Entertainment in the younger group hat party. Scenario - defile “Different hats are needed, all sorts of hats are important

Scenario cognitive competitive program for schoolchildren "It's all in the hat"

Preliminary preparation. Each participant makes an original hat, comes up with its name. All participants are grouped into two teams. All competitions are judged by a jury.

Leading. Hats, hats... They write stories about them, compose songs, even make films. Remember "Straw Hat"?

Everyone is old, and even more so - young,

Keep your hats of gold

Keep it until the end - that's the point.

When thunder rumbles overhead

Even a handful of straw can

Play a decisive role in fate.

And here is what the famous film actress Marlene Dietrich said about hats: “Hats can bring a lot of joy and put a woman in a good mood. Anyone who chuckles ironically has no idea of ​​the importance of this little thing. Indeed, it is difficult to find a woman who does not have at least one hat in her wardrobe, because a hat makes a woman unique and elegant. Yes, men love to wear hats. It is difficult to imagine the enigmatic Mr. X without a top hat, or the seductive Don Juan without a wide-brimmed hat.

Lyrical music sounds.

The teams take their places.

Contest "Hat Acquaintance"

Participants must remember as many names of hats as possible in one minute and take turns naming them. (Pilka, beret, budenovka, hat, hat, cap, helmet, panama, turban, top hat, bowler hat, skullcap, baseball cap, sombrero, cap, hat, kubanka, triukh, helmet, bonnet, cap, earflaps, cocked hat, peakless cap, turban ...)

Competition "Presentation of a hat"

G. Sviridov's waltz for the film "Snowstorm" sounds. Participants in their original hats pass by the audience and the jury. Then each team of their choice “presents” three hats, talks about their merits.

"Hat discussion"

Leading. In my hat (shows) - interesting questions. Each question is written on a piece of paper, the leaves are folded into tubes. Now the teams will take turns taking leaves out of the hat and answering questions. If a team finds it difficult to answer, the other team may receive an extra point by answering the question.

Questions for the competition

2. In the manufacture of what kind of headdress for the Soviet Army was the helmet worn by Russian heroes taken as a basis? (Budenovka)

3. Name the hit of the Na-na group about the headdress. (“The hat fell.”)

4. Name the hobby of the famous TV presenter Valdis Pelsh and explain the meaning of this word. (Collecting helmets. The word "helmet" came to us from the Spanish language and means "skull", "shard", "splinter".)

5. Name a hat that protects from the heat, which got its name from the name of a country located on the American continent. (Panama)

6. What inanimate objects also "wear" a hat or cap? (Sunflower, nail, mushroom.)

7. What colors were used to decorate the straw hat in the musical TV movie "The Straw Hat"? (Makami)

8. What kind of headdress in the East used to be worn not only by women, but also by men? (Turban)

9. What is the name of the hat, which received its name in honor of the national hero of the liberation struggle in Latin America in the 19th century? (Bolivar)

10. In one of the comedies, the heroine (played by Faina Ranevskaya), trying on a hat in front of a mirror, utters the famous phrase: “Yes, beauty is a terrible force.” Name a movie comedy. ("Spring")

Competition "What's in the hat?"

For this competition, a fake hat of a large size is pre-made.

Items are hidden in it. Which? Who can guess faster? The team that guessed correctly after the first clue gets 3 points, after the second - 2 points, after the third - 1 point.

1. - What is in the hat can be exchanged for something that can be exchanged for the same.

- According to teachers, what is in the hat does not allow you to sit quietly in the classroom.

- What is in the hat was used by craftsmen in times gone by to make shoes.

(Awl. “Awl for soap.”)

2. - What is in the hat is a symbol of the Orthodox holiday.

- It plays an important role in the fate of the stingy treasure keeper - Koshchei.

- It turned out to be beyond the power of adults, wise people with life experience, and the little rodent coped with this quite successfully in Russian folk tale"Ryaba Hen".


3. - About what is in the hat, we remember when we leave the house.

- In a Russian folk riddle, this subject is said like this:

Kuzma's knot - You can't untie it.

- If we change the accent in the word denoting this object, we get a word denoting a building in which the feudal lords of the Middle Ages hid during civil strife.


4. - She was "born" in 1538 and is therefore over 460 years old.

- It got its name, which has survived to this day, from the image on the front side of a horseman with a spear.

