Your own business producing suspended ceilings. Business idea - production of suspended ceilings Business plan for suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a relatively new invention. They have gained their popularity among buyers due to such qualities as durability, moisture resistance, variety of shapes, textures and colors, which is due to the use of PVC film and special production technology.

Ten years ago, European-made ceilings were introduced to the finishing materials market. And only today have Russian manufacturers been able to conquer a certain share of this market.

Despite the large number of domestic companies producing suspended ceilings, according to experts, this segment is not yet saturated enough, and competition is relatively low.

As studies show, consumers treat the products of domestic manufacturers with some mistrust, which, however, does not have a serious justification. The quality of our materials is high, and the proximity of the production of suspended ceilings to the sales market has a favorable effect on the retail price of the products.

In addition to saving on delivery costs, the Russian company managed to minimize losses associated with the transportation and storage of materials.

The main component of a stretch ceiling - PVC film - deteriorates during long-term transportation, which leads to losses when ordering imported products.

The high quality of suspended ceilings produced in our country is also due to the fact that Russian companies successfully cooperate with Western “colleagues”, adopt their experience and increase the level of control not only in production, but also in the installation of ceilings. All this has a positive effect on the reputation of our manufacturing companies.

Note that the production of suspended ceilings is a costly business that requires large investments at the initial stage.

It will be necessary to purchase special equipment, maintain a special microclimate in production workshops and, most importantly, strictly follow production standards. However, all these costs quickly pay off, and in the future turn into big profits.

Equipment for the production of suspended ceilings

To open your own production of suspended ceilings you will need one or two HDTV machines. The cost of one machine for welding seams and a harpoon is from 300 thousand rubles. (single-post) up to 350 thousand rubles. (two-post). In addition, you will have to purchase an air compressor (50 liter receiver) costing up to 15 thousand rubles.

Additional electrical equipment (cable, machines, etc.) will cost about 10 thousand rubles. Also, the workshop equipment requires one or two tables for cutting, two tables for feeding material to the machine, a heated packaging table, and racks for storing film.

For all this you will have to spend from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. In addition, the business plan must include the cost of renting production space.

The cost of additional materials (metal corners, chipboard, lining material) will be about 5 thousand rubles. To produce the first batch of suspended ceilings, you will need the following consumables: PVC film, PVC baguette, harpoon, insert. Don't forget about packaging costs (boxes, tape, bubble wrap, etc.). The minimum cost of the first purchase will be 100 thousand rubles.

When calculating the profitability of your business for the production of suspended ceilings, keep in mind that it will take 1000 linear meters to produce 1000 sq.m of ceiling (German PVC film - 60 rubles/sq.m). m of PVC baguette (22 rub./linear m), 1000 line. m of insert (10 rub./linear m) and 700 line. m of harpoon (10 rubles/linear m).

This calculation is given for production, which will combine imported PVC film and fasteners with a Russian-made baguette. However, analysts predict that in the next couple of years, models made from Russian fabric and accessories, which fully comply with European quality standards, will push “hybrids” out of the market.

The technology for installing such suspended ceilings is quite simple: a baguette (mounting profile) is installed around the perimeter of the room, onto which a PVC film is stretched.

There is another type of ceiling production - the so-called seamless ceilings, which are made of very thin fabric impregnated with polymers on one or both sides.

Retail price per sq. m of Russian-made stretch ceiling averages 400 rubles. A square meter of stretch ceiling made in Europe will cost the buyer 500-900 rubles. A premium ceiling costs from 1,500 thousand rubles/sq.m.

The productivity of a single-station machine with an eight-hour workload per day and 22 working days per month is 2500 square meters. m/month Cost of one sq. meter of finished ceiling is 125-200 rubles/sq. m.

If you plan not only to organize the sale of finished products, but also to provide installation services, you will need at least 2-3 teams of two people each. When drawing up a business plan, take into account the cost of wages for installers - from 15 thousand rubles/month. per person.

The business of producing suspended ceilings is highly profitable, but we should not forget about the high competition in this market. If you manage to quickly organize the sale of your products, already in the first 3-6 months of work you will be able to reach the level of self-sufficiency.

