Leaving work early to write a statement. Application for time off for previously worked time - sample

I am glad to welcome regular readers to the blog, as well as a new audience! It's no secret that I prefer working for myself, but working for hire can be a path to success. True, in the latter case, you will not be so easy to plan a day: absence from work will serve as a reason for a reprimand. It will be possible to solve the problem if you immediately download sample letter of leave and learn all the subtleties of its presentation.

The concept of time off: what is it and when can I take it

There is no such concept in the legislation, but it has become widespread in everyday life. The Labor Code calls the day off a day off, which an employee can take on one of the following grounds:

  • at preliminary development this time;
  • if an employee needs a day without saving wages ;
  • if the day off is taken in vacation account.

But it happens that a person needs to be absent from work for other reasons. In this case, you will need to know how to write an application for time off, and clearly argue your position.

Consider the following:

  1. Usually they give a day off for a maximum of 2 days, and for longer periods they ask for a vacation at their own expense.
  2. Sometimes an employee only needs to be away for a few hours. He can process this time in advance, and later use it for a visit to the doctor or to solve other problems.

Quite often, time off is provided for the fact that you previously went to work on a holiday. You can choose from 2 types of compensation: you can get double the money or take a free day at a convenient time. In the latter case, for work on a weekend or holiday, you will receive a single payment, and the day of rest will remain without remuneration.

Grounds for time off in 2018: what to consider

The need for time off arises for the following reasons:

  • due to the needs of the employee;
  • due to the nature of the chart.

In the latter case, the need to write an application for the day off is due to the fact that when drawing up the order, processing was laid down (when on duty on a rotational or shift basis). Let's take a look at the specifics of each situation together so you know what to expect.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation: grounds for an additional day off

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following:

  1. When providing leave for overtime the length of free time must equal or exceed hours of additional work. Similar cases occur in state enterprises: if you stay at work not until 18.00, as established by the schedule, but until 20.00, get monetary compensation it can be difficult, and instead they give extra days off. For example, you had 12 hours of overtime; count on rest for a full 8-hour day and half more.
  2. According to Art. 153 TK, you are entitled to work hours compensation if you worked on your day off.
  3. Donor employees take time off to donate blood; Plus, they get extra time off. Even if you were present at the workplace, you will be given a rest on the day you choose. It is important that you are not obliged to coordinate the date for blood donation with the management, but the day of the subsequent day off must be approved in advance. The basis will be a medical certificate issued by the institution.
  4. Art. 301 of the Labor Code protects the interests of employees working on a rotational basis . Processing can be included in the schedule; The task of the accounting department is to ensure that employees receive time off on time.
  5. TK allows you to take vacation days, but provided that the remaining part is not less than 14 days.
  6. The last reason for time off according to the Labor Code will be employee's need for a day off without pay.

In such cases, you can expect that after the words "I ask for time off" you will not hear a refusal.

Reader question: forced to take compensation instead of free days

I don’t know how the amount of compensation is calculated in our production, but for 1 worked day off with a salary of 20,000 ₽, they pay 350 ₽. Rather than take that kind of money, I'd rather have a rest, but the authorities won't allow it. Are the management's actions correct?

The authorities violate the law, because according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation you have the right to get a day off. Your desire is enough, so apply, and if refused, file a complaint with labor inspection.

Leave under a collective agreement

In addition to shopping malls, enterprises have collective agreements, expanding the opportunity to take additional free days. The basis is the following:

  • wedding;
  • childbirth (for fathers);
  • death of a non-close relative (in the case of a close relative, leave is granted);
  • moving;
  • employee's anniversary, etc.

Whether such time off is paid depends on the characteristics of a particular enterprise.

Individual days off: when you can get

Individual day off usually granted in case of force majeure. If you are stuck in a broken elevator or a pipe burst in your apartment, you will be given an extraordinary day.

Often documents are required to prove the reasons why you cannot be present at the workplace. But there is also a chance that you will get by with a simple verbal agreement.

Unused free days

Separately, you should consider the situation in which you did not use free days and decided to pay off from work. The problem is that the legislation does not give clear definitions of how to act in such a case. We have to rely not on the Labor Code, but on explanatory letters received from Rostrud.

Don't Forget When You're Leaving unused days off

They argue that processing is compensated in any case, even when an employee is fired. This means that you must be paid for unused time off; the amount is transferred together with the main calculation. But the law does not prohibit an alternative option, in which these days will be subtracted from the standard working period of 2 weeks.

