Advertising slogans that conquered the world. How to create an effective slogan for a company Slogan for an advertising company

If you're looking for inspiration, check out our list of awesome slogans from world famous companies.

But before that, let’s figure out what a “good slogan” is and what exactly makes it selling.

What is a slogan?

Tagline is a phrase or group of words that identifies a product or company.

Companies need slogans for exactly the same thing as logos - for advertising. The only difference is that logos are visual advertising, and slogans are audio advertising. But both of these formats attract the attention of consumers much more effectively than the name of the company or product alone. In addition, a logo or slogan is much easier to understand and remember.

The purpose of any slogan is to convey to the client the main message of the brand, a key idea that will certainly remain in people’s memory.

How to create an effective slogan?

All successful slogans have similar characteristics:

  • It's memorable
    The slogan should be easily recognizable. A few short, bright, memorable words can be used in advertising, videos, posters, business cards, etc.
  • It conveys the core value of the brand
    What should be sold is not the product's features, but its benefits - this is the golden rule of marketing, ideal for creating successful slogans. A good slogan should clearly and clearly convey information about the benefits of the company (product) to the target audience.
  • It makes your brand stand out from your competitors
    Find what sets your brand apart from others and use it to create your slogan.
  • It evokes positive emotions towards the brand
    Successful slogans use positive, optimistic words. For example, the slogan “Russia is a generous soul” will evoke positive emotions among consumers, while the slogan “Otmochitos in the style of Cheetos” will only cause bewilderment.

So, we've looked at the key characteristics of successful slogans. Now let's see how modern companies use them in practice.

1. Nike - "Just Do It" / "Just Do It"

Nike's message immediately resonated with people. The company has become much more than an ordinary manufacturer of sportswear and shoes - it represents a special state of mind and body! Nike's motivational message gives hope to people around the world: “If you want to do something, just do it!”

The specialists at the Kennedy + Weiden agency, who came up with the legendary slogan, could hardly imagine that it would become so popular. Nike used to make clothing exclusively for marathon runners. But after the resounding success of the slogan, Nike's audience increased many times over. This example just goes to show that some companies take time to create a slogan that conveys the brand message and resonates with the target audience.

2. Apple - "Think Different" / "Think Different"

This slogan first appeared in Apple's “Here's to the Crazy Ones, Think Different” advertising campaign, dedicated to famous dreamers who challenged the system and were able to change the world. The phrase itself is a bold response to IBM's “Think IBM” campaign, which at that time presented its ThinkPad.

Soon, the slogan “Think Different” began appearing in all Apple advertising, despite the fact that the company was not releasing new products at the time. Suddenly people began to realize that Apple was These are not just computers, but both powerful and easy-to-use devices available to each of us.

3. L"Oréal - "Because You"re Worth It" / "After all, you deserve it"

Who among us doesn’t want to feel worthy of something? L'Oréal specialists know for sure that women use cosmetics to feel more beautiful, attractive, desirable and... worthy this. The L"Oréal slogan does not talk about the product itself, but about the image and sensations the company can give to women. This message allowed the L"Oréal brand to go beyond and change the usual concept of the cosmetics industry.

The celebration of the 40th anniversary of the slogan “After all, you deserve it” took place in Paris. Guest stars - Jane Fonda, Freida Pinto, Iness de la Fressange and others came to congratulate L'Oréal Paris and talk about what it means to them to collaborate with a brand whose slogan makes millions of women around the world believe in themselves.

4. MasterCard - "There are some things money can"t buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard" / "There are things that cannot be bought. For everything else, there is MasterCard"

This two-sentence slogan was coined by MasterCard back in 1997. At the time, the slogan was part of an outstanding advertising campaign that was launched in 98 countries in 46 languages. The very first appearance of the advertising campaign was on television in 1997. The content of the ad was this: a father and son go to the baseball field together, the father pays for tickets, hot dogs and drinks, but the conversation between father and son is priceless. After this, the MasterCard advertising campaign became truly viral, long before the advent of social networks.

What is the secret of the MasterCard campaign? Each commercial evokes emotions in viewers, awakening pleasant, dear memories - for example, as was the case with the first advertisement, memories of going to a baseball game with dad. Nostalgia is a very powerful marketing tool.

