What does business activity mean. What is the difference between entrepreneurship and commerce

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The concept of commercial (trading) activities - commerce (trade)

The words "commerce" and " commercial"come from the Latin word commercialium, which means "trade", those. trading or (using the original Russian term) merchant activity.

Commercial or trading activity in its most general form is a set of actions to promote goods from manufacturers to consumers. The totality of such actions, dedicated to a known subject, will constitute the trade turnover of this person; the aggregate of trade turnovers of all participants in trading activities will be trade turnover in the macroeconomic sense or commodity market - part of civil circulation, characterized not only by a special kind of subjects (participants) and objects, but also by a special content, as well as an arsenal of legal means used to organize these relations. Namely: trade mediates the relations of isolated commodity producers, characterized by the social division of labor. These relations develop through the market, the sale and purchase of goods.

Ensuring the promotion of goods from producers to consumers, bringing them directly to consumers, trade turnover performs important economic and social functions, ultimately having a huge impact on the entire economic development of the state and society. Renowned German economist Werner Sombart generally considered the "commercialization of economic life", market relations, as the main factor that ensured the unprecedented success of the capitalist system and thanks to which the center of gravity of economic management shifted from direct production to trading operations. Without exaggeration, we can say that the trade turnover (commodity market) is one of the greatest assets of modern civilization. Ensuring and supporting market relations is one of the most important tasks of modern law. Being specified in relation to the law of a particular country, it can be formulated as legal support and support of the sales processes of goods of domestic producers in national and foreign markets.

It should be noted that in the application of the terms "commerce", "commercial", "trade", "commercial", "merchant" mass errors are allowed. First of all, mixing commerce With entrepreneurship(business): these words are considered synonymous, commerce is often called any business, and businessmen - entrepreneurs. So, speaking of commercial banks, commercial clinics, commercial educational institutions, etc., they mean organizations that carry out relevant activities (banking, medical, educational, etc.) as entrepreneurial. On the other hand, the concepts of trade and trade turnover almost universally include all sorts of cases of buying and selling goods between merchants themselves, as well as transactions between merchants and consumers, and even between non-merchants.

There is no basis for any such broad concept of trade.

The traditions of identifying commerce and entrepreneurship, dating back, by the way, to the pre-revolutionary era, resulted, in particular, in such a phenomenon as the separation of Art. 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of all legal entities on organizations commercial and non-commercial according to the criterion of the main goal of its activity. If such a goal is making profit and distributing it among its participants, then the organization is recognized commercial(i.e. literally - trading or trading); if not, then non-commercial. In the light of what is in Art. 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of the definition of the concept of entrepreneurship as any activity in general aimed at systematically making a profit (not just trade!), It would be much more logical and accurate to name legal entities entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurship is much broader than commerce, since profits can be obtained from the performance of work, the provision of services, from income from property, and not only from the sale of goods.

As for the second limitation of the meaning of the concept of "trade", here it is necessary to bear in mind the following. The unification of all acts of purchase and sale of goods within the framework of the concept of "trade turnover" is carried out, in fact, only because these relations receive a uniform private law registration. They all look like sales contracts, those. the merger is carried out according to an exclusively legal criterion, without taking into account those functions, the real impact that this or that act of trade has on the state of trade turnover in the macroeconomic sense. From the point of view of macroeconomics, for example, there is no big difference in what exactly a citizen does with a product purchased for personal consumption - whether he uses it himself or resells it, say, to a relative or acquaintance. But market behavior of professional buyers and sellers of goods(including - professional resellers and resellers - merchants) is of tremendous importance.

There is, therefore, trade and trade - trade in general and trade as commerce. Between one and the other trade lie, in the words of one of the characters in the comedy A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit”, “distances of enormous size”. How to describe the trade we are interested in? not just "trade" in the sense of the conclusion and execution of some contract of sale, but trade as an occupation - trade as commerce? It turns out that this is not particularly difficult to do; Strictly speaking, such a description was made by Russian pre-revolutionary scientists (A. I. Kaminka, K. I. Malyshev, II. O. Nersesov, E. A. Nsfedyev, V. A. Udintsev, A. F. Fedorov, II. II. Tsitovich, G. F. Shershenevich), who noted as distinctive features trade-commerce the following:

