Types of electronic trading platforms. Electronic marketplace

Relatively recently, Russian businessmen were presented with a unique opportunity to conduct auctions through electronic platforms. Entrepreneurs at any level can take part in such transactions without leaving the threshold of their office.

What is electronic trading

Using this type of auction, you can sell your service or product to budgetary or government organizations that have resorted to purchasing goods through this type of auction.

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Customers such as Gazprom OJSC, Rusnano, MTS OJSC, Rosatom State Corporation, etc. have long switched to this form of purchasing goods.

Electronic trading involves choosing a supplier. The process of buying and selling takes place through special websites on the Internet.

The law also provides for the sale of the fortunes of bankrupt companies. If you are interested in purchasing property on favorable terms, an electronic auction will come to the rescue.

Electronic auctions, the main goal of which is to receive an order at the state level, are held on federal platforms. Customers who comply with the format of 223-FZ can resort to the form of procurement based on electronic trading.

Advantages of participating in electronic trading

  1. For entrepreneurs, such a project is convenient because it allows them to maintain anonymity and participate remotely. Each bidder has his own number, which does not allow him to influence the course of the auction. In addition, electronic trading does not involve any paperwork.
  2. With this form of auction there is no pre-qualification. This means that suppliers do not need to justify the availability of sufficient resources to fulfill the contract. Mandatory provision of participation in the auction is required (5% of the initial bid). If the contract is not fulfilled, the money is lost.
  3. There are also positive aspects for customers. They have the right to announce one tender and conclude a number of contracts. The site will only charge the winner the fee.


  1. Open auction. Participants submit price proposals. The one who can set the optimal price will win.
  2. Down auction. The customer announces the size of the required services and the highest starting price. Participants offer to fulfill the order at the most reasonable price.
  3. Upgrade auction. In this case, the winner is the one who puts the highest price. This form of auction is applicable when renting premises or selling property.

It should be noted that a variety of procurements are carried out through electronic auctions.

In addition to the auction, there are such electronic forms as:

  • contest;
  • request for proposals;
  • request for quotations.

The rules for such forms are regulated. The participant is given the opportunity to choose the type of bidding that is suitable for him.

Electronic digital signature

Electronic trading is supported by an appropriate set of documentation. An electronic signature (ESP) guarantees that you are not participating in a scam. The CEP has a legal basis.

The signature key corresponds to the trading platforms:

  • federal level;
  • commercial category, which are components of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms.

How to participate

  1. Registration is required initially. At the time of bidding, you must log into the trading platform using an electronic signature.
  2. At the beginning of the auction, participants have the opportunity to offer their price by filling out a special form on the website.
  3. Typically the auction lasts 15 minutes. Participants must make their offer within 10 minutes. The end of the auction is marked by the offer with the maximum benefit. It is victorious.
  4. The customer sets a maximum price and cannot offer anything higher. It is not possible to offer a price higher than that of other participants. The winner is the one who offers the lowest price.
  5. If the auction winner does not have SRO clearance and documentation permitting participation, the winner will be the participant who turns out to be second.

What do you need to participate in electronic trading?

To participate, enterprises require:

  • Presentation of an electronic digital signature certificate.
  • Providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, legally certified.
  • A document confirming the rights of the certificate owner.
  • Installing the necessary software.
  • The company undergoes accreditation on trading platforms in electronic form. If you have a signature, this service is offered free of charge. Go to the electronic trading website and fill out the required form and application to open an account. In this case, you must attach all the necessary documentation.
  • Not all certified participants are aware of the rules for conducting electronic trading. All the nuances require clarification, so lectures are held every week to give you the opportunity to practice. At the end of the training, the participant receives a certificate.
  • Participation in electronic trading must be supported by the presence of a certain amount of funds in the organization’s account. Otherwise, the application is automatically rejected.
  • To participate in the competition, you must adhere to the existing regulations when filling out an application. The application is made up of two parts. The first part is subject to review within 5 days. Only after this will a decision be made on the organization’s participation in the competition.
  • The second part of the application is subject to consideration by the results committee. It takes approximately 6 days to process them.

Which electronic platform to choose

Electronic platforms come at the commercial and federal levels. The first type is represented by a wider range.

  • In order to be a supplier to commercial customers of Rusnano, Rosatom State Corporation, Gazprom OJSC, you need to use the platform that deals with this type of trading, Fabrikant, B2B-Center, TZS Electra, etc.
  • To purchase the property of bankrupt companies, they resort to using Sberbank-AST, Russian Auction House, uTender, SELT, etc.
  • State-level sites have gained a high level of popularity among businessmen. Purchases of this nature are ranked among the most profitable by businessmen.

Commercial sites are divided into:

  • Specialized, serving the needs of a number of companies. For example, Gazprom’s electronic platform sells petroleum products.
  • Multidisciplinary, offering a wide range of products and services. These platforms allow you to be both a customer and a supplier. No restrictions are imposed.
  • Large corporations that are interested in selling their products use Supplier-driven.
  • There are also sites of an intermediary nature. Their main goal is to bring together those who buy and those who sell. They belong to the Third-party-driven category.

Commercial sites do not require accreditation and sometimes do not even require an electronic signature.