5. BMW - "The Ultimate Driving Machine" / "Full Drive"

BMW sells cars all over the world, in North America the brand is known under the slogan “The Ultimate Driving Machine”. This slogan was coined in the 1970s by the Ammirati&Puris agency and was aimed at “baby boomers” who began to earn their own money and were ready to spend it. And what better demonstrates status than buying a premium car?

With this slogan, the brand wanted to emphasize the fact that BMWs are cars that will take your breath away to drive. It was based on an emotional message for which consumers were willing to pay more.

For Russia, the slogan “With pleasure behind the wheel” (Freude am Fahren), which has existed since 1961, has become more popular.

6. M&M - "Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands" / "Melts in your mouth, not in the heat"

Understanding the value proposition of this brand is not difficult at all. How can one type of chocolate differ from another? M&M were able to differentiate their product from competitors - their chocolate does not melt in your hands.

7. De Beers - "A Diamond is Forever" / "Diamonds Forever"

Essentially, diamonds cost at least 50% less than what you would pay for them at a jewelry store. So why did they become a symbol of wealth? All thanks to the amazing marketing strategy from N.W. Ayer, developed in the early 1900s for De Beers.

The iconic phrase “Diamonds are forever” began appearing in every De Beers advertisement since 1948, and in 1999 AdAge named it the best slogan of the century. Its main message: diamonds, like your relationships, are forever. Which, among other things, stopped consumers from mass resale of diamonds (and therefore reducing their value). Brilliant move.

8. Lay's - "Betcha Can"t Eat Just One" / "I bet you can't eat just one"

In Russia, this slogan was translated with slight changes and sounded like “So delicious that you can’t resist!”

Seriously, has this worked for anyone? Although this slogan would have been suitable for other snack companies, Lay's was the first. The slogan does not describe the taste of the product. Instead, the brand turned to the peculiarity of human nature: it is simply impossible to stop eating chips.

9. Audi - "Vorsprung durch technik" / "Excellence in high technology"

“Vorsprung durch technik” has been the main slogan of Audi worldwide since 1971. The Audio 80 (B1 series) appeared a year later in 1972: these cars with new technical characteristics were an excellent reflection of the slogan. And still the slogan “High-Tech Excellence” ” is relevant for the Audi brand. It is important to note that Audi invariably leaves its slogan in German on written media, no matter in which country they sell and advertise their cars.

10. McDonald's - "I"m Lovin" It" / "That's what I love"

The “I’m Lovin’ It” advertising campaign was launched in 2003 and is still relevant today. This is a great example of a slogan that resonates with your target audience. The food at McDonald's is far from the healthiest, but many people really love its taste.

11. Maybelline - "Maybe she"s born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline" / "Maybe she was born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline"

In Russia, this slogan was translated with minor changes and sounded like: “Everyone is delighted with you, and you are delighted with Maybelline.”

Maybelline's first slogan was created in the 1990s and has become one of the most famous throughout the world. It instills a sense of self-confidence in women. After all, brand cosmetics can make her look like a model from a glossy magazine.

The company changed its slogan to "Make IT Happen" in February 2016, inspiring women to express their understanding of beauty in their own way. However, the previous motto does not lose its relevance.

12. The New York Times - "All the News That"s Fit to Print" / "All the news that can be printed"

The slogan was created in the late 1890s as a response to other publishers who made money only from sensationalism. The New York Times, on the other hand, focused on important facts and stories that taught readers something new. Thanks to the slogan, the newspaper became considered a trustworthy source of information.

A brand has several components that form it. This is a slogan, corporate identity, trademark, etc. In order to create a truly serious brand, an entrepreneur most likely does not have enough strength, professional skills, and craftsmanship. In almost every city you can find creative agencies or advertising and marketing companies that can help with this problem. They can create a logo, come up with a slogan, visual and textual designation, develop a corporate identity, create a model and type of packaging.

An entrepreneur must have a detailed understanding of the brand in order to place an order correctly, in order to understand what to talk about with advertisers, in order to monitor how well the work is done. Therefore, we offer you standard information, knowing which you will get a good result when working on your brand.

Slogan - the motto of your company, passed through the image of the product

Almost every company has a slogan, but not everyone puts it into a beautiful phrase. Do your salespeople, when preparing for an important meeting with a client, create phrase templates that reflect the buyer's most important advantages? It is phrases like these that serve as an excellent basis for slogans. If you don’t have such sellers, remember your phrases with which you convince partners to buy goods from you.

