Verbal means of communication presentation. Presentation on the topic "verbal and non-verbal means of communication"

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A presentation on the topic "Verbal and non-verbal means of communication" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Economics. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 15 slide(s).

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Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient.

Communication is the process of establishing and developing between people.

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To be understood, it is not enough to have good diction. You must be clear about what you are going to say. In addition, you must choose such words so that your thought is correctly understood. If a person has to speak to a large audience, he formulates theses for himself or otherwise prepares for a report. But in everyday life, verbal communication requires spontaneity, and this can cause anxiety, insecurity, and even fear in a person. You can start working on oral speech by expanding your vocabulary.

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People use written communication less often than oral communication. But with the arrival Email the importance of written communication has increased greatly. Any written communication has one undeniable advantage over oral communication. By compiling it, you have the opportunity to think, put your thoughts in order and, if necessary, even rewrite it cleanly. However, the shortcomings of written communication should also be noted. A written message cannot convey the intonation of your voice and gestures.

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Verbal communication is the most researched type of human communication. In addition, this is the most universal way of conveying thought. A message created using any other sign system can be 'translated' into verbal human language. For example, a red light signal is translated as ‘passage closed’, ‘stop’; a raised finger, covered with the palm of the other hand, as ‘I ask for an extra minute break’ in sports, etc.

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Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication, better known as the language of postures and gestures, includes all forms of human self-expression that do not rely on words. Psychologists believe that reading non-verbal signals is the most important condition effective communication. Why are nonverbal cues so important in communication? about 70% of information a person perceives precisely through the visual (visual) channel; non-verbal signals allow you to understand the true feelings and thoughts of the interlocutor.

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The importance of non-verbal cues in business communication is confirmed by experimental studies, which say that words (to which we attach such great importance) reveal only 7% of the meaning, sounds, 38% of the meaning are sounds and intonations, and 55% - postures and gestures. Non-verbal communication includes five subsystems: 1. Spatial subsystem (interpersonal space). 2. Look. 3. Optical-kinetic subsystem, which includes: - appearance interlocutor, - facial expressions (facial expression), - pantomime (postures and gestures). 4. Paralinguistic or near-speech subsystem, including: - vocal qualities of the voice, - its range, - tonality, - timbre. 5. Extra-linguistic or extra-speech subsystem, which includes: - rate of speech, - pauses, - laughter, etc.

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Facial expression Facial expression is the most important source of information about a person, especially about his feelings. The most prominent expression of facial expressions is the smile, which, while not being overused, is a good positive stimulus. “Smiling tends to convey friendliness, but excessive smiling often reflects a need for approval... A forced smile in an unpleasant situation betrays feelings of apology and concern... A smile accompanied by raised eyebrows indicates submission, while a smile with lowered eyebrows expresses superiority Visual contact The eye is known to be the mirror of the soul, so visual contact. Can be singled out as a separate specific skill. Direct eye contact is another way to say, “I'm with you, I want to hear what you have to say.

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Head nods Head nods - very good way show the client that you are listening to him. Watching professionals at work shows how therapeutic a simple head nod is, combined with good eye contact and reactions like “Uh-huh” and “I understand.”

Tone, tempo and loudness of the voice The voice is an important means of expressing a whole range of subjective feelings and meanings. The tone and pace of speech can tell a lot about a person's emotional state. As a rule, the speed of speech increases when the speaker is excited, agitated or worried. The one who tries to convince his interlocutor also speaks quickly. Slow speech often indicates depression, arrogance or fatigue.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should only have Key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. the speaker's clothes also play big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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Speaking, listening, writing and reading are verbal means of communication. In oral or written communication, the exchange of knowledge occurs only through coded information (in the form of sounds or symbols). Verbal communication, of course, has brought great benefits to humanity due to its unique function of high-speed duplication of the world. Saying the phrase "a cup is on the table" is much easier than trying to portray it with gestures. By duplicating, a language encodes information into a very compact format. This unit of information is so conveniently transmitted from mouth to mouth and from generation to generation that it is thanks to verbal communication that we can see pictures of the world that was long before us.

