Classification of material and technical resources. Material and technical resources - what is it? Classification of material and technical resources What is MTR in procurement

(GNP) in accordance with their educational and professional level. This is the most important element of the country's economic potential.

- a part of the natural environment used or suitable for use by society in order to satisfy material and spiritual people. Natural resources are classified into mineral, land, water, plant and animal, atmospheric.

Material resources- a set of objects of labor, a complex of things that a person influences in the process and with help in order to adapt them to satisfy his own and use them in the process (raw materials and materials).

Energetic resources— energy carriers used in production and economic activities. They are classified: by type— coal, oil and oil products, gas, hydropower, electricity; how to prepare for use– natural, ennobled, enriched, processed, transformed; by way of getting- from outside (from another enterprise), own production; by the frequency of use - primary,

secondary, reusable; in the direction of use - in industry, agriculture, construction, transport.

Production resources ()- a thing or a set of things that a person places between himself and the object of labor and which serve for him as a conductor of influence on him in order to obtain the necessary material benefits. The means of labor are also called fixed assets, which in turn are classified into a number of groups.

Primary and derived material resources

Material and technical resources- this is a collective term that denotes those used in the main and auxiliary production. The main feature of the classification of all types of material and technical resources is their origin. For example, the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (metallurgy), the production of non-metals (chemical production), the production of wood products (woodworking), etc.

Material and technical resources are also classified according to their purpose in the production process (manufacturing of semi-finished products, components, final finished products). For material resources, additional classification features are introduced: physiochemical properties(thermal conductivity, heat capacity, electrical conductivity, density, viscosity, hardness); shape (body of revolution - bar, pipe, profile, corner, hexagon, bar, rail); dimensions (small, medium and large sizes in length, width, height and volume); physical (aggregate) state (liquid, solid, gaseous).

Material resources, depending on their purpose in the production and technological process, are generally classified into the following groups: raw material(for the production of material and energy resources); materials(for the main and auxiliary production); semi-finished products(for further processing); components(for the manufacture of the final product); finished products(to provide consumers with goods).

Raw material

These are raw materials that, during the production process, form the basis of a semi-finished or finished product. Here, first of all, it is necessary to single out industrial raw materials, which, in turn, are classified into mineral and artificial.

Mineral fuel and energy raw materials include natural gas, oil, coal, oil shale, peat, uranium; to metallurgical - ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and noble metals; to mining and chemical - agronomic ores (for the production of fertilizers), barite (for obtaining white paints and as a filler), fluorspar (used in metallurgy, the chemical industry), sulfur (for the chemical industry and Agriculture); to the technical - diamonds, graphite, mica; to building - stone, sand, clay, etc.

Artificial raw materials include synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic rubber, leather substitutes, and various detergents.

Agricultural raw materials occupy an important place in the national economy. It is in turn classified into vegetable (cereals, industrial crops) and animal (meat, milk, eggs, raw skins, wool) origin. In addition, raw materials from the forestry and fishing industries are isolated - harvesting raw materials. This is a collection of wild and medicinal plants; berries, nuts, mushrooms; logging, fishing.


This is the basis for the production of semi-finished products, components, industrial and consumer goods. Materials are classified into basic and auxiliary. The main ones include those types that are directly included in the composition of the finished product; to auxiliary - not included in its composition, but without which it is impossible to conduct technological processes for its manufacture.

In turn, the main and auxiliary materials are divided into types, classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups. On an enlarged basis, materials are classified into metals and non-metals, depending on the physical state - into solid, bulk, liquid and gaseous.

Semi-finished products

These are semi-finished products that must go through one or more stages of processing before becoming the final product. Semi-finished products are classified into two main groups. The first group includes partially manufactured products within a separate enterprise, transferred from one production unit to another. The second group consists of semi-finished products obtained through cooperation from one industrial enterprise to another.

Semi-finished products can be subjected to both one-time processing, after which they turn into finished products, and multi-operational processing according to the developed technological processes.


This is a finished product, which, through cooperation, is supplied by one industrial enterprise to another for the production of the final finished product. From the components, the final finished product is actually assembled.

Final finished product

These are goods for industrial or consumer purposes produced by industrial enterprises, intended for sale to intermediate or final consumers. Individual consumer goods are durable (repeated) and short-term use, everyday demand, pre-selection, special demand.

Secondary material resources

Waste is understood as the remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products formed during the production of products or the performance of work and which have completely or partially lost their original consumer properties. In addition, waste is generated as a result of the dismantling and write-off of parts, assemblies, machines, equipment, installations, and other fixed assets. Waste includes products and materials that have gone out of use among the population and have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical or obsolescence.

Secondary material resources include all types of waste, including those for which there are currently no technical, economic or organizational conditions for use. In this regard, it should be noted that with an increase in the volume of production of goods for industrial and consumer purposes, the volume of secondary material resources will also constantly increase. They have their own classification according to the place of formation (production waste,

consumption), application (used and not used), technology (subject to and non-subject to additional processing), state of aggregation (liquid, solid, gaseous), chemical composition (organic and inorganic), toxicity (toxic, non-toxic), place of use, size of volumes and others

Resource classification value

The classification of material and technical resources facilitates the selection of the necessary Vehicle for their delivery (road, rail, water, air, specialized transport) depending on the cargo (their dimensions, weight, state of aggregation).

This classification allows designers and builders to take into account the peculiarities of stored and accumulated material and technical resources (bulk, liquid, gaseous and other products) when building warehouse complexes and terminals. It becomes possible to choose the best option for their storage, take into account the impact on environment, to create artificial conditions for this.

This allows you to create optimal stocks of material and technical resources, comply with storage deadlines, timely maneuver stocks, sell them, linking all links of the overall logistics chain. We are talking about the use of information networks that provide the initial data for logistics services to make rational decisions.

Analysis of the availability of material resources and their use

Consider the influence of material resources on . Other things being equal, the volume of production will be the greater, the better the organization is provided with raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, fuel and energy equal to material resources and the better they are used.

The main sources of information for analysis are: an explanatory note to the annual report of the organization, journal-order No. 6 for settlements with suppliers for materials, journal-order No. 10 for accounting for production costs, statements-reports on the consumption of materials, cutting sheets, receipt orders for materials, limit-fence cards, requirements, warehouse accounting cards for materials, a book (sheet) of residual materials.

The main objectives of the analysis of the availability of material resources and their use are the following:
  • determination of the degree of fulfillment of the plan of material and technical supply (support) of the organization in terms of volume, assortment, completeness and quality of the received material resources;
  • control over compliance with the norms of stocks and norms of consumption of material resources;
  • control over the implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing the stock of materials and saving the expenditure of material resources in the production process.

The fulfillment of the logistics plan should be analyzed by the most important types of materials on which the output of products depends to the greatest extent. The volume of supplies (delivery) to the organization of material resources in this period is equal to the planned need for them for the manufacture of the envisaged volume of products; at the same time, the balances of materials in the warehouse of the organization at the beginning and at the end of the period are taken into account. In turn, the planned need for material resources is equal to the number of manufactured products according to the plan, multiplied by the rate of consumption of materials per product.

When analyzing, it is necessary to find out to what extent the quantity of imported materials provided for by the plan is provided by contracts concluded with suppliers for the supply of these materials, and in the future to establish how suppliers fulfill their obligations for the supply of material resources.

Consider the example of the impact on the volume of output of the factors of availability of material resources and their use.

The following factors related to material resources influenced the increase in output:

The total influence of all factors (balance of factors) is: pieces.

The receipt of materials from suppliers, which affects the volume of production, should be studied not only in terms of the quantity of materials received, but also in relation to compliance with the scheduled dates for their receipt, their range and quality. Failure to comply with all these conditions may adversely affect the release of products. Then it is necessary to specify the analysis in the context of individual types of materials. When analyzing their stocks, you should compare the actual balances of materials with the norms of their stocks and identify deviations. If the existing surplus stocks can be sold to other enterprises without prejudice to the production process, then they should be sold. If actual stocks are less than the norm, it should be established whether this leads to interruptions in the production process. If not, then inventory rates can be reduced. Particular attention should be paid to identifying stale and slow-moving types of materials that are not used in production and have been in the warehouse of the organization for a long time without movement in the composition of the warehouse stocks of materials.

