Testing of asphalt concrete gost. Laboratory testing of asphalt for abs lint

The selection of the optimal asphalt mix is ​​not an easy task. ABZ Lint is ready to offer its services in this. In our laboratory, different kinds terrain and ground checks. Comprehensive testing of asphalt concrete will allow you to find necessary solution for each road construction project. A full-fledged web device is impossible without a number of laboratory tests. We carry out tests of various inert materials - sand, crushed stone and mineral powder for compliance with state standards. since March 29, 2019

Laboratory testing of asphalt concrete according to GOST Cost of work incl. VAT (20%) RUBTesting a sample of crushed stone with the determination of the grade by crushability (GOST 8269-87) with the preparation of a conclusion 6870Testing a sample of construction sand (GOST 8735-88) with conclusion 4240Test of mineral powder (GOST R 52129-2003) with conclusion 6500Tests of organic binders (bitumen) with the conclusion:
-- determination of penetration (GOST 11501-78)
-- determination of the softening temperature of K&Sh (GOST R 11506-73)
-- Fraas brittleness temperature determination (GOST 11507-78)
-- determination of extensibility (ductility) (GOST 11505-75)
3500 Method for determining the adhesion of bitumen with marble and sand (GOST 11508-78) 3500Testing of the asphalt concrete mixture taken from the mixer (GOST 12801-98) with the conclusion:
-- determination of water saturation
-- determination of compressive strength R50, 20
-- determination of average density 7500SMA test (GOST 31015-2002) with the conclusion:
-- no shear stability determination
-- with shear stability definition 10600
14420 Determination of the grain composition of the a / b mixture with the conclusion:
-- burning method (GOST 12801-98)
-- extraction method (GOST 12801-98)
15000 Testing cores, cuttings with preliminary sawing into samples (1 core) (GOST 12801-98) with a conclusion> 12000Determination of shear resistance indices of asphalt concrete mixtures (GOST 12801-98) 4000Works on the selection of one sample of cores (cuttings) from the asphalt concrete pavement (SNiP 3.06.03-85) 3000Departure of the laboratory to the object up to 30 km
-- up to 50 km 3200

Binders are also subjected to laboratory analysis. organic matter including definition of penetration.

Mixer Asphalt Testing

Ready-made asphalt mixes are also tested. Qualitative laboratory tests of asphalt taken from the mixer on the production line are carried out according to the relevant standard. The produced material is evaluated according to GOST 128-98. The determination of the grain composition of the asphalt concrete mixture is carried out by the method of burning. Testing of cores and cuttings is also important for the full construction of the roadway. The quality of road pavement is also affected by the determination of shear resistance indicators. These types of checks are carried out in accordance with GOST 12801-98.

Testing of SMA in laboratory conditions

There are many quality checks of soil, asphalt mixtures, their components, other substances and materials. The SMA test is one of the main ones and is carried out in accordance with GOST 31015-2002. The cost of each type of work is indicated including VAT. ABZ Lint guarantees the quality of the performed laboratory research. To take soil samples, a special mobile brigade from necessary equipment based on a minivan. The premises of the stationary laboratory are equipped with modern instruments for analysis and testing of various materials. Our laboratory assistants are specialists with necessary qualifications and work experience. Factory customers can order comprehensive studies or certain types tests. Labor costs are competitive with high quality performance, this guarantees a good result of laboratory analyzes under acceptable conditions. In the laboratory of our plant, there are enough material resources to solve complex problems in order to test asphalts for compliance with standards!

Testing of asphalt concrete in the laboratory

Tests of asphalt concrete in the laboratory are mainly associated with quality control of the pavement of roads, streets, squares. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to determine the normative degree of compaction of the laid asphalt by eye.

It is not possible to visually determine the quality of the most used asphalt mix. And if it is based on the results of studies of clearings (cores) in a specialized laboratory, then quality control of roads will be the most accurate.

Laboratory testing of asphalt concrete

To put it simply: asphalt concrete that has been tested in the laboratory will serve for a long time, but if the results of the test are negative, then it can collapse in the first year.

