Business from scratch: how to open your own store. How to open your own store and which store is better to open How to open a grocery supermarket from scratch the best

Many people who dream of opening a business and working for themselves start with a grocery store. The main argument when choosing a type of activity is accessibility, high demand for food and possibly successful experience many other entrepreneurs. But you shouldn’t count on an “easy walk”, because without proper planning and preparation grocery store business plan it's hard to count on quick payback and the success of the business in general.

The first step is to create your own plan, which has a strategic and financial component. In the first case, we are talking about the final goals and possible obstacles that may stand in the way, and in the second, we are talking about the costs of setting up and maintaining a business.

In general, before opening a grocery store, you should do the following:

  1. Analyze the market and level of competition.
  2. Consider location point of sale.
  3. Think over your pricing policy.
  4. Compose financial business plan and development strategy.

Primary expenses and where to get money

To figure it out how much does it cost to open a grocery store from scratch, worth doing a series simple calculations. This type of business involves the following expenses:

  • Buying or renting premises. Average cost pavilion in the capital will cost 400-500 thousand rubles. Rent will be cheaper (about 80-100 thousand). For provincial cities, costs will be much lower.
  • Purchase of equipment (cash register, shelving, display cases, refrigerators, etc.) - 300-400 thousand rubles.
  • Employee salaries start from 90 thousand rubles monthly, assuming that four people will work in the store.
  • Additional expense items include fire alarms, security, hiring cleaners, purchasing licenses to sell alcohol.

Where can I get money to open a grocery store? There are several options:

  • Attract an investor with sufficient professionalism in this area. Such a person not only invests money in the project, but also helps with useful ideas.
  • Apply for a loan from a bank. This replenishment method is best used as a last resort due to strict refund conditions and high interest rates. In addition, not everyone can get a loan. To do this, you will need a good credit history, a package of papers and a business plan with a detailed description.
  • Get government subsidy. The condition for obtaining financial assistance is being registered with an entertainment center for a year, as well as not being employed. Unlike a loan, the money does not need to be repaid. But there is also a drawback regarding the small amount of assistance.

The best option is when you have your own savings at hand, because then you can not depend on anyone and gradually implement the plan.

Where to open a store?

Its popularity among customers and the rate of return on investment depend on the location of the outlet. If the choice is unsuccessful, the profit will be minimal, and the sale of the business may soon be necessary. In order not to make a mistake in this matter, it is recommended to take into account a number of points - the type of outlet (stall, store) and the current budget.

Small grocery store It is more profitable to open in a residential area, where its own contingent of buyers is quickly formed. Thanks to this, the products are actively sold out and do not spoil. It is easier for a person to go to a small store near his home than to take a minibus or walk to the supermarket.

When choosing a room, you should pay attention to the reliability of the structure, ease of access (possibility of its arrangement) and the presence of connected communications (water, heat, sewerage, etc.). If you miss this moment, subsequent costs during registration may increase several times.

What documents are needed?

Key rod modern business there is a bureaucratic component, so before opening a grocery store it is worth collecting a considerable package of documents. To begin with, you should register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, and then obtain many permits.

Below is a list of documents that may be required:

  • Medical books (for each employee).
  • Agreements for waste removal, deratization and disinfestation.
  • A sanitary passport, which must be located inside the store and presented upon request. The document specifies a list of work to be performed.
  • Papers confirming the entrepreneur’s right to use the premises (purchase and sale agreement or lease agreement).
  • Certificate of workplaces, which must be drawn up taking into account current sanitary standards.
  • Licenses and certificates that allow you to trade a certain type of product.
  • Book of suggestions and reviews.
  • Certificate confirming inclusion in the register of the locality.
  • A list of emergency telephone numbers (must be in a visible place).
  • Expert opinion on the compliance of the premises with fire safety standards.
  • Information on servicing beneficiaries out of turn.
  • Documents for cash register services - technical passport of cash register, cashier's log and others.
  • Certificate confirming the fact of control testing of measuring devices.

This list is not complete and can be expanded if you plan to hire foreign citizen or if there are other subtleties of the future business.