  • 1) Regularity and uniformity of trading operations. Trade as commerce is made up of operations that are performed not just often and not even simply systematically, but on a daily basis, moreover, these operations - in terms of their subject matter, content, design, technology - are homogeneous, similar to each other. Trade transactions may differ in terms of participants and scale (the number of goods and their price) - all their other conditions (including the condition on the subject - goods) are identical. Such transactions are certainly not made by everyone and everyone - their participants are, on the one hand, manufacturers goods, on the other hand - their industrial (wholesale) consumers; between those and others, in one capacity or another, intermediaries can act - resellers and resellers - merchants or merchants.
  • 2) Trading is a systemic activity, not a simple sum of individual trading transactions. Neither macroeconomics, nor (hence) the law, nor, therefore, the merchants themselves (merchants or merchants) can afford to distinguish and single out individual trading operations - specific acts of buying and selling specific consignments of goods. Trade turnover is reviewed and evaluated generally. Within its framework, the profit brought by some trading transactions will most likely be “eaten up” by the unprofitability of others, just as vice versa, the losses incurred on some trading transactions can and should be evaluated only against the background of the profit that the trader received on transactions with other counterparties and other goods.
  • 3) Trade is a professional activity, i.e. the exclusive activity of the merchant, the activity by which he hunts- what he lives by, with the help of which he earns his living, delivers his livelihood. Trade in this sense, therefore, implies, firstly, the occupation of oneself in the name of enrichment (making profit), and secondly, the inseparable unity of the acts of buying and selling goods. The first provision requires no special explanation, but two words need to be said about the second. There are no merchants who only sell, as well as there are no businessmen who only buy- Every merchant is a buyer of what he subsequently resells at a profit, and also a seller of what he previously bought at a lower price. Yes, of course, a process can intervene between the acts of buying and selling processing or processing bought - in this case, we are talking not just about commercial but oh industrial enterprise. However, this does not change the essence of the matter: it is impossible to be an industrial enterprise without being at the same time a commercial enterprise in the era of a market economy.
  • 4) Trading company. Trade, being a systemic and professional activity, cannot be carried out without its proper property and management organizations. A property complex used exclusively for the purposes of conducting trading activities, as well as a set of rights and obligations created for the purposes and in the process of conducting such activities (rights, property, obligations, corporate, exclusive, personal non-property and labor) is called trading enterprise. The business enterprise assumes property arrangementf Availability persons directly involved in the conduct of commercial affairs(directors, managers), as well as support staff; finally, a trading enterprise cannot work without a well-functioning system planning acquisition and sale.
  • 5) Goods (trade item) - the essence in the first place movable things, certain generic traits. A trading enterprise (trading activity) has as its subject primarily generic movable things - goods as well as in one way or another connected with them (one might even say, tied to generic movable things, unthinkable without them, grown on their soil), values. These include documents of title, commodity derivatives, digital products (DPC) delivered on physical media or transmitted via electronic communication channels, as well as services, the provision of which is a necessary prerequisite for extracting their use value from traditional goods. Such a - generic - definition of masses of commodities in trade indicates at least the difficulty, if not the impossibility of investing trade in traditional absolute legal forms, including the form of property rights and limited rights in rem. This, in general, is understandable: a merchant is not interested in either ownership of goods, or even actual possession of them - he is interested in the existence of conditions for the most free disposal of rights to goods and a durable, irrevocable acquisition of such rights. What rights these are and to whom they belong (by whom they will be acquired) - in trade this is a secondary issue, not particularly important.

What has been said should be summarized as follows. For the purposes of studying commercial law, under commercial (trading) activities (trade), we will understand the sale and purchase of goods between merchants (merchants), carried out for commercial purposes, i.e. (1) sale of goods by their producers, as well as their purchase from manufacturers for use in their own production or for subsequent resale, and (2) sale of goods by merchants who have acquired them (resale), as well as their purchase from merchants for the same (commercial) purposes , i.e. for use in own production or for subsequent resale. Trade in this and only in this - macroeconomic - sense, trade as commerce with all its inherent features (see above), trading activity as a complex set of relations for the sale of goods needs special legal regulation and is virtually impossible without it. Such regulation is designed to implement commercial law.

Lecture #1

Topic: "The concept and essence of commercial activity"

The number of hours in accordance with the work program of the discipline: 2 hours

Lecture plan

1. Definition of the concepts of "commerce" and "commercial activity". Subjects, objects, tasks and stages of commercial activity

2. Functions and principles of commercial activity

3. Classification of commercial enterprises

Definition of the concepts of "commerce" and "commercial activity". Subjects, objects, tasks and stages of commercial activity

Commerce in Latin means "trade":

Commerce - bargaining, trade turnover, merchant crafts (from the Explanatory Dictionary of V.I. Dahl);

Commerce - trade, trading operations (from the Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov).

