Download the application for business planning and presentations. What you need to buy to start a business

Building process financial model investment project or the entire activity of the enterprise is the most time-consuming and requires preparatory work to collect and analyze the initial data. With the Project Expert system, you do not need any deep knowledge of mathematics or programming skills - you only need to know the described business well.

The Project Expert system allows you to develop a financial model of the company within a short time. To describe the project and the company, you will need to enter the following initial data: the start date and duration of the project, the list of products and services planned for release, the company's multi-level structure down to each division and product.

Sales plan

The sales strategy of the company implementing the project should be worked out in detail at the planning stage.

To model it in Project Expert, you'll need to enter a list of products, prices for each product, and estimated sales volume. The system allows you to take into account additional information about the impact of seasonality on the price, set the scheme by which the price of a particular product will be formed throughout the project. In the process of developing a sales strategy in Project Expert, time factors are taken into account, such as: the time of implementation of the product (service), the delay in payment after the delivery of products, as well as the terms of payment for the product or consumer service (in fact, prepaid or on credit).

When modeling sales, you take into account the volume warehouse stock finished products and the terms of their storage, the percentage of losses in the sale of products, etc. The system also allows you to reflect the costs of advertising and promoting products on the market.

You can evaluate the benefits of each marketing scheme by analyzing the selected marketing conditions.

Creating mathematical dependences of product sales on other factors, such as the size of demand, using the "Formula" mechanism allows you to automate the calculation of sales volumes and describe an individual strategy for selling products and services.

Production activity plan

When modeling in Project Expert production activities enterprise, you just need to enter into the system data on products, volumes of its production, on the quantity and cost of raw materials and materials, on personnel costs in accordance with existing structure production, about general costs - the costs of production, management, marketing, etc.

The system allows you to describe the production schedule and different kinds costs by linking the selected parameters of the financial model of the enterprise with a complex mathematical relationship, for example, when modeling the volume of production of a product, based on the capabilities of the enterprise and the predicted market capacity.

The production plan can be generated automatically by the system depending on the planned sales volumes. Project Expert allows you to establish the dependence of the production plan on other factors, for example, on the capacities of the production equipment used.

Project investment plan

Planned operating activities involve capital investments aimed at replacing assets or creating new ones.

The pre-investment and investment phases of any project require a thorough study of the work schedule, scope necessary investment. To do this, Project Expert forms an initial capital investment plan and preparatory work- GANTT chart.

The system is quite flexible in its approach to the presentation of project data, allowing either to link all stages of the investment and further operating activities, or describe these stages of the project independently. The section interface is familiar to those who have already worked with project management systems such as MS Project or Primavera SureTrack. In the Project Expert system, the description of the temporal characteristics of the project is not inferior to the listed network planning systems. At the same time, it is the financial aspects of the investment plan of the project that are evaluated - the cost of preparatory work, the resources used, the assets created and the features of investment accounting. Example calendar plan shown in Fig.11.

The program helps to determine the stages of work and establish the relationship between them, indicate the resources used to complete these stages, the procedure for their payment, and capitalize the investments made.

If the pre-production stages are related to the construction of buildings, the acquisition of equipment, land or other fixed assets, Project Expert allows you to choose the methods and terms of their depreciation: by production, linearly, by residual value, by scheme. The system provides for accounting for the revaluation of assets, their sale, as well as additional investments.

Description of the economic environment

In the course of financial modeling of the activities of an enterprise and an investment project, it is necessary to take into account the influence of factors external environment: tax environment, inflation, currency fluctuations used by the enterprise for cash settlements.

With the Project Expert analytical system, you can easily describe the financial and economic environment in which the project is planned to be implemented, as well as predict changes in the economic environment.

Often, when creating a project, the task is to take into account the movement Money not only in national currency, but also in foreign, for example, when making import-export transactions. To do this, the system provides the ability to select the main and additional project currencies. You set the exchange rate at the beginning of the project and the forecast of its dynamics. The system automatically converts the results of the project's calculations in rubles into an equivalent in a more stable currency, which makes it possible to take into account the instability of the national currency exchange rate in the analysis. The presence of the second currency of the project is necessary condition correct calculation of investment efficiency indicators. The system can describe a complex scheme of exchange rate inflation by linking the change in the rates of the main and additional project currencies with different bases using formulas.