Does the employer have the right to refuse: when does it make sense to complain

Is the boss entitled not to sign the application, even if the text and form match the model? First, decide if you are talking about a free day as compensation for processing, or if you want to take it at your own expense. If you were not attracted to labor activity on a weekend or holiday, the employer has the right to refuse, since we are talking about leave without pay. The exemption applies to the following categories:

  • WWII veterans;
  • working pensioners receiving payments by age;
  • working disabled people;
  • parents and spouses of military personnel, firefighters, customs officers, etc., who died as a result of injuries, if they were received in the course of their duties;
  • employees getting married;
  • workers who take days at their own expense in connection with the death of close relatives or the birth of a child.

The list is sometimes supplemented according to the collective agreement of the enterprise. In other cases, time off is provided in agreement with the management, which should be taken care of in advance.

Reader question: can donor leave be denied?

As a donor, I donated blood on September 16, 2018, on my day off. At work, I wrote a statement that I want to take a day off on the 28th and 29th, but the boss refused. He says it's a production necessity, I'll have a rest at another time. Is he right?

Hello! The employer violates your rights, since the date of free days received for donation is determined by you. To avoid unpleasant consequences, apply in advance, make a copy and register with the secretary (she must sign your copy). The authorities do not have the right to dismiss an employee or count absenteeism for absenteeism, since you are acting on the basis of a letter from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 03/01/2017.

Main features of compilation

In order for the boss not to reject the application, it must be written according to existing templates. Pay attention to a number of subtleties, and you will not get rejected.

Sample text when you have pre-worked time

When to apply for leave

How and when is it right to file a notice that you need a day off? The legislation does not specify exact terms, but notify management as early as possible. It happens that the need to be absent from work arose unexpectedly: in this case, ask for a day off on the same day.

It is desirable to apply written notice, since the presence of a document will serve as proof of your innocence if you are accused of absenteeism.

How to formulate the reason for the day off

Statistics say that 12% of Russians, when taking leave from work, indicate a fictitious reason. In fact, it is more profitable to tell the truth, since lies have to be remembered in order not to betray oneself in the future. But it happens that frankness is impossible: for example, you go to an interview or just want to get some sleep. What to refer to? The following reasons seem important:

  • need related to the child (parents' meeting, temporary cessation of work kindergarten etc.);
  • visits to government agencies (for example, you need to register ownership or obtain new passport instead of what was lost)
  • a visit to a doctor who sees only in the daytime (a dentist in a paid clinic).

You should not think that a pipe burst at home, because it looks implausible. Better ask for a day at your own expense: by law, you are entitled to a certain number of them. As a last resort, take a “donor day off”, because you will do a good deed and get the desired rest.

Instructions for writing an application for time off: standard template

Do not know how to write an application for a day off or half a day? You can not look for an example document, but use the instruction:

  1. The header indicates information about the person to whom the application is addressed. In the samples, you will see that the following sequence is observed: position, full name of the organization, full name.
  2. Then the header contains information about the person who is applying. Similarly, indicate your position and name.
  3. On the left side of the document write the name of the locality where the company is registered. In the center - "Statement".
  4. The content should be short. write, for what reason and on what day you want to be absent at work.
  5. Finally, put date and signature.

There is no generally accepted form that would serve as a model for an application, so just follow the rules listed.

Time off for a pre-worked day: sample

In most cases, when you are asked to come to work on a weekend, the date of the expected day off is determined in advance. In small private enterprises, a verbal agreement is enough, but for public office or in an organization with a large staff, a written document will have to be submitted.

If you worked during your day off, count on rest on another date

I wanted to work in advance and get a day off, but did not go on duty: what to do

I'm dealing with difficult question A: I had to take a day off on a certain date. I talked with the authorities, they said that it was necessary to work out in advance. We made an order according to the sample, everything was drawn up. But on the appointed day, family circumstances prevented her from coming to work. Does management have reason to fire me for absenteeism?

According to the law, you are required to go to work on a day off if you have read the relevant order and provided your written consent. The sequence of steps is as follows:

  • management draws up a notice according to a standard model, where you are offered to go to work on a day off;
  • you sign on paper or refuse;
  • an order is issued according to which you are obliged to work off the day off.

If you do not come on the appointed date for performance official duties this may be grounds for dismissal.

On account of vacation: sample application

The option of being absent from work due to vacation is good because you do not have to come up with difficult family circumstances. It is important that the period of the main part of the rest is at least 14 days; use the rest of the gap as you wish.

If necessary, you can reduce the duration of the vacation

The advantages of this option include the fact that you will not lose in payment: it is charged according to the same template as regular vacation pay.