Having studied the state of stocks of certain types of materials, you should proceed to consider their consumption. At the same time, their actual consumption should be compared with the expense according to the business plan, recalculated for the actual volume of output, and identify savings or cost overruns of certain types of materials. It is also necessary to establish the reasons for these deviations. Overspending of materials can be caused by the following main reasons: incorrect cutting of materials, replacement of one type, profile and size of material with others due to their lack of stock, non-standard size of material, mismatch of allowances and material sizes, production of new parts instead of rejected ones, etc. It is necessary to establish the reasons for overspending material resources in production.

See further:

In conclusion of the analysis carried out, it is necessary to generalize the reserves for increasing output associated with material resources.

Reserves for increasing output:

  • reduction of waste materials in the production process;
  • reduction in the net weight of products due to the revision of their design;
  • rational replacement of materials with more efficient materials.
      The regulation of any business process provides two important advantages: it allows you to clearly define the process management function (planning, organization, control) and creates the prerequisites for its subsequent automation. This article provides recommendations on the practical preparation of an intra-company "Regulations on the management of inventories" with several sections: planning, procurement, stock accounting, stock group management, ensuring the stock management process.

The main task of the management and employees of the supply services, planning and financial services is effective management the movement of material and financial resources - the management of supply and marketing processes, stocks and working capital invested in these stocks. These services should timely identify excess stocks of material resources in order to determine the possibility of their implementation and warn about the presence and appearance of scarce positions for inventory items in the enterprise, which threaten to disrupt the smooth organization of the production process.

Competent management contributes to an increase in inventory turnover, a decrease in the level of illiquid assets, and allows you to free up cash.

The larger the enterprise, the more resources you have to manage, the more noticeable the difficulties in organizing logistics, the more important it is to work on optimizing the process of managing materials and equipment.

You can regulate the inventory management process by developing and implementing the “Regulations on the management of material and technical resources” in the company.

This process must be considered as a whole, because inventory management is planning, procurement, inventory accounting, managing stock groups, and ensuring the inventory management process.

Perhaps there are no universal recipes for writing the Regulations on the management of the MTP, each industry, each enterprise has its own specifics. Taking into account personal experience in the development and implementation of the Regulations on an average, by Russian standards, enterprise, I recommend that when writing the Regulations, adhere to the following plan in general terms:

  1. MTP planning
      1) MTP budget planning
      2) Planning the procurement of materials and equipment
  2. Procurement of materials and equipment
      1) Centralized supply
      2) Deliveries under direct contracts
      3) Organization of tender purchases
      4) Deliveries under leasing agreements
  3. Accounting for materials and equipment
      1) Acceptance and release of MTP
      2) Classification and valuation of reserves
  4. Inventory group management
      1) Current stock
      2) Safety stock
      3) Transport stock
      4) Technological reserve
      5) Preparatory stock
      6) Illiquid stocks
      7) ABC and XYZ analysis
  5. Ensuring the inventory management process
      1) Reporting
      2) Software
      3) Security
      4) Staff training

In general, the inventory management process involves:

  • Management of the enterprise - General Director, Deputy CEO on supply issues;
  • Department of Material and Technical Supply of the Administration Apparatus (OMTS);
  • Production departments and services of the company;
  • Material Supply Department is a specialized division of the company;
  • Financial and economic service;
  • Accounting.

1. MTP planning

The first chapter of the Regulations is devoted to planning the process of acquiring reserves - budget planning (monetary indicators) and procurement planning (natural indicators).

Rice. 1. MTP budget planning

1.1. MTP budget planning

The basis of the budget for the supply of material and technical resources is the production program, the overhaul program and the company's investment program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) (Fig. 1.) The term for the formation of the MTR budget is August-September of the year preceding the planning year.

A) Production units (workshops, branches) and production departments of the Administration, on the basis of the Programs, form the budget for the purchase of materials and equipment and transfer it to the logistics department (OMTS).

B) The MTS department coordinates with the planning and economic department the limits for the purchase of materials and equipment, and, if necessary, makes adjustments.

C) The MTS department transfers the agreed indicators of the budget and the Program to the Material Supply Department.

On the basis of the formed cost limits for materials and equipment, taking into account the available balances of materials and equipment in warehouses, a supply plan is formed.

The MTS department, together with the Material Supply Department, forms a monthly plan for financing the materials and equipment and equipment, based on the delivery and production time. When forming a financing plan, the status of settlements with counterparties and expected receivables and payables are taken into account.

If it becomes necessary to adjust the budget, the head instructs the director of the Material Supply Department to make the appropriate amendments. The material supply department sends changes to the MTP financing plan to the financial department for approval. After consideration, the financial department sends the amended financing plan to the UMS and OMTS.

1.2. Procurement planning

Rice. 2. Planning for the supply of materials and equipment

In order to form a plan for the supply of materials and equipment, an application campaign is carried out, which is carried out in one or two stages until November of the year preceding the delivery date according to the following algorithm:

A) The MTS Department, according to the financial plan, provides the Management of Material Supply with control figures in monetary terms for the cost of material resources, and also brings them to the production units of the Company.

B) Production units provide:

    To the production departments of the Administration Office - object-by-object and summary statements of the need for materials and equipment and equipment;

    To the Department of Material Supply - statements of the need for materials and equipment agreed with the production departments of the Company.

C) In case of an upward deviation from the planned indicators, the heads of production departments adjust the supply plan based on the implementation of the Company's Programs, highlighting priority types of work.

D) The heads of the production departments of the Administration check the content of the applications of the branches for the exclusion of technically or morally outdated items of materials and equipment from them and submit to the Material Supply Department:

    Consolidated requirements of materials and equipment in all directions of consumption;

    Distribution of the declared materials and equipment in the context of the production units of the Company.

E) The Department of Material Supply, on the basis of the documents provided, draws up a preliminary plan for the supply of materials and equipment in nomenclature and cost terms and reconciles with the adjusted planned indicators. After coordination and adjustment, it transfers the preliminary plan for the supply of materials and equipment to the OMTS.

E) OMTS checks the preliminary plan for the supply of materials and equipment for compliance with the financial plan and approves the preliminary plan for the supply of materials from the General Director of the Company.

G) The plan for the supply of materials and equipment, broken down by areas of activity and monthly delivery times, indicating the nomenclature, is brought to the production units of the Company.

2. Procurement of materials and equipment

2.1. Centralized deliveries

In some companies that are part of holdings or vertically integrated structures, a significant share of the purchase of material resources is made centrally through the parent company. In this case, in this chapter, it is necessary to regulate interaction with a higher organization on the issue of purchasing materials and equipment.

2.2. Deliveries under direct contracts

Each company in the course of production activities deals with dozens and hundreds of counterparties that supply the company with inventories. It is necessary to describe the whole range of issues related to the acquisition of materials and equipment under direct contracts with counterparties: the search for counterparties, the procedure for concluding contracts, making payments, reconciling cash settlements, etc.

2.3. Organization of tender purchases

Tender purchases are mandatory only for government agencies, but are increasingly used in commercial companies.

Organization of tenders allows to provide:

  • selection of the most preferable conditions for placing orders with a possible minimization of the price;
  • objectivity and impartiality of procedures and achieving openness in the process of placing orders for goods, works, services.

The organization of tender deliveries is based on generally accepted rules that have developed in world practice in the field of procurement. The following forms of bidding apply:

  • open competition;
  • closed competition;
  • two-stage competition;
  • request for quotations;
  • request for proposals;
  • placing orders with a single supplier (on a non-competitive basis).

The most preferred method of procurement is an open tender.

Placing orders on a tender basis is perhaps the topic of a separate article or a separate regulation.

2.4. Deliveries under leasing agreements

Financial leasing is a modern widespread tool that allows an enterprise to purchase equipment with borrowed funds, carrying out accelerated depreciation and saving on taxes. At the same time, the purchase on lease is a specific procedure, taking into account the interaction of the lessee with several organizations - a bank, a lessor, an equipment supplier. In the issue of acquisition by leasing, a clear interaction of the company's services is necessary - financiers, accounting departments, the MTS department, and production departments. If you plan to purchase equipment on lease, it makes sense to dedicate a separate chapter of the Regulations to deliveries under leasing agreements.

3. Accounting for materials and equipment

This chapter describes the issues of acceptance-release, classification and valuation of stocks.