- In the mid-90s of the last century, it went out of circulation, but since January 1998 it has returned to circulation again.


5. - On January 1, 1958, what was in the hat was for the first time in Russia pasted on a paper object and had the inscription “10 kopecks. per lot"

- It has common name with the currency of some countries.

- Curious people collect it.


6. - What is in the hat, we can not only see, but also hear.

- In former times, this was the property of coachmen, courier triplets.

- In the Kremlin is his "elder brother" weighing over 200 tons, nicknamed the Tsar.


7. - Without this, humanity has lived most of its history, and now it is impossible to imagine the life of people without it.

- Jeweler, engraver, stone carver Johann Gutenberg invented something in 1445. Thanks to his invention, this subject has become widespread.

- Francis Skaryna was one of the first in the 15th century to devote himself to the dissemination of this subject.


8. - In the old days, when a guy courted a girl, he gave her this. When the husband came from the city or came on a visit from the army, he brought this to his wife.

- This item was part of the attire of the Egyptian pharaohs.

- In the repertoire of the People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Zykina there is a song about him.


Dance break - competition "Dancing Hat"

All participants dance. Spectators choose the most plastic, original dancer. He receives the Audience Choice Award and brings an extra point to his team.

Competition "Hat in catchphrases, proverbs, sayings, riddles"

Participants need to remember riddles, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases about headgear and name them. 1 minute is given for reflection, then the players will take turns calling phrases.

Possible answers

A hat according to Senka, a cap according to Eremka.

On the thief and the hat is on fire.

Came to the cap analysis.

What kind of friend is it without whom a man will not leave the hut?

I'm sitting on top

I don't know who.

meeting a friend,

I'll jump, I'll take it.

A cap for Senka, a patch for a hole, etc.

Contest "Accurate hat"

Two players from each team take part in the competition. One is given a hat, the other - 10 walnuts. One throws nuts, the other stands at a distance of 4-5 meters and catches them with a hat. Who will catch the most nuts with the hat the fastest?

Contest "Patter Hat"

There is one person from each team. In the hands of the presenter is a hat, in which there are cards with tongue twisters. The player puts his hand in the hat and chooses a card. Then he says the tongue twister 5 times. The winner is the one who never made a mistake or made a mistake fewer times.

Tongue twisters can be suggested as follows:

Sasha knocked bumps with his hat.

Sasha sewed a hat for Senka.

Quick Hat Contest

For the competition you need: 2 hats, 2 jackets turned inside out, 2 ties, 2 pairs of shoes with laces.

1 person from each team takes part in the competition.

Cheerful music sounds. Who will be the fastest to put on these things?

Hat Drop Contest

The song is performed by the group "Na-na". Two people from the team are invited to the dance, they are given a hat. They dance, cheeks touching, the hat - one for two - lies on top of their heads. It is necessary to perform a perky free dance, while not dropping the hat. Those who drop their hats lose. If no one's hat falls off, both teams are considered winners in this competition.

Leading. This is the end of our competition. It remains for the jury to sum up. And I want to wish all participants to have as many hats as possible in their wardrobe so that they match your age, taste, character.

Mizeva Elena Leonidovna,

music director

GBDOU No. 1 Vyborgsky district

Saint Petersburg

Spring holiday script for older preschoolers

"hat party"


  1. sticks and hats for playing
  2. stage hats
  3. 5 pieces. newspapers for the contest
  4. instruments for orchestra


  1. dance entry" Dear Mom»
  2. girls dance "Oh, mommy"
  3. gentlemen's dance (L. Armstrong)
  4. dance of boys with hats ("Hafanana")
  5. dance girls "Eastern"
  6. song about mom
  7. orchestra
  8. hat game (children)
  9. game for children and parents "Musical hat"
  10. contest for dads (newspaper hat)
  11. dramatization

dance entrance "Dear Mama"

(then the children become a semicircle)

1 child: In March, spring begins on the first day.

Mother's Day - the eighth of March is celebrated by the whole country.

Drops of sunlight, splashes of sunny summer.

We carried to the house today,

We give to grandmothers and mothers,

Congratulations on Women's Day!

2 child: I love your sonorous laugh, mom!

You are the best in the world, Mom!

Open the doors to a fairy tale, mother,

Give me a smile, mom!

3 child: If you sing a song, mom,

That will hear the rain, mom!

FROM Good morning tell me mom

The sun will flash in the window - mom!

