It is indicated in the staffing table. Sample of filling in the staffing table

Before determining the size of the enterprise, it is necessary to answer the question of how production processes, in what sequence, how many units are needed to achieve the main goal of the activity, who will administer. For these purposes, the structure of the organization is drawn up.

The structure is the composition and correlation of its internal links: workshops, sections, departments, bureaus, laboratories and other units that make up a single economic object. The structure is approved by a special document, which does not indicate the quantitative value of staff units and the amount of salary, but based on these data, a staffing table is compiled.

staffing- a regulatory document that defines the composition of the organization's employees, indicating their positions and official salaries.

What to look out for

To draw up the staffing table, a unified form No. T-3 is used, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. This form is recommendatory. Commercial organizations have the right to independently develop a new form or change the existing T-3 form.

The unified form T-3 contains:

  • scroll structural divisions in the order of their subordination;
  • job titles, taking into account the subordination within the department, workshop, etc. (for example, Chief Accountant, Deputy Chief Accountant, Leading Accountant, Accountant);
  • information about qualifications (for example, a metrological engineer of the 2nd category, a milling machine operator of the 5th category, etc.);
  • information about the number of bets;
  • the amount of the monthly salary, the hourly tariff rate in accordance with the current wage system;
  • types and amounts of surcharges and allowances.

Staffing, unified form

This normative act can be formed for the entire structure of the enterprise or for each division separately. It does not include the names of employees who occupy certain positions, since the main purpose of this document is to determine the structure, number and size of wages. In order to control which positions are occupied by specific employees (with full name indicated), staffing is carried out.

What documents need to be studied

The staffing table is filled in by the authorized executive organizations (labor economist, accountant, human resources specialist).

Documents to be relied upon:

  • articles of association;
  • the structure of the enterprise (if it was drawn up);
  • calculation of monthly official salaries;
  • other legal and regulatory technical documents.

When determining the professions that will be introduced at the enterprise, the following rule should be observed: if the performance of work in certain positions, specialties, professions is associated with the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of contraindications, the names of these professions, positions and qualification requirements must strictly match the names and the requirements contained in the qualification reference books, or the provisions of professional standards ( Part 2 Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It must also be remembered that one of the key conditions that determine the right to early retirement pension coverage is the complete one contained in the staffing table, and, accordingly, the employee's work book, Lists 1 and 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision (see Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of 26.01.1991 No. 10 and Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 22.08.1956 No. 1173).

Non-compliance labor law in terms of naming positions, it entails not only the imposition of an administrative fine on the employer, but also adverse consequences for the employee when applying for a pension or receiving benefits.

The main questions in the preparation of the SR

"freelance worker"

Labor legislation does not contain such a thing as a "freelance worker". It is more related to relations of a civil law nature, therefore it is not regulated by either the Labor Code or other acts containing norms labor law.

How to sign and approve the staffing order, sample 2019

The staffing table is endorsed by the chief personnel service and chief accountant only on the last page of the document. In case of their absence, the corresponding line is signed by the person responsible for its development. The staffing table and its changes are approved by an order for the main activity, which is signed by the head of the enterprise or an authorized person. We give a sample order on the introduction of the staffing table below.

In the T-3 form itself, it is necessary to put down the details of the order to approve the new staffing table. This document is not stamped. This regulatory document is stored in the unit that is responsible for making changes to it, permanently.

In this article we will reveal one of the main concepts personnel work. This is a regular unit. Let's see what place she occupies in the staff list, what she means specifically. We will describe in detail how it is introduced, reduced, and justified.

The unit is...

Let's see how the dictionaries define the term. So, the staff unit is:

  • An official unit, which is provided for by the staffing of an organization, enterprise, institution.
  • A unit from the entire list of positions in the organization's staffing table. Corresponds to one workplace.
  • One of the positions of the personnel (staffing) schedule.

Differences from related concepts

The staff unit of the organization is often confused with related terms. Let's see the difference next.

  • Position and staffing unit. Under the first concept, a certain set of work functions is hidden, under the second - the quantitative component of the personnel schedule. Accordingly, there can be several personnel units in one position at once.
  • Rate and staff unit. The first concept is a monetary value, the backbone of the remuneration of a certain employee. And 1 staff unit is a living person, an employee. This is the difference between the terms.
  • Workplace and staff unit. The first concept is an organized place for the work of an employee. The second is a worker, a person. At one workplace, several staff units can work at once. For example, shifts working sellers, cashiers.


