How to create a successful business in a provincial town. From provincials to successful businessmen

Small business in the province: what to do?

On the periphery of our vast homeland - Mother Russia, it just so happens, not particularly big salaries and other income of citizens. When thinking about starting your own small business, you should not forget about this. If you do not want to move closer to the center of the country and are guided by the principle “small spool, but expensive,” then familiarize yourself with the features of such a business:

1. Provincial cities have low purchasing power. Agree, few residents of “Zabrevensk, Verkhnepupensky district” will be able to afford ancient paintings by famous novelists or a unique haute couture collection of the famous fashion houses Versace, Chloe or Blumarin.

2. In such cities and towns, production does not develop at all.

3. The most in demand are the service sectors and trade in cheap goods of general necessity: food, alcohol, clothing of low and medium quality.

In connection with all of the above, we can conclude: there are quite a lot of free niches for small businesses in the province, and there is relatively little competition. Any idea (within the financial solvency of the consumer masses) has a place to be.

I would like to become a janitor, let them teach me... (cleaning business)

You are a resident of a provincial town, a young promising entrepreneur who wants to open own business. Why not start a small cleaning company? In this way, you will save several people from unemployment, and in the future several dozen people by hiring them.

Even in a small town there are people with average and above average incomes. Having mansions or simply well-maintained houses, they need to take care of them, as well as the surrounding area. Cleaning services will come in handy for them. This is, firstly. Secondly, numerous offices. There is no point in hiring a technical worker for on an ongoing basis, if you can order room cleaning from a special company, for example, like yours. In this case, they do not need to spend money on additional equipment - detergents, cleaners and disinfectants. Representatives of cleaning services always have everything with them. They come, quietly clean the premises entrusted to them, and also quietly leave.

I drank honey and beer, it ran down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth... (cafes, pizzerias, sushi bars, small restaurants)

What will residents of every corner of our planet never stop doing? People need food, they will always eat, no matter what! Take advantage of this! In a small town, there is not that much competition among the food industry. Open a small cafe with an inexpensive menu or a pizzeria - they have been at the peak of popularity for several years now.

You can take a chance and become the owner of a Japanese sushi bar. But here, as they say, it’s a double-edged sword. On the one hand, there is a huge interest of citizens in sushi and rolls, which is gaining more and more momentum. On the other hand, consider your distance from the sea. The further you are from fresh seafood, the more expensive high-quality raw materials and, accordingly, higher the prices for finished products. You can cheat by preparing Japanese delicacies from frozen fish, shrimp, etc. Such products are of questionable quality. Why do you need such “sweet” stories? The smaller the city, the better word of mouth works in it.

You can open a small restaurant for holding corporate parties, banquets and wedding celebrations. This may not be as big as in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but still a profit.

Katya, take the phone - this is it... (accepting cash payments from local mobile operators, fines, utilities etc)

You've probably walked into a supermarket more than once and seen this simple contraption at the entrance - a payment terminal for mobile operators and more. This payment device is a “box” endowed with enormous functionality:
Ability to pay cellular communication,
Pay for TV and Internet,
The ability to instantly pay off fines,
Pay utilities.

If you plan to become the “owner” of such a “cow”, in other words, you want to purchase your own payment terminal, then you can count on two types of income:
1. Commission charged from payers,
2. Bonus incentives from partner companies.

To organize such a business in the province, you must first of all buy a terminal, choose right place for it, enter into a lease agreement for the place where you will put it, connect the terminal (or several terminals) to the payment system.

Let's summarize: even living in a provincial town, if you have two components - a great desire and a small initial capital, you can “concoct” an appetizing business plan that will be the beginning of your grandiose entrepreneurial activity!

In a small town, business opportunities are limited - this is a misconception of many entrepreneurs. Underestimating small settlements is a dangerous matter: there are much more opportunities here than in megacities. But first, let’s talk about which city is considered small. The population in such a locality should be from 50 to 100 thousand. A successful business in such cities it has special features.

Residents of the province have low incomes. There is a small labor market here, and the size wages strikingly different from those in the capital. This should definitely be taken into account when opening a business. What kind of business can you start in a small town? A boutique selling expensive collectibles is a losing proposition, and instead of impressive profits, there is a risk of receiving no less impressive losses.

