"Pancake" business plan: we open our own pancake cafe. How to open a pancake shop from scratch in a small town

If you have been dreaming of your own restaurant all your life, but do not have enough funds to implement your plan or are not entirely sure of the success of your undertaking, try opening a pancake cafe first. In this way, you can check whether catering is really your calling. And if you try, you will also become the owner of a small, but profitable and profitable business.

Why exactly a pancake cafe, and not, say, a sausage or sandwich cafe? Yes, because pancakes are a national dish loved by everyone, but have recently become a rarity on our table. The thing is that the pace of modern life does not leave time to prepare this tasty and nutritious delicacy, the variety of which has no limits due to the ability to use almost any filling and sauce as an addition. A fast food cafe solves this problem - there will always be visitors. And in order for the business to be profitable and pay for itself, you must first draw up a competent business plan for a pancake cafe. We bring to your attention the business plan "How to open a pancake shop from scratch?".

So, first of all, it is important to determine the target audience of the institution. Based on this, the range of products offered and the prices for it are selected.

Goals, tasks of the pancake shop, target audience

The main goal is to quickly, tasty, home-style feed the guests of your institution, to provide customers with the maximum possible range of pancakes. Everyone should get what they want. From traditional homemade pancakes with sweet fillings, meat or cottage cheese and sour cream to trendy pancakes borrowed from European cuisine with ham, vegetables, fruits or even ice cream.

Appropriate drinks should be offered for pancakes: tea, coffee, juices, milkshakes. Alcohol in such establishments, as a rule, is not served, the maximum is beer. Later, you can expand the menu, introduce soups, salads and desserts. Important service (fast, high quality), friendly staff, cleanliness and pleasant, cozy atmosphere.

The target audience- these are students, young people, middle-class businessmen who want to have a quick bite to eat something hot and satisfying, and possibly take it with them. Their incomes are small, so the prices must be set accordingly. Remember that families with small children like to come to such cafes on weekends and holidays - there should be a menu for them too. Not bad if you can arrange a play area for the youngest guests of your institution and invite animators to children's parties.

Market analysis, relevance

Choosing a direction for your own business is a responsible step, because you don’t want to invest a certain amount of money, time and effort in an enterprise, and end up bankrupt in debts and loans. This is what the market analysis is for: what is in greatest demand at the moment, why, what is the competition, and what are the forecasts for the next few years.

In today's unstable economic conditions, domestic business is gaining momentum every month. One of its varieties is the "dumpling" type of business ....

There are a lot of various eateries and fast foods now - everyone knows this. A pancake cafe wins in comparison with burger clubs, because this is a more familiar food for our population. It's more natural, although the process itself is a little more complicated, and it doesn't hurt to develop your own recipe for delicious, fluffy dough to rise above the competition and get a good customer base.

There are not so many pancake eateries yet, not counting the capital and large regional centers, so if you do not save on quality, there will always be demand for your products.

On the other hand, pancakes with different fillings will cost less at cost than buying semi-finished products for a burger, therefore, prices in your cafe can be made lower than in other fast foods.

Another advantage: pancakes are known all over the country, people feel nostalgia and an invariable appetite at the sight of this pastry, so you do not have to spend money on advertising, promotions, tastings, etc.

And, finally, the last advantage: everyone can quickly learn how to bake pancakes in a special apparatus, even without special education and cooking skills, just like how to operate a coffee maker, kettle and juicer.

Registration, documentation and taxation

From the point of view of the law, the opening of a pancake cafe is characterized as. So it should be registered. WITH according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, witha special license for the production and sale of such products is not required.

You will have to pay regularly only one tax - a single one. But be sure to enlist the support of the fire safety service and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

How to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Choice of premises (location, area, requirements)

A cafe offering pancakes on the spot or to take away should be opened where there are many offices, organizations, educational institutions, etc. If you live in a small town, you can place a cafe near the highway - drivers will be happy to stop at your place for a bite to eat. And do not be afraid of competition - it will be everywhere.

There is no point in hiding in back streets and sleeping areas, you must be in sight. Shopping and entertainment centers with high traffic are also well suited for this.

What size should the room be? It all depends on how many customers at the same time you expect to feed. For 15-20 seats, you will need a hall with an area of ​​​​70-100 square meters. meters. At the same time, do not forget to install a counter and snack tables without chairs so as not to lose those visitors who are left without a seated position.

It is desirable that the premises be located on the ground floor and have two exits for visitors and one for staff and delivery.

The following areas are expected:

  • hall for visitors;
  • utility room for staff;
  • kitchen and dishwasher;
  • pantry;
  • office.

Sewerage, cold and hot water, electricity and heating must also be connected.

Purchase of furniture and equipment for a pancake shop

Necessary furniture in the hall:

  • tables and chairs for clients;
  • rack-distribution and showcase;
  • hangers for outerwear;
  • several children's tables and stools;

Kitchen minimum:

  • ovens, stoves, etc.;
  • refrigerator and freezer;
  • pancake machine - with its help you will significantly speed up the process of baking pancakes;
  • mixer, food processor, coffee makers and electric kettles;
  • various kitchen utensils and crockery.

You can save a little if you buy not a new, but a used pancake machine or rent it.


