Average monthly output of 1 worker. Production - what is it? Output as an indicator of labor productivity

Labor productivity for the year or month for the enterprise is calculated by the formula: PT \u003d B / R, where

  • PT - average annual or average monthly output;
  • B - revenue;
  • R - average headcount employees per year or month.

For example: in a year, the same enterprise earns 10,670,000 rubles. As already mentioned, 60 people work. Thus: Fri \u003d 10,670,000/60 \u003d 177,833. 3 rubles. It turns out that for one year of work, each employee brings an average of 177,833.3 rubles of profit. Average daily calculation You can calculate the average daily or average hourly output using the following formula: PTC=W/T, where

  • T - the total cost of working time for the production of products in hours or days;
  • B is revenue.

For example, an enterprise manufactured 10,657 machine tools in 30 days. Thus, the average daily output is equal to: PST=10657/30=255. 2 machines per day.

Output per 1 employee: formula, norms and calculations

The formula for calculating labor productivity according to the balance is as follows: PT \u003d (line 2130 * (1 - Kp)) / (T1 * H). Analysis Calculated indicators allow for a comprehensive analysis of labor productivity at the enterprise. Production and labor intensity evaluate the actual work of the staff, according to the results of the analysis, it is possible to identify resources for the development and growth of productivity, as well as for saving working time and reducing the number of employees.
The performance index reflects the change in performance in the current period compared to the previous one. It is extremely important for performance evaluation. The level of productivity depends not only on the competence and ability of employees, but also on the level of material equipment, financial flows and other factors. In general, labor productivity needs to be constantly improved.

Enterprise performance analysis, page 10

Availability of resources The number of employed people in the enterprise is of great importance. In the analysis of security labor resources the actual number is compared with the planned and indicators for the previous period for each group of workers. A positive trend is one in which the average annual output grows against the background of a change (decrease) in the number of any of the groups of employed employees.


The reduction of auxiliary personnel is achieved by increasing the level of specialization of persons engaged in the adjustment and repair of equipment, the growth of mechanization and the improvement of labor. The number of personnel is determined according to industry standards and rational use working hours required to perform certain functions: 1. Workers: H = Labor intensity: (Annual fund of working hours * Coefficient of performance standards).


Methods for calculating labor productivity


Thus, it can be seen that in 2008 the plan was underfulfilled by 10 rubles, that is, people did not fit into the planned values ​​and produced less, but already in 2009, in fact, annual output increased by 101 rubles, that is, the plan was overfulfilled. The underfulfillment of the plan is explained mainly by the days actually worked. Instead of the planned 220 days, each worker worked on average for 215 days, respectively, the enterprise lost 5 days (or 27.6 rubles of average annual output).

But also as a result of an increase in the number of man hours worked by an employee, the average annual output increased by 17.6 rubles, but this still did not lead to the fulfillment of the plan. In turn, the situation in 2009 is explained by the increase in the average hourly output at a faster rate than the decrease in the number of days of work, and also the expanded composition of workers gives an increase in output.

How to calculate labor productivity in an enterprise?

The labor intensity of production maintenance (Tobsl) is a set of costs of auxiliary working shops of the main production (Tvspom) and all workers of auxiliary shops and services (repair, power shop, etc.) engaged in servicing production (Tvsp): Tobsl \u003d Tvspom + Tvsp. Production labor intensity (Tpr) includes the labor costs of all workers, both main and auxiliary: Tpr \u003d Ttechn + Tobsl. The labor intensity of production management (Tu) is the labor costs of employees (managers, specialists and employees themselves) employed both in the main and auxiliary shops (Tsl.pr) and in general plant services of the enterprise (Tsl.zav): Tu = Тsl.pr + Tsl.
The total labor intensity (Ttot) reflects the labor costs of all categories of industrial and production personnel of the enterprise: Ttot = Ttechn + Tobsl + Tu.

