Tourism business in the Crimea. Ready business in Crimea

After Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, Russian legislation began to operate on the peninsula. In this regard, ample opportunities have opened up for the inhabitants of the peninsula to create their own business. The fact is that almost all profitable activities in this region are seasonal, so novice entrepreneurs should be prepared for the fact that their business will bring good income only in the summer. Let's take a closer look at what kind of business to open in Crimea in 2018 and how to achieve success in this business.

Souvenir production

If you are interested in what kind of business you can do in Crimea, be sure to pay attention to the production of souvenirs. Such a business flourishes in almost all resort towns, since every tourist tries to buy some kind of memorable trinket to give it to his friends or relatives. In the off-season, you can engage in the production of souvenirs with the whole family, and in the summer you can sell them to vacationers or rent them in bulk to specialized shops.

Most wanted products:

  • Keychains;
  • Fridge magnets;
  • Pendants;
  • Painted plates;
  • Frames with photographs of sights.

Souvenir production is the most relevant business in Crimea in 2018. If you take this business seriously, it will bring you excellent income. The most profitable line of business is the manufacture of souvenirs from gypsum. You do not have to buy any special equipment or expensive consumables. All you need to work is silicone molds, plaster and your creativity. If you have never encountered such a thing, you can find many different technologies and training workshops on the Internet that will help you master this skill.

Luggage storage on the beach

Are you looking for business ideas for Crimea without investments? Many people relaxing on the beach have problems with where to hide valuables, such as a mobile phone, camera or wallet with money, to go swimming in the sea. On this, you can build a profitable small business in the Crimea with minimal investment - beach luggage storage. Such a service is in high demand, so you will not suffer from a lack of customers.

To do this, you should first of all contact the beach administration and conclude an agreement with them for the lease of the territory for the installation of lockers. In addition, you need to purchase several cabinets for 50–60 cells and hire service personnel. You will need about 45 thousand rubles to purchase equipment, rent a place and pay employees. The cost of one hour of storage is 25 rubles. If you use only half of the cells for work, you can earn about 5 thousand rubles in one day. Accordingly, in one month, lockers will bring you 150,000 rubles of profit. If you subtract all expenses, you get about 130 thousand net income.

Chopped and packaged fruit

This is a new, but, at the same time, very promising business idea for the Crimea with minimal investment. Install a small refrigerated display case on the beach, on which portions of various juicy fruits - peaches, watermelons, melons or apples - will be laid out strung on skewers and covered with cling film. This is the best snack in the heat, so this product is always in great demand on the beach. Along with fruit, you can sell chilled water, drinks or beer. This is a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs who do not know how to open a small business in Crimea. For the purchase of a refrigerated display case and the purchase of products, you will need approximately 45–50 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business reaches 30%. All initial investments pay off in one season.

Vending machines

Since novice entrepreneurs often do not have a large start-up capital, they try to find business ideas for the Crimea with small financial investments and a quick payback. These parameters are fully consistent with the vending business. Among the main advantages of this activity, I would like to highlight:

  • Ease of maintenance;
  • Availability of components;
  • Fast payback.

Vending machines are a successful ready-made business that allows you to earn good money. Since this market in Crimea is practically free, any novice entrepreneur has every chance to take his place on it. Most often on the peninsula there are vending machines for coffee, tea and soft drinks. But through such devices you can sell other popular goods, for example:

  • Milk;
  • snack products;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • condoms;
  • Patties;
  • Soft drinks;
  • Children's toys and more.

Such a business in the Crimea in 2018 will bring a decent stable income.

Excursion business

If you are familiar with all the sights of the peninsula, organize excursions for vacationers. Tourism business in Crimea can be developed in different directions:
  • Microexcursions. There are many different sights and monuments in Crimea. Small fascinating stories about memorable places for tourists will bring you a good stable income;
  • Tourist trips. Clients for such events are best attracted via the Internet;
  • Guide services for individuals and large tourist groups;
  • Organization of excursions on different routes.

In order for the business to bring good profit, you need to know all the interesting places and attractions of the peninsula. You can become a guide not only on land, but also in the sea. Rent a yacht or ship and organize cruises along the Crimean coast. A travel agency is the best option for beginners who are interested in what business is the most promising in Crimea.

