Thrushes and starlings - Italian folk tale. Staged "Birds, help!" (based on the fairy tale "Slingshot" by Arthur Volsky) Starlings and thrushes fairy tale scene

Once two lovers were sitting on the shore of the lake. Suddenly, two birds sang loudly above them. The boy and girl listened.

“You meant to say starlings, didn’t you?”

“Of course, starlings, if you like it better,” said the young man.

Would anyone in his place have answered differently?

“No, no,” the girl said quickly. “Since you say they are thrushes, let them be thrushes.”

Then they looked at each other and forgot about thrushes, and starlings, and everything in the world.

Soon the lovers got married and lived in perfect harmony.

It's been exactly a year since their wedding. For the sake of such a holiday, the wife decided to bake a cake. While the cake was being baked, the husband went to drink a glass or two of grape wine. But as soon as he reached the wine shop, he met an old man, all hung with cages, in which multi-colored birds jumped on thin perches.

“By the way,” thought the husband. “I’ll make my wife happy, I’ll buy her a present.”

And he shouted:

- Hey, bird master, what are you asking for a pair of birds in a green cage?

The birds cost four soldi. But the seller replied:

“Six soldi, sir.” That's why he was a salesman.

“Two soldi,” said the husband.

That's why he was a buyer. Agreed, of course, on four.

“Take it, signor, these birds will bring happiness to your house,” said the seller, passing the cage to her husband.

The husband took the cage, drank a glass of wine and went home.

Meanwhile, the wife cleaned the house and dressed up in her best dress. Here is the cake. As soon as she put it on the table, her husband opened the door and shouted from the threshold:

- Look, little wife, what a gift I brought you. Aren't they wonderful thrushes?

“Remarkable,” the delighted wife replied. - Only these are not thrushes, but starlings.

- No, thrushes! the husband argued.

- No, starlings! the wife argued.

- Thrushes! – stood on his husband.

- Starlings! Starlings! Starlings!!! wife stamped her feet.

“Ah, if it’s starlings, then I’ll go and sell my thrushes at the market!” shouted the exhausted husband.

Here the wife grabbed the cage.

- Starlings are not yours, but mine! You gave them to me.

“But I gave you thrushes,” the husband answered and pulled the cage towards him.

The cage cracked and fell apart. The birds fluttered out the window and flew away. The wife wept loudly in frustration.

“Why did you miss my starlings!” she screamed.

“If it wasn’t for you, the thrushes wouldn’t have flown away!” the husband shouted.

They reconciled only in the evening, when the holiday ended - the anniversary of their wedding.

For three hundred and sixty-four days they could not get enough of each other.

A year has passed, the second wedding anniversary has come.

This time the husband gave his wife a bouquet of flowers. The wife put the flowers in the water, kissed her husband, and then they sat down at the festive table.

“Do you remember,” the wife said smiling, “how a year ago we quarreled over a mere trifle – over a couple of starlings?”

“A terribly stupid quarrel,” the husband replied. “But still, dear little wife, those were not starlings, but thrushes.

- Starlings! the wife said.

- Thrushes! the husband said.

- No, starlings! - the wife argued, - No, thrushes! the husband argued. And it all started all over again.

And so it happened with them: they live in complete harmony all year, and when the wedding anniversary comes, they will certainly quarrel.

Time passes quickly in the story. The wife had wrinkles around her eyes, the husband's temples turned silver.

On the twentieth wedding anniversary, the wife said to her husband:

- I won't bake a cake today. It's a good day, let's go for a walk.

They left the house and went aimlessly. They walked and walked and came to the very lake, to the very place where they sat twenty years ago.

- Shall we rest? the husband asked.

“Let’s rest,” the wife replied.

And they sat under that same tree. Suddenly two birds sang above their heads. Maybe not the same, but exactly the same.

“Do you remember,” said the wife, “how, before our wedding, we listened to the starlings of birds here with you?”

- How can I forget such wonderful thrush birds! - answered the husband.

They looked at each other and laughed. It turned out that it is not so difficult for the wife to yield to her husband, and the husband to yield to his wife.

Since then, they have never quarreled, even on their wedding anniversary.

Once two lovers were sitting on the shore of the lake. Suddenly, two birds sang loudly above them. The boy and girl listened.

“You meant to say starlings, didn’t you?”

