What kind of production can be developed in a correctional colony. Correctional facilities open new facilities

Within the powers of the members of the Public Monitoring Commission for the Sverdlovsk Region, Vasily Rybakov and I ribakov On October 4, 2014, they visited IK-10 (Yekaterinburg). The purpose of the visit was to monitor nutrition and test production verification techniques.

In this post, I will describe the production and the methodology that we used.
The basis of the methodology for checking Production in the colony is Art. 103 PEC RF ( "1. Every person sentenced to imprisonment is obliged to work in places and at work determined by the administration of correctional institutions. The administration of correctional institutions is obliged to involve convicts in labor taking into account their gender, age, ability to work, state of health and, if possible, specialty, as well as based on the availability of jobs. Convicts are involved in labor in the centers of labor adaptation of convicts and production (labor) workshops of correctional institutions, at federal state unitary enterprises of the penitentiary system and in organizations of other organizational and legal forms located on the territories of correctional institutions and (or) outside them, subject to the provision of proper protection and isolation of convicts.- source http://www.zakonrf.info/uik/103/) and collection of statistical and factual data on the employment of convicts, visual inspection of their places of work, verification of the conditions for organizing production. It is the primary information with their generalization that will allow you to move on to the next level of monitoring - compliance design labor relations, legitimacy of the calculation of wages and other documented forms of regulation of the work of convicts.

Statistical data about what he saw in IK-10 was given in his LiveJournal by Vasily Rybakov (post - PMC. IK 10. Labor and nutrition.). I use his post:

PKU IK 10 contains 1160 human. employed in production334 person according to the data voiced by Ch. engineer.

During the visit, we examined all the production facilities (according to the chief engineer).
we saw:
1) Production for the production of plastic windows and armored structures.
31 (25+6)
2) Sewing production.
number of people involved in production 34
according to the person in charge 28
3) Furniture production
number of people involved in production 79 according to the foreman of production.
according to the person in charge 53
4) Manufacture of office furniture.
number of people involved in production 30 according to the foreman of production.
according to the person in charge 23
5) Production of joinery
failed to install.
according to the person in charge 26
6) Making wicker furniture.
number of people involved in production 34 according to the foreman of production.
according to the person in charge 31
7) Production of gluing fittings.
the number of people involved in production according to the production foreman failed to install.
according to the person in charge 22
8) Making toilet paper.
the number of people involved in production according to the production foreman failed to install.
according to the person in charge 13.

1)269 according to production foremen
2)215 according to the data of the person responsible for the outfits.

Salary depends on performance. The majority do not fulfill the norms even by 50%.

It was not possible to check the logging: Familiarization with safety precautions, Familiarization with labor rationing, PWTR was not possible for objective reasons.

Thus, the conclusions that can be drawn from the collected data are:
1) Employed in production 28,8 % of the total number of convicts held, even taking into account the sick, it is clear that full compliance with the requirements of Article 103 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is not ensured. In the future, in the test methodology, we will include data on the MCH (the number of convicts with a restriction on production activities), then the information will be more revealing.
2) In IK-10, 11 production facilities were actually recorded, of which only 8 were provided with orders. This is one of the reasons for the insignificant percentage of employed convicts.
3) The low percentage of production is largely due to the unstable nature of the load production capacity customers (either those materials, or interruptions with the orders themselves). There is no direct guilt of the convicts here. This is actually a flaw in the marketing department.
4) There are discrepancies in the data received from the senior contractor and foremen (this fact will have to be comprehended).
5) A visit on a day off for the bulk of the employees of the EC (Saturday) did not allow, due to the absence of the heads of workshops, to get acquainted with the keeping of journals. We will try to eliminate this omission at the next visits.

Separate control is required by the colony-settlement, which is available at IK-10. As I understand it, employment in the settlement must be at least 100%. We also plan to find out at the next check of this colony.

It should be noted that no complaints were received from convicts either about working conditions or on other grounds when visiting the colony...

The labor of prisoners is not used in every country, but in Belarus such a system has been preserved since Soviet Union, where in the 1920-1930s, when the GULAG empire was born and strengthened, prisoners were actively used in logging, building factories, railways and, of course, channels. Even the word "zeka" means "a prisoner of the digging army" - that is, a prisoner of the army of diggers.

In Soviet Belarus, prison labor was also widely used. For example, the Dnieper-Bug Canal is not as well known as the White Sea-Baltic Canal, about which films were made and which poets sang about, but it was built literally on the bones of prisoners.

In the future, canals were no longer built in Belarus, and the prisoners worked in the production that was at each colony. As long-time workers of the colonies recall, in the days of the USSR in Belarus, the work of prisoners brought significant profit, including to the prisoners themselves.