For a pancake cafe, you need two teams that will work alternately. One team should consist of an administrator who meets and seated guests, maintains order in the hall, three waiters (and no less), one assistant cook, one kitchen worker, one cleaner. You will also need a chef to create menus and specialties, and an accountant.

You can recruit staff yourself, through acquaintances, through advertisements in newspapers and the Internet, or through an agency.

Useful information for those who decide to open a fast food restaurant with minimal investment, i.e. by franchise:

Financial plan

  • rent of premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • furniture and equipment - another 250 thousand;
  • products - at least 300 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 200 thousand rubles;
  • utility payments - about 30 thousand;
  • advertising - 20 thousand;
  • petty waste - 20-50 thousand.

In total, about 1 million rubles should be invested in a pancake cafe. Don't forget to pay taxes.

Crepe Cafe Promotion

  • Advertising on big boards, television, radio, posters. There should be a lot of them in the most crowded places: let as many residents and guests of your city or district as possible find out that just about, very soon they will have the opportunity to taste real Russian, lush pancakes with fillings for every taste at very nice prices. Do not forget to indicate the exact date of opening and the address of the establishment.
  • Promotions. People love all sorts of gifts and bonuses. Arrange a small promotion in honor of the opening of a cafe, for example, buy two pancakes - the third one is free. Or come up with a combination menu at a bargain price: a pancake plus tea for only a nominal 300 rubles.

All the time to sell your products cheaply and with discounts, just to keep visitors - a bad move in business and will not bring much income. To survive among competitors, the emphasis should be on the quality of pancakes and assortment.

Constantly update the menu of the pancake cafe, try new recipes, keep an eye on what is offered in the neighborhood. Arrange weeks of national cuisine: along with Russian pancakes, offer Armenian lavash, French thin pancakes, Mexican burritos, Japanese rice noodle rolls. The main thing is that it is tasty and affordable.

Do not forget about discount cards, prize drawings, bonuses for regular visitors.

Profitability of the "pancake" business

The profitability of a pancake cafe is quite simple to determine. Based on our calculations, all costs will cost approximately 1 million rubles. Now we need to calculate the profit. If each visitor spends on average about 500 rubles per visit on a normal day and about 800 rubles per visit on a weekend or holiday, then your monthly profit will be an average of 190 thousand rubles - provided that you provide the establishment with at least an average occupancy .

Bottom line: in about one and a half to two years, your investment will fully pay off and you will begin to receive only profit from the cafe.

That's all you need to know for anyone who has decided to try his hand as a small business owner in the food service industry. A pancake business idea is perfect even for beginner businessmen. To achieve a result, you will first have to work hard - as in any business. But then you will admire your brainchild with pride and pleasure, because a pancake cafe not only brings you profit, but also makes people full and cheerful.

Pancakes, as a fast food of Russian cuisine, are popular even among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. A business plan for a pancake shop with calculations will help you choose the appropriate format for the enterprise and determine the costs of opening.

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The main goal of any mono-format catering enterprise is to quickly and tasty feed the guest. To keep customers attractive and grow the business smoothly, the first step should be to focus on delivering core services.

Facility services:

  • baking and sale of pancakes;
  • sale of takeaway products;
  • sale of additional products: light salads, drinks;
  • delivery of pancakes to your home and office when ordering a certain volume.

The assortment of pancakes should be varied and meet the requirements of different customers.

Types of manufactured products:

  • sweet pancakes with berry and confectionery fillings;
  • hearty pancakes with meat and fish fillings;
  • premium segment: pancakes with caviar.


Small format catering establishments exist in a highly competitive environment. The presence of a large number of pizzerias and eateries makes it difficult to enter the market. But it is the organization of a pancake shop that can become an actual direction.

This is determined by the following features:

  1. Providing a healthy snack option. Consumers are increasingly concerned about their own health, study the composition of the dish and prefer natural products to semi-finished products.
  2. Development of interest in local cuisine. Russian consumers associate pancakes with cultural affiliation, which subconsciously inspires confidence.
  3. Ability to provide fast service. The average cooking time for a pancake is 7 minutes. Such food saves the client's time, which is appreciated.
  4. Sale of products at a low cost. The average check in a pancake shop is 200 rubles, which is lower than in fast food chain brands.
  5. The ability to attract different audiences and organize a business with a simple production technology without the need for special cooking skills of the staff.

Description and analysis of the market

An analysis of the market in Russia shows its low saturation, in contrast to the European and American ones. There are 150 people per one catering point in the USA, in Russia this figure is 930 people.

In general, the catering industry can be characterized as follows:

  • compared to 2016, despite the crisis, the catering market grew by 4%;
  • the most sustainable development is shown by fast food and street food establishments;
  • the main share of local eateries belongs to non-chain companies.

According to statistics, the annual growth of the Russian catering market is about 15%. With this indicator, 60% are fast food establishments.

The target audience

The following groups can become regular buyers of pancakes:

  • youth and students of nearby educational institutions;
  • middle-income office workers with an urgent task of saving time;
  • mothers with children who prefer sweet fillings and drinks.