“Of course, starlings, if you like it better,” said the young man.

Would anyone in his place have answered differently?

“No, no,” the girl said quickly. “Since you say they are thrushes, let them be thrushes.”

Then they looked at each other and forgot about thrushes, and starlings, and everything in the world.

Soon the lovers got married and lived in perfect harmony.

It's been exactly a year since their wedding. For the sake of such a holiday, the wife decided to bake a cake. While the cake was being baked, the husband went to drink a glass or two of grape wine. But as soon as he reached the wine shop, he met an old man, all hung with cages, in which multi-colored birds jumped on thin perches.

“By the way,” thought the husband. “I’ll make my wife happy, I’ll buy her a present.”

And he shouted:

- Hey, bird master, what are you asking for a pair of birds in a green cage?

The birds cost four soldi. But the seller replied:

“Six soldi, sir.” That's why he was a salesman.

“Two soldi,” said the husband.

That's why he was a buyer. Agreed, of course, on four.

“Take it, signor, these birds will bring happiness to your house,” said the seller, passing the cage to her husband.

The husband took the cage, drank a glass of wine and went home.

Meanwhile, the wife cleaned the house and dressed up in her best dress. Here is the cake. As soon as she put it on the table, her husband opened the door and shouted from the threshold:

- Look, little wife, what a gift I brought you. Aren't they wonderful thrushes?

“Remarkable,” the delighted wife replied. - Only these are not thrushes, but starlings.

- No, thrushes! the husband argued.

- No, starlings! the wife argued.

- Thrushes! – stood on his husband.

- Starlings! Starlings! Starlings!!! wife stamped her feet.

“Ah, if it’s starlings, then I’ll go and sell my thrushes at the market!” shouted the exhausted husband.

Here the wife grabbed the cage.

- The starlings are not yours, but mine! You gave them to me.

“But I gave you thrushes,” the husband answered and pulled the cage towards him.

The cage cracked and fell apart. The birds fluttered out the window and flew away. The wife wept loudly in frustration.

“Why did you miss my starlings!” she screamed.

“If it wasn’t for you, the thrushes wouldn’t have flown away!” the husband shouted.

They reconciled only in the evening, when the holiday ended - the anniversary of their wedding.

For three hundred and sixty-four days they could not get enough of each other.

A year has passed, the second wedding anniversary has come.

This time the husband gave his wife a bouquet of flowers. The wife put the flowers in the water, kissed her husband, and then they sat down at the festive table.

“Do you remember,” the wife said smiling, “how a year ago we quarreled over a mere trifle – over a couple of starlings?”

“A terribly stupid quarrel,” the husband replied. “But still, dear little wife, those were not starlings, but thrushes.

- Starlings! the wife said.

- Thrushes! the husband said.

- No, starlings! - the wife argued, - No, thrushes! the husband argued. And it all started all over again.

And so it happened with them: they live in complete harmony all year, and when the wedding anniversary comes, they will certainly quarrel.

Time passes quickly in the story. The wife had wrinkles around her eyes, the husband's temples turned silver.

On the twentieth wedding anniversary, the wife said to her husband:

- I won't bake a cake today. It's a good day, let's go for a walk.

They left the house and went aimlessly. They walked and walked and came to the very lake, to the very place where they sat twenty years ago.

- Shall we rest? the husband asked.

“Let’s rest,” the wife replied.

And they sat under that same tree. Suddenly two birds sang above their heads. Maybe not the same, but exactly the same.

“Do you remember,” said the wife, “how before our wedding, we listened to you and me here with ... well . . birds?

– How can I forget such wonderful others. . Droz. . birds! - answered the husband.

They looked at each other and laughed. It turned out that it is not so difficult for the wife to yield to her husband, and the husband to yield to his wife.

Since then, they have never quarreled, even on their wedding anniversary.

Target: education in children of a sense of responsibility for the fate of birds.

To expand students' knowledge of migratory birds;

Arouse the desire to take care of them;

Make nests for them;

Protect from predators and hooligans.