Breeding rabbits

Interested in what kind of business to do in the Crimea? As you know, in this region there are many sanatoriums and other recreational facilities. Allergy sufferers and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases come here to be treated. In addition, many families come to rest by the sea with small children. All this suggests that dietary rabbit meat is in high demand in local markets and stores. In addition, such products are purchased in large quantities by the owners of the restaurant business in the Crimea. If you have your own house on the peninsula, you can organize a rabbit breeding farm at home. This is a very simple and fairly profitable business that does not require large financial investments or special education.

wind farms

Do you want to know what business is relevant in the Crimea in 2018? Since there was a shortage of electricity on the peninsula due to the difficult political situation, here you can easily implement any idea related to alternative energy sources and earn good money on it.

According to information provided by weather forecasters, the average annual wind speed throughout Crimea is 3-7 meters per second, which means that wind farms can be successfully used here. In summer, in the plains of the peninsula, the weather is calmer, but in the steppes and highlands, the wind strength practically does not change. In this regard, the installation of wind farms is always in great demand. If you are interested in what kind of business is in demand in the Crimea, pay special attention to this line of business.

Drilling of the wells

Another pressing problem of the entire Crimean peninsula is water supply. Everyone knows that people cannot do without drinking water, since this is a paramount necessity. Therefore, if you cannot decide which business to open in Crimea, try drilling wells.

In order to start such a business, you need a mobile drilling rig and a map with real exploration data. If you can get old military maps, they can be a reliable help in this matter. Entrepreneurs who do not have start-up capital to purchase equipment can apply to the state for help. The Russian government provides comprehensive support for small businesses in Crimea, so it will most likely provide you with a gratuitous cash subsidy.

Organization of the crossing

As soon as Crimea became part of Russia, millions of people immediately went to the beaches of the peninsula. The issue of air transportation was gradually resolved, but the Kerch crossing remains a real test for tourists. In the summer, some people had to spend a lot of time in line for the crossing. In many countries of the world, private companies have long carried out the crossing between the island and the mainland. Therefore, if you are thinking about what kind of business to open in Crimea in 2018, try organizing the crossing. Of course, we are talking about the transportation of small groups of people.

In order to open such a business, you need your own ship, on which you will carry out the crossing. If you do not have the money to buy it, try to get help from the state to develop a small business in the Crimea. You also need to obtain a special permit to carry out such activities. From the experience of other countries, for example, Greece, it is clear that such a business brings a good income.

Services for vacationers

Last year, the summer season in Crimea was not oversaturated. Many mini-hotels and respectable hotels were not fully occupied, so the small and medium business of the Crimea experienced serious difficulties. Entrepreneurs had to literally fight for each client, so starting a business in the hotel industry is too risky, because there is too much competition here. If you still decide to invest money in this line of business, you need to offer guests maximum comfort and a high level of service.

Tourists find the sea and beaches themselves. Some come constantly to their favorite places. But if we talk about entertainment, there are wide prospects for start-up entrepreneurs.

The most promising areas of activity:

  1. Rental of catamarans, sailboats, equipment for windsurfing, diving, etc.;
  2. Opening of a small cinema with a cafe;
  3. Holding concerts and exhibitions;
  4. Organization of discos;
  5. Car rental with a guide.

Experts recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs with a pedagogical education open a network of private kindergartens for local residents and vacationers. A good profit is brought in during the season by children's playrooms. This service is often used by parents who want to visit a restaurant or just be alone. If you are thinking about what kind of business you can do in the Crimea, choose the right line of business and get to work. According to experts, 2018 is the best time to open your own promising business.

Joyful cries of "Crimea is ours" is, of course, good. But the authorities of our state today are required to solve a number of problems of the peninsula related to infrastructure, social support, and the economy. At the same time, for businessmen who have turned their eyes to Crimea, which has returned to Russia, and, most importantly, for the enterprising Crimeans themselves, a lot of new opportunities are opening up. Consider the TOP-9 business ideas that will definitely be in demand on the peninsula.

Alternative energy - installation of wind power plants.

One of the problems of Crimea is the shortage of electricity, so here you can realize what is going on with difficulty in the rest of Russia due to the monopolization of the market by energy companies. Based on the information that weather forecasters provide on the territory of Crimea, the average annual wind speeds are about 3-7 meters per second, which, of course, should be used as an alternative electricity source. True, during the summer periods the flat part of the peninsula is calmer, there are also calms, but in the highlands and in the steppe the wind force is more regular. So such a type of business as the installation of wind farms will be in great demand.

