Natural range of the largest flying bird. The largest birds of prey in the world

The question of which bird is the largest cannot be answered unambiguously. You must first define the criteria. The answer can be completely different - it all depends on the selected parameters.

Ostrich - the most in weight and height

Of the living, the largest bird in the world - The weight of an adult can reach 180 kg at a height of 2 meters 70 centimeters. Ostriches also own another record: the diameter of the eyes of these birds is 5 centimeters, and the weight of both eyes often exceeds the weight of the brain of this bird.

Ostriches - This is due to the structure of their body. They have no keel, ostriches have small wings and poorly developed pectoral muscles. But these birds are excellent runners with strong long legs. One of the fingers on each limb ends in a horny growth. The ostrich leans on this "hoof" while running. All these devices allow him to reach speeds of up to 70 km / h.

The main food of ostriches is shoots, seeds, fruits and flowers. But with pleasure they eat small insects, and even rodents and reptiles. Ostriches do not have teeth, and therefore, in order for food to be digested faster, they have to swallow stones and pieces of wood. Sometimes iron gets into the stomach of these birds.

Why did the ostriches suffer?

The body of an ostrich is covered with beautiful loose feathers. The exceptions are the head and neck, hips and "breast callus". Most often, males have black plumage, females are usually painted in gray-brown tones. This curly plumage led to the active extermination of these birds.

The fashion for ostrich feathers, which adorn men's hats and women's hairstyles, headdresses and other accessories, has led to the fact that the most large bird in the world is in danger of extinction. Shooting for feathers has led to a sharp reduction in individuals in nature.

Man is a threat and a rescue

Ostrich farms around the world help to preserve and increase the number of these unusual majestic birds. It turned out that ostriches live very well in captivity. The largest bird in the world has adapted even to Russian frosts.

The breeding of these birds is very profitable: they live for about 70 years, and retain reproductive functions until the age of 30. in terms of nutrient content, it competes with beef; during the season, the female brings up to 45 eggs. And each such testicle weighs an average of about 1.5-2 kg. The shell also comes into play. Craftsmen make various souvenirs from it, even caskets. Feather is still used today for making theatrical costumes and props.

The largest flying bird in the world

Albatross and condor are considered the largest birds that can fly. Their wingspan is 3.5 meters, sometimes reaching 4 meters. But the championship still belongs to albatrosses. The weight of an adult bird reaches 13 kg.

  • They travel long distances in search of food. This largest bird in the world, hovering over the sea, has a very developed sense of smell. Therefore, the albatross hunts more often at night. It feeds on carrion, mollusks, plankton, fish and crustaceans.
  • They love albatrosses and food waste from ships. Therefore, they often accompany ships, flying far from the coast. Sailors consider these birds to be storm harbingers. Before a storm, they fly over the water in search of food thrown up by the sea.
  • The average life expectancy of these birds is 10-20 years. But in nature there are also 50-year-old individuals. Albatrosses prefer to nest in colonies. Although these are solitary birds, the colony settlement is safer.

Which flying bird is the heaviest?

This record belongs to the bustard. The weight of this bird, capable of taking off, reaches 19 kg. Currently, this species is listed in the Red Book. Its restoration is difficult, since the bustard breeds poorly in captivity. A nursery for breeding this species has been operating in the Saratov region for about 30 years.

Sensational discoveries of scientists

In 1980, scientists discovered the remains of the largest flying bird that lived on Earth more than 6 million years ago. They called this extinct species Argentavis magnificens, since excavations were carried out on the territory of modern Argentina. A stuffed animal of this giant bird is on display at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles.

The largest bird in the world weighed about 80 kg and had a wingspan of up to 8 m. One of its feathers was about 1.5 m long and its width was about 20 centimeters. The heavy weight made it difficult to fly. But, using ascending air currents, Argentavis magnificens could rise to a height of about 3 km and fly over 200 km. At the same time, he did not even need it. Scientists suggest that ancient birds used hills to take off.

Experts have found that the giant ancient birds were predators and fed on small land animals the size of a rabbit. The structure of the jaws and beak did not allow chewing food or tearing it into pieces. They simply swallowed the animal whole.

Thus, there are several answers to the question of which bird is the largest. This once again illustrates the diversity of species in nature.

