Healthy Habits of Millionaires. Important habits of rich people (billionaires) that are available to everyone

A habit is a model of human behavior in a particular situation, formed, as a rule, due to frequent and regular repetition. Habits are not as stable as character traits and under the influence external factors or the wills of a person can change, be acquired or disappear. But, since they strongly influence the worldview and behavior, you should carefully consider the formation of useful habits that allow you to succeed in one direction or another.

As you know, rich people are distinguished by atypical thinking (and sometimes behavior) and, as a result, habits, so in this article we will talk about what habits of billionaires help them maintain their wealth. financial position, status in society and success in business.

10 personal habits of successful people

The 10 habits of the rich, according to Thomas Corley, who studied the behavior of almost 200 millionaires, include:

early rise

Getting up just half an hour earlier allows you to avoid many organizational problems and tune in to the working mood. Millionaires, on the other hand, form at least a two-hour “time reserve” to deal with unforeseen situations and full control above the chart.


30-40 minutes a day for reflection is another useful habit of the rich and successful people. This time is enough for the active brain to process the acquired information and streamline the flow of thoughts. In addition, the absence of external stimuli often pushes for new ideas.


The circle of communication largely affects the mood and outlook on life, so successful people try to communicate only with those who are as successful as they are. Firstly, there is no risk of being "infected" with the pessimism of passive personalities, and secondly, communication with like-minded people helps to develop and assert one's own ideas.


A successful person is always courteous and polite. Compliance with the rules of etiquette accompanies all his work, and not rarely everyday activities, from a business lunch in a restaurant to writing a congratulatory letter to a business partner or employee.

Own standards

Another habit of the rich is the ability to think differently from the general population. Millionaires know how to set goals and create non-standard tools and ways to achieve them. It is important to learn to resist mass thinking and "average" ideas.


Millionaires know how to put their interests above the interests of other people, no matter how selfish it may sound. You can earn money only on your own, pursuing your own goals, even if they run counter to the goals of acquaintances, friends and relatives.


Physical activity is a good habit not only for millionaires. On average, successful people devote 30 to 60 minutes a day to sports activities and cardio workouts. Sport activates the brain and helps to stay in good shape all day long.


Average work week millionaire - 45-55 hours, despite the fact that the savings of most of them are enough for 10-12 years of unemployed life. Running your own business, investing and solving everyday work problems should not be left to someone else, while expecting quality work.


Reading and gaining new knowledge takes about the same amount of time as sports. The main requirement for literature is rich content and new information, so works of art are not read so often and rather for relaxation than self-development.

Time management

Spending 1.5 hours waiting for a meal or 2 scrolling through the news on the social network is a luxury even for a rich person. You need to learn how to plan your time, as well as the budget, prioritizing actions and determining whether this or that task is worth the time spent on its solution.

Financial habits of millionaires

Money habits of wealthy people are equally important, because money is the key to their success. Financial habits include:

Budget management

Always and everywhere you need to take into account your income and expenses - this is the basis financial planning to minimize costs and optimize overall structure distribution of funds.

Multiple sources of income

The presence of 3 or 4 profit channels (preferably passive) minimizes the risks associated with the failure of a project. By losing a stake in someone else's business, a millionaire will lose, say, 30% of the average profit, which, although it will be a significant blow, will allow them to stay afloat if proper measures are taken.


If you can refuse something, do it. Millionaires do not demonstrate their status with expensive trinkets, but they know how to identify really valuable things, denying themselves not so necessary ones.


Earned funds constantly need to be invested in order to increase them or at least keep them in the face of inflation. The wealthy in the US invest approximately 20% of their income annually, resulting in a steady return of $100,000+ per year.

Correspondence of expenses with income

Expenses should always be commensurate with profits, so you should not buy things that you can’t afford, seduced by a promotion, discount or attractive appearance. Compliance with this rule is connected with the first, because budgeting allows you to understand how much and what you can spend.

You have probably noticed that families with the same monthly income live differently. Someone can save money, someone lives from paycheck to paycheck. Why is this happening?