Hello everyone, my dear readers. Today, in the “Sharing Experience” section, Maxim Rabinovich answered my questions. Maxim is engaged in the installation of suspended ceilings in the Stavropol Territory and business is going quite well. We met him through my blog, but more on that later. The purpose of this article is to show you how you can make money on services, and in this case, installing suspended ceilings with virtually no investment and start a business in just a few days. Interested? Then read the answers to the questions below.

Why is it profitable to install suspended ceilings? (what is the demand, what is the markup, why is activity growing, etc.)

It’s profitable because you can enter this niche without any investment, with a couple of thousand in your pocket. The installation of the ceiling itself takes two hours, which leads to a very quick implementation of the service and, accordingly, the receipt of funds. You don't need to have any special knowledge. There is a very good demand for this service and it is easily promoted via the Internet. To organize a business you need almost nothing, let’s say I only needed an iPhone through which I solved all organizational issues. The markup on the service varies by region, for me it’s 200-300%.

How did you start installing suspended ceilings?

I worked quietly at my job and one day I was fired. I needed to earn money somehow and I decided to start installing suspended ceilings (because I had previously worked in this field). I chose this niche because it has good demand and I knew that implementation from the call to making a profit takes little time, that is, you can get your first money today! In order to start, I had to find a person who understands the installation directly and I did this, this is generally one of the most important aspects in this type of service, the person who is directly responsible for the installation! Since basically two problems arise from this, the first is a poorly provided service and the second is the withdrawal of clients. Therefore, I would advise you to find this person from the very beginning!

How much initial investment was required, what did it cost and how quickly did it pay off?

I spent RUB 5,000 to start this business. Of these, 3000 rub. for landing (ordered from Nikolay) and 2000 rub. on Yandex Direct. All materials are provided to me with deferred payment; the installation team must have transport and tools. Look like that's it. You can negotiate materials with large companies that have the necessary equipment for the production of suspended ceilings. They are happy to work with dealers like me;) You can find such companies in every city.

What knowledge or skills are needed to start installing suspended ceilings?

Here you need to decide whether you will only sell this service, or whether you will also provide it yourself; if the first option, then you need to know how to organize the flow of clients and be able to sell. If the second option, then the same as in the first plus be able to install suspended ceilings. In general, it is advisable to work a little for your “uncle” in order to know the tricks and pitfalls of this business.

What documents, certificates and other formalities are required in order to legally and officially install suspended ceilings?

A certificate of the right to work with cylinders under pressure and with liquefied gases is required. And of course the IP. But you can safely start without any documents.

How to effectively sell this type of service?

Landing page - Yandex Direct - Receiving calls from clients - Visiting for measurements - Installation - Receiving money. Like this))

What is your net profit and labor costs?

Having one team, I earn 60,000 rubles. per month net in a city with a population of 400,000 people, and 150,000 orders are received, I simply do not have time to process them because... I can’t find two more normal teams and I have to turn off advertising in Direct, by the way, this is my only advertising platform! My expenses are Yandex Direct and on the phone account. The rest falls on the shoulders of the brigade; they have their own tools and their own car. I take all materials with deferred payment.

If we look at the example of an order and sort out the money, it turns out like this: Order for 6,000 rubles. for client. Of these: the ceiling (material) costs 2000 rubles, the crew 1500 rubles, Yandex Direct 500 rubles, yourself 2000 rubles.

What subtleties and nuances are there in this business?

As with anything else, it’s knowing how to sell, being an expert in your field, being a good organizer! You don't need to have any superpowers!

You can add something of your own!

I would like to say that no one can cover everything about this business so easily at once, but I think it was possible to send the main signal. I conveyed that this niche is profitable and if someone feels sympathy for it, they can safely start studying and earn their living!


Why the production of suspended ceilings? The fact is that this area of ​​production is relatively new and demand still exceeds supply. The use of tensile structures in the decoration and design of both residential and non-residential premises (offices, cafes, clubs) is currently very popular due to its advantages and qualities.

  • Brief overview of this type of business
  • Step-by-step plan, what you will need and how to earn money
  • Workplace and office organization
  • Brief business plan

Let's list some of them:

  • Stretch ceilings are not afraid of moisture, and even in the event of a flood from the neighbors above, it will be enough to drain the water, after which the structure will take its previous appearance.
  • PVC film, which is the basis of a stretch ceiling, is durable and does not lose color brightness for a fairly long period of time.
  • Stretch ceilings do not collect dust, as they are made of antistatic material.
  • Convenient and quick installation, which does not require special preparation of the surface. A special fastening profile is installed around the perimeter of the room, onto which the film itself is stretched. The entire installation, not counting measurements, takes no more than 3-4 hours.
  • A wide variety of colors, types of film and installation methods, which allows you to fulfill almost any whim of the designer and customer.