It is advisable to apply in advance, at least 3 days in advance.

Time off at own expense: download a sample of a correctly completed application

If you do not belong to the benefits categories listed above, time off at your own expense may be denied. The only guarantee will be the circumstances set out in 128 Art. TK; in other cases, the administration decides on own will. To increase your chances, submit a correctly completed document,

If you do not have pre-worked time, write an application for rest at your own expense

Day off for a few hours: sample application

When an employee leaves for a short period, it is often not necessary to write a statement and check it with a sample. But the document is required when the payment is calculated according to the hours worked: download it

If the day off is provided for several hours during which you worked on a day off, you need a different sample. The fact is that, according to the law, you must receive a full day in accordance with Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As a result, you will receive a single payment for your work on the weekend and spend 1 day at home.

For family reasons: sample application

The generally accepted wording "for family reasons" is not deciphered in existing laws. You can write a clarification, because some employers say: "If you ask for time off, then be convincing." The leadership will determine the validity of the reasons.

How to write an application for time off: sample 2018

Leave approval process

Did you successfully use the sample and apply? Contact your boss: he will endorse the document by writing “I allow”. After that, an appropriate order will be drawn up, with which you will be acquainted. Officially, time off is considered approved from the moment you read the text of this document.

Order example

Without completing all steps of the procedure, management may revoke the authorization; but after drawing up the order and getting acquainted with it, the decision of the chief is considered irrevocable.

They do not give the promised day off: what to do

I work in the state budget organization and constantly deal with the fact that we are required to go to demonstrations. This year, on May 1, she refused to go outright until the director promised a day off. I wrote an application according to the model that the secretary gave me, the document was accepted and signed. But later they refused to grant the day off! Can I influence management's decision?

The actions of the director are legitimate, since the contract existed in words. It is impossible to formalize the option of a day off for participating in a demonstration, because you did not work that day. A complaint to higher authorities will not help, since there are no violations of the law. Even to prove that the administration put pressure on you to participate in the demonstration will not succeed: in fact, it gave a verbal recommendation.

Is it possible to take a day off without applying?

Due to unforeseen circumstances, you cannot come to work and write an application according to the samples? At good relations with the authorities, it will meet halfway and allow you to submit a document backdating. But the Labor Code does not stipulate such situations, so the management has the right to refuse; non-attendance at workplace may be grounds for dismissal.

Why You Need a Model Statement: The Reader's Experience

I had to take a day at my own expense: I'm selling an apartment, buyers came from another city to complete the paperwork. The director is on vacation, so I approached the deputy and asked for the day off. He told me to carry a statement, but did not put a signature: he decided to talk with the employees who should replace me. I contacted them by phone, they assured me that they didn't mind. With a light heart, I stayed at home, and a day later I returned to duty. But it turned out that the application was not signed, although it was drawn up according to the model. Either the deputy changed his mind, or the employees agreed in the eyes, and later refused ...

They began to threaten with dismissal for absenteeism, offered to write an explanatory note. I realized that I was absent from the workplace without good reason but couldn't do anything. After a long scandal, the deputy signed the statement retroactively, allegedly going forward. If not for this, I would have been fired under the article. Even the court would not have ruled in my favor: there was a fact of absenteeism. Next time I will make sure that the application is not only drawn up according to the model, but also signed.


Although there is no clear sample application for time off, the drafting rules must be taken into account when applying. It is important to know in which cases the employer is obliged to sign the document, and when he has the right to insist on your attendance: you will avoid unpleasant moments and do without absenteeism. Consider the nuances and learn to fight for your rights! If you still have questions about where to get a sample application for time off, watch the video:

Working on a traditional 5-day, 40-hour work schedule, it is physically impossible to handle all personal matters that are not related to work. The fact is that most official institutions have exactly the same schedule: visiting parent meeting or the doctor's office cannot be rescheduled for weekends. The need to leave the workplace in the middle of the working day can arise for any person in almost every organization - this is quite common life situation. But not for leadership. The head is visited daily by certain employees, in the position of each of which he must “enter and let go”.

Against this background, managers develop a whole strategy: how to identify liars and liars, how to refuse those who ask a lot, and even how to force an employee to work out the free time provided twice. Like, you solve personal issues during work - do work in your personal time. How best to ask the boss for time off, so as not to earn money disciplinary action And end up getting fired?