Extraction of water and drilling of wells.

Water supply in the Crimea is perhaps one of the most acute and urgent problems. The importance of providing the population with drinking water, I think, does not need to be explained in detail - this is a paramount necessity. Therefore, on the territory of the peninsula, a business related to drilling wells and extracting drinking water will be in great demand. Not much is needed for this - a mobile drilling rig with an electric drive and a map with geological exploration data. By the way, it is quite possible to use old military maps, if, of course, you can get them. As for the drilling rig, the advantage of this device is its relative lightness (the most significant part of the rig in the full sense of the word is a carriage with a gear motor, namely 70 kilograms). Installations are easily dismantled and assembled. Best of all for drilling wells, experts say, a three-blade drill with a carbide tip.

Pumping out septic tanks - the demand for services is provided.

The fact that Crimea returned to Russia automatically means that the inhabitants of the peninsula must comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, including the established environmental standards. This applies, in particular, to the conditions for running the hotel business, to which the requirements for compliance with environmental legislation are increasing. This also applies to pumping out septic tanks. The demand for these services will only grow every year, especially since an increase in the flow of tourists is predicted. So this business is quite possible to earn.

The organization of the crossing is a sought-after business.

As soon as the Crimea again passed into Russian "citizenship", millions of tourists went to take a fancy to the beaches of the peninsula. But if the issue of air transportation was more or less resolved, including with the use of administrative resources, then crossing the Kerch Strait became a real test for tourists. The situation reached the point of absurdity - tourists spent almost half of their holidays on peak days not basking on a warm beach, but in line for the crossing. In countries where communication between the islands and the mainland is carried out by sea, they have long found a solution by leaving transportation at the mercy of businessmen. Here, of course, in addition to having, in fact, the vessel with which the crossing will be carried out, it will be necessary to obtain permission from the inspectorate for small boats. As the experience of, for example, Greece shows, it is quite possible to profit from such a business.

Capsule hostels are the organization of economy class vacation spots.

Since tourists come to Crimea with different wallets, it would be advisable to open your own business for accommodating and servicing capsule hostels. There is no doubt that they will be in demand. The most relevant cities for this are Yalta and Sevastopol. This business does not require special investments. It is estimated that by investing 100,000 rubles for one place, the funds can be recouped in almost a season.

Hostel in a container - organization of recreation on wild beaches.

About capsule hostels, I think everything is clear. They are best placed in places of entertainment. But what about the organization and placement of hostels on wild beaches, which are also full of tourists? Leave this idea as unpromising? Of course not. You can arrange hostels in old railway containers, putting them along the sea coast. The costs are small, but the profit goes.

Fast food vending machines - make a profit.

Vending machines have long and firmly entered our lives. But in Crimea today there is a shortage of fast food machines, again, due to the increased flow of tourists. So you can make a profit by installing fast food vending machines on the streets of the cities of the peninsula. It can be anything - hamburgers, french fries, pizza, pies, coffee - in a word, what you can eat without having the opportunity and money to dine in a restaurant. You just need to take into account our mentality and consider protection from vandals.

We rent car covers for rent.

Those vacationers who come to the Crimea in their car are not always ready to put it in the parking lots equipped for this. Expensive, far away, inconvenient - there can be many reasons. Here is a four-wheeled iron friend in the open. Dust, sun, bird droppings, cats with dirty paws - all this does not add beauty to the car. So you can safely buy universal car covers and rent them out to those in need of this service - the profit is guaranteed.
Own smokehouse - we use natural abundance. There are many fishing spots on the Crimean coast, which means that this abundance can somehow be used in creating your own business on the territory of the peninsula. You can, for example, install your own smokehouse. This is not very difficult - today the market is saturated with a variety of smoking machines, including inexpensive ones.

Souvenirs and spectacles are a source of profit.

Any tourist who comes to Crimea will definitely want to buy some souvenir with the symbols of the peninsula as a keepsake. But after all, you can acquire not only something material, but also impressions. And here is full scope for imagination. Theatrical performances, for example, about the peoples who lived here. And it can be not only representations. You can hold lessons of folk crafts, where guests will make a souvenir with their own hands - for themselves, relatives or friends. The delight of both adults and children is guaranteed. By the way, if you have a good business idea, you can turn to the authorities for help - I think they will not refuse, because your idea can become a feature, a distinctive feature of a village or city.

