Head of private security. National Guard

Title: NO to indifference and indifference!!!

Our motto is honor, courage and courage!

Our goal is to protect you from adversity!

True, the law and weapons are with us!

God and the Russian people are with us!

We will sacredly keep traditions,

Forever remember the departed fighters!

Sons will grow up and in the police

Get in line, replacing the fathers!

Powerful words!!! Words that excite the blood, make the hearts beat faster. It makes the weak stronger, the stupid - smarter, the cowardly - bolder, sweeping away indifference, cynicism and meanness in its path. And indeed it is! A huge army of employees is replenished by people who are ready for self-sacrifice, for certain hardships. They go there not for the sake of awards and glory, not for the sake of improving their life or huge money. And they go there because they can't do it any other way. They cannot turn a blind eye to the disgrace that is taking place on the streets of our beloved city, they cannot get past the grief and tears of our compatriots.

But in order to competently and professionally provide assistance, you need experience, knowledge, and confidence in the correctness of your actions. And here they come to the rescue, like political instructors to new recruits, old-timers - people who have known all the intricacies of the police service, people who, over many years of service, have had time to visit the most unpredictable situations, faced the most "dirty" aspects of our lives. They did not disdain, but dipped their hands up to the very elbow in the "dirt" and raked it. And that's part of the profession. They are ready to share their experience, knowledge, everything they have learned over many years of service. And we would be happy, but for some reason, this is not always welcome.

And as confirmation of this - a case that occurred in the MOVO in the South-Western Administrative District of the FGKU UVO VNG of Russia in Moscow. Not deservedly acted with employees who gave many years of their lives to serve on the "ground".

On the slander of a completely stranger, a mentally ill person, without any evidence of violations in service, law and order, they were transferred to another department, located quite far from the area of ​​​​residence.

The officers, on whose account there were many arrests, suppression of offenses, who did so much good for their own department throughout their impeccable service, were not even listened to. They did not consider it necessary to study their personal affairs, to figure out where the truth is and where the lie is. Just 37 years old. This translation caused people not only moral pain, but a lot of everyday inconvenience. After all, they are not only officers, but also fathers of families. Their families live in this area, there is a school, Kindergarten Everything was under control. Everything collapsed overnight. I don't understand why you had to do this to your employees? Officers with many years of experience could be much more useful in their own department. It's a shame!!! They will, of course, begin their official duties in another department. But with what attitude, with what thoughts and desire? An undeservedly offended employee is just one fighting unit for someone, but for someone it is a colleague, a professional and a good friend!!!


Commissioner for labor protection

MOVO for Southwestern Administrative District FGKU UVO VNG

Russia in Moscow

Polyakov R.V.

And the decision on this was made by the head of the UVO Eroshenko Igor Valeryevich after a meeting with a sick man, constantly slandering the police officers. Remember this last name.

Now we will not solve issues with him in a "working" order. Only through his superiors. Let the Glavka of the VNG of Moscow and the VNG of Russia see everything that is actually happening in the subdivisions of the UVO of Moscow and take appropriate measures. Apparently, the case with heating in MOVO SVAO was not enough for him. We will add.

On October 05, 2016, the new head of the FGKU UVO GU FSVNG of Russia for the city of Moscow, police colonel Eroshenko Igor Valerievich, was introduced to the employees of the Office of Private Security in Moscow.

Eroshenko Igor Valerievich was born on October 04, 1970 in Zeleniy, Ust-Abakansky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 1991 he graduated from the Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communications. In 2003 he graduated from NOANO VPO " Social and Legal Institute of Economic Security» majoring in jurisprudence. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in September 1993 as the commander of a motorized police platoon of the security department at the Zvenigorod Internal Affairs Directorate.

On the leadership positions:

1997 commander of a motorized police platoon of the Zvenigorod Regional Military District under the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

1999 Deputy Head of the Zvenigorod Regional Military District under the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

2000 Deputy Head of Department (in service) of the Zvenigorod Regional Military District under the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

2001 Head of the OVO at the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

2004 Head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voskresensky District.

2004 Head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Odintsovo District Internal Affairs Directorate.

2007 Head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Department of Internal Affairs of the city district of Reutov.

2007 Head of the OVO at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Odintsovo municipal district.

2011 Head of OVO MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Odintsovskoye".

2012 Head of the Odintsovo District Military District - a branch of the FGKU UVO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.

