Download lp list latest version. Preferential professions


Scroll can be prepared based on the data provided for the previous reporting period. If this data is generated in an xml format document, load the document into the program, and then make some changes: reporting year, reporting period, nominal and staffing positions. Click the OK button. You will see how the process of forming a new list. Once it is generated, you will be able to see it in a new window.

If you do not have a benefit list professions for previous periods, form it from scratch. To get started, fill in the necessary data about yourself: the name of the organization, registration, type of activity, type of organization, head, head of department and other fields required to fill in. Once all the data is entered, click the "Save" button.

After that, proceed to fill in other, intuitive fields. The program is designed in such a way that it will not be difficult to master it. All you need is the ones that are in without fail available from the Human Resources Department. For example, to fill out the staffing table, fill in the following lines:, name according to OKPDTR, basis for benefits, position on the list.

Next, fill in the list of names: insurance number, full name, retirement date, beginning and end of the period, position, profession and basis for benefits. If you need to make changes to the list of names, find the employee you need using the "Find an employee" button. Program " Scroll preferential professions" is built in such a way that you only need to fill in the required fields, which it will compile on its own.

The legislation of the Russian Federation contains a list of citizens who can apply for a preferential pension. It is not difficult to receive this type of pension, the main thing is to follow the established procedure and submit all the necessary documents to the Pension Fund.


Check out the list of citizens who may qualify for. This list is laid out in the Federal Law "On labor pensions in Russian Federation". Basically, the following can count on receiving benefits: those employed in heavy or hazardous production, having a large family, working in the North, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of the medical industry working with people deprived of their liberty, people of creative professions working in educational institutions and much more.

Collect all the necessary documents to receive a preferential pension. These include standard documents: passport, income statement, work book. In addition, you must obtain a preferential certificate at the place of work, which will indicate the date of work, position, professional number and profession code. This document will allow you to prove the right to receive a preferential pension. It is also necessary to collect copies of various orders related to seniority. When you receive the appropriate extract from the registry office.

Send a package of documents for consideration by the commission of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Within a month, the authenticity of the provided data will be verified, orders will be verified and wages with pension contributions in your name, and a decision has been made to assign a preferential pension. In case of refusal, you will receive written notice, which will indicate the reason. If it consists in a lack of documents, then submit the missing certificates to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within three months.

Remember that the accrual of pension payments will be made from the date of application. In this regard, it is recommended to start collecting all required documents a month before release retirement. Also, when applying for a discount retirement check that the employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has set the correct date for incoming correspondence.


  • what documents preferential pension

receive preferential retirement may some categories of citizens who performed work in difficult conditions or work that resulted in premature disability.


First, find out if you belong to the already mentioned category of citizens. A preferential pension is provided for workers who work underground all day. In this case, the man must be 50 years old, work experience must be at least 20 years, of which 10 - in hard work. For women, the figures are slightly lower: you need to reach 45 years old, work 15 years and 7 and a half, respectively. A preferential pension is also due to people who have worked as machinists, tractor drivers or drivers of passenger transport, trucks etc. A complete list of all conditions required to enter the retirement, described in the law "On labor pensions".

8.1 Message “Mismatch of data types in expression of selection condition”

Since the database of the "List of Medicines" program uses the MS Access format, in some cases additional configuration of the operating system parameters is required for the correct operation of the program.

Figure 8.1. Error message in case of inappropriate settings
operating system

If, when you try to open a division for editing, a message similar to the one shown in Fig. 8.1, you must perform the following steps: select [Start] > [Control Panel] > [Regional and Language Options], "Regional Settings" tab, "Settings" button. In the window that opens, on the "Numbers" tab, in the "Integer and fractional part separator" field, put "." (point); on the “Date” tab, in the “Short date format” field, select “dd.MM.yyyy”, “Date component separator” “.” (dot). Save the specified parameters and continue working with the program.

8.2 Message “I/O error 123” when saving List to XML file

If the message “I/O error 123” appears when saving the List to an XML file (Fig. 8.2), the LP List program you launched is probably installed on another computer. In this case, you need to connect the directory where the program is installed as a network drive.

Figure 8.2. Error message when saving List to XML file

To do this (shown on the example of MS Windows XP) in Windows Explorer, select the menu item [Tools] > [Map network drive] (Fig. 8.3).

Figure 8.3. Windows Explorer menu item to map a network drive

In the window that opens, select any free drive letter and in the "Folder" field specify the path to the directory where the LP List program is installed (Fig. 8.4).

Figure 8.4. Network drive map window

After connecting a network drive, the program should be launched from this drive (for example, if the drive letter is “Z”, as in the example, to launch the LP List program, you need to run the Z:\list.exe file).

9. Frequently Asked Questions

9.1 Completing the List

Headcount 0.5; what should be put in the actual number column?

Question: If by position headcount 0.5, and 1 person works in this position, what should I write in the column for the actual number: 0.5 or 1?

Answer: The actual number column should reflect the number of people who worked during the reporting period for this position. The actual number is always an integer (because the unit of measure is people). If during the year several people worked at the position, for example, in the first half of the year one employee for 0.5 rates, in the second - the other for the same 0.5 rates, then the actual number will be 2.

We have 1 surgeon on staff, one person worked for half a year, another for half a year, we enter this data - the program swears. What to do?

Question: We have 1 surgeon on staff, one person worked for half a year, another for half a year, we enter this data - the program swears and does not save, says that the error is not equal to the equality of the staff and the actual number. How to be in this situation?

Answer: We are talking about the situation shown in Fig. 8.1: discrepancy between the actual number indicated in the positions of the staff list and the number calculated by the program according to the list of names.

Figure 9.1. Number mismatch message

The staffing may be 1 (1 rate), but the actual number should reflect the number of employees employed during the reporting period in this position (in this case, 2). Therefore, in the table of staffing positions (upper table) in the column "Staffing headcount" you need to specify 1, and in the "Actual headcount" column - 2 (Fig. 8.2)

Figure 9.2. Correctly completed MD List

How to fix the error: corrective or original List?

Question: When filling out the original List, an error was made, but it was discovered after the List was submitted to the FIU. What type of List to choose to correct the error?

Answer: in this case, it is better not to change the List type (original); it is recommended to make the necessary corrections and upload the corrected original List in XML.

Is it possible not to use the PS "List of medicinal products" for the preparation of the List?

Question: Is it possible to prepare the List in another program? Or is it necessary to use the PS "List of LP"?

Answer: You are not required to use the PI List to prepare the List. Any other suitable software tool may be used. The main thing is that the List prepared by you should correspond to the required format and follow the recommendations for filling out your territorial body of the PFR. A description of the format can be obtained either from the territorial office of the FIU, or upon request to the address [email protected] pfr. en(Borisova Irina Alexandrovna), indicating in the subject of the letter “Format of the List of Medicines”. A utility to check the list for conformity with the format is included in this software tool ([Start] > [Programs] > [List of privileged professions] > [Checking the format of the List])

Data validation is disabled, why does the program still show errors?

