When we buy it it is black. Graceful riddles

Color can have unexpected effects on people. He is capable of:

  • change the taste perception of hot chocolate;
  • affect our perception of time;
  • speed up or slow down our heartbeat;
  • make us stronger and faster;
  • affect our opinion about the reliability of a particular person.

If color has such an effect on us, can it have an effect on our shopping habits? Of course, yes. In the course of various studies, the influence of different color shades on the emotional state of a person has been repeatedly substantiated.

Using color influence correctly can help you increase your conversion rate. The effect can be very noticeable. For example, 85% of consumers say that color is a determining factor for them when choosing a particular product. 66% of people won't make a purchase if the product is in a color they don't like.

What shades do people prefer? And how can this be predicted? Yes, but the accuracy of such forecasts will be low. People choose one or another color depending on how they feel at a given time.

For example, light blue and bright yellow are preferred by healthy people;
Dark blue, as well as all shades of gray, are popular among anxious people or those who are depressed.

If, being in a certain mood, we prefer certain colors, then the converse is also true. Colors can provoke changes in our mood:

Blue: kindness, honesty, authority, clarity, intelligence;
Purple: greatness, quality, individuality, spirituality, creativity;
Red: desire, action, passion, energy, enthusiasm;
Orange: fun, friendliness, rejuvenation, uplift, optimism
Yellow: happiness, enthusiasm, friendliness, optimism, confidence
Green: hope, growth, renewal, balance, tranquility.

All this means that we can use website design elements to evoke certain emotions in visitors and increase conversions. Listed below are six colors that will definitely have a positive impact on your potential customers.

1. Red

In 2005, scientists at Durham University published a study that showed that athletes who compete in red uniforms win more often. Red is associated with urgency, danger and strength. It seems like this shade should be avoided, but if used in moderation, it can increase sales effectiveness.

How does red affect sales?

Red color provokes a person to take action. If you have already attracted the attention of a visitor with an impeccable design, they are interested in quality text, then the red “buy now” button will come in handy.

Where can I see red calls to action?

At any sale shopping malls discount signs are usually red. This is especially effective during Black Friday, for example, when people are already aware that they can buy heavily discounted items and only need one last “push” to make a purchase. That's why sale posters are usually bright red - they convey a sense of urgency.

Red works best when it comes to impulse buying. Therefore, it is often used when creating in online stores. However, the red color is also effective for websites of developer companies. software. When HubSpot tested a new targeted action button, the red one was 21% more effective than the green one.

2. Blue

Blue color indirectly contributes to the increase in sales. It is usually associated with calmness and stability, which is why it is so popular among specialists in financial institutions. This shade is also used when they want to inspire people with a sense of security and serenity. In this regard, sellers of high-value goods often use blue in their color palette.

How does the color blue affect sales?

Blue color helps people cope with feelings of anxiety. It will be a good option for website background design or conversion elements. This shade the best way suitable for finance, medicine and insurance.

What sites use blue?

Most websites of financial and insurance companies are made in blue colors. Light blue creates a feeling of freedom and security, while dark blue is associated with tradition, seriousness and intelligence. On the Paypal website, you can see several shades of blue at once:

Notice the use of contrasting colors. Headlines are written in red font, which evokes other emotional associations.

Where should blue be used?

Blue is a great choice if your company's sales volume depends on how trustworthy and serious you are perceived to be. Blue elements will stand out well against a white background. Yellow text on blue background considered the most readable.

3. Green

Green color is traditionally associated in our minds with healthy and clean environment, as well as with everything natural and organic. If your business is closely related to these concepts, then you should pay special attention to this shade.

Research proves that green, unlike other colors, makes people express their creativity. In addition, everyone is well aware that this color is used as a traffic light signal that allows movement. Therefore, the use of green for conversion elements looks more like a permissive signal, rather than a call to urgently take action.

How does green affect sales?

Green color can be used to highlight the target action button on the general background of the site:

In 2010, RIPT Apparel decided to make the target action button green:

As a result of these changes, conversions increased by 6.3%.

Where is green used?

Dell is one of largest companies in charge of sales computer technology. Their site uses a blue color to give the impression of being a trustworthy company, and a banner highlighted in red, which creates a sense of urgency and makes users immediately click on it:

If you scroll down the page, you can see the conversion elements decorated using green:

Green action buttons work best on a white background and surrounded by contrasting colors. This shade should prevail in the visual hierarchy, attract attention, but at the same time not be too catchy. If you feel like your customers need a green light rather than a push to impulsive purchases then green is an excellent choice. This shade works great on electronics sites:

4. Purple

Purple is usually associated with nobility, prosperity and strength. In ancient times, it was forbidden by law to wear clothes of this color to ordinary people. AT modern society purple often takes on the added meaning of spirituality and creativity. You should take a look at the results of one study showing who prefers this color:

Colors that women love the most: blue, purple, green;
Colors that women hate: orange, brown, gray.