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According to research by British scientists, the salary in Crimea is 10,000-12,000 rubles. But seriously, I live here not so long ago to add "INFA 100%", but based on conversations with people (who talk to me), it turns out that this is exactly the case. Or a little differently, and in a smaller direction.

Salaries in Crimea

The level of salary in the Crimea depends on the specialty.
In 2015, accountants and shuttle bus drivers receive a salary of only 8,500. Embroiderers and dressmakers in Crimea earn from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles in production, factory workers with experience - about 10,000-11,000 rubles, and without experience about 6,000-8,000 rubles a month. Shipyard "Zaliv" this summer invited power engineers for a salary of ten thousand rubles.
Janitors in the Crimea receive about 6,000 rubles, cashiers and security guards in a supermarket about 8,000-9,000 rubles.

Prices in Crimea

Probably, in almost any city in almost any country, out of several similar products, one will be more expensive and the other cheaper. In Evpatoria, there is enough choice in order to make a purchase "affordable". There is Italian vermicelli, there is domestic. I like both of them!
Let's compare Evpatoria with Samara.
-Kommunalka in E. is cheaper, 2-3 times for sure.
- The fare is 1.5-2 times cheaper.
-Services of beauty salons - 2-2.5 times cheaper.
— We buy food at Metro Cash & Carry, prices are comparable to a similar store in Samara.
-Restaurants and cafes - in different ways.
- Vegetables and fruits are 1.5-2 times cheaper, imported goods - about the same as in Samara or a little cheaper. But due to purchases in the Metro, in any case, we save decently.
-Household chemicals and cosmetics are about 1.5 times cheaper, except for prof. cosmetics. It can be 2 times more expensive, which turns the cost of a liter shampoo bubble into 4 pieces of paper for 1000 rubles. By the way, someone knows that I was an alphaparf fan in the past (mainly thanks to my husband), but even before leaving I was tired of buying cosmetics comparable in price to a Boeing wing, so baba agafya forever. And you know what? I've grown quite a bit of new hair.
Bowling, billiards, etc. 2 times cheaper than in Samara.
— Med. services - 2 times cheaper.
- Keeping a car in E. is 1.5 times more expensive.
- Children's goods - slightly cheaper.
I would like to write a little more informative, but did not figure out how to do it!

Prices in a cafe in Crimea

Here are photos from the culinary, where we went to refresh ourselves a little. Husband gave 240 rubles for:
- tea;
— coffee 3in1;
- the vinaigrette;
- hake fish;
- chicken chop;
- potato slices;
- pancakes;
- 4 pieces of bread;
- puff with cheese.
PRICES ARE IN LOW SEASON! Don't expect this in the summer.

Crimean autumn colors

How can you make money in the Crimea

If you do not have your own housing or business in Crimea, then I would suggest that you find a remote job so that you can receive money from residents of rich regions of the country, such as Moscow or St. Petersburg.
My option is to work as an author and executor of the company DIPLOCOM Mostly I worked with students of distance learning. DIPLOCOM offers them the closing of the session (assistance in passing on-line tests, tests, exams in the distance learning system in all disciplines).

If you are a part-time student, then you may be interested in such services as passing on-line tests, control and final tests, exams, writing control and term papers. The cost of the provided service for passing tests is from 30 rubles for 1 question and from 500 rubles for the test. Control and term papers - from 500 rubles.

If you are looking for work in the Crimea, but are ready to work remotely, then DIPLOCOM requires job search managers. The manager receives from 15 to 20% of the order of the client brought by him. Skype-training is carried out, it gives out the algorithm of work. For employment in this specialty, you can contact me by going to the tab

In addition, my husband and I organized the delivery of products from the METRO store, the delivery cost was from 300 rubles. Unfortunately, my VKontakte group was banned, and soon we simply didn’t have time for weekly trips. In any case, I consider the food delivery business in small towns of Crimea to be in demand, so you can try to use my idea.

At the moment I'm trying to monetize the traffic of this site and even wrote an article Maybe it will be useful to someone!

Each territory has its own specifics. The Republic of Crimea is a unique object for entrepreneurial activity; doing business here has its own peculiarities and nuances. To begin with, let's consider how business in Crimea differs from business in any other place.