Basic goods are usually scarce in small communities. And the results of the analysis give an excellent idea for starting your own business: is there a pharmacy, clothing store, supermarket in a certain area, or do you have to travel to the other end of the town? Perhaps there is not a single cinema? Studying the existing market before opening your own business is a mandatory task.

Business expansion in a small town is limited. Initially, the number of consumers increases. But those wishing to receive services or buy goods will sooner or later run out. For further development, it is worth thinking through a plan in advance. It is quite possible that residents of nearby towns and villages will become clients.

The advantages include the small amount of starting capital. Rental costs, advertising company, wages are much lower than in a large or medium-sized city. But it is also necessary to open a business that is in demand among the population. For small cities, popular goods and services are good, not exclusive ones.

It is easier to get support at the state level. Small businesses are more readily encouraged here, and support programs work. If there is an opportunity to take advantage of certain privileges, then why give it up? And some entrepreneurial niches are not occupied by anyone at all. So the competition situation is favorable.

“Word of mouth” is wonderful advertising, and it’s also free. It's quite profitable. Everyone will know about the opening of a new business. But there is also a drawback: the slightest mistake of an entrepreneur will immediately become known to everyone, and it is very difficult to correct a shaky reputation in a small town.

The foundations in the small town have already been established. Therefore, residents may begin to resist the new. This means that before opening a business, you should brainstorm. What services would make life easier if you offered them? If you already have them, there is no need to despair. You just need to do your job better than your competitors. All options are written out, their pros and cons are worked out, and the ideal option is selected.

Real business ideas for a small town

Among the ideas for small towns, several can be highlighted. And the first, always in demand, store. Grocery stores are essential. In a sparsely populated region, such establishments usually have a low quality of service, and “second-fresh” products are also not uncommon. So, what kind of business can you open?

Business service ideas

If you manage to open a store that meets all expected standards, without exorbitant prices, then such an investment will pay off quickly. He will be able to exist happily ever after due to the constantly arriving clientele.

A good option is a private kindergarten. If you locate it in an area where there are many young mothers, then there will definitely be demand.

But the quality of services comes first. Just one deterioration and the idea is ruined forever.

An excellent option for a profitable business is city landscaping. The development of such services for removing weeds, fertilizing the soil, mowing lawns, caring for and planting plants for a small fee will ensure the prosperity of the business in a short time.

You can do it alone, or you can bring in partners with design skills for business card projects. It will turn out more solid. And quality will make advertising without extra costs.

Dimensions authorized capital- the lowest among all options. Is it true, profitable business seasonal. But it can also be considered as the main one, subject to modification.

Opening the production of business cards also requires small investments. Local entrepreneurs always need them. But the quantities to order are small, and ordering them from a printing house is not profitable. So, we need to offer such a relevant service! Equipment you will need is a good graphics editor program, a computer and a printer.

Even with seemingly high competition and a crowded niche, you can find a way to stand out and make a profit. Is the city center busy with supermarkets? You can set up a kiosk selling natural sausages. There is always a selection of fresh products, which is very important for provincial cities. The client will be able to order whatever he wants according to own choice. High profitability rates, rapid development, and high popularity are guaranteed.

The bakery is another example. successful business. The aroma of fresh baked goods always surpasses any advertising in effectiveness. And in a small town, such baked goods are guaranteed to find their buyers.

Ideas for online business

The idea of ​​an Internet business is very promising. For a small town, this is a real, albeit original, type of income. Even a small profit can turn into a reliable foundation for promoting a serious business. But any direction will require knowledge of copywriting, online sales, mail marketing and psychology.

Pros and cons of online business

Both affiliate programs, MLM, and information business require training. AND practical application acquired knowledge is the key to success. If you want to develop a stable Internet business in a small town, you need to study. But easy and fast money on the World Wide Web is a myth. You can earn them only through hard work, investment of patience and time.

What business ideas are feasible for a small town? MLM or network business It is customary to refer to the business of megacities, where there are many residents and money. But practice has proven that there are many more successful MLM businessmen in small towns. In a metropolis it is difficult to keep contacts and maintain relationships. Life in a small town is more relaxed. And it’s easier to get to the address due to the lack of traffic jams, and to build relationships.

