Problems of public administration in the Russian Federation. Modern system of public administration

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Director of the Institute of Globalization Problems

The resource for Russia’s development is not the state, but its recovery
The immediate reason for the low efficiency of the state is that no one is organizing its work.
The main reason for the incapacity of central government is general irresponsibility

Our main problem, in my opinion, is the catastrophic state of the public administration system. The most important function of the state is goal setting- is almost completely absent, and the problem of organizing management is not perceived in principle.

I believe that the resource for the development of the Russian Federation today is not the state as such, but its recovery. The future will show whether this is possible without destructive political upheavals, but it is obvious that the state can improve its health not on its own, regardless of specific goals and objectives, but only in the course of establishing stable rules of a modern market economy.

Governance crisis

Over the past 10 years, Russia has been experiencing a series of crises, at the origins of which is the state. Sometimes it creates them directly - like the systemic financial years of 1995-1998, more often - through inaction, like the default, gasoline and upcoming grain crises.

Among the specific reasons for the incapacity of the state, low salaries of officials are usually cited. This is not true. They spend enough money for these purposes: for example, in the first half of 1999, the federal budget alone allocated 5.3 billion rubles for public administration. - 79.8% of budget projects. This is more than spending on the courts, health care, space, disaster management, science, agriculture or environmental protection.

The immediate reason for the low efficiency of the state is that no one is organizing its activities. Spontaneity has led to the fact that in the government the same work can be performed three times: by departments, departments of the government apparatus and the secretariats of deputy prime ministers. Other branches of government function no better: for example, the State Duma does not even have regulations on its apparatus.

The crisis is exacerbated by a lack of strategy. As a consequence, at one of the stages of development (or rather, degradation), the apparatus designed to clarify already made decisions was given the function of making them. Incompetence led to overexertion of officials and paralysis of their work.

However, the main reason for the incapacity of the state is general irresponsibility. Its roots, in my opinion, lie not at the departmental or even governmental levels, but in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

To correct this situation, it is first of all necessary to establish a balance of powers between the branches of government that corresponds to today's realities. Thus, the natural functions of the president are strategy, security, foreign policy, nation-building, crises and representation. The rest is a matter for parliament and government. Without the necessary powers, they cannot in principle become responsible.

How exactly the presidential rights should be changed is a topic for a separate discussion. Apparently the government should be formed by a coalition of parties that received more than 50% of the votes in the elections. The president, of course, can dismiss him, but the new government will be run by the same coalition. The President appoints and dismisses only security ministers; the rest is in the power of the prime minister. Finally, the president can dissolve the State Duma, but the Constitutional Court must confirm this decision.

One more thing. Today, according to the Constitution, each subject of the Federation is actually equal to it as a whole, and this is a sign of a confederation. This situation is unacceptable, since under the conditions of election of heads of the subjects of the Federation, they are exempt from all responsibility.

Here, as at the federal level, irresponsibility is transmitted down the power vertical. The shortcomings of public administration in most regions exceed similar phenomena in the center. This is indirectly reflected in the fact that the share of expenditures on it in regional budgets is 3 times higher than the same figure in the federal budget (6 and 2%, respectively).

In my opinion, the Constitution should provide mechanisms for the implementation of federal laws in the event of attempts to violate them by local authorities - up to and including the replacement of these authorities. It must describe the relationship between the federal center and the subject no less carefully than the relationship between the president, government and parliament.

Main tasks of the state

So, to normalize the situation, you should first of all carry out management reform. The state needs to take upon itself the regulation of those areas of human activity in which the market is impossible or insufficiently effective. At the same time, the most important function of state regulation should be the cultivation of market institutions and the encouragement of self-organization.

The main thing today is to reorient efforts from reducing state intervention in the economy to market increasing the effectiveness of this intervention. For a long time, the state was oriented towards liberal ideology and tried to transform itself into a “night watchman” both in terms of functions and intellectual and financial resources. Meanwhile, in any relatively organized society, it is necessary to constantly, actively and promptly intervene in its development, implementing civilized, market government regulation.

Currently, the Russian management system is so liberal and so inconsistent with the high monopolization of the economy, What any reasonable step will also be a step towards administrative measures. The times when it was possible to develop through the spontaneous release of initiative are gone: market initiative for a long time needs reasonable administrative support(starting with enforcement of laws and court decisions and ending with indicative planning and medium-term programming for the development of society).

Main directions of reform of the public administration system

Increasing the efficiency of the state is the main factor determining the future of Russia. Therefore, this is the most important strategic task. Especially now, when the financial and political crisis is forcing the country to change its development strategy and begin to rely primarily on internal resources. At the same time, in my opinion, it is necessary to built-in mechanism for permanent improvement of the public administration system.

Today's moment is favorable for its reform, because:

The decomposition of the state administration apparatus has gone far enough for society and the largest corporations to realize the need for change;

The weakness and passivity of the apparatus significantly reduces the ability to resist its destructive elements.

Of fundamental importance is the replacement, to the required extent, of direct, administrative control by indirect, market control. The main goal of the state will be the formation of stable rules of a market economy.

In general, all necessary measures can be divided into three main groups: those that bring immediate results, those that can bring results within six months to a year, and those that bring results over a longer period. This division is determined by practical considerations, since the forces that will have to implement these measures will proceed from the political tasks of the corresponding periods: elections to the State Duma, presidential elections, preparations for the elections of the following years.

Measures that could bring
immediate result

1. Establish that the introduction by an official of a draft normative act that contradicts those already in force and does not contain indications of this contradiction and proposals for correcting the latter, automatically leads to a warning about incomplete compliance, and if re-entered during the year - to mandatory dismissal.

2. Ensure mandatory acceptance by the prosecutor’s office of submissions from the Accounts Chamber and the Main Control Directorate of the President.

3. Carry out a comprehensive audit of the service systems of the state administration apparatus and stop the excessive budgetary funding associated with it.

4. Implement unified comprehensive state regulation in relation to affiliated persons and structures.

5. Conduct an audit of the work and financial efficiency of the project implementation teams of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Russia, carried out on a credit basis.

within six months to a year

This category includes actions related to the implementation of the President’s instructions (1996) to develop a state-building program in the Russian Federation. This program should set out in a concise, understandable and attractive form the directions and mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of the Russian state.

Her goal- establish long-term guidelines for the development of the state management system and introduce into the mass consciousness the understanding that improving the latter is not only an independent, but also the most profitable and important sphere of state activity for society. A secondary goal is to instill optimism in people about the capacity of the state and their future.

1. State goals: Why do citizens and corporations need it? This section should be a truthful, understandable declaration that sets out the essence of the informal social contract: what the government actually provides and intends to provide in the foreseeable future to its taxpayers in exchange for the money it receives from them.

2. Basic principles of state building: how and with what tools the state will achieve the goals listed in paragraph 1. It seems appropriate to point out that due to constant changes in external conditions improvement of the public administration system is a continuous process.

3. The purpose of the current stage state building - correcting the shortcomings of the state that can actually be eliminated today.

4. The mechanism for achieving the goal, in my opinion, it should use everything positive that can be taken from domestic and foreign practice (in particular from the experience of the United States, where public administration reform is most extensive and carried out most frequently, as well as Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, where it has achieved the most significant results) .

As world experience shows, improving the public administration system requires continuous efforts and the creation of permanent structures, the members of which are included in the daily management process.

In our conditions, it would be advisable to create a permanent commission under the president or chairman of the government to improve public administration. The main directions of its activities:

A comprehensive survey of the work of the most important government bodies with the development of appropriate recommendations;

Organization of intensive internship (with borrowing methodology improving public administration, and not specific techniques, which are ineffective in Russia) in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand of promising government officials;

Development of regulations on departments (with their participation), clearly articulating their socially useful functions;

Development, with the participation of departments, of unified, clear, formalized, quantifiable requirements for the competence and psychological qualities of employees holding senior and middle positions;

Preparation, with the participation of departments, of unified job descriptions defining: who, at what level, what can make an independent decision;

Development, with the participation of departments, of unified criteria for assessing the activities of the government, departments and officials.

