Where to download the results of the exam in social studies. Excel template "analyzer of exam results in social studies" with automatic output of an analysis report

Analysis of the exam in social studies in the form of the exam

Number of students: 3

Number of writers: 3

Teacher: Zalevskaya N.I.

FI student

Tasks 2 groups

individual and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture


social relations




% completed

Absolute progress: 100%

FI student

Part 1 (35 points)

Part 2 (27 points)

Total points

% completed



Analysis of the exam in the form of the exam showed the following:

Part 1 contains 20 short answer tasks, tasks of two difficulty levels: 10 basic level tasks and 10 advanced level tasks. Maximum primary score - 35

In the examination paper, the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

Tasks for choosing and writing one or more correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

The task is to identify the structural elements of concepts using diagrams and tables;

Task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets;

Task for differentiation in social information of facts and opinions;

The task is to define terms and concepts that correspond to the proposed context.

Tasks 1-3 are aimed at testing the knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of the socialization of the individual, the patterns and trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes, etc.

Tasks 4-19 include tasks of basic and advanced levels, aimed at testing the formation of skills: characterize from scientific positions, the main social objects (facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system; search social information presented in various sign systems (text, scheme, table, diagram); apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on topical social problems. The tasks of this group represent the traditional five thematic modules of the social science course: man and society, including cognition and spiritual culture (tasks 4-6); economics (tasks 7-10), social relations (tasks 11, 12); politics (tasks 13-15); law (tasks 16-19).

Task 20 is aimed at testing skills: analyze and summarize disordered social information; making a difference in neufacts and opinions, arguments and conclusions; explain internal and external relations (causal and functional) of the studied social objects (including the interaction of man and society, society and nature, society and culture, subsystems and structural elements of the social system, social qualities of a person.

Part 2 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer, two tasks of the basic level (21 and 22) and seven tasks of a high level of complexity (23-29). The maximum primary score is 27.

Tasks 21 and 22 are mainly aimed at identifying the ability to find, consciously perceive and accurately reproduce the information contained in the text in an explicit form (task 21), as well as apply it in a given context.

Task 23 is aimed at characterizing (or explaining, or concretizing) the text or its individual provisions based on the studied course, based on contextual social science knowledge.

Task 24 involves the use of text information in a different cognitive situation, independent formulation and argumentation of evaluative, prognostic and other judgments related to the problems of the text.

Task 25 tests the ability to independently reveal the meaning of key social science concepts and apply them in a given context.

Task 26 tests the ability to concretize with examples the studied theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences that form the social science course.

Task-task 27 requires: analysis of the information provided, including statistical and graphic; explanation of the connection of social objects, processes; formulation and argumentation of independent evaluative, prognostic and other judgments, explanations, conclusions. This assignment tests the ability to apply

social science knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on topical social problems.

Task 28 requires drawing up a plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic in a social science course. When performing tasks of this type, the following skills are revealed: to systematize and generalize social information; establish and reflect in the structure of the plan structural, functional, hierarchical and other connections of social objects, phenomena, processes.

The alternative task 29 completes the work, aiming the examiner to write a mini-essay on one of the five proposed topics.

Tasks 1-3, 10, 12 are evaluated by 1 point. The task is considered completed correctly if the answer is written in the form specified in the instructions for completing the task.

The correct performance of tasks 4-9, 11, 13-20 is estimated by 2 points. These tasks are evaluated as follows: complete correct completion of the task - 2 points; completion of the task with one error (one incorrectly indicated, including an extra, number along with all the correct numbers) OR incomplete completion of the task (lack of one required number) - 1 point; incorrect performance of the task (when specifying two or more erroneous numbers) - 0 points.

Full correct performance of tasks of part 2 is estimated from 2 to 5 points. For the complete correct completion of tasks 21, 22, 2 points are given; tasks 23-28 - 3 points each; tasks 29 - 5 points.

Total - 29 tasks (62 points).

The analysis showed that students completed the tasks of Part 1 better compared to the trial exam held in April 2017 (Fig. 1)

Picture 1.

Comparative analysis completing tasks of part 1

The analysis showed that the students completed the tasks of Part 2 better compared to the trial exam held in April 2017 (Fig. 2)

Figure 2.