But reverse side success of the project - the almost eternal label of an enamel specialist and the fear of selling your product to friends. In any case, making money in such a business is not at all easy, if someone starts to prove the opposite - this is a lie. But you can make money here if you work hard. And this is true.

A small town and an online store from scratch? Sounds a little unusual. But it is not necessary to sell goods only among 20-30 thousand residents. Postal services will help deliver products to all corners of the world.

It is not difficult to organize such a business. By using modern technologies you can create it in a quarter of an hour. As a last resort, there is always the opportunity to give the task to a freelancer for a fee.

Organizational and procurement issues will remain. But the solution does not require closing the business providing services to the public for a while. So, if you wish, it is quite possible to master such a task.

An example is the opening of an intimate goods store in a small town. Residents are guaranteed not to buy such things on the main street for fear that their friends will be aware of the purchase. But home delivery of a modest box without any inscriptions is another matter. And such sex products will be in great demand.

It is not necessary to open exactly such sales, but there are also unoccupied niches. In the end, the main thing is to become the best and beat the competition in small business.

The idea of ​​opening an Internet cafe has good prospects. Usually in the provinces there are almost no places where you can access the network “with all the amenities”. This means that when organizing such a business, success is guaranteed: there is an opportunity to communicate, get together and complete the planned tasks without being distracted by extraneous things. So similar business is in demand now.

Is it true, main problem will become organizational issues, approvals. And the practical side of the matter will seem like a very simple task.

Medical center

Often in a small town many people know each other. And there is a practice of helping to support businesses. You can open an on-site center to provide medical services. This is one of the business options. The arrival of a specialist from the capital is organized for consultations and receptions. And the businessman is responsible for organizing the transportation of a professional, renting premises and providing marketing services.

Medical services are especially in demand as small business ideas. Residents of villages and suburbs are forced to go to big cities for tomograms, ultrasounds and medical procedures, covering vast distances. And it’s especially difficult for pregnant women, who have to do fetal ultrasounds frequently, and getting to the regional center is very problematic in this situation. Therefore, there is no doubt about the demand and relevance of the services offered.

Another type of business for beginners is one based on local products. Purchases are carried out in their locality, and then sold in a large one. Fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, mushrooms, and farm products are bought at low prices.

Eco-products are now in fashion, and the resale margin is significant. But it is advisable not just to resell, but to pre-process it: canning, smoking, baking. Such mini-enterprises are always relevant.

Ready business: franchise

Among the business ideas of 2016-2017, business based on other people’s ideas, that is, franchising, is gaining popularity in a small town. There is no need to create a business from scratch here, because you need to represent an already well-known brand. Many well-known brands offer franchises, and the needs of city residents will help which direction to choose.

It turns out that organizing a business in a small town comes down to supply in one of the areas of trade, services or production. Among the services provided there are car washes, tire fitting, minor repairs, and offering the services of blue-collar specialists.

Among the trade in goods - the discovery grocery stores, pharmacies, construction markets, sale of spare parts. Own production– mini-bakeries, processing and sales own products. We shouldn’t forget about products for children, private kindergartens, development centers, and we shouldn’t discount additional entertainment. The demand for such offers is high in any city.

Online consulting is already in demand. Open your own business and you can even consult clients from other countries. The main thing here is to be an expert in your chosen field. And the demand for legal, accounting, and psychological services is always and everywhere.

Opening your first business, especially in a small town, is necessary in an area that is familiar to you. So, an experienced accountant can open a mini-business to manage accounting services And tax accounting, on the preparation and submission of reports and declarations. Such services are in demand both among individual entrepreneurs and small organizations, of which there are many in the province. After all, turning to an outsourcer for help is easier and more profitable than hiring a permanent full-time employee.

It is always worth paying attention to areas that are independent of the crisis, that is, products, care services, budget entertainment. There are also offers for scarce services. There are very few inexpensive and unusual entertainment options in the province; there is nowhere for adults and children to go to relax. But it’s so good to put trampolines in accessible places. And there are many such options. Availability of prices for services – important criterion successful business development.

Residents of the provinces value services that allow them to save money: repair of clothes, cars, apartments, budget hairdressers with a range of all services. Among the things you can do in this area, the best option is to open a service center, the low prices of which compensate for the high constant demand for services among local residents.

