How to send a registered letter. Registered letter and other types of mailing correspondence

It is not always possible for us to hand over certain documents in person. And so you have to resort to the services of the post office. But sending by mail is a simple matter. But how do you know if it reached the one to whom it was sent? If your letter is very important and you need to know if it reached the addressee, then you need to send a notification letter. And if you decide to use this mail service, then you should learn how to send a letter with a notification.

  1. So, you have some important document that needs to be sent to someone. To do this, you need to send a registered letter with notification. You come to the post office and buy a special envelope and stamps for it.
  2. Place the letter in an envelope and seal it. Next, you need to sign the envelope. Write the recipient's address and name. Also write down your details. Do not forget to note on the envelope that you have a registered letter with a notification.
  3. Now it is the turn of filling out the notification itself, on which on one side you write your name and address, and on the other side the address and name of the recipient. Notification can be of several types:
    • Simple
    • Custom
    • Cash on delivery
    • declared value
  4. Postal workers stick the notice on the back of the envelope so that it does not cover the address. When the letter is delivered to its destination, this notice will be removed from the envelope and sent to you.
  5. Now the letter remains to be weighed, to stick to it all the necessary stamps. Then you will be issued a receipt for payment for the service. This receipt is extremely important to you, as it will contain detailed information about the letter you sent:
    • Name and address of sender and recipient
    • Departure type
    • The weight of the letter
    • Date the letter was sent
    • barcode number
    • Amount paid
    • The name of the postal worker who sent the letter.
  6. You must keep this receipt, since it, like the notification you received about the delivery of the letter, is a document that you can present as evidence that the letter was sent personally by you at a certain post office on such and such a date.
  7. The latest innovation of the Russian Post is this: after paying the receipt, you will receive a 14-digit number that will allow you to track the movement of your letter around the country. You can do this on the official website of the Russian Post. But, unfortunately, you will have to wait a week or two for the notification to return to your hands. To speed up the delivery process, you can choose and pay for a faster, but also more expensive, type of shipment, such as 1st class shipment or air delivery.

Thus, sending a registered letter with a notification is not difficult at all. If you need to send an important document or letter, then you can safely use this postal service.

Often, people do not have the opportunity to personally present documents to the court. The obstacles are the lack of money for travel, the remoteness of the court from the place of residence of the citizen, illness and many other circumstances. To overcome this, you can and should use the postal service. How to do it? Not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

When sending a standard letter in a regular envelope (by dropping it into a familiar blue mailbox), you should remember that if the letter is lost, no one is responsible for this. For guaranteed delivery of correspondence, there are registered items: registered and valuable letters. Forms, documents, receipts, reports requiring guaranteed delivery are sent by registered mail. Registered written correspondence is accepted from the sender with the issuance of a receipt to him and handed over to the addressee with a receipt of receipt.
A registered letter will certainly reach the addressee, as it is assigned a unique identification number, with which it will be possible to track its movement throughout the country - this number will be marked at each postal point through which the letter passes. Also, before sending the letter, an inventory of its contents is made, after which the sender is issued a coupon (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 No. 221 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services”).

The secrecy of postal messages within the scope of postal operators is guaranteed by the state. Inspection and opening of postal items, inspection of their attachments, as well as other restrictions on the secrecy of communication are allowed only on the basis of a court decision. Therefore, the issue of disclosure of the circumstances of the application to the court cannot take place.

The requirements are the same

You need to know about the basic requirements for a registered letter:
- delivery of registered letters is carried out in sealed and properly filled envelopes;
- maximum dimensions - from 110x220 mm or 114x162 mm (euro), up to 229 x 324 mm (large, A4 format);
- weight limit - no more than 100 grams.
- when registering a registered letter with a simple notification, the completed card - a notification of delivery - is attached ("dotted", with glue) on the back of the envelope;
- Letters that do not meet the specified dimensions and weight of the item are not subject to postage and are returned to senders.

A special case

Before sending, you need to make sure that all the necessary documents are collected, as well as check the correctness of their preparation and filling.
According to the existing rules with a description of the attachment, a registered letter cannot be sent - only a valuable letter. In some cases, the procedural legislation of Russia specifically indicates that documents must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. If you have such a case, then the inventory of the documents to be sent should be drawn up not on a postal form, but in the form of a cover letter.
Collect all documents that you intend to send by registered mail. Write a cover letter on a separate piece of paper. In the upper right corner, enter the recipient of the letter. As a title, write: "About sending documents." In the text of the letter, briefly explain the purpose for which you are sending them. Below, as attachments, list the names of all documents you send. Put the date, your signature with a transcript and contact details.
Seal your cover letter with all attachments in an envelope. Write the detailed address of the recipient and go to the post office - send it all by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (if notification is necessary).

On September 1 last year, a new state sign of postal payment - “Letter D” was put into circulation. Thanks to this innovation, it will become easier and more convenient to pay for the forwarding of registered letters weighing up to 20 grams. In the past, senders had to stick stamps on "Letter A" envelopes designed to send simple letters. Now they will be able to send registered mail in new letter D envelopes, thus saving time.