Average annual output per worker

Depending on the nature and purpose of labor costs, each of the indicated indicators of labor intensity can be design, prospective, normative, planned and actual. In planned calculations, a distinction is made between the labor intensity of manufacturing a unit of output (type of work, service, part, etc.) and the labor intensity of a commercial output of products ( production program). The labor intensity of a unit of production (type of work, service), as already noted, is divided into technological, production and total, depending on the labor costs included in the calculations.
The labor intensity of a unit of output in physical terms is determined for the entire range of products and services produced at the beginning of the planning period. With a large assortment, the labor intensity is determined by the representative products, to which all the rest are listed, and by the products occupying the largest specific gravity in the total production.

The formula for the average annual output of one worker

    Dp \u003d (Df - Dp) * Bf * Tp - daily.

  • Tp \u003d (Tf - Tp) * Df * Chf * H - hourly.

The reasons for such losses may be absenteeism from work with the permission of the administration, due to illness, absenteeism, downtime due to lack of raw materials or equipment malfunction. Each of these reasons is analyzed in detail. The reserve for increasing the PDF is to reduce losses that depend on labor collective. Separately, time losses are calculated in connection with the manufacture and correction of rejected products according to the following algorithm: - the share of workers' wages in the production cost; - the amount of salary in the cost of marriage; - the share of workers' wages in the cost price minus material costs; - the share of wages of workers involved in the correction of marriage; - average hourly wage; - time spent on making and repairing defects.

Key indicators and formula for calculating labor productivity

Labor productivity is characterized as one of the baseline reflecting the actual performance of the company's personnel. Being a relative indicator, labor productivity allows you to compare the efficiency various groups employed in manufacturing process and plan numerical values ​​for subsequent periods. Table of contents: 1. The concept of labor productivity2. Calculation algorithm3.

Indicators4. The formula for calculating labor productivity5. Analysis The concept of labor productivity Labor productivity characterizes the effectiveness of labor costs per unit of time. For example, it shows how much output a worker will produce in an hour. At the enterprise, productivity is determined through two basic indicators:

  • production;
  • laboriousness.

They are the most appropriate in assessing the degree of efficiency of labor costs per unit of time.

Labor productivity, production and labor intensity

The concept of the average annual output of one worker The formula for the average annual output of one worker is of great importance and is used in calculating such an indicator as labor productivity in an enterprise. The output is directly proportional to the productivity of labor. For this reason than large quantity products are produced by each worker (a unit of labor costs), the higher productivity becomes. The formula for the average annual output of one worker is presented as follows: B \u003d Q / T Here B is the output indicator, Q is the total cost (quantity) of products manufactured per year; T - labor costs for the release of a given volume of products. Features of the calculation of output In order to calculate labor productivity, the enterprise measures labor costs and the volume of output.

Labor productivity analysis

The indicator of labor intensity is the opposite of the indicator of production. Calculation depending on the elapsed time: Тр=Т/Q. Calculation depending on the average number of personnel: Тр=Ч/Q

  • B - production;
  • Tr - labor intensity;
  • Q is the volume of production in natural units (pieces);
  • T - the cost of paid working time for the production of this product;
  • H is the average number of staff.

There is a more detailed way to calculate performance: PT \u003d (Q * (1 - Kp)) / (T1 * H),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • Кп - downtime coefficient;
  • T1 - labor costs of the employee.

The influence of the factor the length of the working day is determined using the formula: ΔAverage year. output DWP = 0.70 * (8 - 8) * 220 = 0 Influence of the factor number of days of work: ΔAverage year. production FDR \u003d 0.70 * 8 * (216 - 220) \u003d -22.6 rubles / person. 123.2 + 0 – 22.6 = 1210 – 1109 101 = 101 2009: Name of indicator Reporting period Abs. off Influence of the factor plan fact 1. Average annual output, rub./person. 1109 1210 + 101 + 101 2. Number of employees, pers. 277 260 - 17 3. Number of working days 220 216 - 4 - 22.6 4. Duration of the working day, hours 8 8 0 0 5. Hourly output, rub./person. 0.63 0.70 + 0.07 + 123.2 The average annual output of one worker shows how much on average one person can produce per year (in rubles) under certain conditions, such as the number of days of work per year, the length of the working day and the average hourly output one worker.


