How to make a profitable business for 300,000. Opening a business with different budgets

The volume of available investments is one of key factors successful business development. The wider it is, the more prospects and profitable segments are available to the entrepreneur. But the ability to properly distribute finances and invest them in business is no less important. It is also necessary that the product or service is relevant in the region, and the purchasing power allows it to be paid for. An investment of 300,000 thousand rubles is a pretty good start for a small business, which can provide the entrepreneur with a high and stable income.

How to open a profitable business for 300,000 rubles?

300,000 rubles is not the largest, but significant capital for the successful development of a small business. If you have such investments, realize yourself at a decent level and create a stable source good earnings possible in almost any field. But in addition to the volume of investments, there are many more important factors that affect the profitability of a business and the percentage of sales: saturation of the sales market, pricing policy supplier of raw materials, quality of advertising and marketing strategy, relevance of the service or product for the region, purchasing power target audience. Creating a new business includes several basic steps:

  1. Preparatory stage (writing a business plan, searching potential clients, opening a bank account, choosing a tax regime, organizational and legal form of activity, searching for sources of financing).
  2. Registration in tax service, other government services.
  3. Conducting an advertising campaign, implementing a marketing strategy.
  4. Purchasing goods, preparing the enterprise for work, searching for personnel.
  5. Starting a business.

It is possible to organize a successful business for less money. Which one is possible? There are many options: a clothing repair shop, photo printing on ceramic tiles, a store on wheels, bird breeding, a law firm.

Advice: You can make money at home with a small investment by purchasing. The profitability of such mini-production reaches 13-15%.

The most current business ideas with investments up to 300 thousand rubles

300,000 thousand rubles is a pretty good amount of investment in your business. With proper distribution of funds and a responsible approach to business organization, this money will be enough to create a successful enterprise. We propose to consider the most popular business ideas.

Household goods and building materials

Household Products and Manufacturing Segment building materials has always been a profitable niche for entrepreneurs. These products are invariably in demand among almost any target audience and in every region.

Kitchen furniture to order

300,000 thousand rubles is enough to create a mini-production for the production of custom-made kitchen furniture. With such investments, the project should pay off in about 1.5-2 years. Design details will help you make your products original and set them apart from competitors’ offerings – patterns on glass, facades covered with film with a 3D picture, design using the craquelure technique. In addition to materials, you will need to purchase fittings (for a specific order) and select high-quality equipment:

  • machines (format cutting, edge banding, milling);
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • hammer drill

It is also necessary to take into account the costs of registering your activities, taxes, employee salaries, utility bills, advertising.

Production of cinder blocks

Cinder block structures made from screenings, cement and water are considered the best option for the construction of residential buildings. Low cost and availability of components for manufacturing products allow cinder block to compete with brick and foam concrete. To make your product stand out from other offerings, you can give it a signature color. At first, every ruble will count; you can save a little on the volume of cement used if you make cinder blocks based on semi-dry concrete mixture(cement, water, screenings). A plasticizing additive will help increase the strength of products, their water resistance, and frost resistance. The cost of one product weighing 20 kg will be approximately 15-17 rubles. For the workshop to fully operate, you will need to purchase the following equipment (based on the production of 180 thousand cinder blocks per year):

  • concrete mixer (2 pcs.);
  • universal vibrating machine (2 pcs.);
  • construction wheelbarrow (4 pcs.);
  • shovel (10 pcs.).

Basic costs include the acquisition of basic equipment, the creation of a primary base of production raw materials, intangible assets, material and technical resources for at least 3 months, rent production premises(minimum area – 300 m²).

In addition to these business ideas that require an investment of 300,000 rubles, it is worth considering the following proposals: production of decorative chips, paving stones, suspended ceilings, opening of a framing workshop.

Food production

Food is one of the first mandatory expense items in any family budget. You can make good money on this even in times of economic crisis.

Bakery shop

By opening a bakery shop, you can produce high-quality and affordable bakery and confectionery products. You will be able to attract the attention of buyers thanks to wide range And favorable prices(at the starting stage, it is desirable that they be lower than those of competitors). To organize sales, it is important to pre-conclude a supply agreement with several specialized stores, wholesalers. You can also open own point sales.

Advice: in addition to classic baking options, an entrepreneur should offer customers non-traditional ones, for example, low-calorie bread, baked goods with spices.

To fully operate the bakery you will need to buy professional equipment: dough mixing machine, dough divider, dough rolling machine, proofer, flour sifter, baking oven, trays, baking sheets, cassette of bread molds. It is also necessary to take into account the costs of renting premises (at least 50 m²), creating reserves of raw materials, and additional material and technical resources.