The crisis of production in places of deprivation of liberty, like the rest of the industry, began with the collapse of the USSR. Old ties collapsed, but there were no new ones. The closeness of places of deprivation of liberty did not allow establishing new connections as quickly as ordinary enterprises did. The period of the early 1990s was the most difficult for the enterprises of the correctional system.

Now in Belarus, all production in places of deprivation of liberty can be conditionally divided into three main parts: “wood”, “metal” and sewing. That is, the employment of the contingent of the colonies is mainly provided by the processing of wood and the production of products from it, the production of metal products, as well as the production of clothing with shoes.

In general, the range of products manufactured in places of deprivation of liberty is impressive.

These are cabinet and upholstered furniture, paneled doors, window and door blocks, double-glazed windows, log houses, plinths, platbands, floorboards, lining, etc., container boxes, gardening equipment, tools, parts and assemblies for cars and tractors, containers for separate waste collection, gardening equipment, galvanized crockery (buckets, bath basins), more than 100 items of clothing, shoes. Sewing products are, first of all, clothes for state structures: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the army and other services.

The Department for the Execution of Punishments (DIN) recalls how several years ago one of the home front workers of the Belarusian army, apparently having some interest of his own, was very opposed to the army buying clothes sewn in the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although it had a very affordable price and normal quality. Soon this worker himself switched to this system, but not as an employee, but as a prisoner for a bribe. Mindful of his attitude towards the clothes produced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this prisoner was sent to a colony specializing in clothing production so that the former military supplier could better study the production of clothes that he was so unwilling to purchase. As I was assured in DIN, if the former high army chief turns out to be an intelligent person, he will soon become a foreman in a garment factory.

They produce prisoners and souvenirs such as carved wooden caskets and bread bins (in my opinion, primitive in design), as well as much more. Among other things, prisoners also produce very specific products that are used in relation to those who produce them: doors to prison cells, locks to them, barbed wire, police batons.

If you list the places of deprivation of liberty and the proceedings prevailing there, this is what happens:

No. 1 Minsk - furniture production.
No. 2, Bobruisk - woodworking, as well as - police batons, belts, pistol holsters and cases for handcuffs.
No. 3 Vitebsk - woodworking, sewing production.
No. 4 Gomel (women's colony) - sewing production: a large assortment of uniforms and work clothes. Almost all power structures of Belarus "dress" here.
No. 5 Ivatsevichi - woodworking, furniture production and a little sewing production.
No. 8 Orsha - metalworking, including the doors of prison cells and locks to them.
No. 9 Gorki - metalworking, woodworking.
No. 10 Novopolotsk - woodworking, laundry soap, polyethylene, nails.
No. 11 Volkovysk - woodworking.
No. 12 Orsha - metalworking.
No. 13, Glubokoe - metalworking, souvenirs, as well as barbed tape for barriers.
No. 14 settlement Novosady of Borisovsky district - metalworking, including the doors of prison cells, barbed tape.
No. 15 settlement Veyno, Mogilev region - metalworking and some woodworking.
No. 17 settlement Youth Shklovsky district - sewing and shoe production, woodworking (log cabins).
№19 Mogilev region - woodworking, nails, chains.
No. 20 Mozyr - metalworking, woodworking.
No. 24, Volchi Burrows, Ivatsevichi district - woodworking.

Some of the numbers are omitted from the list because there are currently no colonies with these numbers. Also, in this material, we do not touch on institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs such as colony settlements and LTPs (medical and labor dispensaries).

As the Department for the Execution of Sentences explained, at present proceedings in places of deprivation of liberty are becoming the most common proceedings, as in any other place. So, in relation to prisoners, all regulatory legal acts are in force, as in ordinary civilian enterprises. Wages are calculated in exactly the same way as in any other plant. Only in places of deprivation of liberty there is no bonus for seniority, just as other incentives that are characteristic of ordinary factories are not practiced. The time of work in places of deprivation of liberty is also counted in the total length of service. Execution labor law since 2006, it has been controlled by the inspectorates of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, as well as by many other state bodies.

There are no good or bad colonies in terms of wages, comfortable working conditions, its prestige or earnings in DINA. Like any plant, enterprises in places of deprivation of liberty experience certain problems in production.

At present, the most successful work is being done in the production of zones Nos. 4, 8, 14. Weakly - Nos. 3, 10, 19, 22.

A big problem for production in places of deprivation of liberty is the lack of skilled workers. As the heads of “closed” industries explain, over the past 10 years the general level of education among prisoners has fallen sharply: “Many young people who do not have a profession, do not know how and do not want to work, end up in prisons.”

For those who do not know how to work, but want to, a network of vocational schools has been created in the colonies, where they teach professions that are in demand in these and other places. Those who have long terms may have time to receive several diplomas. The acquisition of professions in places of deprivation of liberty for a prisoner significantly improves the process of his adaptation in society after release.