Competitive advantages

Competitive advantages of this type of activity can be:

  • rather low prices due to cost reduction;
  • periodic expansion of the range and its formation based on demand;
  • availability of always fresh products of high quality;
  • recipe developed by our own technology;
  • prompt service and high level of service;
  • the possibility of pre-ordering and delivery of pancakes.

Advertising campaign

A pancake promotion plan should be thought out in advance and may include various tools.

Among them:

  • outdoor advertising at the location of the institution;
  • interior advertising: signs and menu boards;
  • distribution of flyers with special offers;
  • holding promotions and tastings;
  • creation of elements of corporate identity and visual concept;
  • development of social networks and attraction with non-standard content.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the development of corporate identity and standards of communication with the buyer, for the correct positioning of the company in the market. Branding elements must be present on the packaging and uniforms of employees.

Corporate style elements:

  • name and slogan;
  • logo;
  • corporate colors;
  • fonts.


It is possible to open a pancake in several formats.

The choice of a particular type depends on the following factors:

  1. The size and population of the settlement. The minimum number of inhabitants is 50 thousand people. In a large city, you can consider opening both small establishments and restaurants.
  2. Location. In passable places it is possible to organize large formats.
  3. The amount of starting capital. To implement an idea with a small investment, a kiosk or diner format is suitable.

Features of pancake formats are presented in the table:

FormatCharacteristicInitial investment, million rubles
Restaurant of national cuisine
  1. Large format catering establishment.
  2. When opened, it requires a large number of permissions. You also need to have experience as an entrepreneur in the catering industry.
  3. In addition to a variety of pancakes, the restaurant's menu should include a large number of national, including delicacy, dishes.
From 3 000 000
  1. Medium format catering establishments.
  2. Assumes the presence of staff up to 10 people.
  3. The basis of the assortment is pancakes. But there are also light snacks and a variety of drinks.
From 1 500 000
Mobile pancake or food truck
  1. A trendy niche with the possibility of mobile movement.
  2. Associated with the need to obtain permits to conduct activities. However, the status of a mobile cafe is not enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. It is necessary to provide communications: water supply and electricity.
from 2 000 000
food court
  1. Food outlet in large shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Associated with the neighborhood of a large number of competitors.
  3. The menu has a wide variety of pancake toppings and drinks. It is possible to add an assortment of salads and desserts.
from 1 000 000

The photo shows various options for organizing pancakes:

Pancake restaurant Pancake Cafe Food Court Food Truck

The video tells in detail about the business idea "Opening a mobile pancake shop from scratch." Filmed by the channel "Peasant".

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pancake

In order to understand how to start opening a pancake shop from scratch, you need to determine the main stages of implementing the idea.

Step by step steps to open a restaurant:

  1. Analysis of the local market and competitors.
  2. Passage of state registration and the choice of the form of taxation.
  3. Obtaining permits from supervisory authorities.
  4. Room selection and preparation.
  5. Purchase of equipment and furniture.
  6. Search and selection of suppliers of ingredients.
  7. Personnel selection.
  8. Development of technological maps and menu formation.
  9. Development of an advertising campaign and positioning methods.
  10. Discovery and timely adjustment of unforeseen moments.


Necessary package of documents for registration of a pancake shop:

  • certificate of registration in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • certificate of tax registration in accordance with the selected system and OKVED;
  • registration documents in the Pension Fund;
  • contracts for disinfestation and removal of solid and food waste;
  • fire alarm maintenance contract;
  • permissions from SES and State Fire Supervision;
  • product quality certificates.

The organizational and legal form of an enterprise can be both an individual entrepreneurship (IP) and a legal entity (LLC).

IP features:

  • involves registration of only a small format;
  • minimum terms and costs for registration;
  • the ability to choose a simplified taxation system with a tax rate of 15% (income minus expenses);
  • simple bookkeeping and reporting.

LLC features:

  • suitable for opening large formats of business and significant initial investment;
  • allows you to enter into contracts with legal entities.

Suitable OKVED codes for a pancake are:

  • 56.10.1 "Activities of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants."
  • 56.10.2 "Activities of preparing and/or selling food ready for direct consumption on the spot, from vehicles or mobile stands."

Room and design

Before you start looking for a suitable room, you need to determine its geographical location.

Good places to place a pancake:

  • central areas with a number of large office centers;
  • near educational institutions;
  • on the territory of railway and bus stations;
  • at the food courts of large shopping centers with high traffic;
  • in residential areas with developed infrastructure;
  • in parks and on the central walking streets.

The optimal area of ​​​​the premises for conducting activities is from 100 sq. m. with the presence of fire and burglar alarms.

Required areas in the room:

  • service and ordering area;
  • kitchen area;
  • sanitary zone;
  • utility rooms;
  • small storage areas.

The design of a pancake shop requires special attention and, often, 3D rendering. Even in a small room, the guest should be comfortable. The impression is made up of thoughtful details and the presence of corporate identity elements in the room.

The main features of the pancake house interior design:

  • ergonomics;
  • the use of predominantly warm colors in the decoration;
  • the presence of convenient branded dishes and cutlery;
  • decor that supports the style of the interior.