This African bird cannot be confused with any other. Importantly pacing on her long legs, shaking her black feathers on the back of her head, she justifies the name that she was given - the secretary bird. In addition to its unusual appearance, this bird is also famous as a merciless snake exterminator. The local population appreciates and respects the secretary bird for this, honoring it to decorate the coats of arms of Sudan and South Africa.

Depicted with majestically spread huge wings, the secretary bird, as it were, protects the country and symbolizes the superiority of the South African nation over enemies. The secretary bird was first described by the zoologist Johann Hermann in 1783. This bird is also called "serpent-eater", "herald" and "hypohero".

Description of the secretary bird

The secretary bird is the only representative of the secretary family of the falconiformes order.. It is considered a large bird due to its huge wingspan - more than 2 meters. At the same time, the weight of the secretary bird is not amazing - only 4 kg, and the body length is not impressive - 150 cm.

This is interesting! There are two versions of the origin of the strange name of the bird. According to one, the most common, the “secretary” of the African feathered was nicknamed for the imposing gait and black long feathers that stick out on the back of the head.

Similar, only goose, secretaries and bailiffs of the late 18-19 centuries liked to decorate their wigs. Also, the general color of the plumage of the bird resembles the clothes of male secretaries of that time. According to another version, the secretary bird got its name from the light hand of the French colonists, who heard the French word "secrétaire" - "secretary" in the Arabic name "hunting bird" - "sacr-e-tair".


The secretary bird has a modest plumage color. Almost all gray, it turns black closer to the tail. The areas near the eyes and beak look orange, but not due to feathers, but, on the contrary, due to their absence. It looks like reddish skin, not covered with a feather. Without taking color, the secretary bird stands out for its unusual body proportions: huge wings and long thin legs. The wings help her soar in the air, literally hovering at a height. And stilted legs are needed for a run, in order to take off. Yes! The secretary bird is an excellent runner. It can reach speeds of up to 30 km per hour or more.

This is interesting! Black long feathers, which adorn the back of the head of the secretary bird and are its external distinguishing feature, also give out males during the mating season. They rise from the back of their heads and stick out at the top of their heads, accompanied by croaking and growling sounds that the male makes when calling the female.

The secretary bird also has a long neck, which makes it look like a heron or a crane, but only from a distance. Upon closer inspection, it is obvious that the head of the secretary bird is more like an eagle. Large eyes and a powerful hooked beak give it a serious hunter.


Secretary birds live in pairsstaying faithful to each other throughout life. There are cases when these birds gather in groups, but not for long - only for watering and until the abundance of food around ends. It is the presence or absence of food that causes the secretary bird to move from place to place. She prefers to do this on the ground, passing a day, sometimes up to 30 km. It may even seem that this bird does not know how to fly - so rarely does it do it.

Meanwhile, the secretary bird is an excellent flier. Only for takeoff it needs a decent run. And she does not gain height immediately, but gradually, with seeming heaviness. But the higher the secretary bird rises, spreading its 2-meter wings, the more magnificent the spectacle. You can watch the secretary bird in the air during the mating season, when the male soars over his nest, guarding the territory.

Most of the time these birds spend on the ground, but they prefer to sleep and hatch chicks on trees and in nests. They build them in the crowns of acacias, constructing huge platforms (more than 2 meters in diameter) from grass, leaves, manure, tufts of wool and other natural material. It turns out an impressive structure, threatening to collapse down under its own weight.

This is interesting! The nest is not built for one year. Moving away from him in search of food, a pair of secretary birds always returns to him when it's time to incubate eggs.

The secretary bird is an intelligent hunter. For different cases and types of game, she has her own tricks and tricks. For example, to catch a snake, this noble serpent-eater makes tricky runs with a constant change of direction. The snake, misled by such sudden movements, becomes dizzy and, disoriented, becomes easy prey.

In addition, when engaging in a fight with a snake, the secretary bird uses its large wing like a shield, repelling enemy attacks. The legs of the bird, pumped up and muscular, are also a powerful weapon. She kicks with them during mating battles with rivals. They also easily reflect the attacks of the snake, pressing it to the ground. The legs of the snake-eater are reliably protected from poisonous bites by dense scales. And the beak is so strong that with a blow it can crush not only the head of a snake, the spine of a rodent, but also the shell of a turtle.

