When will discounts on clothes. Summer and winter sales: comfortable shopping during the discount period

Let me take an expert position in this dialogue. I have been working with clients as a personal purchasing assistant in European countries for 7 years (400 hours or 2.5 weeks is just the time I spent in the air at the time of flights). It will be about seasonal sales, which means, first of all, discount sales of clothes and shoes, which are held at the end of any season, both summer and winter. I propose to discuss Russian retail, since during this period it has significant differences from the European one.

Seasonal Sale Rules

If the real goal of your shopping is to save a budget, then it is seasonal discounts that are a real source of savings for a patient buyer. The red tag with the word “Discount” works like magic, and the product marked “Sale” immediately has an audience ready to purchase it. Everything wins here: the buyer is satisfied with both the price and the purchase, and the seller is glad that he sold the stale goods and freed up space for a new delivery.

Sales, of course, are beneficial to all parties to the process, but, as you understand, there are some pitfalls here. Only with a competent approach, the process of shopping at sales can be put to good use.

The first problem that you will have to face is that most often the slow-moving sizes XS and XXL remain, or those models that have not aroused interest among buyers. And if you see interesting thing, which you really need, then do not wait for the sale, as most likely it will not be there by that time. So my advice to you: have a list of necessary purchases at hand and strictly adhere to it, without deceiving yourself in the process of shopping that you "will soon lose weight, and this dress will fit you just right."

The second important advice: during the discount season, sellers have a so-called “ideal buyer”, who is already warmed up by the very idea of ​​​​taking at least something quickly, until a shopping competitor has formed. The situation itself is impulsive, and a person does not have time to think about such a thing as the justification of the price. Take a few minutes to check the reality of the quoted prices. To do this, you just need to go to the Yandex.Market application via your phone and specify the initial price. Often retailers inflate the initial price in order to attract buyers. bigger difference at a price that doesn't really exist. Even if you are lured by the words “90% discount!”, do not be so naive: no one will miss their benefits.

Another important point that can be encountered during the sales season, especially towards the end of it, is the quality of the goods. Pay attention to defects in the fabric or cut, because even if they did not take it for several weeks, subject to a decrease in the price of the product, it is possible that the item has significant flaws.

In this regard, let me give you some advice from an “experienced” shopaholic:

  1. On the eve of the sales start date, monitor the places of your planned shopping in order to buy time and, possibly, agree with the sellers.
  2. Try not to waste time. Be among the first buyers and choose what you really need, otherwise you will have to buy things that others did not need. Do not expect maximum discounts: only those goods that have not been sold for years reach them.
  3. Do not buy expensive items on sales. Plan their purchase for the season and try to use, for example, a discount card, which also allows you to save some money.
  4. Not necessarily on sales, stores get rid of low-quality or bad things. It's just that their commercial appeal is lower than that of those models that were bought at full price. They may have a less functional cut or a model that is difficult to combine.
  5. Think about whether you really need a new swimsuit at the end of summer? Or is it better to set aside this amount to buy warm clothes for the next cool and longer season?
  6. Each item you purchase (not necessarily during the sales period) should be what you really need. Remember this!

But still, sales and sales sometimes hypnotize us, and then we buy things that then lie uselessly in the closet and create the very situation: the closet is full - there is nothing to wear.

  • buy only those things that you really like and need, which means they will not be lying around in the closet;
  • it is better to spend money on quality things, then they will last a long time;
  • all personal items should decorate you, emphasize your dignity, and, of course, hide your flaws.

It is better to create a wardrobe in which every item of the costume ensemble is a favorite. Then only this fact will cheer you up. You will feel natural and comfortable, which will definitely not be missed by others. Good luck with the sales!

Do you like fashionable and stylish clothes, but don't always have enough money to completely update your wardrobe? Do you think that only wealthy people can afford quality things? We'll tell you how to dress on a budget for seasonal sales in Russia.

To dress fashionably and stylishly, it is not necessary to spend fabulous sums on a wardrobe. It is enough to shop during the sales season, when discounts on the assortment of the outgoing season reach 90%.

Sale seasons in Russia:

- autumn-winter collection - starts from the end of December to mid-February;

Spring - summer collection- in many stores, a tempting sign "Sale" appears at the end of June. Discounts continue until mid-August.

How to shop with maximum savings for the budget

Even at a sale, where prices have reached their minimum, it is important to adhere to the rules of "perfect shopping" - not to buy too much and not necessary. You should not succumb to general panic and buy cheap goods, most of which will simply gather dust in the closet.

It is better to make a list of the wardrobe items you need before going shopping - this will allow you to make purchases more deliberately and hold back your shopaholism a little.

You can buy things at maximum discounts in the last weeks of sales, when stores try to sell old collections with discounts from 70 to 90%. The choice, of course, is already scarce by this time, enterprising fashionistas sort out all the best models and running sizes even with a sale of 50%. But, if you are in a hurry, then by all means buy a couple of fashionable things at a ridiculous price.

Every shopaholic waits with genuine enthusiasm for the time when the winter sales begin. This is not surprising, because the desire to acquire the desired thing, and even save a significant amount of personal funds, is an extremely tempting prospect. Alas, for many sellers, discounts have become a way to cash in on gullible buyers. Stores often make fake sales, luring customers with a banal deception. That is why it is so important to know when the winter sales really start and when you can buy desired item at the lowest possible price.

passion for saving

For some buyers, the sales season has already become a kind of fetish. For them, it is important not what they buy, but what they do it massively and economically. The very fact of receiving real benefits encourages many to shell out for unnecessary thing. There is nothing surprising in this, because each of us has a dizzying eye from the price fall, the main thing is not to make a mistake and, in a fit of passion, not to fall for the tricks of cunning marketers.