Value is up to you

If you still decide to send documents by insured letter, fill out the attachment inventory form Form 107. Fill out two standard forms according to the sample, as one copy will remain with you and the second will be sent to the recipient. If necessary, you can also issue a notification of receipt form.
Assign the value of documents as you wish. The higher the value, the more compensation you will receive if the letter is lost, but the more you will pay for sending it. Typically, such letters are valued at 10 rubles. Separate attachments can be left without evaluation, in which case a dash is put in the corresponding column of the inventory.
When inscribing the envelope, in addition to the addresses of the sender and recipient, also indicate the total cost of investments. Usually it is written on the free space of the envelope on top. The amount of rubles is indicated in words, kopecks - in numbers. Do not seal the envelope with documents until the postman checks the attachments and certifies the inventory with his signature and the seal of the department. Get your copy of the inventory and payment receipt from the postal worker.

For a letter of value, the sender indicates a "declared value", which is fully or partially refundable if the letter is lost or damaged.

Like a registered letter, a valuable letter is a registered item, its delivery and delivery can be tracked using a tracking number. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a valuable letter is handed over personally to the addressee against signature or to the addressee's representative by proxy.

To calculate the time and cost of delivery, use the postal calculator or check out the rates for delivering letters in Russia and abroad.


the size

the size

Maximum weight

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

Minimum size

110 × 220 mm (Euro envelope) or 114 × 162 mm (C6 format)

Maximum size

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

Maximum weight

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

How to send

  1. Buy any envelope of the right size, enclose a letter and write the address . You can buy an envelope at the post office.
  2. Give the envelope with the letter to the post office employee and state the amount of declared value in rubles that you want to receive as compensation in case of loss or damage to the letter.
  3. If you need a notification of receipt, take the notification form on the table at the post office (for shipments within Russia - the form f. 119, for shipments abroad - the CN 07 form), fill it out and give it along with the letter to the Postal employee.
  4. If you need an inventory of the attachment, fill out 2 copies of the inventory form (f. 107) and send it along with the letter to the operator. Or fill out the forms on the website.
    ATTENTION! A letter with a list of attachments is sent to the department employee in clear form for verification.
  5. If you need a cash on delivery service, tell the operator the amount of cash on delivery in rubles.
  6. If SMS notification is required, fill in the SMS notification form and hand it over to the operator.

Additional services

  • Delivery Notice. You will receive a receipt signed by the addressee.
  • Attachment Description. You will receive a confirmation of the contents of the letter and the date it was sent, certified by the postal worker.
  • C.O.D. To receive a letter, the addressee will have to pay the amount you specified.
  • SMS notification on the arrival of the item at the office and delivery to the addressee. The service is available only when shipping within Russia.
  • Air shipment- Air transport is delivered faster.

Please note that the Inventory of attachments, Cash on delivery and SMS notification services are available only for sending items within the territory of Russia.

Sending is carried out only through employees of post offices and has a number of distinctive features.

Features and differences of a registered letter

A registered letter is always delivered faster than usual, but in addition it has other fundamental differences:

  1. The sender always has the ability to track a registered letter with Internet access, unlike a simple letter. However, the cost of simple letters is also the most inexpensive, so they can be used if your letter does not carry much value.
  2. Delivery time usually ranges from one day to two weeks.
  3. The sender can send such a letter with an acknowledgment of receipt, thanks to which you can find out when the addressee received the letter and whether he received it at all.
  4. A registered letter, according to the rules of the post office, is stored in the office for five days from the date of delivery. Such a letter is not dropped into the addressee's box at the place of residence: the person, having received the appropriate notice, picks up the envelope himself.

This option is recommended when sending abroad: mail employees treat such letters more carefully than simple ones, because if necessary, the sender can track the location of the sent mail. There were precedents when, after all possible delivery times, the senders sued the Russian Post, and such cases were won in the vast majority of cases, so postal employees are interested in ensuring that there are no such excesses.

Limitation on the volume and weight of the letter

In terms of size, all letters sent by the Russian Post must comply with a certain size and weight, the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bof which are 229x324 mm and 100 g, respectively. There is also a lower threshold for the size: the dimensions of the envelope cannot be less than 110x220 mm (in Russia) or 114x162 mm (for sending abroad).

The cost of sending depends on the weight of the letter. Despite the fact that this is a small amount of money, it must be remembered that if the addressee does not receive a letter within a month, it will be sent back to the sender, who will have to re-pay for the shipment at the same rates.

How to send a registered letter

Sending a registered letter occurs in the following order:

  • the sender chooses an envelope, which can be an ordinary paper or a more expensive strong package;
  • the addresses of the sender and recipient are indicated on the sealed envelope;
  • a registration form is filled in, in which it is necessary to duplicate the data indicated on the envelope, and also indicate whether to deliver a letter with a notification;
  • the postal employee glues stamps on the envelope and stamps it with a registered letter, after which a unique number is indicated on it, which is necessary for tracking.

How to track registered mail

The identification number (track code) is used for tracking, and since it is impossible to find out where the letter sent by mail is located in another way, the check issued at the post office with this number must be kept until the letter is received by the addressee.

This number, which consists of 14 digits, is used to enter in the appropriate section on the Russian Post website, where you can find out where the letter is located by the track code. You should not check such information immediately after you have sent it: during the day (sometimes more) the letter may be in the post office until it is sent with the whole batch.