In psychology, there is a direction that studies the way of thinking and behavioral strategies of poor and rich people. According to experts, a person with a high income has certain habits that help them earn more. We will talk about these habits in this article.

Habits are our second nature.

They make us act and think stereotypically. And to do so again and again, despite the unsatisfactory results obtained. So, the habit of buying things in installments or on credit deprives us of the opportunity to fully manage our own income.

Activities that we perform daily or in certain situation, that is, our habits, depend on the way of thinking. By changing your own perception of the world, in particular, ideas about wealth and rich people, you can earn more.

People who received inheritance or winning in lottery large sums, most often do not become millionaires. Because they don't know how to handle money. Scientists say that poor people have a psychological ban on wealth. Since in our society there is a stereotype that you cannot become a millionaire in an honest way.

Researcher Thomas Corley I tried to understand the difference between the behavior and habits of a person who earns millions of dollars and people whose annual income was less than $150,000. He found that most millionaires have the same habits and lifestyle. He cites figures that were obtained from a survey of 233 people with a high annual income and 128 whose income was low.

  • 44% of wealthy people Wake up at least three hours before work. Only about 3% of the poor do this.
  • 88% of millionaires read daily, allocating this from half an hour. Although among the poor, 26% said they love to read, only 2% do it every day.

Among the habits of wealthy people, Corley notes that 67% write down their goals. As the survey showed, the rich do not watch TV and reality shows, but prefer to play sports and conduct healthy lifestyle life.

Let's take a closer look at what habits unite people who have managed to earn millions of dollars.

Habits of rich people

Don't procrastinate. Once you've made a decision, take action. Do not delay, someone can realize your idea, and you will be left with nothing. Do not wait for the "convenient" moment, you may miss your chance. have read useful information- start using it. If you act under the motto of Scarlett " I'll think about it tomorrow", you'll never get rich.

Work not for someone else, but for yourself. So you can earn in proportion to the efforts invested, and not a salary. And this is the strongest incentive. is in second place in the Forbes ranking. To date, he has 67 billion dollars. And in 1975, he and his wife started a business of sewing bathrobes and underwear in their own living room. Today the firm Zara world famous brand.

Do what you love. If a person sincerely loves his work, he will undoubtedly succeed. And professionalism and dedication will help you become financially independent. It's never too late to change careers.

Set global goals. If the task is to earn a certain amount, then you will receive it. Start by setting a goal of earning $5,000. You can do more, but not less. And take small daily steps towards your goal. The right goals are those that are realistic to achieve, and depend only on you, and not on the weather, other people or fortune.

Connect with people, make contacts. Other people pay us money. A large social circle will help you quickly find investors or potential buyers.

Invest. Money must make money. They should not lie under the mattress, waiting in the wings. Expand the geography of your business, buy shares, invest in real estate.

Know your worth. Your time is your money. Before calling the cost of services, study the market. Treasure your reputation and do not miss the opportunity. The creator of the ATM prototype received only five dollars for his invention, although he could have earned millions on the money dispenser. And one more vivid example, you know the image of a smiley face on a yellow background? The Spain Brothers bought a licensed image and earned over $50 million from it. Emoticon creator Harvey Ball received $45.

Think outside the box. Income can bring completely unexpected things. Paul Brown the creator of the capped bottle was able to sell the business and design rights for $14 million. Inventor of children's bright toys Rainbow» earned about $250 million. The idea came when he saw how a metal spring fell and began to "step over" on the floor. The creator of the stickers, his idea helped to earn more than a billion dollars.

Spending less than earning. Most people increase their spending in proportion to their income. So, if the salary was raised, then again it all goes to acquisitions. Rich people do not try to spend money right away, they save it before they are successfully invested. We must learn to live on a certain amount, and when receiving more than that, create savings for passive income. You need to plan your expenses wisely and not commit impulsive purchases. The aforementioned Warren Buffett, ranked third on the Forbes list, lives in a house he bought back in 1957 for just over $30,000.