Tables “Migratory birds”;

Recordings of the songs "Lark", "Nightingale";

Real nests of birds: swallows, crows, flycatchers, wagtails;

Table "Nests of birds";

Caps with the image of different birds.

bird day

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything is green
And in the fields the stream rings.
If the sun shines brighter
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the wind gets warmer
So, came to us ... (Spring)

Where are you, sunshine? Wake up!
Where are you skunk? Come back!
Winter is tired of snowing.
Drop-drop-drop, spring has come.
- Ships in puddles
Run, run, run
And the grass is green
Everywhere - both here and there.
Warmth and sun are welcome
Birch and pine.
Birds have returned home
Spring has come home.


More attention to live pages,
These lines listen to the call -
Today we dedicate them to birds
To the friends of man, fields and gardens.

And it seems that spring itself is in exploration
She sent a bird, and, bending down a branch,
The rook opened the right path for her (the rook enters)
The Rooks Have Arrived.

Reader 2. Following the rooks, starlings fly in. Starlings arrive first, followed by female starlings a few days later. By their arrival, males look for a birdhouse, often evicting sparrows from their houses. Having settled down, the starling sings loudly with enthusiasm, waiting for her girlfriend.

(Starling appears)

Starling: Hello guys! Do you recognize me? For those who didn't know, let me introduce myself.

I stand before you
Like a young messenger of spring
I'm glad to see my friends!
Well, my name is ... (Starling)

Right! You guessed. I am a very useful bird with whom you should become friends. From year to year, from century to century, I live where people live. I settle nearby, watch his field, garden, clean it from harmful insects, eat butterflies, beetles. And so I'm a starling, well done.

The poem "Starling

Starling is a caring father.
But how to appease the screeching?
As soon as a starling comes out of the house,
Again they shout:
- I want a bug!
- Worm!
- Come on mosquito!
- Bug!
- And I would like to dinner
At least bark beetle!
Starling is a caring father,
And everything on the menu
A starling carries from the grove to the house
And feed the kids.

Watch the scene “Birds, help!” performed by students of class ___.

Reader 1. Sometimes voiced vociferous larks arrive almost simultaneously with starlings.


The dark forest glowed in the sun
In the valley of steam the thin whitens
And sang an early song
In azure the lark is sonorous
He is vociferous from above.
Sings, sparkling in the sun:
Spring has come to us, young,
Here I sing the coming of spring...

Listen to the recording of the lark's song.

Scenes “Songs of birds”

In the spring, barnacle titmouse sing the loudest of all, ringing bells. In a different way and manner. They just hear “twice two, twice two, twice two”. Others whistle briskly, “four, four, four.” From morning to evening, the titmouses crammed the multiplication table “twice two, twice two - some shout out “four, four” - others cheerfully answer. Arithmetic titmouse.

Magpie. Oh, zhelna, something is wrong with our owl! Every night moans and groans! Haven't you fallen ill, haven't you caught a cold? It wheezes, then grumbles, then grumbles. Like a hedgehog choked

Zhelna. What are you, Magpie, what are you. Yes, he sings his most tender songs. The most cheerful. Shut up, otherwise he will hear more, be offended. Shh...

Did you know that Zhelna is a black woodpecker. (Recording of Zhelny's song)

Once, a wagtail called for a visit.
Come, kumanek-dapper
Very important guests will come to me
Feast on a tall pine.
Very important guests - a crow with an owl!
They don't know how to sing.
You are for them, kumanek, you are a dandy for them,
A new song of his dandy.
But the goldfinch did not go. No, the goldfinch replied.
I don't want to show off.
Better my song, in the evening I will sing
For their dear flaunt.

The game “Birds have arrived! (leader conducts)

Leading. “Now I will only name birds, but if suddenly I make a mistake and you hear something else, then you can clap.


The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
flies and swifts ... (Children clap)

Leading. What's wrong?

Children. Flies!

Leading. And who are the flies?

Children. Insects.

Leading. You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived
Pigeons, tits.
storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta!

Children clap.

Lead again:

The birds have arrived:
pigeons , martens!
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,

Ostriches, siskins...

If the kids don't respond to ostriches, one zero in my favor. After all, the wings of ostriches have almost completely disappeared, and they cannot fly.

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, Chizhi,
Gadgets , swifts,
Storks, cuckoos
Even scoops-buns

Children clap, they should be asked WHY?

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits
Jackdaws and swifts,
Chibis, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos.
Even spy owls
Swans, starlings... All of you are great !

Perform the song "By the road lapwing."

Lapwing on the road, lapwing on the road
He screams, worries, an eccentric:
- Tell me, whose are you?
- Tell me, whose are you?
And why, why are you coming here?

