Growing crayfish at home for beginners. Crayfish breeding business on a home farm: video

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 9 minutes


The benefits of crayfish for the human body do not require proof; the demand for this delicacy is invariably high. Ecological deterioration, as well as the use of barbaric fishing methods, have contributed to the decline in the population of this invertebrate species. That is why today the crayfish breeding business is a promising and profitable activity. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of this business idea.

How to open a crayfish breeding business officially in the city - minimum documentary

To open an official crayfish breeding business in the city, you will first need to obtain a certificate confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur. Next you need to register with the tax structure. An entrepreneur engaged in breeding crayfish is classified as a producer of agricultural products, which means that a possible form of taxation could be the Unified Agricultural Tax (UST).

To open a farm for breeding crayfish, you need to find a plot of land where a pond or several reservoirs will be built.

According to the law, certain conditions will be required:

  • The future businessman must be the owner of the site (the tenant will have big problems with paperwork when obtaining permits). He has the right to build a pond or other objects on his land, and no one will interfere with his decision.
  • The reservoir can be used for the owner’s own purposes , if during its construction urban planning, environmental and sanitary standards are not violated.
  • Pond should not be connected to natural bodies of water.

Crayfish are bred for subsequent sale, therefore, a number of additional documents will need to be completed in order to sell invertebrates:

  1. Certificate for products in accordance with GOST R 50380 of 2005.
  2. Certificate issued by the veterinary service (form No. 2).
  3. Declaration , reflecting the product’s compliance with all standards.
  4. For auto The vehicle on which the crayfish will be transported requires a sanitary passport.

The above documents will be required by both individuals and legal entities.

What else do you need to know about crayfish farming?

Naturally, documentation is an important component of business. However, the conditions for growing crayfish are no less important.

To make them acceptable, you need to study a lot of information and understand the following details:

  • Where to keep crayfish

Crayfish can live and breed in natural conditions - in the nearest rented pond. If we are talking about a more profitable business, then it is better to equip an artificial reservoir or reservoirs (aquariums) on your personal property and use an intensive method of breeding crayfish.

  • What equipment will you need?

For crayfish, water quality is a very important factor; having a pond alone is not enough. A set of special equipment is what you should take care of.

What does it consist of:

  1. Made from thermal insulation structure , maintaining water at the specified temperature parameters. In fact, a polycarbonate greenhouse can perform this function.
  2. From a pond frame . It is usually made from polypropylene sheets. This material is durable, waterproof, and quickly joined using polyfusion welding. The main advantage is that it is neutral towards water.
  3. Aerator or air compressor . This technique will not allow the water to stagnate. Otherwise, the crayfish will not survive.
  4. Oxidizer . Its function is to oxygenate water. This is especially important in winter for open ponds. Ice prevents the flow of oxygen.
  5. Flow type filter – the filtration system removes toxic substances in the form of food residues and waste products of the pond inhabitants. It supports the vital activity of crayfish and allows production volumes not to decrease.
  6. If the quality of water during breeding plays a decisive role, then you cannot do without measuring instruments , which determine its parameters: oximeter (measures oxygen concentration), selenium meter (determines water hardness), conductivity meter (assesses the efficiency of filters).
  • What to feed crayfish

Crayfish are omnivores. They feed on earthworms, insect larvae, and small snails. In an artificial reservoir, grain (steamed and crushed), boiled potatoes, grated carrots, fish, and meat are suitable for them.

The best option for feeding crayfish is to reproduce their natural habitat, excluding negative facts such as the presence of predators . If the reservoir is filled with food supply (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and so on), then you don’t have to purchase expensive food. The introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers significantly improves the feed supply. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to excessively increase the growth of vegetation in the water.

There is a way to save on the purchase of fertilizers if you sow the bottom of the reservoir with legumes, oats, vetch, and so on. To do this, the pond is drained, and after sowing it is filled with water again. The method is environmentally friendly and cheap.

Where to buy crayfish for breeding at home and on an industrial scale?

To breed crayfish, you don’t have to buy them. You can catch crayfish yourself in the nearest body of water. Of course, you will need some experience and special equipment.

If there is no suitable lake/river nearby or you do not have skills in such a matter, then you can buy crayfish from those who catch them professionally or in a regular supermarket (at the market). The main thing is that the individuals are young, then you can count on a solid increase and a good income .