Thanks to these qualities, the installation of suspended ceilings is gaining popularity and this may turn out to be Here it is necessary to immediately clarify that by the production of suspended ceilings we do NOT mean the production of the film itself, from which the ceilings are subsequently made, but namely the production of the final product - a tension structure in the selected room. Sometimes these two types of business are confused with each other. In this article we consider the second option, which applies to small and medium-sized businesses and does not require global investment.

Brief overview of this type of business

The essence of your work will be to find customers and sell the final product - tensile structures. To install structures in a specific room, a team of installers will be required. These can be either your full-time employees or those who are already working in the market for these services. It should be immediately noted that competition in this area is usually quite high, and you will have to fight for each client. Here you will need to analyze your competitors and try to make the best offer in terms of price, quality and speed of execution.

The last point is not always taken into account, but it is also important for the customer, and many people are willing to pay even a little more if you can fulfill their order quickly and efficiently.

At the initial stage, you may even have to dump a little in order to load production and gain a customer base. But you shouldn’t get carried away with this, because why work if it doesn’t bring profit, right? Before you decide to dump, check all possible sales channels, maybe your competitors missed something?

Creative advertising of suspended ceilings at the start of work can help quickly form a customer base. For example, Instagram, or social networks, perhaps no one there still offers this type of service.

And also look at the offers of competitors, what is in demand, what is not covered at all, perhaps the elite and expensive segment is not yet developed enough in the area, but there is already a demand for it. In general, check all possible options and analyze the market for these services in your city before dumping - since this is the last resort in the hands of a drowning man and ultimately leads to a bad sales market.

The raw material for production will be the same PVC film, which can be purchased from manufacturers from Europe or from domestic and Chinese companies. It is believed that European suppliers have a higher quality of material, but they also cost an order of magnitude more. At the same time, recently, from domestic manufacturers you can find materials that are not inferior in quality to European ones, but at the same time they are cheaper, thanks to the proximity of delivery, lower taxes and other consumables during production.

Consider all options, the main thing is to focus on the client. The variety of offers you have should be appropriate. Films are also divided into types of texture: matte, glossy, satin, with a designer pattern.

To organize production, you will need a heated room with an area of ​​50-100 sq.m. with good ventilation and access to a 380 V power supply.

Step-by-step plan, what you will need and how to earn money

To work, you will need to register a legal entity. There are two options here:

  1. Work as a In this case, you will be able to pay less taxes and the registration process itself will take much less time. One of the minuses is the fact that the individual entrepreneur is liable for all personal property in the event of bankruptcy.
  2. To avoid such risks, you can also open an “LLC” - a limited liability company with an authorized capital and a charter that specifies the founders. In this case, you only risk the amount of the authorized capital, which must be at least 10,000 rubles.

When registering, you will need to indicate OKVED codes:

  • 25.23 Production of plastic products used in construction;
  • 52.46.7 Retail trade in building materials not included in other groups;
  • 52.61 Retail trade by order.

No license for the production of suspended ceilings is required, which simplifies the registration process. But it is better to require quality certificates from manufacturers.

The production of building materials is profitable and promising at any time, since people, even during a crisis, want their home to look beautiful and stylish. In recent years, stretch ceilings have come into fashion - they can effectively level the surface, give the room a beautiful appearance and create complex multi-level structures. That is why- an interesting and promising business that will be relevant for a long time.


Stretch ceilings are made of polyvinyl chloride or special fabric, which is fixed into profiles around the perimeter of the room. The service life of such a structure is at least 20 years, it does not require special care and practically does not fade in the sun. Let us note that the production of a stretch ceiling does not imply the production of film or profiles, but a cycle of work associated with its creation at a specific facility.

Stretch ceilings are very popular

This cycle includes:

  1. Carrying out the necessary measurements taking into account the architectural features of the room.
  2. Selection of materials and creation of a design that best fits into the overall style of the room.
  3. Complete the order with the necessary components.
  4. Installation of the ceiling, insertion of lamps, installation of baseboards, etc.