Pancake design examples:

Design with bright accents Pancake design in shades of green Laconic design of a pancake house located in a semicircular room Pancake house design in orange and black colors with ethnic elements

Equipment and inventory

After concluding a lease agreement for the premises, suitable equipment and tableware should be purchased.

The main list of equipment is given in the table:


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

price, rub.

crepe maker

Grill for pancakes


Bar and serving counter

coffee machine

Furniture for the visitor's room

Kitchen tools

Crockery and cutlery

Cash machine


Despite the relative simplicity of the technological process of baking pancakes, staff should be selected with experience in catering and knowledge of the specifics of a grocery enterprise.

An important selection criterion is the ability to communicate with the guest and the prompt performance of duties. Also a prerequisite is the presence of a sanitary book.

According to the calculations of the pancake business plan, the salary costs of the main personnel will be as follows:

Job title

Number of people

Salary, rub.

Monthly payment fund, rub.



Universal cook


1 25000 25000


cleaning service workers


Often, at the initial stage of organizing a business, the director performs the organizational functions of strategic and tactical management.

The main ones are:

  • organizes and coordinates the work of the company;
  • undertakes to ensure working conditions for personnel in accordance with labor legislation;
  • resolves emerging disputes;
  • manages property and profits;
  • searches for the best suppliers of raw materials and establishes a marketing policy.

The duties of a pancake technologist include:

  • development of recipes and their improvement;
  • updating the assortment based on demand;
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • optimization of production processes;
  • development of work schedules;
  • checking raw materials for quality and compliance with standards.

The duties of a pancake accountant include:

  • control of all financial activities of the enterprise and business transactions with material and monetary resources;
  • making proposals to stimulate the work of personnel and increase labor productivity;
  • formation of economic motivation funds;
  • analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • registration of all types of financial flows.

Financial plan

The volume of financial injections and income of the enterprise will depend on the chosen format.

Sources of financing and start-up capital for opening a pancake shop can be:

  • bank loan;
  • state funding based on grants and;
  • funds of the investor (investors);
  • personal funds.

How much does it cost to open a pancake shop?

According to entrepreneurs, any business related to catering should be started from a small format.

Costs for opening a pancake cafe:

Item of expenses

Costs, rub.

Premises rental fee

Repair at the request of all supervisory services

Registration of an enterprise and obtaining permits

Furniture and tableware

Equipment and household appliances

Purchase of raw materials and ingredients

Sewing uniforms for employees

Staff salaries for the first month of work


Recurring costs

The company's monthly expenses consist of the following items:


The profit of a pancake shop in the format of a small cafe is calculated based on the planned attendance of the establishment based on market analysis. On average, the attendance of the institution is 80 people per day. Average check (includes a pancake and a drink) 250 rubles.

The company's income is 600,000 rubles. per month. Net profit - 145,000 rubles. per month.

Calendar plan

The pancake business plan includes specific deadlines for launching the project:

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months
Market analysis+ +
Business plan preparation +
Registration of a package of documents +
Obtaining Additional Permissions + +
Construction/rental of premises + + +
Repair work + +
Purchasing and stocking + +
Recruitment +
Development of an advertising campaign + + +
Opening +

Risks and payback

The payback of the project at the given indicators is 10 months.

It is the possibility of a quick return on initial costs and the absence of global risks in organizing a small catering enterprise that attracts potential entrepreneurs. However, there are risks.

The main ones are:

  • unstable number of clients;
  • rapid growth and saturation of the market with fast food establishments of various formats;
  • frequent inspections by supervisory authorities;
  • rising cost of ingredients.

It is necessary to maintain a certain flexibility in planning and conducting the operational activities of the enterprise, adjusting to the demand of customers and their feedback. By setting high standards of service and service, you can earn a good reputation and receive a stable profit.


The history of the development of a pancake shop, which has existed for more than 10 years. From a small business to 70 points in eight cities of Russia. Author Yulia Soboleva.

Cafe-kiosk "Pancake" is being created in the city of regional significance in the largest shopping center in close proximity to children's attractions and an ice rink. The main attention of visitors should be attracted to pancakes, which are no different from homemade ones. The planned assortment is not very wide, but the dishes will be prepared from the highest quality products and according to the most delicious recipes. In addition to pancakes, a wide range of milk and fruit shakes, juices, teas and coffees with interesting exotic names and unique tastes are offered. Pancakes are prepared in front of the visitors.

The purpose of the business project: to open a fast-food cafe-kiosk in a shopping center in order to feed guests and residents of the city with an average income level with high-quality, tasty and always fresh spring rolls.

Description of the enterprise

It is planned to open a cafe-kiosk as an individual entrepreneur, without registering a legal entity, in order to reduce taxation and simplify financial reporting.

Number of jobs created: 5 people (supply manager, 2 cooks-salesmen and 2 people for distribution of flyers).

The pancake cafe operates on the same schedule as the shopping center, seven days a week. Depending on demand in the morning, the cafe can be opened from 10 am.

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Product Demand Analysis

Since the cafe-kiosk opens in close proximity to children's attractions and entertainment, the main consumers are, of course, families with children. Children will be happy to have a snack after active entertainment, parents can pass the time in a cafe with a cup of aromatic coffee.