In addition, the possibility of obtaining in places of deprivation of liberty higher education, as it is already done in Russia.

According to production management personnel, the most conscientious workers are prisoners in their 30s and 40s.

As a rule, in places of deprivation of liberty they try to produce products that are easy to manufacture. For example, the furniture produced by the prisoners does not look like the leather luxury of Pinskdrev. But simple, and most importantly, inexpensive furniture is popular in poor families.

The result of the participation of enterprises of the penitentiary system in the exhibition-fair "Furniture-2008" was the diploma "For wide range of and quality furniture. In Minsk, there is even a company store from colony No. 1, where furniture produced there is sold. As noted in DIN, the main advantage of this furniture is low price compared with the products of "non-prison" manufacturers.

From the exotic in the colony for recidivists No. 13 in Glubokoe, who spent almost their entire lives in places “not so remote”, harness for horses is produced.

In general, very often we do not even realize that many of the things we are used to are made by prisoners. However, that is how it should be.

It is not only desirable to work in places of deprivation of liberty (time passes faster, it becomes possible to have non-cash funds for the purchase of food and goods in the store), but it is also necessary. For refusal to work in the penal code provides for liability. Refusal to work can be interpreted as a malicious violation.

When paying, a prisoner is deducted money for utilities and claims, but, in accordance with the law, he is entitled to at least 25% of the amount earned. Given that in places of deprivation of liberty, a prisoner has official clothes, shoes and some kind of food, 100 thousand rubles is enough for cigarettes, tea, coffee and other trifles. By the way, the assortment of prison shops resembles the assortment of a rural shop. Only there is no alcohol.

Prison-themed legends are "zek" knives and other consumer goods such as carved boxes, etc. products. The "Novosadovskie" knives were once especially famous, that is, from the colony in the village of Novosady.

Currently, boxes and other souvenirs in the "zones" have long been part of the production and are freely sold in many stores.

With knives - more interesting. As recognized in the management of DINA, despite the strict punishment for the manufacture of knives, they are still being made, but much less than 6-7 years ago. Knowledgeable people never get "Zek" knives due to many reasons.

The first reason is the lack of qualified craftsmen. Highly skilled workers very rarely end up in jail. Well, if they get there, they are offered a job in accordance with their qualifications. Naturally, they earn more than others. In addition, the attitude of the administration towards skilled workers is better. In general, it does not make sense for a specialist who went to prison and settled well there to risk his deservedly privileged position due to illegal knife production. You won’t earn a lot of money on it, but even a lot of trouble.

Secondly, in places of deprivation of liberty it is very difficult to find the necessary blank and provide the entire technological process for making a knife. Despite the external simplicity of the knife, its production is a complex process that requires high qualifications, special steel and equipment. It is no coincidence that good knives from well-known manufacturers have a rather high price.

As one production worker said: “Imagine a factory floor, where guards-controllers periodically make rounds and there are enough informers among the prisoners. And here the prisoner makes a knife. Everything is done in a hurry, from improvised material, with a cautious glance around - if only to finish it faster and get rid of the product, for the storage of which there can be big troubles. About special steel and complete technological process its processing (forging, hardening, tempering, hardening again, but in a different mode, etc.) can only be dreamed of, and most hard workers have no idea about it. As a result, low-quality products made of brittle overheated steel, tasteless, in appearance reminiscent of the knife of the protagonist of the Rambo movie.

In addition, in the last decade, many tourist and carving knives have appeared in free-selling stores, resembling hunting and combat knives in their appearance, but not being such. And the choice of knives sold with hunting tickets has become much larger. As a result, instead of getting involved in "zek" knives made from no one knows what material, you can easily and at a reasonable price buy a knife from a reputable manufacturer in a store. What they do. As a result, such a concept as "Zek's" knives has actually disappeared due to lack of demand.

In order to see for myself what production in places of deprivation of liberty represents today, the leadership of the DIN allowed me to visit any colony of my choice. I chose the “zone” in Novosady, since, unlike the Minsk one, it is not considered exemplary.

The village of Novosady is located at the railway station of the same name not far from Borisov towards Orsha. This "zone" of a strict regime, that is, for persons who have fallen behind bars is not the first time. There are about 2,000 people in the "zone". Almost all of them work. The main production is metalworking. In industrial terms, this "zone" is the leading one in Belarus, that is, approximately 30% of the products produced in places of deprivation of liberty are made in Novosady.

Standard formalities, checking documents, passing through several checkpoint doors that open in turn, and here I am in the “zone”. Supervisor industrial enterprise guides me through my production. From the outside, everything looks like the most ordinary plant. Only more locked doors: due to the specifics of the zone, worker-prisoners are supposed to be only at their workplace - it’s forbidden to go from shop to shop just like that.