If you have a large company and you have carefully worked out the company’s mission, then you can look for your future slogan there. So, the company’s slogan is a short and succinct phrase that expresses the very essence of the product, the company, and the entire brand. This phrase should contain information that will allow customers to remember the brand and easily recognize it among a host of other products.

A slogan is a means of communication that lasts for a very long time, up to several years, if it is developed correctly. The general slogan can be supplemented or transformed (but no more than 2-3 words) if the ongoing promotion or advertising event requires it, but the duration of such a change should be limited, and at the end of the promotion period the slogan returns to its previous form.

The slogan should significantly attract the attention of consumers, it should set out the advantages that the buyer will have, the slogan very clearly motivates to purchase, increases loyalty to the company and the product.

Types of slogans

The history of the word “slogan” is very interesting. It was invented by the ancient Gauls and meant the battle cry of fellow tribesmen who went hunting or defended their territories. Subsequently, the slogan began to be used to intimidate the enemy and to raise their own morale; each tribe had its own slogan, which inspired victories and allowed them to be distinguished from other tribes. In Germany, the slogan was used as a password to identify belonging to a particular craft workshop.

The slogan can be corporate or brand. A corporate slogan is created to maintain loyalty to the entire company, and is valid for all products, lines, and types of products of a given enterprise. If a slogan is created for a specific product of a company, then this is a brand slogan, and it will only apply to a specific brand; as soon as the company decides to stop producing this product, the slogan is also never used again. Of course, if it was successful, then it can be transformed and used in relation to other brands.

The next division of slogans is an image slogan and a product slogan. Image is more similar to corporate, only it reflects both the company’s values ​​and the company’s high position in the market and in society. A product slogan advertises only a specific product. It is a product slogan that can increase sales and become a means of product recognition. Some companies create several slogans of different orientations, they are used as needed, depending on what kind of company is being carried out.

Signs and qualities of a slogan

The slogan is always created short, just a few words are selected in such a way that the phrase is both succinct and euphonious, quite often there is a rhyme in the slogan. If advertising material is being created, a television or radio commercial, an article in a newspaper or magazine, a short advertising leaflet or a street banner, then the slogan is placed as an affirmative effective point at the end of the material. If a slogan requires musical accompaniment, then this music is selected most carefully, because it is this music that will accompany the slogan throughout its entire work.

The visual embodiment of the slogan has a constant font, color, images of various objects or a color background. Any slogan written in sound on paper can be registered as intellectual property. This is a very lengthy and not the cheapest process, but by filing a patent, you can be sure that no one will ever use your ideas for their advertising. If this happens, you can file a claim against the infringer and get compensation from him through the court, and most importantly, convince him to never use your intellectual property again. The law will be exclusively on your side.

A slogan quite often ceases to be just an advertising phrase; very often slogans become much more famous than the product itself, that is, part of the life of society. Many people remember the advertising slogan “Now banana!”, but few can name what product was advertised using this funny phrase. When telling this or that story from life, people use the slogans “Just add water!”, “Don’t slow down, have a Snickers!”, “Take a break, eat a Twix!” for a vivid illustration. And there are a great many such famous slogans that have become truly popular.

The mechanism of the slogan

So, the slogan should be short, easy to read and pronounce, listen to and look beautiful. It should be original, easy to remember, attention-grabbing, bright, truthful, interesting, funny, positive, optimistic, it should evoke only the most positive feelings among a wide audience.

Here is an example of a slogan that was much debated at one time: “Radio for the rich!” A huge audience, which is not one, perceived the slogan negatively and did not listen to this radio. Fortunately, the station management quickly realized this and changed the slogan. Therefore, when developing a slogan, try to make it in such a way as not to hurt the feelings of various categories of people, on the contrary, to give them a compliment and encourage them to buy.

Good slogans always contain elements of allegory, philosophy, aphorisms, and works of art. Rhyme is a very successful technique when creating a slogan, since it is rhyme that is perfectly remembered by a person, this is a well-known fact. Slogans use synonyms, antonyms, and even phraseological units. When a person sees such a slogan for the first time, he does not quite understand what the owner of the brand, the manufacturer, decided to tell him. Then he focuses his attention on the meaning of the slogan, thinks it through and the moment of understanding comes. A person thinks that if it took him so much time to understand the “cunning” meaning, then it will take others even longer, because he is the smartest in the world. He sees the mysterious smiles of other people around him, when they hear this slogan in an advertisement, they unite in their secret, so the advertised product becomes a sign of “their” group of people, a sign of the chosen ones. The person who solved the riddle of your slogan will never stop buying this product, rest assured. Of course, it is necessary to maintain customer interest in the product, improve it, create new products and hold promotions.