Thus, commercial activity is understood as the purchase and sale of goods for the purpose of making a profit while meeting the demand of buyers for goods and services.

Commercial activity is a part of entrepreneurial activity and differs from it only in that it does not cover the process of manufacturing goods. The entrepreneur always seeks to acquire resources and services in accordance with his own commercial interests. The task of the entrepreneur is to create a quality product and the benefits from its sale. Therefore, logistics, advertising, conclusion of a contract, bringing the goods to the consumer are important elements of commercial activity. In addition to knowledge in the field of economics, a businessman must know the theory and practice of business communication, negotiation, be able to make non-standard decisions, possess analytical skills to identify highly profitable areas of labor application.

However, in its pure form, commercial activity is present precisely in trade organizations. Therefore, “Commercial activity” as an economic discipline considers the organization of commercial processes mainly at enterprises in the sphere of circulation, that is, it uses a narrow interpretation of the concept being defined. Thus, commercial activity is the activity of legal entities and individuals associated with the implementation of purchase and sale operations in order to meet demand and make a profit.

The subjects of commercial activity are legal entities and individuals who have the right to perform it, the objects of commercial activity are goods and services. In modern conditions of doing business, commercial activity is not limited to making a trade transaction. Commercial success directly depends on the knowledge of the market situation, understanding the needs of consumers and the ability to satisfy them by offering the appropriate range of products. Therefore, commercial activities cover the study of consumer demand, product range management, advertising and information work and service organization. In addition, commercial workers must be able to search for and select profitable suppliers, establish contractual relationships with them, organize the transportation of goods, and create and maintain optimal inventory.

Commercial activity is a set of sequentially performed trade and organizational operations that are carried out in the process of buying and selling goods and providing trade services for the purpose of making a profit.

Both trade organizations and enterprises and individual entrepreneurs can act as subjects of commercial activity, that is, carry it out. Goods and services should be considered as objects of such activity (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Business basics

A commodity is an integral product of the market, having a use value; the form of exchange is money. Service refers to the service and delivery of goods to the consumer. The basis of commercial activity is capital (financial support), material and technical base and information and computer tools that form a data bank for making managerial decisions. Market entities that affect commercial activity include: commodity producers - product suppliers, intermediaries, creditors (banks), control and inspection institutions, audit services, insurance agencies, etc. With the development of market relations, these components will undergo quantitative and qualitative changes, introducing thereby an adequate change in commercial activity.

Computer science and computerization adjoin commerce. They are aimed at managing commercial activities. To do this, information flows are received, processed, analyzed, and the results are used in management.

It is known that the resources of the enterprise and the requirements of cost-effective work to a certain extent limit the maneuvering of the assortment of goods and their prices. But it is the focus on customer demand and its active formation that should determine the use of available resources. Successful sale of goods ensures the efficiency of the enterprise. Commercial work in trade is the activity of an enterprise aimed at solving a specific set of tasks. The study of the processes of their implementation is an important element of operational research at the level of a trade enterprise and a region.

The main participants in commercial activity are not only entrepreneurial structures, but also consumers (whose participation in the limit-distributive economy was insignificant). This statement is based on the fact that for entrepreneurs, the most important factor in concluding transactions is income (economic benefit), and for consumers, the benefit is the product (service) he needs if it satisfies his needs (consumer interests) to a greater extent. The consumer is not a passive buyer, but a full participant in commercial activities, its regulator. Thus, the most important subject of business relations between suppliers of goods and the retail link is the consumer (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - A set of tasks of commercial activity in the market of goods and services

The subjects of the consumer market should be considered through the satisfaction of the needs of the population.

The consumer, realizing his interests, has a decisive influence on the behavior of entrepreneurs in the market when concluding transactions, choosing a market segment, organizing sales and sales of goods, forming an assortment, pricing policy.

Commercial activity can be divided into several stages. These stages are:

Study of demand and determination of needs for goods;

Identification of suppliers of goods and establishment of economic relations with them;

Commercial activities for the wholesale of goods;

Commercial activities for the retail sale of goods;

Formation of assortment and management of commodity stocks;

Provision of trade services.

At each of the listed stages, certain commercial operations are performed. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the content of operations may differ depending on at what stage of the product distribution process they are carried out.

Thus, the nature and content of the operations performed in the course of commercial activities will depend on the chosen form of product promotion and the stage at which this product is located.