How to participate in electronic auctions "Sberbank AST"

The function of Sberbank - Automated Trading System CJSC includes the sale of property of companies that have fallen into the category of bankrupt. These include companies whose total debt is more than 100,000 rubles if they fail to pay within 3 months after the arbitration ruling. The amount of debt of an individual entrepreneur should not exceed 50,000 rubles.

After a company or entrepreneur is granted bankrupt status, his property is seized.

After a court verdict is issued, the property is subject to valuation. Then select the start date for the sale.

The following are sold on the Sberbank-AST site:

  • residential or commercial real estate;
  • production equipment;
  • Cars;
  • special purpose equipment;
  • land plots;
  • antiques;
  • precious items.

To participate on the Sberbank - AST platform, please get accredited, and also become the owner of an electronic signature.

The application is reviewed within five days.

The deposit for participation in trading on the platform should not exceed 20% of the price of the lot. It is due before the results of the auction. Individuals use a card account. Deposits are not applicable.

When paying the amount to the bank, receive a confirmation receipt, scan it and send it to the competition manager. This fee is refundable 5 days after the winner is announced. It is not subject to return if the application for withdrawal was submitted after the start of the auction or a deviation from the regulations was noticed after winning the auction.

A package of documents is also provided.

Legal entities are required to provide:

  • Scans of notarized copies of the Charter documents and certificates of registration and tax registration.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • A protocol drawn up by the general director giving the green light to the transaction.

Individuals are required to provide:

  • A copy of your passport.
  • Tax registration certificate.
  • Statement of the consent of one of the spouses to enter into a transaction.
  • if an individual does not have a family, a supporting certificate is also required.

After providing the proper documentation, we proceed to filling out the application.

Individuals must submit:

  • passport details;
  • registration information.

Legal entities provide:

  • company name and type of organization;
  • the company's postal address and telephone numbers are also required;
  • providing information about interests in the property of the debtor/creditor and their participation in the capital;
  • proposal regarding the value of the enterprise (if the bidding takes a closed form).

The entrepreneur monitors the bidding process and offers his bids. The auction website page is subject to self-updating. Or you can use the automatic update form.

The system sets a price indicator equal to 5% of the indicated cost. The step with the minimum value is 0.5%.

You can use the services of an auction robot that automatically submits bids for each new proposal from participants. All offers during the auction are subject to assignment of a serial number in accordance with the sequence of their receipt.

An offer sent from a PC is marked with a star. It is recommended to record the progress of trading from the screen in order to prove to the FAS that the computer is malfunctioning in the event of an Internet failure. Record the exact time of the failure.

Recording time is extremely important. If the exact time is provided, trading is stopped until Sberbank-AST electronic transactions are resumed.

After the end of the auction, you can submit an additional bid on the website. There is a struggle between the auction participants for possession of the second place, which makes it possible to buy out the property of a bankrupt company in the event of the refusal of the deal by the owner of the first place.

When taking part in state-level tenders haste is not the best adviser. Every day a lot of interesting offers are launched in Russia. It is wiser to skip an offer that does not inspire confidence and make better preparations for the next offer.

There are situations of a different nature. Offers that are interesting for your company arise in parallel. Apply for everything at once.

The results of trading on electronic platforms are recorded. After its publication, each bidder has the right to enter a written explanation of the result. If you are dissatisfied with the explanations, you have the right to appeal the results of the auction by filing an official statement of complaint with the FAS.

If you are the winning bidder, you will receive a draft contract drawn up electronically and certified with an electronic signature.

Electronic marketplaces can be an effective distribution channel for suppliers. It is important to choose the appropriate strategy, taking into account the costs that the supplier cannot do without when working with electronic trading platforms.

There are more than a hundred electronic trading platforms in Russia, including mono-brand/corporate ETP, where the auction organizer is a single customer (ETP UMMC, ETP Mosvodokanal, ETP RTRS, ETP MTK, etc.) and multi-brand/third-party/external ETP, where procurement procedures can be carried out by different customer companies (Fabrikant, Tender. pro, B2B, etc.).

Multi-brand electronic trading platforms also include five federal electronic trading platforms, where, from January 1, 2011, electronic auctions are conducted by government customers, whose procurement activities were previously regulated by 94-FZ, and today by Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods” , works, services to meet state and municipal needs.” Orders from companies whose procurement activities are regulated by Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, and services by certain types of legal entities” can be found on all types of electronic trading platforms.

Cost classification

The costs of suppliers on electronic trading platforms generally depend on the volume and quality of procurement procedures carried out on the ETP, as well as the conditions of electronic trading platforms and auction organizers and include:

Entry fee:

  • costs for registration/accreditation on the ETP (preparing a package of documents, obtaining an electronic signature, etc.)
  • labor costs for preparing proposals
  • connection fee (only on multi-brand ETPs)

Cost of participation:

  • subscription fee or commissions (only on multi-brand ETPs)
  • posting security
  • labor costs for obtaining information from the ETP and posting information on the ETP

The cost of entry refers to the totality of resources that a supplier needs to invest in order to begin interacting with potential customers of their products (goods, works or services) on certain ETPs.