How a slogan is created

If you have ever gone through the naming process, then developing a slogan will not be something unusual for you. Before you start developing a slogan, you need to set clear goals for the creators. What exactly should your slogan reflect, what should it encourage, what values ​​should it promote. Be sure to tell the developers about your company, its values, and structure. In the same way, it is necessary to tell in detail about the product, its history of creation, its analogues, competitors, and the main differences from other similar products.

After a detailed analysis, it will be much easier to determine the set of words that should be contained in the slogan. After compiling such a list, each word is tested in a focus group, and after identifying the most beautiful, bright, positive and selling words, word forms and entire phrases are compiled. The latter, in turn, are again tested in focus groups. Those slogans that received the highest marks in discussions and tests pass the final test. These are surveys of a large number of current and potential buyers. But even in the case when one slogan is defined, it undergoes a trial period of 2-6 months. There are cases when, after this period, the slogan must be replaced if the sales increase does not meet expectations.

When creating a slogan, move away from abstract concepts and phrases, operate with specific facts, figures, conclusions that the buyer can easily try on “for themselves”, which will be understandable and valuable. It is best if your slogan promises the buyer specific benefits in order to motivate him to buy.
If your product has already acquired such an advantage as a brand, start developing a slogan. This guarantees excellent recognition of your brand, gives it weight, and increases sales.

E. Shchugoreva

How to create and register a slogan:

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For example: “Don’t let yourself dry out!”, or “Sometimes it’s better to chew than to talk.” It happens that a slogan floats on its own when no one remembers the subject of advertising. Do not confuse a headline with an advertising slogan; these text units have different tasks. The headline is designed to interest the consumer and encourage him to read the text. The function of a slogan is to convey the main idea of ​​an advertising campaign and maintain its integrity.

There are different requirements for the slogan and title: The slogan cannot be changed during the advertising campaign; it is a motto that must be heard from the beginning to the end of the campaign. The title is a variable element and can be changed. Thus, advertisements placed on a billboard and in a magazine may well have different headings. A slogan is the slogan of an advertising campaign; it must be easy to remember. This requirement has nothing to do with the title.

The main features of an effective slogan:

  • brevity and memorability;
  • originality;
  • compliance with brand positioning;
  • The slogan must contain the brand name.

Light, brief, elegant and aphoristic slogans are well remembered. The slogan should not be long - no more than ten words, preferably up to six. Don't use hard to pronounce words. Avoid hackneyed phrases and platitudes, then you can interest the audience and make the desired impression. Ideally, you will be able to see the unusual in the ordinary and you will create a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, slogans are often repeated almost verbatim. Certain words are used so often that they have already become hackneyed and set the teeth on edge. Experts have compiled a whole list of similar elements that are not recommended for use:

Nouns to avoid: choice, decision, idea, bliss, quality, harmony, dream, color, taste, aroma, sensation, look, pleasure, secret.

Adjectives: real, correct, exclusive, genuine, prestigious, faithful, true, valid, unique, unique, original, inimitable, special, tried, perfect, worthy, impeccable. It may seem that the ban on these words makes it impossible to compose an advertising slogan.

Believe me, the Russian language is much richer and more flexible than the lexical structures that are usually used in advertising. An unconditional taboo should be a combination of stamped nouns with the same adjectives. If you still cannot do without tired words, they must be justified by a very original “makeweight”.

How successful slogans are constructed

The slogan can draw the attention of potential consumers to:

  • Features of operation - “You press the button, we do the rest ourselves” (Kodak advertising).
  • Benefit for the buyer - “Let go of your anxiety!” (“Afobazole”, a sedative).
  • Targeting consumers from a specific group: “The new generation chooses Pepsi” “Gillette. There is no better thing for a man."
  • High professionalism and quality: “Indesit. It will last a long time."