Attention:Large manufacturers are engaged in the production of film and fabric. Organizing such production on your own is quite difficult, and there is no point in doing so.

In fact, manufacturers are exclusively suppliers of the necessary raw materials. It is bought up by companies involved in production, after which they are cut to the required dimensions and installed for customers.

Advantages of suspended ceilings

Why do people choose such ceiling structures and whyso promising? There are several simple explanations for this:

  1. Long service life. If the operating rules are followed, the canvas lasts for at least 20 years, which is not comparable to classic wallpaper, tiles or plastic.
  2. Reliable protection against flooding (if PVC sheets are used). The material can withstand hundreds of liters of water and does not deform - the liquid can be pumped out through the holes for the lamps, and then returned to its original place.
  3. Simplicity and high speed of installation. No wet work is required for installation: everything is done quickly, neatly and without dust. Installation is usually carried out at the final stages of repair, so as not to damage the canvas. Practically no preliminary preparation of the surface is required, but it is recommended to knock off the old plaster if it is swollen and may fall off.
  4. The canvases are treated with special antistatic impregnations, so dust and dirt do not stick to them. This allows you to reduce the number of cleanings to a minimum. If necessary, the canvas can be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dirt.
  5. A huge selection of colors, textures, combinations, the ability to implement unique design solutions: creating multi-level structures, bends, zigzags, etc.

To start production you will need a little more than a million rubles

How to start

In order to start any business, the first thing you need to do is study the market and draw up a business plan that will help you understand whether it is worth starting a business, how to properly organize production and what risks may arise during the course of business. It is not difficult to conduct a market analysis - study the advertisements in your city, find out what assortment competitors offer, how much they charge per square meter, what are the terms of cooperation, production times, etc. Think about whether you can offer the best conditions so that customers come to you.

Next, you need to create a business plan. You can write it from scratch or take a ready-made sample on the Internet, adjusting it to your realities. Then you need to register with the tax office in order to become legalized. Registration can be carried out in two ways: as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC.

Attention:for micro-businesses, it is better to choose individual entrepreneurship, since it is easier to register and subsequently maintain records. If you want to work together with a partner, then choose an LLC - this will allow you to divide the shares and open up more room for maneuver.

When registering, indicate code 52.61 (retail trade), 52.46.7 - retail sale of building materials, 25.354 - production of plastic products for the construction industry.You will not need any licenses; the only thing that is recommended is to enter into official agreements with suppliers of raw materials. This will give you two advantages:

  1. You will become a regular customer, so you will be offered various discounts and rewarded for large volumes.
  2. You will receive the necessary certificates of quality and compliance, and will be able to show them to clients, confirming the characteristics of the products.

In general, registration and creation business plan for suspended ceilings with financial calculations does not pose any particular difficulties. If you really want to, you can do this in a week or a week and a half.

Studying the market

Practice shows that in most localities in Russia there are companies that already provide similar services, so you will have to compete with them. In order to stay afloat, you need to clearly understand how your competitors work, what advantages and disadvantages they have, what services they offer, what materials they use, who they cooperate with, etc. You will have to provide services better, faster and more efficiently, so that people contact you. Or at least as good as competitors in order to take a piece of the existing pie.

Note that the tactic of “doing the same thing, but cheaper” is quite dubious and does not always work, as well as the tactic of measuring brands. It is you who will understand the difference between the manufacturer’s brands, but the average person is indifferent to such information. He needs it to be of high quality and affordable so that he likes the final result. Lowering the price, on the contrary, can lead to the effect of order refusal, since people will think that cheap means low quality.At the same time, you can level the price at the level of competitors per square meter of the finished product, but at the same time play with additional services, offering them for free. For example, a free surveyor’s visit, free installation of lamps or design creation.

Installation is also included in production

Selecting a room

So, you've already figured out how to register, how to create your own business plan and how to study competitors' offers. Next, you need to deal with the room. It must perform three functions:

  1. Office. In it you will receive clients, do accounting, do marketing, etc.
  2. Warehouse space. In it you will store supplies of linens, skirting boards, tools and other necessary parts.
  3. A production room where cutting and preparation of canvases will be carried out.