4 child: We have fun today:

Visit us today

15 grandmothers came

We did not pick flowers for them -

It's still frosty.

But we drew them

On a branch of mimosa.

Singing a song about mom

A picture of a large beautiful hat appears on the monitor. The Queen of Hats welcomes all children and guests:

Hat Queen: Fanfares, sound louder!

I am glad to all the guests today.

Hurry up to the elegant hall,

The start of the hat parade is waiting for you!

To the music, the children sit on the chairs

Hat Queen: I greet you my friends! I admire your outfits, and especially your hats, because I am the Queen of hats! We are all very happy to see the guests in our hall today and want to please with our performances. And they were prepared by your dearest, most beloved, most charming children.

The boy in the hat comes out

Child: Ladies wore hats

In the old days

Charlie Chaplin loved them

I have a hat.

But that's what happened, my friends.

I don't know anything about hats.

Hat Queen: Well, my friend, don't worry. We are here just to learn more about hats.

She is sung by poets of the last ten centuries,
When you are wearing it, there are just not enough words ...
Let it be without feathers, and the fields are a little smaller than in football,
But I'm in it - a miracle, how sweet! And how moths will appreciate it!
Let the vanity seize and stress threaten
But the lady in the hat, gentlemen,
Not the same as without...

Under the hat in any season you will find an abyss of charm.
She is always good tone.

Wear hats, ladies!

dramatization "Trying on hats"

Vika tries on hats,
Sense and the price of each knows.
For warmth, here is this hat.
Her dad wears it in the cold.
This one, important from fur -
For success,
She's also daddy.
Everyone can see from afar.
And this one is unimportant -
Lightweight paper.
During repairs, you can wear
It should be in every home.
Here is a smart mother's hat,
And this is a funny grandfather hat.
Such a hat - it will hide from the sun,
For the summer, it is therefore brighter than all.
This one is a granny, very cute.
And here is Vikulin's hat - a girl's.
I tried on a lot
And a little tired.
“Many hats, but I am alone.
What should I choose?

Hat Queen: Thank you, friends, you made me and our guests happy. And now, kids, I have a game for you.

The "Hat Game"

Hat Queen: Well, let's continue our holiday. Hats have been worn at all times by men, women and children. The hat saved from rain, wind, from the sun. Hats are straw, cloth, felt, paper, feather and even cork. There are many mysteries about the hat. And now I will tell you. And our guests will help us.


1. What hat do you wear when it rains? (under an umbrella)

2. What fairy tale characters wore hats? (Dunno, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood)

3. What grows with a hat? (mushroom)

4. In which work did the headdress scare the boys? (N. Nosov "Live hat")

5. How can you call a cap, beret, panama, cap, hat in two words? (hats)

6. What was the helmet made of in Ancient Russia? (from metal)

7. What kind of hat do people bow down to? (in front of the mushroom cap)

Hat Queen: Well done guys, you guessed all my riddles. And here is another riddle, but not about hats:

Who warms with love

Everything in the world succeeds

Even play a bit?

Who will always comfort you

And wash and comb,

Kiss on the cheek - smack?

That's how she always is

Children: My mother is dear!

4 children go to the middle of the hall

1 child: Mommy is sweet, tender, glorious,

Kind, smart and radiant.

2 child: In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.

Thank you for everything I tell you.

3 child: Live, smile adversity-years,

We will share worries with you in half.

4 child: Forget about illnesses, worries, forget

We will light your life path with love!

Dance of boys with hats ("Hafanana")

Hat Queen: Oh, how many different hats are there,
So funny and lovely!
And the girls are so good!
I tell you from the bottom of my heart!
Girl: March 8 celebrates

Happy Kindergarten,

Conducted by the educator

Beautiful hat parade.

I try on hats

I'm sitting by the mirror

But the one you want

I don't find it at all.

Let's break our heads together

The second hour is coming.

Mom came home from work

He gives me a hat.

I immediately run to the mirror:

Does she suit me?

After all, I saw this

I'm only in a dream!

Dance of the girls "Oh, mommy!"