In general, asphalt is the optimal material for road construction. People, by historical standards, for many years, in terms of such indicators as price, efficiency, practicality, have not yet found a replacement for it. Its advantage, for example, over concrete is plasticity and the ability to resist the impact of vehicles without breaking.

Despite its durability, asphalt concrete inevitably loses its properties during operation. In addition to mechanical loads from machines, it itself collapses under the combined influence of moisture, negative air temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

Here to counteract these factors since the time Soviet Union in institutes and laboratories, the optimal grain compositions of asphalt concrete mixtures were revealed. For them, indicators of physical and mechanical properties in a compacted form were established, which were fixed in official standards. To date, these standards have been updated by GOST 9128-2013, according to the requirements of which it passes.

Causes of premature destruction of asphalt concrete

  1. The low quality of the asphalt mix prepared directly at the factory (ABZ). This mainly happens with the irrational selection of the mineral grain composition and astringent mineral components. As a result - not observing the proportions or production technology;
  2. Poor quality of compaction of the asphalt concrete mix directly at the site due to the following reasons:
  • performing asphalting in rainy weather or low temperatures;
  • cooling the mixture during laying;
  • insufficient capacity of road rollers and (or) a small number of roller passes.

The benefits of the asphalt laboratory are obvious

  • ContentsTesting asphalt concrete in the laboratoryLaboratory testing of asphalt concreteCauses of premature failure of asphalt concreteThe benefits of the laboratory …

  • At present, the road construction market has a product for any request, however, there is a possibility of receiving a product of unsatisfactory quality. In the warm season, the demand for asphalt concrete mixes increases sharply, so the quality of the product may suffer from an unscrupulous manufacturer in the struggle for volume. In addition, even if the supplier has produced a good quality paving mix, its properties may change if the storage or transport conditions are not correct.

    Purpose of the test

    Asphalt Concrete Testing - A Reliable Way to Determine Compliance project documentation and pavement parameters at all stages of road construction. the main objective tests - to prevent violation of technology during construction and ensure long and reliable operation of the facility.

    Pavement quality control

    Quality control of the road surface, materials and work performed should be carried out by specialized construction laboratories. Based on the requirements of approved projects and current regulatory and technical documents, when installing asphalt concrete pavement of highways, the following should be performed:

    • Input control. Includes control of building materials and technical documentation arriving at the facility;
    • Operational control. Provides timely detection of deviations from requirements in the course of work or immediately after their completion, identification of possible defects and a list of measures to prevent and eliminate them. The results of the control carried out are recorded in the work logs.

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    Prices for testing asphalt concrete

    Name of tests

    unit of measurement Cost including VAT 20%, rub. Requirements Document
    General tests (1 stop)

    GOST 12801-98

    SP 78.13330.2012

    GOST 9128-2009

    Determination of the grain composition of asphalt/concrete by the burning method at the time of asphalt concrete laying 1 sample 4 100,00
    2 100,00
    Sampling (cores) for testing without sealing the sampling site 1 core 800,00
    Termination of the core sampling site 1 core 1 000,00
    Determination of the main physical and mechanical parameters of asph/beta mixtures (cuttings, cores) and compaction coefficient

    (1 parking lot)

    Separate work in the absence of the need for clause 5.1.3
    Sampling (cores) for thickness measurement 1 core 700,00
    Determination of compressive strength, temperature +20°C 1 episode 900,00
    Determination of compressive strength, temperature +50°C 1 episode 900,00
    Determination of compressive strength, temperature 0°C 1 episode 1 100,00
    Determination of Tensile Strength at Split 1 episode 1 400,00
    Preparation of samples from a mixture, cuttings or cores 3 cores 2 700,00
    Determination of average density and water saturation in cores 1 sample 1 800,00
    Definition of swelling 1 episode 1 900,00
    Warming up and reshaping cores 1 sample 2 900,00
    Determination of the average density and water saturation of overmolded samples 1 sample 1 650,00
    Sampling of asphalt mix for testing 1 sample 900,00
    Definition of water resistance 1 sample 2 050,00
    Determination of water resistance at long-term water saturation 1 sample 2 700,00
    Site visits for testing
    Departure in St. Petersburg within the Ring Road (except for the areas below) 1 exit 2 100,00
    Departure to Kolpinsky, Kronstadtsky, Kurortny, Lomonosovsky, Pushkinsky districts of St. Petersburg 1 exit 2 400,00
    Departure to the object in the Leningrad region up to 50 km 1 exit 2 600,00
    Departure to the object in the Leningrad region more than 50 km - count km in each direction 1 km 25,00