Question: Checking the data for completeness and correctness when entering data about the department is disabled, but the program still looks for errors and does not allow saving information without saving them. Why?

Answer: Even if validation is disabled, the program performs the minimum required validation of the input data. This is necessary so that this information can then be stored and displayed correctly. The minimum required checks include control of the date format in the table of positions of the staffing table and in the list of names (start and end dates of the work period).

The value I need is not in the classifier. What to do?

Question: In the classifier of profession codes according to lists No. 1,2, there is no code I need. When I enter it myself, the program does not save the data. What to do?

Answer: Contact your local FIU with a comment. According to comments of this kind, changes are made to the classifier only if the absence of a code is confirmed by the FIU specialists.

9.2 Program operation

I found a bug in the program, who should I contact?

Question: I found an error in the program, who should I contact?

Answer: You need to contact your territorial office of the FIU; there, comments and suggestions are summarized and sent to the developers of the program.

Is it possible to work in MS Windows 98?

Question: I have Windows 98 installed on my computer, how can I work with the LP List software program?

Answer: The program also works on operating system Windows 98; only the function of loading the List from an XML file into the program will be unavailable. This is due to the operating system requirements of the MSXML 6.0 component used in the program. If you still need to load the List into the program, you can use the following method. On a computer with any suitable operating system (Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, etc.), install the PS "List of medicines", load the XML file containing the List you need into the program, and after the process is successfully completed, close the program. Then copy and replace the source.mdb file located in the folder where the LP List is installed from the computer on which the download was performed to the Windows 98 computer (to the same folder). Now, when you start the program, you will see the List loaded on another computer and you can continue to work with it. Saving the List to an XML file, as well as loading a list of names from individual information can also be run on the Windows 98 operating system.

1 The difference between the original List and the corrective List lies in the amount of data provided to the FIU. If the type of the List is INITIAL, then it should contain information about all positions in the organization's staffing table, as well as a complete list of employees for the reporting period (if necessary). The CORRECTION type of the List implies that it will present only changes in the staffing table that have occurred since the last submission of the List to the FIU. In this case, for each position of the staffing table, the type of change must be indicated. Thus, when re-submitting to the FIU, the choice of the type of the List remains with the employer (unless there are other recommendations from the FIU).

1 Correction by the user of some types of errors does not automatically remove the corresponding message from the list (this is due to the fact that dynamic tracking of these types of errors requires a significant amount of time). Such errors include a discrepancy between the name of the profession in the name list, the name in the positions of the pants schedule, the discrepancy between the grounds for benefits and the code according to lists 1.2. After correcting such errors, save the information - the entered data will be re-analyzed and, if they are correct, error messages will be deleted from the list.

1 About how the program calculates the actual number: for each position of the staffing table, a search is made for employees in the list of names with the same job title (according to the staffing table). Next, the program checks the coincidence of the working conditions specified for the position and for the found workers. The working conditions in this case are a combination of grounds for benefits and a code according to lists No. 1 and 2. Finally, the list of found employees is adjusted taking into account the periods of work: only those remain whose period in this profession falls within the period of the position (that is, if the position "teacher" has an entry date in staffing 09/01/2008, and the period of work of the teacher Ivanov I.I. 01/01/2008-06/31/2008, then Ivanov I.I. when calculating the actual number for the above position, "teacher" will not be taken into account). The number of remaining employees on the list will be the actual number of positions.

This program is specifically designed to prepare electronic reporting, which contains the relevant lists for further transfer to Pension Fund.


It is worth noting that this program, unfortunately, cannot perfectly prepare documents of all types. However, if you need software that will generate general documentation, and not just a list of medicines, in which case you will have to install the PD SPU. The program, which was developed for the Pension Fund, can only draw up documents with a detailed list of all existing privileged professions, as well as draw up documentation in accordance with the established requirements.


Having studied the various functions of the LP List program, we have formed for you the main features of this software and invite you to familiarize yourself with them:
  • creating and changing the entire list of possible professions and positions, the employment of which may carry guarantees for the early receipt of labor pension funds;
  • transfer of information to a special format for more convenient processing, as well as the formation and loading of a database for detailed analysis and processing in the LP List software;
  • ordering the list of all beneficiaries in alphabetical order, as well as printing the document, which is carried out using a printer.
  • available statistical information for clients.


A convenient and simple interface will help you freely master all the functions of the program, which you can then apply in practice. In the main menu you will find five tabs that you will need in your work. The toolbar is located below the menu. You will find the names of the lines in the tooltips, although they are not difficult to guess from the icons.

Main features of the software

  • formation of documents for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of auto-completion of documents, if there are other sources, if there are none, then the filling is done manually;
  • formation in the program of a list of privileged professions and the ability to print using a printer;
  • an existing database with detailed statistics;
  • formation of a list in which all rights to receive early pension are indicated;
  • user-friendly interface.

For several years now, a government decree has been in force in Russia, which fixed the list of professions on preferential pension. These professions are officially recognized as harmful to human health. The new resolution was a continuation of the previously published list of professions and again made it relevant. Citizens employed in these professions can rightfully count on a variety of benefits from the state and early retirement for old age.

Today there are two official registers of privileged professions. In many ways they are similar, but they also have some differences from each other.

The first list of professions giving the right to a preferential pension was approved during the Soviet era in 1956. In accordance with Soviet law, this list was valid until 1992, exactly until the time when the country of the Soviets ceased to exist.

On January 1, 1992, Russia assumed obligations to beneficiaries. People who started working in the Soviet era and remained on the territory of Russia could count on privileges in the same volume. For citizens who began to work already under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation on January 1, 1992, a list of professions for a preferential pension, list 2, was formed. This is the fundamental difference between the two lists, and in content they are almost identical. Both lists are based on the following criteria:

  • the nature of the impact of production factors on the human body;
  • the level of influence of production factors on the human body.

List of 2 privileged professions

The list of 2 privileged professions for early retirement includes specialists:

  • mining;
  • for the production of metals;
  • for production chemical substances;
  • for the processing of metals, shale and coal;
  • working in the field of communications;
  • employed in the field Food Industry;
  • employed in the healthcare sector;
  • employed in railway transport;
  • employed in the field of social security.

List 1 privileged professions

List 1 of professions for a preferential pension includes specialties united by the presence of a single factor at work - extremely dangerous and harmful conditions labor activity.

The list includes:

  • professions of health professionals;
  • professions of specialists in the field of printing;
  • professions of specialists in the field of transport;
  • professions of mining workers;
  • professions of specialists working on the processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, medicines, glass, chemical, building materials, oil products, gas;
  • professions of mining workers;
  • some other professions.

Preferential professions 2016

In 2016, the list of preferential professions for early retirement included more than three hundred items. Representatives of each of the professions are entitled to early retirement and preferential conditions from the state.

Examples of professions from the list of 2016:

  • miners;
  • pulp industry specialists;
  • hot workers production shops;
  • printing production workers;
  • casters, ship stokers, manual welding electric welders;
  • divers;
  • specialists interacting with radioactive elements;
  • radiologists.

