How to print a selection in excel. Setting the Print Area in Microsoft Excel

The idea for the article came from a subscriber's question: “How to print text on a printer? The printer icon is on the desktop and the text is on the Computer Literacy website. Or how easy it is to print text on a computer page where there is no printer icon either on the page itself or in the page file, in general, it is not possible to find the printer icon anywhere except on the desktop of my computer?

A web page is any web page on a blog or website.

How can I print a web page to the printer, as well as output the contents of the letter from Email and other similar information on the computer?

1) The easiest way is to use the Ctrl+P hotkeys

1. Turn on the printer.

2. Open the page you want to print.

3. Press two keys at the same time ctrl+p.
The case (Latin or Russian) when pressing the keys does not matter. But at the same time, it is important that the letter "P" is English (from the word "Print", which means "Print"). The English letter "P" is on the same key as the Russian letter "З".
You should press the Ctrl key and, without releasing it, simultaneously press the key with the English letter "P".

Now we are preparing a bridgehead for receiving the cargo, more precisely, for receiving the information that we have already placed on the clipboard. We open text editor, for example, MS Word and press hotkeys Ctrl+V If you do not use these keys, then in the top menu of the editor, click Edit - Paste (depending on the version of Word, there may be an Paste button).

Let's summarize. If you use hot keys, then after the text on the web page is selected, press Ctrl + C. Open a text editor and press Ctrl + V (or click Edit - Paste in the top menu of the editor).

How to print in Word

  • click in the upper left corner on the File menu or on the Office button, depending on the version of Word.
  • In the menu that opens, click on the Print option, the Print dialog box appears,
  • if necessary, set the settings and click OK.

In Figure 2, the Office button for Word 2007 looks like this:

Rice. 2. Printing in the Word text editor the content of the web page, which is previously placed in the editor.

In this method, we looked at how you can copy information from a web page and place it automatically on the clipboard, and then paste it into a text editor to print for a closer look.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you cannot re-post a copied web page anywhere on the Internet (on a blog, on a forum, in social network etc.) without specifying a clickable link () to the source site and the author. This is called “content theft”, “copyright infringement”, infringement of intellectual property. As you know, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

3) You can print a web page through an Internet browser

This can be done using the button in the upper left corner of the browser menu.

Rice. 3 (click to enlarge). Printing a Web Page from the Menu in Google Chrome Browser

Number 1 in fig. 3 - button "Configure and manage Google Chrome".
2 in fig. 3 - link to "Print" web page.

Other browsers have a similar button that you can use to open the settings and find the "Print" link.

The only drawback of this method is that all blog information is printed: the content of the article, the content of all columns, in general, absolutely everything that is on the open blog page.

This is how you can avoid it. Before outputting to a printer, make a Preview and remember the page numbers you want to print. Then print only the desired page numbers, and not everything.

4) Some sites have the ability to print the text of the article

On my site, there is such a button at the end of each article:

Rice. 4 (click to enlarge). Print the article on the site (that is, print the web page).

It is enough to turn on the printer and click on the button (more precisely, on the link) "Print article" (Fig. 4). The print preview is then available. Scrolling through the preview page, at the very end below we will see a link for printing:

5) Take a screenshot of a web page and print it

Perhaps, while surfing the Internet, you have come across websites or blogs that have copy protection. So the authors of sites (blogs) protect their materials from theft, i.e. their piracy on the Internet without reference to the source site.

How to be in this case, if you need to make a printout?

  • I can offer an option using the PrtSc (Print Screen) button,
  • place (paste) a screenshot, for example, in the Paint graphics editor or in the Word text editor,
  • finally, through the File menu in the text or graphics editor print it.

6) Online service to help

Rice. 6. Print a page at its URL via online service

Can be used

This is a free service, but English language, which allows you to print a web page at its URL. The URL of this page where you are reading these lines is https://www.. It is underlined in red in fig. 5.