For example, if a letter is sent from St. Petersburg to Stavropol, most likely it will go through Moscow. In this case, on the first day, at best, you can get information on the website that the letter has left the “native” post office.

How to fill out a notice of delivery of a registered letter

The recipient is only required to sign in the appropriate field of the document, and the sender is required to take a responsible approach. The fact is that the notification has two sides: the recipient's data are indicated on the front, and the sender's data are indicated on the back. On the standard form, indications about this are made so unsuccessfully that senders are often confused and indicate information about themselves on the front side. This is not scary - after all, the letter will reach the addressee in any case. But you cannot be sure when this happened, and if it is impossible to contact the recipient in other ways, this can be critical.

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For more information on how to fill out a notice of delivery of a postal item in the form 119 to a registered letter, you can find by clicking on the link.


When tracking a letter, you can use not only the track code. Russian Post offers such an alternative as SMS notifications. In this case, the track number is also assigned to the letter, but entered into the special mailing database, where it will be linked to the sender's phone number. Information about the intermediate stages of the letter's journey is not received, however, the sender will receive a message about the receipt of the letter, and the addressee, if his phone number is indicated by the sender, will receive an SMS that the letter can already be picked up at the post office.

Sometimes, when receiving a registered letter, a person sees on the envelope strange at first glance stamps with incomprehensible information, for example, ASC DTI Moscow - what does this mean and how valuable information can such a mark be? In this case, this only indicates the fact that the envelope passed through an automatic sorting center (ASC), where the letter was assigned an additional technical index (STI).

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Are postmen required to deliver registered mail to your home?

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Federal Communications Agency Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Post of Russia” Order of December 5, 2014 N 423-P on approval of the special conditions for receiving, presenting, storing and returning postal items “Judicial”

to the order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post

dated 05.12.2014 N 423-p


3.1. The delivery of postal items of the “Judicial” category is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the provision of postal services, in terms of the delivery (delivery) of written correspondence, as well as the Procedure for receiving and handing in internal registered mail items.

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3.2. Registered letters and parcels of the “Judicial” category are delivered to the address indicated on the postal item and handed over personally to the addressee (or his authorized representative) against receipt in the notice f. 22 upon presentation of one of the documents specified in the appendix to these Special Conditions.

3.3. In the absence of the addressee, such letters and parcels may be delivered to adults living together with the addressee without a power of attorney upon presentation of one of the documents specified in the Appendix to these Special Conditions. At the same time, in the notification of delivery of the registered postal item f. 119 and in the notice f. 22 indicates the person to whom the shipment of the “Judicial” category was delivered, with the corresponding notes on the degree of kinship.

In the absence of the addressee at home, a notice f. 22 with the invitation of the addressee to the postal communication facility to receive the postal item.

3.4. In case of non-appearance of addressees for postal items of the “Judicial” category within 3 working days<1>after the delivery of primary notices, they are delivered and handed over against receipt of secondary notices f. 22nd century

<1>Working days are understood as the working time regime established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the duration of a six-day working week with one day off.

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If the day of delivery of the secondary notice f. 22-in coincides with the day off of the OPS, then it is delivered on the eve of the day off.

3.5. If the addressee refuses to receive a registered letter or parcel of the “Judicial” category, the postal worker delivering the postal item must record the refusal by putting a mark on this on the notification of delivery of the registered postal item f. 119.

3.6. Registered letters and parcels of the “Judicial” category not delivered to the addressees are stored in the post office for 7 calendar days. After the specified period, these postal items must be returned to the return address.

The calculation of the storage period must be made from the next day after the receipt of the postal item at the address post office<1>.

<1>Example 1: The shipment was received by the OPS on 02/02/2015.

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On February 2, 2015, it was not possible to deliver the shipment and a notice f. 22.

02/05/2015 a secondary notice f. 22nd century

On February 10, 2015, the shipment is returned to the return address (in case of expiration of the storage period).

Registered letter with notification - what is it, how much does it cost, how to send it?

What does registered mail mean?

Registered mail is a postal item that has an identification number. Using this number, you can track the movement of the item on the website of the Russian Post. At each stage of the movement of correspondence, the identifier is entered into a single database, which is regularly updated.

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Registered mail is handed over to the addressee or his representative, who has a power of attorney, in person. The addressee must sign the notice or statement upon receipt of the letter. If the recipient is not at home, the postman leaves a notice of registered mail. In this case, the addressee must come to the post office and receive correspondence after presenting the passport.

The weight of registered mail should not exceed 100 grams when sent within Russia or 2 kg when sent abroad. Registered letter can be of two types: simple or 1st class. Class 1 shipments are moved to the delivery point using aviation, so they reach the addressee much faster. Of course, the delivery of class 1 items is more expensive than ordinary ones.

Registered letter with notification - what is it?

Often, for registered mail, they also choose such an additional service as notification of delivery. This is a document confirming the receipt of the letter by the addressee. When sending important papers, it is official proof that the mail has been delivered to the recipient.

To apply for this service, you need to fill out a special notification form for the delivery of a registered letter, which can be obtained at the post office. The form filled out by the sender is sent to the destination along with the letter. After delivery of the correspondence, the recipient signs the notification, and it is sent back.

What is allowed in registered mail?