Please note that there are no farms specializing in crayfish breeding in Russia. Therefore, regardless of the scale of the enterprise, it is necessary to independently select crayfish for breeding. Viable and healthy individuals are needed.

Features of crayfish breeding technology - selection and preparation of reservoirs

The choice of reservoir largely depends on the size of the business. If this is a production scale, then it is more profitable to immediately invest funds (and considerable ones) in a farm for breeding crayfish.

It should consist of:

  1. Hatching aquariums heated.
  2. Pools for growing individuals - for young of the year. This is the name given to crayfish whose age does not exceed one year.
  3. Outdoor and indoor swimming pools to make production year-round.

However, you can start a cancer business with less expensive options:

  • Living conditions in a natural pond

A natural reservoir has its advantages: there is no need to dig a hole, fill it with water, improve the bottom, or purchase large quantities of food. Nature has thought of everything. The only condition is the presence of a natural flow of water to eliminate the lack of oxygen. Complementary feeding is also needed, otherwise the crayfish will begin to eat young individuals. Periodic cleaning of the bottom will be required so that the depth of the reservoir is two meters. In this case, the crayfish will have favorable conditions for reproduction. However, even if all conditions are met, you should not count on business profitability in the first few years.

  • Conditions for keeping at home (artificial pond)

What size should the pond be? Depth within 1.5-2 meters, area from 30 to 60 “squares”. Clay is suitable as a soil. The bottom is lined with stones so that there are gaps between them. These are future burrows for crayfish. A drainage system equipped with a wooden mesh is required. The net will become an obstacle, and the crayfish will not leave their home.

Plants are planted around the pond. Caring for crayfish is simple.

They will reproduce well if the following conditions are met:

  1. Change the water every 14-20 days, but not completely, only 30%.
  2. Periodically remove mud and clean the bottom. This will ensure there is enough oxygen in the water.
  3. Water temperature is important. Usually 21ºС. For babies to grow quickly – 24ºС.
  4. Monitor the water hardness indicator. The pH level should be from 7 to 8.5.
  5. Feed regularly in the evening or morning. The daily value for cancer is 2% of its weight.
  6. If the crayfish have produced offspring, then the adult individuals should be transplanted into another body of water (if available). Crayfish can eat babies. Young animals that have a hard shell can be combined with old crayfish.
  7. For a profitable business, it is better to organize 3-4 reservoirs.

During the season, the female lays 100 eggs, about half of which survive. The annual offspring from one female is 25-50 crayfish. After what period will the population begin to reproduce itself? In 5 years, not earlier. Cancer maturation time is at least two years. During this period, it grows up to 12 cm and gains weight up to 200 grams.

Types of crayfish and their purchase - which species are easier and more profitable to breed?

There are two types of crayfish: long-fingered and broad-fingered. The second species is valued for its fleshy bellies, which are popular in cooking as “crawfish necks.” However, the population of broad-clawed crayfish has declined sharply. They ended up on the pages of the Red Book. To avoid problems with inspection organizations, it is better not to breed this species.

Crayfish are also divided into inhabitants of lakes and rivers:

  • Lake crustaceans reach impressive sizes, they do not have a hibernation period - they are all good for business at home. You need to know about the demanding maintenance requirements of this species. They must have a warm room - 20 m².
  • Crayfish characterized by smaller size and lower cost, although they are not as finicky. So decide which individuals are more profitable to buy for breeding?

Another nuance is how many crayfish are needed. What should be their number per square meter of reservoir? For artificial reservoirs, experts recommend the following density: six crayfish per square meter, one male for two females.

Profitability of a business for breeding and selling crayfish: costs, start-up capital, maintenance, etc.

How much should you invest in the business if a crayfish farm is built on a plot of 1100 m² and will have 20 reservoirs at once:

  • The construction of ponds will require about 290,000 rubles.
  • Equipment costs will amount to 2,800,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a plot of land is at least 70,000 rubles.
  • Feed costs are 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses up to 200,100 rubles.

Total investment size – 3,510,100 rubles.

Note to entrepreneurs. In the crayfish farming industry there is no strict interconnection of infrastructure. Therefore, the figure should not be taken as mandatory. It is permissible to make only two indoor swimming pools, and after receiving the profit, invest it in further development.

What will be the earnings - revenue for the year:

  • On average, a kilogram of crayfish costs 510 rubles.
  • Over the course of a year, 12,500 crayfish will grow, weighing a total of 2,500 kg.