So when does the winter sales start? In most European countries, the discount season takes place under the auspices of state control. So both stores and customers know when the cost of goods will be reduced. Such a measure helps to prevent dumping and artificial loosening of the economy.

In our country, alas, there is no such practice yet, and therefore sales, the time of their beginning and end is the lot of store owners. Those, in turn, are guided by global trends or act at their own discretion.

Two stages of winter sales

Now let's figure out when the winter sales start. Their first stage starts in mid-December. This period is the time of Christmas and New Year's Eve preparations. Buyers willingly part with money, buy gifts, outfits, prepare for winter and the festive table. These first sales are more nominal. Sellers can make a slight discount on their product, but the difference with the usual price tag is unlikely to exceed 10-15%.

Besides, not in all countries it is customary to celebrate Catholic Christmas, for which the West prepares so zealously. On the territory of the post-Soviet space, the New Year celebration is more quoted, so significant discounts cannot be expected until December 31. This statement is relevant in any city of our country, and primarily in Moscow. When do winter sales start in the capital and regions?

Usually from mid-January, closer to February. Retail chains are trying to sell everything that did not go away during the holidays, to free up space on the shelves for the new season. The most profitable purchases will be in the middle or end of winter.

Fake sale

Not always tempting discounts are a really profitable offer. Enterprising merchants very often deceive buyers by organizing false sales. There are several mechanisms for misleading consumers. This happens especially on New Year's Eve.

A few weeks before the announced days of discounts, entrepreneurs deliberately increase prices in order to “pamper” buyers with promotions afterward. Thus, consumers at best buy products at a standard price, and at worst, it will cost even more than usual.

Another way to lure the consumer is to make discounts on a limited list of products. Often these are slow-moving items from the assortment of the outlet, outdated or even marriageable goods. Such techniques help to attract a buyer once, but it is unlikely that the client will become a permanent one in the event of such frauds.

We buy cheap!

Experienced shopaholics can quickly determine where and when sales begin. Helps them in this mainly periodic monitoring of prices in their favorite stores. When the sale of winter clothes, shoes and other products from this category begins, you should not put off the purchase for a long time. The fact is that the most popular sizes are sorted out first. Clothes and shoes for people with average parameters will disappear from stores almost immediately, it is not worth expecting that the most common goods among buyers will stay in warehouses for a long time.

Waiting for an even greater price reduction is possible only for those who are suitable for slow-moving shoe sizes (very small or very large). Sellers usually make sales in several stages. And if the first discount is 10-15%, then a mass sale is already taking place at half price, and a total sale promises the buyer a reduction in the amount on the price tag by 65-70% of the original cost of the goods.

Sale in the country's main department store

TSUM is a real Mecca for true shopaholics. This department store has been in existence for over a hundred years. And there are almost as many sales going on here. This trading floor the largest in the territory of modern Europe, here are the best world brands that are produced by the most famous companies. Shoes, clothes and accessories from Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Fendi, Givenchy, Prada and dozens of other design houses beckon and attract lovers of a beautiful life.

Following world traditions, fashion boutiques also arrange large-scale sales of old collections. When do the winter sales start at TSUM? Usually, from mid-December, the numbers on the price tags gradually decrease, but the peak of the discount is reached after the end of the holidays. During this period, you can save up to 70% on the purchase of branded coats, dresses and blouses.

Fashionistas and fashionistas take note

Another store that all shopaholics want to visit (especially during the sales season) is Zara. These are points of sale of fashionable men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes, underwear and accessories of our own production at quite affordable prices. hallmark brand is stable high quality products.

It's no surprise that shoppers always look forward to sales, during which they sweep all the goods off the shelves. However, not everyone knows when the winter sale begins at Zarya. The point is that this commercial network not too often satisfied with the days of discounts and the release of counters from stale goods. Usually it is two or three weeks in mid-January. This event is not announced, and customers and fans of the brand will learn about discounts during a direct visit to the store.

Closed club

Many stores and chains encourage their loyal customers, and therefore warn their customers in advance about when the winter sales of clothes and other goods begin in their outlets. Members of loyalty programs and club card holders will be the first to know such information, because they will be able to buy products with good discounts.

To keep abreast of events taking place in your favorite store, you should contact the sellers or managers, they also issue discount cards regular customers. To do this, it is usually enough to make a purchase for a certain amount, after which the client automatically becomes a member of the loyalty program. This will bring him a number of benefits and advantages:

  • participants in such programs are the first to be informed when the winter sales of shoes and clothing begin;
  • the card makes it possible to receive goods at a lower price, even if there are no discounts in the store at the moment;
  • customers can accumulate points for their purchases and use them for subsequent payments.

Almost all stores have a multi-level loyalty program. The discount for the client grows depending on the amount for which he has already purchased the goods in this point of sale, or how long he's been a regular customer.

Discount Glossary

There are also many stores that have permanent sales, but not all of them have the same principle of working with customers:

  • a discount is a point of sale of products with a simplified service system and an elementary design of the trading floor;
  • a discount center is a large store where manufacturers bring unsold remnants of past collections;
  • stock stores work on the same principle, but defective products and products that have lost their presentation are also often found here;
  • outlets - networks that initially sell inexpensive products.

On the eve of the upcoming holidays, we wish our readers good discounts and happy shopping!