How to pass an interview. Questions when applying for a job - how to pass an interview correctly Pass an interview for a sales manager

Reading time: 4 min

A regional representative of a company is a specialist who manages sales in a certain territory. A manager of this level earns well, but the requirements for applicants are very high. How to pass an interview for a regional manager? What questions can an applicant have and what should be covered in the answers?

Convincing an employer of your ability to make a profit is a difficult task, but quite feasible if you don’t lose sight of anything.

Requirements for the applicant

What qualities and skills an applicant for the position of regional manager must have varies depending on the company’s field of activity, the level of the organization, its financing and the assigned tasks. But in most cases, companies put forward basic requirements for the candidate:

  • experience in a similar position;
  • successful negotiation skills;
  • high level of self-organization, adherence to the principles of time management;
  • skills to work effectively with people (people-management);
  • efficiency in resolving current issues;
  • ability to organize and develop a business from scratch, work for results.
  • Knowledge of progressive methods of trade and sales, the procedure for concluding commercial transactions and bringing goods to consumers is desirable.

    In addition to the above, it is often required:

    • having a driver's license;
    • fluent computer skills;
    • Foreign language skills;
    • willingness to travel.

    A candidate for the vacancy of a regional manager must have a higher education, preferably in marketing, economics or management. Theoretical knowledge about the organization of work in the assigned area is very important:

    • customer base;
    • planning and development of the region;
    • personnel issue.

    The qualification requirements are quite high. In this regard, professional knowledge is tested using entire blocks of questions.

    Working with the client base

    Interview questions for the position of regional manager must include a block on the formation of a client base. The applicant should have an idea of ​​the main points relating to this part of the responsibilities:

  1. The manager is responsible for maintaining the current state of databases about all clients in his territory: the status of companies, changes in their financial and solvency status, etc.
  2. The regional manager must take an active part in projects to develop, improve and implement new, as well as improve old forms of working with clients.
  3. The head of the branch is obliged to put difficult clients under personal control and consider complaints and requests.

The manager's participation in the search for new sales points is mandatory. The manager himself is often involved in attracting VIP clients, since negotiations take place at a level significantly exceeding the competence of the sales representative. The list of such clients includes:

  • key;
  • network;
  • wholesale;
  • sub-distributors.

Over time, this responsibility may be delegated to a deputy or specially trained sales representative for VIP clients. It all depends on the size of the company.

Work with personnel

Since the regional manager is the head of the branch, practical experience in personnel work or, at least, theoretical knowledge of organizing personnel management is of no small importance.

The work of a regional manager with personnel involves the following list of responsibilities:

  1. Setting operational tasks and responsibilities for employees. Assessment of all necessary resources, their availability in the branch for the full implementation of the team’s goals.
  2. Accompanying recommendations for the implementation of the process of hiring and dismissing personnel. Conducting interviews.
  3. Conducting weekly debriefing meetings.
  4. Organization of competitions and competitions with the issuance of prizes, certificates or awards. For example, a competition for the maximum increase in sales per month of new products. Sales agents who have received a new brand in their assortment will be better motivated to successfully promote it in the market.
  5. Planned trips along the route of each sales representative to identify “weak points”, problem clients, etc. Providing assistance in resolving conflict situations, detailed analysis of current situations in the territory, advice on overcoming difficulties and effective development of the entrusted area.

During the interview, it is very important to note precisely this role of the manager, indicated in the last paragraph. Close work with the team and feedback is the key to the successful development of the entire branch.

The regional manager is also responsible for training staff (primarily sales representatives and supervisors). He must periodically test and check the level of knowledge of his subordinates in sales technology.

A regional manager can conduct training independently (if the team is small) or organize a visiting specialist (coach). The topics of the seminars depend on the size of the branch and its tasks: “Negotiation methods”, “Procedure for concluding transactions”, “Working with clients”, “Handling objections”, “Motivation for success”, “How to organize your working day”, “Cold calling” " etc.

Planning, control and development

Since the main goal of the regional representative is to manage regional sales in the controlled territory, the interview conversation cannot fail to touch on the basics of planning. Answers should contain information about how the candidate understands the tasks and goals in this area.

To anticipate the course of the interview in advance and know what questions are asked during an interview for the position of regional manager, the best option is to familiarize yourself with the standard job description.

Among its other points, there are the following formulations regarding the direct responsibilities of the branch manager:

  1. Coordination and control of product sales by regional sales representatives and subdistributors.
  2. Communicating the company's corporate values, strategies and mission to all team members. Formation of plans and tasks that meet the rules of goal setting - clarity, measurability and achievability.
  3. Drawing up reports on indicators of plan implementation, analyzing the results obtained, putting forward ideas to improve performance efficiency.