Initial demand is expected to be small, but the following measures are being taken to increase it:

  1. The plan of the celebratory opening of the cafe with contests and gifts.
  2. Inviting people with flyers.
  3. Plan for cooperation with a nearby supermarket: when buying products for a certain amount, the buyer receives a 10% discount on pancakes.
  4. Promotion: Free cocktail or other drink with purchase of 3 servings.
  5. Contests are often held at children's attractions and the skating rink: the winners are treated to pancakes.

All these measures are aimed at attracting visitors to the center to a quality and tasty product. After some time, the cafe-kiosk will reach a constant level of demand. Everyone loves pancakes and products will easily find consumers. The plan to attract people is not limited - from advertising at bus stops to holding all kinds of events. Advertising in the first months of work plays a very important role.

For adults, you can open a Wi-Fi access point, children will be attracted by interesting costumes of robbers or other fairy-tale characters of cooks-sellers.

In the future, it is planned to introduce the “pancake holidays” service, when during the celebration of birthdays or other children's holidays, “fabulous” chefs are called with delicious pancakes and cocktails. Parents do not have to puzzle over how to make the holiday for the child interesting and memorable.

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Analysis of the existing market

Most often it happens that in shopping centers there are pizzerias, bowling cafes, points of sale of ice cream and hot dogs. Each of these places has its own audience. Young people most often prefer to chat in a pizzeria. Pancake is aimed at parents with children. Parents will prefer to satisfy their child's hunger with delicious fresh pancakes with a variety of fillings. The atmosphere of restaurants or noisy bowling cafes is not suitable for children, and hardly anyone wants to spoil their health with buns and sausages. In addition, a lot of people work in the shopping center who will be happy if they are served quickly and efficiently.

The pricing policy of the cafe is focused on people of average income.

Strengths: convenient location, modern equipment, fast service, individual approach to each visitor.

Weaknesses: the image of the cafe is not well formed.

Threats: Rising food prices, poor service (which can easily ruin a cafe's image), unfavorable tax policies.

Since the niche that the cafe focuses on is almost free, serious competition is not expected.

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Product range

The proposed product is pancakes. The fillings are very diverse: with cottage cheese, meat, mushrooms, red caviar, fruits, cheese, liver, nuts and other ingredients. The final list of toppings will be formed depending on demand. Serving is expected in cardboard disposable tableware. Sweet pancakes are decorated with fresh fruit, jam, caramel and mint. Salted pancakes are served with sour cream or sauce. Drinks include coffee with milk or spices, tea with fruit pieces, a wide selection of juices, cocktails, hot chocolate and milk.

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Basic costs for opening a pancake shop

Equipment needed to start a pancake business:

  1. Pancake maker - 2400 rubles.
  2. Cash register - 5000 rubles.
  3. Furniture, signboard, bar counter - 30,000 rubles.
  4. Food processor for dough, blender for cocktails - 8000 rubles.
  5. Refrigerator - 20,000 rubles.
  6. Crockery and kitchen utensils (knives, boards, etc.) - 4000 rubles.
  7. Kettle - 600 rubles.
  8. Microwave oven - 4500 rubles.

Other costs include a month's rent, taxes, employee salaries, flyer production, groceries, disposable tableware, vendor uniforms, and starting a private business.

To open a cafe, you need to rent 10 sq. m of the area of ​​the shopping center for a period of 1 year. The average monthly rent is 16 thousand rubles. Taking into account all the costs, 160 thousand rubles will be required to launch a pancake business plan.

The high pace of life made it a habit to snack on the run with foreign semi-chemical sandwiches and hamburgers. For a long time, the stomachs cannot withstand such an attitude, and now the already hungry client turns his head around in search of not only satisfying, but also healthy food. Come to his aid - offer hot, piping hot, our original Russian pancakes.

The dish, which has become a real symbol of national cuisine, needs no introduction even among foreigners, and even our compatriots, whose mornings in childhood began with a cup of milk and a rosy hill of lacy suns, will appreciate this option even more. By the way, one pancake without filling and sauces, but made from natural high-quality ingredients, will not exceed 1-2 rubles. And it is sold not cheaper than 10-12 rubles. Did you calculate income? Added an extra bonus from the sale of toppings, gravies and drinks? Impressive? Then let's figure out how to open a pancake shop on your own.

According to experts, two pancake formats work equally successfully - stationary and mobile. The requirements for choosing a place will be approximately the same - streets with an intense flow of people and places with the largest concentration of them:

  • exits of metro stations and busy underground passages in areas of transport stops;
  • large educational institutions - universities, institutes;
  • railway stations and bus stations;
  • large office centers;
  • shopping centers, markets and roads leading to them;
  • tourist attractions, parks and recreation areas.

Mobile pancake has an undeniable advantage - mobility. There is an opportunity to settle closer to recreation centers or a park in summer, and in a busy square or avenue in winter. Another plus is the relatively small initial investment. The downside is the limited area of ​​the kiosk, which seriously narrows the assortment and makes it impossible to equip full-fledged places for eating, only a tent with plastic furniture.

A stationary pancake shop is a higher level, which, on the one hand, will require more serious preparation and financial costs, and on the other hand, will provide an opportunity to expand and supplement the menu with a variety of Russian dishes - hot soups, cabbage soup, salads and desserts.