Repair and purchase of equipment

Making decisions Is it profitable to open a grocery store from scratch?, it is important to take into account all cost items, including repairs and purchase of equipment, without which it will not be possible to organize a business.

Before starting repairs, it is important to remember:

  1. The store should create comfortable conditions for buyers and sellers. When determining temperature regime and humidity levels, it is worth taking into account the storage requirements of various products.
  2. The minimum number of rooms is two: for selling goods and for storing them. This does not include the utility room and toilet.
  3. The area of ​​even a small grocery store should be 50 square meters or more. Otherwise, the equipment will not fit, and one can only dream of comfort for visitors.

The average cost of repair work is limited by financial capabilities. If you do only what is necessary, the costs will be 100-150 thousand rubles and more.

The greatest difficulty arises when choosing and purchasing equipment for opening a small grocery store. This is one of the main expense items. The list includes scales, shelving, refrigeration and regular display cases. You will also need a freezer and refrigeration cabinet, cash register and counters.

In order to save money, it is possible to purchase used equipment. But there is a minus here. Such equipment is most likely not under warranty and may fail at any time. The best solution— rent equipment directly from the supplier, but the availability of such an opportunity should be clarified in advance.

How to choose an assortment?

To attract a buyer and turn him into a regular customer, it is important to offer wide range. Even a small grocery store should have everything you need for everyday life. But you won’t be able to cover everything - you should focus on the target buyer and the location of the outlet. The main attention should be paid to essential products - baked goods, bread, milk, meat, drinks and so on. To save money, all these goods can be purchased from local suppliers.

The outlet should also have other products - sweets, household goods and sausages. When compiling a list, it is important to focus not only on potential profit, but also on expanding the number of customers. For example, chewing gum will not bring much profit, but it is in demand among children and adults.

Selection of suppliers

At the stage of opening a grocery store, it is important to resolve the issue with suppliers. One of the work schemes is to supply goods from distributor warehouses. With this approach, the cost of the goods will be inflated due to additional costs for storage and staff salaries. Alternatively, you can purchase goods in a large hypermarket and then increase prices. At the same time, it is worth remembering the competition and comparing your pricing policy with the prices of your competitors.

The main thing in business activities- establish good relationship with suppliers, show yourself on the positive side, but be as attentive as possible. When accepting a product, you should pay attention to its appearance and expiration date. It is difficult to explain to the buyer that missing kefir or dented ice cream is the supplier’s fault. When such a product appears, it is advisable to immediately remove it from the shelf so as not to lose customer trust. Special attention should be paid to the expiration date of the product. To avoid early spoilage of products, it is important to properly organize their storage.

Personnel selection rules and marketing

The success of a grocery store and its profit depends on one more factor - the qualifications of the staff. Here it is better not to save money, but to hire people who have experience and have been in the trade field for a long time. Experienced employees know how to properly arrange goods, know how to communicate with customers and promptly warn about the absence of certain products.

To attract employees, it is better to choose a piece-rate payment option, when a person receives a fixed payment per day in the store and a percentage of sales. The employee's responsibilities should include customer service, assistance in working with suppliers, and product control. All of these factors are key. The professionalism of the seller determines how many customers will return to the store and become regular customers. That is why it is important to supervise the work of employees and prevent them from being rude to visitors. It is worth remembering that a person will be more willing to come to a cozy store with friendly salespeople.

To attract the attention of buyers, it is worth holding promotions, periodically making discounts on certain groups of goods, and beautifully designing display windows. One of the cheapest methods of promotion is posting advertisements. Be sure to have a bright sign that should attract attention.

Total expenses (financial results)

promising and interesting direction. But main question, which concerns many aspiring entrepreneurs, concerns the costs of starting a business. All expense items must be outlined in the business plan. Let's highlight the main points:
  • Purchase of goods for the first time - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 120-140 thousand rubles.
  • Renovation of the premises - 300-400 thousand rubles.
  1. Regular expenses:
  • Rental fee - from 20 thousand rubles.
  • Salary (4 people) - 90 thousand rubles.
  • Utility bills - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of products - 160 thousand rubles.