Making cottage cheese

Investments in organizing a cheese making workshop can be recouped within a year. Strict compliance technological standards during production guarantees the quality of the product. For an enterprise to be successful, it is necessary to use investments rationally, buy reliable equipment and select qualified materials. Basic set of equipment:

  • a set of units (curd maker-tub, press trolley, cooler, pasteurization bath, pipeline, pump);
  • filling machine;
  • refrigerator with monoblock.

To interest the buyer, it is advisable to produce several types of cottage cheese (acid or rennet-acid methods are used): low-fat, low-fat, medium-fat and high-fat. It is important to find reliable suppliers of raw materials that will meet all standards.

It is advisable to package the products in bright packaging, and at the start set a lower price than competitors. To advertise products, it is effective to use outdoor stands, billboards, advertisements in newspapers, and on the radio.

It is also worth considering other business ideas that can be successfully implemented with an investment of 300,000 thousand rubles: making pasta, dried fruit, soft ice cream, purchasing.

Franchise work in different areas

An alternative option for organizing your own business is working under a franchise of a well-known trademark. For 300,000 rubles you can find a good offer in almost every area of ​​business.

We propose to consider the most interesting:

You can also consider offers from other franchisors for 300,000 rubles: Chocolate Dream, Fast and Shine, Rezeda Suleyman, WMR Money, Super Price Jeans. For many, there will be problems related to tourism, rental housing, organizing excursions, and transportation.

Successfully implement interesting business ideas actually in the service sector. For example, you can open a dry cleaner, training center English language, event organization agency, advertising company, photo studio, car wash, tailoring shop, tea shop, antique cafe, travel agency, children's playroom, courier service.

Opening or buying a business in Moscow is impossible without building a business plan. A detailed analysis of all the factors influencing the success of a business will maximize profits.

Ready-made business with a profit of 300 thousand rubles per month in Moscow

To buy a business with a profit of 300,000 rubles per month, you need to take into account the initial purchase costs, expenses during the operation of the business, as well as payback periods ready-made business. A business with a profit of 300,000 rubles per month in Moscow can be bought for 3 million rubles and more. The average return on business is one year. However, the development of each business is individual, therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to accurately calculate all the conditions affecting profit.

Buy a business with a profit of 300,000 per month

When buying a business with a net profit of 300,000 rubles per month in Moscow, you are in no way limited in choosing your field of activity. When choosing a niche, you should, first of all, take into account its demand in the market, this will increase profits and quickly pay for the business. Remember that with a professional approach to business, a business with a profit of 300,000 rubles can become a business that brings and big income. The main thing is to develop your business in accordance with consumer requirements and changing market conditions.

If you have an investment package in the amount of this amount, you can implement several simple ideas with a current focus. With a minimum starting capital, you should bet on:

  • originality of the idea;
  • the need for a business product for consumers;
  • little competition;
  • own skills and abilities, which will become additional investment, a unique contribution to the opening and development of the business.

How promising and risky such investments will be can be assessed in advance by comparing the values ​​of payback, profitability, prospects and risk indicators. These relationships can be easily presented in table form for clarity:

Business payback period (months)Business profitability %Survival Prospects %Risk of business failure %
01.12.2015 50 50 50
09.12.2017 70 80 40
06.09.2017 70 90 20
03.06.2017 70-100 95 10
Less than 3from 10097 less than 5

As can be seen from the analysis, the areas and types of entrepreneurship in which high and quick payback investments.

The most promising areas of business to purchase for 100,000 rubles

  1. Providing services to the public: nail design, landscape design, accounting, legal advice and business management, massage.
  2. Vending machines for coffee and toys.
  3. Payment terminals.
  4. Mobile units catering, for example, for the production and sale of popcorn, grilled and shawarma, caramelized apples.
  5. Manufacturing of interior items, jewelry, decor and clothing. For example, candles, lampshades, handmade knitted accessories.

At the initial stage, with such small amount capital, services can be provided free of charge, for advertising purposes and to develop a target audience and consumer interest. Then, after 1-2 months, register with the Federal Tax Service. The optimal choice of the form of doing business is individual entrepreneurs; at the same time, you should find the optimal taxation regime, simplified and convenient for beginners. If the activity chosen by the entrepreneur is provided for patent system(PNS) in the region, it is better to opt for it. It is the cheapest and most convenient for beginners. If the patent is not valid, the simplified tax system for income is recommended (6%).

The dream of working for yourself, and not “for someone else,” lives in the minds of thousands of people.

But at the same time, only a small percentage of them take at least some action to start their own business.

The main reason is the belief that you can open a business only with a multimillion-dollar budget for investment.

However, if you delve deeper into this issue, you can find a bunch of ideas on how to what business to open with 500,000 rubles.

And this amount is not at all so unrealistic, right?

So if you have been dreaming of frequent entrepreneurship for a long time, but think that only the wealthiest people can afford this option, this article is for you.

Business for 500 thousand rubles providing services

The most popular idea, where you can “put together” your own business is the provision of various services to the population.