Package of documents

The price of entry for the supplier should include the registration (accreditation) procedure on the ETP, within which suppliers perform a sequence of actions similar to all electronic trading platforms. In particular, when registering a new user, ETP operators require an appropriate package of documents from him. Depending on the ETP policy, the contents of the document package may differ.

As an example, here is a list of documents required from a legal entity (potential bidder) when registering on one of the trading platforms:

  • 1) a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, issued no earlier than six months ago
  • 2) copy of constituent documents
  • 3) copies of documents confirming the person’s authority to receive accreditation. If another person submits an application for accreditation, a valid power of attorney from the General Director is provided, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of Art. 186 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 4) a power of attorney to carry out actions on the site on behalf of the procurement participant, which is valid and drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of Art. 186 Civil Code of the Russian Federation
  • 5) copies of documents confirming the authority of the manager
  • 6) a decision on approval or execution of transactions based on the results of electronic auctions on behalf of the procurement participant.

Electronic signature

The cost of entering the ETP must also include the purchase of an electronic signature that meets the requirements of the platform. Today, many electronic platforms accept any certificates of a qualified enhanced electronic signature. Consequently, on such ETPs the supplier can use one ES certificate (unless the policy of the customer’s company establishes a different rule). There are electronic trading platforms that establish additional requirements for electronic signature certificates. In this case, the supplier’s costs for digital signature may increase by a multiple of the number of such sites.


You can find out which electronic signature certificates are accepted during the registration process on the ETP, as well as by contacting the technical support services of the sites, some of which work around the clock.

User interface

The cost of entry, as well as the cost of participation in electronic procedures, is influenced by the ease of use of the ETP, that is, the quality of the user interface. The user interface represents a set of tools and methods by which the user interacts with the ETP. The user-friendly interface allows you to significantly reduce labor costs for obtaining information from the ETP and posting information on the ETP through ergonomics and automation of routine operations usually performed by the user. The principle works: the more convenient the ETP is to use, the less time, and therefore resources, the supplier will spend.

It should be taken into account that not all ETP systems have a different interface. Many of them are built on standard professional platforms and require similar skills from the user. The number of standard professional platforms used is limited and de facto in Russia does not exceed five. One of these platforms (iTender) was discussed in detail in the previous issue of the magazine.


You can usually find out on what platform the site is developed by following the link located at the bottom of the ETP website web page.

There are sites that offer their users training in how to use their systems, including free training. However, this does not relieve the supplier of costs: specialists’ time is still spent on training.

Labor costs for preparing proposals

Today, electronic trading platforms offer dozens of possible bidding procedures, which are varieties of auctions, competitions and requests for commercial information. General principle: the more complex the procedure, the higher the labor costs for preparing proposals, and therefore the cost of participation in electronic auctions.

Tenders, requests for proposals, and multi-stage procedures are the most costly for the supplier. For example, participation in a competition will require lengthy preparatory work to study the evaluation criteria presented in the customer’s tender documentation and prepare competitive commercial proposals.

Requests for proposals may be preferable for suppliers, since the bidder may choose a supplier who, according to formal criteria, has lost to its competitors. But here, too, there is a risk of unjustified costs if the customer’s goal is to choose his supplier, and not to extract the maximum benefit from the transaction.

A framework agreement that stipulates that the supplier will be provided with an order for a certain period may also require some effort on the part of the supplier. It may contain many questions to prove the qualifications of the supplier, which may include asking for information that is unusual for most procedures, such as information about previous contracts, financial status and production capacity.

Auction and request for quotations are among the least labor-intensive procedures (the supplier sends an application, bargains to a certain level, waits for the result of the auction). There is also a significant disadvantage in the auction, related to the fact that here the only criterion for selecting suppliers is the price, which can be significantly reduced as a result of the auction.


When deciding whether to participate in an auction, suppliers are advised to take a critical look at the starting price of the contract and, if possible, analyze the composition of the bidders. Otherwise, why would a supplier participate in tenders, in which, if he wins, he can conclude an obviously unprofitable deal.

Suppliers should treat bidding through re-bidding and re-bidding with caution. The purpose of such procedures is the maximum reduction in price, the desire to “put the squeeze” on the supplier.

The supplier can assert its rights. This recommendation may be relevant, for example, in the case where, for the customer, competitive bidding is only a form of concluding a transaction and the tender documentation is prepared for a specific supplier. Each case of a possible violation of competition may be subject to review by supervisory authorities.


The practice of collecting security from bidders (security for participation in bidding and contract performance) is widespread in Russia. We calculate the costs: in order to provide security for participation in the auction, the supplier needs, firstly, to withdraw a certain amount from its turnover, and secondly, to spend a certain amount of labor resources, for example, on transferring money or issuing a bank guarantee. Enforcing the contract for the supplier is an even more expensive item. Providing security for a large contract freezes up part of the supplier's working capital and can harm the supplier's business.


When participating in secured trading, the supplier is advised to include in the contract price a return on frozen funds equal to or greater than the return on capital.