Features of local entrepreneurship

Due to the geographical location and the current political situation, it will be easy for enterprising businessmen to organize a competent and profitable business.

The tax situation is extremely discharged and facilitates the task of paying taxes and tax costs, all these measures were taken due to the risks and the insufficiently stable situation at the territorial facility, the possibility of imposing sanctions and the difficult situation in general.

Based on possible risks, the state, in order to reduce possible losses of capital and attract entrepreneurial power, is trying to organize the most acceptable conditions for doing business.

In addition to the state initiative, Crimea has a wide tourism sector and is considered a resort area, which contributes to the opening of a powerful additional business area.

The development of resort areas through the organization of small businesses gives rise to a healthy spirit of competition, which entails an upswing of the economy throughout the Republic.

Characteristic features that have positive aspects:

Features that cause inconvenience to the entrepreneur:

The problems of entrepreneurs do not depend on the region, and in addition to regional overlaps, problems of federal significance impose their own inconvenience on local businesses, so Crimean businessmen should be especially prepared for risks and financial shocks.

  1. Unsustainable Policies and Sanctions.
  2. Lack of clarity and wording of SEZs, possible amendments and bills that increase the percentage tax rate and the list of restrictions on activities.
  3. Difficulties in promoting products to the markets of the Russian Federation from the territory of Crimea, this inconsistency makes it necessary to establish trade relations, which is not always easy, especially when taking into account the mutual interest of the parties.
  4. The lack of an effective strategy with minimal investment of capital and risk reduction is a problem faced by any entrepreneur, but it is especially acute on the unprepared, but fertile soil of the Crimean market.
  5. Lack of a well-defined infrastructure also hinders private entrepreneurs.
  6. Low solvency of the local population.
  7. Low skill level of employees.

TOP-9 Ideas for Crimea without investment

need to build on the provision of services.

Accordingly, in order for your services to be in demand, you need quality, which depends entirely on the skills and abilities of the entrepreneur. No investment means lack of employees in the state, separate premises for rent, widely informative advertising and other necessary steps for running a business with high profits, however, at the initial stage, you can do without capital at all.

Before you start running your business without investments, make sure:

Idea number 1.

Production and sale of home-made souvenirs from improvised means;

Uniqueness lies only in your skill and ability, and there are always enough people who want to buy a souvenir as a keepsake.

Idea number 2.

Organization of leisure and childcare, games and entertainment events;

Organizing leisure activities for children and providing parents with some free time is also a very promising service. However, it is necessary to remember the responsibility and be extremely focused on the safety of children.

Idea number 3.

Storage boxes, sun loungers for rent;

Idea number 4.

Massage and sunscreen services;

Idea number 5.

Swimming instructor for adults and children.

Learning to swim and bringing a useful skill from vacation will be a pleasure for many. For safety, it is enough to conduct classes in small groups, and fence the territory with buoys. For this type of activity, you need to have the appropriate permission and bear a high degree of responsibility.

Idea number 6.

Organization and conduct of excursions.

Unfortunately, the listed activities can only be carried out seasonally, this is the only drawback, however, these ideas are considered the most striking example of doing business. without investments.

Ideas with minimal investment:

Idea number 1.

Construction and carrying out repair and construction works, erection of fences, improvement of sites.

Due to the low cost of real estate, many are interested in buying it. Not everyone can rebuild a house “on the coast” of the sea or make repairs in an apartment on their own, so the help of a specialist will never hurt. Only real professionals and virtuosos in construction will be able to successfully conduct business in this area, here it is already possible to conclude fairly large transactions and make good profits.

Idea number 2.

Farming, running your own business.

Products of own production are always in demand among local residents; they can also be exported for sale to neighboring regions. Success will bring knowledge of the intricacies of farming, which imposes great responsibility. The climate of Crimea is completely conducive to farming.

Idea number 3.

Drilling of water wells.

Extremely relevant for the Crimeans, as the infrastructure of the republic is in a disappointing state. The installation cost depends on the subtleties and details of the work, but for starters, you can purchase small-sized affordable models in the region of 70 - 100 thousand rubles. Of course, it is necessary to work for some time as a driller and get acquainted with the process, study all the subtleties and only then start working on your own.