It is advisable to register a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Each form has both “pros” and “cons”. And the choice is determined by the type of business. It is worth choosing a tax regime that is more favorable for paying taxes.

Without investment, opening even a small business is impossible. You can use your funds or take out a bank loan at favorable conditions. But when you define your niche and organize a profitable business, all investments quickly pay off.

It is no secret that employment is a real problem in provincial cities. Either you have to put up with a small salary close to home, or move to the nearest large locality, spending a lot of time on the road.

Both options are equally unpleasant. The solution could be to open your own small business consumer specifics, from sawmill to farm.

In a small town, a business can be closed or open. When open, interaction occurs with both local consumers and clientele from nearby settlements.

At closed business the whole business is concentrated only in its own city. Goods and services are sold in one place. Most often, such a business is opened by a service provider to the public. The manufacturer of goods is trying to expand the range of action.

In a small town, the main thing is to offer something previously unused and unique. This is the only way to gain clientele. Needs that are not satisfied by other businessmen are what a new entrepreneur must satisfy. Then the company will be able to offer the product in demand. Competitors usually target the average buyer, excluding people's right to receive exclusive items.

Small business is a popular and very promising industry. Cafes, mini-restaurants, cinemas are examples of businesses for private entrepreneurs. Organizing a profitable business in a small town is within the power of any person with a certain amount of resources.

There are a lot of options for ideas. Doesn't have to be impressive starting capital. And the result from thoughts and fears is zero. So without certain actions applied to the proposed opportunity, success is impossible. This means that you need to act and start a business in a small city without delay.

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Business in the province

Each region is distinguished by its own small or, on the contrary, large features; at the same time, there are similar characteristics not in terms of geography, but in terms of demographic indicators. So, for example, when considering business ideas, you can always find a lot in common between opening your own business in megalopolises, big cities, and so on, and just like that, there are a number of distinctive features of doing business in small towns, that is, we are talking about provincial towns with a small population and similar problems.

And so, considering business ideas in a small town - roughly speaking, business in the province, you can immediately select several distinctive features provincial business:

  • First and most notable is the presence of limited demand due to the small incomes of the local population. That is, small salaries greatly limit the use of new business ideas in the trade and even service sectors. Agree, who with the minimum wage will still pay money for the same credit brokers or buy expensive goods. Yes, of course, trade in such cities exists, but for the most part the market is very tightly “crowded” with competitors and for real entry it will be necessary to spend quite a lot of money and at the same time get quite a small result, the same applies to most ideas from the service sector. Of course, there are exceptions, we are primarily talking about those business ideas that can reduce the cost - that is, they offer a cheaper option, as an example new idea business in the form of horizontal drilling or the same idea of ​​trading using the Internet. Also, in contrast to the opinion of most residents of megacities, farming in such small provincial towns is also not possible. Due to the banal lack of land and free space, again the exception is the raising of poultry, in some cases pigs in small quantities, well, it is possible to talk about the mushroom business and, of course, it is more or less realistic to master your business from scratch in the form greenhouse farming. As we see most of the ideas rural business, also not suitable for business in the province. The reasons for low demand also reduce to virtually nothing and real ideas in construction. As you can see, most aspiring businessmen should take into account that it is realistic to start a business in the provinces, more on that later, but it is also worth taking into account real problems with demand.
  • Secondly, the presence of a large number of labor resources capable of working for little money, of course by the standards of megacities, and just large cities. The presence of a large number of cheap rental spaces, a fairly low level of “press” from regulatory authorities, although, as a rule, such regions have their own “owner” with whom it is better to negotiate immediately.

That is, on the one hand, there is little demand, so to speak, in the domestic market of a provincial town, on the other hand, cheap labor and other resources. All this suggests that the best option for business development in a provincial city is the production sector. Of course, we are not talking about serious factories, but rather about small workshops for the production of goods with subsequent sale in large cities or throughout the country, that is, in this case, in foreign markets.