A staff unit is, respectively, a component of the state (staff) or personnel of the organization. This is the name of the permanent composition of its employees. Together they make up a group formed according to professional or other characteristics, indicating the positions, as well as the salaries assigned to each (according to the position).

The state will also be competent to name the entire set of employees of the organization. These are those who are engaged in labor activity, and those who are on the balance sheet of the institution, but temporarily do not work for a number of reasons (sick leave, vacation, maternity leave, etc.).

And one more definition. Staffing - the whole population labor resources which are at the disposal of the organization and are required for the implementation of specific functions, the achievement of common goals and the development of the institution.

According to Russian legislation, the terms "personnel", "staff" are equivalent to the concepts of "personnel", "cadre".


The staff unit is contained in the staffing table. It refers to the regulatory documentation of an organization that draws up the structure, number and staff of a given company, enterprise, institution, indicating the amount of salary depending on the position of the employee. Such a schedule reflects the existing (or planned) division of labor between employees, prescribed in job descriptions.

"Rostrud" defines this document as a local act of the institution, which fixes in a consolidated form the division of work duties and payment terms labor activity. The staffing table is accepted by the employer within its competence (Russian Labor Code, Art. 8). Hence, he has every right to independently make changes to this act.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not require the preparation and approval of the staffing table. Moreover, it does not even contain a definition of this phenomenon.

This document is valuable for effective use workers' labor. With it, you can compare divisions and departments in terms of the number of employees and workers, wages, and qualifications. This is the necessary data for analyzing the scope of work performed, the workload of employees, and clarifying job descriptions. Also, it is the staffing that helps to understand the feasibility of the formed structure of the organization.

This document is issued only according to the unified form T-3. It contains the following columns:

  • Name of company.
  • Document Number.
  • Date of preparation.
  • The duration of this schedule.
  • State population.
  • Name and code of this subdivision.
  • Position, rank, category, class.
  • The number of staff positions in the staffing table.
  • salary either tariff rate.
  • Columns that indicate the existing surcharges, allowances and their size. The "Total" columns are summed up.

The document is signed by the chief accountant and the head of the personnel department. Approved by order of the head of the entire organization.

Introduction of a new staff unit

With an objective shortage of employees, the organization has one reasonable way out - to add one more personnel unit. According to Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a completely competent decision. In case of organizational, production and economic necessity, the personnel schedule can be replenished with a new position or an additional staff unit. The frequency, frequency of such changes is determined by the employer himself.

Russian legislation does not offer a ready-made sample for the introduction of a staff unit. However, professionals advise to carry out this procedure in three steps.

  1. Determination of the need to enter a unit in the state.
  2. Registration of a new job description.
  3. Drafting a report to the head.

Let's analyze these steps in more detail.

Entering a new personnel unit: step 1

We note right away that this is the most difficult stage in the introduction of a new staff unit. To obtain weighty arguments in the direction of replenishment of personnel, it is necessary to analyze the standards for the implementation of specific official duties. And compare this data with the amount of work for the new staff unit. Then - a complex calculation based on the organizational and technical conditions for performing work in a particular organization.

More specifically, the personnel worker will have to do the following to justify the staff unit.

  • Collect all statistical information regarding the position. It will include a staff unit: functions, types of work, operations, labor costs.
  • In the calculations, the norms of production, time, intended for specific type works. If the organization does not have its own regulatory documents of such a plan, then data approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation is used.

After making calculations regarding the labor costs of employees already working in this position, it is possible to conclude that the load (in working hours per month) on them exceeds the norm. Hence the need for expansion.

Entering a new personnel unit: step 2

The next step in entering a staff unit is the preparation of a new job description. Based on the already carried out calculation of labor costs, the standards of work that the planned employee will perform are determined. On the basis of their (works) list, a draft job description is drawn up.

Let us turn to Letter No. 4412-6 of Rostrud. The document shows that although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain any mention of job descriptions, they still refer to the organization's important documentation. It must be indicated here:

The employer himself decides how to draw up a job description, what changes to make to it.

Entering a new personnel unit: step 3

A new staff unit, a new position is usually introduced in a specific structural unit of the organization. Hence the third step - the appeal of the head of this department with a memorandum to the management of the entire company. The essence of the document is the rationale for the introduction of a new position or staff expansion.

