1 4 seconds how many seconds. Moscow State University of Printing Arts


my dream

My dream is a desperate oblivion
An attempt to hide from prying eyes.
My dream is sweet release
Not for one fine hour.

Only the ability to breathe in peace,
No matter how restless the row was.
Only the right to be yourself
Without restrictions and erected barriers.

My dream without criticism of the zealous,
Without the opinion of other people's minds.
He's part of the heavy big world,
Where there are no imposed gods.

I don't sleep to rest from the day
Without the intentions of the body's needs.
The dream represents more to me
He is my repository of the universe.


Apple and Tobacco.

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

A thin trail of a soft mixture of apple and tobacco smell, like a veil, will take its rightful place at the head of the air. The sound wave will carry snippets of laughter and snippets of conversation. Everything is simple. Nothing superfluous: sky, earth and wind. One leg will bend at the knee, slightly pressed against the bark of a tree turning yellow with leaves. The sun scatters golden-transparent rays over the silky, trampled grass, as if trying to heal the bald spots of the darkening damp earth. His affection is only enough for a temperature of 17 degrees Celsius. Further adhered tissue on the body, a bonus is the rescue work of alcohol. Heaps and circles of people talking will divert attention from one, resonating vision in a running glance, but the ugly crunch of a branch nearby will notify you of the approach of an unexpected guest. Muscles on command will contract in tension controlled nervous system, will give out only a barely bewildered smile at the corners of his lips.
- The weather is good today. How are you?!
The speaker tried to keep one tone - confidential. As if, in fact, a banal phrase and a formal question have their own double, mysterious bottom. Sitting nearby, without asking, the guest will take a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of a black leather jacket and, clicking the wheel on the flint, will light it up. With his appearance, attention to their persons should appear, it is always like this with him. But he knows how to hide and hide when he really needs it. As if replacing reality, he puts up, without moving, a transparent wall around, with the same landscape, but with the absence of the necessary elements.
- Fine.
Short answer to all offers. Having become involuntary, the interlocutor, looking somewhere to the side, will fix his eyes on a thin winding column of gray smoke from a cigarette.
- You haven't been for a long time. - a wave of the hand, the first snow of ash on the ground. - It began to seem to me that you were dissolving, remaining somewhere very far from accessibility.
A barely audible rustle of already fallen leaves and a pause of silence before the answer. Whether collecting his thoughts, or anticipating a possible reaction, the First threw his head back, closing his eyes. He did not care about the smell of tobacco, he even rather quietly enjoyed it, remembering the habit of allowing himself to smoke rarely.
- Such a period. You know.
- I'm more used to it.
The second, looking to the side, will crush the cigarette butt in the grass and, throwing it into the nearest bush, will barely audibly sigh. Every time he comes to visit, he expects that today he will hear new answers to his old questions, but every time the First brings only the already bored lightness of disappointment. When he is about to leave, he will stand up, brushing off his pants for some reason from his knees, and, taking out a pack of cigarettes, will leave the owner of the place like a payment for a conversation. But the unexpected touch of cold fingers on the right hand will make you silently surprised and stay in place. The first one will not even look up, just slightly noticeably pull down, making it clear what he wants, and the Second, in obedience, will sink down next to him.
- Today, I guess.
The changed tone in the voice will make you shudder and, having cast a gaze around those around you somewhere in the distance, the First will get up. Picking up the left pack of cigarettes, with thin fingers he pushes it into the pocket of a black leather jacket and, looking into the eyes of the guest, begins to carefully remove the transparent wall-illusion.
A thin trail of a soft mixture of apple and tobacco scents will unobtrusively sit next to you, like a light scarf in bad weather. The sound wave will carry snippets of laughter and snippets of conversation. Everything is simple. But everything is alien: the sky, the earth, the wind. The last ray of the golden-domed sun will strike directly into the green eyes, which will not take their eyes off the horizon. They will watch closely and tensely until the whites are covered with a network of red lines, and a single tear rolls down the cheek, carried away by the wind somewhere beyond the face.
One figure from a company standing nearby will turn around and look at an empty patch of land near a tree turning yellow with leaves, clicking the wheel of the lighter on the flint, light a cigarette and, smiling, turn away, distracted by someone from the side:

ABOUT! You are back so quickly! Will you have beer?


non-random coincidence

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

The first moment of a tangent hand on the wet river of black asphalt. A hoarse rustling of inhalation, crackling of exhalation. The first drop of rain on the face to the beating of an angry heart and soothing relief. The second is devouring, wrapping in itself, insightful and such a natural lvien, lulling and accepting the red color unconditionally. The sky rumbled caressingly, sparkling with flashes of colors. The cold began to sharply stab into the body, shielding itself with the back of humility, but the request, a quiet prayer, made me make an effort and get up. Rise up to be crushed in spirit in an insatiable sense of guilt. While barely obedient legs wandered in the direction of help, while fear, not for himself, beat with whips on his bare back, guilt grew. And it became an impulse motivation, became the main goal and causal. Guilt for the loss of something very important and so cherished, guilt for an untimely defense, guilt for what happened ...

