A complex lesson on the day of national unity in the middle group - coloring with colored pencils. What to tell children on National Unity Day? Coloring pages for November 4

Anna Suslova

Target: the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, to one's homeland.

Tasks: give an idea of ​​the day national unity of Russia. Develop retrospective perception, interest in the history of Russia. Cultivate patriotic feelings, love for loved ones.

November 4 is celebrated in Russia National Unity Day .AT National Unity Day in different cities our country's political parties and social movements organize rallies, marches and concerts, charity events and sporting events.

The guys and I decided to make a poster dedicated to the holiday National Unity Day.

From the beginning, we colored the coloring pages depicting people in different national costumes.

Then we drew a map of Russia on paper and painted it in the colors of our flag

then we cut out the image of people in national costumes from the coloring books

signed the poster and with the help of felt-tip pens, the children circled the letters

After all this, we pasted the carved images of people in national costumes on the map of Russia.

This is the poster we got

National Unity Day is a holiday that children should know from an early age. Modern National Unity Day - holiday, which calls on people not only to remember the most important historical events, but also to remind the citizens of a multinational country the importance of unity. After all, only together, moving in the same direction, we can cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles.

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Until 2005, November 7 was celebrated as the Day of Accord and Reconciliation. Interestingly, according to public opinion polls at the time of the introduction of the holiday, 33% of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation still believed that November 4 was this particular holiday. Some Russians believe that November 4 is the Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In fact, November 4 will be National Unity Day. It is about him that will be discussed in our article.

The history of the holiday on November 4

This holiday is closely connected with not the brightest period in the history of Russia called "Time of Troubles". At the turn of the century, the Poles decided to take advantage of Russia's internal political turmoil in order to realize their interests in relation to our territories. They sought to return Smolensk, Chernigov and Novogorod-Seversky lands, lost in the middle of the 16th century. Moreover, the Poles hoped to gain control over the internal and external affairs of Russia. For this it was necessary to gain a foothold in the capital. So in 1605. False Dmitry I entered Moscow, a foreigner who claimed to be Tsarevich Dmitry, the hereditary monarch of Russia. He did not have to rule for long, the Moscow boyars quickly prepared an uprising against the impostor.

The next impostor appeared in 1607, he gathered an army and in 1608. began a campaign against Moscow. This time it was not possible to take the capital and False Dmitry II was forced to settle in Tushino, where he established his new government from the boyars, nobles and clergy.

To expel the impostor Vasily Shuisky had to take desperate measures, conclude a military alliance with Sweden, this provoked the Russian-Polish war of 1609-1618.

Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky- Russian Tsar from 1606 to 1610. Representative of the princely Shuisky family. After the deposition, he lived as a prisoner of the Poles. The last representative of the Rurik dynasty on the Russian throne.

At the initial stage, Russian troops suffered crushing defeats, so in 1610. Moscow boyars decided to change sides and plotted against Vasily Shuisky, handing him over to the Poles. The son of the Polish king Vladislav became the new ruler of Russia, but he remained in Poland to live.

Fortunately, there were patriots in the country who could not tolerate foreign domination over their country. In 1612 Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky led the militia. They managed to recapture Kitay-Gorod, after which the Polish-Lithuanian troops, who occupied the Kremlin, surrendered without a fight.

Who are Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky

It is known that Minin was a representative of the commercial and industrial nobility and lived in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1611 he became a zemstvo headman, therefore he had great influence on the council, assembled by decree of Patriarch Hermogenes. Minin made a speech, the purpose of which was to inspire the Russian people to fight against the interventionists and convince them of the need to expel them. They supported the headman, entrusting him with property matters and developing a plan of resistance. Minin also advised to elect Dmitry Pozharsky as commander of the militia.

Dmitry Pozharsky was a representative of a princely family and lived in Moscow. He took an active part in the struggle against False Dmitry II and in 1609. became governor in Zaraysk, Ryazan district, he refused to recognize the power of Vladislav in the county. In 1611 he participates in the Moscow uprising against the Poles and is seriously injured. Pozharsky went to be treated and in 1612. already leading the militia and seeking victory.

Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky became the real personification of this holiday; in 1818, a monument was erected to them in Red Square in tribute to their feat.

Why National Unity Day is November 4 and is important for Russia

AT modern form The holiday was established in 2005. at the initiative of the Interreligious Council, expressed in 2004. The holiday has not only social, but also religious significance, because Pozharsky entered Kitai-Gorod with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. On November 3-4, Moscow was liberated, and on November 4 every year they celebrate the holiday of national unity. This is an important holiday, because it emphasizes that our people can unite for good purposes, despite the difference in nationality and religion.