The main argument here will be the calculation of labor costs. It is desirable to confirm them also with such information:

  • Average indicators for increasing the range of responsibilities for this type of work. If the trend of this is stable, then it would be advisable to provide a forecast of the process for 2-3 years ahead.
  • Estimating future costs: comparing the cost of increasing the salary of existing employees with the cost of introducing a new staff unit.
  • An analysis of how effectively real workers can cope with the additional responsibilities that have appeared for them.
  • Goals, functions of the task that cannot be fully performed by the staff in the same quantity.


Reduction of staff units is one of the problematic points in the work of a personnel officer due to the termination of employment contracts for this reason. But at the same time, this is a completely legal tool for optimizing the number of employees in an organization.

The reduction takes place in several stages:

  1. Issuance of the corresponding order.
  2. Notifying the employee and offering him an alternative.
  3. Notifications of the employment center and trade unions.
  4. In fact, layoffs.

Illuminate important points this process.

Issuance of a reduction order

The decision to reduce staff is made by the head. He also issues the corresponding order. Its form is not legally approved. However, the order to carry out measures to reduce must necessarily contain:

  • date of these events;
  • terms of notification of employees;
  • information about staffing changes.

reduction process

  1. Notification of employees who have fallen under the reduction - no later than 2 months before the dismissal. The document is handed to each of them against signature. Be sure to include the rationale for the decision and the date of dismissal. It also lists the positions that an employee can go to if he wants to. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, they must be offered up to the day of dismissal.
  2. If the employee agrees to an alternative, then a transfer is made. No - dismissal under Art. 81 (clause 2, part 1) of the Labor Code.
  3. Notification trade union organization and employment services 2 months before dismissal. If a massive reduction is predicted - in 3 months.

When an employer is faced with a choice between several employees, it is important to remember the following:

Completion of the cut

Final three steps:

  1. Issuance of a dismissal order in the form of T-3. The reason is the order to reduce staff.
  2. The corresponding entry in the employee's work book under clause 2. part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code.
  3. Calculation of due payments: severance pay, as well as average earnings within 2 months of the search new work. Additional compensation those workers who decide to quit without waiting for the end of the 2-month period.

Thus, the number of staff units is the number of employees employed in a particular position. HR worker it is also important to know the basic aspects of entering and abbreviating these units.

Consider whether a staffing table is needed in an organization and how to develop it; what is the procedure for approving the own form of the document. Let's study difficult questions, for example, the procedure for approving the staffing table, if the company has separate divisions or only one employee.

Staffing: to be or not to be

To begin with, let's figure out whether the staffing table (SR) is the primary accounting document and whether it is mandatory for the organization to have it.

Effective January 1, 2013 the federal law dated 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ "On Accounting" (hereinafter - Law N 402-FZ), according to which each fact of the economic life of an organization is subject to registration with a primary accounting document containing only mandatory details. At the same time, the right to choose the forms of primary documents (unified or independently developed) now belongs to the employer<1>.

Note. The facts of economic life include a transaction, event, operation that have or are able to have an impact on financial position economic entity, financial results its activities and (or) movement Money.

Expert opinions on the mandatory staffing vary. In our opinion, it should be approved by the organization. This conclusion follows from the interpretation of Art. Art. 15, 57, 66, 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, in Art. Art. 15 and 57 indicate the need for the employee and the employer to determine and fix in the employment contract "the labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table ...)". At the same time, there is no clause "if any", contained in many articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation<2>and giving the right to choose, if this presence (of an authority, document, circumstance) is not confirmed.

In addition, Art. 57, it is established that the employee and the employer may provide for an additional condition on specifying the place of work (indicating the structural unit and its location) and (or) on the workplace. Information about the structural unit is precisely contained in the staffing table and will subsequently be reflected in the work book of the employee (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books<3>).

At the same time, one should not forget about such a basis for dismissal as “reducing the number or staff of employees” (clause 2, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the absence of a staffing table, it is practically impossible to prove the legitimacy of the dismissal of employees on this basis, as well as the validity of the payments paid to such employees sums of money no labor inspectorate, no fiscal authorities, no court.

The conclusion about the need for staffing is also supported by by-laws<4>and established jurisprudence.

In any case, its presence minimizes the risks of claims from the fiscal supervisory and judicial authorities. Therefore, the employer should approve the staffing table.

We approve the schedule

Staffing is local normative act organizations, in which the existing division of labor between employees and the conditions for remuneration of their labor are recorded in a consolidated form (Letter of Rostrud dated 01.23.2013 N PG / 409-6-1). That is, the staffing reflects the events labor relations that can affect the financial position of the organization and (or) cash flow. In fact, an organization (especially a newly created one) or another employer does not have the right to hire workers in the absence of a staffing table.