The system gives you the opportunity to form an inflation picture of the investment project. You only set individual inflation indicators and trends in their change in the form of annual and monthly indicators that characterize a certain group (cost item), as well as certain types products and services.

Project Expert helps you reflect the features of the tax system. The system provides a list of the main types of taxes established by Russian legislation, taking into account the current payment rates for the proposed taxes, and also allows you to choose the taxable base from the proposed list, and independently determine it for any tax using the formula. For example, for sales tax, the base "tax included in the price" is selected, and a custom description of the tax environment allows you to enter new types of taxes, the conditions for their calculation and payment, up to individual taxes for each item of income and expenses, including the "tax holiday" mode.

To model a company with a project, it will be necessary to take into account its financial condition at the time the project began - detailed description its assets and liabilities in the aggregated balance sheet.

Creating a to-do list and tasks is very good habit. In the era of computers, smartphones and tablets, these are no longer crumpled pieces of paper with notes written in a hurry, which are easy to lose. to-do lists in in electronic format it is convenient to sort, categorize and assign tags to them, as well as set up reminders. To-do lists or todo-lists are a handy thing that simplifies everyday life.

In this article, CHIP takes a look at the most popular to-do list apps for desktop, mobile, and their online counterparts. Interestingly, there are not so many applications for creating and storing to-do lists for PC. Most of these programs are either mobile applications or web services.

This is explained very easily: a modern active person should be able to manage his affairs and tasks anywhere and at any time, and not just when he is at his computer. It is quite logical that both the director of the company and the housewife will want to have their own list of tasks "in their pocket" to look into it while in a traffic jam, in a children's clinic or in between meetings or meetings.

In addition, a very important function of some services and applications is to notify other users involved in the execution of the task about the intended event.

1 business organizer

Business organizer - LeaderTask

Name: Leader Task 20
Price: from 1990 to 2225 rubles.
Platform: Windows, Android, iOS

Among planning applications, LeaderTask is the most popular, primarily because it is a multi-platform solution. LeaderTask users have access to versions for PC and mobile platforms - Android, iOS with the ability to synchronize data between devices.

After launching the LeaderTask Windows client, the program icon is placed in the system tray, thus providing easy and convenient access to the application. Users can add notes and tasks to the LeaderTask database. The program is convenient in that on one screen, lists of tasks and notes are immediately presented, as well as a list of meetings located directly on the calendar grid.

Tasks in LeaderTask can be immediately assigned to projects, which further simplifies their ordering and searching. The desktop version of the program supports drag&drop - tasks can be assigned to projects by simply dragging them to the list of projects. In the same way, you can assign tasks to specific dates - just drag the task to the desired date or to the calendar grid at the desired time.

For each task, you can assign a number of additional parameters, including the color that will be used to highlight the task in the general list. Assignments can be accompanied by a text comment, and you can also attach a file to them. For complex tasks, LeaderTask allows you to add subtasks. It is possible to set priorities, set up a reminder.

Using filters in LeaderTask will allow you to conveniently manage tasks and search for the ones you need. Filters can be built based on several selection criteria. Including the program allows you to build filters based on the calendar, thus selecting tasks that are scheduled for a certain period of time. In the program window, you can switch between the modes of the calendar, projects, categories, contacts.

By the way, the list of contacts is one of the unusual features of the program for managing tasks. The program makes it possible to create (import from a smartphone) a list of contacts and assign tasks to them. Thanks to this, you can see which tasks were assigned to a particular person - an employee or a friend. In general, LeaderTask is a program for convenient optimization and systematization of tasks that arise before the user. You can try the program for free for 45 days.

Pros: Fully localized, there are applications for mobile OS, filters, project support

Minuses: High license cost

2 Convenient to-do list

Convenient to-do list - Any.DO

Name: Any.DO
Price: for free
Platform: Android, iOS, Google Chrome

This application has versions not only for iOS and Android, but also as an application for the Google Chrome browser. Any.DO has a simple and user-friendly interface. In mobile versions, you can sort lists by simply dragging and dropping their elements. One of the advantages of the program is that tasks can be spoken aloud, and the mobile version will perceive what was said and save it as a text note. There is support for the Russian language.

When adding a task, Any.DO will allow you to move tasks to folders, mark their importance, set up repetition of a task, and add an extended description to it. You can attach a contact list item to a task, for example, if the task to be added is a meeting with someone you know or friends. At the same time, you can set up sending this person a notification about the added task. Thanks to this feature, the Any.DO application can be used as a task planning tool for employees of a small company.