Effective commercial work is possible only if there is complete and reliable information about the market situation, that is, socio-economic, trade, organizational and other conditions for the sale of goods that have developed in a certain period of time and in a particular place. To obtain such information, it is necessary to collect information about both the product itself and its manufacturers.

It is also important to have information about the social, economic, demographic and other factors that determine the demand for goods, and about the purchasing power of the population. Along with this, it is necessary to have reliable information.

The concept of "commercial activity" has become widespread in the Russian Federation in connection with the transition of enterprises to the principles of economic relations generally accepted in world practice in a market economy. The term “commercial” received official status in the Russian Federation with the adoption of Part I of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (since January 1, 1995)

At the present stage, in official sources, in economic educational literature, there is no consensus regarding the essence and economic content of the category “commercial activity”. This category is used to characterize economic activity in a market economy at the micro level, along with such categories as “business”, “ commerce, business activity.

Commercial activity is, in accordance with the legislation of Russia, an activity, the main purpose of which is to make a profit. However, this consideration of commerce does not meet the modern needs of a rapidly developing society. One of the progressive sciences applied today by commercial enterprises is marketing. If we consider any enterprise from the position of marketing, then its goal is the most complete satisfaction of customer needs. Another option for a “targeted” definition of commercial activity is that it is an activity aimed at increasing competitive advantage in the market.

Commerce is a word of Latin origin, which in translation means - trade (kommercium - trade). Perhaps that is why a number of economists equate commercial activity and trading activity.

The term "trade" itself means in one case - an independent branch of the national economy (trade) and in another case - trading processes aimed at the purchase and sale of goods. In this case, commercial activity is associated with the second concept of trade - trading processes for the implementation of acts of purchase and sale for the purpose of making a profit.

The concept of “commercial activity”, as an object of study, was formulated by the Harvard School of Business Administration in 1958. This classic definition reads: “Commercial activity exists in order to profitably satisfy consumer demands.”

The main purpose of commerce is to make a profit. However, the profits earned in commercial activities can be used to develop and expand entrepreneurship to better meet the needs of society.

Commercial activities in industrial enterprises are divided into:

  • 1) procurement (material and technical support);
  • 2) marketing.

In connection with the transition to market principles of activity, the content of the material and technical support of enterprises has changed significantly: instead of the so-called "implementation of allocated funds", which is an integral part of the centralized distribution of material resources, enterprises freely purchase them from suppliers and other subjects of the commodity market. Under these conditions, when purchasing material resources, enterprises should be guided by freedom of pricing, maximum initiative and enterprise, equality of partners in commercial relations, take into account economic responsibility when purchasing raw materials and materials, take into account competition among suppliers and be able to choose an economically profitable supplier.

When purchasing material resources, an enterprise must study the market for raw materials and materials, know the price dynamics in this market, delivery costs, and the possibility of effectively replacing one material with another.

Therefore, the procurement commercial activity at enterprises consists of the following stages:

  • - market research of raw materials and materials and organization of commercial relations with suppliers;
  • - drawing up a plan for the procurement of material resources;
  • - organization of purchases of material resources;
  • - Conducting settlements with suppliers for purchased products;
  • - cost analysis of the procurement sphere.

Marketing sales work is the most important aspect of the commercial activities of the enterprise.

In this regard, a sufficiently large number of specialists define commercial activity as an activity that mediates and ensures the sale and purchase of goods. These operations are the main content of one of the types of entrepreneurship - commercial entrepreneurship. Thus, commercial activities include wholesale trade as well as retail trade. At the same time, the expanded interpretation of wholesale trade means that the buyer does not purchase goods for his own consumption, but for further processing or resale for profit. And retail trade at the heart of its activities is designed to organize the consumption of goods and services by the population. It should also be noted that the concept of wholesale and retail trade and its essence throughout the entire period of development of economic theory is the subject of attention and study. What cannot be said about the category of "commercial activity", which, although they are being studied, there are few works in this area devoted to the study of this issue.

A number of economists believe that commercial activity is the marketing activity of an enterprise.

However, commercial activity cannot be reduced only to sales or trade-purchase operations, which constitute only a part, albeit the main one, of this activity.

If we try to generalize the whole variety of tasks covered by it, then commercial activity solves the following tasks at enterprises:

  • 1. Development of the goals of the enterprise (strategy).
  • 2. Providing the enterprise with the resources necessary to carry out its activities.
  • 3. Development of assortment policy.
  • 4. Choice and implementation of market behavior.
  • 5. Analysis of achieved results and adjustment of strategic goals.