Appreciate your time. Rich people do not count how much they earn per month or year, but how much they receive per hour. Review your day and consider what activities are not benefiting your health, business, or family. Eliminate useless movies, secular correspondence on social networks, empty phone calls and you will find temporary resources for self-education, planning and good rest.

See the possibilities. For a person going to financial independence, the glass is not half empty, but one in which you can add water. He does not focus on problems and why this happened, but quickly looks for ways to solve or eliminate it.

willingness to share. Most rich people are distinguished by their generosity. They participate in charity, sponsor public and scientific programs, become patrons of art. They are ready to help other people, but only if they themselves want it. Don't treat money as an end, it's just a means to an end.

Create a quality product people need . Only that product or service will generate income that really simplifies a person's life. If the client is satisfied, then he will definitely come back to you.

Take responsibility. Wealthy people attribute all their successes and failures to themselves. The rich believe that he himself makes his life the way it is, while the poor believe in luck and believe that nothing depends on him. Wealthy people are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them.

By changing your habits, setting clear goals for yourself, and making a plan to achieve them, you are sure to achieve financial success. The main thing is not to stop, but to go towards your dream.

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Let's talk about money today. About millions! Why is someone always lucky and the money seems to float into their hands, while for someone they pour like sand through their fingers? You know, the longer I live, the more clearly I understand that material wealth is just a side effect, an exhaust into the atmosphere after the production of some other, very large energy ...

At work, I communicate with rich people. Even the very rich. Oddly enough, if you take a closer look at all these "lucky ones", it becomes clear that they are not at all more beautiful and smarter than everyone around, their dad is not richer than my dad, and the school certificate (oh, shame!) is even tarnished by a couple of triples.

But ... What distinguishes them from "mere mortals" is their habits. It is habits that make us a fitness model or a fat woman, commercial director or janitor, millionaire or beggar. Think about it, it really is!

Recently I came across a cool one on this topic, I suggest you read its free translation and some of your observations.

1) Every day - try not to die

You won't become a millionaire from a hospital bed, will you? Of course, no one is safe from a brick on their heads in broad daylight, but just try to do everything in your power so as not to ruin your health and improve it every day by at least one percent. Did not eat a hamburger at McDonald's - 1%! Went out for a run, oh - another 1%! Many people believe that metabolism slows down with age. It is not true. As we age, we just sit on our ass more. Try to move more.

2) Spend time every day with people who love and appreciate you.

3) Every day - be grateful

How to do it? For me personally, the easiest way is to write the so-called. "thank you list" for morning coffee. It sounds trite - but, believe me, after 2 weeks of such practice, you begin to notice that there are more and more things in life that you want to be grateful for.

4) Write down 10 ideas every day

In fact, the point is whole topic for a separate post... I first saw this system with one of my favorite bloggers, I'll tell you more later.

In the meantime - 10 ideas a day, it's called "training the idea muscle." What do we usually do with our brains? Instagram, news, work, "what to cook for dinner", etc. It is not surprising that over the years our consciousness begins to degrade, because the most central and important muscle remains forgotten and almost inactive. Where does the first million come from when there are only long-rotten average thoughts in the head?

The most interesting thing is that more ideas you cultivate, the more they come to your mind. And one of them could be in a million! At first, it will be sooooo hard to get at least 5 out of yourself. Your head will smoke, and your corroded hemispheres will creak loudly... But don't back down! This means that your brain definitely needs training.

5) Sow the seeds

There are people who have one single goal for life. One! Well, of course, I congratulate them... The importance of this goal, for sure, goes off scale just terribly, the world has converged like a wedge, and life is not sweet.

I think it's better to "sow the seeds" and see which ones come up. Often 1% of what is sown can dramatically produce 50% of the crop.

Keep in touch with a new acquaintance. Go to a new workout. Learn to photograph. Arrange a surprise for your loved one. Eat healthy food. Write an article. Read a book. Learn what stocks are and how to buy them. Come up with a handful of "seeds". And all this - just in case. You never know what seed a dollar tree will grow from;)

6) Forget excuses

Explanations are procrastination. Excuses are procrastination. Whining and complaining is also nothing but her, darling.

