Order in the form of t 5 sample filling. Difficulties in unified processing of employee transfers

Sometimes situations arise that require the transfer of an employee to another job. It doesn’t matter what was the reason: the state of health, the production need or the desire of the employee. It is important that this fact must be documented. We will tell you in this article how to properly draw up paperwork on the transfer of employees.

The order to transfer to another job was officially approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation on 01/05/2004 N 1. This document is drawn up when transferring or moving an employee to an adjacent position within the same organization or branches. The act is also filled out when the employee moves to a new location (transfer to another department).

Grounds for issuing an order

The transfer order is drawn up on the basis of:

  • A memorandum containing the reason for the forced transfer, if the transfer is forced.
  • written by an employee with his personal consent;
  • The conclusions of doctors on the state of health of the employee to be transferred;
  • Production delays (up to 1 month);
  • In case of accidents at work (until the causes of force majeure are eliminated).

Features of storing a transfer order

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a transfer order drawn up according to the T-5 / T-5a forms is a document of a permanent storage period: the order remains in the company for 75 years from the date of its signing. The terms are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 N 558.

How to draw up an order on bonuses for employees and in what cases employees are entitled to bonuses, you can find out

Order forms

The act is drawn up and in free form, and according to unified forms T-5a and T-5.

  1. When writing an order in a derivative form, a form is used, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
  2. Forms are also used: T-5a, when several employees need to be transferred at once, and T-5 when transferring one person.

Transfer order structure

Regardless of the form in which the transfer order is drawn up, The document contains the following points:

  • Name;
  • The serial number of the act;
  • Name of organization and OKPO;
  • Full name of the employee / employees;
  • The name of the previous place (department) of work, indicating the position;
  • Date of preparation;
  • The basis on which the transfer takes place;
  • Salary increase for the new position and the amount of the previous salary.

You can learn how to draw up an order for hiring an employee and download its sample.

Arbitrary form of order

To draw up an act of transfer in any form, an organization form drawn up in accordance with GOST must be used. The text of the order should not contain introductions: the first word should be "Translate".

The next paragraph states (the sequence is preserved):

  • Name and position held;
  • New position and branch;
  • Date of transfer of the employee to a new position;
  • The motive for the translation.



1. Lozhkin Vitaly Vladimirovich, process engineer, with his consent to the position of a programmer from March 20, 2016 in the information technology department.

2. Install Lozhkin V.V. wages in the amount of 25.000 rubles. per month.

3. For the Deputy Director to hold Lozhkin V.V. briefing on safety and labor protection rules.

4. To acquaint V.V. Lozhkin with this order. under painting.

Base: Written consent of Lozhkin V.V., Art. 25 of the Labor Code, a personal statement of the directors of the departments where the employee is transferred, and a memo from the head of the structural unit.

An order to transfer an employee to another position - a sample to fill out:

Sample order for the transfer of an employee to another position.

How to fill out an order to transfer an employee to another job in the T-5 and T-5A forms?

When using the established forms T-5a and T-5, filling out the order is simplified, since the necessary columns have already been filled in. The documents themselves are filled out by employees of the personnel service in the personnel department.

Basic rules for filling out an order

1. Name of organization included in the act in its entirety.

2. The OKPO code is indicated in accordance with the document received at.

3. The date of the order can be affixed in three ways:

  • December 23, 2015
  • 23.12.2015
  • 2015.12.23

4. When transferring from temporary work to permanent count The date is not filled in.

5. The type of transfer in T-5a is crossed out, in T-5 it is written manually in the designated column.

6. The start time of work at the previous position is indicated in the form according to employment contract or in accordance with the memorandum.

7. The period for which an employee can be transferred at the initiative of the director, is 1 month.

Order on the transfer of an employee to another job - a sample to fill out you can download

Order on the transfer of an employee to another job form T-5:

Sample order for the transfer of an employee to another job form T-5.

Order to transfer an employee to another job form T-5a:

Sample order for the transfer of an employee to another job form T-5a.

Possible difficulties in filling out forms T-5 and T-5a

As mentioned above, in the case of transfer to a "permanent" date in the order is not indicated. However, with a temporary transfer, it happens that it is impossible to predict the time the employee will return to his position. For example, in the case of a long-term illness of an employee who held a position, pregnancy, missing, etc.

In such cases, there are two methods of registration of the column the date:

  • In line By describes the event that will mark the end of the transfer of the employee. The event is described in full, so you can increase the size of the column and the number of lines.
  • The second method involves filling in the column after the specified event .

If, due to health problems obtained during production activities, the employee is transferred to a position with a reduced salary, payments are recalculated.

The accounting department has the right to an additional act, and the director has the right to refer to it when filling out the Tariff rate column. The addition of lines in this column is provided for by law.