The state-building program should also provide for the division of bodies into promising (functional in nature, strengthening market regulation, weakening competition restrictions, ensuring the implementation of Russia’s strategic interests) and reducing (industrial, directly managing economic entities), transformed into large corporations (holdings).

The medium-term task (which, however, must be set immediately) is to carry out government restructuring, radically simplifying its structure, moving from the sectoral to the functional principle of management. The prerequisites are obvious: in the industry departments, forecasting and analytical units have emerged, on the one hand, and operational management units, on the other. It would be reasonable to pour the former into the Ministry of Economy with a reduction in personnel (while retaining specialists). The second should be allocated to state-owned companies (holdings) that will manage state-owned stakes in enterprises in the relevant industries. The Ministry of State Property will be the holder of state blocks of shares, exercising control over these holdings (including the Central Bank) according to predetermined fully formalized indicators.

Fundamentally important normalization of budget management: direct subordination to the Ministry of Finance of bodies providing state revenues, including federal extra-budgetary funds, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties and the State Customs Committee (with the rights of main departments) and the withdrawal of the Federal Treasury from its composition (with transformation into an independent body).

The Rosstat Agency should be given analytical functions, include the relevant government structures into it and create on its basis the vitally needed effective system of indicative planning and forecasting.

Actions to change the structure of government in the next 3-5 years are as follows:

The government apparatus is disbanded into “core” ministries, and instead the secretariat of the chairman of the government remains (albeit 10 times larger than the current one).

Of all the deputy prime ministers, one remains, in charge of strategic developments (and in this part - all ministries and departments). He replaces the Prime Minister ex officio. The movement towards this position goes through an intermediate stage: one first and two deputies, supervising financial policy and the real sector of the economy. The task of the latter is to unite the relevant departments into the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy; upon its execution they become the corresponding ministers;

the number of federal executive bodies is reduced to a minimum (the simplest comparison of functions shows that it is enough to retain 24 ministries and departments, including 8 security forces);

the structure of territorial bodies of federal departments is enlarged in such a way that each of them covers not one, but several subjects of the Federation. Directorates of territorial structures should be located in the regions;

a computerized system for comprehensive accounting and operational analysis of financial and commodity flows is being created;

in the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipal units, the maximum share of expenses for administrative needs is established. If this share is exceeded, the corresponding budget loses the right to receive financial support from a superior in any form;

To establish a civilized and formalized mechanism for taking into account various economic interests under the Chairman of the Russian Government, the following is being created:

1) Committee of Russian Exporters of the heads of enterprises whose share in the country’s total exports in value terms exceeds 0.1%. His tasks:

Assessment of the activities of Russian embassies and trade missions from the point of view effectiveness of assistance domestic export;

Participation (with collective veto power) in the appointment of Russian ambassadors, heads of trade missions and first economic advisers to embassies.

2) economic council , allowing regional leaders to directly participate in the development of economic policy, adjust decisions at the early stages of their development and ensure the necessary interaction.

3) council of major taxpayers , uniting the heads of enterprises that pay more than 0.1% of its tax revenues to the federal budget;

the structures performing the functions of supervision, licensing and liquidation of credit institutions are separated from the Central Bank and transferred to the subordination of the government;

close interaction between the government and the Central Bank and operational control of the government over the Ministry of Finance are ensured.

Measures that can bring results
for a longer period

If the state-building program is developed and begins to be implemented before the presidential elections (which is possible with the tension of the state administration apparatus), then judicial reform can and should begin almost immediately. Today, the judiciary is not properly aligned with the executive: the latter influences the former, but does not ensure the execution of its decisions. To correct the situation, it is necessary to create appropriate mechanisms and provide effective subsystems to ensure the efficiency of work and the safety of judges, victims and witnesses. Along with achieving real independence of the courts, it is necessary to create a system for monitoring the quality of the work of judges.

The narrowing of the state's capabilities affected not only state property (the management of which was largely transferred to private hands), but also the managerial aspects of the influence of the federal center on economic entities. However, at the regional and local levels, the authorities are administratively capable and actively intervene in the operation of enterprises and the distribution of property. Here, on the contrary, individuals and enterprises are unprotected. These are two faces of lawlessness: on the one hand, federal power cannot rein in regional power, on the other, regional power is not balanced by municipal power. And all of them are not under the judiciary. The independence of the court and the prosecutor's office is almost an empty phrase.

Carrying out a realistic policy in the economic and social spheres certainly involves increasing the role of the state, which is determined not so much by the share of GDP redistributed through the budget, but by the purposefulness and effectiveness of intervention in economic processes. Ultimately, this is the development and implementation of effective laws and other regulations that meet the needs of society.

One of the most harmful reform myths is that the rule of law is characterized by achievements in the field of lawmaking as such, and not by the practical regulation of economic and social life. Hence the adoption of numerous legislative acts that are not commensurate with the realities, and as a result, the impossibility of managing without breaking the rules. Discrepancies between informal norms of economic behavior and officially proclaimed ones, the perception of laws as declarations of intentions, and, finally, disbelief in the law have become common. In such an atmosphere, it is difficult to count on social isolation of criminals, and, consequently, on victory over them.

The following measures are necessary here.

1. It is advisable to carry out revision of legislation regulating economic processes. Insufficient thought of the rules of the game proclaimed by the state leads to the loss of the line between criminal redistribution (tax evasion, racketeering, bribery, fraud) and productive activity. As a result, the latter is pushed into the “shadow” for various reasons.

It is necessary to separate legal norms that have a decisive impact on the economy from those that have little influence on it (as can be evidenced by the small number of references to them in court decisions), and especially from norms that are violated en masse or due to impracticability , or due to the lack of effective implementation mechanisms. This kind of analysis should form the basis for improving the legal framework for economic transformations.

It is necessary to simplify legislative and regulatory acts as much as possible to create predictability of the legal environment for economic activity. Transform as many laws as possible into documents of direct effect.

2. An additional tool for increasing the efficiency of the state is reliance on corporations regional level. It is necessary to raise them to the level of the Federation, to develop them into worthy partners and competitors to the self-destructive oligarchs (just as the United States develops world leaders from its national corporations). This is the only way to implement the slogan “strong Russia - strong regions”, free the hands of the state and put it at the service of the entire economy, and not just a small part of it.

3. It is necessary to establish a unified procedure for coordination and interaction of federal executive authorities, including their territorial divisions, with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local self-government.

4. It is required to completely eliminate the practice of departments creating structural divisions that duplicate the functions of other departments.

Characteristics of public administration problems

When characterizing public administration, one cannot help but pay special attention to the exceptional breadth and scale of the type of activity under consideration. Individual manifestations of government regulation are found in almost all spheres of public life. This, in particular, is related to the heterogeneity of the definitions of public administration proposed by domestic researchers of legal science.

Thus, one of the most optimal ways to consider the category of public administration seems to be its disclosure through the following definition.

Definition 1

Public administration is state influence on spheres of public life, which has signs of organization, regulation, control and use of the power of state coercion, the purpose of which is to streamline, preserve or change existing processes in society.

The key aspect of the proposed definition and the institution of public administration as a whole is the sociality of the category under consideration, that is, the need to give priority in the process of public administration to public expectations and needs, taking into account the real life situation of people, etc.