Hat Queen: Thanks to our girls for a wonderful dance! Do you know, my friends, that having at hand a large number of hats, you can flaunt a new one every day! Well, if there is nothing, but you urgently need to cover your head with something - what to do? You can make a headdress with your own hands. I want to invite our dads here. My task for you will be to quickly, beautifully and efficiently make a headdress out of a newspaper.

dad competition

Hat Queen: Well done our dads! Well, we will continue the holiday, we will meet oriental beauties!

dance girls "Eastern"

Hat Queen: Guys, I have one more riddle for you:

Who will knit socks for grandchildren,

Tell an old tale

With honey will give pancakes? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Today our grandmothers came to visit us. We also prepared a small musical gift for them.

1 child: We congratulate grandmothers

Let's bring flowers.

And a sprig of mimosa

I will give you too.

2 child: We will not hide from guests:

We love music very much!

And we will play in the orchestra!


Hat Queen: My friends! When I was going to our holiday, I could not help but take one magical item with me. Since I am the Queen of Hats, this item is, of course, a hat! But it's a magic hat! She can read other people's minds! And for the next competition, I need a few applicants from among our guests. (chooses) and some of our children (names)

Playing the Musical Hat game

Hat Queen: Do not get tired of clapping, meet our boys!

Boy: In the cold you will not go in a Panama hat,
Need something warmer.
We are good in earflaps,
Well, the hat is still cuter!

Dance of the gentlemen

Hat Queen: Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all the participants for the pleasure and good mood. Thank you for your kind heart, for the desire to be close to the children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of children. For your participation in our holiday, for the fact that you are always with us and for the fact that you are the best.

Everything was so wonderful and beautiful!
Let's say "Thank you" to the hats!
We say goodbye to the guests and return to the group.

dramatization "Hat"
Kindergarten. Walk. Summer.
The children are all lightly dressed.
And without further ado
All with headgear.

Many different options:
There are scarves and panamas,
There are baseball caps and bandanas,
And to the right…. Image of a Lady!

Olga suddenly became a lady,
Hat showed a lot:
In an instant, the gait has changed,
Even "adulthood" appeared.

Immediately the speech became beautiful.
Hat - the beginning of the image!
All the girls opened their mouths
The ladies have spoken...

Not a walk, but a theater!
Already in the sand and do not sit ...
They even found a fan
Even more imaginative!

Spinning and squealing
Everyone wants hats.
In the image, of course, nice,
But even a little strange

To not jump a little,
Do not make noise and do not shout!
What to do? The hat is cute!
But Olya decided so:

"I'll take it off for now!
I'll rest a little, a little!"
And took it off quickly!
And a smile from ear to ear!

The image was released quickly -
A real artist!
Deftly reincarnated
And turned into herself again!

Well, the hat did not miss
And the owner was waiting!
Watched the game
Keeping your image.

Adult characters:

Queen of Hats



Festival participants: Children of different age groups

Attributes for games: Sports skittles (10 pcs), small multi-colored cardboard hats (10 pcs), 2 balls of medium diameter, 1 ball of small diameter, large hat box (with sweet prizes)

Holiday progress:

(Children to the cheerful song “We are together” by K. Sitnik enter the hall, showing each other their hats, sit down in their seats)

Leading. Hello guys!

Hello dear adults!

You came to the holiday for a reason!

We will reveal the secret of beauty without melting.

An unusual collection will be shown now.

We hold the Hat Festival for you!

And I am glad to inform you that the Queen of Hats herself came to our holiday today with her retinue. Meet!

(Slow, mysterious music sounds, the Queen of Hats enters, girls in hats (5 girls preparatory group) - retinue perform a slow dance with hats)

Hat Queen: I greet you my friends! I am in awe of your outfits, and especially the amazing hats and hats. There is no such splendor and variety even in my hat kingdom. It's all so wonderful!

Guys, do you know that the hat was invented for warmth, i.e. covering the head from cold, wind, snow and rain. The first hats were made from animal skins. Then, in the process of development of society, the hat began to mean - power and strength, belonging to the upper class. All kings and queens, dukes and duchesses, princesses, kings and nobles wore headdresses - crowns, tiaras, all kinds of hats, which were considered luxury items and were decorated with feathers, precious stones, diamonds. The common people walked around with their heads uncovered.

Time passed, images changed, modern woman stopped wearing hats, preferring scarves, scarves or nothing at all. Now the hat in all its glory can be seen on the catwalks, in magazines. Although the hat is so beautiful and spectacular ...

Let's start the holiday soon!

But, before we start our holiday, I want to know which guys came to us today. I will ask, and you will answer "YES" or "NO". Getting started:

- Did the guys come to us friendly?