All commercial activities can be divided into three areas: supply, sales and marketing. This division is rather arbitrary, since all these elements complement each other. Each enterprise, to one degree or another, deals with all these problems, but their significance in different enterprises is far from being the same. Supply and distribution have existed since the development of enterprises, the main question is the place of marketing in the company.

We can say that the above areas of commercial activity determine its concept and content in the broad sense of the word.

The economic mechanism of economic associations - enterprises has a certain specificity of commercial activity. The specificity in the field of commercial activity lies in the fact that it contains two main elements: the sale of finished products and logistics.

The implementation of a manufacturing business, that is, the process of manufacturing industrial and technical products and consumer goods, requires the use of a number of business activity factors (labor, objects of labor, means of labor), which are either at the disposal of the entrepreneur or acquired by him through exchange. The function of production, which is decisive for this type of entrepreneurship, ends with the release of goods. To ensure the ultimate goal of entrepreneurship, which is to satisfy social needs and realize one's own material interests (that is, making a profit), a final business operation is necessary - the sale of manufactured products. It is possible to carry out promotion of goods more effectively thanks to the correct organization of commercial activities.

wholesale assortment goods commercial

In a market economy, commodity-money relations are dominant. Therefore, almost every product of labor produced at enterprises is necessarily sold and bought, i.e. goes through the exchange phase. Sellers and buyers of goods conclude purchase and sale transactions, carry out sales and purchases of goods, provide intermediary and other services.

Commerce as a type of human activity most of us associate with trade. This is quite natural, since this term comes from the Latin COMMERCIUM (trade). However, such an interpretation of commerce as a term is too narrow and clearly insufficient to clarify the concept and essence of commercial activity.

commercial activity is a part of entrepreneurial activity in the commodity market and differs from it by and large only in that it does not cover the process of manufacturing a product or providing a service. In a broad sense, any organization that offers the products of the labor of its employees to the market, and, therefore, participates in the exchange process, can be classified as a sale entity. It is important to bear in mind that if a given entity assumes the receipt of income from the sale (marketing) of goods or the provision of services that exceed the cost of their creation, then its activity is usually classified as commercial. Similarly, an idea is formed about the activity of acquiring raw materials, materials and products for the production of goods and the provision of services.

The entrepreneur always seeks to acquire resources and use services in accordance with his own commercial interests. The task that the market puts before him comes down to the need to create a quality product and sell it profitably. Therefore, logistics (purchases, etc.), as one of the main conditions for the creation of goods, should be fully attributed to commercial activity and considered as its most important element.

The interpretation of the term “commercial” is primarily of practical importance, since the organization of the work of commercial services involves taking into account many specific features, from economic fundamentals to the structure of workflow. Professional training of commercial workers is carried out in a special way. In addition to traditional knowledge in the field of economics and management, a merchant must have a number of specific skills in the field of business communication and negotiations, be able to make non-standard decisions to identify highly profitable areas of labor application.

The professional activity of a merchant is carried out in the sphere of production and commodity circulation and is aimed at ensuring the functioning of enterprises of all organizational and legal forms in order to rationally organize commercial activities, taking into account the industry, regional and nomenclature specifics of the enterprise. The merchant must, on the basis of professional knowledge, ensure efficient commercial activity and thereby contribute to the solution of an important socio-economic task - the satisfaction of the needs of buyers.

The objects of professional activity of a merchant are tangible goods and intangible goods and services subject to purchase and sale or exchange in the sphere of circulation.

The main types of professional activities of a merchant:

  • organizational and commercial;
  • commodity-expert;
  • marketing;
  • trade and economic;
  • analytical;
  • trade and purchasing;
  • foreign trade.

For science, it is very important to correctly define the essence of commercial activity. Many problems associated with the study of economic patterns in the sphere of production and commodity circulation are still awaiting their solution. Among them, the most relevant are:

  • a system of criteria and methods for evaluating the results of the work of the commercial service of the enterprise;
  • a system of payment and economic incentives for the work of employees of commercial services.

A significant problem is the clear definition of the boundaries of commercial activities for tax purposes. Thus, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the main criterion for classifying one or another type of activity as a certain category of taxation is whether the corresponding enterprise or organization has a statutory goal to make a profit. At the same time, the form of ownership and organizational and legal form of a business entity does not play a role. From the standpoint of taxation, it is only important to clearly establish the belonging of a commercial enterprise to a specific type and field of activity: the production and sale of any products (materials or raw materials), the provision of production or non-production services, trade and intermediary operations, etc. Income tax rates in different cases differ from each other in size.