In such a pancake shop, you can create an attractive interior in the national style and a cozy atmosphere, and this will surely attract additional visitors. In terms of area, expect approximately 2 m² per seat, about 10–15 m² for the kitchen and 10 m² for utility and sanitary facilities. In total, it makes sense to select options from 60 m². This type of cafe works well in large residential areas. By the way, the pancake business plan should include a detailed description of the format of the institution, the required premises and equipment.

Business registration and equipment selection

The first thing to do is to register with the local government and the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For a small business, it is more convenient for an individual entrepreneur (individual) with lower registration costs - about 800 rubles, simplified reporting, fixed monthly insurance premiums of 1727.30 rubles. and contributions to the pension fund 1444.04 rubles.

Further, in the administration, obtain permission to install or open a retail outlet, after coordinating this with the sanitary and epidemiological supervision and the fire service. There are law firms that are professionally engaged in the collection of all permits and will help solve all the problems of the initial stage. And the entrepreneur will be able to focus on the purchase of equipment and recruitment.

For a small mobile point, two employees will be enough in shifts. A stationary pancake shop will require 1-2 cooks, depending on the work schedule, 3-4 kitchen workers, the same number of waiters and 2 administrators.

If a businessman does not buy a ready-made business, but thinks about how to open a pancake shop from scratch, then all offers of suitable equipment in the region should be considered. Often there are profitable sales of used devices, but in excellent condition.

The list of necessary equipment is small, and the quantity and overall dimensions must be selected in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room:

  • pancakes. 10,000–12,000 rubles It is not worth saving on them, take professional reliable devices. There are one- and two-post models on the market with the ability to bake up to 40 pancakes per hour, made in Italy, China, Taiwan and Ukraine. They work from the mains, differ in coating - teflon or cast iron, body material and the possibility or absence of heating the finished product;
  • professional dough mixer. 3,000–4,200 rubles Reliable - made in Germany with mode switching and power from 3.5 kW;
  • refrigerated counter or refrigerator. Keep raw foods and prepared meals strictly separately;
  • a counter for storing ready meals;
  • coffee machine. Drinks are an additional significant income, so the device must be productive;
  • blender, vegetable cutter, cutting boards, knives, shovels.

In a stationary pancake shop, the list of equipment will be expanded with a stove, an electric meat grinder and other devices for making fillings.

Operating expenses, profit and menu formation

On average, a pancake business as a business will require $10,000 to $25,000 in terms of costs, not including rent or purchase of premises. According to successful owners, the project pays off in 1–1.5 years, provided that it is well located and well managed.

It will take $3500-4300 monthly to maintain the work. Approximately these are the following costs:

  • products - $3000;
  • plastic utensils, napkins, packaging - $300;
  • employee salary - $600;
  • utility bills (electricity, garbage disposal, water) - $200;
  • taxes and deductions - $200.

Tentatively, the gross income of such a small point will be $ 5000-6000. Therefore, you can expect $1000-2000 profit per month. And this is very good for such a small investment in business.

Just when planning how to open a pancake shop where to start, leaf through cookbooks, ask professional chefs and friends who just love to cook deliciously. Gather a collection of the best recipes for pancakes and toppings. Indeed, only in classical Russian cuisine there are more than 150 variants of this wonderful dish.

In addition to popular varieties with chicken, cheese and mushrooms, sweet fillings are readily bought - apples with cinnamon, cottage cheese, condensed milk, honey and chocolate. Experiment, constantly add something of your own. Surprise and tasty feed a hungry client - and he will become your regular loyal customer. Successful pancake business!

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a fast food restaurant in the business center of the city with a population of 400,000 people. The activity of the enterprise will be aimed at providing services in the field of catering for people with an average income level.

The project will be based on such a popular product in Russia as pancakes. Pancake café will offer visitors pancakes of various flavors both as main and dessert dishes, as well as various hot and cold drinks. The advantage of the project is the development of a poorly covered niche in the field of catering. In the city, you can mainly find fast food like hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza and other things, but such a product as pancakes is practically not represented. The products of the pancake cafe will cost no more than the burgers familiar to the townspeople, while the taste qualities will not yield and surpass the products of competitors.

Investments in the Pancake Cafe project will amount to 1,254,000 rubles. Own funds will be used as a source of investment. The payback period is planned to be reached for 5 months of work.

2. Description of the industry and company

The pancake cafe is a new project in the city catering market. Fast food establishments in the city are mainly represented by pavilion-type establishments engaged in petty trade in hot dogs, pies, donuts and other fast food restaurants, whose products are hamburgers, pizza and so on. At the same time, such a traditional product for our country as pancakes is a practically uncovered niche. Pancakes are present in two restaurants of Russian cuisine and in some cafes of the city as one of the menu dishes. However, the potential of pancakes as fast food does not seem to be revealed, which is clearly demonstrated by the experience of other cities in the country, where there are entire chains of pancake cafes. Thus, the goal of the project is to fill this gap in the fast food market.