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Letter Letter Letter is a type of verbal communication that appeared later than the previous two, but in our time its popularity has grown markedly: school notebooks, personal diaries, business documents ... A striking example of a verbal means of communication in written form are dialogues in a social network. However, the letter has one very important function - accumulative. This is the accumulation of information in large volumes, which would be impossible without its fixation. Reading Reading, as a type of communicative activity, is an analytical and synthetic process. The reader must decode the symbols written on paper, define the words so that they sound in his head, and, of course, understand the meaning of what he read. In the first grade, when reading syllable by syllable, it is very difficult for children to concentrate on the content of the text, since most of their attention is occupied by decoding what is written in the book. studying foreign languages, people again go through all the same stages of adaptation to the written text. This is especially true for languages ​​that use symbols that are unusual for us: Arabic, Georgian, Chinese, Berber and others. Reading, we analyze and synthesize information, but if we are unable to generalize, draw conclusions and predict, reading is not of great benefit. Remember when at school the teacher asked: "Did you read or did you remember the letters?"

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Non-verbal ways of communication in the pedagogical process

Completed by: Boldyreva N.I.

Non-verbal communication is "sign language", such forms of self-expression that do not rely on words and other speech symbols. In non-verbal communication, the means of transmitting information are non-verbal signs (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, attitudes, spatial arrangement, etc.). Non-verbal communication is especially valuable because it is spontaneous and manifests itself unconsciously. Therefore, despite the fact that people weigh their words and control their facial expressions, it is often possible for hidden feelings to leak through gestures, intonation and voice coloring. That is, non-verbal communication channels rarely provide false information, as they are less controllable than verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication is carried out in the process of verbal communication in parallel with verbal communication and is the most important means of communication and mutual understanding of people (I.N. Gorelov, G.V. Kolshansky, V.P. Morozov, K.F. Sedov, V.A. Labunskaya and others). Man speaks with his whole being. Psychologists have found that in the process of communication with the help of verbal means, only 20-40% of information is transmitted and received. The rest of the communication is done through non-verbal means.

Non-verbal means of communication facilitate mutual adaptation to each other and create the opportunity to coordinate joint actions. The ability to express one's intentions, feelings and states by non-verbal means depends on the culture of the person. N.I. Shevandrin highlights the following types non-verbal means of communication:

1. Visual: a) kinesics: movements of the arms, head, legs, torso, gait; facial expression, eyes; posture, posture, head position; gaze direction, visual contacts; skin reactions (redness, blanching, sweating, etc.); b) proxemics (spatial and temporal organization of communication): the distance to the interlocutor, the angle of rotation to him, the space of communication; in) aids communication: emphasizing or hiding the features of the body build (signs of gender, age, race); d) means of transforming the natural physique: clothes, hair, cosmetics, glasses, jewelry, mustaches, beards, small objects in hands.

2. Acoustic: a) paralinguistic (voice quality, its range, tone): loudness, timbre, rhythm, pitch; b) extralinguistic: speech pauses, laughter, crying, sighs, clapping.

3 . Tactile (takeshika): touch, hug, kiss.

4 . Olfactory: pleasant and unpleasant odors environment; natural and artificial human odors.

The main tasks of non-verbal communication are the following: creating and maintaining psychological contact, regulation of the communication process; giving new semantic shades to the verbal text, the correct interpretation of words; expression of emotions, assessments, roles, meaning of the situation .