The main motive may be the company’s philosophy: “It’s good where we are” (Samsung). In corporate slogans it is appropriate to focus on the authority of the company: “HP-Laser Jet – 20 years of confident victories.” One of the current solutions is the illusion of proximity to the consumer, contact with him. “We care about you and your health” (Johnson & Johnson), “Wella. You are awesome". In this case, the slogan can be constructed as a statement on behalf of the consumer: “Tefal. You always think about us", "McDonald's. Here is what I like". The slogan can also convey features of emotional positioning: “The joy of movement” (BMW slogan).

So, the slogan should be memorable, original, concise, relevant to the brand positioning and creative advertising strategy. In addition, it is important to remember that the tone of the slogan should not be condescending, dismissive, or arrogant. The slogan should not be unethical and vulgar, or contain negations. Positivity has a better effect. It is desirable that the slogan have a benevolent emotional connotation. These are the general rules for creating a good slogan. The more such recommendations are taken into account, the more effectively it will work.

Slogan categories

Depending on their purpose, slogans are divided into:

  • Advertising – for goods.
  • Company mottos.
  • Supporting the company's image.
  • Missions.

Brief instructions for creating an effective slogan

Highlight and display the company's main advantage. You are, of course, familiar with the slogan “M&M’s melts in your mouth, not in your hands.” The main advantage of colored sweets is that the glaze covering the chocolate does not melt when heated in your hands and does not stain them.

Note that products belonging to the same group are often presented with similar slogans. So, all expensive cars:

  • Symbolizes your superiority.
  • Indicate the desire for ideal.
  • They encourage you to manage your dreams.
  • They promise pleasure without delay.

Study your competitors' slogans and try not to copy them. Analyze the phonosemantics of your slogan. Simply put, listen to how it sounds. Sounds can be round and soft, strict and hard. Its perception will depend on which of them predominate in your motto.

Slogan generators

There are times when nothing good comes to mind. In such cases, we recommend using a random slogan generator as a tool for finding new ideas:

Rhyme the slogan, or even better, give it rhythm. It’s very good if you manage to compose a slogan song. This type of advertising is memorable. Remember Always Coca-Cola? Report the company’s commitment and its steady development. Declare your commitment to your customers. Be honest. Self-praise with endless “number one” and “we are the best” does not deceive or attract anyone.

You can create your own slogan, or perhaps your company’s motto will appear as a result of the joint creativity of creative employees. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional copywriters, whose services are not that expensive: 10 slogan options usually cost $100 to $300. has compiled a selection of the best Russian advertising slogans. It includes not only slogans created by advertisers in the era of modern capitalist advertising that began 20 years ago, but also favorite and eternal slogans of the Soviet era, elegant and competent localizations of Western slogans.
The study was based on a variety of criteria, such as whether the slogan somehow became a catch phrase and how actively it was used in Russia, creative value, fame of the author, use of the capabilities of the Russian language. Some slogans made it to this list solely due to many years of merit and the steadfastness of advertisers.

The best slogans of Russia

  • Peace, friendship, chewing gum! (Rotfront, 1957)
  • There was no better nipple and no, I’m ready to suck until I’m old (copywriter - Mayakovsky)
  • Everything will be found (Yandex, author - Yandex team)
  • The World History. Bank Imperial
  • Require a top-up of beer after the foam settles (Restaurant "Glavpivprom")
  • Sometimes it's better to chew than to talk (Stimorol)
  • Pay your taxes and sleep well (Tax police)
  • M&M's. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands
  • If you have an idea, there is IKEA.
  • Your pussy would buy Whiskas
  • It’s time for you and the fan plant to enter into an agreement (MOVEN).
  • Vote or lose (Yeltsin's election campaign in 1996)
  • Snickers. Don't slow down - have a snickers
  • Prices are just crazy (Euroset)
  • Russia is a generous soul
  • That's why they don't bite (Moskitol)
  • He's the only one (Tinkoff)
  • Tanks are not afraid of dirt (KAMAZ)
  • Fly Aeroflot planes
  • This is not a dream, this is Sony
  • Take a break and eat a Twix

Also especially worth noting are the retro slogans:

  • It’s time for everyone to try how tasty and tender crabs are (Glavryba)
  • Nowhere except in Mosselprom
  • Keep your money in savings banks
  • NGO "Alternative" With all the wealth of choice, there is no other alternative.
  • Who's going where, and I'm going to Sberkassa
  • Stolen? Should have put Clifford
  • Hopper Invest. Great company!