For the period of service in the internal affairs bodies, he has awards: Chest sign"For Distinction", medal "For Valor in Service", badge "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", awarded with cold steel "Dirk", medal "For Distinction in Service" III, II, I degree.

Precinct police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Prospekt Vernadsky district of Moscow detained a suspect in the sale of awards.
The FSBI CNMVL team congratulates Vadim Valerievich Moskovkin, director of the Vladimir branch, on his jubilee!
07.07.2019 Federal State Budgetary Institution Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory District police officers of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ramenki district of Moscow detained a 20-year-old man suspected of stealing building material.
07/07/2019 Central Internal Affairs Directorate for Moscow In the Department of Internal Affairs of the south of the capital, an extended operational meeting was held on the results of the operational and service activities of the units of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow,
07.07.2019 ATC of the Southern Administrative District

Attention! Department of private security warns!

Dear visitors website, organizations have now appeared that position themselves as strategic partners of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in the city of Moscow", using on their websites images similar to the symbols of the units of the Russian Guard, as well as posting false information about the conclusion of tripartite agreements with the Department of Private Security.
These companies are misleading people!

FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia for the city of Moscow" officially declares that it does not provide intermediary services to commercial organizations.

The non-departmental security units of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow conclude agreements for the protection of property only with the owners of the property and their legal representatives.

To conclude an agreement for the protection of an object, apartment and other places of storage of property of citizens, you can leave an application on this website, the only official website of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in Moscow" () , or contact the inter-district department of private security of your Administrative District.
Contact numbers can be found in the "Subdivisions" section.

Please be informed, that in accordance with the order of the FSVNG of the Russian Federation No. 669 of December 28, 2018. "Rules for the protection of property of individuals and legal entities under contracts with troops national guard Russian Federation" mounting technical means protection must be carried out in accordance with terms of reference and (or) an act of primary examination, approved by the employees of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in the city of Moscow"

The non-departmental police protection units occupy a special place in the protection of property objects, they solve the problems of increasing the protection of the property interests of citizens and legal entities, the prevention of offenses and crimes in the field of property protection. The non-departmental police protection units ensure the protection of public order and security.

In order to implement such an area of ​​police activity as the protection of property and objects, including on a contractual basis, indicated in the Federal Law “On Police”, private police protection units are created and operate.

Private security units at the Department of Internal Affairs were first created in 1952. The reason for their creation was the need to improve the property protection system and reduce the cost of security measures. Over the 60 years of its existence, private security units at the Department of Internal Affairs have accumulated rich experience in practical and scientific activities, as well as formed a wide material and technical potential.

In 2005, the Department of State Protection of Property of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created (later reorganized into the Main Directorate of Private Security) and a specialized federal state unitary enterprise"Protection" (FGUP "Protection" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Protection" was formed on the basis of paramilitary and guard units of private security at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and units of private security at the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Currently, at the federal level, the management of the private security of the police is carried out by the Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (hereinafter - the GUVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). The GUVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia performs the functions of the head unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the field of protection of property and facilities on a contractual basis. Also, the GUVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provides organizational and methodological support for the activities of the federal public institution"Research Center "Protection" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Federal State Institution "Certification Center for Security and Fire Alarm Equipment" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Center special purpose private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as FSUE "Protection", subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Tasks of the GUVO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

  • organization and participation in the formation of the main directions public policy in the field of security activities;
  • improvement of the regulatory legal regulation in the established field of activity;
  • development and implementation, within its competence, of measures to improve the protection of property of citizens and organizations, as well as objects subject to mandatory protection by the police in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, including emergency situations and in a special period;
  • organization and implementation, within its competence, of a unified technical policy in the field of protection of property and facilities using innovative technologies;
  • organization of inspection of security units of legal entities with special statutory tasks and departmental security units;
  • organization of work on the issuance of managers and officials organizations whose facilities are guarded by the police in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of binding orders to eliminate identified violations in their security activities, ensuring the safety of state and municipal property;
  • participation in the prescribed manner in the expert assessment of the state of anti-terrorist protection and security various categories objects;
  • assessment of security and development of additional measures to ensure the safety of objects of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation from criminal encroachments;
  • control and organization of activities in the following areas: implementation of research, scientific and technical and scientific and methodological activities to solve the problems of protecting objects and protecting the property of citizens and organizations of various forms of ownership from unlawful encroachments; certification of equipment for security, security and fire alarms and other products of technical security equipment used by private security units, in the manner established by law Russian Federation, and metrological support for testing the named equipment and other products of technical means of protection in the prescribed manner.

