How to legally sell cosmetics in a beauty salon: legal features of retail trade. Your own business: cosmetics and perfumes


Almost every person on the globe now uses one or another cosmetic product, which is why the cosmetic industry is gaining momentum and making significant profits.

However, in the business of selling cosmetics, three questions arise, like three pillars, as in any other activity:

  • who to sell to?
  • what to sell?
  • how to sell cosmetics?

The answer to the first question is quite easy to find; you just have to open the catalog of any cosmetic company. For example, we open the Oriflame catalog and see that this company produces children's, teenage, youth, men's and women's cosmetics. Women's cosmetics, in turn, are divided into cosmetic lines for women of certain age groups. Thus, the Oriflame range of cosmetic products covers all population groups.

The second question is also not particularly difficult to answer. In Oriflame's catalogs, parents can easily find any product to care for their child; teenagers are mainly interested in anti-acne products; young people aged 20 to 25 prefer decorative cosmetics. Men most often purchase shaving products, as well as pre- and post-shave skin care complexes. Women are most interested in decorative cosmetics. And, of course, everyone, without exception, purchases cosmetic complexes for skin care.

And finally, the last question in order, but not least: how to sell cosmetics? This process is carried out in different ways. Some open distribution stores, some distribute cosmetics via the Internet, and some become sales consultant .

Let us turn, again, to the Oriflame company for an example. This cosmetic company has a large number of cosmetics sales consultants working in network marketing system. Preparing such a specialist is not an easy task. For this purpose, special professional sales training is used, various seminars and courses are held. Each sales consultant must follow in his work several commandments proposed by current specialists.

These are the commandments:

  • a sales consultant must work with women on an emotional level, and with men taking into account their decision-making logic and remember that both of them enjoy buying cosmetics;
  • the more “patented complexes” in a cosmetic product, the easier it is to justify the cost;
  • In order to sell more, the sales consultant must study the instructions himself and accompany the product selection process with advice on its use.

High-quality, effective natural cosmetics Oriflame attracts the attention of buyers. That is why it is not difficult to sell it. It is necessary to show the Oriflame catalog to potential buyers, then select and place an order or sell the funds directly if this happens at the service center.

To do business with Oriflame you can:

  • sell products to the client (and receive 22% of the purchase price of the product)
  • attract new consultants to work in the company.

Oriflame cosmetics are distributed through direct sales, as this is an excellent way of communication, flexible work hours, a source of additional income for the sales consultant and the opportunity to develop your own business. And there are no requirements for age, education, gender, or work experience!

Oriflame helps everyone become professionals!

If a sales consultant knows how to motivate a client to buy, is sociable and active, he will be successful. Professional sellers must be able to: competently approach the client, conduct a dialogue with him, find out his needs, be able to interest him and offer exactly what he needs. When offering cosmetics, you cannot be intrusive! The client has freedom of choice, and the seller has the law “The customer is always right!”

Each Oriflame sales consultant has a professional set, which includes:

  • catalogues,
  • set of samples and
  • a small standard set of Oriflame cosmetics.

In the process of work, objections always arise, which must be answered as friendly and kindly as possible. There is never any need to argue!

In general, sales success is about a sales consultant in 5 steps. Here they are:

  • establishing, gaining trust. You can't make a first impression twice!
  • identifying customer needs.
  • product presentation + price range.
  • work with objections.
  • selling goods + multiplying sales.

Under no circumstances should you despair. You need to remember and constantly remind yourself that practice gives experience, and experience and constant self-improvement help you become professional sales consultants! A little creativity, communication, charm - and success will come!


Becoming an Oriflame consultant and getting all the benefits of the company’s consultants is easy and simple! Get started today!

Today, almost any product can be purchased on the Internet, and online store owners often make good money.