Previously, a unified form of staffing was mandatory, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of 01/05/2004 N 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment." However, since 2013 its use has become optional. And although many organizations still use unified forms, you should not miss the opportunity provided by the legislator and adapt it to the needs of a particular employer.

Choose a method

Considering the provisions of Art. 9 of Law N 402-FZ, before compiling the organization's staffing table, it is necessary to approve its form, as well as the forms of other documents on accounting for labor and its payment.

You can do this in two ways:

- approve by a separate order of the organization with the application of the relevant forms;

- reflect in the accounting policy of the organization for the purposes accounting what forms of primary accounting documents (unified or independently developed) are used to formalize the facts of economic life (see example 2 below). In this case, the indicated forms of documents should be made annexes to the accounting policy (see example 3 below).

It should be noted that due to the necessity accounting policy for most employers according to Art. 8 of Law N 402-FZ, the second method of fixing the applied forms of primary documents is more preferable.

Approval order

So, the employer decided to approve the staffing table according to a self-developed form. The first step is to issue an order.


Changes to the approved and current staffing table are also made by order - either reflecting specific changes, or approving a new version of the ShR.

As Rostrud noted in Letter N 428-6-1 dated March 22, 2012, the staffing table changes if structural divisions or positions are renamed, salaries change, the number or staff of employees is reduced. The frequency and frequency of changes in the staffing table is determined by the employer.


Keep in mind: a self-developed staffing table must contain both information about the order that approved its form and the details of the document by which it was put into effect (see example 7).

In addition, in the staffing table developed by the organization, there is no need to indicate the period of its validity (as opposed to the unified form). It is enough to indicate the date the staffing table is put into effect.

Newly established organizations

The staffing table is compiled, even if only the head works in the newly created organization. There are two options for the presentation of staff units:

- or only the head is indicated;

- or the necessary staff and number of employees are immediately fixed.

Branches and representative offices

Separately, it should be said about the staffing of an organization in which there are branches, representative offices or other separate divisions.

In the new form of staffing, it is possible to provide for the allocation of not only structural, but also separate divisions.

If a The staffing table is compiled by the department independently(moreover, such a right should be provided for in the charter of the organization, the regulation on the division and the power of attorney of the head of the division), then it is advisable to provide for the approval procedure, and indicate the details of the approval in the staff list itself.

Filling in individual columns

It is especially necessary to say about filling in the “Salary” column, etc.: the amount of the salary should be one, it is not allowed to indicate the so-called “fork”, since according to Art. 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, payment should be equal for equal work.

Note. You can read about the rules for filling out such staffing columns as “Position”, “Number of staff units”, “Tariff rate (salary), etc.”, “Surcharge” in the article “Staffing in questions and answers” ​​on p. 46 of the journal N 7, 2009.

Reflection if needed Same positions, different salaries(and not salaries), we recommend either establishing categories or categories for the position, or regulating this by establishing allowances (surcharges) depending on the qualifications of employees. Rostrud also adheres to this position (Letter dated April 27, 2011 N 1111-6-1).

Therefore, the employer, when developing a staffing form for the purposes of establishing personal allowances and additional payments to employees can state the information in the column "Extras, surcharges" as shown in the example:

A sample of the design of the column "Surcharges, surcharges" in the staffing table.

If in an organization the salary of employees consists of salaries (or of salaries and irregularly paid bonuses), then the column “Surcharges, additional payments” can be excluded. And vice versa: if the employer uses regular bonuses as an incentive for the work of employees, then you can add the “Bonuses” column, also for convenience, highlighting the sub-graphs “Basis” and “Amount, rub.” (see example 12).

A sample of the design of the column "Award", "On hand" in the staffing table.

For a number of employers, due to the need to comply with Art. Art. 133 and 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it would be useful to add the columns “For payment” or “In hand” (example 12).

Extract from the staffing table

It should be remembered that according to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide the employee, at his request, with documents related to his work, including extracts from documents (Article 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, we consider it appropriate to also approve the form Statements from the staff list (there is no unified form).

Regular arrangement

The staffing table is a planned and impersonal document. Therefore, do not “weight” it with information. After all, this document can be submitted to the fiscal or judicial authorities, which should not know the "extra" information. To fix the actual position of the placement of personnel (by name) and wages (taking into account "floating" bonuses), it is advisable to use the regular placement. The document may be on paper or in electronic format and contain any information about employees required by the employer (see example 14).