Private security units are part of the police territorial structures MIA. Insurance divisions of private security in the structure of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level are created in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The following positions are introduced in the department (department) of private security at the regional level: heads of the operational control center, centralized security post, shifts of the operational control center, press groups; Deputy Head of the Operational Control Center; senior inspector for special assignments, inspector for special assignments; Chief Specialist; seniors: inspector, specialist (for work with personnel), legal adviser; Leading Specialist; inspector; psychologist; HR specialist; duty officer of the centralized security center, operational control center; engineer.

At the district level, private security units in the status of a department (department) are provided for by the typical structure of a police department (department, point) consisting of territorial authority The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, are directly subordinate to the deputy head of the department (department) of the police.

Units of non-departmental police protection have been created and function in all settlements all subjects of the Russian Federation.

The non-departmental police protection units in their activities are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws.

The legal basis for the activities of private security units is the following regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of February 7, 2011 No. Z-FZ "On the Police", Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, Decree of the Government of September 7, 2011 No. 752 “On the procedure for determining tariffs for the services provided by the police for the protection of property and objects of citizens and organizations, as well as other services related to ensuring the protection of property on a contractual basis”, departmental regulatory legal acts, as well as the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the protection of public order and ensuring public safety, issued within their competence.

The main tasks of private police protection:

  1. Protection of property of citizens and organizations from illegal encroachments. The non-departmental police protection units protect the property of citizens and organizations on the basis of concluded agreements, which provides for the provision of property protection services on a reimbursable basis.
  2. The protection of property consists in activities aimed at preventing unauthorized access by unauthorized persons to a protected object, ensuring the inviolability of protected property from unlawful encroachments, as well as in the timely suppression of such acts.

At the same time, it is necessary to indicate the difference between the activities for the protection of property under contracts by divisions of private security from the activities commercial organizations in this domain. So, unlike commercial organizations, the activities of private security units are aimed not at making a profit, but at providing services to the population and organizations for the protection of property, and the received cash in full go to the federal budget.

From January 1, 2012, private security units have the status of a federal state government institution. According to Budget Code RF, this means that this institution provides state (municipal) services in order to implement the powers provided for by laws, financial support for its activities is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds.

Article 47 of the Federal Law “On Police” also indicates that the funds received by the police under agreements on the protection of property and objects of citizens and organizations and on the provision of other services related to ensuring the protection of property under these agreements are federal budget revenues even after compensation for losses in connection with with thefts and circumstances stipulated by the terms of the contracts are credited to the federal budget in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation in full.

Participation in the development and implementation government measures to streamline and improve the protection of property and material values, which is largely achieved through the preparation, within its competence, of draft regulatory legal acts on the protection of property from criminal and other unlawful encroachments.

Carrying out on the territory of the Russian Federation a unified technical policy in the field of creating security alarm systems, their industrial development, quality control, tactics of their application, implementation and maintenance.

Participation in the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs for the protection of public order. The non-departmental police protection units are included in the system of unified deployment of police units for the protection of public order. According to the Charter of the Patrol and Guard Service of the Police of the Russian Federation, the units of the patrol and guard service of the police in their activities interact with the units of the private security of the territorial police departments. That is, along with the fulfillment of their main tasks, the private security units of the police are involved in ensuring public order and public safety, combating offenses in the areas of their posts and patrol routes.

Functions of units of private police protection:

1. Ensuring the protection of property and objects of citizens and organizations, as well as the provision of other services provided for by agreements with owners. This function has both social and preventive significance. The social significance lies in the fact that the protection of property and objects of citizens and organizations, as well as other services related to ensuring the protection of property on a contractual basis, are carried out by private security units at affordable rates for the population, the calculation method of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Starting from 2012, the established tariffs are indexed annually, from January 1, based on the forecast inflation rate set by federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period and, what is especially important, are not subject to revision during the year. At the same time, these tariffs are lower than the cost of similar services of private security companies. Also, this function is of preventive importance, since by providing the population with an affordable property protection service, various offenses and crimes against property are prevented.

2. Preparation, within its competence, of draft regulatory legal acts on the protection of property from criminal and other unlawful encroachments. The implementation of this function is carried out by participating in the preparation of orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, establishing the procedure for the protection of objects.