3 best cellular industry slogans:

  • MTS. People says
  • Beeline. Live on the bright side
  • Megaphone. The future depends on you

The best car slogans

  • Volny – Volvo
  • Volga. You surprise me
  • Lada Priora. On all roads of the country
  • GAS. Russian cars
  • Daewoo. Get a loved one
  • Mazda. How dare you
  • Toyota. Manage dream
  • Nissan. Exceeding Expectations
  • Lexus. The pursuit of excellence
  • Skoda Simply brilliant


  • Ovip Lokos. In the name of good!
  • Baltika. Where Russia is
  • Patra. Beer with cork
  • Who is coming for Klinsky?
  • Golden barrel. We need to meet more often
  • Solodov. I am responsible for quality
  • Doctor Diesel. We are so different, and yet we are together
  • Stella Artois. Perfection is priceless.


  • Sprite. Don't let yourself dry out!
  • Fanta. Join in!
  • Invite. Just add water
  • Red Bull is inspiring
  • Pepsi. Take everything from life
  • The new generation chooses Pepsi
  • Hershey Cola. Taste of victory!
  • It's good to have a house in the village
  • Mirinda. Life is good when you drink slowly
  • Rich. Life is a good thing. Anyway
  • May tea - favorite tea
  • Hello. Live orange juice

Hygiene products and cosmetics

  • Pampers. Kids inspire
  • Always. Speaks your body language
  • Be confident. Wear Libresse.
  • Kleenex - soft like velvet!
  • Clear Vita Abe. No dandruff
  • Take care of yourself. Garnier
  • Millions of microbes will die (Domestos)
  • Rexona. Will never let you down
  • Orbit. The most delicious protection against caries
  • Everyone is delighted with you, and you are delighted with Maybelline
  • Ax. Full Ax Effect
  • Gillette. There is no better thing for a man

Clothes and shoes

  • Ralph Ringer. Twisting the earth
  • Savage. Freedom to be yourself
  • Camelot. Leave your mark
  • From Paris to Nakhodka “Omsa” - the best tights!
  • Ecco. Shoes for life


  • Rosno got it!
  • Insurance group Spasskie Vorota. Like behind a stone wall
  • Rosgosstrakh. I did everything right!
  • Renaissance Insurance. The art of remembering the future
  • Ingosstrakh pays. Always.


  • Mars. Everything will be in chocolate
  • Rondo. Fresh breath makes it easier to understand
  • Mentos. Fresh solution
  • Everyone loves Mamba. And Seryozha too!
  • Chewits. Chew, don't worry
  • Skittles. Don't be sour - hang on the rainbow
  • Dirol Kids. Now banana!
  • Bounty. Paradisaic delight
  • Juicy Fruit. Already want!
  • Juicy Fruit. Full Banana!
  • Nuts. Charge your brains
  • Snickers. Ate it - and that's it!
  • Wispa. It's all about the magic bubbles
  • Milk tastes twice as good if it's Milky Way!
  • There is time. There is Meller
  • Tic Tac. Sweetness and freshness in just two calories


  • Echo of Moscow. Listen to the radio, the rest is visibility
  • TNT. Feel our love
  • Sports TV channel. Not a day without Sports
  • Russian radio. Everything will be fine
  • Kommersant. For a real businessman, 15 years is not a long time.


  • Crossroads. Upgrade to the best
  • Technosila. We know people, we offer solutions
  • El Dorado. Home of Low Prices
  • Company Party. Out of politics! No competition!
  • Technosila. Common Sense Stores
  • The Snow Queen. Where do you dress?


  • Indesit. We work, you rest
  • Reliable household appliances exist. Proven by Zanussi
  • Sony. CD and listen
  • Philips. Let's change life for the better
  • Tefal. We care about you.


  • BEERka. Delivered with beer
  • Pringles. Having tried it once, I still eat it now.
  • Chester loves Cheetos
  • Yum-yum, buy Mikoyan.


  • Russian Sea. Fish Favorites
  • Samych himself. Dumplings without haste
  • People love Doshirak
  • Knorr - delicious and quick!
  • Gallina Blanca - glug-glug
  • Green Ray canned food - opened and ate
  • Danissimo. And let the whole world wait


  • Nazivin. For noses and spouts
  • There's a hurricane in your stomach - take Espumisan
  • Bromhexine. When kids cough, a blue bear will help them!