An example of a product that is sold online is cosmetics. Recently, selling cosmetics via the Internet has become an increasingly popular activity, so we can conclude that selling cosmetics online is a profitable business. Trading on the World Wide Web has many advantages that can be listed for a long time. For example, there is no need to rent an office or premises for a store; there is no need to spend money on security guards, sales consultants and other workers that might be needed. That is why young businessmen are increasingly asking themselves the question of how to open an Internet site and sell goods using it. It is worth knowing that for this you need to have cosmetics.

An interesting fact is that the niche of perfumery and cosmetics in the Russian segment of the Internet is represented by about a hundred stores, most of which are not working or do not receive any orders.

Analyzing the leading sites selling cosmetics via the Internet, it is worth knowing that their traffic is about 5,000-15,000 visitors per day.

Several dozen mid-level stores have approximately 30-40 orders per day. We should strive to achieve such indicators in our cosmetics sales business in the first six months.

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What is the cost of opening an online store selling cosmetics?

Opening a store on the Internet requires the following expenses:

  • organizational costs for online;
  • organizational expenses for offline;
  • working capital;
  • costs of maintaining the site every month.

It is worth understanding that there are two ways to create an online store:

  • creating a website from scratch;
  • launch on the basis of an existing company.

If the choice falls on the first option, all components of the listed expenses are important. If the website is created on the basis of a ready-made company, part of the offline costs can be eliminated, since some issues related to this have already been resolved. Costs can be reduced if the entrepreneur initially works from home and acts as an online store manager, and the goods are not purchased, but simply picked up from the supplier’s warehouse to order.

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Organizational costs for online

First you need to register a domain. The cost will depend on the zone that will be selected. "RU", for example, will cost approximately 500 rubles annually.

The next thing you need to order is an exclusive online store design. The cost of the design will be approximately 30,000-60,000 rubles.

In order to launch a store on the Internet, you will need to purchase an online store management system along with hosting and technical support. It is important to note that payments can be made either every month or once a year. Approximate costs are 2000-5000 rubles per month or 24000-60000 rubles per year.

Total costs - from 55,000 to 120,000 rubles.

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Organizational expenses for offline

The first thing you need to take care of is registering an enterprise in the form of an LLC. Then you will need to open a bank account, if you don’t already have one, and also deposit a minimum authorized capital of 20,000 rubles.

The next stage will be to organize the manager’s workplace, which should contain the following elements:

  • laptop;
  • printer (inkjet or laser);
  • cash machine.

The cost of this equipment is approximately 40,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the selected manufacturers and type of printer.

The total offline expenses will be approximately 60,000-80,000 rubles.

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Working capital of an online store selling cosmetics

If it is planned to place about 1000 items on the site, of which about 75 are popular, then it makes sense to keep only the last ones in stock, and provide the remaining 925 to customers upon order.

If one item, for example, costs 1,000 rubles, and it needs to be purchased in at least two copies, the costs will be approximately 150,000 rubles.

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Monthly costs of running an online cosmetics store

General expenses will consist of the following items:

  • rent of a small premises for an office-warehouse - 20,000 rubles per month;
  • accounting support - 15,000 rubles per month;
  • payment of utility bills for telephone and Internet - about 5,000 rubles every month;
  • office expenses - 1000 rubles per month;
  • payment for work performed by the manager (if such an employee is hired) - 25,000 rubles every month;
  • contextual advertising - from 20,000 rubles per month;
  • store promotion in search engines - about 20,000 rubles monthly;
  • additional advertising experiments - another 10,000 rubles per month.

The total costs will be approximately 116,000 rubles.

At the very beginning, the owner of an online business can cope with the functions of an order manager and assortment and price manager on his own in order to save money. If the store develops and the number of orders increases, it is recommended to hire individual employees to perform the duties of managers.

Courier delivery is a separate cost item, but it is often included in the cost of the order. That is why, until an online store selling cosmetics organizes its own delivery unit, it is recommended to use the services provided by courier services that specialize in delivering goods from online stores.

It is worth noting that you can save money on some expense items if you want and need it. However, the minimum cost of creating a business selling cosmetics on the Internet is 100,000 rubles, and monthly maintenance costs start from 30,000 rubles. Price examples are given for Moscow.