Given all the difficulties and risks that are inevitably present in any business, Crimea is still a suitable place for doing business and tends to develop in the future. If you decide to start a business, then you are ready to take responsibility and take risks, while the state tries to reduce costs and encourage small entrepreneurs as much as possible.

Video idea

A story about a real entrepreneur and his business - the production of eco-products.

The annexation of Crimea to Russia expanded the borders for domestic businessmen.

The declining position of Ukrainian producers on the territory of the peninsula allows them to openly compete for their place in the sun. The economy is in a state of restructuring.

Now is the period when you can invest a small amount in a business and become a leader in a short time.

Earn the first money in 6 months? - Yes, it's real.

Let's take a look at specific ideas together that will help you earn your first income by starting business in Crimea.

Why Crimea? The policy of comprehensive investment.

Why should you choose Crimea as a platform for business?

First of all, because our state intends to invest 707 billion rubles in the development of the infrastructure of the peninsula until 2020. Crimea can become a gold mine, both for start-up entrepreneurs and investors.

Let's draw a logical chain that will help explain the benefit to the reader:

  • Investments have a positive effect on the development and recovery of the economy.
  • An increase in the level of the economy leads to the stabilization of the income of citizens in Crimea.
  • An increase in the number of middle-income people will lead to an increase in the financial circulation.
  • Where can people spend their money? For goods and services, i.e. business derivatives.

It should be understood that in entrepreneurship there are no bad or good conditions for business. It all depends on your ability to benefit.

Let's be realistic: at the beginning of 2017, Crimea did not reach the previously established level of development, but there are still breakthroughs.

5 reasons why Crimea will be attractive for business in 2017:

  1. Little market competition.
  2. Local business support.
  3. High level of competition among potential employees.
  4. Relatively reasonable cost of real estate in the Crimea.
  5. Business development perspective. A small investment can become a successful project in a couple of years.

Think about whether it is worth taking the risk and founding in the Crimea, taking into account such initial conditions?

If you gave a positive answer to this question, it's time to move on to real ideas for making money in the Crimea.

6 ideas for business in Crimea + 6 months to implement each

Idea number 1: Drilling wells in the Crimea.

What you need to know about Crimea? There are always problems with water - that's a fact.

Despite all the beliefs of the authorities, not all residents of this region have access to clean drinking water or cannot water their garden beds.

Create a water business in Crimea!

Drilling wells for domestic use is a relevant and profitable idea with a minimum implementation period.

The material part of the business is 70% of the drill. Its cost ranges from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles.

If you decide to get down to business seriously from the first orders, buy a drilling rig + a truck. The cost of such a business kit is 750,000 - 800,000 rubles.

Where to find clients for this business?

    Clients can be owners of cottages, residential buildings in Crimea.

    Water is simply indispensable in the economy. It is applied everywhere: from what flows from the faucet in the kitchen, ending with watering early vegetables in the greenhouse.

    Crimean farmers.

    Working with farms will provide you with a sufficient number of orders, but will require industrial machinery to implement the business idea.

How much can you earn from a well drilling business?

The cost of arranging one well starts from 15,000 rubles. "Clean", you will have 5,000 rubles. When fulfilling 1 order per day, the payback of the business is 4 months.

Beneficial, right?

Idea #2: Bicycle tourism as a business in Crimea.

What do you associate Crimea with? - The sea, the mountains, the most magnificent landscapes.

Laying a fascinating bike route is not difficult. Emotions to customers - money to you.

How to organize a bike tour in practice and make a business out of it?

    Work on the material part– rent or purchase of bicycles.

    To start a business, 6 - 8 units will be enough, the cost of one is 12,000-14,000 rubles.

    We lay out the route.

    With the help of an experienced guide, think over the route through the Crimea, stopping points and rest.

    We are hiring a team of clients.

    Cycling schedule.

    Always be punctual and responsible - follow the agreed schedule and direction of the route.

Depending on the conditions and duration of the tour, prices vary greatly.

For example: a bike tour in the Crimea for a group of 7-9 people, with an overnight stay in a decent hostel, will cost 23,000 rubles for each client.

The payback of such a business in the Crimea is 2-3 months.

Idea #3: Winery.

The unique climate of the Crimea creates excellent conditions for winemaking.

Each reader saw on the counter of the store wine brands Inkerman, Massandra, Solnechnaya Dolina.