    Stages of control when laying asphalt concrete layers

    Before starting the laying of structural layers of asphalt concrete, the quality of the base preparation is checked, namely, surface cleanliness, evenness, density, rigidity, and when using side stones - the correctness of their installation.
    During the work on the installation of asphalt concrete layers, it is necessary to control the quality of the underlying layer in the conditions of a construction laboratory, as well as to control the temperature of the laid and compacted asphalt mixture in each dump truck that brings the mixture to the place of laying.

    Roadway core sampling

    Asphalt core analysis is performed to improve exact definition the quality of work on laying asphalt concrete structural layers, determining the thickness of the asphalt concrete layer, as well as to check the quality of the asphalt concrete pavement itself. For each type of asphalt mix, there is a standard period before which sampling of asphalt cores for testing is not recommended.

    Timing of asphalt concrete core sampling:

    • warm and hot asphalt mixes - 1-2 days after installation;
    • cold asphalt mixes - 15 days after installation;
    • asphalt-polymer concrete and crushed stone-mastic and mixtures - 24 hours after installation.

    Asphalt concrete core drilling

    Testing asphalt concrete in the laboratory

    Testing of the selected cores of the roadway to control the quality of the road surface is carried out according to several parameters:

    • Strength. Limit values ​​are determined by axial compression of the samples and pressure on the side surface;
    • Deformability. The resistance of an asphalt concrete pavement to cracking is determined by the results of a tensile or bending test;
    • Shear resistance. The shear resistance determines the ability of asphalt concrete to form ruts.

    The construction laboratory also examines the following pavement characteristics:

    • determination of the thickness of the asphalt concrete layer;
    • determination of the average density of asphalt concrete;
    • calculation of the compaction coefficient of the asphalt concrete layer;
    • determination of grain composition;
    • determination of water saturation of the test material;
    • frost resistance rating.

    After the research, the customer receives an expert opinion reflecting the suitability of the facility for operation based on the assessment of the tested asphalt concrete cores, as well as all the documentation with fixing indicators of various characteristics of asphalt concrete.

    Employees of our laboratory are ready to carry out quality control of roads at all stages of construction.

    Interested in testing asphalt concrete? Do you want to know the cost of work?

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    Objects of LLC "FSS No. 1"

    We are trusted by more than 200 organizations in St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Moscow and Pskov regions.