The advantages of the project, in addition to the absence of direct competitors, include the simplicity of making pancakes. To do this, chefs do not need to study for a long time or have special talents. In turn, the client does not have to wait a long time for the fulfillment of orders - pancakes are prepared within a couple of minutes. Given the variety of types of pancakes and excellent taste, this product will undoubtedly find its regular customers. At the same time, as a plus, it is worth noting the low cost of producing pancakes, thanks to which you can set a high margin of up to 300%. So, in the short term of the project lies the creation of a competitive catering establishment that consistently generates profits and has regular customers. In the long term, it is planned to open several catering outlets and create a network of pancake cafes in the city.

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The organizational and legal form of activity is a limited liability company. The USN was chosen as the taxation system (simplified system, the object of taxation is 6% income). OKVED classifier code - 53.30 Activities of restaurants and cafes.

3.Description of services

The main difference between a pancake cafe and many catering establishments will be that pancakes will be baked in the presence of a client on special pancake machines. The visitor will be able to see for himself that the chefs make a new pancake, and do not warm up the old one, while adding only natural fresh products and observing hygiene when cooking. After cooking, the pancake will be packed in special paper packaging. Thanks to this, if desired, the finished product can be consumed both in a cafe and in the office or on the go, without fear of getting dirty or burned.

Products will be targeted at middle-income buyers. The assortment of the pancake shop will include pancakes served as main courses and as a dessert. A savory menu will include hearty pancakes for those who are very hungry and light pancakes for those who are not very hungry. Customers can also purchase salads, hot or cold drinks. The list of products is given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Product range



Cost, rub.

Pancake Grill

Pancake with grilled chicken (hearty)

Pancake Meat

Pancake with pork meat (hearty)

Pancake Marine

Pancake with seafood (hearty)

Pancake with cheese

Pancake with cheese (light)

Pancake with sausage

Pancake with sausage (light)

Pancake with salami

Pancake with salami (light)

Salads (3 types), 100 g

Pancake caramel

Pancake with caramel filling

Pancake strawberry

Pancake with strawberry filling

Currant pancake

Pancake with currant filling

Pancake apple

Pancake apple

fruit juice

Fruit juice (6 types), 0.3 l

Sparkling water

Carbonated water, 0.3 l.

Black tea

Black tea, 0.2 l

Green tea

Green tea, 0.2 l

Coffee (espresso, americano)

The provision of the described services will not require licensing, however, activities in the field of catering will require coordination with Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection (Gospozhnadzor).

4.Sales and marketing

In the area chosen for the establishment of a pancake cafe, there is a pronounced need for catering establishments. The area has a large number of office buildings, banks, small firms, whose employees have breakfast, lunch and dinner somewhere every day. However, the existing establishments do not fully satisfy the need not only for fast, but also for delicious traditional food, which is pancakes.

The concept of pancake promotion on the market will be based on a set of actions aimed at an effective pricing and assortment policy, a high level of service. The assortment of cafes will be adapted to different taste preferences of customers, different wallets and even different degrees of hunger of customers. The pricing policy will be formed on the basis of demand and prices of competitive catering establishments.

Among the competitors of the pancake cafe are four catering establishments located close to the planned location. It should be noted that none of the clients offers such products as pancakes, so the niche is free. In Table. 2, we analyzed the main indicators of competitors, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Table 2. Main indicators of competitors of the pancake cafe


Competitor 1

Competitor 2

Competitor 3

Competitor 4

Fast food cafe 70 sq. m.

pavilion 4 sq. m.

Restaurant 300 sq. m.

Cafe-dumplings 40 sq. meters


Daily, from 9.00-19.00

Mon.-Fri. from 8.30-17.00

Daily, from 10.00-22.00

Mon. – Sat. 9.00-18.00


Wide (burgers, ice cream, cocktails)

narrow (shawarma, hot dogs, drinks)

Wide (first, second courses, desserts, several types of cuisines)

medium (dumplings, dumplings, drinks)

Price level

Service Level


the possibility of accommodating visitors, delicious food

quick cooking

Delicious food, big room, waiters

Possibility to accommodate visitors


Big lines, crowded

small selection, lack of places for visitors, long queues, the need to pre-order

Expensive menu

Bad reputation of the owner, "an institution for its own", frequent complaints about the quality of meat


As can be seen from Table 2, competitor #3 is a restaurant that will not be a direct competitor to a pancake shop due to its format. Consumers have a rather negative impression of another establishment (cafe-dumplings), which is why its services are practically not in demand. Consequently, two main competitors remain - a fast food cafe and a hot dog pavilion. Compared to the latter, the pancake shop will be able to offer a wide range of products. In addition, customers will not need to wait for an order on the street. Unlike the first cafe, the pancake shop will be able to offer a different assortment, which, no doubt, will find its fans and lure away some customers. Also, a larger area will be a plus.

Since the pancake cafe will be located in a busy area of ​​the city, the start-up advertising campaign will not require serious investments. At the initial stage, POS materials will be used to attract customers, which will inform about the opening of a cafe. Also, on the first day of opening, every tenth client of the institution will receive a free pancake as a gift. Further in the process of work, leaflets and flyers will inform customers about the menu update, colorful posters will also be used on the windows of the institution. They will depict products that cause appetite and desire to make a purchase. In the long term, in case of opening new outlets and increasing the marketing budget, it is possible to hold holiday promotions for Shrovetide, New Year and other holidays, as well as use other methods to increase customer loyalty.

