Ways to improve labor productivity. Ways to increase labor productivity at the enterprise Growth of the average annual output of the employees of the enterprise

Labor productivity is measured by the amount of product created by an employee per unit of time (year, month, shift, hour).

Labor productivity- this is an indicator of the efficiency of the work of employees of the enterprise, the productivity of their production activities.

Types of performance:

  • actual- is equal to the ratio of the actual output of the product to the labor costs that were necessary for its manufacture;
  • cash- shows the amount of product that can be produced by eliminating such losses as waiting and downtime;
  • potential- the estimated value of output, which is possible if all other loss factors are eliminated in the processes of organizing production operations, as well as with the improvement of both materials and equipment.

In order to qualitatively manage the effectiveness of employees, it is necessary to be able to correctly evaluate and measure it on an enterprise-wide scale. There are 7 different criteria for the effectiveness of the production organization system:

  1. Efficiency - the degree to which the enterprise achieves its goals.
  2. Profitability - the degree to which an enterprise uses available resources.
  3. Quality is the degree to which an enterprise conforms to requirements, expectations, and specifications.
  4. Profitability - the ratio between gross income and total costs.
  5. Productivity - the ratio of the amount of the product of the enterprise and the amount of costs for the production of the corresponding product.
  6. The quality of working life is how the employees of the enterprise react to the socio-technical aspects of the enterprise, the path they have chosen.
  7. Innovation is applied art.

What are the ways to achieve an increase in labor productivity?

Raise labor productivity the enterprise is achieved by the following methods:

Replacing labor with capital. The implementation of this method is carried out by technical re-equipment of production, the introduction of a new efficient equipment and technologies.

labor intensification. This method is implemented through the application of a number of administrative measures in the enterprise, which are aimed at accelerating the performance of employees of the enterprise of their work.

Improving the efficiency of labor organization. This method involves the identification and elimination of all factors leading to production losses, the determination of the most rational ways to increase work efficiency, as well as the development of optimal methods for organizing production processes at the enterprise.

You can find the practical experience of Russian and world enterprises in improving labor productivity in Almanac "Production Management"

In enterprises, the increase in labor productivity is defined as:

  • increasing the amount of product created per unit of time with its unchanged quality;
  • improving the quality of the product with a constant quantity created per unit of time;
  • reduction of labor costs per unit of produced product;
  • reducing the share of labor costs in the cost of the product;
  • reducing the time of production and circulation of the product;
  • increase in the rate and mass of profit.

The formula for calculating output and labor intensity

where B - output;

O is the volume of the product in certain units;

T - labor costs for the production of a unit of product;

Tp - the complexity of the production of the product.

Factors of growth and reserves for increasing labor productivity

The factors influencing the growth of labor productivity can be grouped into 3 groups:

  1. Logistics. They are associated with the use new technology, using new technologies, materials and types of raw materials.
  2. Organizational and economic. These factors are determined by the level of organization of management, production and labor.
  3. Socio-psychological. These factors imply the socio-demographic composition of the team, its level of training, the moral and psychological climate in the team, labor discipline etc. Social and natural conditions of labor.

All of the above factors have an impact on the increase or vice versa decrease in labor productivity. Determining the influence of each of them is necessary condition for planning activities and ways to increase the production of the enterprise.

Reserves for increasing labor productivity are untapped labor cost savings opportunities.

At a particular enterprise, work aimed at increasing labor productivity can be carried out through:

  • reserves to reduce labor intensity, that is, the modernization and automation of production, the introduction of new work technologies, etc.;
  • reserves for optimizing the use of working time - production management and labor organization, improving the structure of the enterprise;
  • improving the structure of personnel and the personnel themselves - changing the ratio of managerial and production staff, advanced training of employees, etc.

Labor productivity largely depends on the person himself and how he plans his working day. Of course, a lot is instilled from early childhood and then with age a person becomes smarter and more efficient. But in order to increase and improve existing skills, you need to know the basics of labor organization. To do this, let's take a closer look at what are 12 Ways to Increase Productivity.

To increase labor productivity You need to set yourself a clear goal. Any action must have a goal, despite the fact that you may not know it at all. It is worth thinking about why you are doing this or that thing? Since the person who does not represent his ultimate goal, spend more of his time in vain. And understanding the goal will make it possible to clearly follow the direction towards it, cutting off all unnecessary corners. The clearer the awareness of your goal, the shorter the path to it, and you can thus increase productivity.