The main thing is responsibility

But what if the result of your work does not pretend to be flawless, deadlines are regularly overdue for a long time, but you still need to leave? Here it is impossible to do without concessions and negotiations with the boss. Convince him that you will be late for several days in the evening, go to work on Saturday, and even if you really need it, donate part of your vacation. A suitable alternative could be an additional homework. Like, you need to control the work of the repair team or sit with a sick child, but understanding all the responsibility, you promise that you will take all necessary work on house. You need to understand that the boss does not just give permission not to go to work - he is also responsible for such permission. Therefore, in order to painlessly take time off, in addition to requests, offer him a sensible solution to the current problem, which will give results to both you and your employer.

Being a truly responsible employee and clearly showing your responsibility to the employer, you definitely will not earn the image of a slacker. The more lost working time you manage to compensate for, the fewer complaints your superiors will have, even if your absence is long.

Don't face the fact

Even if you are a very valuable person for the company and have never taken time off to resolve personal issues, you should not put the employer in front of a fact - they say, "I need to leave." After all, it is obvious that the need to leave, whether it is 2 hours or 2 days, must be reported to the boss in advance. If such a need arises constantly, it is worth preparing for a more thorough and serious conversation. It probably even makes sense to discuss the possibility of working in a flexible schedule - in this case, you need to promise your boss not only to maintain, but also to increase productivity and efficiency. There is no doubt that this is possible - the practice of using flexible working hours is very common, and almost half office workers I am sure that their effectiveness will only increase with such a schedule.

Reassure the employer that even if you are not present working time in the office, the work will still be done on time and with high quality. Perhaps a good argument will be an already existing example of the results that have been achieved when working outside the business center. Perhaps your boss should even think about transferring employees to remote work?

Point out to your boss that it is extremely important for you to help him sort out personal issues, and if one of the types of such assistance is a floating, flexible schedule, you will be even more grateful to him. Of course, the final result depends on corporate culture in the company, but most issues, including schedule conditions, are discussed individually. Therefore, if you find arguments that will prove your effectiveness regardless of the work schedule, it will be much easier to agree on a flexible schedule.

If we are talking about a single case, it should be coordinated not only with superiors, but also with colleagues, especially if the company practices employee interchangeability. So that your day off does not become an unpleasant surprise for them, warn them and, if possible, do at least part of the work to be done in advance.

If the boss is against

But all of the above works only in "normal" companies, where normal corporate relations are built, and the boss does not perform the functions of "plebian overseer". As we know, this happens quite often. In such companies, as a rule, they are fined for being late and punished for talking on the phone - there can be no question of taking time off even for a good reason. By the way, even in exemplary companies, the authorities are far from always inclined to believe their employees in terms of the validity of the reasons why they want to take time off. According to insurers from AXA PPP Healthcare, who conducted and published a study in The Independent, at least half of the managers they interviewed demand that those who ask for leave unquestioningly appear in the office, even if there is a good reason.

However, the employees are also not a blunder - according to the insurance company, 2 out of 3 employees who want to take time off are ready to lie to the management, as they are sure that the real reason will not become an argument for the boss. As a result, it turns out vicious circle- the employee does not tell the truth, because he is sure that they will not let him go, and the boss does not let him go, because he is sure that they are lying to him. In such a case, we would recommend using legal methods.

From point of view labor law, the safest way to legally not come to work is to donate blood. We remind you that blood donation is the most humane way to legally get two days off and paid days at work: on the day of blood donation and the next day. In this case, the authorities cannot have anything against it - the law prescribes giving donors a day off, and employers are obliged to comply with this requirement unquestioningly.

The second option is at your own expense. Under labor law, such unpaid time off or several days off may be granted to employees for family or other reasons. By the way, in general cases, this is the right, not the obligation of the employer. The obligation to provide a day off "at one's own expense" arises only when the employee is a veteran of labor or war, a working disabled person, a child is born or a relative dies, etc. In other cases, the right to a day off "at one's own expense" is the subject of an agreement between the employee and his management.

The third option is to take sick leave. True, he only works when the employee is really sick or his child is sick. In such cases, the employer has no right to demand that you return to work and even more so to threaten the application of disciplinary sanctions. By the way, we do not recommend “buying” sick leave - this is not only illegal, but also criminally punishable.

There are no other "legal" ways to take time off from work. But in any case, we recommend that such issues be resolved amicably. Remember that the use of even a legal method does not guarantee an adequate response from the authorities. Therefore, it is better to be a valuable employee - the authorities always meet them halfway.

Which legal basis Is it possible to give an employee a vacation for a few hours?