The hands of the prisoners in Novosady made all the buckets of galvanized sheet, common in the countryside. Other simple dishes are also made.

Mufflers for Minsk tractors, radiators for them and for BelAZ trucks are produced here from more complex products. Here higher qualification of workers is required, and, accordingly, they have higher earnings. As one of the producers said, It's one thing to rivet the handles to the basin, and it's another thing to maintain an even welding seam. For a meter of seam, the welder will receive more than the one who stamps the basins per shift.

As in conventional factories, there is incoming and outgoing quality control.

A small sewing production and a bakery were organized for their own needs. Similar is available in many zones - the main production, and additional - to provide the zone. The bakery is an army bakery, far from being new, its two stoves are heated with firewood. By law, prisoners are not allowed bread made from flour of the highest and first grade. But the quality of the bread baked by the prisoners from second grade flour is much higher than that delivered to some village shops.

The only thing that distinguishes prisoners from ordinary workers is small tags with the name and number of the brigade on overalls.

As the head of the colony said, people are sitting here for the second - ninth time, that is, they know prison life. Largely due to this, there are very few conflicts among the prisoners among themselves and with the administration.

I wonder how the prisoners themselves feel about the fact that they produce products “for themselves”, that is, prison doors, barbed wire. What about "prisoner concepts" and other traditions?

- Yes, no one refuses if they pay well for this work. All these concepts are gradually dying out. Moreover, those who prefer to live “according to the rules” try not to get to us, because they know that in Novosady the administration is stronger than in other strict regime colonies, it forces them to live and work according to state laws, and not “by the rules”.

“Yes, what “concepts”?- adds one of the operatives. - Gathered here young, but already with a criminal experience of drug addicts, pimps, petty thieves. For many of them, time at large is a short vacation between periods of imprisonment. If in the colonies for those who first went to jail, there are quite a lot of smart people, in the past directors of enterprises, officials, businessmen, then in strict regime colonies, where those who cannot live without prison are imprisoned, the general level of development of prisoners is much times lower. There are only a few smart people here, and they want to free themselves faster, and not conflict with the administration. And as for the "prisoner concepts" in the manufacture of prison doors by prisoners, you are the first one who asked me this question. Well, if someone does not want to do this job, then it's okay - we will transfer him to another.

Evening came. The day shift of prisoners left the industrial area of ​​the colony for the residential area, and a second shift was supposed to arrive in its place. Between these zones there is a personal search so that the prisoners do not carry prohibited items (ie, knives made at the enterprise, etc.). Lined up in detachments, in ranks of 5 people, the prisoners passed through five controllers who patted them on their quilted jackets, and sometimes asked to show the inside of a boot from one of their legs.

Do not assume that prisoners work only in colonies former USSR and other "non-democratic" countries. In Germany, for example, each prison has its own production facility. Moreover, from the specialization, for example, in the prisons of Bavaria, the production of children's toys-constructors of the Playmobile company, which is very reminiscent of Lego, prevails. Also in some prisons there is a small production of such giants as "Siemens", "Audi" and other equally well-known corporations. Labor in a German prison is voluntary.

When organizing production in German prisons, the opinions of psychologists are necessarily taken into account - they did not think of instructing prisoners to make police batons. The remuneration of labor in prison production, in comparison with the usual ones, in Germany, as well as in Belarus, is small. But, despite this, the majority of prisoners go to work willingly - there are not enough jobs. Still, a couple of hundred euros a month is very useful in a chic German prison store, where many prisoners buy drinking water boxes. And everywhere, a working person has faster time.

Correctional institutions of our country produce a huge amount of a wide variety of goods. And only a part of them is used for the needs of the correctional system. Often we do not even pay attention to the fact that this or that product is made behind barbed wire. Indeed, in terms of quality, it can be made much better than "in the wild" (I already introduced you to such an example when I showed the production of salads in one of the colonies of our region, and you should also remember the production of delicious mayonnaise)

Today I will show you some of the goods and products produced in the penal colonies of the Ivanovo region.

In the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Ivanovo region, an exhibition of products manufactured by the Labor Adaptation Centers of correctional institutions of the region and an exhibition of agricultural products began their work. And together with you we will become its first viewers.

At the very beginning, a small press conference was held, during which it was possible to ask any questions to Vladimir Melnik, Deputy Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Ivanovo Region, Alexander Elizarov, Acting Deputy Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Elena Platonova, Head of the Labor Employment Organization of the Special Contingent, and heads of production services of correctional institutions areas.

In the correctional colonies of the Ivanovo region, there are eight Centers for the labor adaptation of convicts (CTAO), which are structural divisions institutions executing criminal punishment. The main task of the CTAO is to ensure maximum employment of convicts, to develop the need for work or work habits among persons who did not have strong labor skills before entering the places of execution of punishment

To this end, work is underway in the correctional facilities of the Ivanovo region to expand existing and organize new production sites.