Note 1

In addition to problems of a theoretical nature, research at the Institute of Public Administration, including in the Russian Federation, reveals a number of shortcomings in applied content

Types of public administration problems in the Russian Federation

The main group of problems of modern public administration in the Russian Federation is of an organizational nature; an analysis of practical activities in the area under consideration allows us to identify the following of them:

  1. The imperfection of existing sources of legal regulation of activities in the field of public administration, in particular, in the sphere of powers of specific officials, the procedure and features of interdepartmental interaction, as well as interaction between authorities and citizens.
  2. Preservation of management methods that have become outdated in the last century in a command-administrative economy. In turn, modern problems of public administration often cannot be solved by such outdated methods.
  3. The presence of controversial issues of distribution of jurisdiction and powers between central government bodies and local government bodies, at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. This situation has a number of negative consequences, ultimately affecting the interests of citizens and society as a whole, since authorities have the opportunity to evade responsibility for their actions by shifting the blame for shortcomings in their activities to authorities at other levels.
  4. Insufficient level of education and qualifications of civil servants. This situation occurs, first of all, due to the fact that a large percentage of civil servants do not have high-quality professional education in their job profile, although, obviously, the degree of importance, responsibility and other requirements for the civil service require high level of professionalism of government officials
  5. Corruption, which is most generally defined as the abuse of government power for the purpose of obtaining personal gain. In our country, among government officials and officials, this phenomenon has become almost widespread. Of course, this situation is not normal for social development, and therefore anti-corruption programs are being developed at the state level, in which, in addition to tightening existing penalties, for corruption crimes, a number of preventive measures are proposed aimed at changing the public’s attitude towards corruption by creating an atmosphere of rejection of corruption in all its manifestations and creating conditions that prevent it.

Note 2

The result of such activities, in the long term, should be strengthening the population's trust in the government structures of the state.

However, in addition to problems of an organizational nature, in public administration there are, in part, the above-mentioned shortcomings of a psychological nature associated with the loss of trust and mutual understanding between citizens and government agencies, insufficient honesty and openness of the activities of government officials, etc.

The principles listed above should contribute to the formation in the public administration system of qualities that allow, on the one hand, to ensure the implementation of the will of the majority of citizens who expressed support for a particular political course during the elections, and on the other, to take into account the entire complex of objective circumstances when choosing the optimal one for a particular situation solutions. However, the achievement of such an ideal model of public administration is hampered by a number of circumstances that deform its basic principles.

It is possible to identify several problem areas in the public administration system, in which processes are generated that reduce its efficiency and effectiveness. The first problem area arises where the interaction between the state and its officials and interest groups occurs. In ch. 10 it was noted that in modern society a system of representation of interests is emerging that allows various social groups not only to articulate their interests, but also to participate in the discussion of issues that become the subject of state policy.

In general, the system of representation of interests in a democracy makes it possible to create reliable channels of communication between the state and civil society structures. However, there are a number of circumstances that deform the system of representation of interests, transform it from a system that transmits the preferences of the majority to state structures, into a system where state officials hear the opinions of only certain groups, and not so much numerous, but active, organized, united and with significant resources, primarily financial.

The most serious factor distorting the real picture of interests represented in society is lobbying.

Lobbying is an activity carried out on the order of certain organizations or groups and consists of putting pressure on government officials in order for them to make decisions beneficial to customers.

Lobbying activities, even if we are not talking about outright bribery of officials, require significant financial resources used to persuade government decision-makers, conduct information campaigns, establish contacts, and form public opinion on the issue of interest to the lobbyist. Therefore, lobbying technologies are usually resorted to by interest groups with large amounts of money, primarily financial and industrial groups.

Corporations, resorting to lobbying to push their own interests, can greatly influence the development of government policy. They can push through decisions in the field of financial, tax, and environmental policy that will not meet the preferences of the majority or the national interests of the country as a whole. For example, the active activities of the military-industrial lobby can lead to the redistribution of funds in the state budget to the detriment of expenditure items on policies in the field of education and science.

Thus, the unequal opportunities of interest groups to influence government decision makers, and most importantly, the use of lobbying technologies, lead to the fact that public policy ceases to meet the expectations of the majority of citizens.

The second problem area is related to the functioning of the civil service institution, within which there is a special group of civil servants who are directly involved in the development and implementation of government decisions, but at the same time have their own recruitment channels, which are non-public in nature. In a democratic society, senior leaders in the public administration system receive their positions as a result of winning elections and are therefore more dependent on the opinions of voters, which gives them a willingness to respond to the needs and demands of the population. However, the majority of officials do not depend on the will of voters and focus their activities on their own understanding of public interests, which may diverge from the real expectations of citizens. As a result, politicians who come to power as a result of winning elections inevitably face the stickiness of the bureaucratic apparatus, when proposed initiatives are dampened by bureaucratic inertia, decisions are made slowly and it is not possible to find a quick answer to the problem that has arisen. As the main source of information for politicians, civil servants control information flows and thereby influence political decisions.

The reasons for the ineffectiveness of the state bureaucracy, as shown by the American economist U. Niskanen, also lie in the specific motivation of government officials who strive to maximize the budget of the organization or institution where they work. It does not matter whether they are guided by the best intentions (for example, employees of the Ministry of Health may advocate for increased spending on public health) or group interests. In any case, with the increase in budgetary funds that they can manage, the bureaucracy has more work, career prospects improve, and opportunities for providing patronage increase, including through the redistribution of funds, which is used by officials to increase their own authority, and often personal enrichment . In an effort to obtain maximum funds from the state budget, each department makes great efforts to convince the public of the importance of precisely those state policies that promise certain benefits to the administrative apparatus.

Thus, the objective conditions for the functioning of the state bureaucracy as a special social group are such that, participating in the process of developing, adopting and implementing state policy, it introduces its group ideas into this process, thereby distorting the principles of public administration. The distortionary effect becomes stronger the more the bureaucracy is susceptible to corruption and shows a clear tendency to embezzle public funds. Corruption is the main reason for choosing suboptimal options for solving public problems.

The third problem area in the public administration system is intrastate relations between ministries and departments. The state, having assumed responsibility for the development of public policy, is forced, as society and social demands become more complex, to create institutions and departments specializing in the management of various aspects of public life. However, such differentiation led to the emergence of a cumbersome state apparatus with problems inevitable for such a large machine. We are talking, firstly, about competition between departments for state budget funds; secondly, about a kind of autarky, when one department does not know what the other is doing; thirdly, about the difficulties of coordinating actions when solving a common problem; fourthly, about attempts to shift responsibility onto each other.

The complex structure of the modern state leads to the emergence of many decision-making centers. Such discordance cannot but give rise to clashes between departmental, administrative and territorial approaches, creating conflicting grounds in the process of coordinating preferences regarding the prospects for the development of individual spheres of social development.

The emergence of a fourth problem area in the mechanism for developing and implementing state policy is associated with the logic of state power, which allows individuals occupying certain positions in the state hierarchy to receive additional benefits in addition to the income that is the equivalent of their labor. In fact, we are talking about the opportunity emerging in the system of state power to extract rental income from political and public office. Such income includes not only additional funds and material benefits that an official can receive using his official position, but also intangible benefits - satisfying the need for prestige, respect, power over other people, etc.

If the pursuit of political rent, especially in its material terms, becomes the key motive for the activities of a politician or government official, then there is a high probability that, focusing on rental income, he will move further and further away from the principles of public administration. The creation of exceptional benefits (privileges) for government officials requires a corresponding redistribution of resources, and, consequently, a reduction in the funds necessary to solve socially significant problems.

The listed flaws in public administration are caused by objective factors inherent in the very nature of state power. They manifest themselves most forcefully in totalitarian regimes, where the people are deprived of the possibility of real influence on decision-making processes, and the bureaucracy, using its predominant position in the system of state power, manages society based on its own vision of the prospects for its development. However, even in representative democracies, the state cannot fully prevent the loss of efficiency and effectiveness of public administration.

The foregoing does not mean that efforts to optimize public administration are not being made - this is reflected, in particular, in the search for new models of public administration.

  • When writing this paragraph, materials were used from the chapter “Economic foundations of the political mechanism in the public sector” prepared by the author in the textbook “Economics of the Public Sector” (Edited by P. V. Savchenko, I. A. Pogosov, E. N. Zhiltsov. M.: IPFRA -M, 2009).
  • Niskanen W. Bureaucracy and Public Economics. Aldershot (Hants, England); Brookfield(Vermont, USA): Edward Elgar, 1994.


Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education


named after P.A. STOLYPIN"

Branch in Ulyanovsk



discipline: “Management of public relations”

on the topic: “Main problems and trends of modern management”

Ulyanovsk 2010


Chapter 1. Trends in modern management………………………….…...... 5

1.1 Four approaches to modern management…………………5

1.2 Characteristics of modern management approaches……....6

Chapter 2. Problems of modern management………….………………………8

2.1 Concept of development of Russian management………………………………………………………8

2.2 The main problems of modern management…………….........10

2.3 the problem of interaction between a top manager and the owner of a company in Russia……………………………………………………………….…………………12

2.4 Prospects for the development of management in Russia…………………15

Chapter 3. Problems of public administration………………..………..19

3.1 Public administration in Russia at the present stage..19

3.2 The problem of uncontrollability……………………………………..25

3.3 Problems of quality of public administration in the global context……………………………………………………………………………….27



Management is a conscious, purposeful influence on the part of subjects and bodies on people and economic objects, carried out with the aim of directing their actions to obtain the desired result.

In the modern world, a person has to manage very complex objects (a country, a nuclear power plant, a computer, a space complex, society, people).

The purpose of the course work is to study the problems and trends of modern management.

Management is an ancient art and a modern science. Experts in the field of management agree that management is part of large political, economic, technological, social and ethical systems and is based on its own concepts, principles and methods, i.e. it has a serious scientific and methodological foundation.

The urgency of the problem is as follows. Any science is a body of knowledge and a constant search for new data about nature and society in order to understand and explain the phenomena and laws of nature, of which man himself is a part. In a new complex phenomenon, science seeks to determine its basis, which is usually ingeniously simple to discover the patterns hidden in the apparent chaos. The main thing in the theory is not a detailed description of the object under study, but the study of its basic properties, the identification of general laws of connections in order to ensure the fundamental possibility of establishing new knowledge.

Management is a continuous process of influencing the object of management (individual, team, technological process, enterprise, state) to achieve optimal results with the least expenditure of time and resources. Every specialist in the field of management must master the theory, practice and art of management, be able to clearly define the goals of their activities, determine the strategy and tactics necessary to achieve them.

The functions of a leader have become significantly more complex in our time. Now he not only has to think about the production and economic management of his enterprise, company, but also constantly solve long-term, strategic issues that were previously resolved at the level of the headquarters or the ministry. Without studying the market, without finding a place for your goods on it, without innovative investments and a bank loan, the enterprise is doomed.

The manager faces problematic tasks: introducing new technologies, organizing the release of new, competitive goods, not formal, but actual attention to the quality of products, solving a set of social issues, searching for new methods of stimulating labor, developing self-government and at the same time strengthening unity of command and discipline. And one more new and very important thing is risk and responsibility. Managers are forced to independently solve a number of new production problems such as defining strategic goals and management tasks, developing detailed plans to achieve these goals, decomposing tasks into specific operations, coordinating the activities of the enterprise with other companies and firms, constantly improving the hierarchical structure, optimizing the adoption procedure management decisions, searching for the most effective management styles and improving employee motivation.

1. Trends in modern management

1.1 Four approaches to modern management

Now, practically every complex step in management (in war, astronomy, sociology, genetics, etc.) is first simulated and tested on a computer, and only then in real life.

Modern management depends on the development of technology, production, and the structure of society.

Modern technologies are constantly becoming more complex, the socio-economic structure of society is becoming more complex, therefore the theory and practice of management does not stand still and is constantly evolving.

Management, as a scientific discipline, represents several approaches that often overlap. Objects of control are both technology and people. Consequently, modern management always depends on advances in other fields of knowledge such as mathematics, engineering, psychology, sociology and anthropology.

Modern management science identifies four approaches that have made significant contributions to modern management:

1) The approach from the standpoint of identifying different schools in management actually contains four different approaches. Here management is viewed from four different perspectives: the schools of scientific management, administrative management, human relations and behavioral science, and management science or quantitative methods.

2) The process approach views management as a continuous series of interrelated management functions.

3) The systems approach emphasizes that managers must view the organization as a collection of interdependent elements, such as people, structure, tasks and technology, that are focused on achieving various goals in a changing external environment.

4) The situational approach focuses on the fact that the suitability of various management methods is determined by the situation.

The most effective method in a particular situation is the method that is most appropriate for that situation.

1.2 Characteristics of modern approaches to management

At the moment, two approaches to modern management can be distinguished:

1) Systemic is a way of thinking in relation to the organization and its management. The systems approach considers management processes as a system. A system is a set of elements that closely interact with each other and with the environment.

We can also distinguish 3 conditions for the effective functioning of an organization as a system:

Informality of the system - the organization should not have rigid ties that limit the freedom of individual links.

The evolution of the organizational structure is necessary to adapt the system to changes in the external environment.

Foresight is the ability of a system to anticipate changes in the external environment.

Disadvantages of the systems approach of modern management: inaccurate representation of management processes.

2) Situational approach - the central point is the situation, i.e. a set of circumstances that significantly influence the organization at a given time.

It can be said that there is no one way to manage.

The manager must be familiar with various management methods and techniques. Each of the management concepts and techniques has its own strengths and weaknesses. The manager must foresee the probabilistic consequences of a particular technique on the results of the organization. The leader must be able to correctly interpret the situation. A leader must be able to choose the most effective techniques and methods for a given specific situation.

All management processes are divided into:

The main ones are operations aimed at changing the managerial subject of work: making management decisions, collecting and accumulating information, generating normative and technical documentation.

Auxiliary – processes that create normal conditions for the flow of basic and servicing processes: production, acquisition and repair of technical equipment for the control process.

Servicing – processes for the accumulation, control and transfer of the subject of managerial work: decisions, information, documentation.

2 Problems of modern management in

2.1 Concepts for the development of Russian management

Currently, due to the global crisis in Russia, there is instability in the entire management mechanism. Therefore, for modern management it is especially important to analyze previous experience in conditions of instability and design this experience for today and the future forecast.

The peculiarity of Russia is that its GDP is largely formed due to the resource component and its “backbone” - the oil and gas industry. At the same time, strategic management must take into account the transition in the future to modern conveyor production, the transition to the latest automated and information technologies.

Let's consider three general concepts for the development of Russian management:

1. The concept of copying Western management theory. It does not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. Russia “needs to take a ready-made management model and use it in economic management...”. To master the theory, you will only need to translate Western textbooks and monographs into Russian. Then, without changing anything, use these provisions in practice. The likelihood of this concept being realized is very high due to its simplicity and the habit of mindlessly copying Western experience. But it also carries great danger. Suffice it to recall the use of the theory of “monetarism”, which was not adapted to Russian conditions, the concepts of “shock therapy”, voucherization, etc. It is possible to predict new shocks that await Russia when implementing this concept.

2. The concept of adaptation of Western management theory. It assumes partial consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, i.e. not blind copying, but adaptation of Western theory to modern Russian conditions. This raises an important problem: which of the Western management theories will we adapt? The management systems of Japan, the USA, and Western Europe are very different from each other. Which of these options should be taken as analogue? But with any choice, we risk using a theory that takes into account the specific features, conditions of economic functioning, the level of socio-economic development of these countries, and the mentality of their inhabitants. Here it is advisable to recall the words of M. Weber: “Western-type capitalism could only arise in Western civilization.”

3. The concept of creating a Russian theory of management. Based on full consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality using aspects of global management experience. At the same time, it is impossible to blindly copy Western and Eastern experience, nor completely deny the achievements of Western and Eastern schools of management. Both the first and second are equally inapplicable. Therefore, Russian management must have its own specific content, forms and methods of management that correspond to the specifics of the Russian mentality.

Since management is a type of human activity that also has specific features and reflects national and historical characteristics, geographical conditions, the level of socio-economic relations, culture, that is why there is a concept not only of management in general, but also recognition of the existence of American, Japanese, and, of course, the Russian management model. This suggests that the third concept is most likely the most acceptable.

2.2 The main problems of modern management

The first main problem of modern management is the problem of the quality of managerial personnel.