The total costs of creating an online store may vary, so the amount must be calculated in each case individually.

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What needs to be done in order for an online store to pay off and generate stable income

In order for an online store to become self-sustaining, the amount of net profit must be no less than the monthly maintenance costs, taking into account all taxes and additional possible expenses.

For example, if to achieve payback the profit must be 1.5 times greater than all the above costs, we can conclude that the monthly profit should be about 170,000 rubles. In this case, the store will pay for itself.

If the average cost of one unit of goods in an online store is 1000 rubles, with a trade margin of about 70%, then in order to achieve payback, you need to sell about 400-440 goods per month, that is, about 20 goods every working day. To sell 20 products per day, site traffic should be about 2000 people per day.

Regarding advertising, it is worth saying that after the first few months of promotion, a situation may occur in which 40% of visitors will come on their own. This is due to personal recommendations from clients and repeat sales. The other 40% can be obtained through contextual advertising and search engine optimization, and the remaining 20% ​​will come from links on third-party sites. In this case, the conversion will be 1%.

In order to promote an online store at the initial stage, it is recommended to recruit as many users as possible who will receive their first positive shopping experience in the store. The quality of service must be monitored so that customers return and purchase other products.

In Europe and the USA, there are certain standards that confirm that the products are truly grown without the use of pesticides and chemicals. This is very important for any raw material that is used in the production of cosmetics. If you decide to make money from homemade cosmetics, then you need to have ready-made recipes and an understanding of who exactly you want to sell the product to.

Sale of small batches of cosmetics

First, you will have to work hard and hard to get people to even consider the idea of ​​​​buying cosmetics from you. It is very important to communicate with your audience, tell them stories, listen to people's opinions regarding the product line.

For example, you decide to produce and sell solid shampoos for various hair types. Focus on this product. Tell us why you decided to make these shampoos in the first place, what’s so special about them, why you need to pay attention to their composition, and so on. You will need to post at least 1-2 posts every day. You can open a website, but for now it’s better to keep your blog on one of the social networks. For example, on Instagram. By the way, this social network makes it possible to make automatic reposts to many other sites. Therefore, you immediately provide yourself with serious audience coverage.

It is very important to understand that people do not always comment and ask something, but at the same time they can very actively write in private messages and place orders. An account with 3000-4000 subscribers can provide you with orders for months in advance.

Quick launch of a new niche

If cosmetics is a new direction for you, then first you will need to create 20 posts on a social network, tell people your story, why you decided to get into cosmetics. Next, we begin to master official advertising. The advantages of this method of promotion are that you are almost guaranteed to provide yourself with orders. And this can be done in just a day. That is, the first sales may already be in the evening, despite the fact that you opened your account in the morning.

Choose the business platform that is closest to you

For example, some people understand Instagram, while others are already well versed in Facebook or even creating a website from scratch and launching contextual advertising. If you know anything about designing landing pages, then this is where you should start. Choose something that is already at least minimally familiar to you. This will reduce the stress of starting a business. Natural cosmetics are increasingly in demand among buyers, and therefore there will definitely be sales if you approach the matter thoroughly.

Kitchen of your natural cosmetics production

Natural cosmetics, as you already understood, are made without preservatives and other synthetic fillers. Therefore, the expiration and storage periods for each direction differ. So, for example, for solid types of cosmetics - shampoos, soaps, etc., shelf life can reach 6 months. And the life cycle of liquid and creamy ones barely exceeds 30 days. Beginners should not forget about this. We recommend that you start a business in the production and sale of natural cosmetics from those items whose recipes imply a long shelf life, and therefore a long shelf life.

A few words about the recipe. Basic and essential recipes can be found online. This is what all private craftsmen do, taking proven basics and modifying them to suit their taste and the needs of the customer. They flavor, change the composition and quantity of ingredients.