The program has the ability to set geolocation tags for tasks and set reminders in accordance with the user's location. For example, the program will be able to remind the user to buy certain products if he is in mall or tell him to buy tickets for the premiere if the user is near the ticket office.

Obviously, the grocery list and reminder need to be set up in advance. In the Any.DO application, tasks are automatically generated based on missed or rejected phone calls, the content of the task is to call back the specified number. The program is equipped with the ability to synchronize data between devices, as well as with a list of Google Tasks. It is also possible to store a backup copy of the created lists.

Minuses: menu items are not always correctly localized

3 meticulous planner

Meticulous planner - Todo List | Task List

Name: 2Do: Todo List | Task List
Price: from 245 rub.
Platform: Mac, iOS, Android

2Do Program: Todo List | Task List is a handy task scheduler for your Android device. Users can add tasks, use tags for them, and assign them a geolocation tag, which allows them to determine the place of implementation of this task (at home, in the office, in a shopping center).

The main principles of the application are built using the well-known planning system Getting Things Done. Individual entries in 2Do: Todo List | The Task List can be password protected. The program does not have its own data storage, but it can be configured to synchronize with your Dropbox account. This means that you can access your data from any mobile device.

Pros: Synchronization of to-do lists with different devices, including iOS smartphones and tablets

Minuses: No free version

4 Problems for the pros

Puzzles for the pros -

Price: free (Pro-version - $20 per year)
Platform: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

This online service is a universal solution for various platforms. You can work in the scheduler through programs for Windows and Mac, or using mobile applications for Android and iOS. The free version for PC is implemented as a web service or plug-in for Firefox, Safari, Chrome browsers. The paid Pro version of has client applications for Windows and Mac OS.

If you use the paid Pro version, the service ensures synchronization of to-do lists between all devices on which the service is installed and connected. The program is built on the principles of using the well-known Get Things Done (GTD) ideology, so here you will find contexts, goals and other elements of this time management system. users can complete the lists in full and short mode.

In the second case, only the name of the task is entered, and in the full mode, the date, place, folder, priority and tags are indicated. The program provides a convenient sorting of tasks according to various criteria, including end time, place, project or priorities. There is also a selection by tags. Depending on the date and priority, the tasks will be automatically placed in the appropriate folders. For example, "Tomorrow" is a folder with tasks that need to be completed the next day. The program provides geotags - an indication of the places where the task is performed.

For certain tasks that can be completed when a certain condition is met, has a special list called "waiting list". Another feature of is the presence of a special section of goals and contexts.

Contexts are, to a certain extent, analogues of geolocation tags, but more universal. The context can be "work" - tasks that can be performed when the user is at the workplace, "home" - tasks related to household chores, "computer" - tasks that are worth doing on a PC, etc.

Pros: Multi-platform, synchronization between devices

Minuses: Confusing interface, difficult to master for those who are not familiar with Get Things Done

5 Simple to-do list manager

Simple To Do List Manager - Wunderlist


Price: for free
Platform: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Wunderlist is implemented as mobile application and also has a web version. Tasks in Wunderlist are saved in lists. Unfortunately, this is the only post categorization tool available to users of the service. Tags or categories are not supported on the web. A certain compensation for this shortcoming is the convenient addition and editing of tasks in Wunderlist. P

When editing a task, you can add start dates and reminders, set a recurrence interval for recurring tasks, add subtasks and text notes. Individual tasks can be marked as highlighted - probably, this is how the authors of the service suggest highlighting the most important tasks from the general list. In addition, Wunderlist users have access to a simple ordering of the list of tasks - you can swap them with a simple drag and drop.

On the left side of the screen there are lists - both user-created and standard: Inbox (relevant), Starred (marked), Today (scheduled for today), Week (scheduled for the week). If the user needs a simple list of tasks, without special category settings, Wunderlist can be recommended. For those who can't do without categories, Wunderlist is hardly suitable.

Pros: Ease of use, multi-platform

Minuses: No usual categories and tags

6 Online Manager

Online manager - TODOist


Price: for free
Platform: online service

Online service has a minimal set of functions for managing tasks. At the same time, it can be used as a powerful personal productivity tool. Its only drawback is that many settings and functions of the service are available using the built-in commands of the service. For example, adding a date to the task name preceded by the "@" symbol will automatically assign a date to the task.