Comparative analysis of the performance of tasks 2 parts

The analysis showed that students improved their performance of tasks at the basic, advanced and high levels (Table 1).

Table 1.

Comparative analysis of task performance (by difficulty levels)

FI student

Basic level (19 p.)

Increased level (20 p.)

High level (23 p.)

7 points\37%

12 points\63%

12 points\60%

11 points\55%

9 points\39%

6 points\32%

14 points\74%

11 points\55%

14 points\70%

3 points\13%

14 points\74%

15 points\79%

8 points\40%

16 points\80%

0 points\0%

8 points\35%

Grade average - 57,7 (on a mock exam - 44,6 ).

Analysis of the task performance showed that the students completed:

- 56 % of tasks of the 1st group (trial - 44% );

- 89 % of tasks from the section "Man and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture" (trial - 44 %);

- 76 % of tasks from the section "Economics" (trial - 45,5 %);

- 78 % of tasks from the section "Social Relations" (trial - 41,5 %);

- 50 % of tasks from the "Politics" section (trial - 50 %);

- 58 % of tasks from the section "Law" (trial - 62 %);

- 100 % of task No. 20 (trial - 66 %);

- 35 % of tasks 2 parts (trial - 11 %).

Difficulties caused tasks 3, 17 ( a basic level of); 15, 18 (high level); 24-29 (high level).

Analysis of the trial exam in social science for students in grade 11.

On April 3, 2012, a trial exam in social science was held. Of the 21 students in Grade 11, the exam was chosen and completed by 8 students.

The main purpose of the exam was to assess the quality of social science training of secondary (full) school graduates.
The content of the examination work reflected the integral nature of the subject. All tasks covered the main sections of the course, basic provisions various areas scientific social science. The objects of verification were: a wide range of subject skills and types of cognitive activity, knowledge about society in the unity of its spheres and basic institutions, the social qualities of the individual and the conditions for their formation, the most important economic phenomena and processes, politics, law, social relations, the spiritual life of society.
Trial examination work consisted of three parts, which differed in content, degree of complexity and number of tasks. The total number of tasks is 37. Part A included 20 multiple choice tasks. Part B-8 of tasks for which it was necessary to give a short answer in the form of a word (phrase), a number or a sequence of numbers. Part C included 9 tasks with a detailed answer. These tasks required a full answer (give an explanation, justification, express and argue one's own opinion). The maximum primary score for completing all tasks of the examination paper was 61 points.

Trial examination paper in social science was presented in one version.
It took 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to complete the entire work.

All students did well on Part A tasks, but some tasks were missed,successfully coped with a set of tasks for working with text C1-C4; with attribution of the document, clarification of the essence of the problem characterized in the source, identification of the positions of the author, definition of examples given in the text, distinguishing features, signs.

The greatest difficulty was caused by all the tasks of part B - to identify causes and properties of social phenomena, processes and tasks C6, C9 - in them, students were not able to present their own points of view when revealing the problem, apply the terms and concepts of the social science course, argue their position based on the facts of social life or own experience. Some students were unable to complete the answer sheets correctly.

During the trial exam, students showed the following results:

Alena Podzolkova - 32 tasks (89 b), Erokhina Anastasia - 32 tasks (89 b), Alina Shiryaeva - 30 tasks (84 b), Anastasia Belikova - 28 tasks (81 b), Anastasia Matsegorova - 25 tasks (74 b), Yulia Litovchenko -20 tasks (62b), Marinenko Yulia-17 tasks (54b), Podzolkova Kristina-13 tasks (40b)

1. Continue work on preparing 11th grade students for a unified state exam, taking into account the mistakes made by the participants in the performance of tasks.

2. Pay attention to the design of the answers in part "B", which should not become a reason for reducing the results and losing points for the correct answer due to filling out the form.

3. Direct the students in Part A to complete all the answers.

4. Teach them to rationally allocate time when doing work. 5. Convey to them that the work must be neatly framed, written

legible handwriting.

6. Wider use of problem-based learning methods, new


7. To teach children to compare, compare judgments about social phenomena, identify signs, systematize facts, concepts, extract information from a source.

8. Draw students' attention to completing tasks C6 and C9, because many students could not imagine own point view when disclosing the problem, apply the terms and concepts of the social science course, argue their position based on the facts of public life and personal experience.