Work in municipal institution. For family reasons, you often have to take time off from work for several hours. The employer lets me go for now, but grumbles that I solve my personal problems at the expense of the budget.

I contacted Human Resources with a question about how I can legally take a few hours off. I was offered to take it on account of an annual paid vacation or take a vacation without pay. Reduce annual leave I don't want to. If I ask for unpaid leave for a few hours, is it legal?

An employee will not be able to take a vacation for several hours on account of the annual paid vacation. In accordance with Part 1 of Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of annual paid vacations of employees is calculated in calendar days. But it is quite possible to consider the option of providing leave without pay for a few hours.

Vacation for a few hours - legal basis

Part 1, Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that, for family reasons and other valid reasons, an employee may be granted leave without pay. In this case, the duration of the vacation is determined by agreement of the parties. employment contract. Accordingly, if the employee and the employer agree among themselves, then unpaid leave may not be granted for a certain amount calendar days but for a certain number of hours.

How to get a vacation for a few hours

Firstly, the employee needs to check whether he falls under the category of employees or whether he has circumstances under which the employer is obliged to provide leave without pay. Special categories of workers and life circumstances are established by part 2 of article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, it is necessary to submit a written letter to the employer for several hours. The application must indicate the reason that is the basis for granting leave. As well as the required vacation time in hours.

Thirdly, if the employer is not required by law to provide leave, then his consent to this must be obtained. It is important to remember that providing leave without pay is a right, not an obligation, of the employer. You can’t just leave an application for leave for a few hours and go about your business. It is imperative to obtain the consent of the employer, otherwise the absence may be recognized as a violation of labor discipline.

You can get a vacation for several hours in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to initiate before the employer the provision of leave without pay for several hours.

AT Everyday life each person may have a situation where it is very important for him, for one reason or another, to leave his workplace for a few hours.
In this situation, the employee may turn to his immediate supervisor with a request to release him from work for a while. In this case, the decision is made by the manager at his own discretion, so he can ask the employee to write an application for time off. But he can release the employee without any conditions.

What it is

In labor law, the concept of "day off" is absent, therefore, when writing an application, a request must be made to provide extra day recreation. As a rule, it is allocated at the expense of paid leave or leave provided at its own expense, which is not paid. In both situations, in accordance with the norms of labor legislation, the employee has the opportunity to legally miss a working day.

Time off is the rest time that is provided to employees as compensation for overtime work.

If it is provided for the fact of going to work as a full-time worker, then its duration does not matter. The day off is provided for the next two weeks. If the employee worked on a weekend or holiday, the work time is compensated for 10 days.

The legislative framework

In accordance with Article 153 of the Labor Code, an employee is granted an additional day off for performing work outside the established working hours, that is, in excess of the time specified by labor standards. To exercise this right, he must write a statement if he has hours worked. Time off by agreement of the parties instead of a day off can be compensated in cash in double size. Although article 64 of the Labor Code provides for the provision of another day for rest.

The issues of compensating hours worked are regulated by articles 88-89 of the Labor Code, where it is noted not only the provision of time off, but also the amount of payment for the work performed. Article 89 states that compensation for overtime work cannot be granted leave. If the parties agreed in advance to provide time off, then the order, the order to involve the employee in performing work outside the established time, indicates the time allotted for rest.

Upon reaching an agreement on time off between the employer and the employee, it can be added to the leave, which is provided annually according to the schedule.

The employer is obliged to provide unpaid leave in accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code at the request of the employee in cases provided for by law. In other cases, he has the right to refuse the request of the employee, regardless of the reasons that led to the need for release from work during working hours. Time off can be paid in accordance with the norms labor law if the employee has worked for some time before.

One such case is the provision unpaid leave before:

  • 35 days per year, if the employee is a participant in hostilities;
  • 5 business days at the birth of a child, for wedding celebrations;
  • 60 days a working disabled person, regardless of the reason;
  • 14 days working pensioner;
  • 14 days an employee who is the husband, wife or parent of a serviceman, if he died during the hostilities, as a result of a serious illness received during military service.

But the employee is vested with the right to receive leave in accordance with Article 122 of the Labor Code after six months, during which he continuously worked for the employer.

The procedure for granting an extraordinary day off

At many enterprises, the collective agreement provides for the procedure for providing additional time as time off. It can also be introduced into the act "Internal Regulations", local regulations of the enterprise. Time off must be properly executed in the manner prescribed by the above acts.

The order is issued on the letterhead of the enterprise, in which the date, time of the leave provided, and its duration are noted. Prepare it for publication by the department personnel service in accordance with the rules of office work of working documentation adopted at the enterprise.