To print a web page for an online service, you need:

  1. open the desired page in the browser on a particular site. Then the URL of the page can be copied in the top line of the browser.
  2. Then you should insert the URL of the page on the online service (number 1 in Fig. 6).
  3. Solve the captcha so that a green tick appears (2 in Fig. 6). This is necessary to prove that the service is used by a living person, and not a robot.
  4. Press the Start button (3 in Fig. 6).
  5. Further, using the tools of the online service, you can first remove unnecessary elements from the web page: advertising, sidebars, etc.
  6. Click on the "Print" button in the online service.

A video tutorial on 4 ways to print a web page can be viewed below

(sound turns on in the lower left corner of the video preview window):

Computer literacy exercise:

From the above options for printing a web page, choose the one that suits you best and print the text of this article.

I will be glad to your comments and questions.

Working with Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Printing only the selected part of an Excel spreadsheet

To print only part of a table, it is not necessary to filter it or hide rows and columns. You can simply specify the range of those cells that should be printed. Note that on the second sheet there is a large gap between the column headings and the table numbers. Let's eliminate it by excluding empty lines 7-9 from the print range.

1. Highlight lines 1 to 6.

2. Press the Ctrl key and drag the pointer over the buttons on lines 10-14 to add them to the existing selection, as shown in Figure 2. 12.13.

3. Choose a team File > Print Area > Set. Now only the selected lines will be printed. Check it out in preview mode.

Rice. 12.13. Setting the print range

Note If, after completing step 3, you expand the Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box, you will see in the field Print range link 1:6;10:14, which corresponds to the lines selected in steps 1 and 2. That is, the print range can also be set using this field of the Page Setup dialog box. To reset the set print range, just select the command File > Print Area > Clear.

The completed operations complete the setting of the print options for the Formula sheet. But in addition to the table, you need to print a chart that presents the data in graphical form. In the next exercise, you will set up the Chart sheet and print it along with the source data table.

Very often, the end result of working on an Excel document is its printing. If you need to print the entire contents of the file to the printer, then this is quite simple. But if only part of the document is to be printed, problems begin with setting up this procedure. Let's find out the main nuances of this process.

When printing pages of a document, you can adjust the print area each time, or you can do it once and save it in the document settings. In the second case, the program will always offer the user to print exactly the fragment that he specified earlier. Let's take a look at both of these options. Excel example 2010. Although this algorithm can be applied to later versions of this program.

Method 1: One-time setup

If you plan to print a certain area of ​​the document to the printer only once, then it makes no sense to set a permanent print area in it. It will be enough to apply a one-time setting that the program will not remember.

After that, exactly the fragment of the document that you selected will be printed on the printer.

Method 2: Setting Permanent Settings

But, if you plan to periodically print the same fragment of the document, then it makes sense to set it as a permanent print area.

As you can see, setting a specific fragment for printer output in an Excel document is not as difficult as it might seem to someone at first glance. In addition, you can set a permanent print area that the program will offer for printing material. All settings are made in just a few clicks.

Earlier, I already considered the general principles of printing documents. Now I will focus on one rarely used feature that allows you to print only part of a Word or Excel document. This is the print of the selection.

Generally speaking, this function is not only in the programs of the package Microsoft Office. For example, in a regular Windows Notepad, and in other similar programs, you can print part of a document. Nevertheless, consider this function using the example of Word and Excel.

If you need to print the document so that the table fits exactly on A4 sheet, then read about it in a separate article.

Print selection

If you do not need to print the entire document, you can print part of the document by selecting its contents with the mouse.

First, simply select with the mouse the part of the data that you want to output to the printer. Then you should go to the print dialog (menu File on the Word or Excel ribbon). The figure shows a Word document where only the second paragraph needs to be printed. To do this, it is pre-selected with the mouse.