There are few people in Russia who have real experience of managerial work in a market economy. At the same time, it is generally accepted that management is both a science and an art, and that mastering knowledge in this area is impossible without acquiring the appropriate practical skills. Naturally, the majority of students have little life experience and even less management experience.

The second main problem of modern management is the corruption of the modern economy at all levels. Here we can divide managers in state economic structures and managers of private companies. In Western countries, government managers and officials are more separated from material wealth and their distribution; their role in terms of interaction with managers of private companies is minimized. The peculiarity of the Russian management system, the presence of “kickbacks” when receiving large government orders, led to the fact that a Russian official became a “major manager” with the effect of receiving “gray bonuses” when organizing “necessary” management decisions in the economy.

The third problem is the excessive number of government managers, a continuously increasing number with a constant “downsizing” of the apparatus. This is due to the fact that the most effective and profitable business in Russia is the management of public resources. At the same time, there is an acute shortage of highly qualified top managers capable of effectively managing private companies in order to be competitive in global markets. So far, this is only possible in some industries, primarily resource industries, related to the export of minerals and arms exports. This superiority is most likely associated not only with the level of management - most of the personnel were trained in Soviet times, but also with competitive advantages in these areas, which developed due to geographical, historical and traditional features, which allow them to feel more confident in the market.

Some estimates by scientists say that the “critical mass” of leaders and managers capable of transforming the appearance of our economy and our enterprises in accordance with modern requirements should be at least 3.0 million specialists. However, this assessment is questionable, since it is given by specialists interested in the educational process - increasing the number of students in a given specialty. At the same time, historical experience shows that the numerical increase in management in Russia leads to the opposite results.

In particular, Russian managers manage their working time very inefficiently. It depends on the type of activity, level of management, etc. The average chronometry of working time is presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Statistical projection of working time management for a manager.

2.3 The problem of interaction between top management and the owner of the company in Russia

A feature of the Russian economy is frequent conflicts between company owners and top managers, which leads to the replacement of the latter. The result is that the owner loses a valuable specialist, which affects the efficiency of the company. Experts say that the main reasons for the collapse of working relationships lie in different understandings of the strategic management of the company. This circumstance also explains why managers' career ambitions are not realized.

The essence of the disagreement is that the owner wants to make a profit at every stage, and a highly qualified manager is focused on strategic goals. A classic manager is a manager who works in a given, clearly developed direction. In many Russian companies, experts note, it is virtually absent. Instead, the company operates on the “entrepreneur” principle, that is, it changes the direction of its efforts depending on changes in the unstable market, and companies are also forced to adapt to changes in the legislative framework, changes in political course, etc. Thus, the average company does not have a rigid strategy. Under these conditions, the manager does not know the future and cannot develop plans for his actions according to the given “general line” of the company, since it simply does not exist. The manager in the company works according to the principle: when a problem arises, it is solved. In these conditions, the manager must be an entrepreneur - at every moment adapt to external conditions, and not make strategic plans.

In Western countries, companies exist differently. There is a developed strategy, the main parameters are taken into account - possible risks, price dynamics, etc. Minor variations in the market towards “quick money” are not a reason to make “sharp turns”, since the company’s commercial benefit is based on strategic behavior to achieve a specific goal - achieving strategic pre-set parameters. This suggests that strategic acquisitions are more profitable; minor losses of possible “quick” benefits are compensated by commitment to the chosen main direction. In such a company, the manager feels comfortable, his actions are clear, predictable, and expectations are met.

In the classical understanding of management, business management is built on following a strategy. The entrepreneurial approach is a Russian specificity, which naturally formed in the 90s and continues to exist by inertia. In those days, the ability to navigate a vast business space, make bold and quick decisions, and be an entrepreneur was the main thing in the country’s economy and in the prosperity of a businessman. Now this time is passing; in order for Russian companies to be able to communicate with their foreign partners, Russian companies need to adopt Western management experience that corresponds to the modern development of the Russian economy.

Russian companies have adopted copying the form and external attributes (managerial staff, job titles), but the actual methods of management generally remain the same, similar to the 90s. This is a feature of medium-sized businesses in modern Russia. A specialist who received the education of a classical manager and himself gravitates towards precisely this type of work will lose in strategic terms to a manager-strategist.

However, a modern manager often comes into conflict with the owner of the company. It seems that short-term profit is more important than strategic planning. Experts attribute this to the general low management culture in Russia. Abroad, such a situation is impossible by definition. There, selecting a manager is a complex procedure in order to assess his strategic culture. He goes through a multi-level interview, meets with company employees in related areas, and with management. The details of future work are discussed in as much detail as possible, then the company and the potential manager make a decision on joint strategic work. They discuss the smallest nuances of his activities. This hiring process is justified because a top-level employee joins the company for a minimum of five years. He must “fit” into the system, his work and training system are expensive and lengthy, he shares the corporate culture of a large, often gigantic, company. Replacing it or having it malfunction is an expensive proposition for the corporation.

Now let's talk about Russian characteristics. The owner of the company or the CEO does not always have clear goals and plans for the development of the company. The strategy is constantly changing, which excludes the possibility of general planning; there is no transparent planning of the enterprise’s financial flows and they are associated with the shadow market. Because of this, it is impossible to achieve the results required by the owner. Often a manager has a high degree of responsibility, but does not have key powers and is seriously dependent on management decisions on current issues of operational management. Another reason may be the lack of mutual understanding among members of the management team, when, for example, the team includes “director’s people” who perform the function of additional control of the business, but do not carry out specific management decisions.

In Russia, however, there is a shortage in the market for top managers; demand exceeds supply. This is primarily the administrative director, director of information systems, sales, business development, chief accountant, regional sales manager. This is despite the fact that top managers have significant salaries.

2.4 Prospects for the development of management in Russia

Sustainable development requires a strategic view, that is, management planning over a deep time horizon. Project management in Russia is beginning to be introduced into new promising industries; firms specializing in providing services in the field of project management have appeared on the market.

In the conditions of the modern crisis, it is difficult to talk about strategic planning, but the psychology of the winning manager should form an unambiguous “Russian” understanding of project management. This means that project management is a field of knowledge used in the strategic management of a single project. The project can be anything from developing a new product to building a bridge. These projects are united by one definition - it is a one-time, time-limited, targeted event that requires the joint action of specialists of various qualifications and resources.

Today there are many actually working management projects abroad. An example of a strategic business project in Russia is the construction of infrastructure in the Primorsky Territory. It is expected that the creation of infrastructure will become a magnet for attracting investments and an area of ​​attractiveness for businesses from Western Russian regions and Asia-Pacific countries. Time will tell, but pragmatic optimism should be present initially, since this is also a component of management.

Project management is different from just management. Because project management is the application of knowledge, abilities, tools and technologies to a wide range of different activities in order to fulfill the requirements of a specific project. All this is particularly suitable for bridge and infrastructure projects in the city of Vladivostok. There is a clearly defined goal, defined resources, budget and deadlines. In most cases, their specificity lies in the fact that work on the project should be carried out without interfering with other activities.

Project management is the active process of using the appropriate resources of an organization in a structured and controlled manner, aimed at making changes clearly defined by strategic goals.

If we summarize all the above definitions, we can schematically say that project management is a process aimed at achieving clearly defined project goals within a certain time frame and using the knowledge and resources of the company.

In the context of a global crisis, the way out of it involves strategic integrated management, that is, project management. This is what the leading countries of the world are now trying to implement at home and through joint actions. So far the results are not obvious. Therefore, we can say that only the appropriate level of application and correct choice of strategy in the economies of Western countries determines the high need for the use of project management. Currently, this theory is in development mode. Surely its adjustment will be made as a result of changes in the socio-economic situation of the world economy, which no one is currently attempting to predict.

In Russia, individual organizations, both large industrial or financial holdings and small firms, are forced to survive in the “era of global crisis,” but need will force them to apply advanced management technologies for this survival. But it is too early to talk about widespread experience in the successful use of project management.