Features of working on multi-brand electronic trading platforms (commercial sector)

One of the advantages of multi-brand electronic trading platforms for suppliers is the opportunity for a large number of customers to participate in procurement procedures. At the same time, the high cost of entry and participation in bidding increases the risk of unjustified costs. In most cases, providers will have to pay a subscription fee. For example, according to the tariffs presented on one of the electronic trading platforms, for the opportunity to participate in an unlimited number of trades for one customer for three months, the supplier pays 9 thousand rubles. For suppliers who work with an unlimited number of customers on a regular basis, the monthly subscription fee will be 27 thousand rubles. At the same time, the connection fee to this tariff will be about 50 thousand rubles.


Special ETP offers may be attractive to suppliers, for example, the opportunity to participate in auctions of certain companies for free.

On the ETP, the supplier can be not only a participant, but also an organizer of the auction. Suppliers of unique goods, such as works of art, can sell their products through a public offering or a premium auction.

Features of working on multi-brand electronic trading platforms (government order)

Participation in tenders of government customers on five federal electronic trading platforms has some specifics for suppliers. An advantage of the ETP, where tenders are conducted by government customers, may be the absence of a subscription fee. We are talking about a commission in the amount of a fixed percentage of the transaction. It should be taken into account that, according to the law, government customers are required to require each potential supplier to ensure participation in the tender, and then to ensure the execution of the contract.


When participating in a procurement by a state-owned company, the supplier must be confident in its ability to fulfill all obligations under the potential contract. If the contract is concluded and the supplier is unable to fulfill its obligations, then such a supplier may face not only inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers with the impossibility of further participation in public sector procurement for at least one year, but also criminal liability.

Features of working on multi-brand ETPs

The relatively low cost of entering the ETP and the cost of participating in customers’ electronic procurement procedures is one of the significant advantages of mono-brand/corporate ETP. In particular, on this type of trading platform, suppliers do not pay subscription fees or commissions. The disadvantages of mono-brand platforms include the possibility of obtaining only one client, which, however, can become the key one for the supplier.


By entering the combination “electronic trading platform/ETP + name of the customer company of interest” in the search bar of your Internet browser, for example, “ETP Mosvodokanal”, you can find the website of the corresponding ETP. If, of course, this customer has an electronic platform.

Supplier strategy

Having gained an idea of ​​the resources that the supplier will need to interact with potential customers on electronic trading platforms (multi-brand and mono-brand ETP), you can begin to form a pool of ETP.

An approximate plan for forming an ETP pool includes the following steps:

  • 1. Preliminary selection of ETP
  • 2. Registration on the ETP (accreditation)
  • 3. Study the user interface
  • 4. Participation in several tenders or requests for commercial information
  • 5. Analysis of the effectiveness of ETP

Preliminary selection can be significantly influenced by the presence of customers of interest to the supplier on the ETP. A potential buyer organizing their auctions electronically should be assessed comprehensively. To do this, it is recommended to study the history of this customer, analyzing the results of the bidding held on his initiative, the movement of winners in the product group of interest, the procurement procedures used, the practice of withdrawing security for participation in bidding and enforcing contracts. In addition, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the customer’s procurement regulations, its procurement plan, and the history of litigation in which this or that customer was the plaintiff or defendant. All this will help the supplier answer questions about the prospects for further cooperation.


If among the regular winners of bidding on the ETP there are three suppliers who win in turn, then the supplier should think about whether he can compete with them on equal terms and become the fourth. If, as a rule, the only supplier is among the winners, then the chances are obviously minimal. When the range of suppliers is wide, you can participate in the auction, but the price should not drop much.

The analysis of the supplier’s performance on the ETP is carried out taking into account the following indicators:

  • Sales
  • price fall level
  • spent
  • cost per client
  • acquired regular customers

Thus, the supplier will be able to create a pool of electronic trading platforms that will become the most effective sales channels for him, that is, they will not only compensate the supplier for the costs of participating in the auction, but will also allow him to achieve high commercial results.

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, a supplier can count on success when working with electronic trading platforms, and yet, wanting to get a guaranteed result, it is more advisable to carry out appropriate preparation by studying the conditions of the electronic trading platform, assessing the volume and quality of the auctions, identifying interesting clients, taking into account the positions of competing suppliers, conducting a comprehensive performance assessment.

The purchase of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs, the so-called state order, is regulated by Federal Law No. 44 dated 04/05/2013 and establishes the introduction of a single transparent cycle for the formation, placement of government orders and execution of government contracts. The law establishes that in addition to electronic and closed auctions, various types of competitions may be used, as well as requests for quotations (proposals) and purchases from a single supplier (under certain conditions). When making purchases, advantages are provided to institutions of the criminal correctional system, organizations of the disabled, small businesses, and socially oriented non-profit organizations. Government customers are obliged to give priority to innovative products. In addition, purchases of foreign goods and services are limited.

Currently, a selection has been made of electronic trading platforms on which government orders are placed in 2019:



Unified electronic trading platform

ETP of Gazprombank

RTS tender

TEK - Bargaining

National electronic platform



To work at these sites, the Supplier must obtain an electronic digital signature for the State Order and undergo accreditation (up to 5 working days from the date of submission of the application). After confirmation of the application, the Supplier is given access to his personal account and provided with details of an electronic account on which money will be placed and blocked to secure the application for participation in auctions.