    • Residential complex "Kvartet" Vitebsky pr., 101 (two monolithic parking lots, two customers)
    • Residential complex "Live in Rybatsky" Sovetsky pr., 37A (southeast of the PTK gas station 4 nameless houses)
    • Residential complex "Neva Park" Settlement named after Sverdlov, Zapadny pr-d, 4
    • Residential complex "Yuntolovo" Yuntolovsky pr-t (2nd stage of construction)
    • Residential complex "Desyatkino 2.0", Murino settlement, st. Shuvalova
    • LCD "Polar-Yuzhny" Vsevolozhsk, st. Central, 10/3
    • Residential complex "South Aquatoria" Leninsky Prospekt, residential building (3 houses closed in an oval)
    • Parking building West, 78 building 1 on the street. Marshal Kazakov (to the north of the residential complex "South Aquatoria")
    • Residential complex "Europe City" pr. Medikov, 10
    • Residential complex "Shuvalovsky" st. Parachute
    • Residential complex "New Sertolovo" st. Mira
    • Electric depot TC-7 "Yuzhnoye"
    • LCD "Bright" Black Road, Yanino
    • LCD "English Mile"
    • Residential complex "Nevsky Standard" st. Podvoisky, d.8
    • LCD "Sunny City"
    • Residential complex "Stockholm" Primorsky pr., 46
    • Residential complex "Three Oranges" Bryullovskaya st., 9B
    • LCD "Northern Valley"
    • Residential complex "House with a fountain" p. Shcheglovo, (for reference - next to the house p. Shcheglovo, 56)
    • LCD "Shuvalovsky"
    • Residential complex "Progress" Kudrovo
    • Mytishchi st. Mira, 40. Construction of the shopping center "Promenade"
    • G. Lomonosov, st. Chernikova, 44
    • st. Generala Khruleva, 8 (reconstruction of the warehouse)
    • Residential building, Ust-Slavyanka, Slavyanskaya st., 3 (testing of mounting lift loops)
    • BC "Senator" st. Chapaeva, 15
    • st. Marshal Blucher, 78B (production areas, workshops, warehouses)
    • LCD "Derevnya Novaya" (limited by the streets: Korney Chukovsky, Marshak Ave., Murinskaya Road) - 4 objects (House of Veterans and 3 residential buildings).
    • Emb. Obvodny channel, 46 k. 2. (residential building)
    • Residential complex "Sofia" South highway.
    • Lermontovsky pr., 2, Choral Synagogue (overhaul of the building at 42 Dekabristov St.)
    • LCD "Murino 2017", (Airplane LO), Vorontsovsky Boulevard
    • Malaya Balkanskaya, 19, Autocentre
    • Plant "Star", st. Babushkina, 123 (construction of new workshops for testing equipment)
    • CEC "ExpoForum" Vip halls. Petersburg highway, 64 building 1
    • LCD "Diplomat" st. Bakunina, 27
    • Residential complex "Karat", Kingisepp, Karl Marx Ave., 53
    • Residential complex "Novoorlovsky" Suzdal highway, uch. 1 (object - the road to Kamenka, 62)
    • GBUZ "City Hospital No. 40" Kurortny district of St. Petersburg, Sestroretsk, st. Borisova, 9
    • Plant "Nevskaya Cosmetics", pr. Obukhovskoy Oborony, 80
    • Ship, 6B (field tests of shields for long-term loads).


    Materials used in construction must undergo inspections that document the compliance of their properties with the requirements of GOSTs. After testing for the material issued technical documentation(certificate), which confirms the quality of products. Asphalt is relatively easy to manufacture, but laboratory testing of asphalt concrete is also provided for in regulations current legislation.

    Asphalt manufacturing

    The production technology of asphalt concrete is quite simple. Private entrepreneurs are not afraid to invest in this area. A big plus of the material is that it can be produced not only on large industrial enterprises but also in small mobile devices.

    In general, for all asphalt pavements, the manufacturing technology is the same:

    • measuring the dosage of constituent substances;
    • preparation of each ingredient;
    • mixing components.

    Applied technologies

    There are several technologies for laying asphalt concrete. Each of them is used in different climatic conditions.

    Asphalt paving technologies:

    Undoubtedly, each technology has its pros and cons. The choice of the right one depends on many factors: climatic, economic, tasks, etc.

    Sampling Rules

    Produced test work in accordance with GOST. The first stage is the sampling of material samples. First, the mixture is prepared, in accordance with the chosen technology. Samples are formed from the finished asphalt for testing for strength, adhesion and swelling. There are two molding methods. They depend on the amount of crushed stone in the finished material.

    Options for molding samples for testing asphalt concrete in the laboratory:

    1. Crushed stone in the finished mixture is less than 35%. The sample is pressed under a pressure of 40 MPa.
    2. More than 35% in the composition of asphalt. In this case, the material is compacted due to vibration, and only then pressing occurs. Press pressure - 20 MPa.

    For testing asphalt concrete of cold production, pressing takes place under very low pressure - 0.5 MPa. This allows you to check the asphalt: whether it can lie for a long time without deformation and destruction. All samples must be taken no later than half an hour after the preparation of the mixture.

    When the quality control of already laid asphalt takes place, the samples are drilled (sometimes cut down). To do this, use a drilling rig or a pneumatic hammer.