But all this did not happen by chance. All this was lined up with an explosion of the obvious before a clouded look. A furious, desperate cry, like a horn of alarm in the night. But despite this, there is still only one thing left - to wait for the fireworks.


My sister.

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

Words on thin fingers, through the stroke of scars, with a direct inclination of the bend of the joints on the keys. A veil of milk with tea accompanied by incense and a long passion for cigarettes. The noisy rhythm of the heart in the membranes and the rhythmic beat of desperate resistance to such a long-awaited beautiful. A measured wave of sound that neutralizes the inflammation of neurons is just a subtle melody of music. And only somewhere, beyond the edges of the native universe, my lungs breathe, looking with my gray-blue eyes at the bloody-gentle sunset of someone else's concrete. And under the dust of the spacious roads, trodden by my strong feet, it always smells of the red pulp of watermelons with occasional splashes of apple. Remember only one thing: looking for flaws in the reflection, take a closer look at the line of my lips, the shape of our nose and the taste of your eye shape. Her hands cherish the softness of a strong connection, her kisses bloom on my veins of the hand, and your anxious anxiety dies with trust in Her. Then, when we are now, we will embrace our common "mmmm" in what we saw.

P.S. Lid, bottle and long "I miss you".


Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

With a soft cat's step, with a clawed flourish,

A path long untrodden, overgrown with moss.

Eyes - precious emerald - filled with thirst,

What are you looking for, dear, in the wilderness abandoned?

Like fate strangled frenzied howl,

The path and the forest will shudder, they will freeze in anticipation.

Run away, run away, don't waste time.

Why, my dear, do you stretch out your velvet hands to the beast?

Fate grin with a white yellow-eyed predator,

And then, with gentle devotion, he will bury his muzzle in the hands.

There would be inevitable trouble, only the beast was forgotten.

Oh, stupid after all, do you understand what you managed to do? (With)


Le vol des emotions

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

It is strange to sit near the window, resting your elbows on the sill, looking at the darkness of the night and the rays of the lamppost, feeling, feeling the thunder in the distance. To catch the breath of the breeze with your skin and appreciate the acts of falling drops brought by the wind. As if in reality. Stare at the empty, dusty asphalt by the river, and the green, young leaves that came from your childhood. The feeling of a fairy tale, a miracle, under a magical downpour, which portends a thunderstorm with sweet fear. Rise on your elbows, open the window, inhale the fresh air and light a cigarette, listen in your own heartbeat, to the cries of wet, running passers-by, for their clumsiness and funny look. And then, throwing away a cigarette, disappear from your shelter, go out under lightning onto an already dark gray road and, choking with happiness, throwing your head up to the sky, raise your hands like wings in prayer and fly as high as possible over the greenery, the lantern and the roofs, memorizing this moment, melting it in the very depths of the unknown, the 8th wonder of the world ...

It is strange to sit near the window, resting against the window sill, looking at the sticky, dirty snowdrifts and the rays of a lamppost, to feel, to feel the rumble of thunder in the distance. To catch the breath of the breeze with your skin and appreciate the acts of falling drops brought by the wind. As if in reality...

@music: Alfred Schnittke – 1. Das Marchen der Wanderungen - In der Fledermaushohlen (In the Bat Cave)


The girl is a sunbeam.

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

Do you exist or have you never been?
All I know is that you're definitely over.
Suddenly disgusting, somehow vile and slippery. So I didn’t even want to believe, not by the words that I said, but that it was so quiet, surreptitiously, vilely. From this such hostility, rudeness.
You have a lot of cloying, falsehood, lies, despite all the sincerity of faith in the truth.
I don't want to know, not to hear, not to feel. Sometimes it happens, but it turned out to be easier to trample. It's your fault that I'm playing murderer again, committing sacrilege. Only you, as always, about your own - about yourself.
Although to wish evil, somehow even a thought does not turn. No, you live as happily as possible, you can. Just know that you failed. I climbed to where they had already been warned to prove the opposite and failed with a crash. Do not do it anymore. It's embarrassing for you.
Feelings of guilt and conscience hit the cheeks with a blush. Yes, not a gift, (bright surprise in life), but you turned out to be not constant. Cruel and weak.
Finally - remove all this dirt with sincerity, this is even more disgusting. Do we both know everything, or is it just me?
In general, be, the rest will follow.
Your cat .

@music: Aloe Vera - Love until you vomit


Mirror view

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

Anything to avoid turning around. Pass side, right side. slip through
leaving only patches of footstep noise. Break out of the second pincers
rolling threat. And then suffocate with tobacco smoke and think about fearlessness and
courage. About how funny they are afraid of objects, how funny it is to think that you are at all
you are afraid of something.Weak, thin, causing seizures of nerves

the crunch of glass cracks. Nothing special, even somehow comfortable everyday.
Velvet darkness, a mirror, a tiled room where there is a reinforced concrete oval for
washing. A simple curtain that does not have a duality of soul. Everything is like everyone else.