List of sites working with enhanced qualified electronic signature (EDS):

  • zakupki.gov.ru All-Russian government procurement website
  • gosuslugi.ru State Services Portal
  • rosim.ru Rosimushchestvo
  • fcsm.ru Bank of Russia Financial Markets Service
  • fedresurs.ru Portal of the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities
  • bankrot.fedresurs.ru EFRSB - Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information
  • nsso.ru National Union of Liability Insurers
  • eais.rkn.gov.ru Unified Domain Name Registry
  • fedsfm.ru Federal Service for Financial Monitoring
  • fgis.minregion.ru/fgis Federal State Information System for Territorial Planning (FSIS TP)
  • mos.ru Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow
  • fips.ru FIPS
  • fsa.gov.ru Rosaccreditation
  • gisee.ru GIS “Energy Efficiency”
  • akot-info.rosmintrud.ru Automated system of analysis and control in the field of labor protection
  • www1.minfin.ru/ru/ismf/pk-bp Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Software package “Budget planning”
  • vestnik-gosreg.ru State Registration Bulletin
  • gge.ru FAU "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia"
  • fsrar.ru Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market
  • estp.ru Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU
  • rus-on.ru LLC "RUSSIA Online"
  • nalog.ru Federal Tax Service of Russia
  • rosreestr.ru Rosreestr
  • portal My Arbiter
  • vetrf.ru FSIS "Mercury"

Thus, in most cases, an enhanced qualified signature is used on government portals, where any individual or legal entity can obtain a government service via the Internet (register real estate, change address, submit a declaration to the Federal Service for RAR, order an advertisement in the Bulletin, find out tax arrears, file a lawsuit, etc.).

List of electronic platforms for the sale of property (during bankruptcy procedures):

  • centerr.ru JSC "Realization Center"
  • cdtrf.ru Remote Trading Center (RTC)
  • utender.ru uTender (UTender LLC)
  • ausib.ru "Auctions of Siberia"
  • electro-torgi.ru site ELECTRO-TORGI.RU
  • ETP LLC "Auktsion-Group"
  • aukcioncenter.ru uTrade
  • arbitrade.ru ArbiTrade
  • vertrades.ru LLC "Verdict"
  • fgup-etb.ru FSUE "ETB"
  • propertytrade.ru Property trade
  • itender-online.ru iTender
  • se.fedresurs.ru Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information
b2b-center.ru B2B Group
  • b2b-center.ru B2B-Center
  • b2b-rusnano.ru B2B-Rusnano
  • b2b-energo.ru B2B-Energo
  • b2b-npk.ru B2B-NPK
  • b2b-avia.ru B2B-Avia
  • fabrikant.ru Trade portal
  • ultimeta.ru NTK Altimeta
  • norbit.ru Norbit
  • itender-online.ru iTender
  • etprf.ru ETP ETPRF (uses OID of the State Order)
  • otc.ru Group of platforms OTS.RU
  • naumen.ru Group of sites NAUMEN

List of commercial trading and purchasing systems:

  • utp.sberbank-ast.ru Purchases for commercial customers of Sberbank-AST. Bidding for commercial customers
  • utp.sberbank-ast.ru/SB Procurement of JSC Sberbank of Russia
  • cargo-aeroflot.sberbank-ast.ru Sberbank-AST. Implementation of block freight transportation
  • onlinecontract.ru ONLINECONTRACT
  • a-k-d.ru Auction Competitive House
  • torgi.burzakup.ru Baikal-Tender
  • tzselektra.ru TZS Electra
  • rb2b.ru RB2B LLC “Purchasing and Marketing Systems”
  • tender.pro "Tender.Pro"
  • erus.ru platform "eRUS"
  • setonline.ru SETonline is a multifunctional e-commerce system
  • supply.severstal.com OAO Severstal
  • etp.bashzakaz.ru BashZakaz.ru
  • tender.sitno.ru Electronic trading system - Sitno
  • ams.lotexpert.ru Trade purchasing system "AMS-Service"
  • utp.kartoteka.ru "KARTOTEKA.RU"
  • agc.lotexpert.ru AGC Glass Russia
  • lot-online.ru Electronic trading system of JSC Russian Auction House
  • etp.tatneft.ru "Tatneft trading and purchasing platform"
  • etpu.ru Ural Electronic Trading Platform
  • rsigma.ru R-Sigma
  • 223etp.zakazrf.ru 223ETP.ZakazRF
  • etp.s-vfu.ru ETP NEFU
  • etp-tender.ru Electronic platform Tender
  • sakhaeltorg.ru ETP Sakhaeltorg.ru
  • agro.zakupki.tomsk.ru CJSC "Siberian Agrarian Group"
  • zakupki.etalon-etp.ru “Standard”
  • tender.avgustina-etp.ru “Augustina”
  • eltorg.org "Eltorg"
  • stroytorgi.ru "StroyTorgi"
  • etp223.ru Electronic platform 223
  • region-ast.center "REGION-AST"
  • etpnt.ru NizhTorg
  • ostsn.ru “Industry trading system”
  • etp-avtodor.ru Avtodor-TP LLC
  • torgov.rf ETP "Torgov"
  • federal1.ru EP "Federation"
  • rhtorg.com Trade and purchasing system "RHtorg.com"
  • estp.ru Universal electronic platform ESTP.RU
  • astratorg.lotexpert.ru "AstraTorg"
  • torgi223.ru platform "TORGI 223"
  • etpcaz.ru site "Procurement Automation Center"
  • astgoz.ru LLC "AST GOZ"
  • etp.moscollector.ru "Moscollector"
  • zakupki.ugmk.com "UMMC"
  • torgi82.ru Crimean Electronic Platform
  • 1c-etp.ru ETP "Grid Company"
  • npovts.ru ETP NPO "Verkhnevolzhsky Trade Union"
  • etppc.ru ETP of the Legal Center
  • etp.asgor.su ETP "ASGOR"