Symbols of National Unity Day

The main symbol of the day of national unity is the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which is considered religious. The fact is that the dates of the state and church holidays always coincide, so we decided to choose a symbol that marked the heroic liberation of the Russian capital.

The bell was also chosen as a symbol, it is difficult to explain the historical motive for this decision.

How do we rest on November 4th? Will it be a weekend or work day?

Since the holiday of November 4 has importance for our country, the government always arranges a day off where friends and relatives can gather, and believers should visit church on such an important Orthodox holiday.

Activities for the Day of National Unity at school

It is very important for children to know not only memorable dates and their historical validity, but also to feel the atmosphere of the holiday itself. Therefore, class teachers, in addition to thematic class hours where they introduce students to the biography of Minin and Pozharsky, arrange theater miniatures or creative evenings. At creative evenings, students can demonstrate skills visual arts, it's time to show off your drawing or modeling skills from plasticine or clay. Literary competitions are also organized, where they get acquainted with prose or poetry dedicated to the liberation from the Polish intervention. Small performances are shown in schools, where the most memorable moments of the difficult struggle against the Polish intervention in the "Time of Troubles" are played out.

Children's drawings for the day of national unity

November 4 - National Unity Day (source: co24tula.ru)
National Unity Day (source: pickimage.ru)
Happy national unity day (

Once upon a time, in order to get rid of the invader, the Russian people had to forget about disagreements and other dividing factors. And in 2005, the historical holiday dedicated to this event returned. In order for children to better comprehend the meaning of the celebration, you can talk about the holiday and offer to make drawings on the day of national unity. I'll show you what the thematic focus can be. And you yourself choose what is closer for you and your crumbs.

I will conditionally divide the topic into 2 subheadings:

  1. Friendship. When babies understand that unity begins with them, that they themselves must be friendly.
  2. The world through the eyes of children. This direction shows the importance of peaceful relations between all people, regardless of their nationality and worldview.

My selection will include not only drawings of children, but also postcards and pictures that your little one can copy.
I'll start with a video compilation:

I will try to show which works will be easy and interesting to prepare for the competition by the day national unity- Russian public holiday. Celebrated November 4th. And I'll start with pictures that the smallest children can make. So, according to the age category, I will introduce you to a variety of options, from simple to complex.

In addition to unity and friendship, the event has a second important direction - peace. And peace not only in Russia, but also in all countries of the Commonwealth. That's what we'll talk about in this part.

coloring pages

The easiest way for kids and parents to print coloring pages. And color it using the ideas above (the colors of the flag on the globe, multi-colored palms)

How to prepare for the celebration of National Unity Day (November 4): make a presentation, poster, postcards and posters for the event? Where can I get pictures and templates for Instagram or blog? We will tell you everything in this article.

In 1612, Minin and Pozharsky gathered a people's militia and liberated Russia from the Polish gentry, putting an end to the Time of Troubles. Now, in honor of the Day of National Unity, festive events are held throughout Russia in schools and universities, concerts, charity events, sports days, and processions. We share tips that will help create the atmosphere of a national holiday.

For presentation, we recommend using graphics editor : 10 minutes and done! You can use our National Unity Day templates or create your own unique design using visual elements, beautiful fonts and pictures.

1. Maximum patriotism

For a presentation in honor of National Unity Day, use the main symbols of November 4th.

  • Primary colors - white, blue, red.
  • Historical figures - Minin and Pozharsky.
  • Locations - Kremlin, Red Square.

We made such a template in the colors of the Russian flag, just substitute your text, headings, pictures, and beautiful presentation will be ready! This template can be used both for school class hours and for a festive event in the library, cinema, printing house.

2. Light colors and beautiful photos

What should be the presentation in honor of National Unity Day? Be sure to tell about the history of the holiday, share interesting and little-known facts. Choose the material and style of speech depending on the audience for which you will speak. For younger students, you should not dive into history, the most important thing is pictures and decorative elements through which you will convey the main idea of ​​National Unity Day.

For students high school and tell the students something that is not found in history textbooks. Give quotes of contemporary artists!

How do you like this minimalistic Canva presentation template? Do not forget about the principle of contrast and do not use more than 3-5 colors for the entire presentation. Read our article on how to combine colors correctly. .