As a rule, an employee writes an application for a day off if he is registered with him. It is mainly obtained if the time worked by the employee in advance was not compensated in monetary terms. In labor practice, it is not uncommon for an employer, due to production needs, to instruct an employee to perform a task on a weekend or holiday.

For the time worked, in accordance with Articles 152-153 of the Labor Code, it is paid at a double rate, but payment can be replaced by a day of rest in proportion to the hours worked.

The employee is endowed with freedom of choice, so he can choose his own time off or pay for work performed. If he chooses a day off, then he must write a statement.

In it, the employee must indicate the date, time for which he needs a vacation or release from work for a certain working time. It serves as the basis for issuing an order to release from work for the time specified in the application. Otherwise, by default, he is paid double the overtime.

Take a day off from work

Issues of this kind are easily resolved in small private firms, where often the employee reaches an oral agreement with the employer to provide a break from work. At the same time, the employee undertakes to work the hours that the employer assigned him at another time. For example, when there is a need to perform overtime work.

If an employee needs a short time to resolve his issues, then it is not recommended to write an application for 2 hours to arrange a day off, moreover, without saving wages due to inappropriateness. The best option in such a situation is to negotiate with management in order to obtain the permission of the employer.

If the need arises for more time, but not for the whole working day, the employee can write a statement, indicating a certain time. It must be endorsed by the management of the enterprise, after which it is attached to the time sheet.

Wages in this situation are calculated based on actual hours worked.

An employee may leave the workplace if he receives the approval of his immediate supervisor. He, if necessary, coordinates his actions with higher management. Although often such an action is not necessary to carry out, because he can decide the issue of several hours of work personally by virtue of his official rights.

In enterprises with by the hour labor management can release the employee for some time, for example, for 4 hours. At the same time, he has the right to deduct the hours of the employee's absence from the total time recorded in the time sheet, calculating his wages. But it’s better for the employee to take a day off for half the working day, having received the permission of the employer.

How to write an application for time off for a few hours

At any enterprise, absence from work must be properly documented in order to avoid offenses. According to generally accepted rules, it is reflected in the time sheet, so it is in it that a day off for several hours is recorded. The employee must apply to the employer for leave with or without pay.

An application for time off is an official appeal of the employee to the management of the enterprise so that he is given free time during working hours.

At the same time, in accordance with the provisions of labor law, the organizational and legal form does not matter, because the execution of documentation in all organizations is similar. According to it, the interests and rights of the applicant regarding his labor activity are realized.


The application is written on plain A-4 white paper with the employee's own hand. It is signed by the employee, endorsed by the head of the enterprise, after which it is transferred to the personnel department for issuing an order. In some cases, it can be done orally, if the employer does not have any claims.

The form of applications for time off for the following reasons is the same:

  • for the processing of working time;
  • on account of paid leave;
  • leave without pay.

The fundamental difference lies in their content, the wording of the text.

The form for writing an application must comply with the requirements of personnel records management, although there is no form approved by labor law. It is written in free form. In the upper right corner of the sheet, the addressee, his position, and personal data are written. Below is the applicant's personal details, structural subdivision their position or profession.

The name of the official paper, as a rule, is written in the middle of the sheet. But it is written below at some distance from the above entries. In the main part, a text is written about the provision of free time. The date of writing is stamped on it. The reason for which the need for free time arose does not need to be indicated.

But many employers are required to indicate the reason for the day off, and a valid one. He should not refuse to satisfy the request if the employee wants to leave the workplace under certain circumstances.

These include:

  • visit medical institution for the purpose of obtaining medical assistance for themselves and their young children;
  • creation emergencies by place of residence;
  • Summons to a judicial authority to participate in a trial or perform other activities, for example, as a juror.

All reasons indicated in the application must be supported by a court summons, sick leave and other documents.

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Families with many children are entitled to compensation for housing and communal services. More in .

In a statement to without fail It should be noted that the day off is taken only for a few hours. For example, "Please allow me to leave my workplace for two hours from 11.00 to 14.00." It is submitted in advance in order to arrange a timely day off.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that any person may have unforeseen circumstances when he needs to leave work. In such a situation, the correct execution of documents will allow you to avoid the troubles associated with absenteeism from work without a good reason.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there is neither the concept of "time off" itself, nor a documented form of a document called "application for time off". Instead, terms such as “holiday leave”, “extra holiday”, etc. are used. Nevertheless, if an employee of the enterprise has a need not to go to work on some day, he may well turn to his superiors with a request to provide him with a “time off” and everyone will understand him.

