Grocery group of goods. Food groceries

Grocery refers to a group of food products that includes a wide range of food products various categories. The primary meaning of this Arabic word, borrowed into Russian, suggested the presence in the grocery store of dry foods, such as dried fruits, nuts, smoked meats. Modern groceries are supplemented with flour, coffee, tea, butter, spices, culinary additives, spices, salt, sugar and other products. Thus, grocery refers to a group of food products that have undergone preliminary processing, which can be eaten ready-made or used as an additional ingredient in the preparation of culinary products.

The advantage of grocery products is that they all have a long shelf life. In a number of grocery products, several types of goods stand out. Grains and leguminous crops, such as cereals, flour, pasta, are presented in the widest volume. Cereals and pasta are highly nutritious. They are considered an indispensable source of carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Ease of preparation and ease of storage rightfully makes this group of products the most popular among other food products.

Another type of grocery all kinds vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, linseed, corn, butter and others. This type also includes fats and their substitutes (pork, beef fat, margarine, spread, etc.). Beneficial features oils have been discovered for a long time. Olive oil, for example, is unique in its properties and nutritionally superior to other vegetable oils. Butterfat from butter is easily digestible and is especially needed by children in their daily diet for growth and development.

Types of sauces are combined in the following group of food products. Sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup, balsamic vinegar and others are characterized by specific tastes that successfully complement almost any dish, a long shelf life and storage. Spices and spices, as well as dry ingredients necessary for the manufacture of culinary products (yeast, baking powder, sprinkles, mixtures for cakes and cupcakes, etc.) belong to the following type of grocery products. This category also includes mixtures for instant soups, cereals, purees, as well as muesli, cereals.

Initially, groceries were understood as essential and durable goods that were sold in the shop - these are usually dry food and household goods that are unpretentious in storage. Once upon a time, it was almost everything from food, with the exception of perishable foods that should be stored under special conditions (for example, meat and). As a rule, in these grocery stores (shops) one could buy such demanded products as flour, salt, sugar, spices, teas, dry fruits, etc. Just such a group of goods, only much more expanded with new products produced using modern technologies, full of colorful packaging and stickers (mainly the so-called products fast food), can now be found in the "Grocery" departments of supermarkets and shops in the markets and near the house.

On the site, the Grocery section includes the food products presented in the following table. General storage recommendations are given below the table. And by clicking on the link to a specific product, you can learn in detail how to buy and store it correctly.

Table - Basic food groceries

Raw materials (cereals, legumes) Flour cereals Other products
Bakery products.
Mixtures for baby food.
Millet (millet) Millet-dranets.
Polished millet.
Buckwheat flour Nucleus.
Baby food mixes
Barley barley flour Barley.
Baby food mixes
oats Oat flour.
Oatmeal is not crushed.
Oatmeal flattened.
Flakes "Hercules".
Baby food mixes
Rye Rye flour Bakery products
Corn Corn flour
Air corn (popcorn).
Corn sticks.
Mixtures for baby food.
teff Whole grains
Amaranth Amaranth flour Whole grains
Sorghum Sorghum flour Sorghum groats
Rice rice flour .
Wild rice seeds.
Mixtures for baby food.
Legumes Peas unshelled.
Whole shelled peas.
Peas shelled chopped.
Bean seeds.
Lentils in chopped form.
Triticale triticale flour Pasta

Also in the grocery store you can often see. They are sold there rather out of habit, but in fact the storage conditions there are far from ideal.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 60-70%. Know that in general the best temperature for storage is from minus 5 to plus 5 degrees Celsius. The room must be dry and ventilated.

The most common problem when storing groceries, such as cereals, flour, etc., are pests - bugs. To prevent the appearance of bugs, put a few slices of peeled in the place where the product is directly stored. Preventively, sifting and heat treatment (heating or cooling) can be performed. The storage place (cabinets, shelves) must be periodically washed and dried thoroughly.

Do not store flour and cereal products next to pungent-smelling foods.

Storage containers - preferably glass, metal or plastic. Paper packaging is not recommended.

If you buy groceries not in packaging material, but by weight, then always take your choice more seriously and check the storage conditions at the place of sale.

Grocery is the largest department of a grocery store. What products belong to the grocery department? This is a rather broad concept, which includes goods that are sold in dry form and do not require special conditions storage - cereals, flour, pasta, spices, seasonings, sugar, salt. Later, this category also included liquid products - such as vegetable and butter and margarine, sauces and others.

The name itself comes from the Arabic word "bakkal" - a spice merchant, and from the Turkish "bakal" - look and take, the goods are there. All groceries can act as ingredients for cooking and have a long shelf life. Therefore, it will be easier to say about groceries that they are all the products that a thrifty housewife stores outside the refrigerator.

Storage Secrets

In order for dry products to be stored for a long time, it is necessary to observe several simple rules. The room intended for storage should be well ventilated, with air humidity not exceeding 70%. The optimum temperature is from -5 to +5 degrees. If it is not possible to comply with such temperature regime, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed +18 degrees (air conditioning is used).

Dry products, not hermetically sealed, are capable of absorbing a large number of moisture, which significantly reduces the shelf life of some types of products. But there are pleasant exceptions to this rule. For example, sugar and salt will lose their presentation, but retain all physical qualities and taste. And tea, coffee and flour, in addition to the fear of moisture, are also sensitive to pungent odors. These are real sissies! Opened and left unhermetically sealed packaging is almost 100% guarantee that drinks will have an unpleasant smell and taste will change

The main enemy of cereals is insect pests. For prevention, the shelves where groceries are stored are regularly washed with detergents and dry out. Groats can be subjected to heat treatment - cooled to low temperatures or heated. From folk remedies fighting bugs, garlic showed itself well. Its peeled slices are laid out in containers with cereals or flour.