The main industries are: light industry (clothing, shoe production, leather goods); woodworking; furniture manufacturing; metalworking; production of building materials (fixed formwork, expanded polystyrene, profiled sheet (corrugated board), paving slabs and decorative tiles, PVC windows, lumber); agricultural production; food production (milk, cottage cheese, butter, cream, meat, mayonnaise, flour, eggs, cereals).

In each correctional institution there are sewing sections, products light industry occupies 72.6% in the production structure of the penal system of the region. The main range of light industry products is uniforms of various law enforcement agencies, work clothes made to order from commercial organizations, knitwear, and footwear. At the same time, modern production equipment is actively used in the production process. Implemented system computer-aided design(CAD). All women's correctional institutions: IK-3,7,10 are specialized sewing units.

Notice the police uniform? Over the past three years, IK-7 has been tailoring products under direct government contracts concluded with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In 2015, the contract amount was 73 million 400.0 thousand rubles. tailoring of summer field suits for military personnel was carried out, in 2016 the contract amount was 104 million 508.0 thousand rubles.

In 2017, the work of IK-7 with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continued, a contract was signed for the tailoring of 24,400 suits for police officers in the amount of 38 million 223 thousand rubles. For the first time, the state contract between IK-7 and Federal Service troops national guard Russian Federation for tailoring summer suits 33,830 units in the amount of 50 million 074 thousand rubles, and for the first time a contract was signed between IK-3 and the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation for suits for employees customs service 2,000 units for 5 million rubles.

They even release their own socks (to be honest, I would take a few packs of these and compare them with ordinary store ones, which ones are worn longer, in which legs sweat more, etc.)

I'm even sure in advance that such socks would be worn better. Since the quality of products manufactured in correctional institutions meets all the requirements for it. Yes, and you won’t spoil it in such a production - each batch of products undergoes an examination and acceptance (this happens especially strictly with clothes)

On the basis of correctional colony No. 2, a site was organized for the manufacture of hosiery, knitwear. The site is equipped with modern machines for the production of hosiery, gloves, sweaters.

Particular attention is paid to the organization of production sites for the production of construction products, since these products are in demand both within the system and by third-party consumers.
In colony No. 4, a site for the production of profiled sheets has been successfully operating for a long time, there is a site for the production of foam plastic and fixed formwork blocks. Expanded polystyrene granules are used as raw materials.

Products made at the production site are in great demand. paving slabs, curb stone, decorative tiles (I didn’t even know that we have such a thing)

They can even make such crocodiles.

In all men's correctional facilities, convicts are employed in metalworking, furniture manufacturing using laminated chipboard

At this booth I stuck for about twenty minutes. He looked at everything in great detail from caskets to bottle coasters. Each item is one-of-a-kind and exclusive.

So if you want to give someone the most fashionable chess or backgammon "from the Zone" all this is done simply and at normal prices. On the site you can find all the necessary contacts and even a product catalog.

You can even put any drawings on backgammon, even with your photo. It seems to me that the exclusivity of such a gift is simply cosmic.

And look at the chess pieces.

A special place is occupied by areas for the manufacture of chairs. These products are made for theaters, cinemas, offices.

And this is how they look theses prisoners, after teaching the profession. They make some kind of furniture in miniature, I demonstrate the acquired skills live.

There are 3 vocational educational institutions on the basis of correctional institutions of the penitentiary system of the region

All educational institutions have certificates of state accreditation for secondary education programs vocational education(SPO) "operator sewing equipment"and" welder "with a training period of 10 months, as well as licenses for the right to carry out educational activities by programs vocational training from short terms from 3 to 5 months, in the following professions: “Woodworking machine operator”, “Seamstress”, “Shoe assembler”, “Tailor”, “Poultry farmer”, “Stoker driver”, “Construction painter”.

In the 2016/2017 academic year, licenses were obtained for the right to carry out educational activities for 2 new professions: a poultry farmer, an animal care worker.

Annual training in educational institutions more than 1,000 people pass, so at the end of the 2016/2017 academic year, the number of convicts who received working profession amounted to 1203 people in educational institutions.

But such a ship, the size of a car, is also on display.

Now a few words about sweets.

One of priority areas in the development of the manufacturing sector in 2016-2017. is the organization of work on the production of food both in the framework of self-sufficiency and for the purpose of selling to third-party consumers.

The sown areas of cultivated crops increase annually, the number of large cattle, pigs.

So in the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Ivanovo region, the provision of vegetables own production is 100%. Average annual population 430 head of cattle, including 180 cows, 740 pigs, 55 sheep, 1,500 laying hens, which makes it possible to meet 35% of the demand for meat.