Labels in TODOist must also begin with the "@" symbol. In addition, the service supports a variety of hotkeys that simplify task management. To group tasks in TODOist, there are projects. To sort tasks in TODOist, specially formulated queries are used, which can be entered in the query input field.

In this way, you can select tasks scheduled for the next day. To do this, just enter the request "tomorrow" or tasks for the next 5 days - in this case, the request will look like "5 days". An additional advantage of TODOist is the use of plug-ins for Google Chrome browsers and Mozilla Firefox. With these plugins, you can display a panel with a list of tasks as a browser sidebar, and you can add new tasks through a button located on the TODOist toolbar.

In addition to the free one, there is also a commercial version of TODOist that costs about 70 rubles. per month or 1100 rubles. in year. Users of paid versions can add comments to their tasks, receive SMS reminders, export tasks to Google Calendar or Outlook.

Pros: Simple interface, the ability to use browser plugins

Minuses: Difficult to get used to using hotkeys and special system syntax

Analytical surveys of programs for drawing up business plans. Comparison software products, their strengths and weak sides, applicability for specific tasks and comments of specialists using these programs.

  • Business Plan PL Program
  • COMFAR program
  • Project Expert Program
  • Business Plan PL Program
  • Alt-Invest program
Business Plan PL Programwill help you create a business plan, a feasibility study (feasibility study) and develop different directions financial forecasting. It can be used not only large enterprises, but also small.
The advantage of this program is that almost anyone can master it. But, of course, a little knowledge of economics and computers is necessary. But with all this, the work will be done at the highest level.
The program itself performs the most complex calculations and processes the entered data. All you need is an introduction the right numbers. It is designed specifically for people who do not have great experience in dealing with such programs. With this program, you can freely work on a computer with a Windows system installed in Microsoft Office programs 95 and newer versions.

The program can be divided into two parts:
  1. financial (settlement)
  2. textual (explanatory)
The explanatory part, in turn, is also divided into two parts: "Sample Plan" and "Layout Guide". The names themselves speak for themselves - if the first option gives you the opportunity to choose from already ready-made business plans, then using the second one, you will be able to draw up your own business plan in stages (of course, with all the necessary tips). This has its advantages - you can choose the option that suits you. You also determine how much detail you need to describe certain items. The program will tell you in detail in what sequence and how to draw up a business plan and give examples and options, and you yourself will decide what exactly should be included in the document. But if you have limited time, you can simply enter your data in the appropriate finished example and get your business plan with all the calculations.
hallmark the program is the chapter "Financial plan", that's where you don't have to strain at all, almost from one click you will have ready-made graphs, tables, charts and explanatory text - do not beat the recumbent. The program includes everything you need to create these documents. However, before making a decision to purchase a particular program, we recommend that you read the article on how to choose a program.
COMFAR program

This software product was created by UNIDO specialists, therefore, unlike many domestic developments, it fully complies with this methodology, which is used in the business planning process.
This software product was created by UNIDO specialists, therefore, unlike many domestic developments, it fully complies with this methodology, which is used in the business planning process by such large foreign investment institutions as the EBRD, the World Bank and most other companies. At the same time, Russian developments also comply with most of the provisions of the UNIDO standard, but often not in full. The advantage of the COMFAR program is the complete absence of the possibility of disagreements with a potential foreign investor based on an unusual form of presentation of business planning results. To be fair, we note that in recent times this advantage was significantly leveled, which can be explained both by the recognition of Russian developments in business planning systems at the international level, and by the rather ease of agreeing on the form of presenting the results.