Opening your own winery is a huge investment + a lot of competition. But we should also not forget about the possibility of exporting products from Crimea abroad, which increases the level of business profitability at times.

In 6 months it is possible to build your own winery with an incomplete work cycle.

What does it mean? You purchase goods from local suppliers of grapes in the Crimea, while you yourself are directly involved in the development of unique recipes and the production of wine.

It is worth paying attention to local grape varieties:

Grape sortShort description
Chardonnay is used to make sparkling wines.

Frost-resistant variety, the size of the bunch is small, the berries are medium in size without a bright taste.

Tsimlyatsky black

The variety is characterized by active growth of shoots and density of the peel of berries.

Cluster 15-18 cm, berries with a fruity tinge.


Small clusters - 12-13 cm. Bush of medium height, brown shoots.

The taste of berries is specific, which gives the wine a special flavor.


A bunch of medium size, long stem. Small waxy berries. The taste is viscous and refreshing.

Mid-season variety, high yield.

Grapes are used to produce table wine, as well as Cahors.

Pinot franc

The growth of the bush is moderate, standard clusters with a warty stalk.

The taste of the berries does not stand out - sweet, tart with a light fruity aroma.

The yield is average.

Wine production is a prestigious business. Crimea is an ideal place for a vineyard. Not to take advantage of such conditions is simply stupid.

quote italics The formula for success in Crimean: the best grapes + the diligence of an entrepreneur = a quality product * a high cost.

Idea No. 4: Business in Crimea: an entertainment center.

In Crimea, there is a problem with quality recreation for young people. All business on the coast is aimed at the comfort of tourists. Entrepreneurs simply forgot about other regions of Crimea.

Open, a lounge bar, is just a great idea that both visitors and local authorities will appreciate.

How to open your own lounge bar in Crimea?

    We start with business registration.

    The best form of business for a lounge bar is an LLC.

    Contact your local branch of the federal tax service with an application for registration. Within 5 working days you will be issued a certificate of registration and registered with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    Room. Required area - 40-50 square meters. m.

    The rental price starts from 40,000 rubles per month + repairs.

  1. 5-7 staff members will be able to ensure the smooth operation of the institution.
  2. The next stage is the purchase of furniture + interior design details.
  3. Work organization. Marketing company.

It will take at least 6 months from the idea to the moment of opening. The payback of a lounge bar is 2-2.5 years.

Of course, we are talking about a profitable business (22-25%).

Idea #5: A wind farm in Crimea is a great business.

Crimea is a very windy peninsula. This is caused by elevation changes and exposure to continental winds.

Making money on air flows is very symbolic for modern business.

The price of an industrial-scale wind generator for 250 kW per month starts from 150,000 rubles.

It is worth paying special attention to the support of business by the authorities. The production of clean energy is a prestigious business that receives investment from the state.

If the scale of your initial capital allows you to invest several million, an environmentally friendly business in the Crimea is the best solution!

Idea No. 6: Business in Crimea - budget fast food cafes.

Why exactly ? Because the financial situation of the inhabitants of the Crimea does not allow eating in expensive establishments.

Let's think soberly: if you saw an expensive restaurant on TV and think that it is in the top of the most profitable establishments in the city, this is not so.

80% of people leave their money in establishments that offer delicious food at low prices.

What to cook?

  • pizza,
  • hot dogs,
  • soups,
  • pancakes,
  • pasties,
  • French fries,
  • salads.

The emphasis is on the simplicity and availability of ingredients.

An excellent marketing ploy is to set a maximum price threshold.

For example, if a standard portion of any menu item costs 100 rubles, this will attract a large number of customers. Combined lunches for office workers will help to find regular visitors and reduce the assortment (along with the costs).

Remember the main rule of successful restaurants - a short menu.

Never mix incompatible recipes, keep an eye on the quality of the supplied products. One poisoning can ruin a reputation forever.

Tell in detail about all the possibilities of each

from the businesses presented above - it is simply impossible.

Let us dwell on winemaking in the Crimea. Development and prospects of the industry in video:

Business in Crimea This is work for the future. The peninsula is developing in small but sure steps. Properly invested funds will definitely bring their dividends.

PS. The Crimean infrastructure needs financial injections, the state provides all possible support for the development of the material and social fund, but this is not enough.

Are you ready to work today for financial stability in the future?

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