Produced bread: rye - 476.777 tons; wheat - 441.25 tons, pasta - 14.57 tons. In the current year, agricultural plots of correctional institutions of the Ivanovo region produced 4.5 tons of beef, 2.6 tons of poultry meat, 24 tons of pork, 88,000 eggs, 6.5 tons, 256 tons of milk, 7.6 tons of cottage cheese, 16 , 9 tons of zucchini.

On the territory of IK-2, a dairy farm for 40 heads and a calf barn was organized, a milk processing workshop was put into operation, as a result, the production of pasteurized milk increased from 65 to 100 tons per year. In addition, the production of butter was organized, the production of chicken eggs increased by more than 10 times and amounted to 66 thousand eggs per year.

Milk is very tasty, and very different in better side about many well-known brands in stores.

As part of ensuring food security and independence of the penal system, PKU IK-4 organized the new kind activities - flour milling. Since January 2017, a site for the production of wheat and barley groats has been put into operation. The organization of these sites made it possible to provide 100% of the need for cereals and flour.

A site for the production of mayonnaise was organized on the basis of IK-10 (we have already been at the production site and have seen with our own eyes how it is prepared).

In addition to the correctional institutions of the Ivanovo region, the products are supplied to the colonies of the Kostroma, Vladimir, Yaroslavl regions.
Confectionery products (assorted sweets, waffles) are also sold through shops for convicts, which are packed in IK-10.
All food products have quality certificates.

In 2017, the volume of output of marketable products, work performed and services rendered will amount to 400 million rubles, the volume of production for intrasystem needs - 93.7 million rubles. (23.4% of the total output of marketable products).
3487 convicts were involved in paid work, 60.4% of average headcount, with the average for the penal system - 36.1%

Here is such an unusual excursion we have turned out with you.

Huge words of gratitude to the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Ivanovo region for the opportunity to see everything for yourself and show you!

Click to listen

Until 1997, the colonies in Russia were called corrective labor colonies, in which the convicts were obliged to work, and the administration - to provide work.

Shop for the production of detergents || Photo by Olga Kazantseva

Now the administration is also obliged to provide convicts with work, but, unfortunately, it cannot always do this due to the lack of jobs. This is probably why there is an opinion among the people that the maintenance of convicts in correctional facilities costs the state a pretty penny. The head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation for the Tyumen Region, Vadim Verstkin, debunked this well-established myth. Labor is one of the main and most important effective means rehabilitation of the personality of the convict.

As part of the institutions of the regional UFSIN there are six centers for labor adaptation of convicts (IK-1, 2, 4, 6, 13 UFSIN, FKU KP-9 UFSIN), a medical and production (labor) workshop (LIU-19) and a training and production workshop in Tyumen educational colony.

Every day, more than two thousand convicts are taken to paid work in the correctional institutions of the region, producing consumer goods, as well as products for internal and state needs. Convicts work in metal and woodworking shops, produce garments, shoes, furniture, Construction Materials and even recycle plastic and produce polymer packaging film. In several institutions there are shops for drying vegetables - carrots, cabbages, beets, onions and potatoes.

Correctional colonies use the latest technological equipment for plasma cutting of metal, airless paint spraying and anti-corrosion treatment of metal. Over the past four years, more than ten new production facilities have been established at the newly opened areas. In particular, since 2014, SIP panels have been produced on the basis of IK-4, and a knitting shop for the production of knitwear has been opened in the Tobolsk women's colony. At the expense of additional budget financing, technological equipment was purchased for IK-1, and since 2015, fortified dry kissel has been produced there. With the purchase of a stationary aggregate mill in IK-2, flour production capacities were increased. In IK-4, the main and auxiliary equipment for the production of PVC-coated gloves was put into operation.

In the Tyumen colonies, two years ago, the production of plastic disposable tableware was opened and a workshop for the production of liquid detergent for dishes. On the open production site"Krupotsekh" in accordance with GOST, convicts produce pea, barley, millet, pearl barley and wheat groats. Thus, due to the development of new types of activities, about 200 convicts were employed.

In accordance with the program food security institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Tyumen Region for 2017”, convicts grew 1,260 tons of potatoes, 80 tons of beets, 90 tons of carrots and 280 tons of cabbage for their own needs, which allows diversifying the diet. There are six pigsties, four cowsheds and one poultry house in six subsidiary farms at correctional institutions. The farms have more than 1,500 pigs, about 200 cattle, and more than 40,000 chickens. There are sheep and horses.

The products of the Federal Penitentiary Service can be seen at the regional specialized exhibitions for the development of a comfortable urban environment "Tyumen is our home", where samples and models of houses, swings, flower girls, bike racks, fireplace sets, chess tables, paving stones, flowerpots, arbors, benches and various fences are presented.