Product development is an indicator of the volume of production (work performed, services rendered). Output reflects the volume of output per unit of labor input.

The production formula is of great importance, since the calculated indicator is used when calculating labor productivity at the enterprise.

Output is an indicator that is directly proportional to labor productivity, so the more products are produced for each unit of labor costs, the higher the level of productivity will be.

The output formula looks like this:

B = Q / T

Here B is the performance indicator,

Q is the volume of output;

T - labor costs of a given volume of production.

Before calculating the level of labor productivity, it is necessary to measure labor costs and output.

labor costs include one of two indicators:

  • the number of workers involved in the production of a given volume of products,
  • hours worked, measured in man-hours (days) worked.

The following indicators are used to calculate labor productivity:

  • average hourly output, which is determined by the formula:


Here Q is the volume of production,

T is the actual number of man-hours worked by workers.

  • average daily output


Here Q is the volume of production,

T is the actual number of man-days.

  • average monthly (quarterly, annual, etc.) output.


Here Q is the volume of production,

N - the average number of workers per month.

Methods for determining output

Methods for calculating output can be classified according to units of production volume:

  • natural method (or conditionally natural), used in the production of homogeneous products at individual workplaces, by production teams. This method determines the output of a specific type of product (work or service), so the output will be expressed in physical units.
  • the cost method is carried out according to the cost indicators of manufactured or sold products (it is used if the enterprise produces heterogeneous products).

The cost method has become more widespread, but it has a drawback. In the case when the calculation of labor productivity (PT) is carried out on the basis of manufactured or sold products, the labor productivity indicator may be overestimated. This is due to the fact that the result includes the cost of past labor (the raw materials and materials used, the volume of cooperative deliveries, etc.)

This drawback can be eliminated by calculating the output of net products (profit) or by calculating the profitability of labor, which reflects the ratio of profit and costs.

Examples of problem solving



Exercise The company works in shift mode with a shift duration of 12 hours.

Downtime - 40 minutes

Time spent on 1 operation - 8 minutes,

Decision The formula for the production in accordance with the number of workers is:

Q - number of products,

Here N is the number of workers.

Shift duration in hours:

12*60=720 minutes.

We find the time of actual work completion by subtracting downtime from the total working time:

720 - 40 = 680 minutes.

Within 680 minutes, 680/8=85 operations are performed.

85 * 2 = 170 products are made in 680 minutes.

Answer The production rate is 170 products per shift.

The production rate for 1 worker is calculated quite simply. The formulas are simple, but you need to understand how and when they need to be applied at all.

The effectiveness of human labor is characterized by production.

As quantitative performance indicators, natural and cost indicators are used, such as: tons, meters, cubic meters, pieces, etc.

The productivity of labor characterizes the development. The output is calculated for one main worker, for one worker and one worker. In different cases, the calculations will be carried out in different ways.

  • For one main worker - the number of products produced is divided by the number of main workers.
  • Per worker - the number of products produced is divided by the total number of workers (main plus auxiliary).
  • For one worker - the number of products produced is divided by the number of total employees.

Labor productivity indicators characterize the effectiveness of the use of employees in the enterprise. One of them is the rate of production.

The output rate is the amount of work (in units of production) that a worker or a group of workers needs to complete in a specified time in specific organizational and technical conditions. It is set when the same operation is regularly performed during the shift (the same products are created). Based on it, you can already assign a salary to an employee.

Specific indicators of the production rate are set by the enterprise - the state only gives general practical advice(they are set out in regulatory documents).