List of privileged professions 2017

The list of privileged professions in 2017 contains the following positions (examples):

  • machinists, stokers, dispatchers and other specialists providing traffic and safety railway transport;
  • drillers, mining masters and other specialists employed in mines, in quarries;
  • workers involved in the harvesting and transportation of timber;
  • aviation ribbon crew, rescuers, paratroopers, paratroopers;
  • workers of nuclear ships, tugs, gas carriers.
  • employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  • employees of the State Border Service of the Russian Federation;
  • all specialists engaged in pedagogical and educational activities;
  • healthcare workers;
  • representatives creative teams;
  • all workers employed in severe climatic and physical conditions.

PFR - preferential professions for retirement

All professions included in list 1 of preferential professions for early retirement are eligible for early retirement in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the special experience must be at least 10 years, and the general experience must be more than 20 years for men. For women 7.5 years 15 years respectively. You can receive a pension for specialists from list 1 starting at the age of 45 for women and 50 for men.

Also, all specialties included in list 2 have the same right to pensions. But the requirements for specialists from list 2 who want to exercise this right are a little tougher:

  • more than 12.5 years of special and 25 years of general experience for men;
  • more than 10 years of special and 20 years of general experience for women.

The retirement age for representatives of all professions from list 2 is reduced by 5 years.

Preferential experience - professions for preferential pension

Preferential pension or seniority is an early offensive retirement age. In 2017, according to statistics, about 15 percent of pensions are assigned ahead of schedule, based on preferential criteria.

By law, the length of service for beneficiaries is reduced by 5 years. That is, as of 2017, women can retire from hazardous industries at 50, not 55, and men at 55, not 60. At the same time, prerequisite the appointment of a preferential pension should be:

  • experience directly in hazardous production - at least 6 years for men;
  • experience directly in hazardous work for at least five years for women;
  • total experience - at least 25 years for men;
  • total experience - at least 20 years for women.

Preferential experience list of professions:

  • miners;
  • food industry specialists;
  • workers of production shops;
  • workers employed in the production of printing;
  • health workers;
  • lifeguards and firefighters.

Preferential construction professions

The construction industry also allows specialists employed in it to count on preferential pensions. Preferential professions in construction, they refer to the positions of both workers and managers.

User guide

software tool

"List of privileged professions of the enterprise"

Version 2.0

Krasnoyarsk, 2008

Introduction. 3

Notation used. 4

1. Creation of the List. 5

1.1 Creation on the basis of the List for the last reporting period. 5

1.2 Filling in general data. 7

1.3 Editing the list of activities. eleven

1.4 Filling in information about the officials of the organization. 12

1.5 Adding and editing data about departments. thirteen

1.6 Working with the "Subdivision" window. fifteen

1.6.1 Filling in the table of positions of the staffing table. eighteen

1.6.2 Filling in the table of the name list. 21

1.6.3 Updating work periods.. 26

1.6.4 Search for an employee in the name list. 26

1.6.5 Saving changes and exiting the subdivision window. 29

2. Search for an employee by organization. 33

3. Print List and statistics. 35

3.1 Printing the List. 35

3.2 Printing a list of names. 37

3.3 Printing a List Report.. 38

3.4 Printing a report on the list of names. 39

4. Working with the List in XML format. 41

4.1 Saving the List to an XML file.. 41

4.3 Consolidation of several Organization Lists into one. 45

4.4 Errors when loading the List from an XML file.. 46

6. Additional features. 54

6.1 Using the Wizard to Prepare the List. 54

6.2 Working with multiple organizations. 58

6.3 Simultaneous operation of several users. 59

7. Possible problems when working with the program. 62

8. Frequently Asked Questions.. 63

8.1 Completing the List. 63

Headcount 0.5; what should be put in the column actual number?. 63

How to fix the error: corrective or original List?. 63

Is it possible not to use the PS "List of medicinal products" to prepare the List?. 63

Data validation is disabled, why does the program still show errors?. 64

The value I need is not in the classifier. What to do?. 64

8.2 Program operation.. 64

I found an error in the program, who should I contact?. 64

Is it possible to work in MS Windows 98?. 65


The software tool "List of preferential professions of the enterprise" is intended for the preparation by insurers of the List of jobs, professions, positions, employment in which entitles insured persons to early retirement in accordance with Articles 27, 28 federal law-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the List).

This software tool is intended for use at the workplaces of specialists personnel services responsible for maintaining personal records at the enterprise and allows you to perform the following functions:

· Creation and adjustment of the List of jobs, professions (positions), employment in which gives the right to early appointment of labor pensions;

Printing of the List in the form of a standard form;

Printing a list of names in the form of a standard form;

Obtaining statistics with output to the screen and printer

Notation used

This user guide uses the following conventions:

Attention! - special attention should be paid to the text following such a word;

The text next to such a symbol describes additional features of the software.

1. Creation of the List

1.1 Creation based on the List for the last reporting period

The list can be prepared on the basis of available data for another reporting year.

If only the List in XML format is available for the previous period, load it into the program (for more details, see the section “Loading the List from an XML file”), change the value in the “Reporting year” field and make the necessary changes to the staffing positions and the list of names.

If the List for the previous reporting period is already available in the "List of PI" program, you can start filling out a new List for the same organization, but for another year, simply by copying the available data. To do this, being in the required List, select the item [List] > [Start filling in a new List] > [For a new reporting year] (Fig. 1.1.1)" width="276" height="141 src=">

Figure 1.1.2. Entering the reporting year for the new List

After pressing the “OK” button, the process of forming a new List based on the existing one will begin. Upon completion, a corresponding message will be displayed and the new List(Fig. 1.1.3)." width="409" height="356 src=">

Figure 1.1.4. Selecting a List to Edit:
switching between reporting years

1.2 Filling in general data

If there is no data from previous reporting periods, the creation of the List begins with filling in general data about the List and the organization (Fig. 1.2.1):

Figure 1.2.1. Creation of the List. Filling in general data

general information about the List:

Compilation date - the current date is set by default, but it is possible to change it to another date;

the date of certification of workplaces in the organization;

· the reporting year for which the List is provided;

sign of agreement with the trade union committee;

· Type of the List – initial (when filling in for the initial submission of the List) or corrective (when changes are submitted annually to the List).

general information about the organization:

· name of company;

· registration number organizations in the FIU in the format NNN-NNN-NNNNNN (for example, 002);

list of types of activities of the organization by classifier - to specify the list, you need to click on the button with three dots next to the field "Type of activity" (Fig. 1.2.2). For more information about creating and editing a list of activities, see the "Editing a list of activities" section;

Figure 1.2.2.. Button for editing the type of organization's activity

type of organization according to the classifier;

information about the manager, head of personnel department and chairman trade union committee- on the main form (Fig. 1.2.1), you can indicate the names of the relevant officials (Fig. 1.2.3).