Samples of food products were presented at the regional festival "Siberian pickle". In October, we will participate in the specialized exhibition of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia "Opportunities for the industrial sector of the penal system" in Moscow, which will be held as part of the XXI International Exhibition means of ensuring the security of the state "Interpolitech-2017", - said Vadim Verstkin.

The Tyumen colonies have a large production potential, but due to the lack of orders for products, we cannot provide work for all convicts. Unfortunately, in the colonies there are still unclaimed production areas in capital buildings with engineering communications, access roads and a protected area, Vadim Verstkin complains. - And in order to bring them back to life, we invite Tyumen enterprises and commercial organizations. In order to attract representatives of the business community of the region, in 2015 we signed a cooperation agreement with the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Tyumen Region, Eduard Abdullin.

Photo: http://www.25.fsin.su/news/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=205026

Business of Primorye is involved in the development of production in the correctional colonies of the region

Today, prisoners can produce bricks, furniture, PVC products, pickle vegetables, sew linen, bake bread and produce more than 400 items.

Last week, the administration of the Primorsky Territory hosted a meeting on the issues of involving the business community in the development of production in places of deprivation of liberty. Of course, the penitentiary system of the region has its own structure that deals with issues of production and marketing of products, but as practice shows, this is not enough. The manufacturing process itself allows certain works and orders with good quality and in concrete deadlines. In addition, the proceedings make it possible to involve convicts in the case - there is no time left for empty thoughts and doing nothing. And, perhaps, the most important factor: earnings received at work allow the convict to fulfill his obligations to compensate the victims, as well as not to be a freeloader from the state and citizens who replenish the country's budget through taxes, according to the ENV.

The meeting, the main topic of which was the involvement of the regional business community in the development of production in places where, by court decision, the perpetrators are serving real terms, was attended by the First Vice Governor of Primorsky Krai Vasily Usoltsev, the leadership of the GUFSIN and representatives of the business community. On the agenda was an issue directly related to our penitentiary system - increasing economic efficiency work of convicts and the creation of additional jobs for their labor adaptation, as well as the employment of convicts sentenced to forced labor and the possibility of creating a rehabilitation center for persons released from places of deprivation of liberty.

Major General Oleg Simchenkov, Chief of the Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, made the keynote speech. He voiced to representatives of the regional administration and the business community the importance of addressing the issues of labor adaptation of convicts and their resocialization after release, including in relation to the stabilization of the socio-economic situation in the region, as well as a number of problematic issues arising during the implementation of these processes.

It is worth noting that our penitentiary system, despite the barbed wire, the access system, the burglar alarm, some isolated position of the colonies, does not exist in isolation. The relationship between society and the penitentiary system is the most direct - and each of the parties leaves its mark on the opposite. Understanding by the authorities and the public of the Primorsky Territory of the problems of the penal system will help achieve the goals set in solving the national task of reforming the penitentiary system and will serve to stabilize the socio-economic situation in the region.

The main problem is that a significant part of the convicts remain aloof from the main means of correction - upbringing by labor.

A working convict gets the opportunity to restore his professional and labor skills or get a new specialty necessary for his further, after serving his sentence, social adaptation in society, to help his family, to solve his material problems at the first time after release and in the future.

Employed convict with wages pays alimony, income tax individuals, contributions to Pension Fund, provides financial claims of organizations and citizens for compensation for damage caused to their property by a crime or administrative offense, reimburses the cost utilities, food and clothing. The time worked is included in the total length of service.

Significant break in labor activity and, accordingly, the loss of professional skills in this category of citizens makes it difficult for them to find employment and create social tension in the region, since the need for material and financial support forces them to solve these problems by criminal means, which leads to an increase in recidivism.

On the territory of the Primorsky Territory, 22 institutions are deployed, which are in the structure of the regional GUFSIN. These are 10 correctional colonies (IK-6,10,20,22,27,29,31,39,41), 4 colonies - settlements (KP-26,37,49,51), 1 educational colony (NVK), 4 detention centers (SI-1,2,3,4), 2 medical institutions(LIU-23.47) and 1 regional hospital. In total, these subordinate institutions contain more than 15 thousand convicts, most of them are residents of the Primorsky Territory. The FKU UII GUFSIN of Russia in the Primorsky Territory also functions, which includes the department for the execution of punishment and the application of other measures of a criminal law nature and 37 branches.

For the purposes of complying with the requirements of the current legislation Russian Federation on the mandatory involvement of convicts in labor in the structure of the penitentiary system of Primorsky Krai, a production sector has been created and is functioning, which includes 10 centers for labor adaptation of convicts, 1 medical and production workshop, as well as 4 colony settlements, one of which is a specialized agricultural enterprise with 2000 arable land and 3 buildings for keeping farm animals.