State arrangement.

Society with limited liability"SportInvest"

(LLC "SportInvest")

Staffing on 03.11.2014

Structural subdivision Job title Number of staff positions Surname I.O. Salary, (rub.) Allowances, surcharges Prizes Total (group 6 + group 8 + group 10) Additional Information
Base Amount (rub.) Base Amount (rub.)
Name The code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Directorate 01 CEO 1 Avakumov A.V. 60 000 55 000
Secretary 1 Belkina N. A. 30 000 For knowledge of foreign languages 2000 32 000 Maternity leave until 25.12.2014
System Administrator 0,75 Volgin I. L. 21 330 15 997,50 Worker at the main place of work
Accounting 02 Accountant 1 Gromova K. T. 25 000 Increase in the volume of work (DS until 06/04/2010) 5550 30 550
Accountant 1 Drewko O.K. 25 000 24 850 Leave to care for a child up to 3 years (12/11/2014 - return to work)
Accountant 1 Eremina E. M. 25 000 Expansion of the service area (DS until 08.12.2014) 7850 32 850
Sales department 03 Manager 1 Acorn U.A. 30 000 For exceeding the sales target 5000 — 30 000 35 000 — 60 000
Head of Department 1 Zorin I. A. 35 000 For exceeding the sales target 5000 — 30 000 40 000 — 70 000
Delivery department 04 Specialist 0,5 Ilyin B. B. 15 000 7500 External part-time
Head of Department 1 Klaus W. W. 25 000 25 000
Marketing department 05 Specialist 1 Lomov Ya. R. 24 400 24 400 Child under 3 years old (d. 06.02.2012)
Specialist 1 Mishin T. A. 24 400 24 400
Head of Department 1 VACANCY

Opinion. Maria Kolganova, Associate Professor, Department of Business and Labor Law State University management

In the theory of law, one of the main features of the labor law relationship has always been the inclusion of a new employee in the staff of the organization. The importance of this action is related to the legal fixing of the employee within the organization. The inclusion of an employee in the staff of the organization “closes” the previously existing vacancy, determines his place in the system of organization and management of labor processes within the company, predetermines the main component of the amount of his earnings (official salary, salary, tariff rate), fixes and makes legitimate the differentiation of wage adjustments for the account of allowances, additional payments, KTU and other payments that allow, in accordance with the remuneration systems approved by the organization, to personify the earnings of personnel.

Note. See the article “How to organize work with personal data in HR departments” on p. 40 of the journal N 3, 2012.

Those companies that provide staff to third parties face serious problems in these matters. Such organizations (private employment agencies) can formally meet the requirement for a staffing table, but from a legal point of view, it is created in a real organization and for real jobs, and not under a civil contract with an intermediary.

Note. See the article “10 Mistakes to Avoid When Processing Documents Related to Personal Data” on p. 52 journals N 3, 2012.

Companies that transmit labor force, hired under a staffing agreement, do not create real jobs, do not invest in production and its modernization. In the event of bankruptcy of an intermediary organization, its property (often rented) cannot be a guarantor of compensation for lost earnings by employees. And therefore, it makes no sense to consider the staffing tables created in them as serious organizational and financial documents.

Note. Read about “borrowed” labor on p. 70.

No less problems arise for such companies in connection with the execution of personnel documentation. If the intermediary registers the hired employee for his job, then the actual performance labor functions in harmful or hazardous conditions labor from a real production worker will not be counted in his preferential seniority, giving the right to a pension, since in the office of an intermediary company that registers an employee in accordance with its staffing table to a real employer, such harmful conditions there is no labor. No FIU structure recognizes work on the staffing of an intermediary firm as work in harmful or dangerous conditions that give the right to pension benefits. This is explained by the fact that in the employee's work book, which, in accordance with Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is the main document on his labor activity and work experience, in accordance with the staff list of the intermediary, a record of employment was made.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the requirements for documents set forth in Law N 402-FZ, in some cases, differ from the requirements of labor legislation (which, in fact, are tougher). Therefore, in order to avoid claims from the inspectors, we recommend taking the unified form N T-3 as the basis for developing the staffing form. It is advisable to use GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. And finally, since the staffing table contains personal data of employees, its storage, processing, destruction must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data.