The annual revenue will be – 1,275,000 rubles.

Amount of expenses throughout the year:

  • For electricity – 9,500 rubles.
  • For feed - 12,500 rubles.
  • Other expenses (transport, veterinarian, etc.) – 100,000 rubles.

Total expenses – 122,000 rubles.

Net profit will be: 1,275,000 - 122,000 = 1,153,000 rubles. The payback period for the project is 3-4 years.

How and where to sell crayfish profitably: potential customers and important sales nuances

The main advantage of this business is the lack of competition with constant demand for products. This means that it will not be difficult to establish sales. Buyers of crayfish can be supermarkets and small shops, restaurants and cafes. They tend to prefer wholesale suppliers. Therefore, it is important to find in advance stores and food outlets that are willing to buy crayfish on a regular basis . Next, all that remains is to catch the crayfish, issue a veterinary certificate and deliver the products to the customer.

In our country, they love crayfish with beer and just like that; even children like their tender, aromatic meat. Those who like to eat boiled crayfish can organize a process of breeding them, which over time can develop into a business. Growing crayfish at home is not particularly difficult and not very expensive, although it does take a long time. It will begin to generate income only in the second year, and will pay for itself in about 6 years.

There is constant demand for this product, competition is not that great, and income is stable if the business is done correctly and sales outlets are established. For example, a retired person is quite capable of coping with such a task if he likes it.

Where and what kind of crayfish to buy for breeding

It is possible to breed crayfish not only in natural or close to natural conditions, that is, in rural areas, but also in an artificially created environment, for example, aquariums - in urban conditions.

Information on the organization of habitat and conditions of detention is not a secret. Having decided, they study special literature and organize crayfish breeding at home.
To start a business, you actually need crayfish. You can catch them yourself or purchase them. The ideal option - purchasing larvae - is not always possible. A much more common option is to purchase adult specimens and raise their offspring.

Sources for obtaining crayfish stock:

  1. Fishing in the river or.
  2. Shopping at the supermarket.
  3. Purchase from a specialized farm.
Naturally, it is advisable to prefer the option of purchasing material from specialists who will provide not only the livestock, but also information about the types of crayfish suitable for breeding in a given region, the conditions for their breeding and the possibilities of use.

Did you know? Salted crayfish caviar is a delicious dish containing many useful components: for example, protein, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, while its calorie content is minimal.

Industrial types of crayfish, the most popular and in demand:

  • Blue Cuban - characterized by rapid growth and omnivory, prefers temperatures no higher than 26°C;
  • Australian - is the most meaty species, can be bred in aquariums, requires special care and attention;
  • Marble - needs large areas and stable temperatures, hermaphrodite.

You shouldn’t buy too many individuals at once: the needs of a small farm will be satisfied by 4 dozen males and 8 dozen females, which can be easily recognized in late spring by their eggs under the tail.

It is very important to maintain a 1:2 ratio of males to females.

How to breed crayfish

To breed arthropods, you can use a suitable natural reservoir, build an artificial one that meets all the parameters for the successful implementation of the idea, you can also do this in urban conditions, growing them in aquariums. Each of these methods is good, and each has its own characteristics and disadvantages.

Breeding in reservoirs

Natural and most suitable habitat for crayfish. At the same time, it must have clean water; in dirty livestock, if it does not die entirely, it will decrease significantly.

Important! Crayfish can exist in parallel with fish, but it is advisable to remove predators that feed on crayfish and their eggs from the pond.

In winter, they should hibernate, while refusing to eat. Naturally, weight decreases at this time. In areas where winters are severe, breeding crayfish in a pond is impractical: the reservoir freezes to the bottom and the stock dies.
Breeding in a pond has positive aspects:

  • the costs of maintaining the reservoir in appropriate condition are not too high;
  • in ponds, water purification occurs naturally;
  • Feeding animals also does not require any significant costs due to natural feed.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • long period of arthropod growth;
  • low population density per unit area;
  • long payback period for business.

To feel comfortable in a pond, animals require the following conditions:

  1. The pit area is from 50 square meters, its depth is from 2 meters.
  2. It is advisable that the pond be located on its own property to avoid troubles with poachers.
  3. You should sow around the circumference of the pit.
  4. The shore should be clayey.
  5. The bottom should be equipped with stones sprinkled with sand to provide shelter and the construction of burrows.