- Look into my eyes.
Cold metal door handle and top

stretched skin streaked with lines of the palm. A moment, a moment, less before nothing.
Already on the other side, already with eyes on the light and just to take a step, just stupid,
banal movement. It is symbolic to transfer body weight over the damn threshold and
victoriously cling to the vestment with a grin. Strangle out of reach. Can
start off.

-Look into my eyes.

Seditious thought of the forthcoming self-flagellation.

A mercantile unit of pride in the cliff of a monstrous alignment. Hebride of despair and
desire to overcome. Temptation with futility.

But because you can't do it in any case. Just pass by, open up

door and be done with it. Lock up, kill, hide, and then kill.
After. When there is enough strength and indifference.

Explicit, sensual crackle of glass. Long,

painful, poignant. Until the blue of the heart and the beauty of white bones. First
a shard with a billion dust.

Dry crunch of tendon rupture. Confident reversal

and back against the wall for a point. Step not there. The long-awaited meeting of the truth. Greed apogee
and bloody circles of burst vessels along the flawless whiteness of the eyeball on
green iris background. Pupil dilation from the release of adrenaline and a mess of skin on
mirror surface. Bony horror over the cooling body with a touch of charisma.
Loud laugh reflection:

- Look...
- Why are you alone here?


Straight across the bridge to the middle and sharply to the left.

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

After tears, there is always a sweetish taste in the mouth, like dew drops from flowers in the morning.
A rare event. The face is stone, the muscles are relaxed, as if not a person, but a statue, a mask with living eyes and a functioning brain. Is it a human at all? Everything around is so correct and complete that you involuntarily feel flawed. Everything is wrong at the root, a typo of genes. Lack of oxygen in the lungs, that's who. Instead of a whole piece, only half, a flaw. But why all this to someone if it's a fiction?! The inscription in the notebook - " there are people who need your thoughts". Breach. False A brazen deceit, no one needs a damn thing, because he is flawed, unable to play the game of adulthood.
I hate it all. I just kinda hate it.
So I want to write - live happily bitches» .
Why?! I do not envy, I just hate and even praklin sometimes.
P.S. Choke on your importance freaks. Sincerely your obscenity.


The residual fulfillment of an unfulfilled desire.

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

A cold, autumn breeze blew through the window, barely caught
with the glance of moving leaves the wind. He effortlessly crawled into the room, allowing him to identify
yourself with goosebumps and barely swaying curtains. To a pleasant surprise,
he was calm, without the usual surprise of a torn, quarrelsome character
manifest in an angry and fragmentary way. Spiraling blue smoke in the air
tobacco, the prankster teased the ember of a cigarette, forcing him, without knowing it
master's lips and lungs, light up brighter. Affectionate like a March cat, he
asked for asylum, as if he was the flesh and blood of which the Vedas
cold. I continued to ignore the capricious phenomenon of nature, throwing out my
thoughts in the twilight of the street. At such moments, I wanted to think not thinking, surrendering
intangibly warm wave of thoughts. So nothing, the crazy ones themselves found a connection
and built their chains, stretching them like ropes between them. Some images attracted others
popping up in the eyes against the background of the lanterns of singles along the walking path, which was located
close to home. Arguing with myself, I indulged in a funny self-invented
superstition : if I don't quit now
cigarette then things will get worse.
Maybe it's just a little psycho test on
self-control and willpower. I didn't want anything, but I had to. Throwing a cigarette in
mouth merged with the night of the earth, I covered the window and sat on an old chair near
table, chaotically and chaotically looking at the white screen of the monitor.

What can I tell you dear friend? What say what you don't even know about
subconsciously and intuitively?! A thousand not always clear, but banal and
the usual questions from you. Like a small swarm, not seeking to sting
the whole composition, but only units, and even then for the sake of highlighting his character traits
owner. Let's try from the end, for a change?!

I will be glad if you can still go with me, then you can even try to persuade Ira. - Sir laid her head on me

on his shoulder, looking somewhere casually imposing figure standing opposite the Prince. He,
like any representative forte humanity, who lived in the Trash and Swamp,
was silent, listening carefully to understand the mood, ask a question or encourage,
blurted out some kind of joke, perhaps carefully diverted from the topic. But to think and actively communicate,
getting drunk along the way, the damn cold interfered with us all, forcing us to shake and warm ourselves,
covering all open areas of the body accessible to the eye. - Oh, monster.

I was silent, listening to the babble of people.