The usability of COMFAR is good, the shell is well thought out and quite user-friendly. When entering initial data and viewing the results, nested tables are used, the headings of which are designed in the form of diagrams built according to understandable laws.
AT latest versions COMFAR program now has the ability to set the duration of the planning interval. Added the ability to calculate in several currencies (the total number of currencies described in each option can reach twenty). The theoretical advantage of the program is also the possibility of determining two rates of the main and additional currencies, tracked simultaneously. COMFAR presents such rates under the names "local" and "foreign", which in domestic conditions is equivalent to the official exchange rate and the rate of the so-called "black market" of the currency.
There is no tax description block in the program, which is undoubtedly the main drawback of the COMFAR program. It is not entirely clear why this block is missing, apparently a number of simplifications carried out by the developers are aimed at universalizing the program, which has come to the detriment of functionality. The assumptions adopted in the system make it impossible to adequately describe the formation of inventories, the use of complex payment schemes for raw materials and materials, and non-standard sales schemes for manufactured products. Mentioned negative sides COMFAR does not allow it to be recommended as a system for day-to-day business planning.
Quite a lot of inconvenience is caused to users by the service support of the COMFAR product. Of course, Russian developers of business planning software provide a better service.
Based on the foregoing, we can recommend purchasing COMFAR in the case of direct work with a foreign investment institution that accepts business plans only in the format of this system. In a situation where current or investment planning must take into account domestic specifics, COMFAR does not have the proper effectiveness, due to simplification and poor adaptation to realities. Russian market. Summarizing, we can say with confidence that in the situation under consideration, when drawing up a business plan, it would be more rational to use Russian software developments.
Project Expert Program
The Project Expert program today can be called the most functional and convenient. For professionals in the preparation of business plans, the release of the version of the program with the designation "Professional" has become a long-awaited moment.

The Project Expert program today can be called the most functional and convenient. For professionals in the preparation of business plans, the release of the version of the program with the designation "Professional" has become a long-awaited moment. Separately, it should be noted the excellent functional equipment of the system. Today, almost all existing tasks can be accurately described by the system. A significant step forward, compared with versions 4.0 and 4.2, in this direction was made in new versions. This change in functionality affected version compatibility: calculations performed on versions 4.* cannot be used in the new Project Expert 5.0.
All the work of the system is done in a simple and understandable way, even for a non-professional who has a general understanding of building a business plan. Managing all elements greatly minimizes the risk of missing the entry of any important conditions due to the fact that the initial data is set in stages.
A strictly defined planning interval is one day, unlike some other programs. In turn, the interval for presenting the results is set by the user and can be changed discretely (month, quarter, year). You can select an unlimited number of such intervals. The system has a built-in real calendar that allows you to calculate, taking into account the actual number of days in each month.
The "Starting balance" card provides the user with ample opportunities, allowing him to develop investment projects of any level of complexity, operating with any initial indicators of an existing enterprise.
The undoubted advantage of Project Expert over the COMFAR system is the flexibly designed block for setting taxes. Its versatility makes it easy to set both the tax base and all necessary taxes. It should be noted that the system developed by UNIDO specialists is much less functional in this respect.
Another convenient feature of Project Expert is a well-thought-out system for handling value added tax. Various VAT accounting and write-off schemes provided in the program ensure the correctness of calculations even in complex and confusing cases.
Drafting network plan- another one unique opportunity project expert. This function of the system allows you to successfully carry out the calculation investment projects, allowing a combination of related and parallel stages of investment. Despite the relative cumbersome interface of this process, the result is worth it. Not all programs for drawing up business plans have this functionality, and in Project Expert it is organized very well.
Certain difficulties often arise with the perception of the internal logic of the Operational Plan block. Project Expert strictly subordinates the production plan to the sales plan, not allowing the enterprise's capacities to "work for the warehouse". At the same time, production of production volumes is envisaged, based on the sales program and a predetermined stock of finished products. For successful work with these sections it is necessary to understand these points and then it turns out to be quite simple to work with. In general, bearing in mind the complexity of the software product itself and the tasks it solves, one cannot expect simplicity and clarity in everything from the program.
Nor any shortcomings this program not deprived. The weak point of Project Expert, many experts call the section related to financing. Organization of use borrowed money here it is presented in the form of obtaining a certain number of loans at a fixed rate for a given period, which greatly complicates the work with funds raised on loans such as open credit lines. Despite the theoretical possibility of describing any type of lending, entering information about loans requires a significant amount of time, and changing project parameters leads to the fact that the adjustment of the financial scheme has to be corrected in the same way, moreover, independently.
The results and analysis sections of the project are well done. The process of generating reports allows you to print any tables and graphs or export them to Word. The results can be presented both in Russian and in English language. Output forms provide the ability to customize fonts, but their large enough size in Word format makes it necessary to edit them additionally in an external text editor. A general recommendation for Project Expert users is to move some tables to Microsoft Excel or another program.
The version of Project Expert 5.0 Professional, in addition to basic functions, also makes it possible to track the actual state of the project and the deviation of the actual performance of the enterprise from the planned ones. The section "Updating results" serves this purpose. This approach makes the use of the system effective both in operational and investment business planning.
Project Expert is a closed system - the user cannot influence the calculation algorithm on his own. Therefore, service support with the ability to quickly obtain corrected and new versions of the program is extremely important. The system developer, Pro-Invest Consulting, pays special attention to qualified work" hotline", prompt correction of errors and shortcomings noticed in the program. The program is equipped with an excellently published and understandable user manual. The developer has provided the ability to update the version of the program via the Internet. Suggestions for improving the work of the program are accepted by e-mail. Protection of the system from unauthorized access to data is at the proper level. Project Expert also provides for multi-user work in a corporate network.
In general, the Project Expert 5.0 Professional program has proven to be a powerful tool for solving all the problems that arise in the process of investment and operational planning.
Alt-Invest program
Unlike many analogues, this program is "open" and uses the Microsoft Excel operating environment. That gives both advantages (in terms of flexibility, the ability to customize the system for yourself), and obvious disadvantages.