All those people whose life you admire - they DO. And they don’t sit, with a minor key in their eyes, angrily saying how they can’t do something, because “there is no health, no money, no acquaintances.” Oh yeah, no time either.

That's the last thing I understand. I don't have time to become a professional astronaut either. The moment is gone forever! And such data was, haha ​​:)

In general, you can find time for anything. Get up an hour earlier, surf the Internet an hour less ... Stop, now someone will come out and sing "it's easy for you to say, you don't have any children or pets." These are all excuses too. I can offhand name 5 mothers whose successes will blow everyone away.

7) Remember the Warren Baffert Rule

"Make a list of 25 things you want to do in life. Now narrow it down to the top 5. And never think about the other 20 again. They will only steal time from doing what you really want."

8) Stand next to the smartest person in the company

The smartest one will surely do something that can be remembered, adopted, copied, transformed. Try to look for positions for which your qualifications are slightly lacking. Try to find acquaintances, friends, teachers who are stronger, faster, better than you in something. Then you yourself will gradually catch up to their level.

There is nothing wrong with being "the worst of the best". Because it is better to be weak among the strongest than strong among the weak.

9) Do what you loved to do as a child

At least once a day, do something that you loved as a child. Remember the time before any tedious work and obligations. Was there something you wanted to do over and over again? And, completely free of charge, without thinking about the benefits. For example, I loved to read, write and draw. And until now, when I get on a wave and one, second or third rushes me, it's just a magical feeling. It cannot be excluded from your life, no matter how short of time you suffer.

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Each millionaire has found his own personal path to wealth and success, but if you compare the habits of wealthy people, you can find something in common for each of them.


One of the useful habits of rich people is sports. Every day, about half an hour of free time is devoted to exercises. Often this is a cardio load: running, walking, cycling. Such exercises are good for both the body and the mind. They have a positive effect on neurons and help produce glucose - an excellent fuel for brain function.

In addition, many rich people continue to engage in those sports that they have loved since childhood. So, for many years, the same passion Bill Gates is tennis.


It's no secret that millionaires are usually quite busy and time-limited people. Therefore, reading books is a process not for the sake of pleasure, but for the sake of new knowledge. Rich people often read specialized literature that deals with areas such as self-development, biographies of successful people, and history. Bon Jovi is a vivid example of the fact that even rest can be spent with benefit - reading specialized literature.

own style

Many wealthy people stick to their own style for many years and wear the same clothes from year to year. Creator of the world social network Mark Zuckerberg comments on this quirk by saying that he wants to get rid of the excess in life and make a minimum of decisions in everything that does not concern how best to serve this society.


Rich people know how to save money. They always know the balance on their bank card. They record their expenses and know how to calculate income. Millionaires, despite the fabulous sums, are well aware of their financial situation, and therefore cherish every penny.

Public transport

Wealthy people don't flaunt their wealth. In fact, most of them do not hesitate to use public transport, like to walk and ride a bike. Mayor of New York Bill De Blasio proves this theory by his own example.

early awakening

All rich people are early risers and prefer to get up 3 hours before their work day officially starts. Waking up early gives them plenty of time to go about their daily activities and spend time with family before starting their main job responsibilities. This rule is followed by the family of the application developer. Garrett Gee.


Meditation is a great way to de-stress from the day. It influences mood and behavior, helps to discover new creative ideas, causes a feeling of well-being and relaxation. This is a good medicinal practice, which is resorted to by many wealthy people, for example, such as Oprah Winfrey, which meditation helps to remove all the fatigue of the day and find peace.

Language of the body

Millionaires know how to win over people, convince of their opinion and succeed in communication with anyone. To do this, they use sign language, which not only attracts listeners, but also creates a special charisma. He resorts to such tricks during speeches Elon Musk and also practiced in his communication Steve Jobs.

TV viewing restriction

Rich people watch TV less often than poor people.