Total expenses are about 900-950 thousand rubles. To this amount you can add the costs of purchasing licenses, etc. The average profit of a small store is 400-450 thousand rubles per month. The level of profitability in the Russian Federation is 30%.

How to open a small grocery store: step by step

In conclusion, we highlight the sequence of actions in which you need to act when opening a retail outlet:

  1. Decide on the location of the store.
  2. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. When selling alcohol, the second option is required.
  3. Select a tax regime.
  4. Prepare technical project and permitting papers.
  5. Buy commercial equipment and place it in the premises after repairs.
  6. Decide on your target audience and take this into account when determining your product range and pricing policy.
  7. Find several reliable suppliers.
  8. Submit information about the opening of the store to Rospotrebnadzor.
  9. Hire employees and enter into contracts with them.

Grocery retail is perhaps one of the few stable and sustainable sectors Russian economy. People always want to eat, even during a crisis. Therefore, they cannot do without food. The grocery store will not be left without customers, but it’s good organized business will allow you to get high profits.

Relevance of a business plan for opening a grocery store

Starting your own food sales business is a serious step that needs to be thought through and carefully planned. Therefore, it is necessary to open a grocery store that reflects financial, production, and strategic aspects.

When opening a grocery store, it is important to consider own resources and opportunities, have a good idea of ​​the activities of the future store. In addition, you need to take into account market conditions: how many buyers you will have, who they are, what their needs are, and how much money they have.

Finally, it is worth thinking about competitors who operate in your chosen territory. You should know where competing stores are located, what they offer customers, and what competitors' advantages and disadvantages are.

Enterprise registration

Having decided to open a grocery store, you should decide on the form of ownership of your business: will it be your store or.

Financial part of a grocery store business plan

In order to assess the profitability of a store, it is necessary to calculate the one-time costs of opening a grocery store from scratch, as well as fixed costs. Let's look at these indicators using the example of opening a small store in a building with an area of ​​50 square meters. m.

How much money do you need to open a grocery store?

So, in order to find out how much it costs to open a grocery store from scratch, you need to calculate the costs.

IN one-time costs includes expenses for the acquisition and renovation of premises, purchase commercial equipment, enterprise registration.

In our case:

  • store registration – 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​200 thousand rubles;
  • carrying out repair work– 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods – 250 thousand rubles.

Thus, opening a store will cost approximately 620 thousand rubles.

TO fixed costs include expenses for renting premises, remuneration of personnel, advertising costs, taxes, etc.

In our case:

  • wages for staff (for example, 3 people) – 60 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility bills - 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment of rental payments - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods – 200 thousand rubles;
  • advertising events - 30 thousand rubles.

In other words, monthly expenses will be more than 350 thousand rubles.

How much profit can you expect from a grocery store?

Considering that the average bill in such stores is 300 rubles, and throughput there will be approximately 100 customers/day, then the profit of the grocery store per month will be 900 thousand rubles.

Let's subtract from this amount fixed costs, indicated above, and we get net profit— 550 thousand rubles. Do not forget that taxes and unforeseen expenses will also need to be subtracted from this amount.

In general, if you calculate the payback of a grocery store, you can see that the project will pay off for up to 1 year.

Grocery store profitability

The profitability of core activities characterizes economic effect from the incurred costs of the current period (distribution costs trading activities). In trading organizations, this indicator characterizes the effectiveness of the costs incurred by the organization to support trading activities.

If in our case the markup is, say, 30%, then the profitability of the grocery store will be 15-20%.

In the era of chain supermarkets, small grocery stores are tenacious according to all the laws of the market. But now even optimists will ask themselves the question: who needs them?

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

A newcomer to business will be confused: is it worth opening a grocery store number infinity? But think about it - trading giants and a small stall next to the house have different functions:
  • On the first one we will go on the weekend, shopping for the whole week, for low prices and a diverse, sometimes unexpected assortment.
  • In the second, we will stop by tired on the way from work to buy milk and bread for dinner. For young mothers and pensioners, such a store is a real salvation.