And not only on our own, but also by hiring other people - that is, through mediation.

Among similar ideas about what kind of business to open for 500,000 rubles, providing services, there are hundreds of interesting options.

And this is only among those that have already been implemented in the CIS countries and are being successfully used!

And what does it say about examples of foreign entrepreneurs from whom you can “borrow” many original and relevant ideas for startups.

But now let’s talk not about innovation, but about ideas that are familiar to everyone and easy to implement, which will require an investment of up to 500 thousand rubles.

Rope amusement park

Capital investment: 300,000 rubles

Payback: 1 season

Typically, amusement parks do require large investments.

Especially if an entrepreneur operates in a large city, where there are already other parks and you can only stay afloat by being the best.

But enterprising businessmen spotted a type of amusement park in Europe that could be opened with feasible investments.

This is a rope park - an artificially constructed obstacle course for children and adults.

Now best moment to open such a business, because competition is still low, and for most, such leisure is still a novelty.

Self-defense or boxing section

Capital investment: 320,000 rubles

Payback: from 9-12 months

But sections for boxing or self-defense lessons are not new. However, they are popular among both teenagers and adults.

Previously, most visitors were male.

But now many women have begun to pay attention to this activity.

The most successful business ideas can be implemented by those entrepreneurs who are sincerely interested in the topic.

You can even use a work option in which the business organizer will be one of the instructors.

But in this case, it is worth hiring someone as an assistant to resolve administrative issues.

For example, organize a “family contract”, involving someone close to you in the work.

Organizing a business in an quest room

Capital investments: 100,000 – 200,000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

One more original idea, which came to us recently.

The essence is original entertainment for groups.

Players are locked in a themed room.

Within a certain time, they must solve tasks and exit it.

This activity is not only original, but also very exciting.

Because of quite high level difficulties, the main clients are solvent categories of the population: men and women 25-35 years old, businessmen, this is how corporate events are held.

The cost of the game is set quite high, as for simple entertainment.

But since people’s thirst for everything new is inexhaustible, and such services are not yet particularly widespread, businessmen can earn substantial sums from this idea.

Business at children's parties

Capital investment: 150,000 rubles

Payback: 3-6 months

The event industry is interesting because you can organize a profitable business here with virtually no start-up capital.

After all, the main thing that is required is sincere enthusiasm.

And if there are substantial capital investments, then it is possible to increase the staff and organize larger-scale celebrations.

However, such conditions could not but cause high competition.

Here, like nowhere else, it is difficult to break through not only to the top, but at least to the middle layer and have your own 30-100 orders per month.

Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, you need to pay special attention to market analysis.

The above list of expenses is an average.

As already mentioned, you can start your own business during holidays with 20,000 - 30,000 thousand rubles.

Costume and accessories rental business

Capital investments: from RUB 70,000.

Payback: from 6 months

Thematic photo shoots, holidays, and parties are becoming more and more popular in the CIS countries.

But not every person is ready to spend a tidy sum on their outfit in order to show off in it for one evening.

Where there is a problem for the population, an enterprising entrepreneur can find a place to organize a business.

Therefore, the business of renting outfits and related accessories has its own demand.

You can start with 10-15 suits, gradually expanding your “wardrobe”.

Business for 500 thousand rubles for mini-production

A business worth 500,000 rubles can also be opened in the production of various goods.

Yes, you were not mistaken, not only the owners of large factories can manufacture products and earn significant money from it.

You can see this for yourself by exploring the ideas below:

    Original baked goods.

    Such a business existed for a long time, but after popularization social networks it became easier to do it.
    If you or someone close to you knows how to cook well, you can make and sell designer cakes, cookies, and muffins.
    Original and themed baked goods enjoy in great demand.
    Even for a cake for a child’s birthday, parents are willing to pay 3-6 thousand rubles.
    And what can we say about weddings!
    It is important to consider that competition is high.
    Therefore, you will need to invest money in advertising, buy only the best ingredients and prepare truly unique baked goods.

    It would seem that no one would look for such a piece of furniture as a shelf on the Internet from craftsmen and buy it to order.
    But this is not entirely true.
    Everyone strives to make their home especially unique.
    And furniture in stores is made in many copies and according to average measurements.
    Therefore, craftsmen who know how to make, for example, the mentioned shelves are in demand.
    If you invest in the promotion of services and set up the purchase and delivery process, this can become a profitable business.


    This service will never lose its relevance.
    Investments in the business can be minimal: buying a machine, a supply of needles, threads and other parts, as well as advertising the business.
    This list can be “packed” into 20 – 50 thousand rubles.
    To reduce the number of competitors in your niche, you can narrow your area of ​​work.
    For example, sew only clothes for children or even pets.

Read more about where to start a clothing tailoring business

and what you will need for this, see the video:

The main thing is not even what starting capital for investing you have.