  • Aeroflot. Easy to climb
  • Telemarket. We sit and the money goes
  • Bridgestone. Victory over the road
  • Once Persil, always Persil
  • Clean - Pure Tide
  • Eric Krause. Pleasant work
  • Restaurant Oblomov. A Complete Collection of Pleasures
  • Fun and tasty at McDonald's
  • Pedigree. Sign of care and love
  • Bzzzz, bzzzz, Suprimex!

Slogan criteria
Strict compliance with the brand line
the slogan should take into account all aspects of the marketing strategy and be part of it
easily reproducible, eliminating confusion in words, having a good and simple rhythmic pattern
Gone among the people
Makes full use of language capabilities
competent, pleasant, interesting turns of phrase
harmonious sound, ease of pronunciation
Having a simple, pleasant rhythmic pattern
allows you to stand out from your competitors
Presence of a second bottom
A slogan that can be understood in two ways, while the “second bottom” does not contradict the main message, but positively complements it.

Background information about the study

Types of slogans:
On the subject of promotion:
. Commodity - appeal to the rational side of the target audience through arguments. Its task is to convey to the consumer the main difference, the advantage of the product over others, to create a certain emotional attitude of the consumer towards the product or its quality. The questions typically answered are: What is a product? What product? Who/what is the product for? What is its advantage? What should the buyer do?
. Image - to feelings through emotions. Aimed at increasing the recognition of a company or brand, with an emphasis on any common feature in the company’s activities that applies to all products or services. They invite the potential client to feel a certain atmosphere and draw the necessary analogies with the advertised product.
Linked to product
. Related - Includes product names. This slogan is inseparable from the name. "Your pussy would buy Whiskas"
. Attached - correlate with the name rhythmically and phonetically. “Gillette. There is no better thing for a man”;
. Free - they are self-sufficient and independent. “Take everything from life”, “The aroma that brings you together.” Just do it.
By volume
. Corporate/slogan mission - Once and for all. “If there is an idea, there is Ikea” (Ikea).
. Promotional – promotes a limited-time promotion. Does not contradict the values ​​of the corporate slogan. “For the most important people” (Ikea. Promo for children's furniture collection).
By shape
slogan-news - “Bond. Brooke Bond. Now in tea bags!” "The Legend Returns!" (Yamaha)
slogan-question - “Are you saying I have no taste?” (Winston) or “Does Perfection Need Advertising?” (BMW)
slogan-statement - “Our skin loses ½ of its water. Every day" (Vichy) or "Milk tastes twice as good if it's Milkyway"
slogan-involvement - “Fanta. Join in!”
slogan-step-by-step solution - “50 steps to your new Ford” or “I saved up money in the savings bank, bought a ticket to the resort”
Question-answer slogan: “They say you can’t buy health. Our club members know that this is not true” (Word Class) or “Do you want to lose weight? Ask me how! (Herbalife"
joke slogan - “We don’t have regular readers” (newspaper advertisement for vacancies).

In this article we have collected 99 masterpieces of Soviet and Russian advertising over the last 100 years, from the slogans of Vladimir Mayakovsky to the Yandex slogan. The list includes both truly talented creations and pearls from the category “What was the author smoking?” They have one thing in common: they have finally and irrevocably gone among the people and become catchphrases. So, the most famous slogans in Russia.

“Coming from dachas, from cities and villages, there is no need to scramble in search - you will immediately find EVERYTHING neatly, quickly and cheaply in GUM!”, Vladimir Mayakovsky, 1923.

“There hasn’t been and isn’t a better nipple, I’m ready to suck until I’m old,” Vladimir Mayakovsky, 1925.

“Require topping up of beer after the foam has settled” (Glavpivprom Restaurant).

“Keep your money in savings banks.”

“It’s time for everyone to try how tasty and tender crabs are (Glavryba).”

"Fly on Aeroflot planes."

“Who goes where, and I’m going to Sberkassa.”

"Peace, friendship, chewing gum!" (Rotfront confectionery factory).

“It’s time for you, and it’s time for you to conclude agreements with the fan plant” (MoVen plant).

Slogans from the 90s

“Pay your taxes and sleep well” (Tax Police).

"World History" (Imperial Bank).

“Tanks are not afraid of dirt” (KAMAZ).