Is it profitable to open a grocery store from scratch? Writing a business plan

Buying an existing store means inheriting all its disadvantages.

A well-drafted action plan for a new store will help you avoid many mistakes. A business plan will be a good antidote to panic and can serve as a calling card when applying to a bank for a loan.

Things to consider:

  • production plan, costs for rent/purchase and renovation of premises, list necessary equipment and purchase prices, expected assortment, costs for outdoor advertising, personnel, approximate list of suppliers;
  • marketing plan price policy, purchasing contingent, actions advertising nature(for example, promotions and discounts in honor of the opening), sales plan, type of store operation, competitor analysis;
  • store policy, opening hours, payment methods (cash, card), whether there will be discounts for certain groups of the population (pensioners, students) and the ability to order goods for delivery.

Requirements for grocery stores

The premises must have all communications in good condition (light, sewerage, water supply, heating) and a separate warehouse for products.

An evacuation plan and a fire shield with a fire extinguisher are required in a visible place, and a fire alarm must be installed.

The store layout should not create problems for customers, including during possible evacuation (in case retail space up to 100 m2, passages between goods must be at least 1.4 m).

Equipment required is a cash register, scales, barcode scanner (will allow you to keep inventory records in electronic form and avoid difficult manual recalculations of goods).

Important points

The staff’s task is to have an absolutely positive medical record and regularly undergo medical examination. Certification of workplaces is required. To maintain cleanliness in the store, you will have to set aside a day each month for general cleaning and disinfection.

A lot of useful information about the requirements for the sale of “top” products (bread, milk, etc.) can be read in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Sales Rules” individual species food and non-food products". For example, loose goods with short term shelf life should be packaged only in the volume that can be sold in a day of work. In this case, on the packaging you should indicate the price per kilogram, weight, cost of the plumb line, packaging date, expiration date, number or surname of the packer.

Documents required for opening

The first stage is registration documents:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate/ legal entity and a certificate of registration and assignment of TIN (in the tax service);
  • constituent documentation (charter, constituent agreement);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Goskomstat codes (they contain information about the types of activities of the store and are useful when opening a current account for an organization).

The second stage is specialization:

  • lease agreement (or certificate of ownership);
  • BTI plan;
  • conclusions of the State Fire Supervision and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • contracts for the maintenance of fire alarms, removal of solid waste, and for disinfection, deratization and disinfestation in the store;
  • personal medical records of employees;
  • the text of the PZPP and the “Book of Complaints and Suggestions” (in the sales area in an area of ​​easy access for customers).

In the near future, the newly minted entrepreneur is expected to:

  • registration in Pension Fund, Compulsory Health Insurance Fund and Social Insurance Fund;
  • opening a bank account (in mandatory cash that exceeds the storage limit at the store cash desk is sent there);
  • production of the organization's seal;
  • registration control cash register.

Choosing a form of store operation

The most profitable version of a supermarket-type food store (self-service) is considered to be the most profitable.

Sometimes this can be accomplished even in a small area. The advantages are obvious: the opportunity to touch the product and the delay of payment until the checkout inclines the buyer to unexpected expenses.

Photo: self-service grocery store

The “counter-salesperson” work format is good for the opportunity to consult with a friendly salesperson. A compromise option is possible: with a small area, to increase sales, some of the products are laid out for free access (for example, trays of ice cream or juice boxes in the middle trading floor).

How to open a small grocery store correctly: determining the location, assortment and equipment

You should carefully evaluate the profitability of the place you like. Ideally, there should not be a single grocery store in the next 500-1000 meters, and the flow of people should be intense.

  • good options for a store: within walking distance in a residential area of ​​the city or on a busy street in a business area;
  • dubious options for the store: small store in a large one shopping center(the rent there is high, and the customer flow will prefer a large chain store, which has probably already opened in this shopping center) and in the industrial zone (the life of enterprise employees is most likely already brightened up by the corporate canteen).

And now more about how to open a small grocery store correctly.

Choosing equipment

It constitutes a significant portion of capital expenditures. The quantity depends on the area of ​​the room: for example, for 30 m2, 4 refrigerated display cases and several open shelving are suitable.