Today, the leadership of the GUFSIN of the region is looking for opportunities and taking measures to ensure the employment of convicts. A system of vocational training is functioning, on-the-job training is being conducted, work is underway to attract orders for the manufacture of consumer goods and the placement of equipment on unused production areas of organizations of various forms of ownership, and new types of production are being created.

In the coastal colonies, some production has been established, there are quite large production areas. If in the years of the USSR all prisoners worked for the good of the country, now there is no such possibility. In some cases, there is not a sufficient volume of orders, in others, specialized equipment is needed, in others there is no sales market, in the fourth, the personnel have pumped up with ranks and professionalism. Nevertheless, today the MTB of the colonies of Primorye looks like this: mechanical repair, carpentry, sewing shops, metalworking shops, and others, with a variety of equipment, and warehouses, railway sidings. The range of products manufactured by the production sector of the GUFSIN of Russia in the Primorsky Territory includes more than 400 items.

The enterprises of the region produce PVC products (windows, doors, etc.) in IK-20 (Zavodskoy village), IK-41 (Ussuriysk); office and school furniture in IK-20 (settlement Zavodskoy), IK-41 (Ussuriysk); the production of corrugated board was organized in IK-29 (Bolshoi Kamen), IK-20 (Zavodskoy settlement).

In IK-22, IK-27 (village Volchanets), IK-33 (Spassk-Dalniy) tiles and sidewalk curbs, foam blocks, cinder blocks are produced. In IK-6 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-20 (Zavodskoy village), IK-31 (S. Chuguevka), IK-33 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-41 (Ussuriysk) production of Chinese chopsticks. In IK-41 (Ussuriysk), work was organized to expand the range of products for the Ussuriysk Locomotive Repair Plant and the refrigerator depot.

In IK-6 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-20 (Volchanets village), IK-22 (Volchanets village), IK-31 (Chuguevka village), IK-33 (Spassk-Dalniy), IK-41 (Ussuriysk) has band sawmills and woodworking machines, but due to the lack of raw materials, it is not possible to load the existing equipment at full capacity.

On the basis of the brick factory IK-22 (village Volchanets), ceramic bricks of grades M-100, M-125 are produced in the amount of 400 thousand pieces per month. If there are orders, the plant's capacity allows increasing the production of ceramic bricks up to 600 thousand pieces per month.

The sewing divisions of the penal system of the Primorsky Territory (IK-10 (village of Gornoye, Mikhailovsky district), IK-20 (village of Zavodskoy), LIU-23 (Ussuriysk), IK-22 (village of Volchanets)), can produce a wide range of clothing property and uniforms, as well as working clothes for the needs of all industries. The production capacities of sewing enterprises are loaded by 50%.

Enterprises of the penal system of Primorsky Krai have the opportunity and are ready to accept investors for the installation of equipment on the production facilities of institutions for the opening of various industries, and are also ready to accept orders for the production of products (metalworking, woodworking, clothing, reinforced concrete products), both at full cost and at provision of services. In accordance with Russian legislation affecting import substitution, institutions of the penitentiary system now have the opportunity to place greenhouse complexes, shops for processing meat and fish products, canning vegetables in their production areas in order to replace imported products.

It is worth adding here that those entrepreneurs who place their production in correctional colonies have a number of significant advantages. This is a strict controlled discipline of employees, this is security from the encroachments of unscrupulous competitors, this is also relatively cheap work force, and a number of other points.

But let's look further. The sidelets served the term appointed to him by the court, and then? Experts believe that recidivism is high in our country because a citizen who has been released is actually excluded from society. He is not hired, who needs an employee with a dark past. While he was serving his sentence, he lost all the skills he had before, and studying is an expense. In the case of working in a colony, skills are preserved, new ones are added. And what is very important, a person is released who has not lost or acquired or retained these skills to work, including in a work collective.

Primorskoye GUFSIN of Russia came out to the business and administrative structures of the region with a proposal to create a permanent commission under the governor on creating conditions for the functioning and state support of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky Territory with the involvement of representatives of the Primorsky Territory business community in the work of the commission. This should play to increase the economic efficiency of the work of convicts and the creation of additional jobs for their labor adaptation.

During the last meeting, its participants concrete examples got acquainted with the possibilities and potential of production facilities in correctional facilities. The issues of the participation of the production of the UIS in the restoration of the consequences of the past typhoon Lionrock were also discussed.

The participants of the meeting noted the relevance of this topic and supported the proposal of the GUFSIN on the establishment of a permanent commission on the creation of conditions for the functioning and state support of the penitentiary system in Primorye with the involvement of representatives of the business community in the work of the commission.

The meeting was held in the form of an active dialogue, during which a number of constructive proposals were developed for submission to the Governor of Primorsky Krai for consideration and approval.