— Strong?

— Bold?

Are elders respected?

- Do they bully kids?

- Do you like nature?

Are the trees ruining?

- Do they shoot from slingshots?

Do they drag cats by their tails?

Do they scream in class?

- Are they silent on holidays?

Well done! friendly guys came to the holiday, attentive!

Leading: Queen of Hats, please listen to how our guys can read poetry!

(POETERS are read by children of the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten)


1. June has come - the beginning of summer.

All the meadows turned golden.

It has so much sun

So much light

That snow seems to us a dream.

2. We forgot about snowstorms

About winter cold and frost.

The trees are all green

And the garden of scarlet roses came to life.

3. June has come.

"June! June!" —

Birds are chirping in the garden.

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fall apart.


The berries ripened in the orchards.

In a bright red sky

The sun is walking in the clouds.

5. And in the nests, lumpy chicks

They opened their beaks, they are scared.

Sleep will not be given day or night

They are their parents.

6. Haymaking goes in July,

Somewhere, thunder grumbles at times.

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

7. Summer is a ray of sunshine,

Warm rain from under the clouds.

8. Summer - bright flowers

unusual beauty,

9. Summer is a warm river,

A flock of clouds in the sky.

10. Summer! Summer is coming to us!

Everything rejoices and sings!

Leading: Dear Queen of Hats, but these are not all surprises for you, look how our little guys will sing a song for you - the game "That's how the sun rises"

Hat Queen: Well done boys! They delighted us with their poems and cheerful dance.

Oh what is it? My magic hat notifies us that a fabulous guest from the hat kingdom has arrived. Let's greet him with loud, friendly applause!

(The “Dunno Hymn” sounds, Dunno runs out)

Dunno: Hello friends! From all the shorties of the Sunny City, a big hello to you!

Hat Queen: Guys, did you recognize our guest? (Yes) Who is he? (Dunno)

Dunno, I want to compliment you - among all the hats of the fairy kingdom, yours is the largest and brightest!

Dunno: Yes! Thanks! I don't just love my hat, I'm very proud of it! But I see the guys are dressed up too. Everyone has such different hats...

Leading: Yes, Dunno, you correctly drew attention to the fact that our guys have different hats, but there are such modern, athletic ones, and they are called “baseball caps”. And for you, Dunno, the guys have prepared a surprise - the modern dance “Road to the Sun”.

(The song "Road to the Sun" sounds (Spanish: "Magicians of the Yard") children middle group. perform modern dance

Dunno: Oh what a nice dance, thank you guys!

Well, since you love hats, baseball caps and panamas so much, I suggest you play with me. I taught this game to almost all the shorties of the Sunny City. Do you want me to teach you?

GAME "Catch the ball with a hat"

Hat Queen: Thank you, Dunno, for an interesting game.

Dunno: And thank you! Have fun playing! But riddles, guys, can you guess? (Yes!)

1. “I am sitting on horseback, I don’t know on whom. I’ll meet a friend, I’ll jump off and bring him.” (Hat)

Well, this was an easy riddle, but the next one ....

She will cover the hairs of any girl, she will also cover the short haircuts of the boy. Protection from the sun. That's what it was made for. (Panama)

Hat Queen: Now it's my turn! Here listen:

I wear fields on my head, but this is not land at all. (Hat).

Well done!

Dunno: And we have a surprise for you guys - a dance with hats

Sounds foxtrot, children senior group(4 couples) together with Dunno dance with hats.

Hat Queen: Thank you guys! Wonderful dance! Dunno and I consulted here and decided to hold an attraction with you called "Knock off your hat."

Game - "Knock off the hat" (with skittles and hats)

Dunno: These guys are great, dexterous, skillful, wow, and they played great ...!

Hat Queen: We can’t do without hats, they will cut off an important person. A hat will help us to hide from the scorching sun in the summer heat and even with the help of a hat you can express your mood.

Tell me guys, how are you feeling today? (Merry! Good!)

Well, then I suggest that we all perform together dance to the song, which is called "GOOD MOOD". (lyrics by N. Ososhnik, music by V. Ososhnik)

Hat Queen:

There were many different hats here,

So funny and beautiful

All in hats were good,

I tell you from the bottom of my heart

I have one like this

magic chest,

It has a surprise ready for you.

Sweet prize for all the kids!


Come on guys, don't be shy

Everyone eat from the chest.