An artificially created reservoir should be equipped with a drainage system already at the construction stage to control the quality of water and the possibility of its replacement. Water needs periodic replacement, which is done monthly in the amount of 1/3 of the total amount.

Important! Under no circumstances should you completely change the water; this will have a detrimental effect on the existing microclimate and can lead to the death of the livestock.

Arguments in favor of an artificial reservoir:

  • its creation does not entail serious costs;
  • the diet is enriched with the resulting natural feed, which allows you to save on the purchase of feed;
  • low labor intensity of the breeding process.

Arguments that make you think about the advisability of breeding crustaceans in an artificial reservoir:
  • not all regions are suitable for this business - the pond should not be allowed to completely freeze in winter;
  • the inappropriateness of constructing a reservoir in a sunny place;
  • possible difficulties in selecting a suitable site;
  • low habitat density per square meter
  • impossibility of temperature control.

Requirements that an artificial reservoir must meet:

  1. Sandy or clayey shores, shaded by vegetation.
  2. Rocky bottom.
  3. Clean and environmentally friendly.
  4. The ability to build holes at the bottom.
  5. Absence of pathogenic organisms.

When populating a reservoir with crayfish, you should not exceed their planting density. The optimal option is considered to be a density of 5 to 7 copies per square meter. Subsequently, experienced farmers revise these standards, however, when starting a business, it is advisable to comply with them.

It is advisable to breed breeds that grow quickly - those bred for artificial breeding.

One female is capable of producing about 30 offspring. However, they will grow to the desired state no sooner than after three, and more often after six years, so you should stock up on both knowledge and patience in order to breed crayfish at home.

Breeding in an aquarium

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium involves artificial conditions that should be provided to the wards. A constant microclimate in the aquarium will allow you to receive a constant income at any time of the year.

To organize a crayfish farm you need premises, which can be rented.

The volume of aquariums must be at least 250 liters. The bottom is equipped with stones, sand, clay, driftwood - they imitate the natural habitat. For successful breeding, there must be three aquariums: for adults, for mating and for young animals.

The population density of the aquarium can be up to 350 specimens per square meter. The aquarium breeding method requires a businessman to devote a decent amount of time to his pets.

Important! The peculiarity of breeding crayfish in an aquarium is that they do not need to hibernate and gain weight much faster.

The habitat requires the following conditions:

  • optimal temperature;
  • clean filtered water supplied with oxygen;
  • balanced feed;
  • feeding

The disadvantage is the area is limited by the size of the aquarium. To expand production volumes, habitat areas should be expanded.

Important! The lowest value allowed for keeping crayfish is -1°C: at this temperature they do not die, but they also do not reproduce.

What to feed crayfish

Three aquariums equipped with:

  • filters that need to be changed three times a year;
  • compressors that enrich water with oxygen;
  • devices for monitoring oxygen levels and water temperature;
  • heaters that allow you to organize the desired temperature for individuals and, importantly, for the eggs.

At least two, preferably three pools for adults, babies and mating, equipped with:

  • water drainage system;
  • aeration system;
  • attributes that recreate the natural habitat.

597 once already

The idea of ​​growing crayfish can come to mind for various reasons. This is both a desire to earn money and simply to eat a tasty organic product. The meat of these arthropods is not only a delicacy, but also a healthy product. It contains a minimum of calories and a maximum of elements necessary for the body: sulfur, calcium, vitamins E and group B. Crayfish can be bred in ponds (natural or artificial) or in aquariums.

In order for crayfish to take root and reproduce well, the reservoir must be from 1.5 m to 3 m deep. Its bottom is sandy or rocky. There must also be conditions for animals to dig holes. The optimal number of ponds is at least three with an area of ​​at least 30 m2. Two of them are intended for fattening, and one for raising fingerlings. Insulating the pool ensures accelerated growth of crayfish, because at subzero temperatures, crustaceans hibernate or even die. No less important is the indicator of water purity and acidity. To do this, the water must be running and the pH must range between 6.5 and 8.0. This can be ensured by a drainage system and pumps. Change the water every 2-3 weeks, but no more than 30%, so as not to disturb the natural microclimate. Buy breeding stock from specialized commercial enterprises. The pond is populated with adults with eggs at night, being careful not to damage the offspring during transportation. You can also release the fry, but no later than the second half of August, so that they have time to acclimatize. For each male there should be two or three females, which he will subsequently fertilize. The planting density is small - six to eight pieces per 1 m2.