The official registration of a business depends on the types of cosmetics manufactured. So, for some types of cosmetics there are GOSTs, so production must adhere to the requirements described in regulatory documents. There are types of cosmetics for which there are no GOSTs, therefore the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union apply to them “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products”. Mandatory certification of cosmetics in the Russian Federation has been abolished since 2010; now it is enough to obtain a certificate of conformity and technical regulations for cosmetics of your recipe. To do this, it is necessary to provide several samples to a number of government agencies. You can go through the entire procedure yourself, or delegate it to various intermediaries. The cost of registration varies from 10 to 40 thousand rubles per recipe. After receiving a state registration certificate, you can officially sell your own cosmetics, for which you just need to open your own individual entrepreneur.

Detailed analysis of what NOT to do, using 4 examples

What is the difficulty of selling cosmetics on social networks and what rules might there be?

  1. This is not an easy task, because where potential customers “live”, you are not alone - competitors are there too. But the consumer doesn’t actually see the difference. Well, a new cosmetics company and good, so many of you have opened in a few years.
  2. The woman ALREADY uses cosmetics. She chose her and this is already a habit - to interrupt her, you need arguments. And very strong. Judge for yourself - would you easily refuse a hairdresser whom you have been going to for a long time and in whom you are 100% confident? It's the same with cosmetics.

You can sell on social networks in different ways, but this channel is especially beneficial because you can find a passionate audience here. It’s easy to track a person by comments under a post, by membership in a thematic public, by interests and profession.

And come up with a targeted offer to those who should really be interested in it - and we know about it.

It is much easier to sell to such people.

In theory.

Let's see how it happens in practice. The examples you will see below are attempts by cosmetic companies to offer their products and events to professional cosmetologists.

Rules for selling cosmetics on social networks - 11 catastrophic mistakes

Please note - this is a PERSONAL message!

Now in order:

A) “We invite all cosmetologists to a seminar in Dnepropetrovsk”. I'm not all cosmetologists. I have a name and you know it. Tell me, when you meet a friend and want to invite her to an event, do you say that too?

Using a name is one of the most effective sales techniques. Professional salespeople will give a lot to find out the name of a potential client BEFORE contacting him. And here the name is on a silver platter, but it’s not being used.

B) "Pre-registration is required" And “The condition of the seminar is a deposit...”. Wait. What is this tone? You start by setting conditions for me, although you haven’t even interested me in the event yet.

C) The seminar is divided into two parts and each has a module "Getting to know the company". Error: The reason why the reader should spend time getting to know the companies is not given. Why are they good, famous, remarkable?

D) Okay, the master has read the letter - what should he do next? There is no call to action, it is unclear how to take part in the event. A person is forced to make a lot of decisions on his own - he does NOT want to do this.

The main mistake was that the event was not sold. Because the most important thing is missing here:

  • Why should a master still go to this seminar?
  • Why does he need Dermium Lab products?
  • Why does he need to get acquainted with the Casmara company and its new products in the second part?

No benefit.

Read more about how to find it.

Next example:

In this example, the benefits are precisely indicated (increased income, etc.). Their weakness is that they are too formulaic - competitors offer the same thing to cosmetologists.

A) Again, there is no calling by name - it’s just unpleasant for the person.

B) On social networks, people want to communicate with people, not with “Fast delivery of teddy bears from China” pages. If you created a page for a cosmetics brand, introduce yourself at the beginning of the message. These are the basics of sales.

Imagine we approach a person on the street. Is this how we talk like in the screenshot? Do we immediately dump all the information on him or first find out if he is interested in this and tell him what our names are and who we are?

So why do things differently on social networks?

B) Phrase "we want to inform". Don't write like that! You are already reporting, so save the person from false curtsies "Let me offer you" and the like.

G) “Theoretical day of global learning will take place”. At this point the reader fell asleep. A very complex and incomprehensible phrase with a weak verb of the state “to take place.” Write more simply. Don’t burden a person with abstruse phrases and ornate turns of phrase. This is NOT what he needs.

D) “Systematize knowledge about unique technologies...”. An unfounded statement and a primitive manipulation that is working worse and worse. Who said this technology is unique? Where is the proof? Stop throwing dust in your eyes - get to the point.