For small game hiding in dense grass, the secretary bird uses the following technique: it walks around the territory, flapping its large wings on the grass, creating an incredible noise for shy rodents. If they hide in burrows, the secretary begins to stomp his legs on small mounds. No one can withstand such a psychic attack. The victim leaves his hiding place in horror, and the predator just needs it!

Even during fires, which are not uncommon in the African savanna, the secretary bird behaves differently than other representatives of the fauna. She does not fly away and does not run away from the fire, but uses the general panic to open the hunt. Then it flies over the line of fire and collects fried food from the scorched earth.


The life expectancy of a secretary bird is not great - a maximum of 12 years.

Range, habitats

The secretary bird can only be found in Africa and only in its grasslands and savannahs.. Wooded places and desert regions of the Sahara are not suitable for her to hunt, review and run before takeoff. As a result, the range of the serpent-eater is limited to the territory from Senegal to Somalia and a little further south, to the Cape of Good Hope.

Secretary bird diet

The secretary bird menu is very diverse. In addition to snakes of all stripes, it includes:

  • insects - spiders, grasshoppers, praying mantises, beetles and scorpions;
  • small mammals - mice, rats, hedgehogs, hares and mongooses;
  • eggs and chicks;
  • lizards and small turtles.

This is interesting! There are legends about the voracity of this bird. Once, three snakes, four lizards and 21 little turtles were found in her goiter at once!


Family: Bustards

Squad: Cranes

Class: Birds

Type: chordates

Subtype: Vertebrates


Length: males up to 105 cm, females from 75 to 80 cm

Weight: males up to 16 kg, females - up to 8 kg

Lifespan: 20-25 years, in captivity about 30 years

The bustard is recognized as the heaviest of the flying birds, this inhabitant of the steppe mainly moves on the ground and runs quickly in case of danger.

Individuals are considered omnivores, in their diet are plant foods (seeds, shoots, wild garlic) and animals (insects, rodents, frogs), during the mating season, males perform a spectacular dance.

A real feathered heavyweight in the wild nature of the territory of Russia is a bustard bird. Males are much larger than females, and their weight is about twice that.

Thanks to strong legs, the bird can cover significant distances every day.


The bustard is predominantly a steppe bird. It lives on open plains without copses, meadows and fields. This is due to the caution of the birds, since the free space there is far visible.

During nesting, individuals stop at areas with high vegetation. There are also cases when bustards nest among grain crops, sunflowers and other crops.

The habitat of the bustard extends over the territory North Africa and Eurasia, captures the steppe regions from the Pyrenees to Mongolia.

Birds go to winter in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Northern Iran.


Bustard is a fairly large bird, about twice as large. Males are larger and larger than females.

Of the external differences, it is worth noting the pale gray antennae, which rise up during the mating dance. The popular names of this representative of the bustard family are dudak, spoonbill.

The diet includes both vegetation - herbs, cultivated plants, and animal food - insects such as grasshoppers and rodents such as steppe mice and .

The photo of the male shows a pale gray antennae.

Important! Sometimes bustards are divided into two subspecies. However, differences in plumage are only noticeable in aging males.

flight manner

The bustard is able to run fast, but more often it moves slowly and imposingly. It is one of the heaviest flying birds. To rise into the air, individuals have to scatter.

They gain height gradually, in flight they make powerful rare flapping of their wings. Despite the apparent slowness, the bird can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. It does not gain high altitude, it flies closer to the ground.

When birds fly

The spring migration of birds is carried out at the very beginning of warming and the appearance of thawed patches. They fly in pairs or small flocks of up to 5 individuals. One by one, birds return from wintering extremely rarely.

Birds go to winter at the turn of August-September. The duration of the flight depends on the habitat. In the southern regions, the stay of birds to the wintering place can end only by September.


The description of the bustard should begin with its long legs and neck. In the photo, the head is large, rounded, the neck is thickened. The wings are long and wide.

The tail also looks elongated, in general, rounded outlines. Birds have bright motley plumage - reddish-brown on the back and wings, white on the chest.

Males are distinguished by a stronger body and filiform feathers resembling antennae.

Bustard has long legs and neck

Important! In the East Siberian subspecies, which lives on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Eastern Siberia, long feathers near the beak form a whole beard along with the antennae.

In flight, the bustard looks like a goose: the head and neck are extended forward, the legs are strongly laid back. The flapping of the wings is unhurried and uniform, at the same time, the description of flights shows that individuals develop a high speed.