3.1. Reception and release of MTR

The order of acceptance and release of the MTP determines:

  • The procedure for receiving and issuing own MTR and MTR of other legal entities accepted for safekeeping.
  • Organization of acceptance in terms of quality, quantity and compliance with the information in the documents.
  • The procedure for conducting incoming quality control of goods.
  • Movement of goods through central and transit warehouses (if any).
  • Procedure for submitting claims to suppliers.
  • List of documents for accounting for the receipt and release of materials and equipment.

3.2. Classification and valuation of reserves

Inventories include assets that meet the requirements of the Regulations on Accounting for Inventories.

The following assets are accepted for accounting as inventories:

  • used as raw materials, materials, etc. in the production of products intended for sale (performance of work, provision of services);
  • intended for sale;
  • used for the management needs of the organization.

Materials when they are registered are valued at the actual cost of their acquisition.

Valuation of materials and finished products upon their disposal is carried out according to the average cost method.

Finished products are valued at registration at reduced production cost.

Goods purchased for resale are valued at the time of their registration at the cost of their acquisition, but excluding the costs of their delivery (including handling), which are included in the costs of sale. Upon disposal, goods are valued using the average cost method.

4. Management of groups of inventories

This chapter describes the methods of managing inventories in an enterprise. Several groups of production stocks are distinguished, respectively, for each of them its own management strategy is formed.

Types of inventories:

4.1. current stock- the main type of stock, therefore the rate of working capital in the current stock is the main determining value of the entire stock rate in days.

The current production stock is intended for conducting the production and economic activities of the company.

The size of the current stock is affected by the frequency of supplies of materials under an agreement with suppliers (supply cycle), as well as the volume of their consumption in production.

The presence of optimal stocks at the enterprise, which can be ensured by organizing management and control over the flow of material and financial resources, over the state and level of stocks, allows the company to function smoothly with a small amount of "dead" material resources and small amounts of abstract working capital invested in these stocks.

The organization of operational control and management of stocks of material resources is facilitated by the introduction automated systems enterprise management, which allow you to adjust the accounting of the movement of material resources (receipt, consumption, daily balances). The result of solving the problem of operational control is to receive daily (weekly, ten-day, monthly or other periodicity) information about the actual availability of stocks in the warehouses of the enterprise and the degree of their compliance with established standards. This allows you to continuously monitor their value, timely and promptly identify the formation of excess balances or shortages for individual positions, which can disrupt the organization of the smooth functioning of the consumer.

Available information on movement, cost, formed regulatory framework for stocks and working capital, etc. for any of the used grades of materials allows you to quickly manage material and financial flows at the enterprise throughout the year. This information allows us to solve the following set of problems:

  • identify scarce positions of material resources;
  • select positions of material resources for which surplus stocks have been formed and they can be sold;
  • assess the availability of reserves and their structure;
  • analyze the structure of working capital at the enterprise;
  • determine what and when to order, in what volume, the dates of the next orders for the supply of material resources (i.e., to form a logistics plan for the next month);
  • determine the need for financial resources to ensure the necessary supplies of materials in the planned month, etc.
  • The value of the current stock is determined by the plan of production activity (plan of commercial activity, overhaul, investment, etc.) of the company.

4.2. Insurance (emergency, warranty) stock- the second largest type of stock, which determines the general norm. A safety stock is required at each enterprise to guarantee the continuity of the production process in cases of violations of the conditions and terms of supply of materials by suppliers, transport or shipment of incomplete lots.

The safety stock is divided into:

  • operational;
  • irreducible.

operational reserve is intended for use in the current production activities of the enterprise. Release of materials is made after agreement with the deputy head of the company in the direction of activity.

The operating margin is set at 60-80% of the insurance margin.

Irreducible supply intended for exceptional use only.

The minimum stock is 20-40% of the safety stock.

If the level of the insurance stock falls below the irreducible level, it must be replenished to the level of the insurance stock.

Materials of the safety stock should be systematically replaced after the expiration date in accordance with the specifications for them.

It is necessary to record the receipt and expenditure of the safety stock at least once a quarter.

Safety stock norms must be approved by the head (deputy head of the company).

4.3. Transport stock is created for the period of the gap between the period of cargo circulation and document circulation. When delivering materials over long distances, the time for payment of settlement documents is ahead of the time for the arrival of material assets. The transport stock is not established in cases where the time for receipt of materials coincides with the time for payment of settlement documents or ahead of it.

4.4. Technological reserve created for a period of time to prepare materials for production, including time for analysis and laboratory tests. The technological margin is taken into account in the general norm if it is not an integral part of the production process.

4.5. Preparatory Stock required for the period of unloading, delivery, acceptance and storage of materials is also taken into account in the calculation of the stock rate for raw materials, basic materials and purchased semi-finished products. The norms of this time are set for each operation on the average size of the supply, based on technological calculations or by timing.

4.6. Illiquid reserves - slow-moving or unsold stocks.

In the course of the annual inventory, the stocks related to this group are determined. Each company decides for itself by what criterion the stock is classified as non-liquid. For example, one of the options is to consider illiquid goods that are in stock without movement for 12 months.

After the goods are recognized as illiquid, they can be dealt with in one of the following ways:

  • Sale.
  • Exchange.
  • Redistribution (for example, within company branches).
  • Donation (providing charitable assistance).
  • Write-off and liquidation.

It is necessary to systematically analyze the causes of the appearance of illiquid assets in order to eliminate these causes in the future.

It is necessary to reduce investment in slow-moving and non-marketable types of stocks, and perhaps even stop buying them.

There are some exceptions to the non-liquid management policy. Hard-to-sell reserves can be maintained in the following cases:

  • They are components that are necessary for the consumer.
  • These are new types of goods that the buyer will definitely buy in the future.
  • The continuation or growth of demand for this type of product is expected.
  • Customers expect this type of product to always be present and available for direct purchase and there is no other source to meet customer needs without holding this item in stock.

4.7. ABC and XYZ analysis

ABC- and XYZ-analysis is a simple, but quite effective inventory management tool based on the Pareto principle, better known as the "20/80 rule". XYZ-analysis - the study of sales stability - is usually used in conjunction with ABC-analysis, which allows you to highlight the key products for the selling company. After conducting such an analysis in our company, we received quite unexpected results and adjusted the tactics of managing some categories of our reserves.

Due to the sufficient number of publications, we omit the details of the ABC and XYZ analysis in this article.

5. Ensuring the inventory management process

This chapter describes the auxiliary functions of the inventory management process.

5.1. Reporting

It is necessary to determine the list and content of current reports for operational management process and a list of reports for the top management of the enterprise in order to adopt management decisions. These can be, for example, the following reports:

  • report on balances, receipt and consumption of materials according to the enlarged nomenclature (monthly, quarterly);
  • performance report financial plan supplies of materials and equipment (monthly);
  • report on the received materials and equipment for the reporting period (daily, weekly);
  • report on the movement of illiquid assets (monthly, quarterly);
  • report on balances, receipt and consumption of materials for safety stock (monthly, quarterly),

as well as any other reports, in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise.

5.2. Software

This subsection describes the software used to automate the accounting of the company's materials and equipment, whether it is a widespread 1C: Warehouse or a complex ERP system that has a multi-level territorial distribution. The software is used to record warehouse operations of receipt, consumption and movement and prepare data to reflect completed warehouse operations on accounting accounts.

5.3. Security

Security in the field of MTP management includes several points:

  • Verification of counterparties (suppliers) - clarification of their financial and commercial reliability, reputation, stability and the real possibility of fulfilling contractual obligations.
  • Protection of goods, material assets during transportation.
  • Safety system storage facilities(access system, warehouse security, protection against theft and damage, etc.)

5.4. Personnel training

Training of specialists in the field of logistics is carried out in order to increase the efficiency and quality of work of employees, mastering new methods and skills of work in a market economy and is implemented in accordance with the system of in-company education of managers and specialists.

This subsection covers the issues of professional retraining and advanced training of specialists. It is necessary to determine the priorities, the frequency of holding, and possibly the list of educational institutions.

To develop the "Regulations on the management of inventories" in the company, it is advisable to create a working group consisting of interested specialists under the leadership of the deputy head of the enterprise, which is in charge of supply and logistics.

After the development of the "Regulations on the management of inventories", it is necessary to coordinate it with all divisions of the company involved in the process of planning and using the MTR: the financial and economic service, the capital construction department, production departments and services, accounting, etc. After approvals, the Regulation is approved by the order of the head of the enterprise and acquires the status of an administrative document that is mandatory for execution.