Equipment can be classified into:

  • equipment for storing products (chest freezers with blind lids, cabinets for supplies);
  • commercial equipment (refrigerated display cases for displaying perishable products, bread and vegetable racks, sales shelves, checkout counters);
  • auxiliary equipment (for example, scales, cutting boards, knives, washing tubs).

Video: how to set up a small grocery store yourself

Thinking through the assortment

It is unlikely that you will be able to compete with large supermarkets on price.

Conclusion: the assortment of a small grocery store should consist of:

  • popular goods for daily consumption (milk, tea, sugar, bread, mineral water) – they will form the basis of revenue;
  • “tasty bonuses” (nuts, dried fruits, candies, cookies, fruits) – buyers take them less often, but grumble if they don’t find anything “for tea” on the counter;
  • "highlights".

The “highlight” of the store’s assortment map should be what will make the buyer come to your store. For example, fresh croissants, which are baked right in the store only in the early morning. Or “ecologically friendly products from our farmers at the lowest prices!”

A good move would be to add to the range non-food products essentials: matches, household chemicals, hygiene products.

Grocery store design

The main rule: store design should not distract visitors from shopping!

The style should correspond to the money that people will bring to the store. An overly rich interior or a high-tech sign will scare the buyer away from a store that promises the “best low prices for dairy products in the city,” because they will make you doubt the cheapness.

There’s also no need to come up with complicated names: people will be drawn to simple and understandable “Products. 24 hours."

How much does it cost to open your own grocery store?

Ideas for starting capital: personal savings, independent investors, bank loan.

What makes up the store’s basic entry “price,” which should subsequently pay off?

  1. Purchase/primary lease of premises. In large cities of Russia, rent is from 500 rubles/m2 per month. Usually the rental price includes utility bills(this is discussed in advance), but the payment for light is often a separate item.
  2. Purchase of equipment, furniture, cash register and software. A shop with an area of ​​60 m 2 of the “counter-seller” type can be equipped with all the equipment at average prices, for 250-300 thousand. To keep records, an accountant (salary - 15 thousand) may need accounting help system(about 3,500 rubles per month) - but you can transfer accounting and legal issues for outsourcing.
  3. Signboard. The average cost of a simple one-sided sign with external lighting is 2000 rubles. This is your personal permanent advertiser that will serve you for 3-4 years.
  4. Safety(video surveillance, panic button, fire alarm). For a small store, a self-installation kit, including 3 indoor cameras and 1 outdoor camera, will cost 20,000 rubles.
  5. Hiring staff. The number of sellers depends on the store's opening hours. And the salary should not be lower than the minimum wage for the region.
  6. Purchase of initial stock of goods. Cost depends on scope and suppliers.
  7. Payment of state duties and taxes. For example, for issuing permission to distribute outdoor advertising a duty of 1500 rubles.

Competitors and suppliers

At the stage of drawing up a business plan, it is useful to visit your closest competitors, find out their prices and range. How can you stand out?

  • come up with a more convenient work schedule (maybe around the clock?);
  • find unique suppliers (for example, farmers for fresh meat);
  • polish the cordiality and professionalism of sellers;
  • eliminate queues.

Suppliers must satisfy the quality and price of products, be convenient in delivery times, important point It may be possible to return the goods - all this is described in the delivery agreement.

How to calculate product pricing

Each unit of product has a cost. It consists of numerous costs for the purchase and transportation of the product and for the operation of the store (rent, salaries to sellers, taxes). To make a profit, there is a store markup.

The modern popular markup for retail is:

  • for food – from 10 to 35%;
  • for household goods - from 30 to 60%.

The retail price is chosen by the store owner independently, but it is reasonable to adjust it based on customer demand and the prices of the main competitors.

Retail price = Wholesale purchase price + Costs (transportation, rent, packaging, etc.) + Markup (this will add up to profit)

Calculation of store profitability

This is the cornerstone of entrepreneurship. The ability to carry out simple calculations saved many from bankruptcy. The profitability of a store over a certain period of time is easier to perceive as a percentage.