Y. Titova


Journal Expert

"Personnel service

and human resource management"

Staffing is a staffing plan. Some companies neglect the preparation of this document, but this is not always justified.

However, in practice, staffing is necessary and helps the employer both for internal control and management, as well as when communicating with inspection bodies. Today we understand the aspects of preparing and maintaining a document: we draw up the staffing table for 2019 in accordance with all the rules.

It should be noted that when compiling all internal documents it is important for the company to correctly indicate the names of positions, professions and specialties of employees. According to part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if work in a certain position is associated with restrictions or implies benefits, the name of this position (specialty, profession) must strictly correspond to the name contained in professional standard or qualification guide.

Accuracy in the title of the position is also important for an employee when applying for preferential pension coverage. The most important condition for the provision of pension benefits will be the exact correspondence of the entries on the names of positions and professions specified in the work books of employees and the staff list, Lists No. 1 and No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to preferential pension provision, which are approved by the Decree Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10.

What threatens the lack of staffing

Since the staffing form is only advisory, many employers are wondering why the staffing is needed in the organization in 2019? The answer is simple. This form is usually asked to provide labor and tax inspections during checks. Its absence is interpreted as a violation of labor legislation and labor protection. For such a violation, an official is fined 1,000-5,000 rubles, an organization - in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The staffing table helps to justify the dismissal of employees to reduce staff in a court case. Without this document, it is difficult for the employer to prove that the dismissal is justified. It will also be impossible to prove that at the time of dismissal, the organization had no vacancies that could be offered to laid-off employees (the employer is obliged to offer other jobs upon reduction under Article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; for this they must be on the staff list).

Who and how should draw up and maintain a staffing table

Generally speaking, the preparation of documentation of this kind is the function and sacred duty of the labor economist from the department of organization and compensation ( Qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and other employees, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of 08/21/1998). This specialist must know how to develop a staffing table. However, in fact, the staffing is prepared by accountants, personnel officers and lawyers who have to figure out how to calculate the number of rates in the staffing table. The head of the company and the chief accountant are officially responsible for the document, since they sign it.

The staffing table can be drawn up for any period, but usually it is done for a year. In order for this procedure to go like clockwork every time, it is worth describing it in the Office Work Instructions:

  • indicate the terms and rules for the development and introduction of changes;
  • the form of the order on the approval of the staffing table;
  • persons responsible for the formation and signing of persons;
  • the composition of the legal and local regulations of the employer, on the basis of which the document is created;
  • employees with whom it is necessary to coordinate the draft document and changes to it.

What form to draw up a staffing table

Staffing is a local regulatory act that describes organizational structure company and containing information about the number of its employees. It is compiled in the form No. T-3 (Decree No. 1 of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment” dated 01/05/2004), however, there are no strict requirements to use it - the form is advisory. It can be adapted to the needs of the company. However, in our opinion, it is better to use the staffing form No. T-3 in its usual form, since it contains all the necessary data. This is what an empty document looks like:

How to fill out the staffing table in the form No. T-3

Let's take a look at how to fill out the form step by step. We make out the details of the form as follows (see example).

The name of the organization must fully comply with what is enshrined in founding documents, including the abbreviated name and the name on foreign language. If there is an abbreviated name, it is indicated in the staff list in brackets, following the full one.

Organization code - eight characters of the code according to All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO).

The document number and the date of compilation are recorded in the staffing table in the format HH.MM.YYYY

Validity. It is indicated how long the staffing will be valid and from what date it comes into force.

We fill in the staffing columns, there are 10 in total.

The name of the structural unit is indicated without abbreviation in accordance with the classifier of units approved by the employer. If there is no classifier, then in alphabetical order or in descending order of the number of employees of the unit. If the provision of benefits to employees depends on the name of the unit, the name of the unit must be indicated in accordance with the industry classifiers of hazardous industries and other relevant documents.

The code of the structural unit in the staff list is also indicated in accordance with the classifier in which they are located by functional importance. If there is no classifier, codes can be assigned to subdivisions in alphabetical order or otherwise.

The position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category), qualification in the staff list is indicated without reduction in the composition of the structural unit, starting from the head, ending with the technical executor. Attention: for workers - professions, for employees - positions (paragraph 7 of article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The number of units in the staff list is indicated for each position or profession. If part-time work is envisaged, it is indicated in the appropriate shares (for example, 0.5; 2.75, etc.).