All wealthy are united by the habit of spending their time, both work and personal, productively. Therefore, they often prefer a book, a walk, a workout or communication to a TV. Young millionaire Garret Gee also adds that it is important to find 3 hobbies for yourself: one for making money, one for creativity and one for health.


All rich people claim that any lost money can be returned, but you cannot return the lost time. Without a clear plan, success is simply impossible. Golden Rule says: "Proper planning prevents bad performance." And therefore, each of the millionaires knows how to plan their time, make to-do lists and set certain goals every day. Steve Jobs convinced that only thanks to planning, goal setting and the ability to wait, wealthy people achieve success.

Most millionaires were not born rich, but self-made. A study conducted by Fidelity Investments found that about 80% of people with a net worth of $1 million or more earned it without the help of a trust fund and did not inherit it. As the classic Smith Barney ad from the 70s put it, "They do it the old fashioned way: make money."

In addition, their habits help them get rich: “Your habits determine whether you will be poor or rich,” says Tom Corley, author of The Daily Habits of Rich People. “Most of the time, the difference between the wealthy and those with financial problems can be limited to just a couple of habits.”

Corley studied the life of millionaires for 12 years. According to him, many of them have the same daily habits and routines. He identified seven main habits.

1. They read

Self-made millionaires read a lot. According to Corley, this is the most important habit to adopt if you want to become rich. Corley found that 85% of millionaires read two or more books a month. They choose books that help to develop, that is, their topics can be careers, biographies famous people, self-improvement, health, recent events, psychology and leadership.

Source: Amazon

“The key to success in life is to constantly build up your own knowledge base and skills,” says Corley, “spend 30 minutes every day for reading. This will help you stand out from the crowd since most people don't read."

2. They do what interests them.

Often people work in one area or another because of the stability factor, but wealthy people put their own interests above all else. “They choose the wall to put the ladder against,” Corley says. “If you're really interested in something, you'll work harder.”

3. They find a mentor

93% of the millionaires who took part in Corley's study admit that one of the reasons for their success was working with mentors.

"Choosing a mentor is one of the easiest ways to get rich," Corley says, "it allows you to be successful as quickly as possible."

Corley identifies five types of mentors:

Parents. Their contribution is very important. Parents are your first mentors. If they can instill in their children the right daily habits, it will allow them to avoid many problems in the future.

Teachers. They can enhance the positive effects of parenting or provide support that a child lacks at home.

Career development mentors. Choosing a mentor in your job that you respect and trust can be helpful to your success. Such a mentor should be at least two steps above you on the career ladder.

Mentors from books. The mentor does not have to be someone you know personally. Sometimes best advice can be gleaned from books, especially books about successful people.

You yourself. This is the same "harsh school of life" when you learn from your own mistakes. "This is the most hard way because mistakes and failures can cost you a lot of time and money. However, such an experience is most effective, because the lessons from own life and the vivid emotions accompanying them are hard to forget.

4. They set themselves goals based on their own dreams.

Before setting their goals, millionaires usually do what Corley calls “dream definition”—they write down what their ideal life would look like and then make a list of what they dream about. Then, based on each of the dreams, they identify goals and objectives.

“Imagine dreams are the ladder and goals are the rungs,” Corley explains. - Ask yourself: "What do I have to do to make all my dreams come true? Can I do it? Do I have the knowledge and skills necessary for this?" Then get to work."

5. They make to-do lists

Goals remain just goals if two conditions are met: they are 100% achievable and they imply physical actions says Corley. Millionaires break down these goals into physical actions and make to-do lists from them, and for many this becomes a habit.

Source: E&T

“Millionaires see success as a process,” Corley explains, “when action becomes a process, you don't have to think about it and spend extra energy, which eliminates the difficulty in making decisions. Habits are useful because they allow you to save energy for other, more important things.

6. They provide themselves with multiple sources of income.

Real millionaires don't rely on just one source of income, Corley says. Instead, they create several such sources, with most having more than three.

“65% of millionaires have secured three or more sources of income,” Corley says. “Having multiple sources will help you survive the economic setbacks that happen to everyone.”

Sources of income include renting out real estate, investing in securities, annuities,