Wait. Sometimes waiting can be for you best solution. Sometimes, not knowing how to increase labor productivity, everything can be solved by itself. You need to stop and wait, and even if the problem does not go away on its own, you will have time to think about your decision.

A smart person will never go uphill. On our way quite often there are various obstacles. No need to try to climb the next mountain, if it is possible to bypass it.

Tired? Have a rest! If you are trying to push yourself to achieve a task that will help increase productivity when you simply don’t have the strength to do it, then you can get even more problems. You need at least some rest. A well-rested person works much better and faster.

Turn around. Periodically, you need to look at what has already been done, and what results this action has brought you. Analyze if it's worth the effort you've spent.

By studying in detail what the 12 ways to increase productivity are, you can draw the right conclusions for yourself.

What questions will you find answered in this article:

The only objective criterion by which it is possible to evaluate labor productivity in an enterprise is the competitiveness of a product in the market. Therefore, to compare performance indicators (such as the volume of production divided by the number of employees) in different companies, in my opinion, is incorrect. The results of the comparison will vary greatly depending on what is in the numerator of the fraction: price, weight, labor hour, value added, or some other parameter.

I worked for almost 20 years in senior positions in various companies in Belarus and Russia, participated in consulting projects in dozens of different industries - and here are the conclusions I formulated regarding increasing labor productivity.

Conclusion 1. In order for the enterprise to constantly develop, labor productivity must grow at a higher rate than wages. There are two ways to achieve this.

  • To complicate the manufactured product, abandoning relatively technologically simple products with a low cost per unit weight in favor of more complex ones, the cost per unit of weight of which is higher. Different variants This approach is applicable to any enterprise.
  • Use more productive equipment. This method is economically viable only under the condition of serial production and only when certain production volumes are reached.

Conclusion 2. Each company should develop measures to increase labor productivity independently; moreover, different workshops of the same plant will require different methods. For example, on production association BelAZ developed such approaches by a special laboratory for the scientific organization of labor. In order to increase efficiency and productivity, they first of all improved the rationing and control of deviations from the norm centrally. Any newly introduced incentives for more intensive work were based on calculated norms, and the share of the variable part in the salary did not exceed 30%. In the smaller plant I now run, we achieve the same goals by incentivizing the search for productivity improvement reserves in every workplace; while the variable part of the salary is more than 60%. It cannot be said that one of these options is better than the other, but I would not recommend swapping them, introducing the first one in an enterprise like mine, and the second one in a company like BelAZ.

What affects labor productivity

1. Mass and serial orders. Large production volumes justify the use of expensive, but high-performance equipment and make it possible to standardize production in detail.

2. Innovative nature of the product.

3. Production planning horizon. The longer the period for which plans are drawn up, the more precise and rhythmic the production process can be made.

4. Availability of long and cheap loans or long-term investments.

5. The degree of automation of the collection of accounting information in production.

6. Increasing production volumes while maintaining the number of personnel due to the diversification of output and the manufacture of technologically more complex products.

7. Carrying out activities that stimulate the intensification of the work of each employee (first of all, the preparation and adoption of appropriate bonus provisions).

Obviously, the manager of a particular enterprise cannot influence the first four factors, which are especially important for increasing labor productivity: the most essential conditions determined by the quality of the public policy. So, when our directors are scolded for the low efficiency of the companies entrusted to them, this is not always criticism at the address.

However, under the conditions free market CEOs can drive productivity growth through the last three factors. This may be enough to achieve a beneficial effect - even in seemingly hopeless situations. Good example– positive dynamics of development of our enterprise. Even 10 years ago, it had negative net assets and was under external management. And today, with almost the same number of employees, the volume of output in value terms has increased by more than 11 times, and the average salary - a little more than five times. At the same time, the cost output per worker increased by almost 11 times, while the natural output (measured in tons per person), on the contrary, almost halved due to the complication of the manufactured product (see figure). The fastest way to influence the situation is the introduction of new wage schemes. I will dwell on this method in a little more detail.