Profitability = Net profit/Revenue *100%

For example:

Revenue = 176,000
Net profit = 20,000
Profitability = 20,000/176,000*100%=11.4%

The main thing is to clearly understand what net profit means - this is what remains from the proceeds after all rental, tax, social, and other payments and investments in trade (for example, the purchase of a new batch of goods).

How to open your own grocery store in a village

The scenario is the same as when opening a store in the city. Among the registration nuances, one can note a certificate from the village council for permission to trade. Smart organizational ideas will come in handy:

  • the store will do well in crowded places (in the center or near a bus stop);
  • never occupy empty village houses for a store without permission (why do you need a riot in the face of customers?);
  • the opening of a store is a holiday for the whole village;
  • it is important to create coziness even in a village store (the locals will appreciate this) and visually separate different groups of goods (do not mix socks with pasta);
  • organize the delivery of goods upon request (for example, once a week);
  • organize a regular supply of fresh bread from good suppliers;
  • think about whether the goods will be issued on credit;
  • establish friendly relations with customers.

A village store will make a profit if it provides people with basic fresh food products, non-food items and sometimes indulges them with something unusual upon request.

How to open your own grocery store on the Internet

This is not to say that this type of store is less expensive. Registration bureaucracy, working with suppliers and purchasing equipment for storing food stocks will not go away.

Video: how to make an online store in 5 minutes

Your main clients will be people with an acute shortage of time: people who work a lot, young mothers.

Small business can be started with small retail store. In this case, the risk of bankruptcy is minimal, and this starting option will be the most optimal.

And this article will help answer questions about how to open a retail outlet from scratch, where to open it, how to choose the right range of goods sold, organize a pricing policy and keep records correctly.

To begin with, the amount of starting capital is determined and the products sold are selected. A search is made for suppliers whose conditions are favorable and convenient for those opening office work. At the first stage, it is recommended to select related product groups.

When opening a retail outlet in public places - a market or a shopping center, registration will be required individual entrepreneur.

Moreover, the optimal choice of the system by which taxes will be paid to the state is important. The most common tax system is the simplified tax system.

The selection of the location where the retail outlet will be located is carried out very carefully. Competitors' stores should not be located in close proximity to the opening outlet.

Having decided on the location, you can agree on the cost and rental conditions. When concluding a lease agreement, you should pay attention to the possibility of early termination.

Purchase of commercial equipment to create appearance and store design will greatly affect the loyalty and trust of potential customers.

Hiring a salesperson is mandatory so that the businessman has time to do other things organizational issues. The friendliness of the seller and his good guidance in the assortment will affect the success retail and its profitability.

Pricing policy

The cost of the proposed product should be thought out depending on the capabilities target audience– will it be a budget product, designed for a large part of the population, or an elite one.

At the beginning of office work, you can organize an exhibition of a minimum markup to attract potential buyers and creation client base. At first, only a refund of the money spent is guaranteed. But there will be no significant profit, even with a large markup, due to the irregularity of sales.

It is preferable to choose an intermediate price setting option. To set the optimal markup for products sold, it is necessary to analyze the prices most often set in the sales region, it is necessary to study the pricing policies of competitors and adjust the prices of an open outlet from scratch.

Automation of retail sales

At the initial stage of office work, it is important to promptly obtain reliable data on its active state. For this purpose it is desirable to automate this business by selecting a functional accounting program.

Purchasing expensive software products not justifiable for a small company due to the associated purchase and maintenance costs.

Online accounting systems do not require installation; they are basically Internet applications that do not require downloading or updating. Their capabilities:

  • Organization of sales at several points;
  • Using the seller interface to register a sale;
  • Generating reports by shift and for the selected period;
  • Creating and printing documents;
  • Automatic and manual assignment of discounts;
  • Carrying out cash and non-cash sales;
  • And more.

Such programs provide data on profitability, profitability of a retail outlet, cost and volume of goods sold, trade dynamics, balances and movement of products sold, the state of non-cash and cash funds, income and expenses for certain items.