(distribution of treats to the cheerful song “We are together” by K. Sitnik)

Hat Queen:

Everything was wonderful and beautiful

We'll tell hats to everyone.

Everything: Thanks!

music director MBDOU kindergarten No. 47

Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, Russia

Having decided to hold a party dedicated to some holiday or just to escape from boring everyday life, there is a desire to make it unusual, so that a fun pastime will be remembered for a long time. Often in such cases, various theme parties are organized. One of the most fun, bright, but at the same time easy to organize parties is a hat party.

A hat party can be organized for people of any age - from toddlers and teenagers to full grown-ups. In addition, such a party will not require too much cost to create an image, because to purchase or make hat much lighter than a whole suit. Another advantage of the hat party is that it is not tied to any one style of accompanying music and a specific venue. A party of hats can be held both in restaurants and clubs, as well as in nature and summer cottages.

So, the theme of the upcoming party has been chosen, it's time to start preparing it. It is possible, in addition to the main “hat” theme, to further define the style of hats. For example, rustic, straw hats, sports-style hats, or even ridiculous panama hats are suitable for an outdoor party outside the city. For a bachelorette party, crowns, hats with a veil or small romantic hats are perfect. If you want variety, then you can leave the choice of headwear styles entirely on the “conscience” of the invitees.


Having compiled the guest list, it's time to start accepting invitations, which should be sent out in advance so that everyone has time to think over their image and acquire the necessary headdress. The invitation itself can be done in hat shape or any other form, but with the obligatory presence of the image of the main attribute of the party. The invitations must indicate the date, time and place of the celebration. It should be noted that the presence of a hat is a pass to the party. If a certain theme of the headdress is conceived, then this is also indicated in the invitation. In order to stimulate the excitement, interest and choice of unusual “dresses” for the head among the invited, the invitation indicates about the ongoing competitions for the funniest, huge, bright (etc.) hat.\


Of course, following the theme of the party, the room is decorated with various headdresses, pictures with their images, as well as photographs celebrities in hats. You can make a garland of hats, hang hats from chandeliers and arrange them around the room, or make large decorations in the form of various hats.

An interesting option would be the design of a "corner" dedicated to a variety of hats. These may be headdresses, traditional for different countries, original and funny hats, etc. Accommodation next to the "exhibition" of hats and scarves mirrors will allow everyone to try on any thing they like. You can put a photographer nearby or just a camera to capture the most vivid images.

If the event takes place in some public institution, it will be great to agree with the staff to support the theme of the party and give them hats in which they will serve. You can also dress the musicians of the institution in hats in accordance with their musical style. For example, cowboy hats are suitable for country performers, and curly wigs are suitable for disco.

Tables should also be decorated in the spirit of the party. For example, you can add napkins in the form of various hats and crowns.


For hat parties, a buffet or tea party is best suited. Meals, like drinks, should be easy to prepare and serve. If a sweet table is planned, then you can order cakes and pastries in the form of all kinds of hats. Cocktails can be decorated with umbrella hats.
If a full-fledged feast is planned, then all the dishes on the table can be laid out in the form of hats or decorated in such a way that they are associated with hats.

hat party script

Of course, all the entertainment at the hat event will take place with the participation of hats. But this does not mean that all competitions will be monotonous and boring, on the contrary, everything will be fervent and fun.


Upon the arrival of the guests, you can organize a mini-photo session for each and in the future (it would be great before the end of the party) to present all of them with photographs for a long memory of the fun.


"The Story of My Hat"

This competition should help guests get to know each other better. Everyone present tells why he chose this particular headdress and what it symbolizes. Can you add a story interesting history and cheerful about his hat. If it is difficult for guests to start their story, then you should start with yourself, giving good example the rest. You can help guests “talk” by asking probing questions, such as “Why is the hat this color?”, “Is the hat made by yourself or purchased in a store?”, “How long did it take to choose the look and implement it?” etc.

"My image"

You can invite the guests of the party to arrange a kind of fashion show to allow them to better examine the masterpieces on their heads. This competition will be even more interesting if you agree to participate in it in advance and prepare a suitable musical accompaniment for each image.

"In the bag"

You can hold a small quiz, which will be a kind of test of the erudition and ingenuity of the invitees. Questions, of course, should concern headgear. For example: “The country where panama appeared (Ecuador)”, “What is the name of the national hat of the Mexicans? (sombrero)”, “What is the name of a felt hat for men? (fedora)”, etc.