It is better to keep large crayfish separately from young animals, as they are capable of devouring their offspring. Only at 3-4 years of life do animals reach marketable weight. In captivity, crustaceans feed on mixed feed, chopped vegetables and grains, algae and worms that can be found in a pond. Feeding is done at sunset, because crayfish are nocturnal inhabitants. Breeding crayfish in artificial aquariums guarantees a continuous process of animal growth. Purchase containers on the market or make them yourself from non-toxic material: plastic, polypropylene or plexiglass. Arrange the bottom with sand and small boulders to create a familiar environment for your pets. In addition, you will need air aerators, an oxygenator, a salinity meter, a thermometer and oximeter, heaters and a water filtration system. In aquariums, crayfish molt not once a year, but 3-4. This means that they will gain marketable weight faster than their relatives from open water bodies (crayfish only grow when they shed their shells). Regardless of how you raise crayfish, they need to be protected from disease and infection. Strictly control the temperature, change the water on time, saturating it with oxygen. Do not overfeed the livestock.

As you can see, growing crayfish in open reservoirs is a less expensive activity, but animals grow slower than in aquariums, because no one has canceled seasonality (at least in central Russia). Plus, this business requires considerable investment, the payback period of which is 3-4 years.

Few residents and guests of Russia will refuse the original Russian dish - boiled crayfish. Today, rural residents have a good additional income in the summer months by catching crayfish in natural reservoirs. However, this way of earning money cannot be called humane. The population of animals in nature is declining, and entrepreneurs themselves may be charged with poaching. There is another way, which, unfortunately, has been undeservedly forgotten by modern businessmen. Even in the century before last, there were many farms in Russia where crayfish were grown. Then their production reached such a level that healthy meat was even exported. We’ll talk about how to breed crayfish in different ways at home in this article.

Where to start breeding crayfish?

For farmers who have the opportunity to lease a large plot of land, a suitable option is to breed crayfish in artificial ponds. They are easy to create. A depth of 1-2 meters and a water surface area of ​​30-60 sq.m is sufficient. The average farm usually consists of 3-4 such reservoirs. One of the main conditions is a shore with a lot of clay and a rocky bottom. In such conditions, crustaceans can more easily set up their burrows and reproduce better.

The water in artificial reservoirs must be changed. For this purpose, a drainage system is installed during construction. At least once a month, 30% of the water is drained from the pond and new water is added. It cannot be completely changed, since the established favorable microclimate for crustaceans can be disrupted. During the season, each female produces 30 offspring, but the crayfish will reach marketable status only after six years. Growing in such conditions has several advantages:

  • Minimum costs for arranging a reservoir;
  • Food costs are reduced due to the formation of natural food in the pond;
  • Labor costs throughout the entire growing period are practically absent.

Disadvantages of such a business:

  1. Breeding crayfish in ponds is possible only in certain regions where winters are not severe and the pond does not freeze completely;
  2. Waiting six years for the animals to grow increases the payback period for the initial costs;
  3. Low population density per 1 sq.m. artificial reservoir.

Technology for growing crayfish at home

The next way is to set up a farm for breeding crayfish in aquariums at home. An artificially created microclimate, which will be maintained regardless of the time of year, contributes to the stable, continuous weight gain of animals. The cultivation of arthropods is carried out in an aquarium with a volume of 250 liters. Soil is poured at the bottom and driftwood is laid. This way, at home, the habitat will be close to natural. 350 animals can live on one square meter at the same time.

The most interesting, and one might even say mysterious, process of reproduction of crayfish in an aquarium. This phenomenon has not been fully studied even by scientists. The female’s readiness to reproduce is determined by a large number of factors: microelements in the environment, its acidity and others. For this process it is necessary to allocate a separate aquarium, at least 200 liters. Animals usually mate in the fall. To produce offspring, it is necessary that there be twice as many females as males. The female lays eggs on her paws and is in close contact with her offspring all the time. After the birth of the crustaceans, they are transplanted into a separate reservoir. The natural process of molting leads to the death of some of the young animals, and the surviving animals continue to grow and gain the required weight.