For each industry, the rate of output per person is calculated slightly differently, despite the existence of one simple "general" formula.

Formula for 1 worker

Production rates can be determined for one worker by dividing the time fund by the time rate.

As a fund, you can take a year, a month, a week, or the duration of a shift.

for mass production, large enterprises the norm of time for the manufacture of the product is equal to the norm of piece-calculation time. For industries where the same workers perform the main, preparatory and final work, the time standards will be different.

It is best to take the duration of the shift as a fund. From here, the average output per month or per hour is calculated.

The calculation formula looks like this:

H vyr \u003d T cm / T op,

where T cm is the shift time,

T op - time to manufacture one product.

This is the same “general” formula that was mentioned earlier. It works great for mass production. It is worth noting that, although it is customary to take time in minutes, you can choose other units of time.

For serial or single production, the formula will be different:

H vyr \u003d T cm / T pcs,

T cm - change time,

T pcs - time for the manufacture of one product, calculated taking into account its cost.

For industries where preparatory stage calculated and normalized separately, the output formula needs to be modified:

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T pz) / T cm,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

T cm is the working time fund for which the operating rate is set (here: shift time),

T pz - time for the preparatory stage in minutes.

In cases of working with automated equipment, it is necessary to take into account the service time (which is also normalized):

N vyr \u003d N o * N vm,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

N vm - the rate of production of equipment, which is calculated:

N vm \u003d N vm theor * K pv,

where H vm theor is the theoretical output of the machine,

To pv - the coefficient of useful labor time for one shift.

If periodic hardware processes are used, the formula also changes.

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T about - T exc) * T p * H o / T op,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

T cm - the duration of the shift,

T about - time for equipment maintenance,

T ex - the norm of time for personal needs of personnel,

T p - products manufactured in one period,

H o - normalized service time,

T op - the duration of this period.

It must be understood that the “general” formulas do not take into account the specifics of a particular production. For Food Industry, for example, the calculations are slightly different.

It is not enough for us to measure how many dishes the chef prepared per day, this will not say anything about his productivity: there are different dishes, including complex ones. Therefore, in this case, special coefficients are used to calculate the production rate.

One "simplest" dish is taken and taken as a unit of labor input. For example, a portion of chicken soup is cooked in 100 seconds, taken as a unit. Soup, the preparation of which requires 200 s is taken as a deuce. Etc.

The cook needs to prepare workplace, serve it. Prepare yourself for work.

The calculation formula looks like this:

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T pz - T obs - T exc) / T op,

where H vyr is the operating time rate in natural units,

T cm is the working time fund for which the operating rate is set,

T pz - time for the preparatory stage in minutes;

T obs - the time required to service the workplace, in minutes;

T ex - time spent on personal needs, in minutes;

T op - time per unit of production in minutes.

When calculating the rate of operating time, cleaning industrial premises It is taken into account that different surfaces do not wash equally well. Plus, cleaners need to move from one room to another.

H vyr \u003d (T cm - T obs - T ln - T otd) * K / T op,

where H in is the production rate,

T cm is the duration of the shift in minutes,

T obs - the time required to service the workplace during the shift, in minutes;

T otd - time spent on rest, in minutes,

T ln - time for a break for personal needs in minutes,

T op - time to clean 1 m 2 of area in seconds,

K is the coefficient that is taken into account when cleaning. It is determined with a stopwatch. It shows how much time is spent when moving between halls.

Calculation examples

For single production:

Master who makes teapots handmade, works 20000 s per day. Time for one piece - 2500 s.

H vyr \u003d 20000 / 2500 \u003d 8 pcs.

The craftsman makes 8 handmade teapots per day.

For mass production:

The working shift time at the plant for the production of teacups is 28800 s. Time to make one teapot, according to regulatory documents, — 1800 s.

H vyr \u003d 28800 / 1800 \u003d 16 pcs.