Today was a strange day anyway, experience told me what to stand out from the crowd
better not worth it. Who needs to notice. Two hours earlier, Irina and I
and Sir were shaking in the trolley bus that braked every meter. Brains from fatigue
went to the bikren. Everyone was apparently annoyed by the fact that behind a piece of cloth and
With a couple of buttons we had to drag ourselves all the way to Khokhlovka. Just a couple of hours earlier
we peacefully fell into shock from the ruins of the Moskva shopping center, which had its square
sides price Lyubleno | Its population was filled exclusively with representatives of non-Russian
nationality, which made me want to soar up to the ceiling and slip out unnoticed
haze to the exit. Everyone was staring like we were in a wrecking market
some Chinese province. Legs sometimes buckled invitingly ached.
They wanted the poor, taking pain from rubbing shoes, to get out of here to
damn mother. Then it's the crazy woman at McDonald's that's loud
told her own life stories to herself while on her circles
wrapped in an acid-pink jacket hung the badge "Ministry of Health - 2004". Indestructible
flocks of young broods of hachi. But for now, I'm just citing
everyday life. Somewhere under her subcortex lurks my condition, which is so mysterious
trying to confuse me all the cards in orienting my own control. I
continued to be silent, exchanging with familiar girls only necessary
phrases of laziness moving somewhere in space. Yes, not the most interesting day, but
the conclusion is quite fatal: a disastrous calm burst into my unpredictability.
This is corrosion that stretches on two opposite sides from a simple
every person's dreams inspired by society before their own. However, not
I want to break everything, realizing that many will not get better from this, including
this list and your own person. So what about my dear friend?! How to overcome
something that does not go in a compartment with other things ?! Short pauses are indispensable here, but
not needed globally. Carry out the operation in parallel, like a quantum computer?! implement
under the skin in doses? How?! Feel, albeit in the system, but choosing
independently and so original at least from what is offered. Still waiting for you
many surprises my friend, they are scattered everywhere: on the net, on the phone, in
reality. Will you be able to assemble a puzzle from what has been demonstrated for a year and understand what
what am I talking about?! Finally remove that tiny hole that reveals
subsequently my irritation in communicating with you. You wanted to read the letter
to hear the truth in the overtones of unrest and thoughts, but no, my dear friend, look for you
she will have to do it herself. To each her own, but you got the nerve
look at it through my eyes. What are you suffering. I won't let you do it
completely, I will give only an insignificant part, which is enough for your eyes, but if
you will not find the right key ... you know the result yourself.

The window swayed slightly from the insistent
draft. Reaching out my hand, I took hold of the white handle and closed it.
finally, no matter what tormented, but the echoes of the gentle wind today
still hovering in the air circling the room. Looking again at the white monitor with
already with black specks, I silently lowered my eyes, staring at the cooled tea. All
yet in such mysterious moments a little magic happens and knowing
rules of the game I continue to be silent giving him the same right to life.


Opposing action

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

In an open state above the roofs of events among a thousand billion words, under the skin on nicotine and outside the next letters of a transparent meaning. Fingernails on the glassy crackle of the fragile illusory happiness, which is a thin trickle through the neurons to outweigh the possible. In the crooked grin of the normal state of affairs, in thin plexuses of the depth of despair in an honest look at the most oppressive present in life. Parallel street lights, up the runway, between the shoulder blades with a groan of a sigh of pure, restless, wild, like you, a burning, scalding warm fire inside. Numb, white fingers on the curves of situations, turns of provocations, in the bestial grin of beauty, tusks inside, coffee with cucumber. The context of the contradiction of synonyms, on the disclosure of the text itself with an imperceptible background for a single person. Faster, stronger, higher. Beyond horizons, beyond the speed of sound, beyond the heaviness of the planet. Three whales and the ghost of one, the edge of symmetry, the inner side of infections. The poison of sweetness on burned receptors. Breathe, live, act, feel the moment of the possible. Burn, fall, burn, revive. 'Cause that's all that remains...


Pain of words

Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

A crazy week of self-imprisonment of your own body in four walls. As if after the previous Friday, life stopped, froze, went to the bottom, hiding from something terrible, painful, obligatory. Or waiting, knowing that, something will soon begin again, spinning its tentacles-weapons to the fullest, and then no one will definitely live. A kind of instinct for self-preservation of something so subtle and barely noticeable that it simply irritates itself. Numbness, incomprehension, a feeling of insensitivity, uselessness in the benefit of everything. Accumulation of duties raging among themselves, apathy. At least on the edge without the very tip. The dead silence of events, the sluggish flow of already interfering words outside the paper. And this is all coupled with one single flavor of smoked cigarettes. Dullness, slush, real autumn, in an almost begun depression somewhere in the territory of the Bermouth triangle of time. Behind the seven seals of consciousness, without political asylum further.

A curable/non-curable disease?

Let's go for autumn.