Use this template

3. Template for a presentation for a history lesson

Canva designers have prepared cool visual elements for presentations, and you can also choose from 180 Cyrillic fonts. But keep in mind that in this case you should not use serif fonts, the text from the screen will be hard to read. More design tips in our article, .

You can choose a ready-made version in shades that are pleasing to the eye, add more beautiful photos Russia, so that your presentation in honor of National Unity Day will be remembered by everyone for a long time!

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Beautiful posters and posters for National Unity Day

On November 4, mass events are held throughout Russia: both entertainment and socio-political. We will help you prepare posters for concerts, exhibitions, sporting events.

4. Poster with the Russian flag

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5. Architecture poster

Near St. Basil's Cathedral, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected in honor of the liberation of Russia from the Polish invaders. Photos of the cathedral or monument will become symbolic details for the design of the poster.

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6. Poster for an exhibition of paintings

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7. Poster for a student event

When designing posters and posters, it is important to consider the audience for which the event is planned. For young people, state symbols are not particularly suitable; you can use pictures with friends of different nationalities for the background. For information on where to take cool photos, read the article. .

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8. Minimalism

A light background and a bright detail in the form of the Russian flag - what else is needed for a poster in honor of National Unity Day?

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9. You can’t do without the Kremlin

The easiest option for designing a poster for National Unity Day is to choose a beautiful picture of the Kremlin against a clear sky, write a text with an invitation or a congratulation, and the poster is ready.

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5 ideas for cards for National Unity Day

Why not give holiday cards or invitations to an event? We have prepared for you some ideas for creating themed postcards.

10. Patriotic postcard

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11. Holiday card

Fireworks and balloons are the main attributes of folk festivals on National Unity Day, why not depict them on a postcard. Simple and festive!

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12. Postcard for a school event

Postcards can be handed out class hour in honor of National Unity Day. Choose a design depending on the age of the student. How do you like such a universal template?

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13. Patriotic postcard for class hour

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14. Congratulations to all the peoples of Russia

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Event invitation flyers

Are you planning thematic event, demonstration, festive procession, charity event? To attract people's attention, make bright flyers, and an online designer will help you with this. . You can choose a suitable picture, illustration or icon and design the flyer to your liking.

15. Double-sided leaflet

On the front side of the flyer indicate what kind of event and when it will take place, on the back - detailed information.

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16. For a children's holiday

Use colorful illustrations for a festive flyer: for example, flags, nesting dolls, sun, clouds.

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17. Universal flyer

Distribute flyers for a charity concert: the more people come, the more funds will be raised to help those in need. Choose a light design without complex fonts and numerous visual elements.

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Festive pictures for National Unity Day

The Canva editor has thematic pictures in excellent quality for the Day of National Unity. Choose the right photo for the design of posters, posters and posts on Instagram. We have prepared for you some examples of decoration for the holiday of November 4th.

18. Picture with a verse in honor of the holiday

This option can be selected for presentations, posters, postcards.

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19. The main symbol of Russia is the Kremlin

Use beautiful images of the Kremlin to design decorations for school and corporate events, urban parties.

20. Picture for a blog

A great option for congratulating your readers on November 4th. You can use any of the thousands of pictures .

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21. A holiday for all ages

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26. "Through the years, through the distances"

Do you live in another country, but with all your heart want to congratulate your friends from Russia? Why not use this template: just the right quote about distance and unity.

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27. A little warmth for everyone

Make it pleasant for your relatives and friends, congratulate them on National Unity Day with this postcard, send it on social networks. May everyone smile and become a little happier on this day.

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5 ways to have a great National Unity Day

  1. Go to the morning parade in honor of the holiday. Don't forget to bring flags, put on a sweatshirt or a scarf with the state symbols!
  2. In good weather, go on a picnic with friends and family. But it is better to choose a place with a gazebo so that a possible November rain does not spoil the holiday.
  3. Go to a museum or library: on November 4, excursions are held in cultural places, exhibiting interesting exhibits related to the history of the holiday.
  4. Evening dinner with family and friends. On the Day of National Unity, just the same unity is important: get together with loved ones, give each other beautiful postcards and arrange cozy gatherings.
  5. In the evening, go to the city square if you didn’t go to the parade in the morning. Watch the fireworks and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

Now you are ready to celebrate National Unity Day. It remains to print postcards, posters, posters and expect November 4th. sunny weather and good mood on this day!

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You are in unity coloring page category. Coloring page you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find a lot of coloring pages online. You can download unity coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form an aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of unity develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, introduces the whole variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by categories will make it easier to find the right picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new one every day. interesting topic for coloring.