Do not cry, winged one,
Do not worry in vain,
We will not enter your green garden.
You see, we are guys.
We are friends of birds
We will not touch yours, yours, lapwings.

Sky is blue,
The meadow rustles with grass,
Choose any path here!
This is for you and me
We are all dear -
This is our native, native beloved land!
And when it blooms
And when he calls
We're going on long journeys
across the steppe latitudes,
Through the rivers ford
We want to go through the whole country, the country!


Swallows came from the south
They came to us with spring,
Troublesomely spun
Above the gazebo carved.
Tit-vit - scurry around quickly.
Day or two, another day -
And under the patterned roof
The swallow house has grown

Bird talk

Somehow Petya met Borya.
Borya Petya began to boast:
- Wow, I know a lot of nests!
I know where the goldfinch is, where the thrush is,
I know where the owls live!
- If you know - shut up!
Don't talk!” Petya remarked.
Be of some help to them.

Reader 1. Bird nests are very diverse.

Oriole - our brightest bird, hangs its nest in a fork of a thin branch, which bends slightly under the weight of the bird.

Reader 2. Wren - made from green moss and dry fern leaves.

Remez - makes a nest from plant fibers and willow or poplar fluff in the form of a bag (mitten).

Reader 1. There are also mink kingfishers, coastal swallows in minks.

Rooks, crows, jackdaws build their nests on trees from twigs and twigs.

Reader 2. There are birds that occupy hollows (woodpeckers, nuthatches, tits, flycatchers).

Let's look at the skits performed by students of ____ class.

Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem
I am a bird!

That's funny! Birdie, and live on the ground settled down in the grass.

And I am not a simple bird, I am a Chiffchaff, I live in clean places, in green meadows, I catch grass insects.

Here I have both a table and a house. Where else can I make a nest

Scene “Caring”

What are you crying for, Flycatcher? Poor thing.

How can I, Cuckoo, not cry. I had five testicles. There are four left. The jay stole one egg.

Ah, the soul mate. Ah, wretch. Ah, bastard! Don't cry motherfucker. I will help your grief. I'll lay my testicle on you.

No no no. Last summer, one cuckoo helped me in the same way, so I lost all my children. The cuckoo hatched - the villain threw all my children out of the nest. I know you helper, fly, fly.

The benefits of birds

Leading. To feed your chicks.

A family of starlings destroys 350 caterpillars, beetles, snails per day.

And the cuckoo eats up to 270 thousand large caterpillars and May beetles during the summer.

Scene “Cuckoo and warbler”

Why are you shaking your head, cuckoo, as if you were choking on a hair?

What a hair! A whole hairy caterpillar got in the throat.

Oh, you are poor! How unlucky you are!

Why is that unlucky? I've already swallowed three dozen of their hairy ones. I'm swallowing the thirty-first. Delicious, fluffy.

Leading. The rook, following the plow, is able to destroy 400 worms, plant pests, per day.

Scene “Rook and beetle”

Well, Beetle, say goodbye to white light - now I'll eat you! Say goodbye, what is your poor fellow's name?

They call me, jackdaw, Gravedigger Beetle!

Fu, disgusting what! You can choke on just one name. Well, get out of sight, do not overshadow a clear day and my cheerful mood with your last name.

Presenter: It is known about the flycatcher that it destroys in a month at least 25 thousand flies and mosquitoes, and they are carriers of dysentery, typhoid fever and other diseases.

Scene “Flycatcher and Hare”

Why, Zainka, are you dancing, why, little grey, are you shaking your ears?

Out of grief, Flycatcher, out of grief! Mosquitoes flew out after the rain - neither to drink nor eat. And why are you flying up, why are you flapping your wings?

From joy, Zainki, from joy! Mosquitoes flew out after the rain - it's time to eat!

Scene “Raven and Hare”

Hey Raven!

You, me, oblique, or what?

So I'm not a crow, but a Raven! Can't you see, right? The crow is gray and I am black. The crow cries “kra”, and I cry “cru”, the village crow, and I am a forest bird, wild.

Think it makes a lot of difference!

If it’s not enough, then I’ll also say: the crow pecks at everything, and I’m only meat. Sometimes I catch birds, little animals and hares like you.

Oh-oh, I won't do it again, uncle. Crow! I already understood everything.

