modern forms work with parents

Project planning Month Class titles Program content Interaction with parents September Fairy tale with "LEGO" - "Turnip" Introduce the method of creating a fairy tale by a designer. To create conditions for children to get acquainted with the LEGO constructor, its contents and openings for working with it. Develop imagination and creative thinking. Development of attention, speed of mental operations. Exercise children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: what is edible for them - the root or the fruit on the stem). Raise the desire to work with the designer. offer to make a model of the "Russian hut". October fairy tale with "LEGO" - "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" Introduce the method of creating a fairy tale by a designer. To develop the speech of children, the ability to expressively convey the dialogues of characters. Develop imagination in children. Raise interest in fairy tales and in the designer "LEGO". Activation of the verbal vocabulary of children, development of imagination, memory, dexterity. read the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes" to the children. Talk to children about Russian traditions.

Month Lesson Titles Program Content Interaction with Parents November Lego Story - Train Continue to introduce children to the process of creating buildings and characters using the constructor. Develop imagination, creative thinking, speech (expressively convey characters' remarks). Cultivate the desire to play together, not to quarrel. Bring drawings on the theme "Winter Fun" to organize an exhibition. December a fairy tale with "LEGO" - Hen. Learn to display the external difference of characters in buildings. To develop the speech of children, the ability to select adjectives (signs) for objects. Activation of the verbal vocabulary of children, consolidation of knowledge about animals, development of imagination, dexterity. Cultivate love for animals and interest in actions with the LEGO constructor. Make a model of a bird's yard for playing around with a fairy tale.

Month Names of classes Program content Interaction with parents January story with "LEGO" - Helpers Introduce the methods of creating a room - a group using the "Lego" constructor. To develop the ability to compose a story from personal experience with the help of a teacher, using simple sentences in speech. Consolidation in the representation and vocabulary of the child of opposite signs of objects or words-antonyms. Raise the desire to help another child and adult. Bring plot pictures of how children help their parents February fairy tale with "LEGO" - Fox and Cancer To consolidate the techniques for creating a fairy tale with a constructor. Develop imagination and creative thinking. Develop connected speech. Cultivate an interest in the natural world. Make a model of the forest

Month Names of classes Program content Interaction with parents March Fairy tale with "LEGO" - Boat Introduce the methods of creating a ship using the "Lego" constructor. Develop children's speech, imagination and creative thinking. Develop the ability to work well in a team. Make a model of the ship. April's fairy tale with "LEGO" - Three Bears. Introduce the method of creating a fairy tale by a designer. Develop children's speech, imagination and creative thinking. Develop the ability to work well in a team. Bring drawings on the theme "Animals of our forests" May Fairy tale with "LEGO" - Chicken and his new friends Introduce the method of creating a fairy tale with a designer. Develop children's speech, imagination and creative thinking. Cultivate love for animals and interest in actions with the LEGO constructor. Bring drawings to organize the exhibition "My Best Friends"