Note that, in principle, you can rent two premises - a small office in the center with an area of ​​10–20 m2 to receive more clients, and an industrial building on the outskirts, thanks to which you can save on rent. Or just look for a room in the center with an area of ​​80–100 m2. Production may also require a 380 volt line. The room must be heated, have water, ventilation and sewerage.

Selection of equipment and materials

In essence, the selection of materials forlies in choosing a supplier. Today, there are quite a lot of companies selling raw materials, so you just need to choose the right one. Study the offers that are available on the market, select several options, contact them and discuss cooperation on an ongoing basis: they will certainly offer you good conditions.

To choose canvases, you need to create a portrait of your client. In Moscow, this is a fairly wealthy person who will easily spend 30–40 thousand rubles on a quality item, while in the regions rarely anyone will spend more than 10–20 thousand. After that, select the necessary canvases and suppliers. There are several options for manufacturers, but European products from France, Germany and Belgium are especially popular. Asian films are cheaper, but many buyers do not want to deal with Chinese goods, as well as Russian ones, but they should still be kept in mind for low-cost orders.

So, let's look at what you need to get started. In addition to the canvas itself, you will need PVC baguettes, spunbond number 17, metal corners, vilatherm 40, harpoons for fixing the material and various decorative inserts. You will also need electrical cardboard, which is used for welding (soldering the fabric). Additionally, you will need a hammer drill, level, screwdriver, hammer, heat gun and other installation tools.

Attention:the cost of investing in raw materials and tools for one team costs approximately 200 thousand rubles. We recommend that you do not skimp on this, so that later the work does not stop due to a breakdown of the gun or hammer drill.

Next, let's look at what equipment you will need. It will be necessary to purchase a high-quality compressor, a high-frequency machine (two-station) and various electrical equipment. The total investment in it will be about 500 thousand rubles. For the production and warehouse premises you will also need equipment: cutting tables, shelving and storage cabinets, the total amount is 100 thousand rubles. To equip an office you need furniture, a computer with an MFP and accounting programs, a stand with exhibition samples, etc. (total cost is about 100 thousand rubles). In total, to open you will need approximately 900 thousand rubles, not counting rent, utilities and taxes. Ideally, you need to start a business with 1,200,000 rubles.

The business fully pays for itself in 4-6 months

Making the ceiling

Let's look at how the process actually happens.

  1. The surveyor takes the necessary measurements at the customer’s site and draws up the technical specifications.
  2. A pattern is made: the specified dimensions are entered into the program, the computer provides the necessary data, after which cutting is carried out according to the finished drawing.
  3. If the width of the room is more than 2 meters, then the panels are welded. This is done by the machine; the seam is practically invisible on the canvas, since the material is connected to each other at the molecular level.
  4. A harpoon is welded to the canvas - a special fastener that engages with the baguette. It is a plate of a special shape.
  5. Quality control and packaging. The master checks the seams and the correct fastening of the harpoons, after which he puts the canvas in boxes or rolls it in a special way. You cannot keep the material folded for a long time so that folds do not appear on it.

The next stage is installation, but we will not consider it in this article. Let's just say that installation usually does not pose any particular difficulties: an experienced team can complete 2-3 rooms a day.

We count income

Finally, let’s look at the last point: how much you can earn in a month and how quickly your business will pay off. In fact, you will not have restrictions on the material - manufacturers are able to produce any volumes of goods, and machine produces at least 4 thousand square meters of fabrics (more precisely, welding). The purchase of canvas is carried out on average at 250 rubles per square, the finished structure costs 700 rubles per square. Let's imagine that you make 40 m2 of ceiling per day, which is quite realistic. Let's calculate: 40*22=880 m2 you will rent in a month. The profit from one meter is 450 rubles, that is, the monthly income will be 396 thousand rubles. You will recoup your costs in about 3 months.

Please note that these are very rough estimates and it is difficult to reach full employment from scratch. But nevertheless, with the right approach and quality control, in just six months you will have no “windows” in installation - today this service is popular and in demand. In addition, additional income from the sale of accessories, installation of lamps, decorative elements, etc. is not taken into account here. In the future, you will be able to create a second team: the equipment will be enough to ensure the efficiency of several installers.

In contact with

In this article we will look at how to open your own business producing and installing suspended ceilings. What investments are needed? What equipment will you need? What is the payback period for the investment? Let's figure it out.

Enterprise registration

Business production plan begins with enterprise registration.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in our case??