Below are similar results from a study regarding color preferences among men:

Colors that men love the most: blue, green, black;
Colors that men hate: brown, orange, purple.

Thus, you should not choose purple as the main color of your brand, if your target audience are men.

How does purple affect sales?

Purple is a vibrant hue. It contrasts well with yellow and green and goes well with pink and blue. If your site has a lot of white and black colors, then by designing the menu or conversion elements in purple tones, you can noticeably distinguish them from the general background.

Where is purple used?

On the website of the streaming company Roku, you can see a lot of purple. It is used to style menu items:

Where should purple be used?

From a practical standpoint, purple stands out well on sites that use muted blue as their primary color. This is the standard color scheme for the financial sector. However educational organizations like Pearson also use this effect:

It should be borne in mind that a shadow or reflection can affect what effect the purple on site visitors. If you don't want any design element to look feminine, then you need to avoid shadows and complement the purple hue with blue. If you need the opposite effect, then use light overflows, and take pink as an addition.

5. Black

You are probably sure that black is not an important part of the website color scheme. This is absolutely true, because most designers prefer white and a few bright shades. However, black can also make a very strong impression.

The use of black has a good effect when it comes to high-value products, the target audience of which is mainly men. Adherents of this color are companies such as Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini and Rutgers University.

How does black affect sales?

You should not use black for conversion elements, as it usually does not stand out well against the general background. However, black and white colors automatically create contrast. For example, on the Squarespace website, you can see a white target action button on a black background:

On another page of their website, you can see a black target action button with white text:

This color solution gives designers the freedom to choose the visual range. Black and white gamma in any case will stand out.

Where is black used?

This shade is used in the color scheme of any expensive brand aimed at the male audience. For example, below is a screenshot of the Rolls Royce website:

Don Q also uses black as the main color for their site. Against a dark background, you can see gold-colored headlines and text aimed at young men who want to appear connoisseurs of sophistication:

Where should black be used?

If you don't sell luxury cars, then you should be more discreet when using black. However, it can be very effective if applied to individual elements.

6. Orange

Orange is a bright and saturated color, however, unlike red, it does not convey a sense of urgency. This color has many tones and shades. Orange can often be seen on various sites. It is also used in the design of target action buttons. Orange stands out against any background. Its effectiveness is perhaps due to the fact that only a few companies use it as their brand color.

How does the color orange affect sales?

Orange color can be a great solution for designing conversion elements if the site design is simple and the site itself is made in bright colors. It stands out from most color schemes. Most people have a positive attitude towards the color orange, so using it on a site can be an advantage.

What sites can you see the color orange?

On the Penguin website, you can see the orange "Subscribe" button:

The "Create Account" button is still orange. She looks bright and stands out well from the general background.

When should orange be used?

Below is good example using orange from Harley Davidson:

Orange stands out noticeably against a black background. This color is used to highlight menu items. It echoes red when the description of the selected bike appears. It is important that the entire site is designed using the colors of the company logo: black, orange and white.


The use of certain colors can be very effective, as they can convey a sense of urgency or drown out feelings of unease. Some colors evoke a sense of security in people, while others create excitement or anxiety.

What shades should be used?

It is very important to determine the colors that you will use in order to distinguish your brand from others. If your business is associated with bright emotions, strength and freedom, then the shades used, for example, by Harley Davidson, will suit you. Victoria's Secret uses different color schemes, as the scope of this organization is very diverse.

Thus, when deciding on a color palette, base on the signature shades of your brand.

(A cow peeks around the corner)

One horse owner left a stable as a legacy to his sons. He bequeathed to the elder one half, the middle third, and the youngest a ninth of all the horses. There were 17 horses left in the stable at the time of the owner's death. How can you divide the horses without breaking the will?

(Add one more horse to the stable. Now there are 18 of them. We will give 9 horses to the eldest heir, 6 to the middle and 2 to the youngest. The conditions of the will are fulfilled. You can take your horse back)

One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you and ask questions. " The boy agreed. The man wrote on paper and showed the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1,000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?

(The man wrote "your exact weight")

The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can it be?

(1 h 40 min = 100 min)

One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other - from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?