The responsibilities of a regional manager may also include developing motivation programs for both employees and clients. All this should be kept in mind by the applicant if he is asked to outline a general plan for management.

How to behave during an interview

Requirements for the appearance of a regional manager and his behavior during an interview are standard:

  • business suit;
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • compliance with the rules of etiquette;
  • direct answers and clarity of argumentation.

When an employer asks direct questions about your business connections or previous achievements, do not embellish past experience. First of all, everything is easy to check. And secondly, old methods may no longer work in an age of rapidly changing technologies.

The purpose of an interview is to form a personal opinion about you and to see how prepared you are for negotiations that are important to you. Demonstrate theoretical knowledge. Convince your interlocutor that you have your finger on the pulse. This way you will definitely have every chance of getting the desired place.

  1. You will receive 7 proven sales manager interview questions.
  2. You will understand how to interview and find good sales managers.
  3. You will learn how to evaluate a sales manager in 90 seconds.
  4. You'll save over 30 hours of interviewing useless candidates.
  5. You will save at least 40,000 rubles. This is a payroll that is paid for 1 month of the probationary period.

If you are the owner of a small or medium-sized business, head of the sales department, commercial director, or simply a recruiting manager, then you know for yourself that it takes at least an hour to interview each candidate.

And then it takes another month or two to understand whether this candidate is suitable or not, whether you will get results from him or not. And this time and money is your time and your money.

In this article, I will present you with 7 practical questions that, in 90 seconds, will allow you to find out the whole truth about a sales manager and clearly separate office plankton from good sales managers. Personally, I have used these questions in over 12,000 interviews. They work very well because even a non-specialist can easily “read” a candidate based on the answers to these questions.

Question No. 1. Tell me in one word what sales means to you?

This question determines a person's attitude towards sales.

Pay attention to whether the person responded with one word or launched into a lengthy discussion. This characterizes his ability to understand what the interlocutor wants from him, and this is a very important quality of a seller. And of course, the word he uses is important.

For example: The candidate answers this question clearly and distinctly without hesitation: “For me, the most important thing in sales is Money” - this is the answer to “5” if you are looking for a results-oriented salesperson. A performance salesperson is ideal in a business where there are no clear rules and procedures.

If the answer is JOB, that's a good answer if you're looking for a process salesperson. A process salesperson is ideal in a business where processes are assigned and they work well.

If COMMUNICATION answers, be on alert. Most likely, you are dealing with a person who has a poor understanding of the goal and technology of sales.

If this question leaves the candidate stupefied and the pause lasts more than 7 seconds, most likely this is not a salesperson.

Well, if the candidate indulges in lengthy definitions, sales is a process of implementation... - weed out these candidates, because not only are they not attentive, most likely they also do not hear the buyer well and, instead of selling, they prefer to show off their erudition.

Question No. 2. How much do you want to earn in our company? State the minimum and maximum.

The optimal answer to this question is as follows: In your company, I would like to earn at least 60,000 rubles, of which the salary is 30,000 rubles. And judging by your products and information on the site, plus my experience, I expect to achieve an income of 120,000 rubles. in 3-4 months.

Question No. 3. What minimum salary will suit you for the probationary period?

The answer to this question is compared with the numbers that the candidate named in question No. 2.

For example: The candidate named a minimum of 30,000 rubles. And the maximum: he wants 40,000 rubles. Firstly, this indicates that the candidate wants to consistently receive 80% of his income, regardless of the result. And such a small difference between min and max suggests that he is not very ambitious.

In principle, this option is acceptable if you are recruiting managers in the back office of the sales department, the essence of whose work is to service the incoming flow of clients according to a clearly described business process.

A good candidate will quote a salary of 30,000 rubles. minimum, provided that he wants to earn 60,000 rubles.

Question No. 4. What is your average monthly income for the last 3 months?

Compare the answer to this question with the numbers from the answers to questions 3 and 2.

For example, if a candidate answered 35,000 to the second question (minimum), and answered 35,000 rubles to the 3rd question on the minimum salary, and answered 30,000 rubles to the 4th question on the average monthly income, this means that you are looking at the average statistical office plankton who wants to increase his income level at the expense of your business.

It is very good if previously the candidate had a very high average monthly income, for example 100,000 rubles, and now he is ready to start with an amount of 50-60,000 rubles, expecting to reach his usual level of income in 2-3 months.

Question No. 5. What are you willing to do for minimum wage?