Bustard plumage - reddish-brown with white patches

Key Features

The structural features and behavior of birds include the following:

  1. Absence of the coccygeal gland, as well as sweat glands. For this reason, feathers are not covered with a secret. To cool off in hot weather, individuals settle directly on the ground and spread their wings. The bustard breathes deeply through its open beak. Feathers without lubrication get very wet during the rains. Frost after a downpour is especially dangerous for birds. Wet feathers freeze, in this state the bustard is completely defenseless.
  2. Despite the fact that in flight individuals are able to develop high speed, they practically do not move through the air at distances of more than 100 m.
  3. The gray-brown color is an excellent disguise against the background of field vegetation.
  4. Fleeing from the enemy, the bird lies on the ground and merges with the grass. In this, her behavior is similar to or - these birds also rely on their disguise.
  5. Sometimes bustards are grown on poultry farms. Eggs laid in the fields are collected and placed in incubators. The grown chicks are then released into natural environment habitat.
  6. The male bustard performs a spectacular mating dance. The bird greatly inflates the throat sac, retracts its head, raises its tail and feathers.
  7. During the year, the bird molts twice. The first run in the spring (pre-wedding molt), when the fluff and small feathers are mainly replaced. The second entry in the fall (post-wedding molt). At this time, a complete replacement of plumage occurs.
  8. Bustard practically does not make sounds. In the repertoire of birds, only a deep sound, reminiscent of bleating, which the male makes during the courtship dance. To communicate with the chicks, the female uses short muffled cries. Young people also speak in their own way. Little chicks make a squeak, and older ones make thin trills.


Bustard is considered omnivorous. The poultry menu includes the following:

  • seeds of herbs and cultivated plants;
  • tender shoots;
  • wild garlic;
  • larvae and insects (locusts, beetles, grasshoppers);
  • mice and other small rodents;
  • frogs and lizards;
  • chicks of small birds.

In hot weather, after eating, the bustard descends to lakes or springs to drink. The bird consumes both fresh and salt water, although it prefers the former.

Then rest in a shady place. When the heat subsides, the bustard continues to search for food.

Bustard on vacation

What do chicks eat

The chicks feed mainly on insects. To feed them, females dig ants and their pupae out of the soil with their paws, which make up the bulk of the diet of young animals.

If the watering place is far from the nesting site, the chicks can make do with dew drops and the liquid contained in the feed.

Important! IN summer time The bustard's diet consists mainly of animal food, while in winter it consumes more vegetation. The menu of chicks is mainly insects.

During the day, the bird has at least two meals. The amount of feed consumed per day is 100 g or more.

Behavior, reproduction

Behavioral Features

As the description of the bustard's life shows, this bird leads a diurnal lifestyle. It goes out in search of food in the morning and evening.

The exception is cloudy weather, when individuals can feed all day. During the lunch period, the bustard prefers to rest, comfortably sitting on the ground.

Birds prefer to be located in the shade of tall vegetation.

Important! The flights made by bustards also occur during the daytime.


In the period after nesting, the birds keep in large flocks, in which there can be up to a hundred individuals. Such groups form birds of the same sex.

Individuals that do not take part in breeding stay in a flock throughout the year. This includes females that have lost their clutches.

Males reach puberty by 6 years, females mature earlier - at 3-4 years. Nesting lasts from April to June. The bustard lays one to three eggs once a year.

However, most often there are two eggs in the clutch. The female carries them with a frequency of 1-2 days.

Usually there are two eggs in a clutch.

Bustard mating ritual

Current in males begins immediately after returning from wintering. For the mating ritual, they choose an open area on a field plot or on a hilltop.

Dancing in the air is extremely rare, and then only in some individuals. Current males gather in a group and begin their ritual at a distance from each other.

When females appear nearby, they become excited, which sometimes leads to fights between individuals.

The male performs a mating dance

Bustards do not create pairs. If they do add up, it is only for a short time. The description of the mating dance of the male will not leave you indifferent: he puffs up his feathers, raises his tail and greatly inflates his voluminous throat sac.

In the photo in this position, it seems much larger than it really is. Having put on a festive “outfit”, the male pulls his head in and performs peculiar movements.

Pairing takes place directly on the current. After that, the females go to lay eggs.