Be realistic - demand the impossible (c) Chegevar

What do you expect from a sports car? Of course power, control and speed. We all expect speed and superior performance from sports cars. We are used to the fact that sports cars amaze us with their adrenaline dynamics and dynamic performance. But not all of these in the history of the automotive industry could boast of excellent performance. Our online edition of the site offers you a look at the ten most sports cars ever produced in the history of the car market.

10.) Porsche 914

0-100 km/h: 12.5 seconds

1/4 mile:18.5 seconds (120 km/h)

The 914 was not sporty, as it simply lacked power. In 1973, many automotive journalists as soon as not criticized this model for its weak character. Oddly enough, the car was positioned as a sports car for the whole family. In addition to insufficient power, the model had an unattractive external style, which affected sales statistics at that time.

9.) 1980 California Corvette

0-100 km/h: 8 seconds

1/4 mile: 16.3 seconds

Why was this car slow? Instead of the traditional 190 hp 5.7 liter engine, this model came with a 180 hp 5.0 liter V8 for a full year. Of course, there were slow Corvettes from the 50s to the 80s, but after the 5.7 liter version, the low-powered model struck with its weak power.

8.) Ferrari Mondial

0-100 km/h: 9.4 seconds

1/4 mile: 16.9 seconds

Why was this car slow? The Mondial had a V8 engine from the "308" model, but was considerably heavier. For the first time in two years of sales, the car was produced in a version that was slower than the Corvette, as it had only 180 hp. and heavy body. However, despite this and the fact that the back seats of the car were designed for passengers without legs, it is still a Ferrari that gives fans of the brand familiar ambition on the road and a sense of luxury.

7.) Triumph 1800

0-100 km/h: 34.4 seconds

1/4 mile: n.a.

Why was this car slow? Something more was expected from this model in the late 1940s, but it did not work out. was very slow due to the 1.8 liter engine, which had only 63 hp. This model was 10 seconds slower than all its competitors on the market at that time. Despite the fact that the body frame was made of wood, and the body structure was covered with aluminum elements, the car turned out to be very heavy.

6.) Mazda Miata

0-100 km/h: 9.0 seconds

1/4 mile: 16.5 seconds

Why was this car slow? Unfortunately, models like the GT Ford Escort and even the Beretta GT were much faster than Mazda. But, despite this, the model is still in demand all over the world, thanks to its special spirit and design. Few sporty models available can boast such long-term popularity. In any case, the demand for this car does not fall for a reason.

5.) Pontiac Fiero

0-100 km/h: 10.6 seconds

1/4 mile: 17.5 seconds

Why was this car slow? In this model, the engineers decided to achieve from a 2.5 liter engine with a capacity of 98 hp. maximum efficiency, which led to poor dynamic performance of the sports model. This is not just a slow car, but terribly slow.

4.) Berkeley

0-100 km/h: 30.6 seconds

1/4 mile: n.a.

Why was this car slow? These cars were produced from the 50s to the 60s. This was an attempt by an English manufacturer to make sports cars available to the general public. But the attempt was not successful, because in order for them to become affordable, it was necessary to reduce the cost due to low-power two-cylinder engines with a volume of 0.32 liters. As a result, the car had a power of only 18 hp. Later, the British changed the power units to 30 hp engines. Nevertheless, judging by the reviews, the car was a pleasure to drive, despite the slow dynamics.

3.) DeLorean DMC-12

0-100 km/h: 10.5 seconds

1/4 mile: 18.0 seconds

Why was this car slow? Appearance and other characteristics of the car hinted that the model should have crazy dynamics. But, unfortunately, the car did not have any special power characteristics. Remember the movie "Back to the Future" in which the car needed a lot of time to accelerate to 88 miles per hour. The car received a Volvo engine (the power unit was not very powerful) and was designed by engineers who know a lot about sports cars. However, in order to accelerate to 100 km / h, the car needed 10.5 seconds.

2.) 1979 MG Midget

0-100 km/h: 14.3 seconds

1/4 mile:20.3 seconds (112 km/h)

Why was this car slow? For many years, the car could successfully compete with many similar cars, in terms of dynamics, but subsequently, after an 18-year production cycle, most other similar models were faster than this.

1.) Crosley Hot Shot

0-100 km/h: 26.3 seconds

1/4 mile: 23.4 seconds

Why was this car slow? This American car model was produced from 1949 to 1952. The most amazing thing is that the car became the winners in the 12-hour Sebring. The power of the model was only 26 hp. The manufacturer tried his best to make the sports car as accessible as possible for the masses. The most interesting thing is that the car drove a quarter mile faster than it was required to accelerate from standstill to 100 km / h.

The four second rule. Stop. Think. Do Bregman Peter

1 Four seconds pause. Inhale. Change of course

That morning, as I always do in the morning, I sat on a pillow on the floor, crossed my legs, put my hands on my knees, closed my eyes and breathed for twenty minutes - and nothing more.

They say the hardest thing about meditation is finding time for it. And this makes sense. Who has time these days to do nothing? It is difficult to find an excuse for such an occupation.