This question allows you to find out whether the sales manager is a “process maker” or a “result maker”, whether he understands the essence of sales, and what responsibility he is ready to take on in sales.

For example, he answered that his minimum salary is 40,000 rubles, and he is ready to work for this money and fulfill his job duties. This means that in front of you is a typical process processor, from which you most likely will not get results. Unless you have clearly defined, working business processes.

A good candidate will answer this question that he is ready to expand his client base, find new clients, fulfill the minimum sales plan, i.e. provide some result.

Question No. 6. Do you consider yourself a good seller? Provide facts about your sales achievements.

This question determines the type of reference, external or internal, that is: what will the manager focus on in achieving the sales goal, external opinion or internal conviction.

If you need a salesperson to communicate with a decision maker who will work his way through secretaries, then an internal reference salesperson will be better suited for you. And if your business model is built on inbound flow, then a seller with an external reference is suitable for you.

A salesperson with internal reference, arguing his achievements, will rely on his own self and will say: “I was the best in the department,” “I sold the most.”

A salesperson with an external reference will answer - “my clients”, “my boss always praised me.” Those. argue based on external opinion.

In addition, this question allows you to determine the level of self-esteem:

Firstly, the candidate must clearly state the measurable indicators of his achievements in sales (in rubles, tons, etc.). If they are not there, most likely you are looking at a “shy” middle peasant in sales.

Secondly, his self-esteem should not be too high or too low.

A candidate who says that he considers himself a bad salesman most likely does not like to sell and does not know how to sell. He lacks passion, an important quality for sales. And that's why it won't suit you. Just like a candidate who says that he is the best in the world is an ordinary braggart, unable to be responsible for his words and actions.

Question No. 7. Why are good salespeople like you looking for work?

This question belongs to the category of projective questions and reveals the motivation of the sales manager.

For example, a great answer to this question is: I want the opportunity to earn more. A bad answer is: I was fired, I need to work somewhere, so I came to you.

In addition, it creates a slight element of stress in the interview because there is a catch in it and, accordingly, you have the opportunity to see how the candidate behaves during stress. And any sale is always a slight element of stress, so you can already see how a person will behave in difficult stages of sales, for example, in working out objections.

You have read the short guide, and if you did everything correctly, then you have a clear understanding of how to conduct flash interviews with sales managers. And now don’t make the same mistakes because you have an effective tool to weed out useless sales managers and select effective sales managers.

But this is only the first step; in fact, to recruit an intelligent sales team you will need:

  1. Correctly determine the portrait of the candidate
  2. Invite the required number of candidates
  3. Correctly assess candidates' skills
  4. Recruit candidates to come to work
  5. Conduct the test day correctly
  6. Correctly build a system for training and adaptation of candidates
  7. Correctly build a system of material rewards

There are many possible answers to each question, and it is impossible to consider them all in a short instruction, so I specially recorded an explanatory video for you, in which I explain in more detail how to work with these questions.

As you prepare for your sales manager interview, review the list of questions below and try to formulate your answers. Also check out. Many of the questions below are open-ended, encouraging you to talk about what you think or how you would act in a given situation. A question does not always have a correct answer. More often, your answers to questions are used to create a complete picture of your competencies and personal characteristics. With their help, a company can predict how you, with your set of qualities and skills, will fit into their company.

We have divided the questions into several sections.

Knowledge of sales techniques and experience

  • You have voiced and duplicated your commercial proposal via email. What is the best way to get feedback from a client?
  • At the end of what you thought was a productive telephone conversation, the potential client says that he is not ready to make a decision about cooperation right away, and he needs to think about it. What will you do?
  • You have sent a potential client a commercial proposal for consideration. However, the client refused, without really justifying his decision. What will you do?
  • The client refuses to cooperate, citing an insignificant (from your point of view) reason. You understand that you and the client are mutually interested. How will you behave?
  • What is needed to conduct a competent product presentation?
  • How to understand who is in control of the situation in negotiations?
  • What techniques do you use when discussing prices?
  • What are some ways to prevent negative reactions from clients?
  • A potential client during negotiations says that the amount announced is more than their company can afford. What will you do?
  • At the end of a personal meeting, the potential client says that he needs to reconsider your proposal. What are you going to do?
  • How to respond to a client's claim that your prices are too high for them?
  • What did you sell at your last job? Give a presentation of this product/service.
  • Did you have a sales plan? What is the percentage of plan completion during the year?
  • What combination of qualities of a sales manager are important for negotiations with a potential client at the initial stage of interaction?
  • What criteria might a potential client have in the decision-making process about starting work, in addition to the cost of the product or service?
  • During the negotiations, a potential customer begins to bring you the advantages of your competitors. What will you do?
  • What was the repeat sales percentage at your last job? Why did clients leave?
  • What is the purpose of a cold call?