A common situation is when an application is written for time off at the expense of previously worked time. For this case, a sample application is prepared at the very beginning of the material, and a blank form is also attached:


Reasons for leave

It just won’t work to take a day off - practice shows that usually an employee is required to either work out an additional day off in advance or subsequently, or take a day off on account of a future vacation or as a vacation without pay.

In some cases, due to operational necessity, the management may refuse an employee an additional day off, and this will not be a violation of the law - the provision of time off occurs only with the mutual consent of both parties.

It is worth remembering that those employees who have worked at this enterprise for less than 6 months are not entitled to time off at all.

  • participants in the Second World War;
  • pensioners;
  • people with disabilities;
  • close relatives of military personnel who died in the line of military duties.

In companies with a shift schedule, agreements between employees to replace each other if necessary are widespread. This way allows not to violate production process and satisfies all parties at the same time.

But large enterprises where trade unions are active, there is often a developed and approved collective agreement, which contains a separate paragraph on the conditions for granting time off and additional holidays. If such a document exists, then each employee of the organization must be familiarized with it against signature already at the stage of employment.

When to apply for leave

Previously (at least a few days in advance), the employee must notify the management of his desire by writing a statement, and the employer must give permission for time off by appropriate order. An application for time off can also be written directly on the day off, but in this case, in the absence of very serious reasons, the chances of the management agreeing are noticeably reduced.

If there is no application, then the employer may interpret the absence of a subordinate at the workplace as “truancy”, that is, a direct violation work schedule and take him out, up to dismissal (with systematic violations). This can be avoided provided that the employee, within a few days after the "truancy", provides the manager with written evidence of good reasons for his absence and works the allotted time.

The main features of drawing up an application for time off

As mentioned above, unified form there is no application for time off, so each employee can write it in free form. Important condition: the document must contain

  • Company name,
  • manager information,
  • information about the employee.

It is also desirable give reasons for which the employee asks for an additional day off and specific date in which he would like to receive it. The reasons may not be indicated, but do not forget that in some cases (birth of a child, wedding, funeral, etc.), the employer, by law, does not have the right to refuse an employee.

Instructions for writing a leave application

From the point of view of office work, the application for time off has a completely standard form and should not cause much difficulty in processing.

  1. First, in the upper right corner, you need to enter addressee information. This is usually indicated
    • position of the head of the organization (director, CEO etc.),
    • full name of the organization, indicating its organizational legal status(IP, LLC, ZOA, OJSC),
    • surname, name, patronymic of the director.
  2. After that, data about the employee (position, company name, last name, first name, patronymic) are drawn up in a similar way.
  3. The line below says locality where the enterprise is registered, as well as the date of writing the application.
  4. Then in the middle of the line you need to specify the name of the document.
  5. The main part should be devoted substance of the statement. Here it is necessary to enter the desired date of the additional day off and the reason for it (previously worked working hours or on account of future vacation, etc.). If the employee has an urgent need for time off, then this should also be noted.
  6. Application required sign with the obligatory decoding of the signature and hand it over either to the secretary or the head of the organization personally.

Examples of compiling applications for time off

Application for time off at your own expense for one day

Any person may have an urgent need for one day free from work, when you need to immediately resolve some personal issues. The term "time off", which is colloquial, in Labor Code can be decrypted as follows:

  • administrative leave for 1 day;
  • the use of one day from the next vacation, coming or "vacation" is not completely;
  • skipping a day worked on a day off.

In any case, it is necessary to notify the employer in writing and obtain his positive resolution.

The application form is standard:

  • "header" on the right edge containing the addressee of the application and the applicant's data;
  • the name of the document "statement", located in the middle of the sheet;
  • text where you need to give the date and reason for the future day off;
  • the filing date is indicated below and the applicant's personal signature with a transcript is put.

to CEO
OOO "Niva"
Abdullin I.I.
from sales manager
Lukoshkina V.Yu.


I ask you to provide me with a day off at my own expense on 04/28/2017 for personal reasons.

Application for leave for the previous day worked

It happens that employees are forced to work on weekends or holidays in accordance with production needs, or else exceed the work schedule established for them. If an employee already has overtime, he could verbally agree in advance with his superiors when exactly it will be compensated by rest. But it is better to make a document in writing. If there was no processing, but it is planned, you can ask the authorities to provide an additional day off on the required date, followed by working off.

to CEO
Asgard LLC
Petrashevsky Anatoly Petrovich
from the caretaker
Otrivinov Leonid Iosifovich


I ask you to give me a day of rest on March 25, 2017 for the previously worked time on 01/01/2017.