Unlike many analogues, this program is "open" and uses the Microsoft Excel operating environment. That gives both advantages (in terms of flexibility, the ability to customize the system for yourself), and obvious disadvantages. The program has functionality that is already inherent in other software systems. In addition, the user is offered a number of additional features. In order to expand the scope, the developer presents two versions of the program: "Alt-Invest-Prim" - for express evaluation of efficiency and "Alt-Invest" - for in-depth calculations.
The diverse capabilities of these software products are the result of a significant flexibility in the structure and set of settings. Both versions implement the possibility of unlimited change in the duration of the planning interval: calculations are possible both in terms of weeks and "by days", which greatly simplifies the current planning of the enterprise. The undoubted advantages of the program are the convenient adjustment of the output forms by the user himself and an unlimited number of any additional graphs and tables. In the version of the “Alt-Invest 2.0” system, the developer also significantly reduced the laboriousness of changing data tables when adjusting the duration of the planning interval, which was a significant drawback when changing “manually” some of the parameters over the entire planning horizon. It should be noted that the Alt-Prim program has not undergone such positive changes.
The "Prim" version operates with only one currency for settlements, while in the main version it is possible to work with two monetary systems. "Alt-Invest" uses the full description of the tax field, although the representation cash flows for VAT is not successfully implemented. The absence of a separate VAT line in "Alt-Prima" also cannot be called functionally justified. The calculation algorithms are designed in such a way that changing them is a complex and time-consuming task. Although the openness of the system implies that the user can change these algorithms, in fact it is extremely difficult to do so.
The calculation of the optimal lending schedule is a clear advantage of the Alt-Invest-Prim program, in analogues this function is implemented clearly worse. The borrowing schedule is constructed for the case when external funding absent, depending on the shortage of funds at each of the planning intervals. Such an algorithm is a very convenient forecasting tool for financing by the type of credit line. Note that for some reason it is absent in the main version of the program.
The flexible settings of this open system allow you to accurately describe any parameters of the enterprise for which a business plan is being created. The Alt-Invest software product, unlike other programs, makes it possible to set almost all initial data not only as constants, but also as variables or complex functions, which is a consequence of the openness of the system. At the same time, we note that the corrections made require significant qualifications from the user, as mentioned above. In this regard, the technical support of the product is very important. You can evaluate the quality of support by a solid four, that is, an increase in the quality of support is possible. Its improvement will satisfy the needs of those customers who do not have enough deep knowledge in this area. And this will allow expanding the audience of the software product, capturing a new segment of the software product market in the field of business planning.
"Alt-Invest" and "Alt-Prim" systems are powerful multi-purpose complexes designed for a wide range of clients. Inexperienced users, without making changes to the algorithms, can use them for express analysis and approximate calculations. Professionals will be pleased to be able to adjust the algorithms to their individual needs, which is ideal for business planning in large enterprises.

How to choose a business plan software

In order to write a business plan, you can use a special program. The choice of program depends on what kind of business plan you need to draw up.
If you only need a feasibility study, then you can use the ROFER product, a program called "Business Plan M" or some similar program.
Programs Business Plan PL text (ROFER) and Success Success (Dynamic Pathways Company) and the like are needed to create a business plan containing recommendations, samples and templates. These programs will help keep all the information short and clear, so that your business partners will take you seriously.
The previous program does not contain a calculation part, so if you need to draw up a full-featured business plan, we advise you to pay attention to the following business plan writing systems: Project Expert (Proinvest-IT), PL business plan (ROFER), INEC-Analyst (INEK) , Alt-Invest (ALT).
The advantages of these programs are that you will be able to choose a development strategy suitable for your enterprise, determine how this project will affect the activities of the enterprise, you will also be able to determine general indicators efficiency and payback period.
Such a business plan will not allow you to fall face down, because, firstly, it will comply with the international standard, and secondly, you will be able to indicate the effectiveness of investments of all participants separately. You can also determine the payback period.
This system will give you the opportunity to analyze the estimated costs and profits, what is the minimum amount of production possible and what will be the maximum costs.