One worker must make 16 teapots in one shift.

For production, where the preparatory stage is normalized:

At another chapel plant, the time it takes workers to prepare the workplace and tools is taken into account. The duration of the shift is 28800 s. The time for making one teapot is 1700 s. Time preparatory work– 200 s.

H vyr \u003d (28800 - 200) / 1700 \u003d 16.82 pcs.

A worker at the second plant must produce 16.82 teapots during a shift.

For automated production:

Chapelnikov plant No. 2 began to use chapelnikov machines, in theory capable of producing 50 chapelniks during a shift. The coefficient of useful labor time per shift for machines is 0.95. The normalized service time is 0.85 work shifts.

H vyp \u003d 0.85 * 50 * 0.95 \u003d 40.375 pcs.

The chapelnikov machine will have to produce 40,375 pieces per day.

For periodic hardware processes in production:

Other workers in the same factory must attach automatic latches to the teapots - using machines. The duration of the shift is 28800 seconds. 1000 s is allocated for the maintenance of machines. For personal needs, you can leave for 900 seconds during the shift. In one period, the machine attaches 10 latches. Service time is 0.85 shifts. The duration of one period of using the machine is 500 seconds.

H vyr \u003d (28800 - 1000 - 900) * 10 * 0.85 / 500 \u003d 457.3 pcs.

Workers during the shift must attach 457.3 automatic latches to the teapots.

For the food industry:

Cooking oatmeal in the canteen for the workers of the teapot factory spends 28,700 s. The preparation time takes 1200 s. It takes the chef 1000 s to prepare the necessary ingredients and the workplace. In breaks for rest, 3200 s are spent. According to the regulations, it takes 1800 seconds to prepare one serving of oatmeal.

Any work must be efficient: to produce material or other benefits in sufficient quantities and with a reasonable ratio of income and expenses. Labor is embodied in the products produced by man. Therefore, it is so important to evaluate the indicator of labor productivity as a factor in production efficiency. Thus, we can conclude that the labor costs of both an individual worker and a group or a large team are optimal.

In the article we will talk about the nuances of assessing labor productivity, we will give a formula and concrete examples calculations, as well as factors that can show the analysis of the results.

Relativity of labor productivity

Labor productivity as an economic indicator carries direct information about the degree of efficiency of workers' labor invested in the output.

Working, a person spends time and energy, time is measured in hours, and energy is measured in calories. In any case, such work can be both mental and physical. If the result of labor is a thing, product or service created by a person, then the labor invested in it takes on a different form - “frozen”, that is, embodied, it can no longer be measured by the usual indicators, because it reflects already past labor investments and costs.

Assess labor productivity- means to determine how efficiently a worker (or a group of workers) has invested his labor in creating a unit of output in a specified time period.

Performance Study Coverage

Depending on how wide the audience needs to be researched for labor productivity, this indicator can be:

  • individual- show the efficiency of labor costs of one employee (its increase reflects the efficiency of production of 1 unit of output);
  • local- the average for the enterprise or industry;
  • public- show productivity on the scale of the entire employed population (the ratio of gross product or national income to the number of people employed in production).

Production and labor intensity

Labor productivity is characterized by two important indicators.

  1. Working out- the amount of labor performed by one person - this way you can measure not only the number of things produced, but also the provision of services, the sale of goods and other types of work. The average output can be calculated by taking the ratio of output to the total number of workers.
    The output is calculated according to the following formula:
    • B - production;
    • V - the volume of manufactured products (in money, standard hours or in kind);
    • T is the time taken to manufacture a given volume of products.
  2. Labor intensity- costs and attendant efforts accompanying the production of goods. They can be of various types:
    • technological- labor costs for the production process itself;
    • serving- expenses for equipment repair and production service;
    • managerial- labor costs for managing the production process and its protection.

    NOTE! The total of technological and maintenance labor costs is production labor intensity. And if we add to the production managerial, then we can talk about full labor intensity.