    Creating Samples

    When testing asphalt concrete for physical properties, samples are selected cylindrical shape. This happens by compacting the finished mixture in special molds.

    Pressing order:

    This is a generalized method for compacting asphalt concrete. For each manufacturing technology (cold, hot), it is slightly different.

    Test Methods

    Any laboratory test occurs in three stages: preparation, testing and processing of the results. There are several methods for monitoring indicators.

    Name of indicatorInstruments required for measurementThe Essence of the Trial
    Specific gravityScales and a vessel with a volume of 2-3 litersThe density is determined taking into account the porous part. First, the samples are weighed dry, then immersed in a vessel with water. Re-weighing is carried out. Next, the sample is removed from the vessel and the weight is checked again. The results of laboratory tests are processed taking into account the pores.
    Definition of porous partNot requiredThe pore volume is calculated as a percentage. Calculations are based on the received density data.
    Asphalt swellingNot requiredProduced by calculation on the basis of previously obtained data.
    StrengthPress, thermometer, containersThe limiting threshold of the load at which the sample begins to collapse is determined. Using a press, the breaking load is calculated.

    After all the tests, a report table is compiled. If the values ​​are included in the range established by GOST, then asphalt can be used in the construction of new roads or the repair of old ones.

    Asphalt concrete is a modern construction material, which includes crushed stone, sand, bitumen and mineral powder. Laboratory testing of asphalt concrete makes it possible to study the mechanical properties of the material.

    According to GOST 12801, high-quality asphalt concrete must comply with certain standards for such indicators as:

    • breaking strength;
    • ultimate strength for uniaxial compression;
    • deformability parameters;
    • shear stability parameters.
    In accordance with GOST, the examination of asphalt concrete should include the identification of the following qualities and properties:
    1. Mass volume (average density) of asphalt. For this purpose, experts weigh the selected samples of materials in their normal state, after which they are immersed in water for thirty minutes. Then moisture is removed from the asphalt sample with a rag and re-weighed. In conclusion, the average density of the material is calculated;
    2. The asphalt compaction coefficient is calculated by a mathematical formula, with the tabular data of each material included in its composition being taken as the basis;
    3. The grain composition of asphalt is also calculated according to the formula, as the calculated data, the mass and density of the test samples are taken;
    4. To determine the indicators of water saturation of asphalt, it is necessary to use a special vacuum installation in which the test material is placed. With the help of a vacuum pump, the pressure inside the vessel is lowered. Under such loads, the sample is kept in water at room temperature for one and a half hours. After that, the pressure rises again to normal, and the samples remain in the water for another hour. At the end of the asphalt water saturation test, the samples are removed from the water and weighed.
    5. Material testing for compressive strength is carried out using a mechanical or hydraulic press. Before the study, the material is kept in water for an hour, after which it is subjected to loads in the press.
    Upon completion of laboratory tests, experts make their own assessment of the quality of asphalt concrete. To do this, the results of the research are checked for compliance with GOST 9128, the maximum allowable discrepancies should not exceed 0.01 percent.

    from 1 000 rub.

    From 5 working days

    the exact cost and terms will be determined after familiarization with the object of study

    When arranging pavement it is important to pay special attention to the materials used for laying. Serious requirements are imposed on them, they are due to the peculiarities of asphalt operation, associated loads and climatic conditions.

    Only a modern construction laboratory with a full range of equipment will be able to cope with the study. If you need professional help, then you need to responsibly choose a company that you can entrust this task to. Only professionals are able to properly test and determine the main parameters of asphalt concrete.

    You can order laboratory tests in our company. The Center for Independent Construction Expertise offers a full range of services to its customers, conducts a study of materials and determines their quality. Our employees will promptly prepare for this procedure, take samples, perform a deep study, and provide their own conclusion.

    Asphalt concrete and its properties

    Asphalt concrete is a popular material widely used for road construction. It is used for laying the canvas, has high strength and durability.

    • These compounds are divided into several groups, and the main features are:
    • The viscosity of bitumen, it is used to connect all components.
    • Type of aggregate, grain size of gravel and crushed stone.
    • Features of the structure and further use.