According to Order 114-p of the Russian Post, it is allowed to attach only written messages to any letters, including registered ones. The weight of the shipment should not exceed 100 g, and the size x 324 mm. Photos, manuscripts, printed publications should be sent in the form of a parcel. For them, the maximum allowable weight is 2 kg.

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How to send a registered letter?

To send registered mail, you need to contact any post office. Depending on the size and weight of the letter, you should take an envelope of the right size, indicate the addresses of the recipient and the sender on it, fill out the appropriate forms for additional services. The postal employee will calculate the cost of shipping, accept payment and issue a receipt.

Simple custom

If the sender does not need an acknowledgment of receipt, he can simply send a registered letter without any additional services.

Custom with notice

To send a registered letter with a notification, you first need to fill out a notification form, give it to the employee along with the letter and tell what other additional services you need.

Custom with a description of attachments

To forward a valuable postal item, use such an additional service as an attachment inventory. It is available only for shipment within the territory of Russia. The sender fills out a special form in two copies, which lists the items or documents to be sent, their quantity and declared value. The declared value is the amount that the sender will be able to receive if the registered item is lost or damaged.

The letter is handed over to the postal employee open, sealed after comparing the inventory and contents. One copy of the inventory remains with the sender. The addressee can open such a postal item in the presence of postal workers and check it against the inventory.

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If it turns out that the correspondence did not reach in full, the post office employee draws up an act. The act is sent to the main post office of the settlement, on the basis of it, an investigation is carried out within up to two months. Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient is compensated for the value of the items not received in accordance with the declared value. If the payment of compensation is delayed or refused to pay, you can use legal assistance.

How much does a registered letter cost?

The cost of sending a registered letter of the Russian Post depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, the distance between the points of departure and destination, the class of departure, etc. Tariffs for the delivery of letters and notifications are posted on the official website of the Russian Post. However, it is not easy to calculate the costs of a registered letter on your own, because you need to take into account many nuances.

To find out the approximate cost of sending, you can use the postage calculator on the Russian Post website. To do this, the online service indicates where and where the correspondence should be delivered, the weight or number of sheets in the letter, the delivery method, select the desired additional services and calculate the price.

Delivery times for registered mail

The delivery time for a registered item depends primarily on the distance between the points of departure and destination. The deadlines for sending written correspondence between cities of regional and regional significance are given in Resolution No. 160 of March 24. 2006. From the regional or regional center to cities on the territory of subordination, letters should arrive in 2 days, from the regional center to other settlements - in 3 days.

Frequently asked Questions

Since registered letters are rarely sent by ordinary citizens, they may have questions regarding this type of mail.

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What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter?

A registered letter differs from a simple departure by mandatory registration. The sender simply drops a regular letter into the nearest mailbox. Registered mail is handed over to the postal worker. The employee applies the so-called bar postal identifier (SPI) to the registered item and registers it in a single database. Then he weighs the letter, specifies the method of delivery, accepts payment and issues a receipt. Registered mail is delivered to the addressee in person, and the postman puts a simple letter in the mailbox with the apartment number.

How to fill out a notice of delivery of a registered letter?

A form for notification of delivery of registered mail can be obtained from the postal worker or printed from the site and filled out in advance to save time. On the front side you should indicate:

  • type and category of shipment;
  • Name and address of the recipient of the notification of delivery;

On the back of the form indicate:

  • type and category of postal item;
  • Name and address of the recipient of the registered letter.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

Forwarding mail by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt is a guarantee that the letter will not be lost and will be handed over to the recipient personally, and the sender will be informed of the delivery.

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(St. Petersburg and Leningrad region)

Why doesn't the post office deliver registered letters to your home?

Shouldn't registered letters be brought home? Why do you have to follow them to the post office?

there are too many complaints about postmen that they throw registered letters into the box without signing about the receipt of the owners of the boxes themselves, thus court letters that notify that you were summoned to court as someone you did not receive, and the case passed without you and a sentence or conclusion was passed and imagine that it is not in your favor and now how much you have to run now in order to protest the decision. something like this!

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A registered letter must be brought to your home, and handed over personally, after filling out the notice. But if at the time of visiting your apartment the postman did not find you at home, he will leave a notice in your mailbox. In this case, you will have to go to the post office yourself.

P.S. Often the postman is heavily loaded with mail, so he simply does not take these letters and bothers only with throwing notices in the boxes, but there are those workers who simply simplify their work in this way.