Non-verbal movements, as noted by V.A. Labunskaya, correlate differently with speech: 1) express the same thing as speech; 2) anticipate the meanings conveyed by speech; 3) express meanings that contradict the content of speech; 4) can fill in or explain periods of silence, indicating the speaker's intention to continue his remark, in search of a suitable word; 5) can replace individual words or phrases; 6) can regulate the flow of speech, emphasize one or another part of verbal communication

Gestures are reproducible meaningful movements of the hands and head, poses designed for the perception of recipients, designed to convey emotional and intellectual information, having a socially fixed form. In the "language" of gestures used in everyday human communication, two types of gesture systems can be distinguished. The first system is formed by gestures-signs, i.e. deliberately reproduced movements or postures of the hands and head, calculated on someone's perception and intended to convey information. The second system includes signaling gestures that are involuntary, unconscious and not intended for anyone's perception (although they are meaningful to an experienced observer). The choice of gesture is determined by personal characteristics, relationships between communication partners, and the situation of communication.

Pantomime - set expressive body movements that accompany speech and emotions (posture and posture, body movements that play an important role in the appearance of a person). People with poor pantomime are not able to clearly express their emotional state, perceive non-verbal information of the interlocutor, which makes communication difficult.

The science of proxemics, which its author E. Hall called "spatial psychology", deals with the norms of the spatial and temporal organization of communication. E. Hall proposed 4 categories of spatial communication, four clear spatial zones that surround each other like concentric circles on water. 1. Intimate zone (from 15 to 45 cm). Of all the zones, this is the most important, since it is her that a person guards as if it were his property. Only those persons who are in close emotional contact with him are allowed to enter this zone. These are children, parents, spouses, lovers, close friends and relatives.

2 . Personal zone (from 45 to 120 cm). This distance is used in everyday communication with familiar people. This distance usually separates us when we are at receptions, formal evenings and friendly parties.

3 . Social zone (from 120 to 400 cm). At such a distance, we communicate during official meetings with strangers, that is, such a distance is accepted when communicating with people whom we do not know very well.

4. Public, or public, zone (more than 4 m). When communicating with large groups of people, it will be more convenient for both the lecturer and listeners to transmit and perceive information at such a distance from each other.

In the process pedagogical communication the role of language as a functional sign system dominates in comparison with non-verbal systems. The semantics of the word, the meaning of the grammatical categories of the language are non-personal, but in speech the same linguistic units can be perceived by the listener in different ways - depending on the intonation of the speaker, from the good (or mocking) smile, from an unexpected gesture. This is due to the fact that the perception of a word-sign (language unit) is enriched by the simultaneous complex perception of signs of another system - non-verbal. The ability to “decode” non-verbal information is an important condition for the effectiveness of communication and a special skill that is professionally necessary for a teacher.

Kinesics (body posture, facial expressions, gestures, gait). Tactile behavior (handshake, patting on the back or shoulder, touching, kissing). Gaze (direction of gaze, its duration, frequency of contact). Proxemics (orientation, distance, table placement)

Closed gestures and postures Arms crossed on the chest, legs crossed in standing and sitting positions. The emotional status of a person does not allow you to feel free and at ease. Hands palms up and widely spread to the sides. The head is straight, the shoulders are straight. The look is straight. Facial expression without tension and stiffness. Open body gestures and postures

Pointing gestures are directed Pointing gestures are directed towards objects or people in order to draw attention to them. Emphasizing gestures serve to Emphasize gestures serve to reinforce statements. Decisive importance is attached to the position of the hand. Demonstrative gestures explain the state of affairs. Demonstrative gestures explain the state of affairs. Touch gestures help to establish Touch gestures help to establish social contact or receive a sign of attention from a partner.

Boredom: the interlocutor props his head up with his hand. How more head leans on the hand, the more boring the interlocutor. Disapproval: shaking off non-existent lint, straightening the folds of clothes, pulling down a skirt. Willingness to leave: drooping eyelids (loss of interest), scratching the ear (blocking out speech), tugging on the earlobe (does not want to speak), turning the whole body or foot towards the door. The gesture in the form of removing glasses also gives a signal to end the conversation. Irritation: rubbing the neck, extra hand movements, pinching a lady's handbag, mechanical drawing on paper.