    To calculate the labor intensity, you need to apply the following formula:

Methods for assessing labor productivity

Applying one or another formula to calculate this economic indicator is determined by the intended result, that is, the answer to the question of what units we want to receive as indicators of labor efficiency. It can be:

  • monetary expression;
  • the product itself, that is, its quantity, weight, length, etc. (the method is applicable if the manufactured product is the same);
  • conditional units of goods (when the manufactured products are heterogeneous);
  • volume for accounting time (suitable for any type of product).

To use any of these methods, you must know the indicators:

  • N - the number of workers for which the calculation is applied;
  • V is the amount of work in one expression or another.

Calculation of labor productivity by cost method

PRst = Vst / N

  • PR st - cost productivity of labor;
  • V st - the volume of manufactured products in financial (value) terms.
  • N - the number of units producing products

Example #1

The owner of the pastry shop wants to know the productivity of the pastry department. This department employs 10 confectioners who, in an 8-hour work shift, make cakes estimated at 300,000 rubles. Let's find the labor productivity of one confectioner.

To do this, first divide 300,000 (daily output) by 10 (number of employees): 300,000 / 10 \u003d 30,000 rubles. This is the daily productivity of one employee. If you need to find this indicator per hour, then we divide the daily productivity by the duration of the shift: 30,000 / 8 = 3,750 rubles. at one o'clock.

Calculation of labor productivity by natural method

It is more convenient to use it if the manufactured products can be easily measured in generally accepted units - pieces, grams or kilograms, meters, liters, etc., while the goods (services) produced are homogeneous.

PRnat = Vnat / N

  • PR nat - natural labor productivity;
  • V nat - the number of units of manufactured products in a convenient form of calculation.

Example #2

We investigate the productivity of the calico fabric manufacturing department at the factory. Suppose that 20 employees of the shop produce 150,000 m of calico in 8 hours of daily hay. Thus, 150,000 / 20 = 7500 m of calico is produced (conditionally) per day by 1 employee, and if we look for this indicator in metro hours, then we divide the individual output by 8 hours: 7500 / 8 = 937, 5 meters per hour.

Calculation of labor productivity according to the conditionally natural method

This method is convenient in that it is suitable for calculations in cases where the manufactured products are similar in characteristics, but still not the same, when it can be taken as a conventional unit.

PRsl = Vcond / N

  • PR conv - labor productivity in conventional units of production;
  • V conditional - the conditional volume of production, for example, in the form of raw materials or others.

Example #3

The mini-bakery produces 120 bagels, 50 pies and 70 buns in an 8-hour working day, 15 employees are employed in it. We introduce a conditional coefficient in the form of the amount of dough (assume that all products use the same dough and they differ only in shaping). For a daily norm of bagels, 8 kg of dough is consumed, for pies - 6 kg, and for buns - 10 kg. Thus, the indicator of the daily consumption of dough (Vusl) will be 8 + 6 + 10 = 24 kg of raw materials. Let's calculate the labor productivity of 1 baker: 24 / 15 = 1.6 kg per day. The hourly rate will be 1.6 / 8 = 0.2 kg per hour.

Calculation of labor productivity according to the labor method

This method is effective if you need to calculate time labor costs, while taking the volumetric indicator in standard hours. It is applicable only for such types of production, where the temporary tension is approximately the same.

PRtr \u003d Vper unit T / N

  • PR tr - labor productivity;
  • V per unit T - the number of products manufactured in a selected unit of time.

Example #4

It takes a worker 2 hours to make a stool, and 1 hour to make a high chair. Two carpenters made 10 stools and 5 chairs in an 8-hour shift. Let's find their labor productivity. We multiply the volume of manufactured products by the time of production of one of its units: 10 x 2 + 5 x 1 \u003d 20 + 5 \u003d 25. Now we divide this figure by the time period we need, for example, if we want to find the productivity of one worker per hour, then we divide by (2 workers x 8 hours). That is, it turns out 25 / 16 \u003d 1.56 units of production per hour.