Where to place such a number of aquariums at home? This is a logical question to which many enterprising businessmen have already found an answer. The basement in a house is often an area that becomes cluttered and does not bring any benefit. At the same time, there are excellent living conditions for animals such as crayfish. Growing crayfish in your own basement does not require large material costs. Additional heating or lighting is not needed if the temperature in winter does not drop below +7 degrees. The aquariums are installed on special shelves and the crayfish farm is ready for use.

On sale today it is difficult to find young crustaceans sold to farmers for breeding at home. Typically, entrepreneurs catch them in the nearest pond or buy them secondhand during the fishing season. Then begins the process of comprehending the mystery of animal reproduction, described above.

How much can you earn from raising crayfish?

Everyone who has practiced crayfish business claims that it is quite a troublesome business, but profitable. In a pond with an area of ​​25 sq.m. you can grow 30 kg of crayfish. One kilogram costs about 500 rubles. Minus the costs of feeding and care, the net profit is 26 thousand rubles. The disadvantage of the business is its duration, but if the entrepreneur has the patience to wait 6-8 years for the results of his work, then further income will increase every year. Experts advise starting to grow crayfish in parallel with another main activity.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To start your own crayfish breeding business at home, you can start with 100,000 rubles. However, this will most likely not be a business, but a kind of hobby, since with such investments it will most likely not be possible to get a big profit. A full-fledged business will require significantly higher expenses. Everything will depend on the number of ponds located on the territory of the private farm and the number of individuals.

How to choose equipment

In cases of growing crayfish in artificial ponds, you will need to purchase pipes and drains, waterproofing and flow filters, an oxidizer and aerators, and measuring instruments. When offspring appear, the young animals will need to be separated from the adults. This will require concrete pools.

Which OKVED code must be indicated for crayfish farming?

Freshwater fish farming or code 03.22. It is this that will need to be reflected in various documents, including those submitted to the registration authority for registering a new business entity.

What documents are needed to open

The package of documents will directly depend on the chosen organizational and legal form. If volume production is being established, then it is better to register as a limited liability company. To do this you will need to prepare:
Charter and a copy of the decision of the shareholders meeting to create a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company;
provide information to both the director of the company and the chief accountant;
pay the state fee and obtain a legal address;
open a bank account and register with government agencies.
For small production volumes, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur. The list of documents here is somewhat smaller than for legal entities. You will need a photocopy of your passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty, a standard application form and a copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

Which tax system to choose for crayfish farming

The best option for paying taxes when running the above business is the imputed income tax. It should also be indicated in the application submitted for registration.

Do I need permission to open?

To legalize the sale of grown crayfish on your own farm, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. No other permits or licenses are required.

Don’t know how to make money, what business is most profitable to develop? Open a crayfish farming and breeding business! This type of business is suitable for you, especially if you yourself love to feast on the meat of these animals.

Relevance of this business

People have long used crayfish as food, adding them to various recipes or eating them as an independent dish with a foamy drink. Anyone who has tried crayfish meat at least once knows how pleasant and tender it tastes. It is precisely due to its taste that this type of product will always be in demand.

The idea of ​​crayfish farming is very profitable. This type of business does not require special capital investments and at the same time brings enormous income for a whole six months, and on an industrial scale - even year-round. In Russia, crayfish breeding is practically undeveloped, so you have a wide range to implement your business idea.

In pre-revolutionary times, Russia was already engaged in a business related to crayfish, but it consisted only of catching, and not growing. Later, artificial farms for breeding crayfish began to appear, which began to supply meat to European countries.

Types of crayfish for breeding

Far Eastern and European species of crayfish are widespread in Russia. If you are planning to put your business on stream, then the European type will suit you.

Europeans, in turn, are divided into long-toed and broad-toed. Broad-toed crayfish are a very valuable species. In cooking they are called “crayfish necks”. But this type of crayfish is listed in the Red Book, so for business it is better to take long-fingered individuals so that there are no problems with regulatory authorities.

There is also a division into lake and river crayfish. Lake crayfish are suitable for growing crayfish at home: they usually do not go into hibernation and reach quite large sizes. Their only drawback is their capriciousness: to keep this type you will need a very warm room of at least 20 square meters.

Almost all types of crayfish are not large in size, but they are unpretentious to living conditions and are inexpensive.

Where to buy?

Finding crayfish larvae is not so easy. Most likely, you will have to raise the young animals yourself. You can purchase the first copies at the supermarket. Buy two females for each male. If you don’t want to spend money on a purchase, you can catch crayfish yourself in ponds.