They differ in the way they are performed, strength and duration. A strong, energetic shaking of the interlocutor's hand indicates the sincerity of the partner, his desire to continue the conversation. The girth of one's hand in the form of a "glove" also speaks of friendliness. They differ in the way they are performed, strength and duration. A strong, energetic shaking of the interlocutor's hand indicates the sincerity of the partner, his desire to continue the conversation. The girth of one's hand in the form of a "glove" also speaks of friendliness. A hand shaking palm down indicates a desire to dominate another person. If, on the contrary, it is turned palm up, its owner unconsciously recognizes himself as a subordinate to the interlocutor. A hand shaking palm down indicates a desire to dominate another person. If, on the contrary, it is turned palm up, its owner unconsciously recognizes himself as a subordinate to the interlocutor.

Social look - the eyes are directed to the area of ​​​​the person's face in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mouth, nose and eyes. It is typical in situations of easy communication with friends and acquaintances. Intimate look - passes through the line of the interlocutor's eyes and falls to a level below the chin, neck to other parts of the body. Characterized by dilated pupils, as a foretaste of pleasure. A sidelong glance is used to convey interest or hostility. If it is accompanied by slightly raised eyebrows or a smile, it means interest. If it is accompanied by downturned eyebrows, a furrowed forehead, or downturned corners of the mouth, it signifies a suspicious, hostile, or critical attitude.

Imagine that there is a triangle on the forehead of your interlocutor. By directing your gaze to this triangle, you create a serious atmosphere, and the other person feels that you are in a businesslike mood. Never lower your gaze below the eyes of another person. Otherwise, you will not be able to control the course of negotiations with your gaze. It can have a strong impact on the addressee and show that you are very serious.

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verbal communication. The presentation was prepared by the teacher 2 young. group No. 1 MDOU comb. type d / s No. 12 "Pearl" Alieva E.N

The means of communication are divided into verbal and non-verbal.

Verbal communication is speech. With it, a person can express his thoughts, it is the most common way of communication. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of oral speech: information is not only transmitted, but also specified, stimulates a person to develop. As you know, truth is born in a dispute - this is one of the tasks that verbal communication solves.

This type of communication can carry the function of a message or motivation. If a person points to an object, then this is an indicative (indicative) function.

Expressing his thoughts, a person uses the function of utterance (predicative). Another important task that verbal communication performs is to stimulate a person to action, decision, desire. This function is called the motivation function.

The peculiarity is that the emotional coloring of speech is of great importance. The same words, spoken with different intonation, can cause a different reaction in the interlocutor: consent or aggression, a desire to think. In the same way, the same idea can be conveyed using different words, thereby having a different effect on the opponent.

Verbal communication Oral speech Written speech

Speak kindly. Speak well to your interlocutor. Observe speech etiquette, rules of courtesy. Don't interrupt. Follow the rules of your communicative role. Rules of verbal behavior in dialogue:

Non-verbal communication is "body language". And often it gives more truthful information about the feelings of the one who is talking to you. This type of communication can be expressed in several forms. Non-verbal means of communication are needed in order to regulate the process of communication, create psychological contact between partners; enrich the meanings conveyed by words; help interpret the verbal text; express emotions.

At present, the language of facial expressions and gestures is given more and more importance. This way of transmitting information is natural. We often do not pay attention to our body movements, meanwhile they not only carry information that our mind perceives, but are also able to influence another person. Conclusion

Non-verbal communication significantly enriches our speech, makes it brighter, more emotional. From 60 to 95% of information is transmitted through non-verbal communication. Non-verbal means of communication are used in fiction(especially in dramatic works), in criminalistics.

Sukhomlinsky "Words can kill - revive, hurt - heal, sow confusion and hopelessness - and spiritualize"

 Thank you for your attention! 

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