The indicator of labor intensity is the opposite of the indicator of production. Calculation depending on the elapsed time: Тр=Т/Q. Calculation depending on the average number of personnel: Тр=Ч/Q

  • B - production;
  • Tr - labor intensity;
  • Q is the volume of production in natural units (pieces);
  • T - the cost of paid working time for the production of this product;
  • H is the average number of staff.

There is a more detailed way to calculate performance: PT \u003d (Q * (1 - Kp)) / (T1 * H),

  • where PT is labor productivity;
  • Кп - downtime coefficient;
  • T1 - labor costs of the employee.

Methods for calculating labor productivity

The formula for calculating labor productivity according to the balance sheet differs from the general productivity formula in that the calculation uses the amount of work performed, which is indicated in the balance sheet, and not the volume of output. The next step is to determine the ratio of this volume to the average number of employees. The calculated value is considered the actual labor productivity, while the planned productivity is reflected in the balance sheet or in company statistics.

Thus, the formula for calculating labor productivity according to the balance: PT \u003d Qvr / N Here Qvr is the volume of work performed for a certain period, N is the average number of workers involved in the production of products. Analysis of the indicator of labor productivity The formula for calculating labor productivity according to the balance allows us to draw many conclusions about the functioning of the enterprise.

Balance sheet labor productivity formula

Production The coefficient shows the total size of the product, calculated for a certain time slice per one specialist. The output is calculated depending on two factors, namely: the average number of employees involved in the production process and the time spent on creating the product. to content Average number of personnel involved V = Q / B

  • Where, V - development;
  • B - the average number of specialists involved in the production of products;
  • Where, V is the output depending on the time spent;
  • T - the cost of paying working time for the creation of products;
  • Q - the volume of the released product or service.

Downtime is not taken into account in the calculation of production.

Each employee is counted once a day.

  • Performance can be determined from revenue data from the income statement.
  • Labor and time costs are also reflected in the accounting documentation.

Other indicators Average productivity is determined, if available a large number of products with different complexity, according to the following formula: Вср = ΣVolume of production of a type of product *Coefficient of labor intensity of a type of product. The value (Ki) for positions with minimum labor intensity is equal to one. For other types of products, this indicator is calculated by dividing the labor intensity specific product to the minimum.
Labor productivity of one worker: Pr \u003d (Volume of output * (1 - Ki) / T. The same indicator can be calculated based on the balance data: Pr \u003d (p. 2130 * (1 - K)) / (T * H).

Labor productivity. calculation formula

Productivity must be constantly increased through the use of new equipment, training of workers, and organization of production. Wage fund (FZP) The analysis of the salary fund begins with the calculation of the deviations of the actual (FZPf) and planned (FZPp) salaries: FZP (rub) = FZPf - FZPp. The relative deviation takes into account the implementation of the production plan.

To calculate it, the variable part of the salary is multiplied by the plan performance factor, while the constant part remains unchanged. Piecework wages, bonuses for production results, vacation pay and other payments that depend on production volumes are included in the variable part. The salaries calculated according to tariffs refer to the permanent part.

Relative deviation of FZP: FZP \u003d FZP f - (FZPper * K + ZP constant).

Key indicators and formula for calculating labor productivity

The formula for calculating the average labor productivity: Vav=ΣQi*Ki,

  • where Вср – average labor productivity;
  • Qi is the volume of each type of manufactured product;
  • Ki is the coefficient of labor intensity of each type of manufactured product.

To determine this coefficient, a position with minimal labor intensity is allocated. It equates to one. To find the coefficients for other types of products, the labor intensity of each is divided by the indicator of the minimum labor intensity. To calculate the labor productivity of one employee, the following formula is used: PT \u003d (Q * (1 - Kp)) / T1.