Scene “Hazel grouse and the nightingale”

I love spring flowers, Nightingale!

And I love how beautiful they are!

No, nightingale, not that.

They are so fragrant!

No, not that.

So what is it, if not?

They are delicious, Nightingale, very. Especially forget-me-nots. Unforgettable taste.

bird protection

We want the birds to sing
To make noise around the forest,
To have blue skies
To make the river silver
For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries.

The scene “Sparrow and Titmouse” performed by the class

Guess, Titmouse, what is the most terrible weapon people have.

Uh, didn't guess.

I didn't guess again.

What then? Sparrow.

Slingshot. They don’t shoot at sparrows from a cannon, but from a slingshot - just have time to bounce. I know, I'm a shot sparrow.

Poem "Sparrow"

Come, sparrow
Don't be shy!
I see you little
So after all, I myself am small,
I go to first grade
Fool, I love sparrows!
On the river begins to bite -
I'm digging up worms now
And I will share with you

Yu. Shevchuk's poem

Don't shoot the sparrows
Don't shoot the pigeons
Don't just shoot
From your slingshot!
Hey baby don't shoot
And don't brag to others
How to hit without a miss
On targets alive.
Do not shoot!

Don't tease dogs
Don't tease the dogs
Don't run cats
Don't be sorry for the birds,
No grain, no crumbs!
And then the sparrows
Wake up with a song.
And scratch and bite
Nobody will be you!
If it's too noisy
Around the den
That will have later
Take your legs off.
And the bee just like that
It won't come either.
After all, neither sting nor growl
In vain no one will.
Nothing to offend
Butterfly on a branch
More fun in the forest
From her colors.
Don't scare the bugs
With a long mustache
And believe that the bugs
You will not be touched!
If you like
Earthly beauty.
Take care of her
Tired of not knowing!
Surely then
We will become friends...
About cats and dogs
Sing along with us.

Let it always be such a custom
We will remain in the country -
Meet lovingly flocks of birds,
With all my heart rejoicing in spring.

Let them fly in to hurry
Busy from morning to night
I am a happy shelter for two starlings
I want to create before autumn.

Perhaps they dreamed in a foreign land
My house is among the thick branches.
May Russian hospitality
In the edge of the familiar will meet them.

Once two lovers were sitting on the shore of the lake. Suddenly, two birds sang loudly above them. The boy and girl listened.

“You meant to say starlings, didn’t you?”

“Of course, starlings, if you like it better,” said the young man.

Would anyone in his place have answered differently?

“No, no,” the girl said quickly. “Since you say they are thrushes, let them be thrushes.”

Then they looked at each other and forgot about thrushes, and starlings, and everything in the world.

Soon the lovers got married and lived in perfect harmony.

It's been exactly a year since their wedding. For the sake of such a holiday, the wife decided to bake a cake. While the cake was being baked, the husband went to drink a glass or two of grape wine. But as soon as he reached the wine shop, he met an old man, all hung with cages, in which multi-colored birds jumped on thin perches.

“By the way,” thought the husband. “I’ll make my wife happy, I’ll buy her a present.”

And he shouted:

- Hey, bird master, what are you asking for a pair of birds in a green cage?

The birds cost four soldi. But the seller replied:

“Six soldi, sir.” That's why he was a salesman.

“Two soldi,” said the husband.

That's why he was a buyer. Agreed, of course, on four.

“Take it, signor, these birds will bring happiness to your house,” said the seller, passing the cage to her husband.

The husband took the cage, drank a glass of wine and went home.

Meanwhile, the wife cleaned the house and dressed up in her best dress. Here is the cake. As soon as she put it on the table, her husband opened the door and shouted from the threshold:

- Look, little wife, what a gift I brought you. Aren't they wonderful thrushes?

“Remarkable,” the delighted wife replied. - Only these are not thrushes, but starlings.

- No, thrushes! the husband argued.

- No, starlings! the wife argued.

- Thrushes! – stood on his husband.

- Starlings! Starlings! Starlings!!! wife stamped her feet.

“Ah, if it’s starlings, then I’ll go and sell my thrushes at the market!” shouted the exhausted husband.

Here the wife grabbed the cage.

- Starlings are not yours, but mine! You gave them to me.

“But I gave you thrushes,” the husband answered and pulled the cage towards him.