Project management is not initially a commercial product. This is a field of knowledge that arose and developed in accordance with the needs of economic entities. However, there have always been and will be entrepreneurs - it is believed that this product has grown to a certain practical application and it is time to sell it. But these products are real goods, especially for Russia, where strategic planning is highly dependent on the strategic management of the center, which cannot always be predicted.

It should be noted here that there is no need to overestimate the capabilities of mathematical modeling, mathematical methods in economics, and mathematical analysis of projects. This is, of course, a rich auxiliary tool for assessing projects, but is not the main tool. These are auxiliary tools for analysis and forecasting, comparison of possible development scenarios. Management is a broader approach to the problem of management.

3. Problems of public administration

3.1 Public administration in Russia at the present stage.

The third millennium poses a challenge to public administration - its structures must increase their competitiveness and efficiency, while demonstrating high professionalism and strictly following the rule of law. It is possible to achieve noticeable results in the public sphere only with modern training of management personnel, with the conscious modernization of leadership at all levels.

Management of various aspects of state and public life is not the exclusive function of the executive apparatus of the state. Other subjects of the unified state power also actively participate in this process. At the same time, the main thing in the content of control action is not so much the adoption of appropriate decisions (for example, laws), but their implementation, i.e. in strict implementation of the legal and authoritative requirements contained therein. And this is the process of execution. Of course, the legislator himself carries out certain actions to ensure the implementation of the laws he has adopted. But he is not able to take on this function in full, given the diversity of social relations that need ordering, i.e. constant control influence. In general, it is unacceptable for the legislator to implement the laws himself. Therefore, there is a need for a specialized managerial unit of the state apparatus that exercises such influence in an executive-administrative form. This means that execution, in the aspect considered, is essentially a direct state-administrative activity, that is, control action and execution are completely compatible. In this case, it is not of fundamental importance who is the subject of making the corresponding decision - the legislative or executive-administrative body (execution of the law or by-law).

These are the most capacious features inherent in public administration as a type of social management. It is characteristic in its functional purpose not only for the Russian Federation in its modern form and, of course, not only for the period of development of our state until the collapse of the Soviet Union. In its main manifestations, public administration is certainly present in the mechanism of influence on the social life of Western states, where state power is based on other socio-political and economic foundations. This refers, first of all, to the dominance of market relations. Thus, according to the recognition of the prominent theorist of French administrative law G. Braban, and in such conditions, the entire management sphere has a pronounced public legal character, that is, state content, public administration carries out the functions of current management, representing state management activities.

The concepts of “civil service” and civil servant intersect quite closely with public administration.” The institution of civil service includes legal norms that establish: the formation of public-service legal relations; public positions held by employees performing on behalf of the state (as well as on behalf of local governments) its functions; legal status of the employee; serving; termination of public service relationship. This institution of law corresponds to specific legislative and other normative acts that define all the main elements of this institution. The Federal Law on the Fundamentals of Civil Service in the Russian Federation establishes the following general sub-institutions:

Government position;

Classification of government positions;

The concept of a civil servant and the basis of his legal status;

Passage of public service.

Pedagogical institutes included in the civil service institute can only be understood when their position in the structure of the civil service institute is clearly defined.

Thus, the functioning of the public service is possible using traditional administrative-legal methods of legal regulation:

1) establishing a certain procedure of action - instructions for action in appropriate conditions and in the proper manner, provided for by various legal norms (mostly administrative and legal);

comply with this provision, the legislator establishes the possibility of applying to

them measures of state coercion: disciplinary, administrative, criminal;

3) providing the subject of public service relations (civil servant) with the opportunity to choose one of the established options for official conduct, which are provided for by various legal norms;

4) providing the opportunity to act (or not act) at one’s own discretion, i.e. to perform or not to perform the actions provided for by the administrative legal norm in the conditions established by it.

Legal regulation is centrally built on the principles of subordination, i.e. according to the principle of “power - subordination”, adherence to discipline, responsibility of a subordinate official to a superior, mandatory compliance with orders, legal acts and decisions of higher bodies and officials.

In administrative-legal scientific and educational literature, the civil service (civil servants) is traditionally considered in connection with the analysis of the issue of subjects of administrative law. Civil servants are identified as subjects of the implementation of managerial and other government functions, as participants in the exercise of the competence of state bodies (local governments) to solve many other, more specific tasks in all spheres of public life and with the help of various branches of legislation.

In all states in which legislation has established a special public legal status for civil servants and a professional, specially trained corps of civil servants has been created, officials have corresponding rights, responsibilities and restrictions, and privileges. Thus, a professional bureaucracy was established, and a system of legislation was in force, consisting of two parts: one extended to civil service employees; the other regulates relations in the field of general labor relations of employees who also work in public institutions (state and municipal bodies, communities, associations, etc.). The main difference between these two systems is that persons in the public service, unlike persons in ordinary labor relations, have a special public legal status and enjoy preferential rights (special duties, prohibitions, restrictions, etc. .). A secondary difference is that civil service regulation includes several specific duties (for example, a ban on strikes, stricter subordination, consequences for non-compliance with these regulations, etc.).

Currently, public service is considered as one of the types of socio-political labor. Therefore, civil servants are subject to the basic provisions of labor legislation, although at the same time Art. 11 of the Law “On the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation” establishes restrictions related to civil service for a civil servant. For him, the main thing is the performance of public service, the performance of a public position, the use of powers determined by the position to solve problems that arise during the development of society, including the problems of individual citizens.

Citizens applying for positions in the public service must have appropriate professional education in the specialization of public positions. The specialization of government positions is established depending on the functional characteristics of government positions in the civil service and the characteristics of the subject matter of the relevant government bodies.

The legal sources regulating the functioning of the civil service in Russia, in addition to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, include the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation” dated July 31, 1995. Before its adoption, many laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were issued, with the help of which the government was administered service in the regions of Russia, which led to a contradiction between the norms of federal and local legislation.

The current state of state power in Russia shows that its reform is carried out taking into account the influence of historical traditions, and the creation of an effectively functioning system of state power is constrained by the underdevelopment of federal legislation. Russia is faced with the need to develop a new model of the state and its public service in unfavorable socio-economic conditions. Socio-economic contradictions, political confrontation, and instability have a huge impact on the process of creating such a model.

The reform and model of the state was established on August 15, 2001, when V.V. Putin signed an order approving the Concept for reforming the civil service system of the Russian Federation. Its main direction concerns the implementation of the principle of economic and social security of civil servants. The need to increase wages is recognized by the state and will be implemented, but high wages will entail increased differentiation of wages depending on qualifications, competence, the importance of the functions performed and work efficiency. Such decisions, in our opinion, are caused by the following reasons:

1) the need to create conditions for the career growth of specialists, especially among young people;

2) insufficient budgetary funds for proper remuneration of all persons who are civil servants;

3) insufficient budgetary allocations for the payment of professional pensions to civil servants;

4) the need to reduce the number of civil servants.

So, the institution of civil service regulates the formation of public-service legal relations; public positions held by employees performing on behalf of the state (as well as on behalf of local governments) its functions; legal status of the employee; serving; termination of public service relationship.

3.2 Problem of uncontrollability

Social problems that are today recognized as complex and systemic, including the economic crisis, the inefficiency of many commercial companies and state-owned enterprises, political crises shaking the political elites of Russia - most of these problems have one common cause: poor controllability of social, political and business processes .

Apparently, this reason is not obvious to the managers and performers inhabiting the listed social systems. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the almost complete lack of interest among managers themselves, the general public and the media in management technologies and in increasing the efficiency of management activities.

Knowledge of various social technologies and management tools that allow them to be used should obviously be included in the arsenal of every modern manager. However, nothing of the sort happens. Why?

Most likely, the laws of self-preservation of social systems “worked” here. The fact is that every social system strives to preserve itself in the form in which it exists. This, in particular, explains that, as a rule, only those subjects who do not pose a threat of change to the social system are selected to the top of the social hierarchy.