Every entrepreneur and novice businessman should be aware that an important part of working in a market segment is the correct following of a business plan, which you can write yourself by downloading a special free program intended for that. It is to this important and significant issue for most businessmen that I would like to devote the lines of my short review article. The main purpose of the announced application, as you understand from the title of this article, is to help home-grown businessmen who want to enter the market and occupy a free niche there without any barriers and restrictions. But to achieve this, you see, is extremely difficult, if not problematic and difficult!

So, the business plan program that we are talking about is a surprisingly convenient application that allows completely free download without restrictions and the need for registration, and this, you see, is a rather significant advantage. An important advantage of this application, which, by the way, has a small weight in megabytes, is the ability to use it in almost any area of ​​business. The main thing is to have an idea in your head about the principles of drawing up a business plan, so that it really helps to achieve your goal easily and naturally.

Download business plan program for free on a personal computer

In my recommended business plan program, after a free download on Personal Computer, you will be able to use two models, namely: text and financial, which have corresponding differences from each other. In the text version, it is possible to compose the document in question in a narrative style. The second module provides exclusively for the settlement part, that is, the preparation of financial documentation for printing and future use. Agree, with such a wide functionality, it is easy to achieve the goal, no matter how exacting and demanding it is.
Among other things, the business plan program, which these lines are devoted to, is distinguished by an excellent set of navigation options that guarantee easy setup and the simplest execution of the most complex tasks, which requires only a free download of the application distribution kit on a computer and a simple installation. The main thing is not to deviate from following your principles and under no circumstances follow the principle of saving time.

I think you will get to know the rest of the advantages, as well as minor shortcomings that lie in the nuances of the described product, by installing the application after downloading it on your computer or laptop that is in your personal use.

The program for drawing up a business plan will greatly simplify the procedure for preparing the necessary documentation. Special software (software) provides templates for business plans, tools for calculating the main financial and commercial indicators. Together with the program, as a rule, ready-made type specimens, variants of which you can find and buy at .

Overview of popular programs

Acquaintance with an annotated presentation of software features helps to make not a random, but a conscious choice.

It is easier to choose a program if specific ideas about the future field of entrepreneurship are formulated.

Then the requirements for programs for creating a business plan become clear and help you make a good choice.


A program for drawing up a business plan, the options for which are presented developed Russian company"Viola", produces a descriptive part of the document, creates complex tables, charts, graphs (work calendar). You will only need to enter your own information. The program will help determine the feasibility of creating a product or providing a service. There are several versions of the program, specialized for specific tasks and types of work. They are adapted to Russian system taxation and accounting.

"Business Planning Workshop"

This is one of the most popular business plan programs in the CIS and Russia. The product is used by more than 5 thousand companies. It is completed with templates of business plans (real projects) and examples of calculations, a set of ready professionally made samples.

The program is equipped with calculation templates that allow you to analyze the investment performance of the project for a period of 50 years or more. The balance, solvency and liquidity indicators are automatically calculated. This business plan program contains tools for assessing the financial perspective, financial statements, cash flow analysis (cash flow). Software It will also help you draw up a profit or loss statement.

Business Plan PL

This product is in the business plan software category professional level". However, this quality does not exclude the fact that the software is aimed at different users. They can also be newcomers preparing to open own business, and experts who have achieved success in entrepreneurship.

The Business Plan PL program is able to create a business plan that takes into account the requirements of various taxation schemes. This is a distinctive advantage of the product.

Business Plan Pro

The database of this program contains about 400 samples of finished planning. It is possible to take into account the wishes of the investor and make adjustments online. The program will help analyze the market, create charts, generate an original business plan.

The text part of the software contains explanations for the items that are filled in for detailed description. Drafting financial plan fully automated. This speeds up calculations and scheduling.


How to Write a Business Plan: Video