How to arrange the transfer of an employee to another job and for how long it can be done, you can find out in the following video:

  • Automatic completion standard forms documents
  • Printing Documents with Signature and Seal Image
  • Letterhead with your logo and details
  • Uploading documents in Excel, PDF, CSV formats
  • Sending documents by email directly from the system

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There are situations when an employee needs to be transferred to another job - due to production needs, for health reasons or own will. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of an employee to another job is carried out only with the written consent of the employee himself. Exceptions may be cases provided for in Parts 2 and 3 of Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code. The employer does not have the right to offer an employee a transfer to a position that is not suitable for him for health reasons. There are two types of transfer of an employee to another job: permanent or temporary. The transfer can be initiated by both the employer and the employee.

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How to fill out a transfer order correctly

Filling out the T-5 form begins with details that will provide the document with the necessary legal force. These include:

Title of the document;
- date of drawing up the document, its serial number;
- the name of the organization in which the document was drawn up;
- position and surname of the employee responsible for drawing up the document, signature (the signature is placed at the bottom of the document).

The name of the organization is indicated in full, that is, in exactly the same way as it is indicated in founding documents. The following methods can be used to date an order:
- using words and numbers (for example, May 22, 2012);
- Arabic numerals in the order "day, month, year" (for example, 05/22/2012);
- in Arabic numerals in the order "year, month, day" (for example, 2012.05.22).
When filling out the T-5 form, OKPO (All-Russian classifiers of enterprises and organizations), OKUD ( All-Russian classifier management documentation).

The text of the order must begin with the words "transfer to another job." Next, the date on which the employee will be transferred is written. If the transfer is temporary, then the exact terms of the transfer are indicated. Such a situation may arise, for example, when replacing an employee for a period of leave to care for a child under the age of three. Depending on the amount of information, you can expand the rows and columns in tabular forms. According to Part 5 of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 N 20, it is allowed to make changes in the field of line extensions and columns unified form document.

Be sure to indicate the basis for the transfer, which is usually an appendix to the employment contract.

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In the case of an employee being transferred to a new position within the same company, an appropriate order is issued in a single T-5 form. The form and the finished sample, as well as the features of filling out the form, are discussed in the article.

Compiled when an employee is transferred to a new position (within the same company). The transfer may be due to various reasons:

  • moving to another region (to work in a branch or at the head office of the company);
  • replacement of another employee (for example, in connection with a long sick leave);
  • transfer to a new department in connection with the reorganization of structural units, etc.

An employee can switch to permanent or temporary work- the content and form do not change from this.

Sample and order form 2017 - 2018

A blank T-5 form is shown below.

And here is a finished sample that can be used when drawing up an order.

NOTE. Both printed and handwritten filling (in blue or black pen) is allowed. However, blots, corrections, illegible text, tears and other violations are prohibited. If an error is found, a new document should be drawn up, and the old one should be torn.

Filling instructions

The document must fill in all fields that contain the following data:

  1. Codes for OKUD and OKPO.
  2. The name of the organization (an abbreviated version is allowed, for example, Romashka LLC or IP Svetly V.A.).
  3. Date of compilation and date of translation in the format 12/11/2017.
  4. The final transfer date is filled in in cases where it is initially known that the employee will replace another employee temporarily, and the deadline is defined. Temporary transfer is possible in many situations, for example:
  • replacing an employee who left for maternity leave, the end of which is known;
  • replacement of an employee who received a medical contraindication, in connection with which treatment was prescribed, the expiration date of which is known;
  • the transferring employee received a temporary medical contraindication, and the end date of treatment is also known in advance, etc.

In other cases, a dash is put in this field (you can also just leave it blank).

  1. Full surname, first name and patronymic of the employee, his personnel number.
  2. The type of transfer is permanent or temporary. In the case of temporary, as a rule, it is known beforehand how long the employee will hold another position.
  3. Next, you need to indicate the previous place of work: it is prescribed structural subdivision(if any) - usually a department, as well as the full title of the position. The name must exactly match the one indicated in the employment contract, work book and other documents.
  4. Similar information is provided for the new place (regardless of whether it will be temporary or permanent): the name of the structural unit (if any) and the title of the position.
  5. The salary is described by the tariff rate and the allowance (if any). The amount is indicated in figures with an accuracy of kopecks (if necessary, the symbol "00" is written). If there is no surcharge, the field should be left blank.
  6. The last part indicates the date of preparation and the number of the employment contract. The responsible person (usually the director of a division or branch) signs, decrypts the signature (surname, initials) and writes down the full name of his position.
  7. On the very bottom line, the employee must put his personal signature and the date of familiarization. A similar signature and date are entered in the register of internal documentation, which is kept in free form.