The tariff rate, salary in the staffing table are indicated in the amount of a monthly wages depending on the system of remuneration (tariff, salary, percentage of profit, coefficient of labor participation, etc.). The amount of salary must be indicated in rubles or as a percentage, coefficients, etc. It is better to abandon the practice of indicating salaries in dollars. Formally, this is not prohibited, it only refers to the obligation of the employer to pay wages in rubles. That is, the salary is simply translated into rubles at the current rate. However arbitrage practice says that there is a violation. Labor Code The Russian Federation does not contain rules directly prohibiting the employer from setting wages in foreign currency (conventional units), since in Part 1 of Art. 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refers only to the payment of wages in cash in the currency of the Russian Federation (in rubles). But according to part 3 of Art. 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the tariff rate and salary have a fixed amount, which must be unchanged during the term of the contract. And since the size of the salary is always calculated at the current rate, the fall in the dollar, according to the court, can lead to a deterioration in the conditions of the employee's remuneration.

Allowances. In columns 6-8 of the staffing table, stimulating and compensation payments established by law or at the initiative of the employer.

In the staffing section "Total" it is indicated total amount column 5-8 (salary and allowances), multiplied by the number of staff units.

A note is filled in if the information in the columns of the form is ambiguous and requires clarification.

The line "Total" indicates the total number of staff positions, as well as the total amount of payments at all rates, taking into account all allowances, which will be the monthly payroll.

Signatures under the draft staffing list are put by the personnel manager and chief accountant.

Do not forget to put down the document number in the appropriate column of the form.

Preparing an order for approval

The text of the order indicates the fact of approval of the staffing table, the total number of staff units, and the date the document is put into effect. The order is signed by the head of the company or other authorized person, and then registered in the Order Register for Core Activities. Registration number placed on the order. Then the order and the staff list are sent for indefinite storage, as a rule, along with other documents on the main activity. The staffing order (sample 2019), which can be downloaded from the link below, may look like this:

How to make changes to the staffing table

Since the staffing table is approved by order, changes are also made to it by orders. The release date of the change order and the effective date of the change are usually not the same.

Changes in staffing usually affect full-time employees, so it is followed by a change in employment contracts. In most cases, their application requires the consent of employees, compliance with the deadlines for notifying personnel, etc.

Familiarization of the employee with the order to amend the staffing table is not a confirmation of his consent to change the terms of the employment contract.

Let's see how to reflect the change in the salary of employees. The employer is obliged to notify the staff about this two months in advance, and then issue an order to amend the staffing table. The order indicates the positions, new salaries and the time the changes take effect. Employees of the personnel department, who will make changes to employment contracts, get acquainted with the order under the signature.

Then additional agreements are concluded with employees. It is not enough for them to limit themselves to the fact of an increase or decrease in salary, you need to indicate the reasons (according to Articles 22 and 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The salary of an employee is essential condition of the employment contract, its size depends on the qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of the labor expended). Otherwise, the employee, for example, will be able to demand additional payment for previous periods in which he did the same, but for less money.

Reduce wages unilaterally under Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is possible, but this requires strict adherence to the entire procedure: issuing the necessary order to introduce changes, written notice employees for two months, as well as the mandatory offer of all full-time vacancies an employee who refuses to work in the new conditions. If the employee agrees to the new conditions, an additional agreement is concluded with him. If he is ready to take another vacant position, a translation is being made. If, despite the observance of the entire procedure, the employee refuses to work for a lower wage, the employer has the right to dismiss him under paragraph 7 of part 1

The staffing table is a document that fixes the number of staff members of an organization with the distribution of units by positions and structural divisions. The standard content of this document also includes information about official salaries, allowances and monthly wage fund at the enterprise.

The schedule streamlines the personnel structure of the company, helps to plan labor costs, organize the work of the personnel service. If necessary, it serves as evidence of the legitimacy of refusing employment (the reason is the lack of free rates). But more often it is used to justify the legitimacy of layoffs in connection with a reduction in the number or staff units. In the event of claims from the side of the reduced organization, the organization can protect its interests by presenting in court, labor inspectorate staffing of employees. Based on this document, the employer confirms the impossibility of providing the dismissed employee with another position.

The procedure for the formation of staffing

The Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation instructs enterprises of all forms of ownership to develop and accept staffing for personnel records management (Decree No. 1 of January 15, 2004). An employee who has this duty in the job description. If necessary, the director may assign such a duty to a personnel officer or accountant, and also take this work upon himself (by order).