How the nest works

Bird nests are built right on the ground. The female digs a hole with a diameter of about 25-40 cm with her paws.

She does not lay the litter as such, but the leaves and stems of plants fall to the bottom of the nest. There are several options for nest placement:

  • on open ground;
  • under the branches of shrubs;
  • in the middle of tall grass.

Sometimes bustards can make a nest on plowed land. Then, after the emergence of shoots, the masonry will be well covered. The distance between nests varies from a few hundred to forty meters.

The time for masonry depends largely on environmental conditions and air temperature. Bustard living in the south lays eggs at the end of April.

Females from populations living in the northern regions lay their eggs later, in early May. In this case, the delay can reach two to three weeks.

It happens that the female loses her clutch. In this case, sometimes she lays eggs again. Probably, it is this circumstance that explains why insufficiently hatched clutches were found.

In one nest, there are mainly 2-3 eggs in the form of an ellipse of dark olive or clay color with dark patches.

The oily sheen of the shell is noticeable, becoming more pronounced by the end of the incubation period.

Hatching lasts about four weeks. The bird sits tightly on the eggs. If a female notices danger nearby, she lurks and, due to camouflage coloration, is lost against the background of grass.

Thanks to the color scheme of plumage, a large bird becomes almost invisible even among low vegetation. Twice a day, the female leaves the clutch for feeding.

Lunch lasts no more than 40 minutes. In the morning, the bird goes in search of food from 8 to 12 o'clock, in the evening - from 17 to 21 o'clock. The distance from the nest is no more than 400 m.

Bustard in tall grass

How does a female take care of her chicks?

Caring for the chicks falls entirely on the female, males are not involved in caring for offspring. The female feeds the newly hatched chicks from her beak, at this time they move little and are completely defenseless.

At first, she herself brings them insects and feeds them. On the 3-5th day after the shell is shed, the chicks begin to take food themselves.

After two weeks, they can feed on their own, although they are still fed. Newly hatched chicks that have not had time to dry are in the nest under the control of the female.

The down is ocher in color, with dark spots and stripes. Already after 4 days they walk nearby. Young animals learn to fly at the age of 5-6 weeks. At this point, the weight of the bird is up to 2 kg.

The female diligently protects her chicks. Noticing the threat, she gives them a signal. In response, the chicks hide in the grass, clinging to the soil and straightening their necks.

The photo shows that they are perfectly camouflaged against the background of field grasses. Noticing the approach of the enemy, the bird pretends to be sick and tries to take him away. In case of critical danger, she attacks the enemy.

Bustard chick camouflages itself against the background of grass

By early August, the young are ready to leave the nest. Grown up chicks gather in flocks and go to roam. This journey will last until next spring.

Relationships with people

Bustard is in the Red Book. The number of these birds has decreased due to uncontrolled hunting and the use of land suitable for nesting for economic purposes.

To prevent a decline in numbers, measures are taken to protect nests, collect eggs from failed clutches and keep them in an incubator.

Bustards are known for their caution. Suspecting danger, she can let a person close, and then imitate a wounded bird in order to divert attention from the masonry.

Bustard - a cautious bird

The bustard is recognized as the largest flying bird. She is also known for her caution. During the mating season, the males perform a unique dance.

At the moment, the species is listed in the Red Book, measures are being taken to preserve populations.

Bustard bird: fast steppe dweller

The bustard is recognized as the heaviest of the flying birds, this inhabitant of the steppe mainly moves on the ground and runs quickly in case of danger. Individuals are considered omnivores, in their diet are plant foods (seeds, shoots, wild garlic) and animals (insects, rodents, frogs), during the mating season, males perform a spectacular dance.

Since childhood, we have been interested in one simple riddle: who is actually the fastest of the birds? These amazing creatures have such a reserve of strength that many can envy them. The result of research on a similar topic may surprise many.

The fastest bird in the world

The first place in such a list of the fastest birds is the peregrine falcon. It is this inconspicuous bird that can move at a speed of approximately 389 kilometers per hour, which (for comparison) significantly exceeds the speed of free fall of paratroopers.

It is this fastest bird in the world that can give odds to many animals, while the peregrine falcon can be found on absolutely all continents, except for Antarctica, perhaps. Its main feature is that it can develop such tremendous speed only by diving from a height.

peregrine falcon dimensions

In appearance, this fastest bird in the world is no larger than a crow, in addition, it has gray plumage, which becomes light gray on the abdomen, and the head is always black.