NOTE. In the line "Date ... from ... to ..." fill in the date of the transfer. As for the line "by", there are different versions of its origin, one of which is discussed above (temporary translation). Along with this, sometimes instead of the date they prescribe possible cause, which would stop working in a new place - for example, a full recovery and the removal of relevant medical contraindications.

Reverse side of the order

An employee of the personnel department, at his own discretion (as well as at the request of management), can create notes on the reverse side:

  • about undelivered things that are still registered with the employee;
  • about the equipment for which he is still responsible;
  • about undelivered documents that he must bring to deadlines other.

The company may also use its own sample transfer order instead of (or along with) the T-5 form. However, it is preferable to use this particular document - it is convenient because it contains almost all the necessary fields, it is filled in simply and clearly.

How to reflect the tariff rate

This issue also needs further consideration. Current labor law provides that if an employee is transferred to a position that obviously should be paid lower due to medical contraindications, then lower pay is not allowed. Labor Code prescribes maintaining the average earnings in the current place for at least 1 month from the day the transfer is made.

However, if the disease is directly related to professional activity(e.g. injury due to an industrial accident), then the average earnings from the old job must be maintained until the day when:

  • the employee will make a full recovery;
  • or permanent disability will be recognized, the onset of which occurred as a result of an industrial injury or other disease associated with professional activity.

Both cases must be supported by relevant medical documents. In such non-standard situations, you should not rush to fill it out - first you need to carefully analyze the situation and find out the position of the current labor legislation.

Transfer order

From the perspective of the HR department, the order looks something like this:

  1. Leadership declares its intentions.
  2. An order is being made.
  3. An appropriate entry is made in the work book (as shown in the sample below).

When temporary transfer You do not need to make an entry in the work book.

If several employees are transferred at once

In most cases, it is more advisable to use another form - T-5a, which completely coincides with the main one. The only difference is the presence of additional lines in which data about employees are entered. An example document is shown below.

Orders issued by company management must always have a basis. In this case, they may be statement written on behalf of the employee himself (with the rationale for this desire) or memorandum from the head of the structural unit, which must contain strong arguments for the completion of this procedure. If the transfer occurs at the initiative of the employer, then the employee must first be poisoned notification about the upcoming changes in his career.

Who is preparing the document

Usually, writing such orders is within the competence of a specialist in the personnel department, a lawyer, the head of a structural unit, or, in extreme cases, the secretary of an enterprise. But, regardless of who is filling out the document, it must be approved by the director, as well as by the transferred employee himself.

Preparation of documents on the basis of an order to transfer an employee to another job

The algorithm for processing a translation depends on its type. To assign a person to perform other work on permanent basis The employer must follow the following procedure:

  • Conclude an additional agreement, which will specify the nature new work, position, salary, name of the structural unit, etc. This agreement is signed by two parties (employer and employee) and is considered an integral part of the contract itself. If the employee does not agree to a new position, he continues to work, as before, in accordance with his employment contract
  • On the basis of an additional agreement, order (instruction) on the transfer of an employee to a new position in the form of T-5, T-5a. If the employee requests, the employer must provide him with a certified copy of this order. The employee signs “Acquainted with the order”.
  • Make an appropriate entry in the work book (if the work is permanent). In column 4 work book you must specify the details of the transfer order. The entry must be made within a week from the date of issuance of the order.
  • Enter information about the appointment in the employee's personal card (if the work is permanent).
  • Entries are made in other documents organizations.

Basic rules for ordering

Today, the law says that an order to transfer an employee from one position to another can be issued in a free form. However, many enterprises and organizations in the old fashioned way prefer to use the previously approved and widespread T-5 form. This is understandable: the form contains all the necessary data, including information about the employer and subordinate, information about the former and new place of work, the reasons for the transfer, etc.

The order can be filled out both by hand and on a computer, but it is printed in a single copy and, after writing, is transmitted first to the manager for signature, and then for review by the employee for whom it was drawn up. His autograph on the document will indicate that he agrees with the transfer to a specific position with the designation of a specific tariff rate and other conditions.

Once issued, the order must be without fail registered in the internal register of documents, and then transferred for storage to the personnel department.