  • sberbank-ast.ru Sberbank-AST
  • Fabrikant.ru Trade portal
  • b2b-center.ru ETP B2B-Center
  • utender.ru Electronic platform uTender
  • atctrade.ru EP “Auction Tender Center”
  • bepspb.ru Baltic Electronic Platform LLC
  • m-ets.ru Interregional Electronic Trading System
  • rus-on.ru CJSC "RUSSIA Online"
  • lot-online.ru Electronic trading system of JSC Russian Auction House
  • seltim.ru ETP “Electronic Property Trading System”
  • centerr.ru EP of the Implementation Center
  • ausib.ru "Auctions of Siberia"
  • electro-torgi.ru "Electronic trading platform ELECTRO-TORGI.RU"
  • regtorg.com Regional trading platform
  • akosta.info "A-KOSTA"
  • aukcioncenter.ru ETP "Auction Center"
  • eksystems.ru EP “Electronic capital”
  • etp-profit.ru EP "Profit"
  • alfalot.ru ETP "Alfalot"
  • tenderstandart.ru "TenderStandard"
  • torgidv.ru “Auctions of the Far East”
  • gloriaservice.ru "Gloria service"
  • etpu.ru Ural ETP
  • ets24.ru ETS24
  • etp.kartoteka.ru "KARTOTEKA.RU"
  • etp33.ru "Vladimir Tender Center"
  • trading-platform-vetp.rf All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform
  • nistp.ru “New Information Services”
  • arbitat.ru Arbitat LLC
  • arbitrade.ru "ArbiTrade"
  • EP "Agency of Legal Communications"
  • utpl.ru Open trading platform
  • ru-trade24.ru Ru-Trade
  • promkonsalt.ru PROM-Consulting


  • azoroplus.ru platform AZORO plus

International trading systems:

  • chinabidding.org China Bidding Ltd.
  • ru.dgmarket.com dgMarket (The Development Gateway Foundation Inc.)
  • Ua-Tenders.com - Ukrainian tenders
  • tender.sk.kz Procurement portal of JSC National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna
  • Iepirkumi.lv
  • goszakupki.by National Center for Marketing and Price Study

The Center’s specialists will help you choose the right digital signature without overpaying for additional areas of application of the signature.

Contact faces:

Signature for bidding "Basic"
Signature for bidding "Extended"
Signature for bidding "Maximum"

Federal ETP

  • Unified electronic trading platform (UETP) - roseltorg.ru
  • Sberbank-AST - sberbank-ast.ru
  • National electronic platform - etp-ets.ru
  • ZakazRF. All-Russian Electronic Commerce System - zakazrf.ru
  • RTS tender - rts-tender.ru
  • All-Russian universal trading platform "Russian Auction House" - lot-online.ru
  • TEK-Torg - tektorg.ru
  • ETP GPB. Section "Public Procurement" - gos.etpgpb.ru
  • Specialized ETP for closed bidding AST GOZ - astgoz.ru