A systematic vision of the process of managing materials and equipment makes it possible to carry out strategic and tactical planning, improve the efficiency of inventory management, make the system of material supply transparent, and improve the quality of the main product.

In order to operate normally, uninterruptedly, each enterprise must receive the materials, fuel, energy it needs in a timely manner in the composition and quantity that are needed to conduct the production process. These material and energy resources must be rationally used in order to increase output with the same amount of allocated materials and fuel and reduce its cost.

Material and technical resources, i.e., basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, energy and semi-finished products obtained from outside, make up the bulk of the working capital of most enterprises. Only in some branches of engineering (with a long production cycle) a significant part of the working capital is in work in progress and semi-finished products of their own manufacture.

The largest share of the material and technical resources of the enterprise is the main materials. These include objects of labor that are used to manufacture products and form its main content. The main materials in the manufacture of, for example, a car are metal, glass, fabric, etc.

Auxiliary materials include materials consumed in the process of servicing the main production or added to the main materials in order to change their appearance and some other properties (lubricants, cleaning materials, packaging materials, dyes, etc.).

In metallurgical production, additional materials are usually also allocated, which are added to the main ones as reagents in the metallurgical process. These materials include: in blast-furnace production - limestone and other fluxing materials; in open-hearth - oxidizing agents (for example, iron ore, manganese ore) and fluxing materials (limestone, lime, bauxite), as well as filling materials (dolomite and magnesite). The same group of materials includes acids for pickling metals, oils for heat treatment of metals, zinc and tin for galvanizing and tinning industries. In the practice of metallurgical plants, these materials are combined with the main ones in the general article “raw materials and basic materials”. In essence, part of the additional materials can be classified as basic, and part - as auxiliary materials.

Fuel and energy, depending on the nature of use, are divided into: technological, i.e., directly involved in the manufacturing process of products (during smelting, electrolysis, electric welding, etc.); motor "used to service the production process (for heating, lighting, ventilation, etc.).

This classification of material and energy resources determines the different nature of the consumption of these groups, and, consequently, the unequal approach to setting their consumption rates, determining the need for them and identifying ways to use them more economically.

All work on the organization and planning of logistics and the use of material and energy resources at the enterprise can be reduced to the following:
> regulation of the consumption of material and energy resources;
> determining the need for them;
> organization of logistics;
> organizing the storage of materials and fuel and their distribution to production sites.

In the course of this work, especially at the stage of developing material consumption rates, an in-depth analysis of the use of material and energy resources is carried out, measures are developed and implemented to save them.

The organization and planning of material and technical supply and the use of material and technical resources is a significant section of the activities of enterprises, which determines the use of one of the key elements of the production process - objects of labor. In addition, the cost of objects of labor is the predominant part of the cost of production of enterprises in many industries. Thus, their economical use is the most important condition for reducing the cost of production and increasing the profitability of enterprises.


In addition to the capabilities of the typical configuration "Management manufacturing plant", the configuration of "MTO Logistics Support" takes into account the specifics of the logistics of holdings and large industrial enterprises and provides the following features:

  • Managing the process of centralized formation of requirements for materials and equipment by expense items and areas of activity in accordance with the allocated budget (limit) based on a unified classifier of material and technical resources (MTR)
  • Management of the process of formation of requirements for materials and equipment for industrial facilities in accordance with the planned activities in the areas of activity
  • Analysis of the compliance of the needs for materials and equipment with plans, projects, budgets, programs, preventive work, etc.
  • Managing the preparation and approval of the Logistics Plan
  • Procurement planning in accordance with the MTO Plan
  • Organization of competitive purchases of materials and equipment and formation of specifications for supply contracts with bidding winners
  • Managing the process of monitoring the availability of inventory balances in warehouses and their distribution in accordance with needs
  • Managing the process of monitoring the availability of stocks for emergency and unforeseen situations and the timeliness of their replenishment
  • Formation of operational and management reporting on the implementation of supply and procurement plans based on the unified NSI Classifier
  • Integration with the web-platform of electronic trading.

The functionality of the logistics planning mechanisms implemented in the "MTO Logistics" configuration is developed taking into account the characteristics of large Russian industrial enterprises and holding structures that use Application Campaigns to collect, consolidate and coordinate needs with the MTR. The use of Application campaigns for the purposes of generating needs significantly expands the mechanisms for generating needs using the MRP/MRPII algorithms implemented in the "Purchase Management" subsystem of the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" standard configuration.

Effective automation of logistics processes requires increased attention to the maintenance of regulatory reference information (NSI) used at the enterprise (reference books of MTR, Services, Counterparties), because otherwise it will be extremely difficult to track the movement of MTR throughout the supply chain. It is recommended to use the software product 1C: MDM Regulatory and reference information management to automate the processes of master data management.


Logistics subsystem is designed to automate logistics management processes and allows you to organize:

  • Automation of logistics management processes, taking into account the specifics of the activities of holdings and large industrial enterprises, including the presence of a complex multi-level and distributed subordination structure and, accordingly, time-distributed processes for coordinating various decisions
  • The optimal combination of features of centralized planning of material and technical resources, taking into account the features Russian enterprises(bidding campaigns) and global practices (MRPII) with partial or full decentralization operational work for the execution of logistics plans
  • Holistic development of the functional capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8. Manufacturing Enterprise Management configuration in the field of logistics automation, taking into account the specifics of Russian enterprises.
  • The logistics subsystem allows you to optimize processes and solve the main problems of logistics of holdings and large industrial enterprises:
  • Lack of unified logistics planning. Operational planning of purchases does not always allow to ensure the uninterrupted supply of raw materials and materials to production, because does not operate with long-term logistics plans
  • Lack of a single centralized procurement. Self-purchasing by production sites of the most important types of raw materials leads to uneven material costs, does not allow them to be optimized and ensure a unified pricing policy for the entire holding or industrial complex
  • The lack of a single information space leads to the fact that even if there is a single centralized logistics support, the logistics service cannot respond in a timely and flexible manner to emergency needs, changes in production programs, etc.
  • Lack of logistics regulations. The decentralization of logistics planning does not allow monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the logistics services of each of the production sites and, if necessary, improving their work. In addition, the lack of regulation of the work of logistics services often does not allow predicting or planning the timing of the execution of applications for security
  • Lack of unified reference information. The use of different classifiers in the MTO processes at different production sites leads to the impossibility of assessing the consolidated needs for material resources of the entire holding or industrial complex
  • Lack of convergence of MTO plans and holding budgets. The use of different planning regulations in the formation of the production program and holding budgets leads to the fact that the MTO budgets are not consistent with the budgets of the production program, which, in turn, leads to interruptions and gaps in purchases and payments.

The logistics subsystem allows you to automate the functions of planning, organizing, executing and analyzing the effectiveness of logistics. At the same time, the key object in this subsystem is the need for materials and equipment.

Automation of the above functions is provided by the functionality of the following subsystems:

  • Application campaign management;
  • Ensuring application campaigns;
  • Selection of suppliers (Contractual Procurement Support);
  • Logistics analysis.

The functions of accounting for the receipt of materials and equipment at warehouses and warehouse accounting of materials and equipment are provided by the functionality of the subsystem "Management of a warehouse (stocks)" (see below).

The table shows the coverage matrix of the above functions of the MTO process by the functionality of the logistics subsystem.

Application campaign management

A feature of the logistics planning functionality implemented in the subsystem is the use of application campaigns for entering, consolidating and coordinating the needs for materials and equipment. Application campaigns, as a rule, are organized at enterprises and holding structures to collect and consolidate applications from divisions, branches and other organizational units in material and financial support.

Bidding campaigns, in the processes of planning logistics, allow you to provide a method of counter planning:

  • top-down planning - registration of the enterprise's strategic goals in the form of application campaign limits;
  • bottom-up planning - preparation by the performers of subordinate levels of logistics plans (needs for materials and equipment) that ensure the fulfillment of these goals.

The use of application campaigns for the purposes of generating needs expands the mechanisms for generating needs using the MRP/MRPII algorithms implemented in the "Procurement Management" subsystem (see below).

Logistics planning is carried out within the framework of application campaigns. The planning process is provided by the functionality of the "Management of application campaigns" subsystem and involves the automation of the following functions:

The functionality of the subsystem allows you to take into account the features of organizational structure enterprises and holdings, the specifics of the MTO planning regulations.