The cage cracked and fell apart. The birds fluttered out the window and flew away. The wife wept loudly in frustration.

“Why did you miss my starlings!” she screamed.

“If it wasn’t for you, the thrushes wouldn’t have flown away!” the husband shouted.

They reconciled only in the evening, when the holiday ended - the anniversary of their wedding.

For three hundred and sixty-four days they could not get enough of each other.

A year has passed, the second wedding anniversary has come.

This time the husband gave his wife a bouquet of flowers. The wife put the flowers in the water, kissed her husband, and then they sat down at the festive table.

“Do you remember,” the wife said smiling, “how a year ago we quarreled over a mere trifle – over a couple of starlings?”

“A terribly stupid quarrel,” the husband replied. “But still, dear little wife, those were not starlings, but thrushes.

- Starlings! the wife said.

- Thrushes! the husband said.

- No, starlings! - the wife argued, - No, thrushes! the husband argued. And it all started all over again.

And so it happened with them: they live in complete harmony all year, and when the wedding anniversary comes, they will certainly quarrel.

Time passes quickly in the story. The wife had wrinkles around her eyes, the husband's temples turned silver.

On the twentieth wedding anniversary, the wife said to her husband:

- I won't bake a cake today. It's a good day, let's go for a walk.

They left the house and went aimlessly. They walked and walked and came to the very lake, to the very place where they sat twenty years ago.

- Shall we rest? the husband asked.

“Let’s rest,” the wife replied.

And they sat under that same tree. Suddenly two birds sang above their heads. Maybe not the same, but exactly the same.

“Do you remember,” said the wife, “how, before our wedding, we listened to the starlings of birds here with you?”

- How can I forget such wonderful thrush birds! - answered the husband.

They looked at each other and laughed. It turned out that it is not so difficult for the wife to yield to her husband, and the husband to yield to his wife.

Since then, they have never quarreled, even on their wedding anniversary.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution No. 241

"Kindergarten of a combined type"

Lesson script on the topic

"Spring Story"


Sakovich Olga Yurievna,

by activity;

Roslavleva Diana Anatolyevna,

additional education teacher

on ecology

Kemerovo 2013

Target: create a joyful mood; consolidate children's knowledge about spring changes in nature; cultivate respect for plants and animals.

Equipment: foam ice floe, butterflies on curtains, easels, magnets.

Characters: White Bear, Spring, starlings, cat, sparrow.

Event progress:

In the hall, on an ice floe, the Polar Bear sits, saddened. Children enter the hall to the music.

Educator: Guys, we have come to the spring meadow.

Cheerfully backed

Spring from the forest.

The bear answered her

Rumbling from sleep.

Bunnies jumped to her

A rook flew up to her.

The hedgehog rolled after

Like a prickly ball.

The squirrel got excited

Looking out of the hollow

I waited, fluffy,

Light and heat

Smiled joyfully

All transparent forest.

And frost behind the trees,

Groaning, he disappeared.

L. Agracheva

caregiver: What are you doing here? After all, you live in the realm of cold and snow. How did you get here?

Polar bear: Hello guys! My ice floe was carried away to the open sea and washed ashore. Now I can't figure out where am I? I don't see snow or ice. It's always winter in my house and everything is white, but here everything is different. Can you guys tell me where I ended up and why everything is green around?

Educator: Bear, how did you get to the clearing, and everything is green, because it's spring now.

Polar bear Spring? What's this? What is she?

Educator: Now you will see.

(Music sounds, children stand in a round dance, Spring comes and dances with children in a round dance).

Round dance "Freckle-Spring"

(see the magazine "Musical palette" No. 3, 2010)

After the round dance, the children sit on the chairs.

Spring: I am the sorceress of spring.

I am the meadows and the forest and the field

Woke up from sleep.

Give people light.

I heard that the White Bear came to your clearing and wants to know what spring is? Let's tell and show. Let's start with the riddles:

loose snow

melting in the sun,

The wind plays in the branches


Came to us...


Here on a branch someone's house

No doors in it, no windows,

But the chicks live warmly there.

This house is called...


He is the flower prince-poet,

Wearing a yellow hat.

An encore sonnet about spring

Will read to us...


You can find them in Holland

They are respected everywhere.

Like bright glasses

Blooming in the gardens...


Housewarming at the starling

He rejoices without end.