Teacher: Sasina E.N.

New projects of the USE 2017 have been published in all subjects, new contours of the 2017 exam are already visible. Is the new a repetition of the old, or are we again in for serious changes? What will be the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2017? Read the opinion of the USE expert below!

How was the USE 2016 in social studies?

For starters - in normal mode! Without scandals and incidents, so to speak ... Here is an opinion about the USE 2016, for example, the former Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Livanov:

“The exam was held at a high organizational and technological level. This was facilitated by new technologies that are used during the exam, and increased responsibility and discipline of the organizers and participants of the exam, - said Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov at a press conference at the Situation Information Center of Rosobrnadzor.

So, the main thing about the past USE 2016 in social studies:

USE Lessons 2016 in Social Studies

“In general, the average scores in all subjects are comparable to the results of last year. This indicates the stability of the exam, that the examination tasks are similar in terms of difficulty to previous years. We see a small increase in high scorers and a decrease in those who did not overcome the minimum scores, ”is the opinion head of Rosobrnadzor Kravtsov.

First of all, we note that the exam has been held really honestly for the third year already, there are no leaks of exam materials to the network. For a wide audience, only one version of the USE in 2016 is available, which, following the results of the early wave of the exam, was published by the FIPI for each subject.

In the European part of the country, FIPI “applied” 4 written options against the graduates of 2016, one of them, as is clear from the reviews of those who passed, colleagues, experts, was frankly “overwhelming”. The rest are solvable. Here is our analysis. And to which is also attached the real work of the graduate in the written part.

Exam conditions for the USE 2017 will be tightened. Already this year, the test part has disappeared in its usual form, now this, of course, complicates the task of “hitting” the answer, which used to be often a matter of chance.

Since 2013 we have been seeing a steady drop in the average score in Russia at the exam in social science:

year 2013 - 56,23

year 2014 - 55,4

2015 - 53,3

This year, as noted above, is likely to be even worse. I can give accurate up-to-date statistics this year on

year 2014 - 57,9

2015 - 60

2016 - 57,1

And here we see a significant drop.

Generally, almost 20% of those who did not pass, it's a lot, it's one in five who donated. The question arises, why is this happening? Who is guilty?


  1. The school does not prepare a graduate for the Unified State Examination in optional subjects, teachers try to step back and not be responsible for its result.
  2. At the level of the federal ministry, both the old minister Livanov said that "... a school cannot be assessed by the results of the Unified State Examination", and the new Vasilyeva that "... teachers should not prepare children for the exam at the lesson in the senior classes." The line has changed.
  3. It turns out that the result on the Unified State Examination, for example, in social studies, is a personal matter for each graduate and his parents.
  4. The actual responsibility of the tutor - that "magic wand" that the graduate can hope for, as everyone understands, is minimal. It works, as a rule, without a contract, and no (at least legal) liability in front of parents, if anything, does not carry.

Here is the opinion of the new Minister of Education and Science L. Vasilyeva about the exam.


What will be the exam 2017?

According to the already approved draft schedule, the USE 2017 in social studies will be held in the "early wave" on March 24, and in the main mode - June 5, 2017. Moreover, only one exam will be held on this day, which means that the reserve day will be practically not used.

The role of the exam basic for admission in the humanities - jurisprudence, political science, journalism, economics, of course, will not change.

This is how the head of the Federal Commission for Developers of Control Measurement Materials for the Unified State Examination in Social Studies, T.E. Liskov:

That is, the exam continues to be positioned as fundamental, checking the actual graduate of 2017.

Already this year, each option in the test contained a knowledge question and, of course, this trend will continue. There were a lot of mistakes on the part of 2016 graduates here.

Regarding the specific structure of the tasks of KIMs, in comparison, part 2 remained unchanged, and a slight change in part 1, associated with the exclusion of a very controversial and subjective for compilation and verification

Here is an example of this controversial task from the real version of the USE 2015:

The time for writing the exam remains the same - the maximum at 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

How to prepare for the exam 2017 in social studies?

First of all, by choosing your own individual training trajectory. Taking as a basis - the list of topics to be checked (by the way, it has not changed compared to 2016). Having chosen, together with the teacher, tutor, the main guide for preparation, solve tests and regularly check your knowledge.

For example, we invite all graduates to participate in classes in the site group