The rules of the application campaign determine:

  • the time frame of the application campaign (start date, duration, frequency);
  • planning currency and planned purchase prices;
  • list and sequence of stages of input, adjustment and coordination of requirements for materials and equipment;
  • additional planning sections (projects, activities, funding items, etc.);
  • limit control procedure.

Application campaign management is carried out using the task mechanism, which allows you to control the input, approval and adjustment of previously declared needs. Upon completion of the bidding campaign, the MTO Plan is fixed in the subsystem.

The MTO plan allows you to determine the consolidated needs for the MTR of a holding or a production complex, taking into account financial restrictions (limits).

The functionality of the subsystem allows parallel processing of requirements for several application campaigns. At the same time, for each of such application campaigns, a restriction on the groups of the reference book "Nomenclature" can be set.

Ensuring application campaigns

The needs for materials and equipment, which are recorded in the MTO Plan, can be met both at the expense of purchased materials and equipment, and at the expense of those available in our own and remote warehouses.

Ensuring or covering the needs for materials and equipment is carried out using the functionality of the subsystem "Provision of application campaigns".

The provisioning process is carried out in two stages.

The first stage is the stage of primary provision of needs, which will be performed one-time, upon the closing of the application campaign and the approval of the MTO Plan. At this stage, the following operations are performed:

  • Analysis of approved requirements for materials and equipment, balances of materials and equipment at production sites and warehouse complexes of the holding, balances of materials and equipment held in reserves and in agreed orders to suppliers.
  • Formation of needs for the purchase of materials and equipment, planning of inter-warehouse movements and write-offs of existing materials and equipment for the needs approved in the Logistics Plan.
  • The MTO Procurement Calendar Plan, which includes information both on the needs for the purchase of materials and equipment, and on the responsibility of legal entities that are part of the holding structure for the purchase and distribution of specific materials and equipment.
  • Tasks for the movement of materials and equipment between warehouses, forming a reserve and allowing you to plan inter-skate movements to meet the specific needs of logistics.
  • Tasks for the transfer of materials and equipment to applicants, which form a reserve and allow planning the subsequent issuance of materials and equipment to the applicant of needs.
  • Weight coefficients for the distribution of materials and equipment by departments used in the second stage of support.

The second stage is the stage of operational meeting the needs for materials and equipment. This stage begins after the completion of the first stage, lasts until the end of the planning period and involves the constant distribution of available material values ​​according to the needs for materials and equipment. The distribution operation can be performed according to certain regulations or upon receipt of material assets in the warehouses of enterprises.

Operational support is carried out in a specific warehouse and allows you to perform:

  • Analysis of unmet needs for materials and equipment of your own unit, i.e. the subdivision that is specified for this warehouse;
  • Analysis of unmet needs for materials and equipment of subordinate units, i.e. those departments that are directly or indirectly subordinate to the department that is specified for this warehouse in the hierarchy;
  • Analysis of free balances of materials and equipment in this warehouse, which may be required to cover identified unmet needs for materials and equipment;
  • Analysis of weight coefficients.

Upon completion of this operation, the subsystem registers:

  • Tasks for the movement of materials and equipment between warehouses.
  • Assignments for the transfer of materials and equipment to applicants.

Supplier selection (contractual procurement)

The execution of the Procurement Plan, as a rule, involves additional work on contracting supplies. At the same time, part of the MTR can be purchased on a competitive basis, and partly - out of competition (purchase from a single supplier). The possibility of performing these functions is provided by the subsystem "Contractual procurement support", namely:

  • preparation of data for the organization of competitive purchases based on the needs for the purchase of materials and equipment, which were approved in the Procurement Plan;
  • registration of tenders and preparation of fragments of procurement documentation;
  • uploading data for posting information about the auction on the electronic platform;
  • downloading data upon completion of trading;
  • analysis and registration of the results of the auction;
  • registration of contracts and specifications upon the conclusion of contracts based on the results of the auction.

The analytical functions of the subsystem make it possible to select the most attractive ones from the proposals of suppliers received within the framework of specific tenders, taking into account the price component, terms of delivery and payment.

Schematically, the functionality of the subsystem can be represented as follows:

MTO efficiency analysis

Upon meeting the needs for MTR, the MTO functionality allows you to perform:

  • Analysis of the implementation of the MTO Plan (fullness of coverage of needs);
  • Procurement and movement plan
  • Analysis of the execution of the Procurement Plan;
  • Purchase price analysis;
  • Analysis of the use of limits;
  • Analysis of the implementation of MTO tasks;
  • Analysis of coverage of needs for materials and equipment.

All analytical functions are implemented using reports that are developed using a data composition system and can be variably configured by users of the subsystem functionality.

Financial management

The financial management subsystem is focused on a comprehensive solution of the problems of planning, controlling and accounting for income and expenses, it allows the enterprise to effectively use own funds and attracted investments, improve the manageability of the business as a whole. The implemented mechanisms optimize the financial instruments used, making the company's work transparent for internal and external audit, and increase the investment attractiveness of the business.

The functionality of the subsystem provides a solution to a wide range of tasks financial service, planning and economic departments, accounting.


The subsystem implements the following functions:

  • planning the activities and resources of the enterprise for any period in the context of scenarios, financial responsibility centers (FRC), projects, residual and turnover indicators, additional analytics (nomenclature, counterparties, ...);
  • monitoring of actual execution in the context of completed planning;
  • compilation of consolidated reports based on monitoring results;
  • the financial analysis;
  • accessibility analysis Money;
  • analysis of deviations of planned and actual data.

Cash Management

The treasury subsystem contains the functions necessary for effective cash flow management, control over payments made:

  • multi-currency accounting of cash flow and balances;
  • registration of planned receipts and expenditures of funds;
  • reservation of funds for upcoming payments on settlement accounts and at the box office;
  • placement of funds in expected incoming payments;
  • formation of a payment calendar;
  • registration of all necessary primary documents;
  • integration with "bank client" systems;
  • the possibility of spreading (manual or automatic) the amount of the payment document for several contracts and transactions.

Settlement management

The mutual settlements management subsystem is used in the financial, supply and marketing structures of the enterprise, allowing to optimize the financial risks of the enterprise and the need for working capital.

The change in time of the forecasted (deferred) and actual debt is analyzed. Deferred debt arises when the system reflects such events as an order for the supply or transfer of inventory items for commission, an application for receipt of funds, and other similar events. The actual debt is associated with settlement operations and moments of transfer of ownership.

The main purpose of the settlement subsystem:

  • fixing the debt of the counterparty to the company and the company to the counterparty;
  • accounting for the causes of debt;
  • support for various debt accounting methods (under contracts, transactions, individual business transactions);
  • analysis of the current state of debt and the history of its change.


Accounting is maintained in accordance with Russian legislation for all areas of accounting, including:

  • accounting of material values;
  • bank and cash operations;
  • currency operations;
  • calculations with accountable persons;
  • settlements with personnel for wages;
  • budget calculations.

It supports accounting in a single information base for several legal entities. To consolidate the data of geographically distributed structures - branch organizations and groups of companies, the configuration can be used in conjunction with the 1C: Consolidation solution.

A high degree of automation of the formation of accounting entries is predetermined by the description of primary documents ready for use by types of business transactions.

The quality of accounting is controlled by a specialized report "Analysis of the state of accounting", which allows you to control complex transactions and quickly determine the places of occurrence (before the document) of undesirable deviations.

The relevance of the regulated reporting forms is supported by the possibility of automatic updating via the Internet.

tax accounting

Tax accounting for income tax in the configuration is maintained regardless of accounting. Business operations reflected in accounting and tax accounting. The basis for accounting and tax accounting is divided Charts of Accounts, which have a "mirror" coding. For the purposes of accounting and tax accounting, it is permissible to use independent methods for estimating inventories during write-offs, methods for calculating depreciation, etc. the values ​​of the tax components (NU, VR, PR), the decoding of the data is given in specialized reports. Formation of the Declaration on income tax is ensured.

Accounting for value added tax (VAT) is implemented in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, maintenance of "complex" VAT is supported under the conditions of applying various VAT rates (0%, 10%, 18%, excluding VAT), separate accounting by type activities. The Purchase Book and the Sales Book are formed.

The configuration contains all declaration forms for other taxes (transport tax, property tax, etc.) and statistical reporting forms.