Click on the picture to enlarge it

Increase productivity with premium payment plans

Each wage scheme works only as long as productivity indicators continue to rise. That is why it is so important not to miss the moment when the growth ends: it will be a signal for you that the used reserves for increasing efficiency have been exhausted and you need to look for new ones. I have developed motivation systems for hundreds labor collectives, and my experience allows us to state: if you find the right decision, in two months you will achieve a tangible positive result. Let me tell you the system by which our company has been calculating bonuses for the workers of the machine assembly shop for the last two years.

So, in the calculation we use the following indicators.

1. Implementation of a plan workshops. The base (normal) value of remuneration for achieving this indicator is 60% (there is no upper limit on the size of the bonus - we use a flexible approach). The final value depends, firstly, on the percentage of the implementation of the production plan (see Table 1), and secondly, on two coefficients.

  • K1 is the ratio of the output of marketable products (in rubles) to baseline, equal to 80 million rubles. per month. The introduction of K1 encourages shop workers to look for reserves when making difficult plans and insures against paying too much big salaries in case of low load.
  • K2 is the ratio of the base number of employees (35 people) to the actual one. The presence of K2 in the calculation scheme keeps the shop management from attracting an excess number of workers to fulfill the plan, because if the number exceeds the base one, the coefficient will be less than one and the total bonus will decrease. I assure you: now without an objective need for additional staff applications for new employees from the shop are never received.

As can be seen from Table 1, the first part of the premium for the volume of production when the plan is fulfilled by 70–100% is from 0 to 40%. A flexible scale allows you to maintain a focus on results, even if the targets seem unattainable. The second term of this premium is calculated using the formula 20% × K1 × K2. Examples of calculating the premium for the volume of production for various input data are given in Table. 2.

2. Product quality. The base value of the reward for providing this parameter is 30%. The specific amount of the payment is influenced, firstly, by the indicators of compliance technological process found out during internal control, and secondly, the number of registered claims from customers. Thus, this component of the bonus is not related to labor productivity - and therefore I do not dwell on it here.

The introduction of innovative measures that improve production efficiency, reduce the cost of working time per unit of output.
By multiplying the savings in the cost of working time per unit of output and the total output for the year, we get the savings in time in man-hours, i.e. reducing the labor intensity of products. By dividing this value by the nominal working time fund of one worker, we calculate the relative release of the number of workers of industrial and production personnel.
An increase in labor productivity is qualitatively determined through relative savings work force according to the formula
?PT =,
where? PT - increase in labor productivity,%; CR - initial (calculated) number of PPP, calculated taking into account the planned or actual volume of production for the actual output of the base period, people; Echr - reduction (release) of the number of PPP as a result of the factors of growth in labor productivity, people.
An assessment of the implementation of the plan for the growth of labor productivity, taking into account the relative savings in labor force, is presented in Table. 11.3.

Table 11.3. Implementation of the plan for labor productivity by one worker


Prior year

Reporting year

Implementation of a plan, %

Absolute increase over

according to plan
with previous year

with a plan
according to plan actually nbsp;
1 The cost of products accepted when calculating the average output, thousand rubles 61 321 64 095 64 595 100,8 2774 3274 +500 nbsp;
The average number of PPP, pers. 5791 5800 5789 99,8 +9 -2 -11 nbsp;
Average annual production output per operating PPP (p. 1 / p. 2), r. 10 589 11 051 11 158 101 462 569 +107 nbsp;
Estimated (initial) number of PPP*, pers. 6053 (64 095 /
/ 10 589)
6100 (64 555 /
/ 10 589)
Savings in the number of PPP, pers. (page 4 - page 2) - 253 (6053 -
- 5800)
311 (6100 -
- 5789)
Growth in labor productivity (LT) (line 1 / line 2 100),% 100 104,4 105,4 nbsp;
Growth in labor productivity (LT) (p. 6 - 100), % - 4,4 5,4 nbsp;
Implementation of the plan to increase labor productivity, % - - 101,0 (105,4 /
/ 104,4) 100

* Determined by dividing the volume of production by the output of the previous year

The overall relative decrease[*] (-), increase (+) in the number of industrial and production personnel amounted to:

according to plan Actually
Total -253 -311
Including by increasing the technical level of production -231 -186
Of these, due to:
commissioning of new equipment -183 -127
equipment upgrades -28 -25
technology improvements -20 -34
changes in the structure of products -54 -124
changes in natural conditions +160 +256
-128 -257
Of these, due to:
expansion of service areas -17 -17
changes in the share of cooperative deliveries +67 -134
absenteeism reduction -114 -106
reduction of intra-shift downtime -64 -