Your personal qualities

  • Do you get very tired when you have to talk a lot?
  • Do you like meeting people?
  • What makes you successful?
  • What allowed you to become a successful sales manager?
  • Do you like being in the public eye?


  • Are you ready for dramatic salary fluctuations?
  • Which motivation system would be most comfortable for you?
  • What do you like and dislike about being a sales manager?
  • What level of income do you expect to reach in six months? In a year?
  • What is most valuable to you about being a sales manager?
  • What do you think is more important - high quality of product/service or high customer service?
  • What factors are decisive when comparing two competitors?
  • Why didn't you open your own business?


  • Do you have an established customer base?
  • Let's say you are offered to stay in your current company. What could persuade you to make a positive decision?
  • What do you know about our products/services?

Do you have any experience of being interviewed for a sales manager position? Share it in the comments!

The average interview with a sales manager or other specialist for Sales Academy projects lasts about 15 minutes. That is, from two 2 to 1.5 hours.
During this time, we somehow miraculously manage to:
— To understand whether this employee is interesting to us or not.
- What companies can he be placed in?
- What positions will he hold? really useful.
- How many really the candidate earned in his previous job.
— At what minimum possible “price” of wages can we hire this employee.

If you want to quickly weed out “empty” employees and cheaply, then we advise you to study our favorite recruitment technology - Interview in 5 steps.

The essence of the technology is that there are 5 blocks of sequentially asked questions, using which, subject to the rules and order of questions, you can get a real portrait of your interlocutor without revealing any of your cards.
The trick of the technology is that if you see that a candidate is not suitable for you, you can immediately say goodbye and send him home. The candidates you're most interested in will make it to the very end and are most likely to be offered a job.

According to this system, you do not disclose to the candidate all the details of the job and the motivation system before the interview.
I won’t bore you any longer, let’s see what we have there :)

Interview in 5 steps

1 Making contact
2 Analysis of professional competencies(profile position)
3 Motivation analysis
4 Compensation Analysis
5 Selling a vacancy

1. Establishing contact

(The person’s excitement shuts him down, you need to establish contact - a couple of easy questions)

How was your trip?
Your name is “name”, right?
Was it easy to find our office?
Set meeting rules:
“My name is so-and-so, we will do this, I will ask questions - it will take 15-20 minutes, after that I will tell you about the position and then I can answer your questions” - something like this. Agreed?

2. Analysis of professional competencies

Describe 5 of your achievements
How many people did you have under your command?
Your 10 first actions in the workplace.

3. Motivation analysis

Why did you leave your previous job?
How is your relationship with management?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What skills have you learned in the last six months?
We identify intangible needs.

4. Compensation analysis

Imagine how much you would like to earn in 3 years?
How long have you been happy with yourself and what?
What is the most expensive purchase in the last six months?
Who do you live with? Where?
Approximately how much do you spend on yourself? The candidate spends exactly what he earns.
The minimum threshold for which you are willing to work.

5. Selling a vacancy

Tell me, if we like each other, when can you go to work?
Among the many candidates, why you?
What do you expect from our company?

After that, tell us about your company.

Use it "his" words you heard or wrote down. Describe the vacancy in such a way that this candidate will no longer be able to refuse it.

Never say "You've been hired" right on the spot - let the person worry for half a day or a day.
If the candidate does not suit you, say that it was nice to meet you and you will call back later.

What are my favorite features of this technology?

— You have a strictly verified logical plan of questions.
— After each block of questions, you can say goodbye to the candidate.
— The best candidate, when he got to the last question, had already “surrendered” himself and you know what words to use to tell him about the vacancy and the motivation system for this position.
— By guiding a person through these questions, you get a complete portrait of a person with his history and desires.
- After this, you can hire candidates at the most favorable price for you.

I wrote down this interview script on paper and carry it with me in my diary. For 3 years now he has been helping me quickly and very clearly understand candidates during interviews.

I hope this technology will be useful to you too.

Due to the specifics of my work, I conduct interviews quite often. No, I’m not an HR manager, I’m just constantly looking for strong, promising sellers. And as we know, there is now a crisis in our country, and primarily a crisis of human resources, so the search for an adequate candidate sometimes drags on for weeks or even months.

Gradually, I gained experience conducting interviews, I began to notice patterns in the behavior of applicants, I developed a sixth sense and the ability to analyze people’s facial expressions like the guy from the TV series “Lie to Me.”