Hat Drop Contest

It will be musical competition, where guests will be asked to guess famous songs about headdresses from a small fragment. You can divide the guests into teams to participate in this competition and offer to perform guessed songs. Of course, the team that guesses the most melodies will win.


Guests are invited to create a hat from improvised materials in 15-20 minutes. This competition will provide an opportunity to demonstrate to the participants their talent, imagination and ability as a designer. At the end of the competition, you can organize a defile of participants in their creations.

Contest "Hat-telepath"

Prepare for this entertaining competition in advance. For each guest, you need to choose a suitable excerpt from the song that will characterize him. Then, already at the party, the host approaches each invitee and holds the "mind-reading" hat over his head and the corresponding music or song sounds.

"Tear off your hat"

For this competition, guests are divided into 2 teams. One member of each team with hats put on their heads enter the ring. The participants hold their left hand behind their backs, and with their right they must remove the hat from the opponent, without losing their own. In such "battles" for the hat, all team members participate. The team with the most hats left will win.

"Magic and Prophecy"

For this contest-game, you will need 2 hats with a deep crown. A top hat or wizard's cap is best. Leaves with the names of the guests are placed in one of the hats, and cheerful wishes or prophecies are placed in the second. The “magician” of the event pulls out papers from both hats in turn and reads out the “sentences”.

Competition "Song from a hat"

In this case, notes with nouns written on them are placed in the hat. It is good if the papers are filled by the guests themselves. Next, the hat is passed from hand to hand and, each pulling out a piece of paper, must perform a song with the word that is written on it.

"Best Image"

At the end of the party, the winners in various nominations are announced and commemorative prizes are awarded. Examples of nominations: “The most striking image”, “Miss or Mr. Glamor”, “The most extravagant image”, “Extraordinary romance”, “Retro image”, “Guest from a fairy tale or film”, “Madam or Mr. Creative”, etc. d.

Natalia Khomenko

Spring holiday script« hat competition»

Target: Activate, unite the creative manifestations of children and parents, reveal their initiative, cause an emotional upsurge.

Tasks: Develop children's creative imagination, musical abilities, self-confidence, cultivate interest in theatrical activities, a sense of mutual assistance and a team. Invite parents to participate holiday taking on the role.


Mary Poppins


Jury 3-4 employees of the kindergarten

Terms and Conditions: all children participating in the entertainment in hats made with parents.

Evaluation criteria hats:

Aesthetic perception of the image,

originality of the idea,

composition solution,

artistic expressiveness of the work,

Creative personality.

Nominations competition - fashion show of hats:



"The most flowery hat» ,

"The funniest hat» ,

"Family hat» ,

"Sports hat» .


"The biggest hat» ,

"The smallest hat» ,

"The most original hat»

"The most fabulous hat»

"The most mysterious hat»

"Most elegant hat»

"The most creative hat»

People's Choice Award

To the sound of music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Vedas. What day is today spring!

He brought us here for a performance

To present bright and grandiose,

funny and serious!

The song Mary Poppins from the movie sounds "Mary Poppins"

Mary Poppins appears: And what kind of performance brought you together?

I love happy holidays

You probably rejoice at the arrival of spring and meet it today?

Vedas. Not! dear Mary!

Mary: You are not happy with spring and do not like spring?

Vedas. What are you, what are you! We are very happy about the arrival of spring and love it very much, we even know a lot about spring.

Children recite poems:

Again the young spring is whirling in a waltz,

She promises sunny and warm days.

Where it passes, traces will remain -

First spring flowers. (Sasha K)

I'll tell you about spring

About the silence of the night.

About sunsets and dawn

And about the rainbow arc. (Sasha S)

comes into its own,

She's coming, she's in a hurry.

Blooms, fragrant,

Spring beauty. (Series B)

It will cloud over with fog,

That will shine with dew,

The sun will play in the sky,

It will rain down. (Sasha Z)

By the bubbling stream

rustling leaves,

Poplar lonely,

Grew up young. (Grisha)

In the shadow of the forests, among the bushes,

Lily of the valley is silver

And beckons and calls

Datura is fragrant. (Kira A)

Children sing « spring song»

Vedas: That's how much we know about spring

And we are looking forward to it

And today we have gathered holiday hats, to show what we and our parents are craftsmen, inventors, dreamers and masters

Mary: Very interesting, but can I stay with you on holiday? I also love holidays and hats(this is what I have elegant hat)

Vedas: Of course you can, but we have one condition: You, Mary, need to come up with some for us competition or dance. And we continue our celebration.