The procedure for filling out the order form in the T-5 form

The order form must be completed with the following information:

  • name of the employer's company, OKPO;
  • number and date of issue of the order - the number is determined by the numbering of the administrative documentation in accordance with the registration journal, which all companies are required to keep, the number can be supplemented letter designations for comfort;
  • date of transfer to another job - the day when the employee begins new duties;
  • in the “to” line, the date of completion of the performance of duties in the new position should be indicated, the field is filled in if the transfer is made for a limited period;
  • Full name, personnel number of the employee to be transferred to another job within the organization, the data to be filled in can be found in the T-2 personal card;
  • type of transfer - permanent or temporary;
  • former place of work - the position and unit that the employee leaves;
  • reason for movement within the organization;
  • new place of work - unit, position, information about wages (rate, salary, allowances);
  • ground - a document justifying the transfer, as a rule, an additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract, which specifies changes in the place of work, indicates the number and date of this ground document, and another document may also be the ground, for example, a medical report, if the reason for moving to another work - the state of health of the employee, transfer application from an employee;
  • approving signature of the director of the company;
  • familiarization signature of the employee.

When you can not and when you can refuse to transfer

There are situations in which the employer does not have the right to refuse to transfer an employee to another position: this is the employee’s pregnancy and the presence of young children, the presence of medical indications, etc. But, for example, a transfer to reduce staff or to another locality at the initiative of the organization is possible only with the personal written consent of the employee.

During the period of work at the enterprise, its employees can be transferred from one position to another. This can happen for completely different reasons: promotion and demotion, the release of a vacancy, the employee receiving a new specialty, for medical reasons, etc. Regardless of what circumstances gave rise to such a rearrangement, this action must be properly documented. One of the main documents that accompany the transfer of an employee from one position to another within the organization is the order of the head to transfer to another job in the T-5 form:


An important clarification: if there are any changes in the name of the employee’s position in the process of carrying out his activities, but at the same time the essence of the work performed labor functions remains the same, no transfer order is required.

What is the basis for the order

Orders issued by company management must always have a basis. In this case, they may be statement written on behalf of the employee himself (with the rationale for this desire) or memorandum from the head of the structural unit, which must contain strong arguments for the completion of this procedure. If the transfer occurs at the initiative of the employer, then the employee must first be poisoned notification about the upcoming changes in his career.

Who is preparing the document

Usually, writing such orders is within the competence of a specialist in the personnel department, a lawyer, the head of a structural unit, or, in extreme cases, the secretary of an enterprise. But, regardless of who is filling out the document, it must be approved by the director, as well as by the transferred employee himself.

Basic rules for ordering

Today, the law says that an order to transfer an employee from one position to another can be issued in a free form. However, many enterprises and organizations in the old fashioned way prefer to use the previously approved and widespread T-5 form. This is understandable: the form contains all the necessary data, including information about the employer and subordinate, information about the former and new place of work, the reasons for the transfer, etc.

The order can be filled out both by hand and on a computer, but it is printed in a single copy and, after writing, is transmitted first to the manager for signature, and then for review by the employee for whom it was drawn up. His autograph on the document will indicate that he agrees with the transfer to a specific position with the designation of a specific tariff rate and other conditions.

After registration, the order must be mandatory registered in the internal register of documents, and then transferred for storage to the personnel department.

An example of filling out an order to transfer an employee to another job in the T-5 form

The standard sample in the T-5 form is quite simple and should not cause any difficulties during registration.

The first part of the T-5 form

The first part of the document indicates the full name of the organization, the OKPO code (in accordance with the registration papers), as well as its number according to the internal document flow and the date of its compilation.
Below is the period during which the employee will work in another position.

  • If the translation is temporary, then the start date and end date of the work (if the latter is known) should be indicated.
  • If the transfer is made on an ongoing basis, then you need to set only the date from which the employee will be required to begin his new duties.

In addition, with a constant translation, information about him must be entered in the employee’s personal file, as well as draw up an additional agreement with him to the employment contract (on changes in working conditions, etc. parameters).

The second part of the T-5 form

In the second part of the document, information about the previous place of work of the employee is first entered, namely, the structural unit where he worked and his position (in accordance with staffing). In the next line you need to indicate the reason for the transfer.

The second table contains information about the new location:

  • department name,
  • job title,
  • as well as the size of the tariff rate and all possible allowances due to the employee.

Next, you need to make a link to the documents that served as the basis for issuing the order: usually this is either a statement from the employee or a memorandum from his immediate superior. If the transfer was caused by some other factors (for example, an employee’s illness), then data from the justifying document (for example, a medical report) must be entered here.

In conclusion, the order should be transferred to the employee for review. Without his signature, the document will have no legal value.

When you can not and when you can refuse to transfer

There are situations in which the employer does not have the right to refuse to transfer an employee to another position: this is the employee’s pregnancy and the presence of young children, the presence of medical indications, etc. But, for example, a transfer to reduce staff or to another locality at the initiative of the organization is possible only with the personal written consent of the employee.

The employee himself can, at any time and on any grounds, refuse the transfer initiated by the employer, as well as demand from him to provide another, more suitable position, with working conditions that suit him.