3. Participation in the preparation and implementation of state, regional and other programs and activities to ensure the safety of material assets.

4. Implementation of inspection by non-departmental security of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

5. Organization and conduct of scientific research, development and other work in the field of creation and application of security alarm systems, performing the function of the general customer of these funds for their own needs.

6. Implementation of technical supervision over the implementation of design and installation work on equipment with security alarms, the use of devices and security systems in accordance with technical documentation, commissioning, maintenance and repair.

7. Organization and testing of security alarms, including foreign ones, as well as ensuring, in accordance with the established procedure, the issuance of certificates for its use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

8. Participation in the development and approval of standards for security alarms.

The rights of police officers protecting objects and property. When performing the assigned functions in accordance with the Federal Law "On Police", police officers who protect objects and property of citizens and organizations have the right to:

  • screening citizens and Vehicle at the entrance to protected objects;
  • check the conditions of storage of property at protected facilities;
  • take measures to suppress violations that create a threat to the security of citizens at protected facilities;
  • freely enter the premises of protected objects;
  • issue instructions to officials of organizations whose facilities are protected by the police in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on compliance with the established requirements for the engineering and technical strengthening of facilities and on ensuring the safety of citizens.

The main forms of service:

  • service at posts, including with the implementation of access (internal) regimes at protected facilities and their territories;
  • response of non-departmental police security units to the operation of technical security equipment (LTD) connected to the central monitoring console (CMS);
  • service in mobile outfits for the protection of property of individuals and legal entities during its transportation;
  • patrols on cars, motorcycles, bicycles, boats and service horses;
  • foot patrol.

Vladimir Kasatonov

What is Private Security?

The private security unit was created in 1953 and has no analogues in the world. It provides services for all types of security that you can imagine, including the so-called "transportation", uses the most advanced special equipment and equipment. The uniqueness of private security lies in the fact that, on the one hand, it is the only unit that officially provides paid services, earning real money to the budget, on the other hand, it performs all the tasks assigned to the police by law: solves crimes, sends detachments to Chechnya, exposes employees to protect public order during sports events and much more.

The system is built, one might say forced. More than one generation of employees has invested their work in the development of private security, in improving work, increasing professionalism. Yes, and citizens are calmer when professionals are engaged in protection, and not gangster groups or private traders.

According to rumors, the owners of private security companies and their high-ranking patrons really want to crush the objects of the "outsiders" under them, they strongly lobby this process in government structures and find "understanding" among some leaders. How else to explain the order of M. Sukhodolsky to reduce the number of protected objects by 25%.

How and where did Mikhail Sukhodolsky come from?

After Sergei Fedorovich Radivil left the post of head of the Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, everyone was waiting for the appointment of the head of the Moscow “outside intelligence”, according to many experts, one of the best leaders in the entire history of the unit. Contrary to common sense, at the last moment, literally within a few hours, a decision was made to appoint Mikhail Sukhodolsky, who at that moment headed the Department of Internal Affairs at Sheremetyevo-1 and Sheremetyevo-2 airports.
Per short term he made a dizzying career from the inspector of the OBKhSS of one of the districts of Moscow, where, according to rumors, he was convicted of uncleanliness, to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What was the reason for such a rapid rise to the lieutenant general position? Perhaps the fact that he has more than friendly relations with Mr. Voloshin? Hard to say. Rumors are different. They say that in Sheremetyevo, during the leadership of Sukhodolsky, a free corridor was opened for the supply of our girls to foreign brothels, and this brought a lot of money to many, with which you can buy any position. Nevertheless, the appointment took place and one of the first feats - in April 2003, his main competitor, who was predicted for the position of head of the GUVO, was fired.

Now the money earned by outsiders goes directly to the treasury, bypassing commercial banks. And under Sukhodolsky, on his direct instructions, they went to one of the commercial banks. However, it should not be forgotten that in addition to official contractual means, businessmen and politicians often help those who protect them. There is nothing criminal in this, but we can conclude that the more clients you have, the more opportunities you have. And most importantly - acquaintance with high-ranking and respected people will always cover up any business and even higher management will not be able to touch you. All this was learned very well by the student of his "birch" comrades, Mikhail Sukhodolsky.