Accounting according to international standards

The subsystem includes a separate Chart of Accounts in accordance with IFRS, which can be customized by the user, and provides:

  • translation (transfer) of most of the accounts (postings) from the accounting subsystem (RAS) according to the rules that can be flexibly configured by the user;
  • parallel accounting according to Russian and international standards for those areas where the differences between Russian standards and IFRS requirements are significant (for example, accounting for fixed assets, intangible assets);
  • conducting own regulatory documents (for example, accrual of expenses, accounting for reserves, accounting for depreciation of assets and a number of others), as well as making corrective entries in the "manual" mode.
  • The capabilities of the subsystem allow:
  • to minimize the complexity of accounting in accordance with IFRS through the use of Russian accounting data;
  • compare Russian and IFRS accounting data, facilitating data reconciliation before preparing IFRS statements.

The subsystem can also be configured for accounting and financial reporting in accordance with foreign standards, including US GAAP.

Personnel Management

Employees of the personnel department, the department of organization of labor and employment and accounting can use the personnel management subsystem in a single information space for daily work.

The subsystem is intended for information support personnel policy companies and automation of settlements with personnel. The subsystem features include:

  • personnel needs planning;
  • conducting staffing organizations;
  • employment planning and vacation schedule for employees;
  • solving the problems of providing business with personnel - selection, questioning and evaluation;
  • personnel records and analysis of personnel;
  • analysis of the level and causes of staff turnover;
  • maintaining a regulated document flow;
  • payment wages employees of the enterprise;
  • automatic calculation of accruals, deductions and taxes regulated by law;
  • automatic calculation of UST and insurance premiums for mandatory pension insurance.

Based on the accumulated data on employees, you can build a variety of reports: lists of employees, personnel analysis, vacation reports (vacation schedules, vacation usage and vacation schedule fulfillment), etc.

The subsystem of the regulated personnel workflow allows you to automate personnel operations in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

  • conclusion and maintenance of employment contracts with each employee of the organization;
  • formation of approved labor forms;
  • personalized accounting for the FIU;
  • maintaining military records.


An important aspect of business management is the construction of a system of motivation for workers, focused on increasing the volume of products manufactured with the appropriate level of quality, providing for the interest of personnel in advanced training. To implement staff motivation strategies, tariff and piece-work remuneration systems are often used; for accurate calculation of accruals in accordance with accepted rules, a payroll subsystem is used.

The subsystem allows you to automate the entire complex of settlements with personnel, starting from the input of documents on actual output, payment of sick leaves and vacations, up to the formation of documents for the payment of salaries and reporting to state supervisory authorities.

The results of payroll calculation are reflected in management, accounting, tax accounting with the required level of detail:

  • reflection of the results of the calculation of managerial salaries in management accounting;
  • reflection of the results of the calculation of regulated wages in accounting;
  • reflection of the results of the calculation of the regulated salary as expenses taken into account for the purposes of calculating income tax (single tax). Reflection of the results of the calculation of the regulated salary for the purposes of calculating the UST.

Industrial production management

One of the most effective ways to reduce production costs is to build and optimize a production plan. This allows the company to reduce the level of downtime of equipment and highly qualified specialists, reduce the lead time for orders, avoid disruption of the sales plan due to overload of production resources, optimize the movement of materials and stock balances, and make the production process transparent and manageable.

The production management subsystem is intended for planning production processes and material flows in production, reflecting the processes of the enterprise's production activities and building a normative production management system.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by employees of the planning and economic department, production shops, production and dispatching department and other production units.

Implemented in the "Production Management" subsystem, production planning mechanisms provide:

  • scenario planning to develop various options for a production strategy or take into account possible changes in the conditions of the enterprise;
  • rolling planning, expanding the planning horizon as the next planning periods come;
  • project planning of production;
  • fixing planned data from changes (by scenarios and periods);
  • integration with the budgeting subsystem.

Production planning

The subsystem is designed for medium-term and long-term planning of production and resource requirements, as well as for conducting a plan-fact analysis of the implementation of production plans. When planning production, it is possible to take into account many parameters, control the feasibility and track the implementation of the plan at various stages in several sections simultaneously:

  • by departments and managers;
  • for projects and subprojects;
  • on key resources;
  • by nomenclature groups and individual nomenclature units.

Formation of an enlarged production plan

  • On the basis of the sales plans formed in the "Sales Management" subsystem, the estimated production volumes are formed by item groups (and, if necessary, individual items of the item).
  • Differences are identified between enlarged and updated plans, a package of planned shift-daily tasks, and actual production data.
  • The formation of tasks for production, control of their execution and assessment of the backlog of production are carried out.

Resource planning

  • It is possible to form tables of consumption and availability of the main (key) types of resources in the production of item groups and individual types of item.
  • The integrated production plan is monitored for compliance with limiting factors, for example, the consolidated availability of the main (key) types of resources.
  • Availability of key resources is monitored.

Shift production planning

The subsystem is intended for production planning in short term in the context of individual nomenclature items, as well as to conduct a plan-fact analysis of the execution of production plans by the production and dispatching department. In this subsystem, a detailed shift schedule of production and consumption is formed, its feasibility is assessed, taking into account the planned loading of resources:

  • planning taking into account the availability of capacities in planning sub-periods and changes in the summary duration of operations on the technological tree. In case of insufficiency of capacities in sub-periods, the planned operations are transferred to sub-periods with available free capacities;
  • formation of a detailed schedule of production and operations;
  • planning "on top" of existing plans for production and operations or complete rescheduling;
  • the possibility of planning operations for territorially remote units;
  • planning taking into account the time of transportation between warehouses and divisions.

Formation of a shift production plan

  • Formation of a production plan, refined to individual nomenclature positions with the calculation of the exact terms of production.
  • Determination of breakpoints for explosion procedures in the technological tree of production for all products planned in the "assembly to order" mode.
  • Formation of a schedule for loading production capacities and the need for production in raw materials and components.
  • Formation of the schedule of the final assembly with the specification of the terms of production.

Determining available resource capacities

  • Maintaining a list of work centers and technological operations.
  • Support for availability calendars for individual work centers and input of resource availability according to these calendars.
  • Combining work centers into groups with setting priorities for planning.
  • Calculation of the load of work centers during the determination of the schedule of material requirements.

Execution control

  • Formation of a schedule of production needs.
  • Formation of tasks for production, shift-daily tasks.
  • Plan-fact analysis of the production progress, control and analysis of deviations.

Product data management

Rationing the composition of products allows you to control the write-off of materials into production (limit-fence cards), plan the cost of production, analyze the discrepancies between the planned and actual costs and identify their causes.

Setting a route (technological) map allows you to plan a chain of production of multi-limited products, at each stage evaluating its feasibility, taking into account the loading of equipment and the availability of resources necessary for production.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by the chief engineer and employees working in the departments of the chief designer and chief technologist.

As part of production management, the function of accounting for the standard costs of materials in production and analysis of deviations from the norms has been implemented. The norms of consumption of materials are laid down in the specification for the manufacture of products.

The standard composition of products is used:

  • when analyzing deviations from the norms for product quality control;
  • to calculate the cost - as a base for the distribution of indirect costs.

For the purposes of shift planning, the entire technological process can be represented as a set of sequences of operations. Such a set sets a route map for the manufacture of products. Each operation can be characterized by its own set of material needs at the input and a set of products at the output.

Cost management and costing

The cost management subsystem is designed to account for the actual costs of the enterprise and calculate the cost of production.

The main functions of the subsystem:

  • accounting for the actual costs of the reporting period in the required sections in value and physical terms;
  • operational quantitative accounting of materials in work in progress (WIP);
  • accounting for actual WIP balances at the end of the reporting period;
  • registration of marriage in production and in warehouses;
  • calculation of the actual cost of production for the period of the main and by-products (semi-finished products, rejects) - incomplete and full production costs and the actual full cost of sales of products, incl. calculation of the cost of output from processors;
  • calculation of the production cost within a month according to the release documents - at direct costs or at the planned cost;
  • accounting for the processing of tolling raw materials;
  • calculation of the actual cost of WIP balances at the end of the reporting period;
  • provision of data (reports) on the procedure for the formation of prime cost;
  • providing data on the structure of the cost of production to assess deviations from the specified standards.