5.Production plan

The technology for making pancakes is quite simple. For their preparation, special devices for baking pancakes will be used. Pancake makers have a non-stick coating, so they come out ruddy, but do not burn. Raw materials are put into pancakes manually. After that, the chef packs each pancake in a special convenient package. Cooking time for one pancake is about a minute.

If we take the most popular grilled pancake as the basis for calculations, then the calculation of the production cost of one pancake will look like this (see Table 3).

Table 3. Calculation of production cost


Raw material consumption

Price for 1 kg




Vegetable oil


white sauce


Thus, taking into account the cost of packaging (2 rubles), the cost of a “basic” pancake will be 37 rubles. In the future, calculations will be made taking into account this value. It is supposed to sell 9,120 pancakes per month, or 300 pancakes a day. In addition to the above costs, the current costs of the pancake cafe will include: utilities and electricity, transportation costs, rent, wages, security, consumables, and so on.

To open a pancake shop, a former dining room with an area of ​​100 sq. meters, located in a busy area of ​​the city with a population of 400 thousand people. At the time of the repair, an agreement was reached with the landlord on rent vacations. The cost of work will be 5 thousand rubles. per sq. area meter. Equipping the cafe with equipment will require the attraction of 389 thousand rubles. The list of necessary is given in Table. 4.

Table 4 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

pancake machine

Contact grill


Distribution stand

Coffee maker

Electric kettle

wall panel

Fire extinguishers and burglar alarms (including installation)

Kitchen utensils and crockery

Cash equipment


389 000

The staff of the pancake cafe will be represented by 11 employees. The wage fund and staffing are given in Table. 5. A forwarding driver also works behind the staff, delivering raw materials to a cafe.

The cafe will be open daily from 09:00 to 20:00. The work of cooks, cashiers and cleaners will be organized in shifts. The key requirements in the selection of personnel will be: the availability of professional training and qualifications in the specialty, experience in the field of public catering, conscientiousness, responsibility, honesty.

Table 5. Staffing and payroll

Job title

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.



Chief Accountant


25 000


291 000


Total with deductions:

6. Organizational plan

A limited liability company (LLC) was chosen as the legal status of the pancake cafe. The preparatory period of the project will include the following types of work:

1. Registration of a legal entity.

2.Conclusion of a contract for the lease of premises.

3.Conclusion of a contract for the purchase of the necessary equipment.

4. Renovation of the premises.

5.Installation of equipment.

6. Hiring staff.

7. Obtaining a permit for the provision of services in the field of public catering.

The start of sales is scheduled for September 2016. The deadline for reaching the planned volumes is set at two months.

The organizational structure of the pancake cafe will include an administrative link (general director and administrator of the cafe), a production link (cooks), a trade link (salesmen-cashiers), an accounting department (chief accountant) and support staff (cleaners). The head of the cafe is the general manager. He directly reports to the administrator-manager of the cafe, who in turn manages the cooks, cashiers and cleaners, and the chief accountant.

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The CEO is in charge of the overall management of the cafe. He controls the financial activities of the institution, negotiates with suppliers, the landlord, and is engaged in the selection of personnel. The chief accountant is responsible for the management of the financial activities of the institution. His duties include keeping records of income and expenses, timely transfer of taxes, payment of salaries. The administrator of the pancake cafe coordinates the work of the staff, works with personnel, organizes the supply of products, is responsible for marketing, resolves disputes and conflict situations with visitors. The cook prepares orders: prepares the ingredients and dough for pancakes, lays the filling, and ensures the storage of products. Sellers-cashiers take orders from visitors, pay customers.

7. Financial plan

Investments in the opening of a pancake cafe will amount to 1,254,000 rubles. Funds for the opening of the institution will be taken from its own sources without borrowing. Starting cost items are given in Table. 6. Appendix 1 contains financial calculations for cash flow, costs and net profit. The estimated duration of the project is 3 years. Reaching the planned sales volume (9,120 pancakes per month) - 3 months. The calculations take into account seasonality indicators with a decrease in demand for pancakes during the holiday season (from June to the end of August) by 30%.

Table 6. Investment costs

Cost item

Amount, rub.

Investments in real estate

Premises renovation

Room equipment

Purchase of equipment

Intangible assets

Procedures for registration, clearance (SES, firefighters)

working capital

working capital

250 000


1 254 000

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

In Table. 7 shows the key performance indicators of the project.

Table 7. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and warranties

In Table. 8 considers the main risks for the implementation of the "Cafe-Pancake" project.

Table 8. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Lack of constant demand

extremely low

Contact with potential customers at the stage of preparation for the opening, distribution of advertising

The emergence of new competitors

Emphasis on the specifics of the cuisine, expanding the range, working to increase customer loyalty

Low solvency of buyers

Revision of pricing policy in the course of activities, cost reduction

Unplanned rent increase

Legally competently drawn up lease agreement, long-term agreement with a fixed rate in rubles


Installation of fire and security alarms, following safety instructions



Production plan and main financial indicators of the project in a three-year perspective

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