Mayhem in uniform

Let's rewind the tape. In 1993, Sergei Anatolyevich Lebedev, born in 1966, entered the service of the Security Department of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. After the events of 1993, this unit was reorganized into the Directorate for the Protection of the Highest Bodies of State Power and Government Institutions. Lebedev continued to work, unofficially moonlighting in various commercial structures, including the Russian Gold company, without standing out among thousands of other employees. However, the leadership illegally introduced him to the rank of "major". In the summer of 2000, another reorganization took place, as a result of which Sergey Lebedev in 2001 became the deputy head of one of the departments of the Department of Private Security of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow.

From this moment, miracles begin. In February 2002, Lebedev received the rank of lieutenant colonel ahead of schedule on command from above, without having worked in the position for even six months, although according to the position, it is necessary to work for at least a year. Further more. It turns out that he was "crammed" into the order before the submission arrived, which is absolute nonsense.

In August, Lebedev receives a severe reprimand. Despite this, Sukhodolsky, already the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, transfers him from the Main Department of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the post of head of a branch of one of the linear departments in the Security Directorate of the highest bodies of state power. This is a blatant violation of all conceivable and unthinkable rules. Then there are assumptions and rumors that Lebedev and Sukhodolsky have some kind of special "warm" relationship. After a short work in this position, Lebedev became the head of the department, sitting in a place previously "cleared" for him.

Stand for the Minister

In May 2003, Mikhail Sukhodolsky came up with a proposal to create an ICC (interregional coordination center). Why was the MCC established? Sukhodolsky wanted to "usurp" the entire system of protection of the transported property, taking it away from the departments of Moscow and the Moscow Region, which are not directly subordinate to him, but are only in his operational management. Accordingly, control over large cash flows(and in Moscow, as you understand, almost all influential clients are concentrated) was inaccessible to him. Then a number of orders come out that remove other divisions from the protection of merchants, and in April of the same year, an addition almost came out that all types of transportation can only be carried out by the MCC. At the last moment, the Legal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not allow this to be done, since it is clear to everyone that the MCC is a stillborn child.

Naturally, none other than Sergei Lebedev headed the Interregional Center. Moreover, he immediately wanted to become a colonel. Again ahead of schedule. The new head of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Strelnikov, is not devoid of common sense and struck Lebedev out of the order for conferring the title three times. Then Sukhodolsky writes a report and comes to the new Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev. It is worth noting that the creation of the MCC was the withdrawal of two departments of the Office for the Protection of Higher Bodies of State Power from the state and the release of premises by the 12th department of the same Office. And that's it, the usual change of signs.

If we take the track record of Sergei Lebedev over the past 10 years, then there is not a single place where he has worked for a long time. In conversations, former colleagues remember him as a narrow-minded person who did not enjoy either respect or authority in the team. Always grimacing and fooling around. In a word, "clown" or "puppet" in the wrong hands. And certainly not a leader. We don't know what tales were told to the minister, but on April 1, 2004, Lebedev became a colonel "for merits in the creation of the MCC." For two years instead of the prescribed five. Again, no idea. Again ahead of schedule, without leaving Moscow!!! No one ever made such a career in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even during the war years. This appointment is a slap in the face of the entire Russian police, all employees honestly and conscientiously fulfilling their duty to the Motherland. Did the Minister know about this? Hardly. It seems that an experienced and literate person, who undoubtedly is Rashid Gumarovich, a candidate of economic sciences, who Federal Service Counterintelligence, and then the FSB, if he knew this story thoroughly, would not have signed such dubious papers.

Tentacles of the London Exile

It is clear that sooner or later everything secret becomes clear. The Minister will understand and draw conclusions. Sukhodolsky also understands this, having managed to turn almost everyone against him. He is preparing himself an "alternate airfield". And, as they say, not just anywhere, but in the Presidential Administration, with such difficulty cleared of former and real friends of Boris Abramovich. Mikhail Sukhodolsky is already filling out questionnaires and knocking on the thresholds of the Presidential Administration, and wants to put Sergei Lebedev in his place. This is how this "sweet" union of two friends is seen: one "protects" from the Presidential Administration, the other crushes the entire Private Guard under him and "sends a share" to the top. It is surprising not even what the scoundrels in uniform are doing, but the fact that they are absolutely not afraid of responsibility, believing that connections and money will cover everything.

Is it in our executive power May 2004 is there a place for such people and such schemes? When all the places are occupied by professionals and "techies", tasks and goals are formulated, when you need to work, rolling up your sleeves to force economic growth. When it's time to work for the country.