Features of reproduction, molting and diseases of crayfish

  • Crayfish mate in the fall (September, October). At the end of spring, females can be distinguished from males by the presence of eggs under the tail.
  • A female cannot produce more than 20 crustaceans per year.
  • Young crayfish molt about eight times a year. Adults – 1-2 times a year. When molting, it is necessary to ensure the safety of animals, since without a shell they become vulnerable to predators.
  • The most dangerous diseases of crayfish are burns and plague. Make sure that pathogenic fungi do not develop in the water, otherwise the entire brood of crayfish will die.

Breeding areas

At the moment, there are two places for breeding crayfish - a pond and an aquarium.

Growing crayfish in a pond

A pond is a formed stable ecosystem with its own inhabitants and conditions. It is capable of updating.

The main disadvantages of this breeding site:

  • In the winter, the pond freezes, and the crayfish hibernate as the water temperature drops below 15 degrees. If the pond freezes to the bottom, then the living creatures will simply die;
  • crayfish grow slowly in natural conditions, gaining the necessary mass for sale only in the fifth year.

What can you do when breeding in a pond?

  • The first step is to clean the reservoir of contaminants, since crayfish prefer clean water.
  • You don’t have to destroy the non-predatory fish neighbors of the crayfish in the pond.

Video about breeding crayfish in a pond

Aquariums: keeping crayfish at home

  • The minimum size of the aquarium is 250 liters.
  • You should pour soil at the bottom, place pebbles and decorations so that the crayfish can hide there.
  • Fill with water, ensure its filtration and purification.

Hatchery ponds and aquariums

  • Equip aquariums with filters and heaters.
  • Organize elongated ponds measuring at least 25 square meters and 2 meters deep.
  • It is necessary that the water in the pond be running. It is very important that a river flows nearby. If this is not possible, water wells should be drilled.
  • Place shelters at the bottom of the pond so that the crayfish can hide.

Necessary equipment for breeding crayfish

Maintenance and care requirements

Requirements for living conditions

  • The water where crayfish live must be clean. Its temperature cannot be lower than 15 degrees, otherwise the animals will hibernate.
  • The number of individuals per 1 square meter should not exceed 350 pieces.
  • You cannot contain different types of crayfish in one body of water.


In order for crayfish to correspond to their marketable appearance and weight, it is necessary to properly organize their nutrition. The daily food intake for one individual should be 4-5% of its weight.

What is suitable as food?

  • Earthworms.
  • Insect larvae.
  • Snails.
  • Steamed and crushed grains.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Grated carrots.

Delivery of finished products

First you need to find potential customers who could purchase your products. Call the nearest restaurants and catering outlets, test the waters. If your services are not needed, you can always start supplying the product to the market by selling it to fishmongers.

You can also offer your friends the grown product. These same acquaintances can recommend you to someone else - this is how you will earn your first profit.

Profitability of a mini-farm for growing crayfish

Even if you have a large profit from this activity, you need to take into account that this type of business is seasonal.

There is practically no competition in this type of business, so you can quickly find a buyer for your products and get your treasured profit.

To get a ton of crayfish over several years, it would take about 600 individuals. All the main costs are incurred just when starting a business.

It will cost about 170 thousand rubles to equip the reservoir and purchase the first batch of individuals. (20 thousand rubles for crayfish, the rest for equipment for growing crayfish). Having invested 200 thousand rubles. into business, in two years you will earn your first million. These are all relative figures; when calculating expenses and income, take into account the selling price of crayfish.

  • It is cheaper to breed crayfish in a ready-made reservoir, but there is a risk of the business sinking due to weather conditions.
  • You can organize your own business by first raising fingerlings (crayfish larvae) in an aquarium and then transplanting them into a pond.
  • Avoid sudden changes in the temperature of the water in which crayfish live, as well as its hypothermia.
  • Choose one type of crayfish for your business, since individuals of different categories do not get along with each other.
  • Monitor the health of individuals. Crayfish are susceptible to fungal diseases.
  • Do not overfeed animals.
  • There should be half as many males as females.
  • Constantly monitor the quality of the water in which the crayfish live.

Don't think that raising crayfish is very easy. This business will be profitable only when all conditions for breeding and living animals are met. Don't expect a quick fix.