Figure 1.2.3. Entering data on the names of officials of the organization

For input additional information(position title and contact phone number) you need to click the “…” buttons next to the corresponding fields (Fig. 1.2.4). For more information about filling in this information, see the section "Filling in information about the officials of the organization"

Figure 1.2.4. Buttons for opening a window for entering and editing information about official

periods of the heating season;

periods of navigation periods.

Attention! The fields in bold type are mandatory for the policyholder to fill in (in the absence of mandatory data, saving is not possible).

To save the entered general data about the List and the organization, click the "Save" button. Before saving, the correctness of the entered data is checked and, if an error is found, an appropriate message is displayed (for example, “Specify the type of activity of the organization!”), And saving is not performed. Upon successful saving, a corresponding information inscription appears in the lower part of the window (Fig. 1.2.5)

Figure 1.2.5. An inscription indicating the successful saving of data

If you click the "Close" button, the save will not be performed, and the program will be closed.

1.3 Editing the list of activities

The window for selecting types of activity is designed to generate a list of types of activities of an organization or department. The basis for the formation of the list is a special classifier. An organization (and subdivision) can have several activities at the same time.

The window contains three areas (Fig. 1.3.1): in the left part there is a classifier of types of activity (located under the inscription "Possible types of activity"), in the right part of the window there is an area in which the types of activities selected for the organization (subdivision) are placed, and in the center are two buttons "Select" and "Remove".

Figure 1.3.1. Window "Select activities"

In order to indicate what type of activity an organization (subdivision) has, find the name of the required type in the left list, select it by clicking with the mouse, and then click the "Select" button (Fig. 1.3.2). The name of the activity type will now be in the right area of ​​the window in the list of selected ones.

Figure 1.3.2. Selecting the type of activity from the classifier

To remove an activity type from the list of selected ones, select it in the right list and click the "Remove" button. The activity type will move from the right list to the left one.

You can move an activity type from one list to another by double-clicking on the corresponding type name.

If the message “Select an activity!” is displayed when pressing the “Select” or “Remove” buttons and nothing else happens, this means that you forgot to select the type of activity you need from the right or left list before pressing the button. Close the message box by clicking OK, select an activity from the list, and try again.

Pressing the "OK" button will confirm the changes made in the list and close the "Select activities" window. The Cancel button simply closes the window without applying any changes.

1.4 Filling in information about the officials of the organization

Information about the officials of the organization is entered in a special window, which can be opened by clicking on the “…” button located next to the fields “Head”, “Head of the personnel department” and “Chairman of the PC” (Fig. 1.2.4). As a result, a window will appear in which you can specify the last name, first name and patronymic of the corresponding official, his position and contact phone number (Fig. 1.4.1).

Attention! For the head of the personnel department, a contact phone number is required!

Figure 1.4.1.. Window for entering information about the official (in this case, about the head)

Pressing the “OK” button will save the entered information and return to the main window to the “General data” tab.

Clicking on the "Cancel" button allows you to simply close this window without saving the changes made.

1.5 Adding and editing department data

After being entered general information about the List and organization, you can start working with units. For this, the “By departments” tab is intended (Fig. 1.5.1). Here is a table of departments, information about which has already been entered. There are five columns in the table: subdivision number, subdivision name, site name, number of positions (professions) presented for this subdivision, number of employees indicated in the subdivision name list. The order of the rows in the table can be changed (sorted). For this, special switches are designed, by clicking on which you can select the type of sorting: by the number of the department, by its name, by the name of the site (workshop), by the number of staffing positions in the department, by the number of employees. By default, departments are sorted by name." align="left" width="21" height="77">You can also open the window for editing information about the unit by double-clicking on the table row .

1.6 Working with the Department window

When you click on the "Add department" or "Edit department information" button in the main program window on the "By Departments" tab (Fig. 1.5.1), the window shown in Fig. 1.5.1 opens. 1.6.1 and 1.6.2. This window is intended for entering information about the subdivision (workshop) that has privileged professions." alt="(!LANG: Callout 3 (with border): list of filling errors" width="228" height="61">!} .jpg" width="470" height="386 src=">

Figure 1.6.2. Window for entering information about the subdivision.
Bookmark "Positions and name list"

The “Positions and Name List” tab contains two tables (Fig. 1.6.2):

table of positions of the staff list for privileged professions for this unit;

· a table of the nominal list of employees of the unit, employed in positions giving the right to a preferential appointment of a pension.

The height of the tables can be adjusted by dragging up and down the separator - a solid horizontal green bar located under the staffing table and under the name list table.

Above the name list table there are two buttons: "Find an employee", intended for quick search in the list of names (see section 1.6.4 "Search for an employee") and the button "Update periods" (section 1.6.3).

At the bottom of the window are three buttons: Save, Save and Close, and Close. The "Save" button is intended for intermediate fixing of data entered about the unit; The window does not close. When you click on the "Save and close" button, the data is saved, the current window is closed and the return to the main program window occurs. Clicking on the "Close" button will simply close the current window without saving any changes.

1.6.1 Filling in the table of staff positions

When filling out the table, it is mandatory to enter data on:

the name of the profession (position) according to the staffing table;

staff number of employees by profession (may be fractional positive number)

actual number of employees (can only be an integer)

If you plan to fill in a list of employees by name, then the actual number can be omitted - it will be calculated automatically when saving information about the unit.

at least one basis for a benefit that gives the right to an early appointment of a pension; in total, you can specify up to three reasons for the benefit for one position, but it is mandatory to fill in at least one column with the name “Base of the benefit”;

· if the profession belongs to the Lists No. 1,2, it is required to indicate the code of the profession; for others it may not be filled;

· date of entry into the staffing table - the date the position was entered into the staffing table.

The table also contains the following information:

name according to OKPDTR - for workers - the name of the profession according to ETKS; for employees - the name of the position according to OKPDTR;

You can use the hint when filling in the name according to OKPDTR, if the profession belongs to the lists No. 1,2: first select the basis of the pension benefit (for example, 27-1), then select the profession code (for example, 1071300a-19362):

after that, when filling in the name according to OKPDTR, you can select the name from the classifier:

description of the nature of work in this position (profession) and (or) additional factors for early retirement;

The name of the supporting documents - documents that reflect the accounting of the work performed, and contain information about the nature and working conditions of workers in this profession;

· the type of change in the position of the List - is indicated if the List is of a corrective nature.

Data entry begins with an indication of the profession, the name of the profession according to OKPDTR, and so on from cell to cell. You can move to the next cell by pressing the Enter key. The grounds for the pension benefit are selected from the list with the mouse (Fig. or by pressing the # and $ cursor buttons. It is also allowed to enter data directly into the cell - the main thing is that the entered value is present in the list. From the list, values ​​are also selected for the position on Lists No. 1,2 and the type of change.

Figure Entering data on the grounds for benefits by selecting a value from the list

There are two buttons next to the staffing positions table. They are intended for adding and deleting rows in the table..gif" width="23" height="25 src="> will remove the position (before deleting the program asks for deletion confirmation).