The peregrine falcon survives thanks to a peculiar hunting technique, which consists in the fact that it dives from a height onto its prey and knocks it down with a blow of its tucked paws. The speed with which the peregrine falcon does this can easily lead to the fact that he knocks the poor prey's head off.

Second fastest

In fact, the bird, which will be discussed later, can easily take the first place in this kind of speed rating.

The main reason for this is that the peregrine falcon develops tremendous speed when it "falls" from the sky, but the swift's flight speed is enormous in the horizontal plane.

It can reach speeds of over 170 kilometers per hour. You can meet such a miracle only in Northern or Central Asia, as well as in Central Europe. The bird spends its winter hut in Africa or in India. Now its natural habitat is cities, and much less often it concerns forests.

The appearance of the swift

The swift is even smaller than the peregrine falcon, and weighs only 50-150 grams.

The black swift is the fastest. It has a plumage of a dark brown hue with a barely noticeable metallic sheen. It can easily be confused with a swallow, because these types of birds are quite similar, especially when viewed from above.

bird features

The peculiarity of the swift is that literally a few centuries ago it could be eaten, arguing that the meat is quite tasty.

If you do not take into account this gastronomic peculiarity, there is another interesting fact: the swift spends almost all its time in the air. In the most literal sense of the word. Flying out of the nest eight weeks after birth, it lands only after about 3 years. With the condition that his legs are very short and his fingers are directed only forward, it is quite difficult to take off from the ground on his own, but possible. All that is needed is a few very strong wing beats and at least a slight rise in order to make it easier to take off. The wings themselves are disproportionately large, if you still compare them with the size of the body itself.

Long, curved wings and a perfectly streamlined body, a flat head, and a short neck - all these aerodynamic features allow the swift to even sleep in the air. Being at an altitude of up to 3 thousand meters in a flock, he simply flies in a circle and falls asleep, while waking up every 5 seconds in order to once again flap his wings and not fall.

This fastest bird on earth can fly approximately 500 thousand kilometers in its entire life, while landing only a few times in its life just to breed.

Swallow and swift: differences

Earlier it was said that the swift can be very similar to the swallow in its appearance. But still, their most important difference is the speed of flight - the swift develops a speed of about 170 kilometers per hour, and the swallow is only 60 kilometers per hour. But nevertheless, the swift cannot be better in flight maneuverability than the swallow. The bird of this species also differs from the swift in the structure of its paws - the swift has four fingers turned forward, while the swallows have three forward and one back. That is why they can sit on telegraph wires and it is easy to hold on there, but the swift will definitely not succeed.

Swifts have a dark abdomen, while swallows have a white one. At the same time, in flight, the first species of birds is distinguished by its excessive loudness and never folds its wings. In addition, the swift is larger than the swallow.

Bird flight speed

The third fastest in this ranking is the grey-headed albatross. It is larger in size than its predecessors, because it has a wingspan of 3.5 meters. Due to the fact that the albatross cannot make such a rapid dive or constantly live in the air, it is distinguished by its endurance.

It is he who can fly at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour for eight hours. Although he is not the fastest bird in the world, he is in the Guinness Book of Records due to his amazing features.

Eider is a bird from the duck family, which is capable of reaching speeds of up to about one hundred kilometers per hour. At the same time, it withstands long flights, although it does not rise high into the sky, because its main food is in the water - mollusks, worms, and small fish. That is why the eider is not only a fast bird, but also an excellent diver.

The carrier pigeon will be next in the ranking of the fastest birds in the world. This species has proven itself in various conditions - both in peacetime and during hostilities. That is why the dove must be given due respect.

Its flight speed is from 90 to 100 kilometers per hour. Pigeons are much more enduring than albatrosses - some individuals can stay in the air for more than 16 hours.

The starling is an inconspicuous bird with a pleasant singing voice, it has also established itself as an excellent flyer. Starlings can reach speeds of approximately 70 kilometers per hour, and they are found on every continent of our planet.

Also, the fieldfare thrush can develop a speed of 70 kilometers per hour. It is distributed throughout Europe and Asia, and its voice and unusual plumage always attract a lot of attention.