In the print dialog shown below, select the option "Print selection". At the same time, there is one difference between Word and Excel: in Word, in the preview the whole document will still be displayed, in Excel - only the fragment of the table selected with the mouse. In any case, you should not pay attention to such differences - the result is the same, that is, only what is selected will be output to the printer.


It should be noted that printing the selection in the menu is not available if you did not select anything before opening the print dialog. Also don't forget to reset the selection if you don't need it anymore.

There was an important part of the article, but without JavaScript it is not visible!

Setting the Print Area in Excel

In Excel, in addition to printing the selected fragment of the table, there is another way to print only part of the sheet. This function is called "setting the print area". To use it, select the desired fragment of the table with the mouse, as in the previous case. But then you need to go to the section "Page layout" on the ribbon and select from the menu "Print area" paragraph Ask.


The result of this will be the appearance on the current sheet of a dotted selection corresponding to the fragment of the table selected with the mouse. Note that this highlighting is not very noticeable if you set borders on the table (which is usually the case).

Now, in the print dialog, you no longer need to select printing of the selected fragment - until you remove the specified print area, it will not disappear itself, and only the part of the sheet highlighted with a dotted line will be printed.

The setting applies only to the current sheet. If you want to set the print area for several sheets, then this operation must be done for each sheet. Here, by the way, there is an analogy with setting up Excel print fields, which also needs to be done separately for each sheet.

To cancel the printable area, select Put away in the same menu in which you set this area.

Video tutorial on printing a selection in Word and Excel

In many programs, it is possible to print only the desired fragment of the document. Word and Excel show examples of how this works.

Summing up

You can print a portion of an Excel sheet by setting the desired print area. You can also simply select a part of the document with the mouse, and in the print dialog choose to print the selected range. The latter option is available not only in Excel, but also in Word, as well as in most programs that work with text.

Even if your home computer doesn't have a printer, you can still learn how to print documents. Printing functions and their features are necessarily understood in my Skype courses (not only Excel, but others as well).

Good afternoon, dear readers! It's time to pay attention to the little things when working with Excel program. I have long wanted to write such a collection, which will include all the material, which is small for a separate article, but in itself is very valuable.

I will not divide into parts - each new trick or advice will simply be highlighted with a heading. Let's start.

How to print multiple selections?

If you do not need to print the entire sheet in Excel, then when choosing settings, you need to select "Print selection". what to do if there are several such fragments? Select them with the Ctrl key and start printing, select "Print selection" and look - each selected area will be located on a separate sheet.

How to move a cell to another sheet?

Using standard techniques, dragging the cell frame, you won’t be able to move it, but if you hold down the Alt button, then everything will work out. The same method (holding the Alt button) will help build (within the cells).

How to enter multiple paragraphs in a cell?

To enter multiple paragraphs in a cell, instead of the Enter key, you need to press Alt + Enter.

How to set the required number of sheets in a new workbook?

We go to "Parameters", on the left on the "General" tab there is a block "When creating new books" and the number of sheets field, we set the number of sheets in it.

How to format multiple sheets at once?

In order to perform this action, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the labels with the names of the sheets (select several sheets at the same time), then specify the desired formatting. effects appearance will be applied to the selected sheets.

How to print Excel sheet grid, column headings and row numbers?

Go to the “Page Layout” tab, open the “Page Setup” button block dialog box, go to the “Sheet” tab and check the “Rows” and “Row and Column Headers” checkboxes, click “OK”. Both the grid and the row and column headers will be printed.

To quickly select text ranges separated by empty cells, you need to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + *.

How to quickly build a chart based on a table?

Select the table and press the F11 key.

On the "Home" tab in the "Editing" button block, click the "Find and select" button and select "Formulas". Cells with formulas will be highlighted.

How to quickly recalculate formulas with a custom function?

For a quick recalculation, you need to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F9.

How to enter the same value in all selected cells?

We select the range we need (you can even not adjacent cells), without removing the selection, enter the desired value and instead of Enter, press Ctrl + Enter.

Categories:// dated 29.03.2018