Attention! If there is a position in the staff schedule of the unit, work in which provides for different working conditions during one period of work (part of work according to 27-1, part according to 27-2), then such a profession is entered twice with different bases and codes according to lists No. 1,2, but with the same name and headcount (Fig. In the future, when printing the List, such a profession will be included in the total number once.

Figure Completing the List if one position involves working with different working conditions

1.6.2 Filling in the name list table

The name list should contain basic information about the employee and periods of his work. You can specify multiple periods of work for one employee. Each period of work is a separate line in the table of the list of names. For visual distinction, the rows of the table are colored in two colors - green and white. in green a record about the employee and the first of his periods of work are indicated; the white lines following the green line are the remaining periods of work of the same person (Fig.

Figure Entering data in the name list in case the employee has more than one period of work

Thus, the order of work with the list of names table is as follows:

If an employee have worked the entire reporting period without breaks, his insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic and retirement date are entered into the table. As the beginning and end of the period of work, the beginning and end of the reporting period or the dates of the beginning and end of work are indicated, respectively. Enter information about his position work book(optional) and the name of the profession according to the staffing table. Then at least one reason for the pension benefit is indicated (up to three reasons are allowed at the same time) and a position according to Lists No. 1,2 (if the profession belongs to these lists). Also, for teachers and doctors, the share of the rate is indicated (it can be a fractional number, but cannot exceed 2). In the last cells of the row, the number of hours for length of service and a note on this employee are entered. Then you can move to a new line and enter data about the next employee.

If an employee for the reporting period worked intermittently or in different positions, then first information is entered about his insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic, retirement date and the dates of the end and start of the first of his periods of work within the reporting period. The title of the position according to the work book (optional) and the name of the profession according to the staffing table, according to which the employee worked during this period, are also indicated. Then at least one reason for the pension benefit is indicated (up to three reasons are allowed at the same time) and a position according to Lists No. 1,2 (if the profession belongs to these lists). Also, for teachers and doctors, the share of the rate is indicated (it can be a fractional number, but cannot exceed 2). In the last cells of the line, the number of hours for length of service and a note on this period of work are entered.

When filling in the list of names, you can use the information previously entered in the table of positions. To do this, select the required item from the drop-down list in the “Position” or “Profession according to the staff list” column and press Enter.

Information on the basis of the benefit and positions on the list No. 1,2 will be substituted in the required cells automatically:" width="623" height="125 src=">

Figure Name list table and button to add another work period

After pressing this button, another line will appear below the current line, colored in white. It will automatically duplicate the insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic and retirement date of the employee (Fig.

Figure Line for entering a new period of work in the list of names of employees

You just have to enter the characteristic data about the second period of work. After specifying the required data, if the employee has another period of work, click the button - a new white line will appear to enter the next period of work. If an employee has no more periods of work, you can go to the next (green) line of the table and start entering data about the next employee.

If you need to add a period of work when entering data into the name list table, you can simply press the F7 button.

There are three buttons next to the name list table: "Add employee", "Add work period" and "Delete line" (Fig." alt="(!LANG: Callout 3 (with border): Add work period" width="240" height="78">!}

Figure Buttons for working with the name list table

Clicking on the "Add employee" button will result in the appearance of a green line in the name list table for entering data about the employee below the currently selected line. The "Add work period" button is designed to add another work period for the current employee. Using the "Delete line" button, you can delete a line with incorrectly entered data both about the employee (green lines) and about individual periods of the employee's work (lines white color). At the same time, if you delete a line with an employee who has more than one work period, then the work periods related to this person will be deleted along with the selected line. In any case, before performing the deletion, the program asks for confirmation of the operation being performed.

Attention! All the changes you have made, including the deletion of lines, will be fixed only if, at the end of working with the department, the “Save and close” button (or the “Save” button) located at the bottom of the “Division” window (Fig. 1.6.1).

1.6.3 Updating work periods

The list of names in terms of periods of work can be updated automatically for a new reporting period. To do this, in the window for editing information about the unit there is a special button . When you click on this button, the program prompts you to specify the year in which the dates should be updated. After that, all periods of work will be transferred to this reporting year.

Attention! The update of the periods will only take effect after the department data has been successfully saved.

1.6.4 Search for an employee in the name list

The window for editing information about the department provides the ability to quickly search for an employee in the list of names by such parameters as insurance number, last name, first name or profession. By default, the fields for entering search conditions are hidden. In order to see them, you need to click on the button “Find an employee” located above the table of the name list (Fig. Pressing this button again hides the search fields." width="450" ​​height="179 src=">

1. The text "027" is entered in the field "Insurance number";
the cursor in the table is set to the first found record" width="456" height="179 src=">

3. When entering the next character in the field "Last name"
the text turns red - nothing was found according to the specified conditions

Figure An example of performing a search in the name list: searching for an employee whose insurance number starts with “027” and whose last name is “Temushko”

Next to the search fields there is a button (go to the next line that meets the specified criteria). This button allows you to move to the next found entry. For example, if you select a profession from the drop-down list, the cursor in the table will be on the first worker with that profession. To move to the next worker, click the button.

1.6.5 Saving changes and exiting the department window

You can fix the results of the work on the formation of the List and the name list by department by pressing the "Save" button or the "Save and close" button (in the latter case, after saving, the window for editing information about the department will be closed). If an intermediate save is in progress (the "Save" button), then if there are no errors, the inscription on the button will temporarily change to "Successfully saved" as evidence of the completed action.

Completing work with the department window can end in one of the following ways:

saving the entered or changed data by clicking the "Save and close" button located at the bottom of the window; at the same time, the current window is closed and the return to the main program window occurs;

Cancel the changes made (or cancel the entered data) and close the current window with a return to the main program window; occurs when you click the "Close" button located at the bottom of the window, or when you click on the standard button with a cross, located in the upper right corner of the window.

Immediately before the save operation is performed, the entered data is checked for completeness and correctness. If any mandatory data is missing or the program detects any inconsistencies, saving will not be performed and an error message will appear (Fig.; after closing the message window, the program will wait for the inconsistencies to be corrected. What exactly needs to be fixed can be found in the list of errors (Fig. 1.6.1). Clicking on an error message will position the cursor at the location of the error.

Figure Program message if data cannot be saved:

Also, before saving, the program checks the uniqueness of the entered unit number and the name of the site. If uniqueness is violated, the message shown in Fig.

Figure Program message if the department being saved is already present in the Organization List

The message shown in Fig., means that the entered subdivision number and site name have already been entered earlier in the List (within the List, the subdivision number/site name combination cannot occur more than once).

If no errors were found in the data, the "Subdivision" window will be closed with saving the changes and a return to the main program window will occur.

Checking data for completeness and correctness can be disabled. To do this, select [Program] > [Settings…] in the main program window (Fig.