(At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow)

One magician claimed that he could place a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

(Into her room

One person ate one egg for breakfast every morning. Where did he get the egg from, if it is known that he did not have any chickens, he never bought chicken eggs, he never borrowed them from anyone, he never stole them and he never received them as a gift?

(Eggs are not chicken)

One yacht goes from Nice to San Remo, the other from San Remo to Nice. They left the harbors at the same time. The first hour of the yacht's movement went at the same speed (60 km/h), but then the first yacht increased its speed to 80 km/h. Which of the yachts will be closer to Nice at the time of their meeting?

(At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Nice)

One day, a collector of old money saw a coin in an antique shop, on which was the date: 175 BC. This Roman coin was slightly damaged, but was of great value. She was not expensive. But the collector did not buy it. Why?

(The collector realized that he had a fake in his hands, since the master who made the coin did not know that he lived "before our era")

One morning, a man notices that there is no air in one of the tires of his car. Nevertheless, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit, he comes back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he could drive his car without problems. Why could he drive a car?

(The flat tire was on the spare tire)

Dropped one, took a whole handful. What is it?

One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How many minutes will 2 eggs cook?

(3 minutes)

The October Revolution took place on November 7/8, or October 24/25 according to the old style, i.e. 13 days ago. Why do we celebrate New Year 31/1, and the Old New Year - January 12/13? Those. 13 days ahead. As?

He is black as the devil. Hot as hell! He is pure, like an angel, and gentle, like love. He is harmful to the people, he raises them to riot and confusion. No, it enlightens the mind and instills logical thinking. Revolution and progress go along with it. He helped raise great scientists and poets. People who make friends with him are distinguished by fortitude and rebelliousness of the fate of slaves.

It is black when bought, red when used, gray when discarded.

It is in every corner, but itself without corners.

(letter "o")

She gives people torment if she is not shared.

It nourishes in autumn, warms in winter, amuses in spring, cools in summer.

From what animal did the Canary Islands get their name?

(Dog, lat. canis - dog, Spanish Las Islas Canarias - "dog islands")

Why does a goose swim?

(From the shore)

Why do goose paws turn red?

(From the knee)

There are many holes, but the water still holds in it.

A man went to sea and got into a storm. He was taken to an island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up covered in ropes at some kind of ritual and found out that they wanted to kill him. And he asked for the last word. After he said it, the girls made a boat for him, gave him food, water and sent him home. What did he say?

(Let me be killed by the ugliest)

Why is the cat running?

(Can't fly)

Why does a rooster close its eyes when it sings?

(Wants to show that he sings by heart)

Suppose that someone offers you to make a bet on the following conditions - your partner bets 1 (one) dollar and claims that if you give him 40 dollars, he will give you change 100 (one hundred) dollars. Is it profitable to bet?

(No: the partner will say that he lost and take your $40, and give back the $1 you bet on)

The professor sets the alarm for nine o'clock in the morning and goes to bed at eight o'clock in the evening. How long will the professor sleep (at the wake of the alarm, he will definitely wake up)

(One hour)

There are three pedals, but there are no clutch pedals among them. Why?

(Piano, pianoforte, etc.)

In front of you is a jug of water and a crystal glass, which must be filled to the top with water from this jug. But the following condition must be met: exactly the same amount of water must remain in the jug as it was before the start of your actions.

(Take a glass and carefully place it on the bottom of a jug of water, without spilling a drop of liquid on the table)

On the road, 3 turtles crawl one after another. The first turtle said: "2 turtles are crawling behind me." The second turtle said: "I have 1 turtle crawling behind me and 1 turtle crawling in front of me." And the third turtle said: "2 turtles are crawling in front of me and 1 turtle is crawling behind me." How can this be?

(Turtles crawl in circles)

What path did no one walk or ride?

(According to the milky)

It is the ninth in order, and its name is translated from Latin as "seventh". What are we talking about?

Graceful riddles

With How many walnuts can you put in an empty glass?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To What is the highest mountain in the world from bottom to top?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To How do you make yourself fall in love with someone and make that person fall in love with you too?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

O One morning, a man notices that there is no air in one of the tires of his car. Nevertheless, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit, he comes back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he could drive his car without problems. Why could he drive a car?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H It can happen only once, but it happens almost every year?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To Which two chocolate bars always argue with each other?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H How are the buttons on a phone different from the buttons on a calculator?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then thrown into the pan before putting something into it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

O n black when bought, red when used, gray when discarded.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

At I have no weight, but I am light, I am heavy. Who am I?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

P Why do white sheep eat more grass than black sheep?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that has no beginning, end or middle?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