The generally accepted point of view is that the modern system of government in Russia does not create conditions for optimal development of the economy and its individual sectors, for the mass enrichment of people, for the development of entrepreneurship and business. Of course, there are many committees and commissions for the development of entrepreneurship in Russia. There are many public organizations in the country that spend hundreds of millions of dollars and write beautiful reports on how they developed civil society and contributed to the development of entrepreneurial activity among the population. And Western funds accept these reports and report to sponsors about successful activities. Therefore, the true meaning and real results of this activity are completely different.

So, the system of state power does not at all create conditions for the realization of the full economic potential of regions, industries and enterprises. On the contrary, it creates many obstacles to the successful development of collective actors under its control. It can be assumed that this is due to the ineffectiveness of the state management system. However, this is not quite true. In the proposed sense, she really does not cope with her responsibilities effectively. However, taking a closer look, we will see that the modern state management system does not have such responsibilities as creating optimal and most favorable conditions for the development of the economy, entrepreneurship and enterprises. The responsibilities of the modern state management system include regularly collecting a certain amount of “cash harvest” from an industry, region, business and sending this harvest to the capital, leaving only a small part for itself. And the public administration system created today copes excellently with this task. She also has the task of developing those businesses in which, by hook or by crook, representatives of government agencies participate as founders. Since these businesses produce the most consumed goods on the market, this task is also solved effectively by the modern system of government. Thus, the modern system of government, first of all, ensures the financial interests of its top managers, managers and specialists. And the rest of the economy and the rest of society are nothing more than a raw material base for making money.

In a sense, this mode of functioning of the modern public administration system in Russia is a legacy of the USSR, with its resource-based economy. The extraction of various natural raw materials and their sale abroad was the foundation of the USSR economy, and at the moment Russia adheres to the same state economic strategy.

3.3 The problem of quality of public administration in the global context

The modern state, as a system of political institutions that ensure the functioning of society, based on the principle of representative democracy, is an open system capable of evolution. It has built-in feedback mechanisms that allow governing bodies to “reconfigure”, adequately responding to changes in society and the environment and to the corresponding transformation of state functions. In fact, the state exists in a mode of continuous reform of its management system at all levels - national, regional and local. Countries that are not capable of such development are destined for the fate of failed states. .

In 2003, World Bank experts analyzed the international experience of public administration reforms over the past 10–15 years in 14 countries that differ significantly both in government structure, level of economic development, and other characteristics. The analysis revealed that they all set the same goals:

1) reduction of government expenses; ensuring a favorable climate for economic development and increasing its competitiveness in the world market;

2) improving the quality of government decisions and ensuring their effective implementation;

3) improvement of the civil service - attracting the required number of highly qualified specialists to the service while limiting the costs of their maintenance;

4) expanding the range and improving the quality of services provided by the state to citizens, society and the private sector.

At the beginning of the 21st century. the political function of the new model of the state receives new development, based on the recognition that “... no one - neither an individual, nor an organization, nor the state as a whole - has all the information necessary to resolve complex and diverse problems, no one can to carry out the decision alone and no one has sufficient potential for action to dominate the process of developing and implementing a political course.” The emphasis of reforms from optimizing the work of the state apparatus and expanding the range and improving the quality of public services is shifting to involving citizens in the processes of development and implementation of public policy, building a more effective system of socio-political interaction between the state and civil society, cooperation between the public and private sectors, co-regulation, -producing and co-leading representatives of public and private organizations at the national, regional and local levels.


This course work highlights the features of modern management based on an analysis of the current situation. It is noted that the global crisis has greatly changed the goals and management of companies, and also increased the future uncertainty of markets.

The main feature of management thought is the search for new concrete and real ways of sustainable development in times of crisis.

Taking into account world experience is superimposed on Russian specifics, these are:

1. quality of Russian governance;

2. corrupt background at all levels of government;

3. redundancy of government management personnel, government influence on company policy;

4. lack of qualified top managers and middle managers of the new formation;

5. interaction between managers - strategists and company owners.

Thus, we can conclude that it is possible to achieve noticeable results in the public sphere of management only with modern training of management personnel, with the conscious modernization of management at all levels.


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14. Projection of Deming’s management principles onto Russian practice [Electronic resource]. / scientific project manager: Lapidus V.A Access mode: (07/09/06).

15. Fifteen evolutions of Russian management [Electronic resource]. / scientific project manager Pyatenko S. - 08/07/02. - Access mode:

16. Pavroz A. V. E-government technology in the context of modern administrative reforms // Technologies of the information society - Internet and modern society: Proceedings of the VIII All-Russian United Conference. St. Petersburg - 2005. St. Petersburg, 2005. – 200 p.

17. Russian managers: a sociological view from the outside // Elitarium: Center for Distance Education [Electronic resource]. / scientific project manager: Abramov R.N. Access mode:



Series “Political Science. Religious Studies"

2012. No. 1 (8). pp. 12-18 Online access to the journal:





Problems of public administration in Russia

A. V. Novikova

Transbaikal State University, Chita

The article examines the problems of public administration and public policy, including: improving public administration at the regional level; organizing cooperation between government agencies and the private sector; selection of personnel for the state civil service; achieving the effectiveness of public administration and public policy.

Key words: public administration, public policy, efficiency of public administration.

A dynamically developing state is unthinkable without the stable and effective functioning of the public administration system, which, as history shows, does not tolerate amateurs, but requires professionals. It is no secret that there has always been a certain lack of knowledge and competence in this area. In addition, the question of the quality of public administration is relevant from the point of view of practical mechanisms for assessing the success of government and the activities of specific government institutions and authorities.

Public administration is the implementation of public policy through a system of government bodies (state bodies), in which government powers are delegated from top to bottom.

The realities of our society are currently directly dependent on the effectiveness of public administration and are inextricably linked with it. If public administration is to succeed, it must provide citizens with comfortable living conditions in accordance with the promises that made it legitimate. Such actions in a situation of limited resources (both human and material) are very difficult. The task of meeting the needs of the entire society, and even more so in the current situation, is almost insurmountable. It should be emphasized that government agencies largely have management systems that are inadequate to solve this problem. Organization of mutually beneficial and effective cooperation with

The private sector and the public require a reorganization or, more accurately, a restructuring of the public administration system.

In modern Russia, social actors are reluctant to coordinate their positions and interests, views and orientations; the political culture of the country's regions is more characterized by intolerance of dissent and the desire to destroy or humiliate a political opponent. The compromises achieved are temporary; if the general political situation changes, any agreements are discarded. It is absolutely clear that the presence of a legal basis for governance is a necessary requirement for any self-proclaiming democratic state aimed at building a civil society. This problem is one of the most serious in management practice in modern Russia.

In Russia, with its diverse historical experience and unique receptivity to world innovations, the enormous scale of resource potential and sustainability, and the possibilities of social dynamism, the long-term prospect of scientific and effective management is quite realistic. Currently, we have to admit that Russia is dealing with a deep and unprecedented management crisis. It has become universal, affecting the foundations of the management vertical, horizontal connections and information flows. This violated the principles of incentives, responsibility and discipline, strict implementation of decisions made, strict control and sanctions, public administrative ethics and culture.

Russia needs a world-class public administration system in order for the country to be able to withstand international competition in the global economy, create an attractive investment climate for Russian capital and Russian investors, attract significant amounts of foreign direct investment, and create favorable conditions for the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises, which serve as an engine of economic growth, as evidenced by the experience of a number of other countries in the region.

The problem is aggravated by the incompetence of some officials in the government apparatus.

However, the main reason for the incapacity of the state is general irresponsibility at both the federal and regional levels.

The solution to the problems facing the state authorities in modern Russia is based, first of all, on the expectations of the people associated with the personality of the president, the establishment of political stability, the demonstration by the authorities of their steps aimed at improving the living standards of people, the formulation of such a problem by the President of Russia, the acceleration of economic development of the country, redistribution of funds from rich to poor, creation of the legislative framework necessary to carry out these changes in society, effective work of the legislative and executive branches of government.