Attention! Disabling validation is recommended only in extreme cases when working with large amounts of data (for example, a large number of employees in the name list of each department). The absence of a check for errors in filling out the List may result in the provision of incorrect information to the FIU." width="554" height="334 src=">

Figure Program operation parameters window

After performing the above actions, the window for editing information about the unit will display a reminder of the disabled check (Fig. You can turn on the check again either in the "Program operation parameters" window (Fig. or by clicking on the reminder in the department window (Fig.

Figure Reminder about the absence of data verification for completeness and correctness" width="22" height="21"> located on the toolbar (Fig. 2.1)" width="556" height="364 src=">

Figure 2.2. Worker search window.
Showing the result of a search for the last name "Ivanov"

If you do not specify any search criteria and click the "Find!" button, the program will display a list of all employees of the organization. Please note that if the List is large, this may take a significant amount of time.

The results of the search can be printed (the "Print" button). When printing, the list of employees is grouped by departments.

The "Go to department" button, located at the bottom of the window, allows you to go to the window for editing information about the department to which this employee belongs. Double-clicking on a row in the search results table produces the same result. When opening the subdivision window, the cursor in the table of the name list will be located on the required employee.

3. Print List and Statistics

You can preview the document before printing. To do this, the program opens a separate window in which you can either send the document for printing (the button on the toolbar located at the top of the preview window) or save the document to an RTF file (the button /78/540/images/image060_5.jpg" width="554 height=334" height="334">

Figure 3.1.1. Selecting the sort order of departments when printing the List

There are two ways to print the List of Preferential Occupations:

by pressing the button on the toolbar of the main window (Fig. 3.1.2)" width="586 height=110" height="110">

Figure 3.1.3. Menu item to open the preview window of the List before printing

As a result, the List preview window will open (Fig. 3.1.4)

Figure 3.1.4. List preview window

3.2 Printing a name list

Before printing the list of names, you can choose the sort order of departments and employees in the printed version. This can be done by selecting the menu item [Program] > [Options…]. On the "Print" tab, set the desired order (Fig. 3.2.1) and click the "Apply" button.

Figure 3.2.1. Selecting the sort order for departments and employees
when printing a name list

You can print a name list by selecting the menu item [Print] > [Print name list]. (Fig. 3.2.2) or by clicking on the corresponding button on the toolbar (Fig. 3.2.3)

Figure 3.2.2. Menu item to open the preview window of the name list before printing

Figure 3.2.3. Button on the toolbar to open the preview window of the name list before printing

As a result, a preview window for the list of names will open (Fig. 3.2.4).

Figure 3.2.4. Name List Preview Window

Using this window, you can view the document that will be printed. To start printing, click the button on the toolbar located at the top of the window.

3.3 Printing a List Report

This software tool allows you to receive a report on the List with the following information displayed on the screen and printer: the number of professions of the same name (total) and including divisions.

To view and print such a report, you can use the following method:

press the button on the toolbar of the main window (Fig. 3.3.1)

Figure 3.3.1. Button to open the preview window of the List report before printing

select the menu item [Print] > [Print a report according to the List] (Fig. 3.3.2)

Figure 3.3.2. Menu item to open the preview window of the List report before printing

As a result, a preview window for the List report will open. Using this window, you can view the document that will be printed. To start printing, click the button on the toolbar located at the top of the window.

3.4 Printing a name list report

This software tool allows you to receive a report on the list of names with the display of the following information on the screen and printer: the number of employees employed in the reporting period in this position (total) and including divisions.

To view and print such a report, select the menu item [Print] > [Print report by name list] (Fig. 3.4.1)

Figure 3.4.1. Menu item for opening a window for previewing a report on the list of names before printing

Figure 3.4.2. Button on the toolbar to open the preview window of the report on the list of names before printing

As a result, a window for previewing the report on the list of names will open (Fig. 3.4.3). Using this window, you can view the document that will be printed..jpg" width="552 height=343" height="343">

Figure 3.4.3. Preview window of the report on the list of names before printing

4. Working with the List in XML Format

4.1 Saving the List to an XML file

The entered data on preferential occupations of the organization (List) can be saved as an XML file for submission to the Pension Fund. The resulting file will meet the requirements for the format of the List.

Figure 4.1.1. Button for saving the List to XML file

Figure 4.1.2. Menu item for saving the List to XML file

Attention! Before saving the List to an XML file, the program performs some data validation for early detection of errors (before the List is submitted to the FIU). As a result of the check (if errors are found), a list of found inconsistencies will appear (Fig. 4.1.3). Until all these errors are corrected, it will not be possible to save the List to an XML file.

Figure 4.1.3. List pre-check window. A list of errors found in the List is shown.

.gif" width="117" height="105">

Figure 4.1.4. Selecting a folder to save the List to an XML file

After the file has been saved, the program displays an informational message (Fig. 4.1.5) about successful saving and offers to view the resulting file.

Figure 4.1.5. Message about successful saving of the List

If viewing is confirmed (clicking the OK button), the program window for viewing XML files will open (Fig. 4.1.5). After reviewing this window, you can simply close it.

Attention! If after performing the operation of saving to an XML file, you made any changes to the List, then before submitting the List to the Pension Fund, save the file again (In order for the changes you made to be reflected in the XML file).

Figure 4.1.5. Viewing the List saved in XML file

4.2 Loading the List from an XML file

The program provides the ability to load the List from an existing XML file. You may need this function if, for example, you already have a generated List in the form of a file and you need to make some changes. In this case, load the List from a file, make the necessary adjustments and save the edited List to a file. In addition, you may need the download function if you have reinstalled the program "List of preferential occupations of the enterprise" and want to continue working with the List available in the file.

To download the List from a file, click the button" width="587" height="90">

Figure 4.2.1. Button for loading the List from XML file

Figure 4.2.2. Menu item for loading the List from XML file

As a result, a window for selecting a file to upload will open. After the file is selected, the file will be checked for compliance with the required format, and if errors are found, a message will be displayed indicating the location of the error. If the check for compliance with the format was successful, a message will be displayed with information about the name of the organization and the reporting year of the List presented in the file (Fig. 4.2.3).

Figure 4.2.3. Confirmation window for loading the List from a file

Pressing the "OK" button leads to the file loading and displaying the received information in the main program window.

4.3 Consolidation of several Organization Lists into one

If the Organization List is prepared on different computers that are not connected local network, then they can be combined into one. Merging the Lists can be carried out at the level of subdivisions, that is, if subdivisions are found in the file that are not in the already existing List, the program will offer to load them. The merging of name lists or staffing positions of the same unit is not provided.

To merge the Lists, you need to select a file with the List to be merged (Fig. 4.2.1 or 4.2.2). The program will analyze the file and show a list of units that can be loaded (Fig. 4.3.1)" width="377" height="122">

Figure 4.4.1. Window informing about the absence of a required component in the operating system

Click the OK button and wait for the installation process to complete. Then try downloading the List file again. If the component was installed successfully and the downloaded List contains no errors, you will see Announcement shown in fig. 4.2.3 or in fig. 4.3.1.