  • An individual entrepreneur pays significantly less taxes using a simplified taxation system. However, in case of bankruptcy, he risks all his property.
  • LLC, accordingly, shares most of the profits with the state. But the risks are limited only to investments in the authorized capital.

A couple more organizational points:

  • The registration documents indicate codes “25.23 – production of plastic products for construction, 52.46.7 – retail trade in building materials not included in other groups and 52.61 – retail trade by order.”
  • A license is not required to produce ceilings. However, it would be a great idea to enter into a permanent supply contract with film manufacturers and obtain certificates for all products.

Initial Investment


Business on suspended ceilings involves welding PVC film into a single sheet to fit the size of the room. What is a reasonable minimum equipment and its cost??

  • Two-station machine for welding sheets with high-frequency currents - 365,000 rubles.
  • An air compressor with a receiver with a volume of 50-100 liters to ensure the operation of pneumatics - 20,000 rubles.
  • Power distribution for electrical equipment, installation of automatic circuit breakers and RCDs – 15,000 rubles.
  • Software for cutting fabric + staff training – RUR 30,000.
  • Tables for cutting fabric and for feeding to the machine, racks - 80,000 rubles.
  • Exhibition stands, computer, table, chairs, printer, etc. – 56,000 rubles.

Attention: the values ​​are very conditional. The cost of the same office equipment can vary widely, and at first it’s not difficult to bring a computer from home.


The business plan for installation and production must include the costs of the initial purchase of materials.

  • PVC - film, baguette, insert and harpoon of several types (see).
  • Presspan (special cardboard for welding on a machine).
  • Vilatherm for sealing seams in panels (diameter 40 mm, the most popular).
  • Packaging materials: cardboard, film, tape, etc.

The estimated cost of the listed materials is 100,000 rubles.

Rent of office and production premises

Of course, the business plan for suspended ceilings also takes into account the costs of renting office space. However, it is difficult to give even approximate amounts of expenses here. The cost of rent depends on many factors:

  • Room area. An office that is too cramped will not inspire confidence among customers; too spacious will mean high expenses, which is very important at first.
  • Location within the city. The business center is always more expensive than the outskirts.
  • Finally, the established rental prices. Even in provincial towns with roughly the same population, they vary greatly from one area to another. The author observed prices from 30 dollars per square meter in Komsomolsk-on-Amur and from 6 dollars per meter in Sevastopol.

The main thing is to make the office noticeable. The client does not have to look for you for a long time.

What about the production space??

  • Its location doesn't matter. The workshop can be located in an area with minimal rent.
  • Minimum area – 50 square meters. In a smaller space, workers will interfere with each other.
  • Ventilation and 380 volts are required.

Market analysis

Also on the question of how to open your own business, it is important to take into account that suspended ceilings vary over a wide price range, and it will be impossible to cover the entire range of prices and materials at first (see).

It is worth focusing primarily on popular and inexpensive solutions: matte and glossy PVC sheets in the most popular colors. As your business develops, you can also offer photo printing services to your clients..

Attracting clients

The business plan must also include advertising costs. How to attract clients?

  • Contextual advertising on the Internet will show your ad to those people in your region who entered a key query like “cheap stretch ceilings” into a search engine. In this case, you will only pay for the number of clicks on the link: the number of impressions is not paid.
  • The production of suspended ceilings as a business is often accompanied by the conclusion of dealer agreements with hardware stores and finishing teams. Cooperation is beneficial not only for you: many clients are looking for a comprehensive solution that immediately includes re-flooring, wall repair and installation of suspended ceilings.

Expected payback period of investment

The productivity of the machine included in our estimate is 3750 m2 per month, based on 22 eight-hour working days.

Let’s assume that 70% of the output will go through dealers at 200 rubles/m2; 30% - 450 rubles/m2 to the end client (including the costs of a hired team of installers).

The estimated income will be a little more than a million rubles. With the cost of a meter of ceiling being 110 rubles and 60,000 tax, using a simplified scheme, you can summarize the information on the production of suspended ceilings - this will bring about half a million rubles in net profit (see).


Of course, we assessed profitability for the case when you have a ready-made business at your disposal, which is not entirely correct. At first, you will need to invest in advertising, and it will be far from being fully loaded. However, judging by the experience of predecessors, the average payback time for an enterprise rarely exceeds six months. Good luck!