    Main types of asphalts:

    • Crushed stone.
    • Gravel.
    • Sandy.

    They differ in the type of filler and other components used in the production process. Asphalt concrete can be used for arranging roads, airfields and various structures, it all depends on its brand and basic characteristics.

    quality requirements

    It is important to evaluate the quality of asphalt, its main parameters, the possibility of full operation. For this, additional tests should be carried out and the main characteristics should be identified.

    All indicators must meet the requirements of GOST. The standards specify the normative parameters that ensure the full operation of the road surface. Deviations are considered unacceptable, they can lead to a significant reduction in strength and durability. The construction laboratory is ready to test for compliance with state standards, assess the quality of asphalt and the possibility of its further use.


    Many suppliers do not comply with the quality requirements of these materials. They are trying to change the composition in order to reduce the cost of production and save their own money.

    Even the presence of a certificate is not a confirmation of quality. Therefore, it is necessary to perform an independent examination with the involvement of an independent company. Professionals are ready to assist all interested customers, conduct in-depth testing, determine the main parameters, they will be important during operation.

    Control is necessary not only for suppliers, but also for contractors. Some contractors violate the technology of work, deliberately buy low-quality asphalt concrete to save money on construction. Technologies can be simplified to reduce time costs, this fact leads to serious further problems.

    The task of the experts is to prevent the possibility of deceiving the customer by purchasing low-quality compositions and violating the laying technology. To do this, laboratory tests are carried out, experts identify the main parameters of road surfaces, deviations from the standards, the factors that led to violations.

    The main objectives of the examination:

    • Carry out a deep check of asphalt concrete, identify compliance or deviation from standards.
    • Determine the reasons for the deterioration in performance, whether they arose due to the fault of the supplier or in violation of laying technologies. This will require deep review and testing.
    • Prepare an independent opinion based only on real parameters and standards requirements. This document is legally binding, you can use it to peacefully resolve the conflict, or go to court.


    The construction laboratory performs a full range of research. Appropriate techniques depend on the stage at which the customer applied and the parameters needed to determine the quality.

    Samples may be taken during the delivery of the mixture to the site. Specialists collect materials, perform several random samples to ensure the objectivity of the study. In the future, the samples are sent to the laboratory, the experts identify the composition, the number of individual components, and compliance with the standards.

    Changes in the composition and deviation from the requirements for specific type mixture is a serious violation and the basis for compensation for damages by the manufacturer. In some cases, samples are used for the direct manufacture of plates in the laboratory and their further testing.

    Cores are taken to control the quality of the finished coating. Their number depends on the length of the laid asphalt, it is necessary to follow the rules for testing.

    Cores undergo preliminary preparation, they are given the required dimensions and sent for verification. Samples are subjected to external loads, they are tested for compression, deformation, and a range of other tests are carried out. The data obtained will allow us to evaluate the strength of asphalt concrete, its durability and the ability to counteract external factors.

    On specialized equipment, resistance to low temperatures, changes in the properties of asphalt during strong cooling and frequent drops are determined. The degree of rutting in the installation, which acts on the structure with the help of a metal wheel, is estimated.

    Those skilled in the art can perform extractions on solid samples to determine the amount of bitumen and filler. Using this method, experts will identify the composition of the material, compliance with a certain type of asphalt and GOST.

    After the whole complex of studies, the results are carefully analyzed. They are compared with the standards, violations of the requirements, the quality of asphalt concrete are determined. The data obtained are entered into the conclusion, experts draw conclusions based on the available information.

    Help from experts

    The Center for Independent Construction Expertise conducts the full range of research for asphalt concrete. Employees will take samples, test them, and provide you with the results. You can be sure of the objectivity and accuracy of the data!

    Reasons for contacting our company:

    • The company uses modern and high-precision equipment, has a full range of equipment. Professionals will perform laboratory tests and receive the full amount of necessary information.
    • Short time research. Specialists will promptly perform this procedure, a clear organization of the process and the presence of our own laboratory can reduce the testing time to a minimum.
    • We employ experienced employees, they will take into account the peculiarities of testing and cope with the task.