If you see a message like the one in Fig. 4.4.2, therefore, the installation of the component was unsuccessful for some reason. In this case:

Figure 4.4.2. Information window

· make sure that the requirements for the operating system are met - on Windows 98 operating systems, the List cannot be loaded (for more details, see the installation instructions, section "Hardware and software requirements");

· if the requirements for the operating system are met, try to install the necessary component yourself: from the Start menu of the operating system, select [Start] > [Programs] > [List of privileged professions] > [Install WindowsInstaller update]; After successfully completing the installation of the WindowsInstaller component, run the installation of the MSXML 6.0 component ([Start] > [Programs] > [List of Eligible Occupations] > [Install MSXML 6/0 Update]).

If you see a message similar to the one in Figure 4.4.3, it means there are errors in the List you are uploading. In this case, in the List, the start date of the work period is indicated in the wrong format: the date format for the List of DD. MM. YYYY, that is, the date must use the separator "." (dot), not "/" (slash).

Figure 4.4.3. List Download Format Error Message: Date Format Mismatch

Another example of a format error is the message shown in Fig. 4.4.4. In this List, one of the employees has a share of the salary higher than the maximum (in the downloadable List - 3, allowed - no more than 2)

Figure 4.4.4. Download List format error message:
the share of the rate of one of the employees is more than the allowable

Such errors can be eliminated by opening the List file (with the XML extension) in any text editor and find the erroneous fragment, and then correct it for the correct one. To search for a fragment, use the search function available in any text editor. Search for the Russian name indicated in the third line of the error message (for Figure 4.4.3 it is “DateStart”, for Figure 4.4.4 it is “Bet”)

Another type of error is the message shown in Fig. 4.4.5. It appears when you try to download a Listing that has already been downloaded (or has already been generated). In this case, read the error message completely and act according to the instructions in this window. If you assumed that the uploaded file should contain subdivisions that are not in the existing List (the Lists were supposed to be combined), then such a message means that either the file does not contain new subdivisions, or in the uploaded file the numbering of subdivisions repeats the numbering in the existing List.

Figure 4.4.5. Error message that occurs when the List is already loaded into the program

5. Loading a list of names from a file

5.1 Loading a name list from a personal information file

The program provides the ability to load a list of employees by name from a file of previously prepared files of individual information in format 4.0 (text) and format 7.0 (XML format). To perform the download, select the menu item [Actions] > [Download name list from IS] as shown in Figure 5.1.1." align="left" width="21" height="77">

You can select a file for downloading a list of names from individual information in XML format by clicking on the button" width="623" height="460 src=">

Figure 5.1.2. The window of distribution of employees by departments

In the upper part of the window there is a table with a list of beneficiaries that were found in the individual information file. In the lower part there is a list of employees by departments that will be uploaded to the List. If a bundles of individual information were formed on divisions, then after the above window appears, click the "Select All" button, then in the drop-down list, find the desired department and click the "Add" button to indicate that all workers from the top list should be loaded. After the window takes the form shown in Fig. 5.1.3, click the "Download" button." width="276" height="141 src=">

Figure 5.1.4. The window in which the reporting year is set, with which the work periods of employees will be loaded

After the “OK” button is pressed, the list of names will start loading. You can watch the loading process in the window that appears (Fig. 5.1.5). Upon completion of the download, the protocol can be saved to a text file (the "Save download protocol" button will become available)" width="586 height=157" height="157">

Figure 5.2.1. Menu item for loading a list of names from a text file

Otherwise, the loading procedure is similar to that described in paragraph 5.1 of this manual.

6. Additional features

6.1 Using the Wizard to Prepare the List

The program provides an opportunity to use a special Wizard to prepare the list. The Wizard window appears at the first launch of the program or by pressing the button located on the toolbar of the main program window (Fig. 6.1.1).

Figure 6.1.1. Button to start the Wizard to fill in the list

The wizard is a special program that helps you provide the data necessary for the List by sequentially answering questions (Fig. 6.1.2).

Attention! The Wizard is well suited for the initial preparation of the List. To correct, use the main window of the program.

Figure 6.1.2. List Fill Wizard window

Filling in the List using the Wizard takes place in several stages:

collection of general data on the List;

collection of information about the organization;

collection of data on the activities of the organization;

collection of information about departments;

list printing;

saving the list in an XML file.

At the stage of collecting data on the unit, you are prompted to enter data first about one unit, then the next, and so on. The data on the unit includes the collection of information on preferential professions of the unit (staffing positions, Fig. 6.1.3) and information about the employees of the unit working in privileged positions (Fig. 6.1.4). You can refuse to indicate the list of names of employees.

Figure 6.1.3. Collecting information about staffing positions using the Wizard

Fields marked in red are required. Until you enter all the required data, the "Next" button, which allows you to proceed to the next step, will not be available.

Figure 6.1.4. Collection of information about the name list of employees

Particular attention should be paid to entering the insurance number in the list of names. The fact is that the insurance number is immediately checked for correctness. And if you entered the insurance number in full, and the "Insurance number" field is still highlighted in red - check that the number was entered correctly, you may have made a mistake. If entered correctly, the red highlight is removed as soon as the last digit of the number is entered.

You can move from field to field by pressing the Enter key.

The "Next" button is used to move to the next step. If you want to add a staffing position or an employee to the list of names, you should click the "Add another profession" or "Add another employee" button, respectively.

Both when specifying the positions of the staff list, and when compiling a list of names of employees, if necessary, you can delete unnecessary or erroneously entered positions (or, in the case of a list of names, information about employees). To do this, there are buttons "Delete this profession" and "Delete this employee".

When filling out a list of names for each employee, it is necessary to indicate the periods of work. To do this, click the "Work periods ..." button. In the window that opens (Fig. 6.1.5), in the fields under the table of periods, specify the required data and, if there are more than one work periods, click the "Add work period" button; if there is only one work period, click the “Close” button to return to the Wizard window.

Figure 6.1.5. Window for entering data on work periods

When working with the Wizard, you can return to the main program window. To do this, click the "Cancel" button. All data entered by you will not be lost, but will be saved and displayed in the main program window. Thus, you can continue preparing the List without using the Wizard.

After all the steps have been completed, the “Close” button appears at the bottom of the Wizard window. Pressing this button will return you to the main program window.

6.2 Working with multiple organizations

In most cases, work is carried out with only one organization and one List. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to work with the Lists of several organizations. The program provides such an opportunity. Can be created and loaded into the program Lists various organizations and work with them. To do this, use the menu item [List] > [Start filling in a new List] > [For another organization] (Fig. 6.2.1).

Figure 6.2.1. Menu item that allows you to start filling out the List for another organization

With this menu you can create a new List. To open another List available in the database, use the menu [List] > [Select List for editing] > [Select from list..] (a quick call to a window with a list of Lists available for editing is also possible by pressing "F4" in the main window programs). The menu item "Delete List" removes information about the current document from the program (the current List is the one whose information is displayed in this moment in the main program window). Before performing the delete operation, the program asks for confirmation to protect against accidental deletion.