How business for 500,000 rubles, and for several million it can become a failure.

To prevent this from happening, you need to analyze current situation on the market, budget for expenses of several tens of thousands for unplanned expenses, draw up a competent business plan.

And, of course, invest time, effort and soul into your business.

Then it will definitely bring you success!

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All you need is good idea and you can open your own small business. It is desirable that the capital be your own, and not borrowed or on credit. Below we will tell you which own business It’s better to invest money so that the risks are minimal. So, what kind of business is worth creating for 500 thousand rubles, what is the most profitable?

These two options require minimal time and effort on your part. For 500,000 rubles you can purchase an inexpensive franchise ( low risk option) or start a vending business, which lately is gaining momentum.

Vending is different in that it is used to sell goods, but without the participation of the seller. This includes coffee machines, vending machines with other drinks, with toys, food vending machines and even shoe covers in a hospital.

Among businessmen, it is believed that an investment in a vending business will pay off in a year or two.

Main– place the machine in the most suitable place with the greatest traffic.

A new vending machine costs about $2500-3000. For half a million you can buy either 2-3 new ones, or 5 used ones.


What business to open with 500,000 rubles if you want to create your own store? This amount will allow you to open a small clothing store in a residential area, where there will not be many competitors.

Either a point on the market, or rent a ready-made pavilion in shopping center . The traditional option is only women's clothing or a lingerie store, provided that we rent the premises.

We don’t have enough money to open a grocery store, although it’s quite possible to create a live beer store or a cake and candy store with this amount. This is provided if you live in small town. In big cities, it will be difficult for small stores to compete with large retail chains.

Advertising agency

If you take on everything at once (printing, branding, and advertising campaigns etc.), be prepared to immediately spend money on salaries for good specialists and renting premises in the city center. You can choose a narrower area of ​​work for your agency.

For example, exclusively printing, production of souvenirs, creation and promotion of websites...

An advertising agency as a business up to 500,000 rubles is a real option. But for the first time there will only be enough money for some equipment. For example, for a couple of computers, a risograph and a couple of printers. In the future, you can expand and buy new, professional equipment.

Your main expenses are renting premises, purchasing office furniture and computer equipment, as well as employee salaries.

By the way, the premises for a small advertising agency do not necessarily have to be impressively huge. 15-20 square meters will be enough.

Some agencies practice hiring employees for remote work so that there are fewer people in the office. Many designers and programmers enjoy working at home.

As an option

For printing, you absolutely it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment, it will be best find a good printing house and work with it as an intermediary.

Beauty sphere

In any city, the services of a hairdresser, makeup artist, and nail care specialist are in demand.. An amount of 500 thousand rubles may not be enough to open a large salon in the city center, but it will be enough for a neat salon in a residential area, where there will also be plenty of clients.

Thanks to minimal investment you can increase your competitiveness by establishing more low prices. You can also offer clients home-visit services. This way you can significantly expand your customer base.

You can open a small solarium, hairdresser, hair removal studio(one good device laser hair removal costs from $3,500), nail service, etc. If you ensure a footfall of 10-15 people, you will quickly pay for this project. You can also rent a place for your device (enough money for 1 horizontal solarium, the price of which is about 400,000 rubles) in some beauty salon or fitness center.

Fast food

Along with grocery stores Buyers are also attracted by various fast food kiosks offering pies, pasties, hamburgers and hot dogs. Sandwich shops are very popular in big cities, where people are constantly on the move and are used to eating on the go.

Although, if you place such a kiosk in a residential area, and if it works until late, it can easily compete with nearby stores, even if they are 24-hour.

Many people will still prefer ready-made hot food to late-night fuss over the stove. Food is that stable. You can also open a shawarma stall.

Various finished equipment (machines)

If you have a garage, and even if you don't. Renting is not a problem and it is cheap. Prices for machines for making bricks start from 40-80 thousand rubles (manual), and good semi-automatic and automatic ones cost 150,000 - 300,000 rubles.

For example, a machine for producing Lego bricks Eco Brava (pictured above) costs 300 thousand rubles. In addition to Lego bricks, it can produce paving slabs and ordinary brick.

I think the essence of the idea is clear. You buy a machine for 200,000 - 400,000 rubles, rent a garage and you can start producing building materials and much more. These can be machines for packing nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc. Also, any others that produce food and various materials from raw materials.

And a little more...

This amount is enough to start a clothing repair and tailoring shop. Also popular are children's game rooms in large shopping centers.

Among the relatively simple and quick payback for 500 thousand rubles, one can also name the discovery rabbit farm or growing crops.

So if you are puzzling over where to invest 500,000 rubles, think about what you personally would like to do, walk around the city and study the goods and services on offer and what demand is there for them. And draw conclusions. The main thing here- you must like what you do, otherwise it will be of little use.