"Taste of Victory" (Herschi Cola).

“We are not freeloaders. We are partners” (MMM).

"Hoper Invest. Great company."

“We will succeed” (“Russian Project” on ORT, 1995).

“I am a white eagle!”, vodka “White Eagle”.

“Don't slow down. Snickersney!”

“Take a break and eat a Twix.”

“Russia is a generous soul.”

“Sometimes it’s better to chew than to talk,” Stimorol, 2000.

“Image is nothing, thirst is everything. Don't let yourself dry out", Sprite, 2000.

Beer brand slogans

“Time flies with Fatty!”

“Solodov. I am responsible for quality"

"Baltika. Where Russia is."

"Stella Artois. Perfection is priceless."

"Doctor Diesel. We are so different, and yet we are together.”

"Golden Barrel. We need to meet more often."

“Who is coming for Klinsky?”

Car brand slogans

“On all roads of the country”, Lada Priora.

"Drive the Dream", Toyota.

"Exceeding Expectations" Nissan.

“You surprise me,” Volga.

"Pursuit of Excellence", Lexus.


"Live on the bright side", Beeline.

“People are talking”, MTS.

“The future depends on you”, Megafon.

“Simply cheaper”, Tele2.

“The prices are just crazy,” Euroset.

“Live by communication”, Svyaznoy.

“More opportunities to talk about important things,” Rostelecom.


“Take everything from life”, Pepsi.

“Just add water”, Invite.

“Join in!”, Fanta.

“Life is a good thing. Whatever one may say,” Rich juices.

“It’s nice to have a house in the village,” dairy products.

“Red Bull is inspiring.”

“May tea is my favorite tea.”

“Life is good when you drink slowly,” Mirinda.

“Find out what you can do”, Burn.

“The best in tea, the best in me,” Lipton tea.


“And let the whole world wait”, Danissimo.

"Fresh solution", Mentos.

“Charge your brains”, Nuts.

"Heavenly Delight", Bounty.

“Fresh breath makes it easier to understand,” Rondo.

“I ate it and that’s it,” Snickers.

“Sweetness and freshness in just two calories,” Tic Tac.

“It's all about the magic bubbles”, Wispa.

“Chewing - not worrying”, Chewits.

“Milk tastes twice as good if it’s Milky Way.”

“The most delicious protection against caries”, Orbit.

“Once I try it, I eat it now,” Pringles chips.

“Dumplings without haste”, Samych.

“People love Doshirak.”

"Fun and delicious at McDonald's."

Hygiene products, cosmetics, household chemicals

“Are you still boiling? Then we are coming to you!”, Tide.

“Pure is pure Tide.”

“Will never let you down”, Rexona.

“There is no better man”, Gillette.

“Kills all known microbes outright”, Domestos.

“Everyone loves you, and you love Maybelline.”

“Speaks your body language”, Alwas.

“Be confident. Wear Libresse.”


“Reliable household appliances exist. Proven by Zanussi."

"We care about you", Tefal.

“We work, you rest”, Indesit.

“We guess wishes”, Ariston.

"Made with intelligence", Electrolux.

"Ideas for Life", Panasonic.

And the most successful, in our opinion, slogan of our time is the Yandex motto “Everything can be found.” The perfect expression of the essence and benefits of the product in a nutshell.

The funniest slogans in Russian advertising

In conclusion - 12 of the coolest slogans, when you involuntarily ask the question: “What was the author smoking?”

“For big and small things”, SantekhUyut.

“Your ass is smiling”, Sudocrem.

“The toilet is the face of the hostess”, Harpic.

“Flatulence has no chance,” Espumisan.

“So soft that you can trust it with the most precious things,” Zewa toilet paper.

“Your strength is in our eggs,” Soyuz poultry farm.

"Fornos" punches dad's nose."

“The prices are low, like golden pancakes,” supermarket chain Pyaterochka.

“My husband drinks, but I’m calm for him,” Aquaphor filters.

“Your legs will move like a Swiss watch,” advertisement for compression garments.

“Don’t even bother with dumplings”, “Three Little Pigs” dumplings.

“He’s like me, only a bank,” Trust Bank.

“If you want to be original for originality’s sake, you can show up to work every morning with a sock in your mouth.” Leo Burnett.

"People don't buy from clowns" by Claude Hopkins.

Inspiration and high sales to you!