6.3 Simultaneous operation of several users

It is possible to ensure simultaneous work of several users with the program "List of privileged professions" if there is a local network. In this case, you need to install the program on one of the computers and provide shared access to the folder where the program is installed (for Windows XP: from the context menu of the folder, select the "Sharing and security" item (Fig. 6.3.1), in the window that appears specify "share this folder" (Fig. 6.3.2))

Figure 6.3.1. Select "Sharing and Security"

Figure 6.3.2. Create a share

Press the "Permissions" button and set "Full access" (Fig. 6.3.3)

Figure 6.3.3. Setting permission to use a resource

After that, the program will be able to work over the network. To do this, on the required computer, through the network environment, access the computer where the program is installed, go to the "list of privileged professions" folder (Fig. 6.3.4) and run the file list. exe (Fig. 6.3.5)

Figure 6.3.4. Program folder "List of medicines"

Figure 6.3.5. List file. exe to run

Attention! If the work on the formation of the List is carried out on different computers that are not connected by a local network, then it is possible to prepare different parts of the List in separate files, and then combine them into one file (see the section “Combining several Lists of an organization into one”)

7. Possible problems when working with the program

Since the database of the "List of Medicines" program uses the MS Access format, in some cases additional configuration of the operating system parameters is required for the correct operation of the program.

Figure 7.1. Error message in case of inappropriate settings
operating system

If, when you try to open a division for editing, a message similar to the one shown in Fig. 7.1, you must perform the following steps: select [Start] > [Control Panel] > [Regional and Language Options], "Regional Settings" tab, "Settings" button. In the window that opens, on the "Numbers" tab, in the "Integer and fractional part separator" field, put "." (point); on the "Date" tab, in the "Short date format" field, select "dd. MM. yyyy", "Date component separator" "." (dot). Save the specified parameters and continue working with the program.

8. Frequently Asked Questions

8.1 Completing the List

Headcount 0.5; what should be put in the actual number column?

Question: If the staffing position is 0.5, and 1 person works in this position, what should I write in the actual headcount column: 0.5 or 0.5?

Answer: The actual number column should reflect the number of people who worked during the reporting period for this position. The actual number is always an integer (because the unit of measure is people). If during the year several people worked at the position, for example, in the first half of the year one employee for 0.5 rates, in the second - the other for the same 0.5 rates, then the actual number will be 2.

How to fix the error: corrective or original List?

Question: When filling out the original List, an error was made, but it was discovered after the List was submitted to the FIU. What type of List to choose to correct the error?

Answer: in this case, it is better not to change the List type (original); it is recommended to make the necessary corrections and upload the corrected original List in XML.

Is it possible not to use the PS "List of medicinal products" for the preparation of the List?

Question: Is it possible to prepare the List in another program? Or is it necessary to use the PS "List of LP"?

Answer: You are not required to use the PI List to prepare the List. Any other suitable software tool may be used. The main thing is that the List prepared by you should correspond to the required format and follow the recommendations for filling out your territorial body of the PFR. A description of the format can be obtained either from the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, or upon request to the address *****@***ru (), indicating in the subject line “Format of the MD List”. A utility to check the list for conformity with the format is included in this software tool ([Start] > [Programs] > [List of privileged professions] > [Checking the format of the List])

Data validation is disabled, why does the program still show errors?

Question: Checking the data for completeness and correctness when entering data about the department is disabled, but the program still looks for errors and does not allow saving information without saving them. Why?

Answer: Even if validation is disabled, the program performs the minimum required validation of the input data. This is necessary so that this information can then be stored and displayed correctly. The minimum required checks include control of the date format in the table of positions of the staffing table and in the list of names (start and end dates of the work period).

The value I need is not in the classifier. What to do?

Question: In the classifier of profession codes according to lists No. 1,2, there is no code I need. When I enter it myself, the program does not save the data. What to do?

Answer: Contact your local FIU with a comment. According to comments of this kind, changes are made to the classifier only if the absence of a code is confirmed by the FIU specialists.

8.2 Program operation

I found a bug in the program, who should I contact?

Question: I found an error in the program, who should I contact?

Answer: You need to contact your territorial office of the FIU; there, comments and suggestions are summarized and sent to the developers of the program.

Is it possible to work in MS Windows 98?

Question: I have Windows 98 installed on my computer, how can I work with the LP List software program?

Answer: The program also works on the operating system Windows 98; only the function of loading the List from an XML file into the program will be unavailable. This is due to the operating system requirements of the MSXML 6.0 component used in the program. If you still need to load the List into the program, you can use the following method. On a computer with any suitable operating system (Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, etc.), install the PS "List of drugs", load the XML file containing the List you need into the program, and after the process is successfully completed, close the program. Then copy and replace the source. mdb, located in the folder where the LP List program is installed, from the computer on which the download was performed to a computer with Windows 98 (to a similar folder). Now, when you start the program, you will see the List loaded on another computer and you can continue to work with it. Saving the List to an XML file, as well as loading a list by name from individual information, can also be performed on the Windows 98 operating system.

The difference between the original List and the corrective List lies in the amount of data provided to the FIU. If the type of the List is INITIAL, then it should contain information about all positions in the organization's staffing table, as well as a complete list of employees for the reporting period (if necessary). The CORRECTION type of the List implies that it will present only changes in the staffing table that have occurred since the last submission of the List to the FIU. In this case, for each position of the staffing table, the type of change must be indicated. Thus, when re-submitting to the FIU, the choice of the type of the List remains with the employer (unless there are other recommendations from the FIU).

Correction by the user of some types of errors does not automatically remove the corresponding message from the list (this is due to the fact that dynamic tracking of these types of errors requires a significant amount of time). Such errors include a discrepancy between the name of the profession in the name list, the name in the positions of the pants schedule, the discrepancy between the grounds for benefits and the code according to lists 1.2. After correcting such errors, save the information - the entered data will be re-analyzed and, if they are correct, error messages will be deleted from the list.

About how the program calculates the actual number: for each position of the staffing table, a search is made for employees in the list of names with the same job title (according to the staffing table). Next, the program checks the coincidence of the working conditions specified for the position and for the found workers. The working conditions in this case are a combination of grounds for benefits and a code according to lists No. 1 and 2. Finally, the list of found employees is adjusted taking into account the periods of work: only those remain whose period in this profession falls within the period of the position (that is, if the position "teacher" has a date of entry into the staffing table of 09/01/2008, and the period of the teacher's work is 01/01/2008-06/31/2008, then when calculating the actual number for the above position "teacher" will not be taken into account). The number of remaining employees on the list will be the actual number of positions.

In agreement with territorial body UPFR periods of work of an employee can be included in the program according to "boundary dates" without a separate indication of non-favorable periods and unpaid leave. For example, if an employee worked as a welder during the periods 01/01/2008-02/12/2008, 03/17/2008-07/01/2008, 07/15/2008-09/19/2008, then the period according to the "boundary dates" for him will be 01/01/2008-09/19/2008.