So that we have a mockingbird,

We crafted...


While guessing riddles B.M. finds a constructor to build a birdhouse.

Polar bear: Did I find something?

Spring: these are the details for building a birdhouse house. I suggest building birdhouses.

Polar bear: I also want to build a house.

Game "Collect a birdhouse"

4 easels are put up, 2 children come out by 3, and B.M. For the design of the birdhouse, laminated drawn cardboard parts are offered: a roof, a birdhouse base and a window - all of different configurations (triangular, square, oval, etc. window, base and roof) and structures (“wood-like”, “brick-like”, etc. ). All parts are attached to the easel with plasticine. For B.M. make a window with curtains and shutters, a pipe. B.M. builds a house with a chimney and a window with curtains and shutters, that is, he makes mistakes. Then the children correct them, explain what a birdhouse is.

Polar bear: What a pity that the birdhouse is a bird's house, and I would live in it.

Spring: Mishka, let's see who will live in our houses.

Scene "Starlings and Sparrow"

Seryozha and Kuzma come out.

Kuzma: We are two friends - carpenters,

He is Seryozha, I am Kuzma.

Seryozha: It's time for us to work

Build starling houses.

Together: From the south the starlings are flying

They want to live in a new house.

We build houses for birdhouses (build)

Not at home, but a tower.

This is the work of our hands

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock!

They put up birdhouses.

Seryozha: Really nice houses?

Well, let's go home, Kuzma! (leave)

A sparrow appears to the music:

Sparrow: New house?

To whom? Starlings?

No, I'll take it myself.

I am a starling, I am a starling

This house is not for sale!

Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!

Jump-jump to the new house!

Music, starlings arrive:

Starlings: We are back home again

Is everything here ready for us?

Where would we sit now?

Where to drink and where to eat?

Seen at home: We built houses

Not at home, but a tower.

Seryozha: Arrived! Arrived!

The starlings have arrived!

Kuzma: Let's run for food-

For grain and water (run away and quickly return).

Together: Here's food for you, starlings (pour grain, put water).

Seryozha: Here's the grain!

Kuzma: And here's the water! (leave)

Starlings: We built houses

Not at home, but a tower!

Interrupt each other: This house will be yours!

And this one is mine!

Spring: Hush, hush, don't crowd

Become alive in pairs

I'll go ahead now

I will take you home.

I'll lead the first couple

I will find a home for the first couple.

Starlings of the 1st pair: We go, we go

We are moving into a new house.

How good is the house?

You won't find a better home (hide in the birdhouse).

Spring 2nd pair: Now I will lead you

I will find a home for you too.

Starlings of the 2nd pair: We go, we go

We are moving into a new house.

How good is the house?

You won't find a better home (hide in the birdhouse).

Spring: I'm taking the third pair

I will find a home for the third couple.

Starlings of the 3rd pair: We go, we go

We are moving into a new house.

A sparrow peeks out of a birdhouse:

Why are you screaming here?

Residents already live here.

(mimics starlings) How good is the house?

You won't find a better home!

Starlings of the 3rd pair: Go away, sparrow.

Sparrow: I will not leave, at least kill me!

Starlings: Get out now, the house was built for us!

Sparrow: I'm used to home

Chick-chirp, chick-chirp! (hides in the house)

Starlings of the 3rd pair:

Where will we live now? (crying)

Spring: Kohl happens I trouble,

Never grieve.

Calling starlings:

Starlings surround Spring, pour grain on the ground and sing:

Sparrow, come out

Sparrow, look

Grain is poured here

It is very large.

Sparrow (peeks out): Well, let's take a look.

No, don't fool me! (hiding).

Starlings of the 3rd pair: What should we do? How can we be?

Where will we live now?

Spring: No need to hang your nose in trouble!

Everyone to me, fly together!

Starlings flock, put a bowl of water and sing:

Sparrow, come out

Sparrow, look!

Sparrow, fly here.

How delicious is the water!

Sparrow (peeks out): Well, let's take a look.

No, don't fool me! (hiding).

Starlings of the 3rd pair: What should we do? How can we be?

Where will we live now?

Spring: I know how to help trouble -

Let's drive the sparrow away!

Spring leaves somewhere, returns with a big "worm". Starlings make a loop of rope, lay it out on the ground, and put a “worm” in the middle.