Meditation has many benefits: it refreshes, helps us make sense of what is happening to us, makes us wiser and calmer, helps us not to go crazy in a world that stuffs us with information and connections, and more. If you are missing business case to devote time to meditation, how about this: meditation makes you more productive.

How? Strengthening your ability to resist distracting impulses.

Research shows that resisting impulses improves relationships, strengthens trustworthiness, and increases productivity(1). If you are able to resist impulses, then you can make better, more deliberate decisions, be more aware of what you say and how, and be able to imagine the consequences of your actions before you take them.

The ability to resist impulse determines how easy it will be for you to learn to behave differently or change an old habit. This is perhaps the single most important skill for growth and development.

As it turned out, this is one of the abilities that can be acquired through meditation. But it's not easy to learn.

When I took the meditation posture that morning, my worries vanished. My mind was free of everything that had occupied it before the start of meditation. I didn't notice anything but my breathing. Lightness appeared in my body, I felt peace.

For about four seconds.

The time it takes to inhale and exhale. The next breath was enough to make my head cloud again. I felt itchy on my face and wanted to scratch it. A perfect title for the next book came into my mind, and I felt compelled to write it down before I forgot it. I thought of at least four phone calls to be made and one difficult conversation to take place a little later. I got worried because I realized that I only have a few hours to devote to the book. So why am I sitting here? I wanted to open my eyes and look at the timer to see how much longer I had to sit. I heard children arguing in the next room and wanted to intervene.

But here's the important thing: I wanted to do all of the above, but I didn't. Whenever one of these thoughts came to me, I shifted my focus back to the breath.

Four seconds is enough to lose focus, but it's also enough to focus again. Four seconds of inhalation and exhalation is all it takes to refrain from an unproductive automatic reaction. Four seconds is all it takes to make more informed strategic choices that are more likely to get you closer to what you want.

Sometimes the problem is not doing what you need to do. For example, when you avoid an unpleasant conversation. But sometimes the problem is that you do what to do not worth it: talk instead of listen, play politics instead of staying above it.

Meditation teaches you to resist the urge to act unproductively.

Later I will talk about how it is easier and more reliable to create an environment that will help you achieve your goals than to rely on willpower. However, at times it pays to rely on good old self-control.

For example, it is useful when an employee makes a mistake and you are ready to yell at him, even though you know that it is much better - for him and for maintaining the morale of the whole team - to ask a few leading questions and talk like reasonable polite people. Or when you want to blurt something out business meeting but you know it's better to listen to others. Or when you want to buy or sell stocks based on your emotions, despite the fact that analytical indicators and your own research indicate that such a decision is unwise. Or when you feel like checking email every three minutes instead of focusing on the current task.

Every time you meditate, you will find that impulse is just one of the options. You have everything under control.

Does this mean that from now on you will never give in to impulse? Of course not. Pulses carry useful information. If you feel hungry, this may be a sure sign that it's time for you to eat, but it can also indicate that you are bored or stuck at a difficult stage of work. Meditation teaches you to control impulses so that you can consciously choose which ones to give in to and which ones not to.

How should you meditate? If you are just starting out, the simpler the better.

Sit - on a chair or on the floor on a pillow - and straighten your back so that you breathe easily, set a timer for the time you want to devote to meditation. After starting the timer, close your eyes, relax, and don't move—just breathe—until the beep sounds. Focus on inhaling and exhaling. Every time a thought or impulse comes up, give it a little attention and again focus on the breath.

That's all. Simple, but difficult. Try it – today – for five minutes. And repeat tomorrow.

Don't have five minutes? Then let there be four seconds.

A four-second pause—just enough time to breathe in and out—may be enough to let go of a bad decision and replace it with a better one.

From the book Entertaining Psychology author Shapar Viktor Borisovich

Prolonged dreams in a fraction of a second The French historian Maury once had a dream that surprised him so much that he began to specifically study this issue and wrote the book Sleep and Dreams. Here is how Mori himself told about this dream: “I was lying sick in bed, my mother

From the book Serious Creative Thinking by Bono Edward de

PAUSE Everything is going great. You have no problems, no obstacles. But you stop the habitual train of thought and pause because you want to. A pause is not a reaction to an external event. This is the result of your desire to stop. "Somewhere there must be a new

From the book Find yourself!, or the Key to changing your destiny author Pint Alexander Alexandrovich

CREATIVE PAUSE This is a very brief pause during which the person mentally looks around for alternatives or additional features. It is the willingness to pay creative attention to anything. In the smooth flow of a conversation or argument, many things

From the book Live without problems: The secret of an easy life by Mangan James

Chapter 2. Guilt and condemnation is the inhalation and exhalation of the ego. What is conscious change? - I have a duality associated with initiative and non-initiative. Its orientation is manifested precisely in the fact that it is very difficult for me to approach an unfamiliar or unfamiliar