Commercial ETP

  • 223ETP.ZakazRF - 223etp.zakazrf.ru
  • B2B. Rosatom electronic store - rosatom.b2b-center.ru
  • Bankrot.ZakazRF. OSET section ZakazRF - bankrot.zakazrf.ru
  • BashZakaz.ru - etp.bashzakaz.ru
  • RHtorg - rhtorg.com
  • ELECTRO-TORGI.RU - electro-torgi.ru
  • EL-TORG - el-torg.net
  • Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU - estp.ru
  • ETPRF - etprf.ru
  • Invoice Market - i-mp.ru
  • Icetrade. Unified national information resource of the Republic of Belarus - icetrade.by
  • KARTOTEKA.RU. ETP of the State Registration Bulletin - kartoteka.ru/torgi
  • PropertyTrade - propertytrade.ru
  • Group of platforms OTS.RU - otc.ru
  • ONLINECONTRACT - onlinecontract.ru
  • RB2B - rb2b.ru
  • REGION-AST - region-ast.center
  • Sakhaeltorg.ru - sakhaeltorg.ru
  • Sberb2b. Small volume procurement service Sberbank-AST - sberb2b.ru
  • SETonline - setonline.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Section “Property sales” - sale.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Section “Electronic exchange platform” - bp.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Republic of Tyva - tuva.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Sakhalin region - sakhalin.zakazrf.ru
  • Zakupki21.ru - zakupki21.ru
  • Avtodor-TP - www.etp-avtodor.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of the Agroholding "Sibirsky Premier" - sibprime.ru
  • A-COSTA - akosta.info
  • Alphalot. Section "Purchases under 223-FZ and commercial bidding" - etp.alfalot.ru
  • Arbitat - arbitat.ru
  • Asgor - etp.asgor.su
  • Auction + (Auction Plus) - etp.triniti-n.ru
  • Auctions in Siberia - ausib.ru
  • Auctions of the Far East - torgidv.ru
  • Auction Competitive House - a-k-d.ru
  • Auction center - auctioncenter.ru
  • Baikal-Tender - burzakup.ru
  • Baltic ETP - bepspb.ru
  • Bankruptcy of the Republic of Tatarstan - etp-bankrotstvo.ru
  • Exchange "St. Petersburg" - spbex.ru
  • Exchange "St. Petersburg". Section "Transneft" - etp.spbex.ru
  • Verdict - vertrades.ru
  • All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform (VETP) - trading-platform-vetp.rf
  • Trading System "GazNeftetorg.ru" - gazneftetorg.ru
  • Automated electronic procurement system of PJSC Gazprom (ASEZ) - zakupki.gazprom.ru
  • EETP section “Corporate procurement and procurement under 223-FZ” - com.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. SME Section - msp.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Section "Purchases for major repairs" - fkr2.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Section Corporate store - kim.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Section “Agricultural site” - agro.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Section "GK Rosatom" - atom2.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Section Corporate store of Rosatom State Corporation - kim-atom.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Corporate section of the Rostec State Corporation - opk.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Corporate section of VTB Group - vtb.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Corporate section of the RusHydro group of companies - rushydro.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Corporate section of Rostelecom Group of Companies - rt.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Corporate section "Rosgeo" - rosgeo.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. Corporate section of PJSC Rosseti - rosseti.roseltorg.ru
  • EETP. section Corporate store of PJSC Inter RAO - kim-irao.roseltorg.ru
  • Eurasian Trading Platform - eurtp.ru
  • Unified trade aggregator (EAT, Berezka) - agregatoreat.ru
  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information - bankrot.fedresurs.ru
  • EETP section “Property auctions” - 178fz.roseltorg.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of the city of Krasnoyarsk - torgi.admkrsk.ru
  • Crimean electronic trading platform - torgi82.ru
  • SME ZakazRF. OSET section ZakazRF - msp.zakazrf.ru
  • Interregional Electronic Trading System (METS) - m-ets.ru
  • META-INVEST - meta-invest.ru
  • National electronic exchange - neb24.ru
  • National Center for Marketing and Price Study - goszakupki.by
  • New Information Services - nistp.ru
  • Non-core assets - non-core assets.rf
  • NEP. Section “Property auctions” - etp-torgi.ru
  • NEP. Trading under 223-FZ - etp-ets.ru/223
  • NEP. Section “Tendering for major repairs” - fkr.etp-ets.ru
  • Trading system "OBORONTORG" - oborontorg.ru
  • Purchasing portal of the PIK group of companies - tender.pik.ru
  • PROM-Consulting - promkonsalt.ru
  • Profit - etp-profit.ru
  • PTP-Center - ptp-center.ru
  • GLAD. Section “Showcase of SME procurement” - msp.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Property converted into state ownership" - confiscate.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Seized property" - arrested.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section “Property of private owners” - sales.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section “Rent” - lease.lot-online.ru
  • RTS tender. Section Procurement under 223-FZ- 223.rts-tender.ru
  • RTS tender. Section Property auctions - i.rts-tender.ru
  • RTS tender. Commercial procurement section - corp.rts-tender.ru
  • RTS tender. Russian Railways Procurement Section - rzd.rts-tender.ru
  • RTS tender. Section 615 - RF PP - 615.rts-tender.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Bankruptcy" - bankruptcy.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Auctions" - rad.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Purchases under 223-FZ" - tender.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Collateral" - zalog.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Privatization" - privatization.lot-online.ru
  • Region (St. Petersburg) - gloriaservice.ru
  • Region (Ufa) - etp-region.ru
  • Rosseti - etp.rosseti.ru
  • Russia Online - rus-on.ru
  • RTS tender. SME section - msp.rts-tender.ru
  • Ru-Trade (Ru-Trade24) - ru-trade24.ru
  • Universal trading platform Sberbank-AST - utp.sberbank-ast.ru
  • Sberbank-AST. Implementation of block cargo transportation by JSC Aeroflot - cargo-aeroflot.sberbank-ast.ru
  • NEFU - etp.s-vfu.ru
  • Electronic trading platform "Grid Company" etp.gridcom-rt.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of JSC "Siberian Agrarian Group" - agro.zakupki.tomsk.ru
  • Siberian trading platform - sibtoptrade.ru
  • Electronic trading platform "Sila" - torgi-sila.ru
  • Electronic trading systems SELT - bankruptcy.selt-online.ru
  • Electronic property trading system - seltim.ru
  • Trading System "Spetsstroytorg" - sstorg.ru
  • OL. Trade selection service - star-pro.ru
  • StroyTorgi - stroytorgi.ru
  • SYSTEMATORG - sistematorg.com
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section of NK "Rosneft" - rn.tektorg.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section of JSC "Russian Railways" - rzd.tektorg.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Gazpromdrilling" - gb.tektorg.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Inter RAO UES" - irao.tektorg.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Purchasing procedures" - akupki.tektorg.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Property Sales" - sale.tektorg.ru
  • TRADES 223 - torgi223.ru
  • Bargain-i. ETP of the St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange (SPbIMEX) torg-i.com
  • Tender Guarantor - tendergarant.com
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" - tektorg.ru
  • Smart procurement. Intelligent automated system - erus.ru
  • Universal electronic trading platform of JSC Russian Railways (UETP Russian Railways) - etp.comita.ru
  • Ural ETP. Section "Commercial procurement and procurement under 223-FZ" - business.etpu.ru
  • UMMC - zakupki.ugmk.com
  • Federation - federal1.ru
  • Procurement Automation Center - etpcaz.ru2017
  • Procurement Development Center of the Republic of Tatarstan - etpzakupki.tatar
  • Electronic systems of the Volga region - el-torg.com
  • Electronic auctions of Siberia - ea.omskzakaz.ru
  • Eltox - eltox.ru
  • Standard - zakupki.etalon-etp.ru
  • ETS24 - ets24.ru
  • Southern Electronic Trading Platform (SETP) - torgibankrot.ru
  • YUGRA - etpugra.ru