G its depth is no more than the height of a glass, its size is no larger than the reach of human hands, but no matter how much water is poured into it, it still will not fill up.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

P a man crawls through the desert. Already, practically, at death from thirst. Suddenly he sees an oasis in the distance. With the last of his strength, he crawls to the oasis - the oasis is surrounded by a fence and the inscription hangs: "Only for blacks." There is nothing to do - he crawled over the oasis and crawled further. Here he meets a trading tent with shoe polish. He buys shoe polish, smears himself, returns to the oasis, they let him inside, he eats, drinks, goes to bed and says to the guard: "Tomorrow, please, wake me up early in the morning - I'll crawl further."
In the morning they woke him up, as requested, and he crawled on. Here he sees a puddle. He thinks: "It makes no sense to pretend to be a Negro - I'll wash off the shoe polish." He scooped up water, rubbed it - it does not rub off. Rubbed harder - does not rub off. He began to rub with sand, rubbed everything to the blood - it does not rub off! What happened?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AT Which word has 7 letters "o"?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H does it disappear as soon as you name it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To How can you remove a wheel in one second?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that is not a question, but requires an answer?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

BUT ntilope, kangaroo, flea competed in high jumps. The kangaroo jumped 2 meters, the antelope jumped 3 meters, and the flea only half a meter. Who has won?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To how to bring water in a leaky bucket?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

O There are many holes, but the water still holds in it.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AT what is the order of this series of numbers? 8 2 9 0 1 5 7 3 4 6

<< Answer to the riddle >>

With How many minutes does it take to boil a hard boiled egg?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

B There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To what milk product Easiest to cook, judging by its name?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

E The train travels south at a speed of 70 km/h. In which direction will the smoke fly?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H it rises up and falls down, but does not itself move?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To Which stone cannot be found in the sea?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

I not alive, but I'm growing. I don't have lungs, but I need air. I don't have a mouth, but water will kill me. Who am I?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To When do we look at the number 2 and say 10?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AT Which word has three "e"s in the middle?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

D Atchans like to say: “Everything is better here than in Sweden: climate, nature, people, history, and only one thing is better with the Swedes.” What?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

E If you give what was asked of you, then they say “thank you”, but you will never say “cheers” in response. What have you been asked?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To Which island calls itself a piece of linen?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H and three hats were placed on the table: two white and one black. They called two very smart people. They put on hats, but in such a way that they did not know what color the hat was on. They stood in front of each other and after three seconds one of them says: "I'm wearing a white hat." How did he guess?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M Moscow - 100, Yaroslavl - 1000, Arkhangelsk - 500. What are we talking about?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

O I threw the bottom, took a whole handful. What is it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To When is a man called by a woman's name?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H and a crow is sitting on the bitch. What should be done to saw off the bough without disturbing the crow?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To anat is stretched by 0.5 cm from a load of 100 kg. How many centimeters will the rope stretch under a load of 10 tons?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then you need to put it in a pie before you eat it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

With How many bricks will it take to completely build a house?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To what land will never grow old?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that itself is dark, but made with the help of light?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then zero says eight?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M Is it possible to meet a lion, two she-bears and hounds at the North Pole?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

With the house is warming, all the windows are to the south, suddenly a bear comes from somewhere. What colour is he?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M Can you light a match underwater?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H e was and will not be, but the name was and will be.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

At seven siblings. How many sisters are there?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H The person makes it turn on, but when it turns on, the person immediately turns it off.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To Which year is only one day long?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To Which word ends with three "e"s?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To What disease does no one get sick on land?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AT The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H does not exist, but has a name?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To how to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To What invention allows you to see through walls?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M The man was driving a big truck. The lights on the car were not on. There was also no moon. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that can be found in December, but cannot be found in any other month?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AT All native Russian female names end either in “a” or in “I”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one single female name that does not end in either "a" or "I". Name it.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

And Which faucet can't wash your hands?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H and a cat sits in the window. A tail like a cat, whiskers, paws, ears like a cat, but not a cat itself. Who is it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AT what month do people eat the least?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

With how old will you be in 2015 if you were born in 1991?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then higher without a head than with a head?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

To What female name can be written as thirty "I"?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AT what forests do not have game?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

At you have three oranges. If you hide one orange, how many oranges will you have left?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

T from who orders it, he does not need it. The one who does it does not do it for himself. Whoever makes it doesn't care.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

With How many animals did Moses take into his ark?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

T Only she always knows exactly where her husband is. Who is she?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

With how many peas can fit into an ordinary glass?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

G Where does Tuesday come earlier than Monday?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H What question can't be answered with "no"?