Conclusion if you are a resident small town and are looking for business ideas in your home provincial town, that is, you want to start business in the province, then first of all pay attention to business ideas in the production of certain goods. Alternatively, this is the same production of bronze products - a business at home, or here are business ideas in a small town for the production of clothing, and so on. The main condition for the success of such a business is the ability to organize distribution channels for its products outside of its hometown

About 80% of the Russian population lives outside the capital and regional centers. Rumors that it is impossible to create a profitable business in the periphery are greatly exaggerated. The article provides five examples of quite successful businesses, and notes characteristic features provincial cities.


The answer to the question of what business to open in a small town cannot be unambiguous. In addition to the general characteristics inherent in small administrative centers, each of them has its own unique features. When counting on the success of an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account both groups of influencing factors as fully as possible. As life shows, the advantages in this regard are on the side of the local residents. In contrast to the “alien Varangians” who develop a new territory by trial and error.

Pros and cons of a small town

Two professors of the Higher School of Economics: Simon Kordonsky and Yuri Plyusnin, in 2011-2014, made 30 visiting expeditions studying provincial cities Russian outback. The results of the study were announced in June of this year as part of round table « Russian society outside the big cities."

Hence the conclusion: there are prospects anywhere. The main thing: when choosing which business to open in a small town, all ideas need to be considered through the prism of specific local characteristics.

General specifics of small towns

  • one, less often two city-forming enterprises;
  • low-rise buildings, low population density;
  • low incomes and solvency of residents;
  • high level of administrative "press".

At first glance, all of the above limits the choice of business idea. But on the other hand, these same factors provide some advantages: low start-up capital investments, no large advertising costs and a relatively low level of competition.

An example is the federal retail chains: "Magnit", "Seventh Continent" and others. Despite widespread development in large cities, in the periphery they, as a rule, do not receive the expected profit. In small towns, they lose their main advantage: the savings from population density, which reduces their costs, and displace small retail outlets within their small radius of influence. In addition, the average salary of residents of small towns is 5-7 times lower than even the regional level, which significantly reduces trade turnover from 1 sq. m. and the amount of the average bill. Ignorance also takes its toll local market, consumer tastes.

Administrative support, as a rule, receives socially oriented: educational, sports, cultural, health projects. Unfolding trading business, the interests of local producers must be taken into account. In general, the authorities are interested in developing those types of activities, the income from which goes to the local budget.

What business ideas to pay attention to

If you intend to open your own business in a small town or village, it would not be superfluous to ask what small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia do in general (Fig. 1).

Even at a quick glance, everything is obvious. About 40% of small and medium-sized enterprises are engaged in retail trade, catering, and household repairs. Under “others” are hidden: hotels, restaurants and cafes; housing and communal services, education; entertainment, tourism. How to assess the prospects of this or that idea, to understand which business is the most profitable in a small town?

Main feature business ideas for a small city: it must take into account local specific factors, both positive and negative.

In most cases, the bet turns out to be successful:

  • to local flavor, unique nature: organization of non-standard tours, including agritourism, which is gaining popularity; horse breeding; opening of a mini-hotel;
  • on historically established habits: fishing and fish breeding, production of dairy products, potatoes - in agricultural areas; knitting production in areas where goats and sheep are raised.
  • to meet the modern needs of the population: private kindergartens, cafes, paintball clubs, entertainment for children, development and sports centers.

The services offered must solve pressing, vital problems of city residents. Practicality and benefit are the main criteria for choosing a business idea for a small town, and not its pretentiousness or exclusivity.

A separate topic is services for business. Surprisingly, they are in demand! For accountants, economists, lawyers, experts in various industries- little filled and very promising niche. This is shown by the results of a survey recently conducted by the Small Business Resource Center (Fig. 2). The project was implemented using the example of three cities: Suvorov (20,126 people), Buturlinovka (26,241 people) and Ostrogozhsk (32,310 people).

The biggest gap is in legal advice. There is no company providing such services in any of these cities.

Is successful business in the periphery a reality? Yes!

The examples below are taken from real life. This is a clear illustration of everything that was said above.

Private kindergarten "Umka"

City of Sibay, Bashkiria, 62 35 inhabitants.;

Ilmira Gatiyatova directly faced a problem when she was unable to go to work: there was no place for her 2.5-year-old daughter in kindergarten. 6 months passed from the birth of the idea to its implementation. 200,000 rubles of their own funds were invested in the organization, and 300,000 were received from the city budget under the program to support small and medium-sized businesses. The private kindergarten is the first and so far the only one in the city. There are 30 children attending it, and 50 parents have already signed up for the waiting list. In the video below, the entrepreneur talks about his experience.