All: Sparrow, come out

Sparrow, look.

Here lies the worm

Very tasty barrel.

Sparrow(peeks out): Well, let's take a look...

Eh, I'll try a little (leaves the house).

Starlings: Sparrow. Sparrow

Peck grains, drink water

And the worm is so good!

The sparrow "pecks the worm", the starlings at this time tighten the loop.

Starlings: Well, don't leave now!

Sparrow: What stuck to the sparrow?

I complain rook

I will beat you all now

I will beat you all!

Starlings: Hush, hush, sparrow.

Peck grains, drink water,

Here's a worm for you

Very tasty barrel.

You enjoy a little.

A cat appears.

All: Cat! Cat! Cat!

The starlings are flying away. Sparrow jumps on one leg, trying to break out of the loop. The cat sneaks up on him. Sparrow freezes in place with fear.

Cat(flattering): Why don't you jump, sparrow?

Tired legs?

Cat(gloatingly): What, gotcha, sparrow?

Right in the paws of a cat?

I need you,

I need it for dinner!

Sparrow: Oh, now I'm dying.

Oh, save the sparrow!

The cat will eat me alive...

Starlings: Let's help! Help out! Let's save!

The starlings release the sparrow from the noose. Together they all "scatter". The cat jumps to the place where the sparrow was.

Cat: Ah, what a failure!

Failure, so what!

I won't cry, I won't cry

Sparrow is not so good

He is skinny, there is little meat in him -

I wouldn't eat it (leaves).

Sparrow and starlings "flock" again.

Sparrow: Well friends, thank you.

I will give you your house.

I ask your forgiveness

I will leave the premises.

Starlings: Don't forget the starlings

You come to visit us.

Sparrow: I won't forget, I'll fly!

I want to live in friendship with you! (flies away)

Spring: And now home, starlings.

Take home, residents!

Starlingsstand behind the "houses" and sing:

For excellent birdhouses

We thank you guys.

To all the guys, to all the guys

We say thank you.

During the skit, the Polar Bear walks with a magnifying glass and examines something.

Spring: Misha, what are you doing there? What's in your paws?

Polar bear: I found something very strange. Through it, everything looks very big. Guys, can you explain what it is? (children's explanations)

Spring: Bear, through a magnifying glass you can see a lot of interesting things in nature. For example, not in our clearing there are animals that are so small that it is difficult to see them, and a magnifying glass helps in this.

Game "Find the insect"

In the hall on the trees, among the flowers, various insects, birds, animals are hidden. 4 children are looking only for insects, and B.M. helps, but finds a hedgehog, a hare, birds.

Polar bear: Found! Found! Look, what an insect with long ears, and here is another one with feathers.

Spring: No, bear, these are not insects, these are animals and birds. Guys, show what insects you found and tell us how to distinguish insects from other animals.

Polar bear: Now I understand what spring is. While I was listening and watching, I wanted to draw her (takes paint from the ice floe). That's how many colors I have, but I don't know how to draw spring with them? I painted only snow and ice, the cold sea. Can you paint spring with the same paints? (No)

Game "Pick up the colors"

Children choose paints of cold and warm shades.

Spring: But spring can not only be drawn, but also molded. I suggest making spring flowers.

Modeling is in progress.

Polar bear: Thank you guys! Now I know what spring is. It's time for me to go home.

Educator: And we have to go. Goodbye, Mishka! And we will meet in the spring in a year.

The children go to the group.

List of used literature:

    Vakulenko, Yu. A. Education of love for nature among preschoolers: environmental holidays, quizzes, activities and games [text] / Yu. A. Vakulenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. -157 p.

    Volchkova, V. N., Stepanova, N. V. Abstracts of classes in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. ISO [text]. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions / V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova. - Voronezh: ChP Lakotsenin S. S., 2008. - 95 p.

    Zenina, T. N. Ecological holidays for older preschoolers [text]. Teaching aid /T. N. Zenina. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2008. -128 p.

    Lykova, I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, methodological recommendations. Preparatory group [text] / I. A. Lykova.- M.: Karapuz, 2010. -208 p.

    Popova, T. I. The world around us. Materials of a comprehensive program of cultural and environmental education and moral education of children of preschool and primary school age [text] / T. I. Popova. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, 1998. - 192 p.

    Magazine "Musical palette" №3, 2010