Usually, the staffing table is drawn up a year in advance, and from the moment it is approved by the director's order, it becomes a local normative act, on the basis of which personnel records management is built at the enterprise. Registration of new employees, internal transfers should be carried out in accordance with the units available in the staff. Thus, the names of positions and structural units in labor contract, the order for employment must be entered as they are recorded in the staffing table.

Adjustments are allowed in the stock as needed. If they are significant, management may decide to form a new schedule. With minor changes, as well as in their absence, re-approve the document with the beginning of the next calendar year not necessary.

How to draw up a staffing table

For the design of the personnel structure, a unified form T-3 is provided, approved by Roskomstat (you can download the staffing form). The company has the right to develop its own form, but it must contain the required fields:

  • name of structural divisions;
  • list of positions in each department;
  • the number of units opened in the state for each specialty;
  • official salaries;
  • salary supplements;
  • the total number of staff units;
  • payroll amount per month.

The document is dated twice: the date of compilation and approval (they may be the same). The period of validity of the staffing table is also indicated, for example, from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, although it is not necessary to set an end date.

Consider the procedure for compiling the staffing table:

  1. The name of the company in accordance with the registration documents.
  2. Title of the document, dates of creation and signing.
  3. Column No. 1 - the name of the units. Private firms can enter the list and names of structural departments at their own discretion. State-owned companies and enterprises with special working conditions should be guided by industry and all-Russian normative documents- classifiers and reference books. This requirement is due to the availability of benefits and guarantees for certain categories of workers. Names in the form T-3 are written in the nominative case.
  4. Column No. 2 is a subdivision code that is assigned to each of the departments for the convenience of building a hierarchy and using digital designations in documents.
  5. Column No. 3 - position (profession, rank) - based on the state classification OKPDTR. Positions are listed in descending order (from highest to lowest).
  6. Column No. 4 - the number of staff units provided for each position is determined based on the needs of the organization. Can be specified incomplete rates (0,5; 0,75).
  7. Column No. 5 - salary or tariff rate established for a specific position, in rubles. It is permissible to indicate not a specific value, but a salary range for differentiating the remuneration of workers holding the same position, but having different qualifications.
  8. Columns 6 - 8 are used to indicate salary increments, in rubles.
  9. Column No. 9 - the total amount of the monthly payment for the position.
  10. In column No. 10, information on the availability of vacant positions is entered as a note.

If the company does not use payroll schemes based on salary, then the units used to calculate payments, for example, interest, fit into the “monetary” columns.

Additions (additional fields) can be made to the staffing form, but it is impossible to reduce the required columns in the unified form: unclaimed columns are simply not filled out.

"Staff" may consist of several sheets. In this case, the document is stapled, the sheets are numbered, and on reverse side A confirmation inscription with the signature of the director and a seal is drawn up. On the form itself, the seal of the organization is not needed, and the signatures of the head, chief accountant, heads of departments are affixed on the last sheet in the field provided for this. If necessary, responsible persons can sign on each page, then each of them must be supplemented with the appropriate line.

You can draw up a staffing table based on the sample presented on our website.

Making changes to the staffing table

As necessary, various changes can be made to the structure of the company: divisions are opened and abolished, new positions are introduced, salaries are increased, etc. All these changes must be recorded in the organization's staffing table. You can do this in two ways:

  1. The formation and approval of a new "staff".
  2. Creating an order to amend the document.

In the second case, the order must contain the reason for the adjustment:

  • company reorganization;
  • optimization of the personnel structure;
  • expansion or reduction of production;
  • changes in legislation, etc.

The change in the staffing table is followed by the introduction of new entries in the personnel documentation: work books employees, personal cards (with the written consent of the staff).

In some cases, it is required to sign an additional agreement to labor contract, for example, when changing the salary part of wages. Employees are notified of such events 2 months in advance, and other changes in the staff list are communicated to the staff upon their approval.

Regular arrangement

For operational management personnel in many, especially large, enterprises have a document in circulation called "staffing". This is the same staffing table, but drawn up in free form and containing the data necessary for the employer for the convenience of personnel work, for example:

  • names of employees holding specific positions;
  • salaries and allowances for each employee (a “plug” of salaries can be written in the staffing table, and this is specified in the arrangement);
  • personnel numbers;
  • work experience;
  • important information about employees;
  • availability of free rates and any other information required by the personnel service.

The staff list differs from the schedule in the dynamism of its content: changes are made to it in the current mode, without an order and approval by the head.