To calculate the indicators of labor productivity, the data of the balance sheet of the enterprise, in particular, the volume of manufactured products, are used. This indicator is reflected in the second section of the documentation in line 2130.

Average annual output per worker

The algorithm is great for finding the coefficient for both one hour and a whole year. As mentioned above, the indicator is a unique tool for characterizing the results of the work of employees in the calculation for a certain time interval. For example, you can calculate how many benefits one specialist of the company can bring in one hour. active work or, when it comes to industrial enterprise how many parts a worker can produce in eight hours.

The formula for calculating the indicator is based on two fundamental values:

  • laboriousness;
  • production.

It is these two coefficients that serve as the basis for determining the level of production efficiency of the company and, as a result, its profitability. An increase in value leads to a corresponding increase in production volumes, as well as a switch to a policy of greater savings in matters of monthly salary.

Labor productivity indicators and calculation methods


Effective use resources is a condition that ensures the fulfillment production plans. For the purpose of analysis, the organization's personnel is divided into production and administrative. Based on the name, it is clear that the first group includes employees directly engaged in the main activity of the enterprise, and the second - all the rest.

For each of these groups, the average annual output is calculated and the quality of use is analyzed. work force. Basic concepts In the course of labor force analysis, labor productivity is examined. It shows how many products are made per hour (day, month, year).

To calculate this indicator, you need to determine average annual output and labor intensity. They best represent labor efficiency. Increasing productivity leads to increased production volumes and wage savings.

How to calculate labor productivity in an enterprise?

The following formula is used: Δ IN =[ Eh /(Hr - Eh)] x 100 percent

  • Where, Eh is the planned savings in the number of employees;
  • Hr - the number of specialists involved in the production process.

The calculation for one employee is carried out as follows: Δ IN = x 100 percent of the content Example For an example of the practical use of labor productivity, it is worth considering the following situation. back to content Task The manager of the enterprise was given the task of determining to what extent the labor productivity coefficient could change in the planned period, provided that during the reporting time slice products were created for total amount 2.5 million rubles. The number of employees involved is 1,350 people.

So you can determine the influence of each of the factors on the variable part of the salary. The constant part of the wage bill is affected by:

  • number of personnel (H);
  • number of days worked per year (K);
  • average shift duration (t);
  • average hourly wage (HWP).

FZP f \u003d H * K * t * NZP. The influence of each of the factors on final result can be defined in exactly the same way.


First, changes in each of the four indicators are calculated, and then the obtained values ​​are multiplied with absolute and relative deviations. The next stage of the analysis is the calculation of the effectiveness of the use of payroll. For expanded reproduction, profit, profitability, it is necessary that the growth of productivity outpaces the growth of the wage bill.

Output per 1 employee balance formula

Labor productivity - balance calculation formula In some cases, when an audit of a third-party company is carried out, indirect indicators can be used to calculate the labor coefficient, which can be found in a simple accounting report. Calculation based on the balance sheet is not difficult and time consuming. The standard formula is used here. Only instead of the indicator of the volume of production (per hour, month, year), the total amount of work performed is used, which is also indicated in the financial statements.
Therefore, dividing the volume of products created for a certain time period by the amount of work performed, you can get an accurate calculation of labor productivity.
It took 8000/2500 = 3.2 man-hours to make one chair. To determine the productivity of labor in the workshop, structural unit plant, factory for the period (month, quarter, year), the formula PT \u003d ° C / cp is used, where

  • PT - the average labor productivity of one employee for the period;
  • оС - the total total cost of finished products for the period;
  • сРР - the average number of employees of the shop.

Example 3. In November 2015, a metal products workshop produced finished products for a total of 38 million rubles.
The average number of employees was 400 people. 63,600 man-hours worked. In December 2015, products worth 42 million rubles were manufactured, and the average headcount was 402 people. 73560 man-hours worked.