The recent reductions in government bodies, combined with frequent reshuffles in the highest echelon of power,

appear to be exacerbating recruitment and retention problems as a disproportionate number of younger and more qualified civil servants leave the public service. As a rule, in many newly created microeconomic structures the number of vacancies and the need for qualified workers are higher than in older structures. In accordance with this, it is necessary to reform the system of government bodies and civil servants. To resolve this problem, work is underway, in particular, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated March 10, 2009 No. 261 “On the federal program “Reform and development of the civil service system of the Russian Federation (2009-2013)”, it is established that the main directions of reform and development of the system civil service of the Russian Federation are:

Formation of the civil service system of the Russian Federation as an integral state-legal institution, creation of a public service management system;

Introduction of effective technologies and modern methods of personnel work in the civil service of the Russian Federation;

Increasing the efficiency of the civil service of the Russian Federation and the effectiveness of the professional work of civil servants.

According to the managerial approach, the main values ​​of public administration should be efficiency, economy and effectiveness, formulated, if possible, in a quantifiable (measurable) form. The main problem posed in this approach is how to provide the desired result at the lowest cost or, alternatively, how to obtain the maximum result at a given cost. A characteristic feature of this approach is the use of the concept of “public management” as a synonym for the concept of “public administration”.

The state can only be considered an adequate form of expression of the interests of civil society if, through the system of its bodies, employees of the apparatus and participants in management processes, firstly, it perceives the entire set of national, collective and personal, general and specific, long-term and short-term, historical and specific interests of the country's population; secondly, objectively, fairly and promptly assesses the relevance and priority of interests and represents them in its legal orders and organizational actions, treats all subjects of interests equally; thirdly, it contributes with its resources, capabilities, and strength to the practical implementation of interests, and actually ensures the satisfaction of people’s requests.

It is necessary to achieve a reasonable correspondence between state legal regulation and the naturalness of life, its experience and traditions, sustainability and adaptability, multi-layeredness and self-government. We are talking about the broad socialization of public administration, in

the process and result of which it will come closer, merge with society, and become a socially relevant component of its free, democratic and effective organization and functioning.

At the moment, the target direction for Russia is public administration and public policy based on an impartial, legally verified system and modern technologies. This is a very complex and time-consuming process. It has many different aspects. One of them is the development of the theory of public administration, which can not only provide a scientifically based methodology for studying this most important type of social activity, but also determine the right guidelines for a systemic, consistent, realistic reform of the state apparatus and the institutions and mechanisms that support it.

Improving the style of public administration involves the formulation, analysis and solution of many problems. But if we try to generalize them, we can boil it down to the fact that the main thing in this process is the organization of everything that constitutes management activity. It is the organization (in the subject, attribute and functional aspects) of the control and managed systems that contributes, first of all, to the rationality and efficiency of public administration.

One cannot ignore that typical, universal thing that should be inherent in the Russian state as an integral part of the world community and a country developing in line with universal human culture. It is very important that only the merging of these properties in Russian statehood opens the way to the widespread use of world experience, to the identification of certain state-administrative institutions, and, at the same time, to the preservation, reproduction and development of a purely national, original, characteristic only of Russia.

1. Basic values, strategic goals of the state, legitimate concepts and models of development of the social system, political course.

Each political system has its own value system. Values ​​are the generalized goals of the state, they form the spiritual basis of state interests and political strategy, and are embodied in the ideology and concepts of the public administration system. These are target values. The basic system also includes instrumental values ​​that express the means of achieving goals approved by society. The certainty of basic values ​​and their recognition by society (or its majority) as fundamental regulators of behavior and activity is a necessary condition for the effective functioning of institutions of power and management.

2. Organization of the system of state power and management and its functioning as a single organism in a single political and legal space.

Another main factor in the effectiveness of public administration is the organization of the system of power and management, its functioning

as a single organism. This factor plays a decisive role in any modern developed state.

Regardless of national forms of government and political regimes, the effectiveness of public administration is ensured by:

The real integrity of public administration systems, the unity of the rules of the “game” of all governing entities involved in them;

Legal stability and a fairly high legal culture;

High capacity of government at all levels, as well as local self-government.

In the Russian state, where all past system-forming organizational connections and forms of management have been completely destroyed, but the process of establishing a new system has not been completed, the potential of the analyzed efficiency factor remains unrealized.

Moreover, it manifests itself mainly in a negative way, stimulating a crisis of power and management. Scientific experts, politicians, and administrators are unanimous in their opinion about the need to transform the current Russian state power into a unified system in which bodies of all levels and branches of government would effectively interact and function. And until this is done, efficiency will remain variable, entirely dependent on the subjective qualities of managers.

3. The state of the state apparatus, its priority forms, methods and style of management activities, professionalism, the level of public confidence in the authorities and participation in government. The state of the state apparatus, the quality of its activities, the level of public trust in the authorities is an equally important set of factors that directly influence the solution to the problem of the effectiveness of public administration. The effectiveness of public administration and public policy is directly related to the presence of a modern bureaucracy (a layer of managers) that has high professionalism, strategic innovative thinking, recognizes the democratic style of management as a priority and is guided by state interests.

4. Economic, political, social stability (or instability) of society.

Economic, political and social stability of society is one of the main factors determining the effectiveness of public administration. Obviously, in the absence of such, government agencies have to expend maximum effort and resources to resolve conflicts and create a situation in which the choice of optimal solutions would be possible. In a broad sense, the concept of stability means the state system maintaining its institutions and performing basic functions in a changing social environment. Stability of society is a state when the state management system, economic and social regulation mechanisms more or less adequately respond to the emerging demands and expectations of citizens and contribute to their satisfaction.

The stability of society depends on the level of institutionalization of governing structures and the legitimacy of public authorities and management. Developed states differ from less developed ones, with unstable political systems, a high level of institutionalization, complex legitimacy (legal and public), and wide participation of citizens in the management of state and public affairs. The most important political factor of stability is the systemic balance of state power and the influence of political parties on governance.

The long-term goal for Russia is to be viable. The indicator characterizing this goal is called the country's viability coefficient. It consists of territorial potentials, the potentials of the country's population, and the characteristics of a unified state administration. Each of these potentials is characterized by many indicators. If we talk about the territory, then this is its development, defense capability, resource saturation, population, transport connectivity, and ecological ability for self-reproduction. If we talk about population, then these are quantitative and qualitative demographic indicators: birth rate, mortality, life expectancy, emigration. All this is called nation-building. This is the education, intelligence, good manners, culture of the people; his health, physical and psychological (i.e. spiritual). If we talk about unified public administration in Russia, then it is characterized, first of all, by an integrated, integrative indicator called the quality of public administration.

First of all, it characterizes the ability of the state mechanism to implement publicly stated development goals. The qualitative characteristics of the state mechanism are professionalism, orientation towards national interests and national security, patriotism, decency (in the sense of corruption resistance). It is incorrect to talk about an acceptable price for achieving this goal. It seems that some kind of trade is going on: either a goal or a price.

We are talking about completely natural for any country the order of its life, the order and content of goal setting and simply about the normal, ordinary working life of every person, every leader, social groups of society as a whole, institutions - social, political and state. We are not talking about any kind of strain. We are talking about a scientifically based, meaningful, workable mechanism for the life of the country and its people.

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Problems of Public Administration in Russia

Transbaikal State University, Chita

The article deals with issues of public administration and public policy such as improvement of public administration at regional level, arrangement of Public-Private partnership, selection of personnel for the Civil Service, achievement of efficiency of public administration and public policy.

Key words: public administration, public policy, efficiency of public administration.

Novikova Anna Vladimirovna - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration and Policy, the Transbaikal State University, 672039, Chita, Aleksandro-Zavodskaya St., 30, phone 8(302-2)41-73- 36, e-mail: [email protected]

Novikova Anna Vladimirovna - Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State, Municipal Administration and Politics of Transbaikal State University, 672039, Chita, st. Aleksandro-Zavodskaya, 30, tel. 8(302-2)41-73-3 6, e-mail: anna_novikova2 010@mail. ru