And the most important thing:

  • This message lacks understanding of the target audience. Who is the person writing to? He writes to the cosmetologist! What does it mean? That in order to come to the seminar, a specialist needs to free up his working day - that is, not register anyone and lose money. FOR WHAT? Secondly, the master ALREADY works with some brands of cosmetics, he chose them, they suit him - it’s very difficult to interrupt. And certainly not with that kind of message. We need ARGUMENTS!

A) An abundance of emoticons and flowers - kindergarten. Yes, this is possible when selling cosmetics on social networks to a specific audience. But when you write to an established specialist like this, it looks ridiculous and frivolous. And this is how the sender is perceived and treated the offer.

B) Lots of exclamation marks. Usually they resort to this technique when there is essentially nothing to say. And people have already learned to recognize this. A person perceives several exclamation marks as a scream. Sell ​​through the benefits of the offer, present arguments - then you will get the effect.

Last example:

Let's break it down piece by piece:

1. There is a call by name - finally, at least someone guessed it. Test.

2. “We would like to introduce you to a professional German brand”. If you want, introduce me, but don’t waste my time reading long, useless phrases. The adjective “professional” is very weak.

3. “We have been present on the European market for 56 years”. This is good, specificity and a strong fact in itself. BUT! You need to move on to selling the company at the end, when you have interested a person in the Offer. For now, the fact about 56 years is not interesting to him, because... It’s still unclear WHY he needs this? What's the offer?

4. Next comes a list of the assortment - nothing remarkable. As a result, the brand in the eyes of a cosmetologist is still no different from dozens of others. Well, certificates, well, samples and protocols of procedures - everyone has it!

5. "My name is Inna". Test. For the first time, someone introduced themselves, but you need to do this at the beginning of the message (I remind you, imagine that you approached a person on the street - you need to introduce yourself, right?).

6. “My name is Inna and today I am the official distributor of the brand”. A very complex phrase, try not to write in such long and cliched phrases. After all, you can write it simpler “I’m Inna, I represent such and such a brand.”. Everything is simple and clear.

7. “I am looking for professional cosmetologists to cooperate with and we are ready to work on mutually beneficial terms”. Yeah. So this is the Proposal. This is where we need to start, but for some reason it was shoved to the end. The Proposal itself is, of course, too abstract, "mutually beneficial terms"- wild stamp. Although, it is clear that the company does not want to “shine the conditions” in the first message. And now we come to the main thing - what the sale of cosmetics on social networks should be like according to the rules:

  • Call by name
  • Perhaps we’ll add a conclusion to our proposal, show through some fact that a cosmetologist needs this (in short - 1-2 sentences “Hello, Elena. I just read the articles on your website - you write very well, interesting and useful”)
  • Introducing ourselves
  • We voice a proposal (in this example it is cooperation)
  • We reveal it - we show how the work proceeds, what is the benefit of the parties
  • We provide the benefits of cooperation
  • Introducing the company
  • We end with a call to action (in the example, this is a request for a price list, or a discussion of individual conditions, or to receive samples). IMPORTANT: do not try to sell 3 options at once - choose one

This is a head-on selling option if the company does not have the resources for multi-way combinations. Multi-pass – what are they?

We are in social networks. There are a lot of opportunities to study your target audience. First, we can enter a person’s information field: like his posts, comment on them, etc. This is how we accustom him to our brand, to the fact that he has us.

Afterwards we can write a message, ask some intermediate question, communicate somehow, get to know each other.

And only after that, when the time comes, write an advertising message. By this point, the cosmetologist already knows us, so the advertising message can be warmer and more friendly. The chance that it will be read and responded to is much higher.

As you saw in the article, the perception of the Proposal depends on the text and the sequence in which we present the information.

To learn how to write selling texts and appeals, read the material “ATTRACT MORE CLIENTS IN THE BEAUTY INDUSTRY” (it is for cosmetologists, but it contains basic information: from how to develop an Offer to targeted techniques for strengthening the text).