All enterprises, organizations and institutions operating in the commodity market can be conditionally divided into two main groups: commercial and non-commercial. Commercial enterprises include almost all enterprises in the sphere of material production (factories, factories), a significant part of enterprises in the production infrastructure (transport and trade and intermediary enterprises, communications enterprises, etc.) and non-production spheres (household services, entertainment industry, etc.) , almost all subjects of the securities market.

Non-profit activity has traditionally been concentrated in health care and education, although in recent years there have been sprouts of entrepreneurship. The activity of any non-profit (“non-profitable” in Western economic literature) entity is based on the principle of maintaining a balance of equality of income and expenses. The tax legislation of Russia clearly defines the directions in which expenses included in the cost price can be incurred. In addition, the sources of income generation for a non-profit organization are strictly defined. In the event of a profit, this organization must use it in strict accordance with the requirements of the law or perform a special procedure for calculating the state budget by revising the amount of funding or paying the appropriate taxes. Non-profit organizations also include government agencies (federal and municipal).

The subject of commercial activity is the sale and purchase of goods. However, in the broadest sense of the word, not only produced material objects, but also services, and even objects of intellectual property should be considered as goods. A product as an object of commercial transactions (purchase and sale transactions) has potential and real utility.

Potential usefulness of the product (services, etc.) or the ability of any product of labor to satisfy individual specific needs, taking into account affordability, is determined by its two integral characteristics: quality and price. The ratio between them, which has developed in a particular market situation, makes it possible for a potential consumer to solve a fundamental issue - whether he needs and whether this proposed product is available to him?

Real utility The product appears at the moment of its acquisition by the consumer (sales by the seller), i.e. as a result of the exchange.

The prerequisites for a potentially useful product to become really useful for the buyer are:

  • the presence of a given product of potential utility, the correspondence of its consumer properties to existing requests, i.e. the presence of an internal factor influencing the preliminary choice of the buyer;
  • the presence of a sufficient amount of a potentially useful product in the right place and at the right time for the seller, or external conditions for the implementation of the choice.

Creating conditions for the realization of the potential usefulness of the product is the most important task of commercial activity. It is for these purposes that the relevant sales services are formed, inventories are accumulated, trading and intermediary firms are created.

The main varieties of commercial activity fully reflect its essence. First, it is about supply enterprises with the raw materials, materials and products necessary for it. The work associated with their procurement includes the following main operations:

  • material need planning;
  • organizing the acquisition of resources and their delivery to the enterprise;
  • regulation of the size of inventories;
  • organization and control of resource consumption in the enterprise must be carried out by special units.

In typical situations, they (subdivisions) are assigned the following names:

  • department of material and technical supply (providing); department of production (industrial-technical and production-technological equipment);
  • service of acquisition by the equipment of objects under construction.

In modern conditions, when more and more new terms and concepts are included in the professional lexicon of a merchant, divisions for material resource management and logistics. The procurement service of an enterprise is usually also involved in obtaining the necessary commercial information.

It is necessary to highlight sales finished products (services). The sales function is performed by a special service of the enterprise, which organizes the formation of shipment lots, promotes goods on the market, searches for and formalizes relations with buyers (clients). In modern conditions, the success of this activity to a large extent depends on the professionalism of the sales staff and therefore marketing becomes the main technology of the sales service.

In a separate category should be allocated trade and intermediary operations in the consumer and industrial (business) market, meaning, above all, wholesale and retail trade. The participation of an intermediary in the process of distribution in many cases is a necessary condition for concluding a sale and purchase transaction, as it provides consumers with wider access to the product. Moreover, in the consumer market, the buyer, almost always, can purchase goods only through an intermediary (retailer), since manufacturers almost never work with individuals.

Commercial activity is always associated with the performance of operations to bring material resources from suppliers to consumers. These operations include:

  • from manufacturers – preparation of products for shipment, shipment, vacation and its documentation;
  • in the warehouses of intermediary and transport companies in the process of product movement - its acceptance, storage, formation of complete batches, shipment;
  • in the warehouses of consumer enterprises - acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality, storage, bringing the purchased materials to a high degree of technological readiness for production consumption, issue and delivery of materials to workplaces.

In general, all these operations, depending on the specific situation, can be conditionally divided into two categories - marketing and supply. Sales operations and processes are related to the production and delivery of products. The production process ends with the sale of products. Supply operations are associated with the production consumption of material resources, obtaining material resources and providing them to enterprises in the production and non-production sectors.