On the our beautiful spring holiday,

We hats present without any doubt.

Of course they will be different.

Cheerful and mischievous, more serious and stricter,

They don't look alike!

It is a task for us to choose the best ones for us.

Show you now your hats are top notch!

Children stand in a circle and to the sound of a song "Fashionista" pass a circle around the hall and through the center pass to their parents, demonstrating their hats.

Mary: Yes, the task is not easy! Everything the hats are amazing!

really how much different hats here so funny and lovely! and the girls are like hats are good! I tell you this from the bottom of my heart! All princesses are just lovely sight! you from the audience applause admiration!

contest. Hats must be taken,

And pass in a row,

How to reach the end of the row

They need to be sent back. (Whose team is faster to complete the task) (To the sound of music)

Child: We can't sit still

We love have some fun!

We are not too lazy to joke in the morning,

We would dance all day (Olya Z)

Vedas: And we, Mary, are also ready to please you, we have prepared a dance for you

Children are dancing « spring dance»

Mary: Ah, what good fellows, mischievous, nimble, fast, and hats - hats are just wonderful, but unfortunately I have to go, goodbye kids! (leaves)

Vedas: and we will play with you guys

Contest"Move item to hat and not drop»

(to the sound of music "Song Shapoklyak" from m / f bursts into the hall Shapoklyak without hats).

Vedas: Hello, grandma!

Hat: What a grandmother I am to you! YAYAYA SHAPOKLYAK, the most charming and attractive lady!

Vedas: Guys, does this lady look like Shapoklyak?

I also think not. Prove that you are not an impostor!

caps: Exactly (bragging) my handbag, have you seen this? (releases a rat)…Lariska

Vedas: Well, scared! Indeed, Shapoklyak had Lariska. Where is your hat?

caps: I was in a hurry, I'm on holiday to you

Hat fell off his head and rolled off somewhere!

I heard that you have a lot hats, I'll probably pick up some for myself (begins to look out for himself hat, the presenter intervenes)

Vedas: No, no, dear, you must first, us amuse….

Play or dance with us.

caps: Here's another ... Well, okay, I can play with you and check how fast and dexterous you are.

Contest"Dress hat» several chairs are placed in a circle on them hats, to the sound of music, they walk around the chairs, the music stops, you need to take hat and sit on a chair, on the trail. times 1 chair and hat removed.

Then contest done with parents.

caps: On the head everyone can wear a hat and you try "wear it on your stomach" Contest

(Team members boys sit on the floor one after another. The first participant puts hat on the belly, and, relying on hands and feet, overcomes a distance of 3-4m. Then he gets up and takes hat, runs back to the starting point and passes the baton to the next player.

Can dads do it again?

dad competition

Vedas: Well done Shapoklyak, amused, and we are not born with a bast, we will show you our hats, just don’t touch them, the children did it with their parents, and if you hat like it, then you will ask to tell how they did it.

Defile of the first 7 hats with a performance

Vedas: We have these hats ... there will be more can we play some more now?

caps: And here's another competition for the most accurate, "Bring down hat» (3-4 children 2 teams, hats are put on skittles, they need to be knocked down with a ball)

Oh yes smart guys

Vedas: we are very strong, dexterous, skillful, we love to sing songs, play and of course dance! And now we will show you our Shapoklyak hats

Vedas: And here's another hats. (the 2nd seven comes out hats with performances.)

caps: Hats simply amazing…I would put everything in my wardrobe

Vedas: Wait, that's not all

Defile of the third 7 hats with a performance

Shapoklyak admires hats, we give hat to her and she leaves

caps: Goodbye, kids, it's time for me to run! It was interesting with you, they amused me. Thanks! Bye!

Leading. Now invite your parents to happy"dance of friendship"

(during the dance, girls dancing with headscarves go to change clothes)

presenter: Do you know that earlier in Russia there was a headdress - an old kokoshnik, the girls themselves decorated it with embroidery and semi-precious stones, and now our girls in kokoshniks are dancing "dance with headscarves"

"Dance with scarves" to the sound of a song "There was a birch in the field"

Announcement of results and presentation of gifts