Amrita company is the proud owner of an excellent cosmetic series for skin care. Those who have experience using Amrita cosmetics will immediately agree with me.

What to tell whom and how?

Who can buy cosmetics from you? Everyone or almost everyone aged 16 and older uses skin care products to one degree or another. Considering that prices for cosmetics vary significantly, the buyer’s income level will play an important role in choosing a brand. Amrita Cosmetics , of course, is created for everyone, but it will be bought mainly by women with average and above average income.

Remember that they will never buy a single cosmetic product from you if you don’t introduce it! If you are familiar with our cosmetics, then you know that among the products there are those that are suitable for all ages ( Amrita Cleansing Cream , Regenerating cream ,Eye cream ), and cosmetics for women after 30 years ( Cream intensive 21 Lifting cream ).

Most products, due to their natural composition, are suitable for problematic skin: inflamed, sensitive, acne-prone. But Facial scrub Women with problem skin should not use it.

Psychological types of buyers

You can find an approach to almost every person. All potential buyers can be divided into 4 groups, each of which has its own characteristics. When it is difficult to classify a customer into any one category, trust your intuition and you will understand which type her character is closer to.


This is a very active group of cosmetics buyers. Be sure to ask a lot of questions, including: “How much does it cost?” If they like the product, they want to receive it right now. It is important for them who has already bought these products and what results they received from using them. Moreover, your experience of using cosmetics is not an argument for them - you need to name other people.


These people often apologize for something: for being late for a meeting, for being in a hurry, for not cleaning the house, etc. They happily agree to have a cup of coffee. They talk about what they saw on TV yesterday.

For shoppers in this group, the main thing is novelty. Ask what cosmetics they use now and if they are interested in trying something new and absolutely fantastic.

Don't go into detail. Use beautiful comparisons: skin like a baby, amazing smell, very pleasant sensations.

Emphasize your own experience: this is the best I've ever tried, I was absolutely delighted!

If a customer asks a question, say, “Try it. And you will see that it is wonderful.”

3. Sincere

Such women doubt many things. They take a long time to make a decision. They often say: you need to think. The conversation proceeds at a measured pace. They like everything to be clear. They rarely change their preferences.

It would be very good if you were recommended to such a customer by someone whom she has known and trusts for a long time.

Explain slowly, in detail and in simple words.

Use repetition in conversation. If the woman is in no hurry, repeat the most important thing again.

Be sure to emphasize safety of use Amrita cosmetics , absence of allergic reactions (except for cases of individual intolerance). Confirm that all products have undergone clinical studies with very good reviews from specialists.


This is a group of women who are neat, precise, and inclined to analyze everything. Please note that in conversation they often repeat phrases after you. They “catch” you for inaccuracies, demand guarantees, and try to find flaws in cosmetics. It is often believed that good things are necessarily expensive.

Structure the conversation like this

Would you like to offer skin care cosmetics formulated with natural plant oils and extracts? Tell us right away that such a natural composition of cosmetics also has a number of disadvantages:

  • It is recommended to store cosmetics in the refrigerator.
  • The lengthy development process and technological difficulties of working with natural raw materials do not often make it possible to delight regular consumers with new products.
  • The effect of using a cosmetic product develops gradually, day after day, and not instantly.
  • All means Amrita cosmetics are considered hypoallergenic, but you should remember that you cannot use a cream or mask if you are intolerant to any herbal component. Read the ingredients carefully!

If you said everything correctly, minor flaws will look like advantages, emphasizing the naturalness of the product.

Be sure to ask those who have already purchased cosmetics from you about their impressions and ask them to evaluate the product. Buyers use the Amrita brand and are satisfied with the quality of the product and the effect of use. They will, of course, tell their friends about it. Be sure to ask everyone who is interested to refer you to you and leave your business card.

Men can buy cosmetics. They are usually not well oriented in the selection procedure. Those who decided to give such a gift to a woman fall under the category of “brave” buyers.