From the book REINcarnation the author Svirsky Efim

Save a life in hundredths of a second "Together" may not always help you complete small tasks, but it will certainly make it easier for you to achieve large goals. If you once miraculously escaped death by avoiding a traffic accident, then you will agree, of course,

From the book DMT - Spirit Molecule author Strassman Rick

Exercise number 12. Inhalation and exhalation Introduction: Any of the exercises we have performed is a concentration. And yetzer Tara, seeing that nothing can be done, seems to agree: “Well, concentrate, but then we’ll relax together.” I draw your attention to a very fundamental

From the book Fundamentals of Personal Security author Samoilov Dmitry

From the book Difficult teenager through the eyes of a sexologist [ Practical guide for parents] author Poleev Alexander Moiseevich

Breathing in and out No one composes hymns to breathing, but, alas, to those who lack it! Roger Zelazny. Prince

From the book The Lucifer Effect [Why good people turn into villains] author Zimbardo Philip George

Change of life course Despite the drama and tragedy of depression and suicide attempts, many times more often the Romeo and Juliet syndrome appears in a different guise, outwardly less dramatic, but in fact with even deeper and more severe consequences. Seeing that

From the book New Carnegie. The most effective methods of communication and subconscious influence author Spizhevoy Grigory

Goodbye Day Shift, Hello Night Shift "It's time to get ready for Sunday service," Arnett tells the prisoners, even though it's only Wednesday. - Everyone becomes in a circle and join hands, as during a religious ceremony. Say: "Hello, #416, I'm your friend, #5704."

From the book The Art of Raising an Obedient Child author Bakyus Ann

Technique "inhale - exhale" The principle is exactly the same as in the first version, only the rhythm of breathing will be slightly different. On the count of 1-2 we inhale, on the count of 1-2-3-4 we exhale. Choose a comfortable speed for yourself, but follow the main principle - exhalation should be

From the book Pass in the middle of the road [How to overcome the midlife crisis and find a new meaning in life] by Hollis James

100. If conflict is inevitable, leave the stage and take a deep breath "Silence is given to us for a reason, but so that we can feed on it." Arvo Pärt Remember: you need at least two people to quarrel. If you leave the room or any other place of conflict, then it will be exhausted for

From the book Your Destiny author Kaplan Robert Stephen

Radiant pause I don't know better definition life than that given by Jung: “Life is a radiant pause between two great mysteries that are really one.” The mystery that is revealed to us through a narrow glimpse of being called

From the book Dudling for creative people [Learn to think differently] by Brown Sunny

Take responsibility for assessing your skills - don't hesitate a second When should you start this assessment? I will answer: "Immediately." If you are talented, young and enter the professional path, most companies will help you decide

From the book The Four Second Rule. Stop. Think. Do It author Bregman Peter

From the author's book

Four Seconds to a Good Habit But the good news is that it's not that hard to fix the problem. Basically, all you need is four seconds. Four seconds is enough time to inhale and exhale. This short pause is enough to see

Millisecond is a unit of time equal to 0.001 (one thousandth) of a second or 1000 microseconds. Abbreviated Russian designation: ms, international: ms. The word "millisecond" consists of two semantic parts: "milli" - translated from Latin means "thousand" and "second".

10 milliseconds (0.01 seconds) is called a centisecond, 100 milliseconds (0.1 seconds) is a decisecond.

Second is a unit of time, equal to 1/60 of a minute or 1/3600 of an hour. Abbreviated Russian designation: s, international: s. The word "second" comes from the phrase "pars minuta secunda" and translated from Latin means "small second part" (of the hour).

Translation formulas

There are 1000 milliseconds in one second and 0.001 seconds in one millisecond.

How to convert seconds to milliseconds

To convert seconds to milliseconds, multiply the number of seconds by 1000.


For example, in order to find out the number of milliseconds in 60 seconds, you need 60 * 1000 = 60000 milliseconds.

How to convert milliseconds to seconds

To convert milliseconds to seconds, divide the number of milliseconds by 1000.

The time for answering questions is 15 minutes. The number of the correct answer must be entered on the answer sheet.

    The eleventh month of the year is?

    SERIOUS is the opposite of the word:

    1 - sharp, 2 - strict, 3 - soft, 4 - hard, 5 - stubborn.

    Which of the following words is different from the others?

    1 - certain, 2 - doubtful, 3 - confident, 4 - trust, 5 - true.

    Answer YES or NO.

    Abbreviation "N.E." means "AD" ("New Era")?

    Which of the following words is different from the others?

    1 - sing, 2 - call, - chat, 4 - listen, 5 - speak.

    The word PERFECT is the opposite of the word:

    1 - pure, 2 - obscene, 3 - incorruptible, 4 - innocent, 5 - classic.

    Which of the following words refers to the word CHEW as SMELL to the NOSE?