The Ministry of Labor has prepared a bill that is under consideration. It will allow using maternity capital funds to pay for private kindergartens and individual entrepreneurs supervising and caring for children. If the law is adopted, this type of business will receive an additional impetus for development.

Interesting franchise: Baby Way - an innovative technique for raising children.

Consulting in a small town?

Engineering group "Compass"

G. Glazov Udmurtia, 94,610 inhabitants.

In Europe and the USA, about 90% of small and more than 50% of medium-sized enterprises use services accounting firms. In Russia there is still much less, but the number of people interested is constantly growing. The educational and methodological center "Compass" grew out of small company, engaged in providing services in the field of law, accounting, consulting on commercial activities. The organization was created in 2002, and now it is already a group of companies. Its partners and clients include the largest enterprises in the region. In 2008 Rating agency"Expert RA" awarded the company a V quality rating. Its director Andrey Anatolyevich Makarov was recognized as the best entrepreneur of the city in the “Services” category in 2010.

Uryupinsk: “Russia is a province - a hole”?

The town is located in the south of the Volgograd region, population - 39,171 people. Two years ago, he officially registered the brand “Capital of the Russian Province”. The following three examples of successful businesses show that enterprising people find business everywhere.

Let's replace Polish apples with Russian ones

In 2007, a young entrepreneur Nikolai Sayutin purchased one of the apple orchards abandoned in the 90s. The mild climate makes it possible to grow excellent apples here, and over the past years, the renovated orchards have entered a time of active fruiting. Taking into account the policy of import substitution, the entrepreneur hit the bull’s eye. A video from local Uryupinsk TV shows the whole process in detail.

The entrepreneur organized waste recycling

The enterprise, created by Ali Ibragimov in 2010, is thriving - there is plenty of garbage in the city. It makes a profit and employs 10 workers. There is a loader, two presses. Aluminum cans, waste paper, plastic bottles. So far it is the only one in the city, but there are plans to expand services in the housing and communal services sector. In what areas is kept secret from future competitors. B.zYu

Knitting enterprise LLC "Uzory"

A small enterprise was organized by Raisa Kazimirova in 2000. It employs 10 homeworkers, 7 knitters, 3 spinners. Uryupinsk is the only place in Russia where goats with a fluff length of up to 13 cm are bred (the vaunted Orenburg ones, according to locals, have it shorter). Nowadays, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Andrey Malakhov, and members of the Ryzhkov and Chubais families are wearing products from Uryupinsk. For his 55th birthday, Putin was given down underpants, a T-shirt with the inscription “I’ll give up everything, I’ll go to Uryupinsk” and socks. They were included in the “Best Gifts for the President” rating compiled by the Trud newspaper.

There are only 5 examples, and small and medium-sized cities in Russia - more than 80% of total number. There is a field for activity, if there is a desire.

An important condition for organizing a business in a small town is low initial costs. In a special section of the Moneymaker Factory, we have collected 45 projects with investment amounts starting from 15,000 thousand rubles. Here you will find real stories of aspiring and successful businessmen, examples of business plans and interesting ideas.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that profitable business can only be built in large cities. At the same time, small towns have a number of advantages for starting a business. Low competition, many unoccupied niches allow you to create a business from scratch with minimal investment. In this article we will demonstrate best business ideas for provincial cities that will help you decide on your future entrepreneurial activities.

Destroying stereotypes

Devastation. Soviet houses of the same type. Poor and drunken population. Lack of prospects and hopelessness. Often. This is exactly how businessmen from large cities imagine small provincial towns. And therefore they are in no hurry to invest their money in them.

Golden Mountains. Palaces and yachts. Beautiful life. Prospects. Limitless possibilities for replenishing your wallet. As a rule, provincials perceive big cities in this light and strive to move to them and open their own business there.

In both cases, we are dealing with stereotypes - established ideas based not on a rational idea of ​​reality, but on certain established forms of thinking that seem self-evident. The danger of stereotypes is that they prevent you from looking at reality with a sober look, do not allow you to see the obvious, and create rigidity of views. For business, all this is, to put it mildly, disastrous.