NOTE! If the time has not been worked out earlier, but a day off is still necessary, the application is drawn up with the obligatory indication of the reasons.

Application for leave for family reasons

In life, sometimes unforeseen situations occur that require the participation of a working person in them. Sometimes they can be solved in 1 day, sometimes it takes more time. In the case of special valid reasons (weddings, funerals, the birth of a child), the consent of the employer is not required, it is enough to notify him in time with an application. Usually such reasons can be documented. But it is always better to get the consent of the person in charge.

When applying for time off(s) for family reasons, follow the normal application form used by your organization. Special recommendations:

  • correctly formulate the reason for the future pass (you should not write maxims like “I won’t be sober enough the next morning after the family holiday”);
  • if you do not want to give a reason, write “family reasons”, but in this case, the prior consent of the management is especially desirable;
  • if possible, support the reason with appropriate documentation (certificate, certificate, extract, etc.).

NOTE! They have every right not to give an extraordinary day off if the employee has worked at the enterprise for less than six months, and at the same time he does not belong to preferential categories - pregnant women, having young offspring, minors.

to CEO
Simeriada LLC
Lyubomirov Anton Vladimirovich
from the cashier
Gorodenko Lyudmila Stepanovna


I ask you to grant me a day off at my own expense on February 17, 2017 to attend the funeral of my cousin.

Application for leave for blood donation

The person who becomes the donor is entitled to certain social guarantees including an extra day off. Unlike the usual day off, the "donor" day is recorded in the time sheet and paid as a worker. You can use this day not immediately after donating blood, but at any time in agreement with the employer.

IMPORTANT! If the day of delivery fell on a weekend, the right to an additional day of rest is still retained; it can be exercised on any working day that suits the employee and his management, or attached to the next vacation.

It is better to submit an application for alleged participation in donation and, on this basis, release from work the day before (although the law does not oblige you to do this), and then confirm its fact by providing a certificate in the form No. 402-u.

to CEO
Amaterasu LLC
Yampolsky Ruben Afanasyevich
from an accountant
Natasova Tatyana Igorevna


Please release me from doing my job duties April 19, 2017 in connection with the performance of the donor function and provide an additional day of rest on April 20, 2017.

Vacation leave application

If the employer does not mind, and the production need does not suffer, the employee may ask for one or more days of rest, which can then be "bitten off" from the annual paid leave due. You can also exercise this right if you are on an already “vacated” vacation unused days. The duration of absence from work on account of vacation cannot exceed 14 calendar days, which are subject to payment. These days can be divided into any intervals that management agrees to. It is important to observe general rule that the indivisible mandatory part of the leave cannot be less than 14 days.

ATTENTION! It is within the authority of the manager not to consent to such days off. He has every right to do so. since such days of rest are granted only by agreement of the parties. the exception, as always, is preferential categories employees.

to CEO
LLC "Inspiration"
Zarenkova Polina Konstantinovna
from the purchasing manager
Rozanova Anna Valerievna


Please provide me with additional days off on March 10 and 11, 2017 on account of the next annual paid vacation.

Application for leave for a few hours

Sometimes an employee needs to leave to solve important issue and you don't have to be away all day. In some cases, management simply goes forward without formalizing this agreement. However, with this approach, situations are possible when a day off, even formally permitted, but not documented in any way, can be regarded as absenteeism if an unscrupulous leader decides to fire his subordinate. A verbal agreement is very difficult to prove, and in such cases the court will not be able to take the side of the unjustly offended employee. A written statement, especially with a confirmed good reason, is sufficient justification for absence from the workplace.

In addition, sometimes each working hour is important in terms of labor remuneration, for example, with an hourly wage system, then even a short absence will need to be correctly documented. In the report card on this day, you will need to put the actual number of hours worked minus the missed ones - the basis will be as once a written statement from the employee.

It must be written in the standard form accepted in this company, or in accordance with general rules business management. On the application you need to get a permissive visa of the leadership. In some organizations, an additional order is issued.

In the application, it is better to indicate and document the reason for the absence, but the law does not oblige to do this.

to CEO
Fireworks LLC
Lukanovsky Evgeny Romanovich
from senior administrator
Drahomanov Dmitry Ivanovich


I ask you to allow me to leave my workplace on April 28 for 3 hours from 11:00 to 14:00 in connection with a visit to a medical institution with a young child.