The “Extended” bidding signature provides an additional opportunity to participate in bidding on:

  • AGC Glass Russia - agc.lotexpert.ru
  • B2B Center. Group of B2B platforms - b2b-center.ru
  • ELTORG - eltorg.org
  • uTender - utender.ru
  • ETS. ETP "EuroTransStroy" - tender.eurotransstroy.ru
  • United trading platform - utpl.ru
  • Implementation Center - centerr.ru
  • Realization Center. Section “Bankruptcy Trading” - bankrut.centerr.ru
  • Realization Center. Section “Business trading” - business.centerr.ru
  • Realization Center. Section “Sale of low-value property” - torgi.centerr.ru
  • AIST - aistorg.ru
  • TenderStandard section 127-FZ - tenderstandart.ru

The “Maximum” bidding signature provides an additional opportunity to participate in bidding on:

  • ETP GPB - etpgpb.ru
  • Section “Purchases of the Gazprom Group of Companies” - etpgaz.gazprombank.ru
  • Section “Purchases of corporate customers and Trade portal for small volume purchases” - etp.gpb.ru
  • ETP Fabrikant - fabrikant.ru

ETP (Electronic trading platforms) allow you to carry out purchase and sale transactions between enterprises, conduct electronic auctions and post information about products and services. Let's consider the types of ETP and their capabilities in more detail.

These are sites on which customers (government or commercial organizations) post information about procurement, and suppliers (any legal entities and individuals) participate in announced competitive procedures as part of competition: submit applications, make price offers, and enter into contracts.

In the Russian ETP system, several areas can be distinguished.

ETP of government procurement (bidding under 44-FZ)

All 9 sites were identified as a result of a special selection and operate according to the rules enshrined in 44-FZ. The customer decides on which platform to conduct the auction. For suppliers, accreditation of the ETP of public procurement is free.

ETP for procurement of companies with state participation (bidding under 223-FZ)

The list of sites for holding auctions under No. 223-FZ is not recorded anywhere - there are currently about 200 of them. The creation of uniform requirements and, accordingly, reducing the number of such sites are now being actively discussed. The operating rules for both customers and suppliers are determined by the sites themselves.

ETP for procurement of commercial companies ETP

For commercial companies, conducting procurement electronically is a voluntary decision. Many people optimize costs due to this. The trading platforms for commercial companies are often the same ETPs where companies with government participation conduct purchases (under 223-FZ).

ETP for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises

The commission of the Ministry of Economic Development accredited several ETPs for the right to conduct such tenders, among them:

  • "Sberbank-AST"
  • "Russian Auction House"
  • "SELT"
  • uTender and others

At auctions you can purchase the property of a bankrupt legal entity or individual entrepreneur at a price below the market price:

  • real estate,
  • various special equipment,
  • furniture,
  • cars.

Anyone can take part in bankruptcy auctions.

For all of these types of electronic platforms, general principles of operation can be identified:

Lack of personal contact between customers and suppliers Until the completion of the procurement procedure, the customer has no right to require any identification from suppliers. Anonymity ensures competition between suppliers for obtaining a contract. Legal validity of transactions All documents in the electronic trading process - from accreditation on the trading platform to signing a contract - are endorsed by participants with an electronic signature. This guarantees the legal validity of the documents.
On nine accredited government procurement platforms it is used only, as well as on platforms for bidding of companies with government participation, bidding of commercial organizations and bankrupts. Some ETPs, in order to protect themselves from unscrupulous participants, impose additional requirements for electronic signature certificates - for example, the presence of their own identifier (OID). Geographical independence You can participate in electronic trading from anywhere in Russia - all you need is an Internet connection and an electronic signature certificate. You can receive information about new procurements, submit an application for the competitive procedure and sign a contract without leaving the office. This helps to expand the geographic boundaries of the business and increase the customer base: any company that places orders on electronic trading platforms can become a customer.