Fixed asset management

The subsystem allows you to automate all typical fixed asset accounting operations:

  • acceptance for accounting;
  • state change;
  • depreciation charge;
  • changing the parameters and ways of reflecting depreciation costs;
  • accounting for the actual production of fixed assets;
  • assembly and disassembly, relocation, modernization, decommissioning and sale of fixed assets.

A wide range of depreciation methods are supported. The subsystem allows to receive detailed information about the state of fixed assets, analyze the degree of wear and tear and monitor the performance of equipment maintenance.

Sales management

The use of the subsystem by the commercial director, employees of the sales department and warehouse workers will increase the efficiency of their activities.

The sales management subsystem provides end-to-end automation of the process of selling products and goods at a manufacturing enterprise, in wholesale and retail trade. The subsystem includes tools for planning and controlling sales, allows you to solve the problems of managing customer orders. Various schemes for the sale of products and goods are supported - from a warehouse and on order, sale on credit or on an advance payment, sale of goods accepted for a commission, transfer to a commission agent for sale, etc.

The subsystem is intended for planning:

  • sales volumes in physical and value terms, including on the basis of sales data for previous periods, information on current stock balances and customer orders received for the planned period;
  • selling prices, including on the basis of information about the current prices of the company and competitors;
  • cost of sales, taking into account information on prices of suppliers, planned or actual cost of production for a certain period.

Sales planning can be carried out both for the enterprise as a whole and for departments or groups of departments, for individual goods and product groups, for certain categories of customers (by region, by type of activity, etc.). The subsystem ensures the consolidation of individual plans into a consolidated sales plan for the enterprise.

To control the implementation of the developed plans, the system provides advanced tools for comparative analysis of data on planned and actual sales.

Planning can be carried out with time detailing from a day to a year, which allows you to:

  • move from strategic plans to operational, while maintaining information about the indicators set at each stage of planning;
  • to conduct planning both taking into account and without taking into account seasonal fluctuations in demand.

The functionality of order management implemented in the system makes it possible to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in the production program in accordance with the company's order execution strategy and work schemes (work from a warehouse, on order).

All stages of the order and its adjustments are recorded in the system by appropriate documents. The manager can at any time:

  • receive full information about the progress of the order;
  • track the history of relationships with customers and suppliers;
  • evaluate the efficiency and reliability of work with counterparties.

With the help of analytical reports built into the program, the manager can receive information about the payment of customer orders, the placement of orders in production and the progress of their implementation, the distribution of orders to suppliers to ensure customer orders.

Pricing mechanisms allow the commercial director and the head of the sales department to determine and implement the pricing policy of the enterprise in accordance with the available analytical data on supply and demand in the market.

The main functionality of the subsystem:

  • construction of various schemes for pricing and discounts;
  • the formation of selling prices, taking into account the planned cost of production and the rate of return;
  • monitoring compliance by employees of the enterprise with the established pricing policy;
  • storing information about competitors' prices;
  • storage of information about prices of suppliers, automatic updating of purchase prices;
  • comparison of selling prices of the enterprise with the prices of suppliers and competitors;

Purchasing management

To ensure the quality of manufactured products, ensure the continuous supply of materials to production and fulfill orders in accordance with the planned deadlines without exceeding the planned cost, an important task is the effective management of purchases of goods and materials.

The subsystem provides managers responsible for supply with the information necessary for making timely decisions on the replenishment of stocks of goods and materials, to reduce procurement costs and to clearly organize interaction with suppliers.

Among the features that the subsystem provides:

  • operational planning of purchases based on sales plans, production plans and outstanding customer orders;
  • placing orders to suppliers and monitoring their execution;
  • registration and analysis of the fulfillment of additional conditions under contracts with fixed nomenclature items, volumes and delivery times;
  • support of various schemes for receiving goods from suppliers, including acceptance for sale and receipt of raw materials and materials to be supplied by the customer;
  • registration of uninvoiced deliveries using warehouse orders;
  • analysis of the needs of the warehouse and production in goods, finished products and materials;
  • end-to-end analysis and establishment of relationships between customer orders and orders to suppliers;
  • analysis of the consequences that may result from non-fulfillment of orders by suppliers (which customer order may be disrupted by a short delivery of goods or materials);
  • procurement planning, taking into account the predicted level of stocks and reserved goods and materials in warehouses;
  • selection of the best suppliers of goods according to their reliability, delivery history, criteria for the urgency of order fulfillment, proposed delivery conditions, territorial or other arbitrary characteristics and automatic generation of orders for them;
  • scheduling deliveries and payment schedules.

Warehouse (inventory) management

The use of the warehouse (inventory) management subsystem allows you to effectively organize warehouse management and increase the productivity of warehouse workers, employees of supply and marketing structures, and also provides operational and detailed information to the commercial director of the enterprise.

The system implements detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses, provides full control inventories of goods and materials at the enterprise. All warehouse operations are recorded using the appropriate documents. The subsystem allows:

  • to manage inventory balances in various units of measurement at multiple warehouses;
  • keep separate records of own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, returnable packaging;
  • control and record serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
  • control the correctness of write-off of serial numbers and goods with certain expiration dates and certificates;
  • set arbitrary characteristics of the batch (color, size, etc.) and keep batch records in the context of warehouses;
  • take into account the customs declaration and the country of origin;
  • to complete and disassemble goods and materials;
  • carry out the functions of order accounting and reservation of goods and materials.

Information on the state of warehouse stocks is available in any analytical sections with high detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), or to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods. It is possible to obtain valuations of inventory at cost and potential sales at selling prices.

Retail management and connection of shop equipment

For manufacturing companies with own shops and retail outlets, the configuration includes retail management capabilities. Retail can be carried out from any of the warehouses - wholesale, retail or non-automated outlet. Accounting for goods in non-automated outlets conducted at fixed retail prices. The ability to connect retail equipment has been implemented: scanners, data collection terminals, customer displays, electronic scales, cash registers in the "fiscal registrar", "off-line" and "on-line" modes. The system makes it possible to evaluate value stocks at retail prices, compare volumes and profitability of sales in various stores (outlets), control the correctness of receipts from stores and outlets.

Relationship management with buyers and suppliers

The functionality of the subsystem allows you to manage relationships with buyers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other contractors. These opportunities can be claimed by the commercial director, marketing director, employees of marketing, sales and supply departments.

The subsystem "Management of relations with buyers and suppliers" allows the enterprise:

  • store the complete contact information by counterparties and their employees, as well as storing the history of interaction with them;
  • register information about suppliers: terms of delivery of goods, reliability, terms of execution of orders, range and prices of supplied goods and materials;
  • automatically notify users about upcoming contacts with counterparties, remind them of the birthdays of contact persons;
  • plan your working time and control the work plans of your subordinates;
  • analyze pending and plan upcoming transactions with buyers and potential clients;
  • use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each client;
  • register each appeal of a potential buyer and further analyze the percentage of customer acquisition;
  • promptly monitor the status of planned contacts and transactions;
  • conduct an integrated ABC(XYZ) analysis of customer relationships;
  • analyze the reasons for the failure to fulfill customer orders and the volume of closed orders;
  • analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns based on the results of customer requests.
Customer segmentation using the integrated ABC(XYZ) analysis allows you to automatically separate customers:
  • into classes depending on the client's share in the company's revenue or profit: important (A-class), medium importance (B-class), low importance (C-class);
  • by status: potential, one-time, permanent, lost;
  • by regularity of purchases: stable (X-class), irregular (Y-class), episodic (Z-class).

The results of this analysis help to optimally distribute efforts and organize the work of employees responsible for sales and customer service.

Monitoring and evaluation of the work of managers

The configuration allows the management (commercial director, head of sales department, head of marketing department) to evaluate and compare the work of managers responsible for sales and work with clients, according to a number of indicators:

  • in terms of sales and profits;
  • by customer retention rate;
  • by the number of completed orders;
  • by the number of contacts with customers;
  • by the completeness of filling the database with contact information.

These assessments can be used to build an objective system of personnel motivation, reflecting the specifics of the tasks being solved various categories managers.

Integrated e-mail tools

Tools for working with e-mail are integrated into a single information space of the system. As a result, the processing of electronic correspondence is carried out in close relationship with other business processes of the enterprise:

  • registration of correspondence, appointment of executors and control of execution, maintaining the history of correspondence for each counterparty;
  • creation of both individual and "public" (group) mail addresses and differentiation of access to them for different user groups;
  • import contact information from common email clients;
  • automatic sending of letters upon the occurrence of scheduled events (for example, a payment reminder);
  • organization of mailings of e-mails - groups of addresses for mailing can be formed both manually and automatically according to criteria specified by the user (for example, by regions, types of activities of counterparties, positions of contact persons, etc.).