Evaluation by calculating the fulfillment of the task for the growth of labor productivity, the production of one worker and labor savings, confirms the identity of the results. From the above data, it can be seen that the plan for increasing the productivity of one worker was fulfilled by 101% (11,158 / 11,051 · 100, or 105.4% / 104.4% · 100%).
According to the plan, the increase in labor productivity per worker was 4.4% (11,051 / 10,589 · 100 - 100, or 6053 / 5789 · 100 - 100).
The actual increase was 5.4% (11,158 / 10,589 · 100 - - 100, or 6100 / 5789 · 100 - 100).
The plan provided for an increase in output by 2,774 million rubles compared to the previous year, including through the growth of labor productivity, by 2,679.6 million rubles. (462-5800), an increase in the number of PPP- by 95.3 million rubles. (9 × 10,589).
Consequently, due to the growth of labor productivity, it was planned to obtain an increase in production of 96.6% (2679.6 / 2774? ? 100). The actual increase in production amounted to 3274 million rubles. Due to the increase in labor productivity, 3294 million rubles were received. (569 5789). The decrease in the number of PPPs reduced the increase in production by 21 million rubles. (2 10 589). Quantitative measurement of factors of change in labor productivity is given in Table. 11.4.
The analysis carried out indicates that the growth of labor productivity was ensured mainly due to the technical re-equipment of production and the improvement of its organization. At the same time, the planned increase in labor productivity due to technical equipment turned out to be unfulfilled. Thus, as a result of the commissioning of new equipment, it was planned to increase the average annual output of one worker by 334 thousand rubles, i.e. by 3.16%, in fact, the increase was 2.2%, or 233 thousand rubles. Measures to reduce intra-shift downtime have not been implemented.
The influence of each of the considered factors on the overall increase in labor productivity is determined on the basis of the calculated relative savings in the number of employees of industrial and production personnel according to the following formula:

where is the increase in labor productivity for each factor; - change in the number as a result of the influence of individual groups of factors (±); Echr - total relative savings in the number of PPPs.
Calculations will be made in table. 11.5.
The increase in labor productivity due to the technical measures provided for by the plan amounted to 91.3%, or 422 thousand rubles, in fact - 59.8%, or 340 thousand rubles; due to measures to improve management, organization of production and labor according to the report - 82.6% compared to 50.6% according to the plan, which amounted to 469 and 234 thousand rubles, respectively. Due to the change in the structure of products, there was an overfulfillment of the planned specific gravity increase in labor productivity by 18.6% (39.9-21.3).
Economic analysis productivity according to the above methodology provides a unified approach to determining the factors influencing its change. The calculation of factors for increasing labor productivity is carried out in accordance with measures to improve the technical and organizational level of production. At the same time, this methodology requires further improvement, primarily by providing a unified approach to calculating the relative savings of workers in terms of improving the efficiency of the technical and organizational level of production and labor productivity.
In terms of implementation automated systems management, an objective necessity is the development of subsystems for the operational analysis of labor productivity. It should include:
monthly determination of the degree of implementation of the plan for labor productivity;
monthly analysis of the use of intra-shift working time and determination of its impact on daily labor productivity, analysis of the implementation and quality of labor standards, identification of factors affecting the use of working time, compliance with norms, accumulation of information for analysis based on the results of work for the year;

Table 11.4. Analysis of labor productivity due to individual factors


Calculation of labor productivity (increase +, decrease -)


thousand rubles














Including through:

Commissioning of new equipment





Equipment upgrades





Technology improvements





Changing natural conditions













End of table 11.4
Table 11.5. The share of influence of each group of factors on the growth of productive labor


The share of each factor in the total increase in labor productivity


thousand rubles
plan report plan report
Raising the technical level of production 91,3 = 100 59,8 = 100 422 = 340 =
Improving the organization of production and labor 50,6 = 100 82,6 = 100 234 = 469 =
Change in the structure of products 211,3 = 100 39,9 = 100 98 = 227 =
Changing natural conditions -63,2 = - 100 -82,3 = - 100 -292 = -467 =
Total due to all factors




monthly analysis of the factors of changes in labor productivity, as well as the calculation of reserves for the growth of labor productivity and an increase in output due to this factor.
The increase in output due to each organizational and technical factor is determined by multiplying the level of increase average annual output one employee working at the expense of the i-th factor per actual number of industrial and production personnel. According to Table. 11.4, the increase in output due to each factor was:

As can be seen from the above data, the company planned to increase the production of products, works and services in comparable prices due to organizational and technical measures, changes in the structure of products and other conditions by 2680 million rubles, in fact, this increase amounted to 3288 million rubles. The increase was due to a decrease in the share of more labor-intensive products in its total output by 740 million rubles. (1308-568) and the introduction of organizational measures for 1370 million rubles. (2721-1351). However, the failure to implement the measures of scientific and technological progress led to a decrease in output against the plan by 468 million rubles. (1974-2442), and the actual increase in the labor intensity of products due to the deterioration of natural conditions reduced the output of products against the planned one by 1027 million rubles. (2715-1688). The change in the actual increase in production against the plan due to all factors was: 3288-2680 = 608 million rubles = - 468 + (-1027) + 740 + 1370 = 615 million rubles.
The analysis of reserves for increasing labor productivity is carried out by determining, according to the plan for the next year, a decrease in the labor intensity of manufactured products (in the context of its individual types and as a whole for the enterprise). The initial data are given in table. 11.6.
Table 11.6. Reducing the cost of working time, thousand hours

Time saving


Change from plan
planned (reserves) actual
Including through: 346 461 +115
raising the technical level of production 82 33 -49
product structure changes 64 182 +118
improving the organization of production and labor 200 246 +46
Of these, due to:
changes in the level of cooperative deliveries - 35 +35
reduction of all-day, intra-shift losses and non-production costs 119 114 -5
expansion of service areas 81 97 +16

The influence of each factor on the change in labor productivity (in percent) is determined by the formula

PT \u003d Te / Tp

where Te is an increase (decrease) in saving working time compared to the planned one due to each technical and economic factor; Tp - time spent on production.
The ratio? PT (%), multiplied by the base average annual output of an employee (PTP), shows its change (in rubles):
?PT = .
To carry out calculations for each factor, we present the initial data (Table 11.7).
To calculate these factors, the overfulfillment of the plan for increasing the annual output of production by industrial and production personnel is additionally used, which amounted to 1%, or 112.2 thousand rubles; base (last) year output - 10,589 thousand rubles; average headcount employees: according to the plan - 5800, according to the report - 5789 people. The time spent on the implementation of the program was planned in the amount of 10,800 thousand man-hours. Due to the increase in labor productivity, an increase in production by 649 million rubles was obtained. (112.2 5789) compared to 651 million rubles. (112.2 5800) according to the plan, i.e. for 2 million rubles. less. The total reduction in the cost of working time is indicated in Table. 11.6. Data on the reduction of labor intensity are contained in the standards for labor intensity and calculations of its reduction. From the table. 11.7 of the data it follows that at the analyzed enterprise, the saving of working time was achieved mainly as a result of an increase in the share of cooperative deliveries and a reduction in the loss of working time.

Table 11.7. Analysis of factors for increasing the average annual output of a worker
and identification of opportunities to increase output

Labor productivity growth factor

Calculation of the factors of change in the annual output of the working (+) against the planned

Calculation of the influence of individual factors on the volume of output (+), thousand rubles.
% thousand rubles
Change in the structure of products + 1.1 = +118 / 10,800 x
x 100
+116 = + 1,1 10 589 /
/ 100
5789 117 = + 678
Change in the level of cooperative deliveries + 0.32 = + 35 / 10,800x
x 100
+ 0,34 = +0,33 10 589 /
/ 100
5789 35 = + 203
Reducing labor intensity by increasing technical production -0.05 = -49 / 10,800 x
x 100
-48 = -0,45 10 589 /
/ 100
5789 (-53) = -306
Expansion of service areas +0.15 = +16 / 10,800 x
x 100
+0,16 = +0,15 10 589 /
/ 100
5789 17 = +99
Reduction of intra-shift, all-day losses (absenteeism) and non-production costs of working time -0.05 = -5 / 10,800 x
x 100
-5 = -0,05 10589 /
/ 100
5789 (-5) = -28
Total +1.06 = +115 / 10,800 x
x 100
112,2 = 1,06 10 589 /
/ 100
5789 112,2 = +649