It’s time to destroy the stereotypes regarding Russian provincial cities, at least most of them. The economic catastrophe of the 90s, which hit the regions to a greater extent, is behind us. Today, with the right application of intelligence, effort, creativity, and a balanced attitude, it is possible to build a successful and profitable business in the province, which can not only generate income, but also be socially oriented, creating new jobs.

Video. Business ideas for provincial cities

Advantages of doing business in the province

In many provincial cities today, industry is being revived, the outflow of population has been significantly reduced and brought within a certain framework. The crime rate of the situation has decreased significantly, and administrative barriers have been weakened. Local administrations are extremely interested in the influx of investment. Beginning entrepreneurs are provided with free subsidies (up to 300 thousand) and advisory assistance. In general, we can talk about the onset of economic and political stability. Yes, of course, the situation in different regions may differ, but in general, the trend towards improving the conditions for running small and medium-sized businesses is obvious.

In addition, provincial cities have a number of objective advantages over large cities:

Disadvantages of doing business in a provincial town

Despite the obvious advantages, a provincial city remains a provincial city and has large number disadvantages compared to large cities. Among them:

Components of a business plan for a provincial town

Any new business, regardless of where it is opened, needs detailed study: scope of activity, goals, expenses, time frame for reaching profitability, and so on. Business in a provincial town involves several features that must be taken into account.

  • So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the scope of activity. Ideally, the niche should be unoccupied, which is absolutely applicable to the improvement sector. In large cities this system is relatively well-functioning, but in small cities it is not. The improvement of courtyards is mainly done by the residents themselves. Local housing and communal services simply don’t get around to it, and they don’t have enough funds. Occasionally, before elections, deputies may “condescend” and install a children’s playground or sandbox in some yard. In addition, in small towns there is a lot of the so-called private sector, where landscaping work is endless. Thus, you will find yourself in a virtually competition-free environment and will be able to immediately gain a large number of clients;

  • The second thing to remember is the social orientation of business. It is advisable that your business helps in solving any problem of general significance for a particular village or town. Landscaping is one of them. If your business is socially oriented, you can count on maximum support from the administration, which is extremely important in modern Russian realities. Remember that socially oriented businesses have a high chance of receiving subsidies as well as tax breaks;
  • Third, start-up costs. They must correspond to the scale of the business and the city. For example, to open your own business in the field of landscaping you will need approximately 500 thousand rubles. They will go towards purchasing equipment: shovels, drills, drills, concrete mixers, truck and so on. You will need an office, communications equipment and much more. In this section, the business plan will not differ much from the usual one prepared for a big city;
  • Fourth - labor resources. It is important to decide what kind of specialists you will need to open a business, and most importantly, whether you can find them in the city where you intend to open. If we are talking about landscaping, then your team must include a dendrologist, a designer, a foreman, as well as a team of construction workers;

  • Fifth - advertising. Many methods of disseminating information about your product, effective in megacities, do not work at all in provincial cities. Best recommendation for your company there will be so-called “word of mouth”, when people who have already used the services of your company will tell their relatives and friends about them. Although at the initial stage, of course, you need to contact local radio, television, and newspapers. Practice shows that posting and distributing advertising materials to private homes is very effective. This will get the initial attention. But then only reviews will advertise to you;
  • Sixth, a correct assessment of the population’s solvency. You should never rely on official data, which, as a rule, gives an inflated level of income. The country still has a large number of, in fact, “depressive” cities in which it is simply impossible to open a new business, since there is a high probability of them disappearing from the map. You need to look at the actually operating enterprises in the city, the number of cars, and talk to residents. In some cases, it would be a good idea to order a special study.

  • Seventh – the real needs of the population. Many small towns today strive to attract tourists, and therefore the topic of improvement is extremely relevant and in demand.

The best business ideas in a provincial town

In practice, we see that the opportunities for discovery are extremely wide. The main thing you need to start from is the needs of people and the specific conditions of a particular area.

Of course, there are no ready-made 100% winning ideas. Much depends on your personal efforts and proper calculation. One thing is for sure - provincial cities are a very attractive platform for starting a business. And it needs to be used.

Video. 8 ideas for business in a small town