Monitoring and analysis of the enterprise's activities

The effectiveness of management, the efficiency and quality of decisions made by the heads of enterprises largely depend on how effectively they can use the data on various aspects of the enterprise's activities accumulated in information systems.

A powerful and flexible reporting system allows you to quickly analyze and continuously monitor all aspects of production and trading activities enterprises. Among the main features of the system:

  • intelligent tools for automatic reporting that do not require programming;
  • spreadsheet style design;
  • pivot tables;
  • linear, hierarchical and cross-reports;
  • grouping support;
  • deciphering individual elements of the report (drill-down);
  • business graphics.

Information can be obtained in any sections with the required detail. The user can independently set (configure) the level of detail, grouping parameters and criteria for selecting data in reports in accordance with the specifics of the tasks being solved. Such individual settings (actually - customized reports created by the user) can be saved for further use.

Modern business methods, convenient and visual means of information analysis implemented in the system make the program an effective tool for solving pressing management issues. Specialized tool « Performance Monitor » focused on the rapid assessment of key performance indicators of the enterprise:

  • coverage of the entire business "at a glance";
  • timely detection of deviations from the plan, negative dynamics, points of growth;
  • clarification of the information provided;
  • use of a pre-installed set of more than 60 performance indicators;
  • development of new performance indicators;

setting up several report options by type of activity, by area of ​​responsibility.

Sending reports via the Internet

This application has built-in functionality for working with, which allows you to send regulated reporting to regulatory authorities: the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the FSS, Rosstat and Rosalkogolregulirovanie via the Internet directly from 1C: Enterprise programs without switching to other applications and re-filling forms.

Except surrender electronic reporting, service "1C-Reporting" supports:

  • Non-formalized correspondence with the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and Rosstat;
  • Reconciliations with the tax (requests ION);
  • Reconciliations with the FIU (requests for IOS);
  • Sending registers of sick leave to the FSS;
  • Receipt of requirements and notifications;
  • Sending electronic documents in response to the requirements of the Federal Tax Service;
  • Obtaining extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP;
  • Possibility of forming packages with reporting in the format for banks and other recipients;
  • Retroconversion (the process of converting the PFR of a paper archive into electronic form);
  • Sending notifications about controlled transactions;
  • Online verification of regulated reports

Users of all versions, except for the basic ones, must have current contract 1C:ITS.

No extra charge connect service for one legal entity or IP can be users who have entered into a 1C: ITS PROF level agreement.

To connect to the 1C-Reporting service, contact your service organization (1C partner).

Technological advantages

The use of a modern three-tier platform with a comprehensive enterprise-wide application allows the CIO and specialists of the IT department of the enterprise to be confident in the reliability of data storage, system performance and scalability. IT specialists receive a convenient tool for implementing the tasks required by the enterprise and maintaining the system created during the implementation.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a new client application has been implemented - a thin client: it can connect via http or https protocols, while all business logic is implemented on the server. Remote subdivisions can, using a thin client, connect via the Internet and work with the infobase in on-line mode. Increased security and speed.

On the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, a new client application has been implemented - the Web client: it does not require any components to be installed on the user's computer, it allows using it at users' workplaces Operating Systems Windows and Linux. Does not require administration on users' computers. Provides quick access to the information base for "mobile" employees.

Implemented a special operating mode for client applications - low connection speed mode (for example, when working via GPRS, dialup). You can work anywhere where there is no permanent Internet connection.

In managed application mode, the interface is not "drawn", but "described". The developer defines only the general scheme of the command interface and the general scheme of forms. The platform uses this description when building an interface for a specific user, taking into account various factors:

  • user rights;
  • features of a particular implementation;
  • settings made by the user.

It is possible to build an individual interface for each user.

Functional options mechanism implemented. They allow you to enable / disable the necessary functional parts of the configuration without changing the application solution itself. You can customize the interface for each role, taking into account user preferences.

"1C:Enterprise 8.2" is certified by the FSTEC of Russia: Certificate No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010 certifies that ZPK (secure software package) "1C:Enterprise, ver. 8.2z" is a general-purpose software tool with built-in means of protecting against unauthorized access to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret, can be used to protect information in PD information systems up to class 1 inclusive (i.e. you can process any PD, in including health information).

Configurations developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform can be used to create ISPDs of any class and add. application certification is not required.

Data protection

1C Company received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010, issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the secure software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general-purpose software tool with built-in information protection tools from unauthorized access (UAS) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. According to the results of certification, compliance with the requirements is confirmed guidance documents on protection against unauthorized access - class 5, on the level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities (NDV) on the 4th level of control, the possibility of using for the creation of automated systems (AS) up to security class 1G (i.e. AS, ensuring the protection of confidential information in the LAN) was confirmed inclusive, as well as to protect information in personal data information systems (ISPD) up to class K1 inclusive.

Certified instances of the platform are marked with conformity marks from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.

All configurations developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform (for example, 1C:Salary and Human Resources Management 8, 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management, Logistics, etc.) can be used to create information system personal data of any class and additional certification of applied solutions is not required.

Scalability and performance

Using the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform provides efficient work and reliable storage of information during the work of hundreds of users. The modern three-level architecture of the system ensures the preservation of high performance with a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data. High fault tolerance is achieved by server cluster redundancy, and performance optimization is achieved by dynamic load balancing between clusters. The use of world leading DBMS (MS SQL, IBM DB2, Oracle Database) allows building high-performance and reliable information systems.

Building geographically distributed systems

1C:Enterprise 8 implements a mechanism for managing distributed information bases, which ensures the operation of a single application solution (configuration) with geographically dispersed databases, united in a multi-level hierarchical structure.

This makes it possible to build solutions for enterprises of a network or holding structure based on the "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" configuration, which allow you to effectively manage your business and see the "big picture" with the necessary efficiency for making decisions.

Integration with other systems

Provides integration with external programs of domestic and foreign developers (for example, technological preparation of production, the "client-bank" system) and equipment (for example, instrumentation or warehouse data collection terminals) based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2".

Material and technical resources- this is a collective term that denotes the objects of labor used in the main and auxiliary production.

The main feature of the classification of all types of material and technical resources is their origin. For example, the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (metallurgy), the production of non-metals (chemical production), the production of wood products (woodworking), etc.

Material and technical resources are classified also by appointment in the production process (manufacturing of semi-finished products, components, final finished products).

Additional classification features are introduced for material resources:

  • physical and chemical properties (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, electrical conductivity, density, viscosity, hardness);
  • shape (body of revolution - bar, pipe, profile, corner, hexagon, bar, rail);
  • dimensions (small, medium and large sizes in length, width, height and volume);
  • physical (aggregate) state (liquid, solid, gaseous).

Material resources, depending on their purpose in the production and technological process, are classified into the following groups:

  • raw material(for the production of material and energy resources); materials(for the main and auxiliary production);
  • semi-finished products(for further processing); components(for the manufacture of the final product);
  • finished products(to provide consumers with goods).

10. Main directions rational use raw materials and fuel and energy resources. +

The main areas of rational use include:

1. Improving the structure of the fuel and fuel and energy balance.

2. more thorough and high-quality preparation of raw materials for their direct use.

3.correct organization of transportation and storage of raw materials and fuel - prevention of losses and deterioration in quality

4.Integrated use of raw materials.

5. chemicalization of production.

6.use of production waste.

7.recycling of raw materials.

Various types of mineral and organic raw materials used in industry, as a rule, require appropriate preparation. For this purpose, apply different types primary processing of raw materials, which have their own characteristics in each industry.

The main types of primary processing of raw materials include: - enrichment of raw materials; - preliminary cleaning and standardization of raw materials; - canning; - drying, exposure.

The dynamics of the efficiency of material consumption and the level of material consumption of products is formed under the influence of numerous factors, which are classified:

External factors:

1. state regulation resource saving - tax system, pricing system, depreciation policy, financial and credit policy, standardization.

2. market conditions - supply and prices for material resources, demand and prices for the company's products, competition.

3. scientific and technological development - is expressed in the emergence of new materials, new technologies, new technology.

4. general economic factors - affect the strategy of the enterprise as a whole

5. other factors - environmental, climatic, etc.