The planned saving of working time (346 thousand hours) was supposed to increase the average annual output of the worker by 3.2%, or by 339 rubles.
According to the report, the time was reduced by 461 thousand hours. This increased the average annual output by 4.26%, or 451 rubles. Hence, the increase in the average annual output amounted to 112 r. (451-339).
Similarly, the increase in labor productivity due to each factor is calculated.
The methodology for analyzing the factors of change in the production of a worker and their influence on the volume of production are given in Table. 11.7.
The analysis carried out shows that factors such as changes in the structure of products, the level of cooperative deliveries, and the expansion of service areas had a decisive influence on the increase in the average annual output of the worker and the volume of production. According to the established traditional methodology for analyzing the average annual output of one worker, PPP also takes into account such factors as the share of workers in total strength PPP, the impact of indicators of the use of working time by one worker.
An analysis of the impact on the average annual output of the working share of workers in the total number of employees of industrial and production personnel and the average output of a worker is presented in Table. 11.8. According to the initial data given in table. 11.9, we calculate the impact of the share of workers in the total number of PPPs on the annual output of a worker.

Table 11.8

Table 11.9. Implementation of the labor plan


For the previous year

For the reporting year

Actually, %
plan actually change against plan to the previous year to plan
BUT 1 2 3 4 5 6
The volume of production accepted for the calculation of labor productivity, mln. 73 332 76 715 77 468 +753 105,6 101,0
The average number of PPP 8566 8696 8715 +19 101,7 100,2
Average number of workers 6948 7235 7044 -191 101,4 97,4
Total number of worked, thousand: 1640,4 1740,7 1680,7 - 102,5 96,5
man-days 12 414,7 13 166,7 12 721,3 - 102,5 96,6
Average annual output, thousand rubles:
8561 8822 8889 +67 103,8 100,8
working 10 554 10 603 10 998 +395 104,2 103,7
Worker output, thousand rubles:
hourly average
5,907 5,826 6,089 +0,263 103,1 104,5
average daily 44,70 44,07 46,09 +2,02 103,1 104,6
Average number of workers worked:
1786,8 1819,8 1806 -13,8 101,1 99,2
days 236,1 240,6 238,6 -2,0 101,1 99,2
Average working day, hours 7,567 7,564 7,569 +0,005 100,0 100,1

A decisive influence on the increase in the average annual output of a worker was exerted by an increase in the average annual output of a worker by 326,000 rubles. (9148-8822). Therefore, in the process of analysis, the factors of its change are determined and quantitatively measured (Table 11.10).
We find the impact on the hourly production of scientific and technical measures according to the acts on their implementation. This reporting contains data on the number of relatively released workers. Multiplying these data by the planned average annual output of a worker, we find out how much output has increased.

Table 11.10. Analysis of the average annual output of a worker

And its divisions for up to a year. With current planning, plan targets for the year are determined with their quarterly distribution. The current plan is organically linked to the long-term plan, since it clarifies and details the tasks of the long-term plan for a given year. During the implementation of the long-term plan, additional opportunities are identified to increase production efficiency, increase production output and improve its quality, which are taken into account in current planning.

In small plants or plants with consistent technological scheme processing of raw materials, the main production shop can affect the profit of the enterprise either as a result of reducing production costs, or by increasing product output. Therefore, to evaluate one hundred work, indicators such as the cost of production and output in physical terms are established.

Profitability, as well as payment for production assets, is not advisable to establish for the main divisions due to their limited influence on these indicators. Issues of technical policy are skillfully solved from the position of the enterprise as a whole by its technical services. Subdivisions have little influence on the value of fixed and working capital. The subdivision cannot influence the stock of raw materials and basic materials. Stocks auxiliary materials(reagents, catalysts, etc.) are determined depending on the needs of the unit and the distance of transportation. The shop can influence the demand to some extent. However, it can always be controlled by general plant services, which are generally responsible for the provision of material and technical means. Therefore, the introduction to assess the work of profitability units will complicate accounting and will not make significant changes to the work of the shop. An increase in interest in improving the use of fixed assets will be facilitated by bonuses for increasing output and improving its quality.