In general, as it turned out, they should. But there is a problem that for this they simply do not have enough people. That is, for example, in the department where I receive parcels, four postmen work, and the territory, considering the new buildings, is simply huge. Once, about fifteen years ago, the leadership approved such a staff, and in those days it was normal. That is, there were about thirty ten-story houses in the area, and then there was a forest. Now several more streets have been rebuilt on the site of the forest, and they have been built up with huge houses from 17 to 25 floors. As far as I can see it, the area has increased at least five times. And the number of postmen and other workers in the department has not changed. No one is going to open another branch. Last year, even a local deputy tried to achieve this, but the Russian Post staunchly suppressed all these attempts. Therefore, it turns out that on the territory (almost all new houses are inhabited, there is no passage due to the number of cars, despite the huge number of parking lots, there are a lot of people), where even ten people will be few, four are still working (and then, provided that they are full staff, which, it seems, also never happens due to low salaries). In my opinion, even with all the desire, the postman will not be able to deliver all the letters to the house. It's just that if you take a moment to distract yourself from your discontent and imagine yourself in the postman's place, it seems to me that this is simply unrealistic. For example, he has fifteen high-rise buildings on his site (on average, we have more apartment buildings on nearby streets). And first he needs to spread the mail itself. Probably, in order to also deliver letters, he will have to walk around the clock. Therefore, it turns out, as always, in Russia - the ambitions of the postal management are exorbitant, since they say that everything should be, but no one wants to allocate funds for this, because then you will have to cut the income of a huge army of parasite leaders. I think if there was a competitive salary and a reasonable number of posts of postmen, then everything would be fine, that is, letters would be delivered and other services would be provided properly. In the meantime, in the current conditions, almost any department is a complete mess, because people are simply not interested in holding on to their jobs, even in the conditions of the so-called crisis.

Our mail carriers are smart too. They pretend that they came, but I was not at home. They left a notice naturally, but it got lost somewhere.

I always track the number and go to the post office myself.

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Before that there was a postman, so he always brought everything, and this lazy person.

Write a complaint to the head of the post office. And know that as soon as a registered letter arrives, it must be delivered to the address. Naturally, if the sorting was late, then the delivery is the next day.

Registered letters are usually brought home, but they can also just leave a notice if the person was not at home.

This year they sent me a registered parcel, the notice has not yet arrived, but I tracked the parcel on the mail site. When I came to the post office, the operator told me that registered parcels are brought to the house. About an hour later, a courier came and brought my parcel, filling out a notice. Accordingly, a registered letter must be brought home.

The postman must bring registered letters to your home on the first day the letter arrives at the post office! If the letter was brought, but you were not found at home, then you will be left with a notice with which you will have to go to the post office yourself with your passport. After filling out this notice, indicating your passport details and signing the receipt of the letter, you will be given a letter. Only the storage period is 30 days from the first day when the notice was brought to you! If you do not know when the notice was brought to you, look at the seal in the notice, the date will be printed there and count 30 days from this date! Court letters are kept for 7 days.

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If the postman brought you home on the first day, you only notice-complain! It is not right! But the postman is obliged to bring the letter to your home only on the first day. After 5 days, he will bring you another reminder notice, but this is without a letter!

Registered letters

Previously, they brought it to the house.

Now only notifications are left.

You might think that the rules have changed, but on every letter I see an entry like this: "12/20/2010 8:20 am not at home."

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I was tired of going to the post office and pushing pensioners-Russians in line in order to receive another "letter of happiness" from some Pension Fund.

Are there any rules about this?

I would go into querulism.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2000 No. 725 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of postal services"

III. Delivery and delivery of postal items and postal money orders

96. The following items addressed to citizens at the place of residence are subject to home delivery:

a) postcards, ordinary and registered letters and parcels, notifications of delivery of postal items and postal orders;

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33. Postal items (postal orders) are delivered (paid) in accordance with the addresses indicated on them or issued (paid) at postal facilities.

The procedure for the delivery of postal items (payment of postal orders) to the address of a legal entity is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator. [*]

11.3. Registered and insured letters and parcels, as well as registered notices, are issued to recipients against receipt on notices f.22, and parcels - against receipt from the addressee on the reverse side of the address part of the form to the parcel. [*]

But why then these marks about the absence of the addressee?

they must bring you a notice against signature, and not throw it in a box, which is why they write about non-delivery due to the addressee's absence at home

There is almost always someone at home. But over the past couple of years, I have not received a single registered letter.

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The last point, which indicates delivery in hand.

I contacted the delivery department in correspondence directly with the boss. For some time they began to call and bring, now they scored again

They will answer: "Come, we will give you."

This is your mail. I have to go to the post office only for letters with notifications.

Weird. They always bring home letters to me by registered mail, with notification. From the tax, pension, agenda, etc. In the event that I am not at home, they leave notices, then I have to go to the post office. The postman's mark shows whether I was at home or not. Moscow, if anything.

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Judging by the text of the Government's decree, they have a right, but not an obligation. 🙁

Registered mail how to deliver

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postmen do not deliver a registered letter with notification to the organization

I sent a registered letter by mail with a notification to my employer, it contains sick leaves. Sent across Moscow from one end of the city to the other. Difficult situation with the employer: I am pregnant, the pregnancy is difficult, I have been on sick leave for a long time. and I actively offer to leave. The postal workers informed me that the organization is located on the territory of the business center, the postmen will not carry my letter to the addressee - it is difficult to search. Several notifications will be sent to the organization so that an authorized person comes from it and picks up the correspondence. As you understand, it is in the interests of the organization not to receive my letter. Accordingly, the letter will return at best back to me. and maybe even lost.

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Really in the organization registered letters with the notification should not deliver? What do i do?

2. A letter with a delivery notification, does it have my address and full name on it? Is not it?

3. The head of the post office, in an oral conversation on the phone, says that the courier rarely comes by notification from our organization (once a month), of course, this is most likely an excuse.