    1 - sweet, 2 - tongue, 3 - smell, 4 - teeth, 5 - clean.

    Sharp, M.C. Sharp, M.C.

    Fielder, E.H. Fielder.E.N.

    Connor,M.G. Conner M.G.

    Woesner.O.W. Woerner, O.W.

    Soderqist, P.E. Soderqist.B.E.

    CLEAR is the opposite of the word:

    1 - obvious, 2 - obvious, 3 - unambiguous, 4 - distinct, 5 - dim.

    An entrepreneur bought several used cars for $3,500 and sold them for $5,500, earning $50 per car. How many cars did he resell?

    The words STUK and STOK have:

    Three lemons cost 45 kopecks. How much are a dozen and a half lemons?

    How many of the following pairs are completely identical?

    61197172 61197172

    83238234 83238234

    CLOSE is the opposite of the word:

    1 - friendly, 2 - friendly, 3 - alien, 4 - native, 5 - different.

    Which number is the smallest?

    6 0,7 9 36 0,31 5

    Arrange the words below in such order that you get the correct sentence (in your answer, give the last two letters of the last word):


    Which of the drawings is the most different from the others?

    Two fishermen caught 36 fish; the first caught 8 times more than the second. How much did the second fisherman catch?

    ASCEND and REVIVE have:

    1 - similar value, 2 - opposite value, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

    Arrange the words below in order to make a statement. If it is correct, write P in the answer, if not - N.


    Keep your nose to the wind.

    An empty bag is not worth it.

    Three doctors are no better than one.

    Not all that glitters is gold.

    Too many cooks spoil the broth.

    What number should be put instead of the sign "? ".

    73 66 59 52 45 38?

    The length of day and night in September is almost the same as in: 1 - June, 2 - March, 3 - May, 4 - November.

    All progressive people are democrats.

    All progressive people occupy high posts.

    Some Democrats hold major posts.

    A train travels 75 cm in 1/4 second. If he travels at this speed, how far will he travel in 5 seconds?

    Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the third will be:

    1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - uncertain

    Borya is the same age as Masha.

    Masha is younger than Zhenya.

    Borya is younger than Zhenya.

    Five half-kilogram packs of minced meat cost 2 rubles. How many kilograms of minced meat can you buy for 80 kopecks?


    1 - similar in meaning, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

    Divide this geometric figure into two parts with a straight line so that by adding them together you can get a square. In your answer, indicate the numbers of connection points.

    Let's assume that the first two statements are true. Then the third will be:

    1 - true, 2 - false, 3 - uncertain.

    Sasha greeted Masha.

    Masha greeted Dasha.

    Sasha did not greet Dasha.

    A car worth 24,000 rubles was discounted during seasonal sale by 33% (1/3). How much did it cost during the sale?

    Which of the five figures must be connected to make an isosceles trapezoid:

    The dress requires 2 1/3 meters of fabric. How many dresses can be made from 42 m?

    Meanings of the two phrases:

    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither.

    Three doctors are better than one.

    The more doctors, the more diseases.

    INCREASE and EXPAND have:

    1 - similar value, 2 - opposite value, 3 - neither similar nor opposite.

    Meaning of two proverbs:

    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither.

    It is better to moor with two anchors.

    Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

    The grocer bought a case of oranges for $3.60. There were 12 dozen in the box. 2 dozen will go bad before all the oranges are sold. At what price per dozen should a grocer sell oranges for a profit of 1/3 of the purchase price?

    The words CLAIM and PRETENTIOUS have:

    If half a kilogram of potatoes costs 0.0125 rubles, then how many kilograms can be bought for 50 kopecks?

    1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6

    The words REFLECTED and IMAGINARY have:

    1 - similar value, 2 - opposite value, 3 - neither.

    How many acres is a plot of 70x20 meters?

    Meanings of the two phrases:

    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither

    Good things are cheap, bad roads.

    Good quality comes from simplicity, bad quality from complexity.

    A soldier, shooting at a target, hit it in 12.5% ​​of cases. How many times does he have to shoot to hit her 100 times.

    One of the members of the series does not fit the others. What number should it be replaced with?

    1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14

    Three partners in JSC "Intensivnik" decided to share the profits equally. T invested $4,500 in the business, K $3,500, P $2,000. If the profit is $2,000, how much less will T get than if the profit were divided in proportion to contributions?

    Which of the following phrases have the same meaning:

    Strike while the iron is hot.

    There is safety in numbers.

    The forest is cut down, the chips fly.

    Not all that glitters is gold.

    Don't judge by appearance, but by deeds.

    Meaning of two phrases:

    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither

    The forest is cut down, the chips fly.

    There is no big deal without losses.

    Which of the figures is the most different from the others:

    There are 24,000 words in a printed article. The editor decided to use two font sizes. When using the font bigger size 900 words fit on the page, the smaller one - 1200 words. The article should take up a full 21 pages. How many pages should be in small print?

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