Goods bought by weight are always more difficult to store. Packaged cereals and flour keep better. From containers, glass, plastic or metal containers are preferable.


According to nutritionists, many products from the grocery department, such as fruits, seeds and nuts, are a real panacea for maintaining health and maintaining beauty. They are a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals, and have a high energy value. A grocery diet is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, as well as during periods of stress and physical fatigue. Especially effective in this case are raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, pistachios, sunflower seeds, walnuts and coconuts.

Grocery is a word with an ancient history that came into our language from the Arab countries. Turkish bakkal originally referred to merchants of dry food, popular among locals. These are various kinds of smoked meats, dried fruits and nuts.

After some time, grocers expanded the range of products offered and under the word bakkal, buyers began to mean any dry food - spices, coffee, tea, cereals, flour, pasta, sugar, salt.

All groceries can act as ingredients for cooking and have a long shelf life.

The Importance of Grocery

In fact, no kitchen in the world can do without dry groceries. The importance of these products for catering is extremely high.

In modern cooking, groceries include a very extensive group of grocery products. These include different varieties of vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, rapeseed, and animal fats - goose, beef, bacon, butter and margarine.

Sauces, without which the preparation of second courses and snacks is unthinkable, are also considered groceries.

The definition includes all spices and spices available to modern culinary specialists, dry ingredients for baking (yeast, baking powder, vanillin). Well-known and popular instant dry foods are muesli, oatmeal, instant cereals and soups. Snacks sold in specialty shops (crackers, seeds, nuts, concentrated drinks, dried fruits). Dried or dried fish, jam, honey, cheeses, caviar and even meat. And sometimes grocers also sell wine.

Grocery products cannot be replaced in our menu with something else. They are affordable. They do not lose their freshness for a long time and do not require special storage conditions such as deep freezing. This type of product is in demand in any catering enterprise: restaurants, cafeterias, eateries, bars, pizzerias, chebureks, etc. Do not do without them and fast food. The well-known ketchup and chips are also groceries.

Grocery products for restaurants and cafes

Grocery products are in demand products for catering kitchens. What belongs to this group of products and what are the storage rules for groceries

Groceries are a must on the menu of any catering establishment. Which major grocery vendors present goods on Russian market?

Application of groceries:

  • Flour, semolina are obtained from wheat, pasta, bread and mixtures for baby food are made.
  • Buckwheat is the queen of the diet table. It is also used to make baby formula and flour for baking.
  • Barley is used for the production of cereals (barley) and flour. Used for baby food.
  • Rye is the source of popular rye flour, which is used to bake bread products valuable for a healthy diet.
  • Corn is a fairly common cereal in cooking. Flour is obtained from it, popcorn is prepared, and used as an additive in baby food. And corn flakes and sticks are one of the most favorite children's treats.
  • Rice grains are used to obtain flour, cereals, pasta and infant formula.
  • Legumes are quite popular in cooking. These include beans, peas, lentils.
  • Grains and flour are obtained from amaranth and sorghum.

In order for dry products to be stored for a long time, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. The room intended for storage should be well ventilated, with air humidity not exceeding 70%. The optimum temperature is from -5 to +5 degrees. If it is impossible to observe such a temperature regime, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed +18 degrees (air conditioning is used).
  2. The main enemy of cereals is insect pests. For prevention, the shelves where cereals and flour are stored are regularly washed with detergents and dried. Cereals can be subjected to heat treatment - cooled to low temperatures or heated. Of the folk remedies for combating bugs, garlic showed itself well. Its peeled slices are laid out in containers with cereals or flour.
  3. Goods bought by weight are always more difficult to store. Packaged cereals and flour keep better. From containers, glass, plastic or metal containers are preferable.

Grocery is not only essentials.

According to nutritionists, some dried fruits, seeds and nuts are a real panacea for maintaining health and maintaining beauty. They are a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals, and have a high energy value.

A grocery diet is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, as well as during periods of stress and physical fatigue. Especially effective in this case are raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, pistachios, sunflower seeds, walnuts and coconuts.

Grocery- this is the name of a group of food products, which currently include a wide range of different types of food products. The word groceries is borrowed from the Turkish language, where a vegetable merchant is called nothing other than bakkal. Initially, groceries were understood as dry food products, such as nuts, dried fruits, and smoked meats.

Over time, other goods began to be classified as groceries, such as flour, tea and coffee, as well as spices, spices, sugar, salt and other food products. Grocery is understood not only as food, but also as a store where they are sold to the consumer. A vendor who deals in groceries is called a grocer. In a broad sense, groceries are a group of food products that have undergone preliminary culinary processing and can be eaten or used as an ingredient in the preparation of other culinary products.

Grocery products differ from other food products by a fairly long shelf life. There are several food groups that can be distinguished among groceries. by the most a wide range such a group of groceries as leguminous crops and grains can boast. This group includes such food products as: all kinds of cereals, as well as flour and pasta.

The composition of the second large group of goods that belong to groceries includes different kinds culinary vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, rapeseed, corn, butter, etc.), as well as fats (fat, duck, goose, beef and others) and their substitutes (margarine, spread). Sauces are also groceries and constitute another large group of food products with a fairly impressive shelf life and storage.

Spices and spices by their characteristics fall under the concept of groceries. In addition, all dry ingredients necessary for the preparation of culinary products and baking, such as baker's yeast and baking powder, various types of ready-made confectionery and culinary mixtures, are classified as groceries. Fast food products (soups, cereals, muesli, cereals) are also included in groceries.

Snacks, dry concentrated drinks, various dried fruits, nuts, seeds, dried and dried fish, and meat are groceries. In a word, under the groceries in modern trade understand a wide range of food products that are sold through the distribution network.

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