Previously, she herself worked as a secretary in this organization, although the office was located in another district of Moscow. The postman himself delivered similar correspondence to the office on the 6th floor, while the 1st floor had to go up the stairs (the elevator went only up to the 5th floor). And now the head of the post office refers to Art. 31, on which they don’t go further than the 1st floor, and now the office is just on the 1st floor. They are clearly trying to mislead me.

I called the post office where the letter is, the head said that under article 31, they do not go to business centers, further than the 1st floor. My organization occupies just 1 floor. And then it turns out a closed territory, general security, and then my organization. You can probably get to an authorized person by calling (internal phone) and having a passport. Apparently I'm "footballed" not only by the employer, but also by postal employees

But the post office will not be able to forcefully deliver letters, and it doesn’t matter here whether the postmen deliver it or the employee has to go there with his feet. Similarly, you cannot force an organization to collect its mail.

Call the courier for courier delivery, the spine of the form will remain with you, the courier will PERSONALLY find and give your message to your employers against signature (you can track the path of the letter through their website, you will even see the time and name of the recipient).

Courier Services: DHL, UPS, Courier Service, etc.

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“Marry me!”: Ksenia Borodina parodied Syabitova

“What are the stains?”: A brilliant dress unsuccessfully illuminated Heidi Klum

58-year-old Maribel Guardia amazed the Network with the figure of a young beauty

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Much attention is traditionally paid to the processes of preparing and recording documents, but their delivery to the addressee, in particular by postal services, is practically not considered. Meanwhile, there are plenty of difficulties here. The more letters a company sends, the more pressing is the question of how to streamline the sending process and make it as efficient as possible at a minimum cost.

In this article, we will consider the types of mail, the order of their accounting and search, as well as ways to automate the process of sending correspondence by mail.

Who is responsible for sending mail?

If the volume of correspondence in the organization is large enough, the process of sending mail needs to be centralized. Usually these duties are assigned to the secretary or courier. Their task is to organize this process in such a way as to spend as little time as possible on it.

Indeed, such an approach to sending letters, when the performers themselves go to the post office, is irrational and is suitable only for those organizations where the volume of mailings is calculated in units. The disadvantages of this approach are obvious:

  • it is difficult to track whether the performer really went to the post office;
  • the more often the performer writes letters, the more often he is forced to visit the post office, spending his working time, and hence the employer's money, on the road;
  • with a large amount of work, performers are forced to go to the post office after the working day, which, because of this, increases accordingly.

We work with Russian Post

Most organizations work with Russian Post today mainly because it offers the most favorable shipping rates, delivers items anywhere in the country and can document receipt of correspondence by the addressee, which is very important in case of litigation.

For comparison: non-state express postal services work only with those settlements where they have branches; sometimes they can notify about delivery only by SMS message and their services are more expensive.

The work of the Russian Post is strictly regulated. It is advisable for the employee responsible for sending correspondence to familiarize themselves with the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law No. 176-FZ of July 17, 1999 “On Postal Communications” (as amended on December 6, 2011);
  • Rules for the provision of postal services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 No. 221;
  • The procedure for receiving and handing in internal registered mail, approved by order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" dated May 17, 2012 No. 114-p;
  • The procedure for receiving, delivering and handing in internal parcel mail, approved by order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post dated January 24, 2007 No. 28-p;
  • Guidelines for accepting international mail (as amended on 10/17/2013 at the time of this writing).

If the volume of letters does not allow them to be handed over on a general basis, standing in line, it is possible to conclude with mail corporate service contract. In this case, on the set days, a post office worker will come to the organization and pick up letters prepared by the secretary or courier. At the next visit, the postal worker will bring the completed shipping documents. Detailed information about this service is available on the website of the post office., and also willingly provided by hotline operators.

What are the letters?

All postal items are divided into two categories: registered and unregistered. The difference between them is fundamental: at the request of the sender, the post is obliged to find the registered item or provide information about its location. The trace of an unregistered item is lost at the moment when the sender lowers it into the mailbox. In turn, a letter registered at the post office will be handed over to the addressee against signature, an unregistered letter will be dropped into a box or simply handed over to the secretary, and no one will prove that the letter was received.

Therefore, it is better to send documents by unregistered, or simple, letter, the loss of which will not entail any consequences of a legal or financial nature, for example, greeting cards for the holidays. And everything that, at least theoretically, can become the subject of a dispute, is strongly recommended to be registered by mail.

The main type of registered correspondence - registered letters and parcels. Unlike simple letters of receipt of a registered recipient, the recipient will be notified by a special receipt and will receive an envelope from the hands of a postal worker, as already mentioned, against signature.

You can add registered mail investment inventory. This is a document describing the quantitative and cost characteristics of a postal item. One copy of the inventory is enclosed in an envelope over the attachment to the postal item, the other is issued to the sender along with a receipt. Having received a letter with an inventory, the addressee will not be able to claim that he was not sent any documents.


It is not necessary to seal the envelope with the inventory of the attachment before sending: the post office operator is obliged to make sure that all the documents indicated in the inventory are really in the envelope.

Finally, special attention should be paid simple notifications about receiving registered mail. The notice is a card that is glued to the envelope. Upon receipt of the letter, the addressee signs on the card, after which it is sent to the sender. The returned notification is a document that officially confirms the receipt of the letter. The notice period is 5 years.