The volume of oil refining can be increased in two ways by building new, more powerful technological units and by improving the use of existing ones. An analysis of the production and economic activities of oil refineries showed that in recent years, due to the introduction of new, more advanced technological installations, labor productivity at these enterprises has increased by more than 30%. An increase in the production of target products and an increase in its quality also had a significant impact. Increase in production output from each ton of refined oil from 12.5 to 15.0 rubles. increased labor productivity by more than 27%.

Reducing losses and increasing the output of products in excess of the approved planned standards provide an increase in output and an increase in labor productivity. Therefore, the analysis of the fulfillment by the workers of the established technological regimes, the verification of the use of equipment and the organization of its care are the tasks of standardization studies conducted to establish technically justified norms of time and production norms.

An analysis of the materials of observation of the work of the apparatchik L. I. Stepanova showed that with some improvement in the maintenance of the workplace, the time of the main work can be increased from 207 to 306 minutes (due to the time spent to be reduced - 99 minutes). This will lead to a corresponding increase in labor productivity and an increase in output.

When it is necessary to simultaneously stimulate an increase in output and quality indicators (increasing the selection from raw materials, saving reagents, improving the use of equipment, etc.), piecework wages are inferior to time-bonus wages. With piecework wages, the wages of a worker for each percentage of overfulfillment of the norm increase by at least one percent. At

In addition to selection, serious attention must be paid to the so-called technological losses, since in their reduction there are reserves for increasing production output and reducing its cost.

The increase in production output in natural and value terms is characterized by its growth rates (J, P] and / np). Growth rates are determined by the formula

An increase in the production of gasoline grades AI-93 and A-72 at plant No. 1 indicates the introduction of modern processes or reconstruction of existing installations, i.e., in general, about raising the technical level. At plant No. 2, despite a slight increase in the production of A-72 gasoline, the technical level, apparently, has not changed, and the plant continues to in large numbers produce an already obsolete brand of gasoline.

At plant No. 1, an increase in the production of high-quality products is achieved by increasing the capacity of modern progressive processes. This characterizes the increase in the technical level of the enterprise. At plant No. 2, despite a slight increase in the capacity of similar processes, their share remains small. At the same time, the share of thermal cracking is high, which indicates the need for the reconstruction of Plant No. 2.

As can be seen from Table. 89, the growth in the production of A-72 gasoline, the profitability of which is below the average for the enterprise, led to a decrease in profit by 46 thousand rubles. At the same time, an increase in the production of highly profitable diesel fuel made it possible to obtain an additional 63 thousand rubles. arrived.

Outpacing rates of development of mechanical engineering (1.4 times), "the development of transport - one of the largest consumers of fuel and energy resources - will require an increase in the production of gasoline, diesel fuels, oils and a number of other products.

The indicators of the availability and use of production capacities are subjected to especially thorough analysis, since it is production capacities that determine the possibilities for further development of the industry, increasing production output. To do this, they check the performance of the installations, the use of their operating time, the reasons for the downtime of the installations. Based on the analysis, progressive standards are developed and identified

Such a replacement of obsolete equipment with new equipment, and a new one with the latest one, is carried out systematically and, although it requires additional capital costs, in general, it leads to an increase in production efficiency, since an increase in production output, a reduction in production costs due to the introduction of more progressive, high-performance processes occurs faster than the growth of fixed assets. The enterprise must renew the equipment before its physical wear and tear, if the losses from the early replacement of old equipment with a new one are less than from continuing to use the old equipment.

An important stage of the III period was the tenth five-year plan (1976-1980), which was characterized by the re-equipment of the technical base of the industry, the organization and accelerated development of progressive sub-sectors, and an increase in the production of chemical products. The chemical industry actively participated in the rise of agricultural production

The increase in production output in value terms is characterized by the rate of its growth (the first generalizing indicator in the table of production efficiency indicators) -

One of the most important areas is the deepening of oil refining, increasing the production of motor fuels instead of fuel oil, which reduces the need for oil for refining, the cost of its production and exploration, and also leads to an increase in economic indicators at oil refineries. It is known that an increase in the yield of light oil products from 45 to 75% leads to an increase in profit per 1 ton of oil by 2.1 times.

Assume that a reconstruction of a polyethylene production unit has been carried out to increase output from 24.0 to 36.0 million tons.