Joke. But there is some truth.

I’ve seen so many resumes that the words “communication skills” and “stress resistance” are already on my mind, but even this cannot be compared with the fact that candidates often come to an interview “just to sit”, and this causes confusion. That is, he seems to be a good specialist, but he doesn’t know the rules of the game, and in the end he fails on all counts.

And we have very, very many of them. They are regulars at interviews and assessments, very sociable and stress-resistant... But these travails have no results.

If you don't understand the rules of the game, you can't win.

This article is a manifesto about what an applicant for the position of sales manager should be like. If you can complete each item at least 60%, you will get the job Necessarily.

You won’t find such advice in popular articles “How to find a job?” or in books for all those who have never worked and will never work. No, you will have to work hard, prepare for the interview as if it were the most important moment in your professional life. And it’s true - fail the interview, and there will be no professional life.

Let's get started!

Give at least 3 arguments why you should work for this employer.

Sit at home and read about the company you are planning to work for. You should have a clear answer as to why you are the best candidate and why you should work for this position. The answer should look something like this:

First, I already have experience in your field. I am also confident that your business area will grow and I will be able to develop in this company, which is very important to me. Moreover, I am well versed in the specifics of your product, since as a child I visited a specialized plant with my father.

Most applicants are unable to convey even one argument to the employer. You should have at least three ready.

Talk more, you are a seller.

The worst looking applicants are those who answer questions briefly and laconically, and do so with an indifferent look. Sometimes I want to remind them that they weren’t the ones doing me a favor when they came for the interview...

I had a girl who first called me and said in a bored voice, “Well, tell me something, why are you silent?”

Don’t be silent, answer the interviewer’s questions in detail, ask again, ask questions yourself. Don't wait to be kicked. If your resume says “communication skills,” but in reality you are unable to put two words together, then your resume will go in the trash.

And start your communication with exactly the three arguments that we talked about above.

Never be late.

There is no need to start the interview late. To get a job, you must be head and shoulders above your competitors, and believe me, they will show up on time. Moreover, this is a banal respect for the time of the interviewer, who has allocated a window in his schedule just for you.

If you really are in a severe traffic jam, then call the company you are going to and explain the situation. Otherwise, they will either not listen to you at all, or you will immediately earn yourself a fat “minus” to your reputation.

But it’s better not to be late.

Ask the right questions about the job.


“And how long is the working day? Are there smoking breaks? Are you fined for failure to fulfill plans? Are sick days paid? Can you sometimes stay on social networks?”


“How quickly can I grow up the career ladder? Will I be able to use my client base? Will there be a bonus if I exceed my plans? Is it possible to sometimes come to the office earlier? I just like to work in silence...”

Think with your head before asking anything.

Tell us about your previous experience.

It’s important not to just list previous jobs. To be honest, they are almost never of interest to your possible employer. He cares about your KPIs, the dynamics of your career growth, the goals you have achieved, etc.

Therefore, prepare a story about your previous experience, but always end the work story on a positive note.


“I worked at XXL for 2 years, but then I left because the pay was low and there was no career growth.”


“I worked at the XXL company for 2 years, developed, but there was a salary ceiling, so I decided to go to the company where I would have the opportunity to continue to grow as a manager. Moreover, in that company there was no opportunity for career growth, and I aimed at senior management positions..."

Take on the MBA.

Education, to be honest, interests your potential employer even less than your work experience. But at the same time, your competitors will often be people with incredibly beautiful resumes. There they have an MBA, all sorts of courses, and more work experience than their age.

You can bypass them only if you talk about the education you received and the one you plan to receive.

A person who draws conclusions from his vocational school education and is able to clearly name the skills that he developed during his studies stands out sharply against the background of countless honors students who are unable to even remember the name of their diploma.

An applicant who says that he wants to attend a self-development training in the next month will be valued much more than a “silent” person with a higher economic degree.

Don't focus only on academic education, especially if you don't have one.

Set yourself goals.

This is simply aerobatics. A person who is able to voice target results right during an interview looks like Chuck Norris in his best years. A bad salesperson is not able to “present” himself at this level. “Well, I’ll try to fulfill the plans, I guess...” - This is the most you can hear from him.

Think about what results you can achieve in the first 3 months of work and tell your potential employer about it.


If you approach the interview wisely, your chance of getting the job will be almost 100%. In our Russian society, for some reason, it is customary to hope for chance, but a professional seller is distinguished precisely by the fact that he prepares for his sales in advance.

An interview is the same as selling, but you have to sell yourself.

Publication source.