After the notification is returned, information about its presence can be recorded in the Mailing Registration Journal (see below). It is hardly necessary to scrupulously copy from the card who received the letter and on what date. If the performer needs this information, he can always contact the secretary. Most often enough information that the letter was received. It makes sense to scan notifications only if the company has implemented an electronic document management system (EDMS). The EDMS has the ability to "bind" the notification file to information about the outgoing document. This is very convenient: the performer can check at any time whether the letter was delivered to the addressee.

Laying out on shelves

Artists who bring letters to be sent to the secretary, in addition to indicating the full address with an index, must make a note on the letter about the type of departure. As an option, trays with inscriptions can be placed in the office: “Ordinary letters”, “Registered letters”, “Registered letters with notification”, “Registered letters with notification and inventory”, etc. Then performers will be able to leave letters for sending at any time without distracting office workers.

Our advice

In the regulations for sending correspondence, it is recommended to indicate that incorrectly executed correspondence, as well as letters without an address or index, will be returned to the contractor, despite their urgency.

Preparing mail for sending

If there is an opportunity to automate any process, do not neglect it. So, if the secretary still labels mail envelopes by hand, he should pay attention to the set of functions of the Microsoft Word text editor for labeling envelopes, giving them a corporate identity, as well as printing envelopes on a mailing list. In other words, instead of writing each envelope by hand, you can specify once in the program:

  • return address of the sender;
  • envelope corporate identity.

After the list of recipient addresses (mailing list) is entered into the program, all that remains is to put a pack of envelopes into the printer and set the “Print” command. The described functions can be found on the tab Newsletters (Create ® Envelopes,stickers).

By the way

In addition to the address, you can also print the recipient's index on the envelope, and draw it up according to the rules for writing indexes. To do this, you need to install a special font on your computer. It is easy to find on the Internet - just enter the query "Font for index" in the search engine. The font file has the .ttf extension. After downloading it, you need to go to the "My Computer" folder, then in the "Control Panel" folder, find the "Fonts" folder and place the font file in it.

On fig. 1 you can see how the envelope created in MS Word looks like ready for printing.

Rice. one

When the set of letters to send is ready, you need to fill out first two columns Form 103 "List for sending party mailings". This mail requirement applies to all organizations if they send 5 or more letters. The sender must list all registered mail sent. The remaining columns are filled in by the post office operator. The list is printed in two copies, signed by the person responsible for sending, after which his signature is certified by a seal. One copy of the completed register will remain at the post office, the second will return to the organization. It will contain the identification code of the shipments for tracking.

This form is available on the Russian Post website. The only drawback: the file can only be downloaded in .jpg format, i.e. as a picture, so the form will have to be reproduced manually and saved as a template.

Email Tracking

Registered postal items can be tracked on the Russian Post website. On the left side of the main page there is a link "Tracking postal items" (Fig. 2). We go through it by clicking on "Details", and we find ourselves on the desired page.

Rice. 2

Now you need to enter a unique code (postal identifier), which is assigned to each shipment by the operator. You can find this code either on the receipt or on the list in form 103 (column 3). The code consists of 14 digits. Enter it in the "Postal ID" field, then enter a five-digit security code in the field below and click "Find" (Fig. 3).

A table will open that allows you to trace the path of our letter (Example 1).

Example 1

Information about the movement of the letter


the date

Location of the operation

Attribute surgery

Weight, kg)

Announcement value (rub.)

Overlay payment (rub.)

Addressed to


Name of the OPS





Left sorting center


Came to the place of delivery

handing over

Delivery to the addressee

By the way

The question of the legal force of information about the movement of the letter is rather controversial. It seems to be exhaustive for an organization that monitors its letters, but it may not be accepted as evidence in court.
Correspondence with Russian Post will have guaranteed legal force. You need to send an official letter of request to the post office, attaching a copy of the receipt or form 103. In response, you will receive a letter on the Russian Post letterhead with the necessary information, which will not raise any questions as evidence in court.

Accounting for sent emails

Any exit of documents from the organization must be recorded, regardless of what kind of documents they are and what their exit path is. Letters are no exception. We recommend that the employee responsible for sending mail take into account each letter in a special journal (Example 2). Since the obligation to keep such a journal is not enshrined in regulatory documents and it is only a matter of convenience and control, each company can develop the form of the journal on its own.

Our advice

In order not to enter the same text in the log every time, you can use abbreviations, for example: "Post office" - ETC , Express Mail - EP , simple letter - P , custom - W , notification - At , inventory - O etc.
You can also abbreviate the names of departments.

Example 2

Postal register

postal service

Type of letter




Description of content


departure date

Tracking number



Ivanov K.I.

st. Pushkina, d. 56, apt. 43, Moscow

Invitation to the exhibition

Tea plantation, OOO

st. Shipbuilders, 454, of. 34, Volgograd

Ref. No. 3324-3 dated 06/14/2014

Production Department

Mirror, OOO

st. 7th Sadovaya, 33, Togliatti, Samara region

Ref. No. 3354-2 dated 06/15/2014

Technical department

Promregiongaz, JSC

st. School, d. 3, of. 353-B, Irkutsk

Ref. No. 3465-6 dated 06/17/2014

legal service

Refund - the recipient did not appear for the letter

Fill in the columns of the table

  1. Serial number. The column is important for generating a report on the work of the office: you can immediately see how many letters were sent through the postal channels.
  2. Postal service. It is relevant if the organization uses the services of not only Russian Post, but also express mail.
  3. Type of letter. The column is useful in controversial cases or when it is required to prove that the addressee received the letter.
  4. Destination. The column indicates the surname and initials of the individual or the name of the addressee organization. For the convenience of filtering, we recommend filling in the column, starting with the last name or name of the organization, for example Ivanov K.A.. or Tea room plantation, ltd..
  5. Index. Moved to a separate column to make it easier to copy and paste it in the right place when creating an envelope (see earlier). If the secretary prefers to write the envelopes by hand, you can write the index along with the address.
  6. Address. The recipient's mailing address is specified.
  7. Description of the content. Information is entered in this column, which is especially necessary in cases where there is an active correspondence with the counterparty. Allows you not to get confused in the shipments and know exactly which document was sent on a given day. There is no need to fill in the column in too much detail - just the registration data of the document is enough, for example Ref. No. 4543 dated 05/23/2014.
  8. Executor. The name of the department, the employee of which brought the letter for sending, or the surname of this employee, is indicated. We recommend that you indicate the department, because it is a more permanent unit in an organization than an employee.
  9. Departure date. The day is indicated when the letter was handed over to the postal operator or dropped into the mailbox.
  10. Tracking number. A column for indicating the code by which you can trace the fate of the letter on the Russian Post website.
  11. Notification. Column for marking that a notification of receipt of a letter has returned.
  12. Note. A traditional box for specifying additional information (for example, about returning a letter, as in Example 2).

Journal search

Since no handwritten signatures are required in the journal, it is kept in electronic form (for example, in MS Excel). The purpose of creating this magazine is to be able to quickly find any letter sent by the company. For this you need:

  • fix the top line with the name of the graph so that you can always see it;
  • provide it with a filter.

All this will significantly speed up the search for letters in the table.

To ensure that the top line of the table is always visible when scrolling through the log, you need to go to the tab View. Here in the toolbar Window choose a team To fix areas, and in the dropdown menu - Pin the top line(Fig. 4). Now, even if there are many positions in the register, the names of the columns will be fixed at the top of the table.

Rice. four

It remains only to enable the option to filter the contents of the columns. To do this, in the toolbar Editing click on the icon Sort and filter, then in the drop-down box - Filter(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

A button with an arrow will appear in the lower right corner of the column name - this is the filter. By clicking on the arrow of a certain column, you can sort any of its values. For example, we need to view all letters sent to OAO Promregiongaz. Click on the arrow - and see the entire list of recipients entered in the register. We uncheck the "Select all" value and put it in the checkbox opposite Promregiongaz OJSC. Clicking the button OK and see all letters sent to this organization (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6

If the letter was sent to someone only once, it will be easier to press the keyboard shortcut ctrl + F to display the search bar, enter information in it (last name, name, city, etc.) and press Find next(Fig. 7). The program will find and highlight the desired cell.

Rice. 7

Regulation of sending documents by mail

The rules for sending documents by mail can be either part of the office work instructions or an independent document. At its discretion, the organization may supplement them with the procedure for sending documents by express mail. Here is a fragment of the instruction on office work, which describes the procedure for sending letters by mail (Example 3).

Example 3

Fragment of the instruction manual

"Rules for sending documents by express mail"


7.1. Sending documents by post (including express mail) is carried out by the Office.

7.2. Letters for sending are accepted daily, except for weekends and holidays, from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00 (on shortened and pre-holiday days - until 17:00).

7.3. Before sending the documents, the contractor is obliged to check the availability of all pages of the document and the correctness of their location, design and addressing, the presence of signatures, visas, attachments, registration data, reference to the number and date of the request (if a response is given to the request). The sending address is attached to the document, including the postal code, and a note is made about the type of postal item: a simple letter, a registered letter, a registered letter with a simple notification, a registered letter with an attachment list, express mail, etc. If the specified information is missing, the correspondence is returned to the contractor. Incorrectly executed correspondence and non-official correspondence will not be accepted for sending and returned to the contractor.

7.4. Sending documents by mail is carried out twice a week: on Monday and Thursday at 15:00. The contractor can send urgent correspondence on his own. Correspondence received by the Office after 15:00 on Monday and Thursday is sent on the day of the next dispatch.

7.5. Sending documents by express mail is made on the day the item is received by the Office or the next business day if the item was received after 15:00 (after 14:00 on shortened business days).

7.6. Upon receipt of documents for sending, a specialist of the Office checks the presence of signatures, outgoing numbers, as well as attachments indicated in the main or accompanying document.

7.7. Correspondence accepted for dispatch is entered in the Journal of Postal Items (Appendix 5), after which it is converted.

7.8. Wrapped correspondence is entered in the List for sending batch postal items (Appendix 6). The list is printed in two copies and signed by the Chancellery employee responsible for sending correspondence. The signature is certified by the seal "For documents". The columns are filled in by the postal operator. One copy of the list is returned to the Office and placed on file.

7.9. After receiving a notification of the delivery of correspondence, an employee of the Office puts a mark in column 11 of the Register of Postal Items and files the notification in the file.

We examined the main components of the process of sending documents by mail. We hope that this information will help you better organize your work.