A detailed guide to making money on advego. How to start working for Advego - everything for a beginner Sample article for sale in advego

Hello everyone who reads this post. A few months ago, I participated in the “My Story of Making Money on the Internet” contest, where I mentioned making money writing articles using the advego exchange. Today I want to tell you in more detail about this exchange, and show you how you can make money here. Fasten your seat belts, we're starting!

If you have just come to the Internet with the desire to earn extra money for a living or to create your own website, then advego is what you need. This type of earnings does not require any super abilities from you, higher education, a cool certificate, talent like Leo Tolstoy, etc. The main thing is to know at least a little bit the norms of the Russian language, and the rest will come with experience. So, give me your hand, and I will guide you through the world of article earnings.

Roughly speaking, advego is a market, a market where content is traded. Some come to sell, others to buy.

This exchange especially helps webmasters to supply their sites with unique texts, because you will agree that if you manually write for 10 projects, you can go crazy.

Other people come here to earn money; sell their own creations, look for orders, complete small tasks, etc. Those who have been around here for a long time act more cunningly: they buy articles in one place for less, sell them for twice as much, businessmen what to say (by the way, here is the first idea that you can use). Types of text that are especially valued in this market: copywriting, rewriting and translation. Words for many may be incomprehensible, so I will decipher:

Copywriting is for true masters of the pen. The text comes from the head and is invented exclusively by you. Although if at school you had “5” in essays, then you can do it! Copyright is valued at $2 per 1,000 characters.

Rewriting is practically a free way to make money. Find an article on the topic you need, and rewrite it in your own words. By the way, if you do high-quality rewriting, then you can pass it off as copywriting and earn more. On average, 1000 characters of this text is estimated at 1.30.

Translation is the rarest type of text. The price for 1000 characters is 1.55.

Also in this market you can find a small job, for beginners, so to speak. These include topics on forums, comments on blogs, joining groups, and so on. The price for them is quite different.

Now that we have become acquainted with this world, it's time to join its ranks and start earning our money in this field.

Registration in Advego

Registration is pretty easy. We go to the site, and immediately poke on the big blue button with the name “Registration”. A page will open where we need to fill in the registration data:

If you have ever registered in Internet projects, then you will not see anything new here. Enter your email, password, accept the terms of the exchange and click "register".

A page will open with several tabs that we need to fill out:

First you need to indicate your gender (if you are afraid of something, you may not indicate it), date of birth (the same), and set the time zone. After all the settings, click “save” and go to the “Avatar” tab:

By clicking on the “review” button, you can select a photo of your loved one on the computer so that everyone knows the genius of the pen in person. After choosing a photo, click “upload” and enjoy. If you suddenly want to return back to the shadow, on the same tab, click “delete photo” and save the changes. Go to the "payment details" tab:

Here we write the number of our Z wallet. Pay attention not R, namely Z! All monetary transactions are carried out only through webmoney. After entering the wallet, it will be checked for about 2 weeks, so you need to wait 2 weeks for the first payment. Please note that when changing the wallet, the procedure is repeated. The wallet must be confirmed with a password from the account and click "save".

Congratulations! You are registered on advego and are completely ready to earn money or buy articles. The remaining tabs “access settings” and “social profiles” are needed to change the password and connect an alternative e-mail.

Now the most delicious - earnings!

How to make money on Advego

The main panel for earning is located at the very top of the site. Before you start earning, I strongly advise you to look at the forum. There you will find a lot of useful things for yourself, up to which customers are worth working with, and which ones are better to stay away from.

After the forum, go to the “job” tab => “job search”:

You will be taken to a page with a list of available orders. Everything that is possible was raked into one heap: copywriting, rewriting, comments, topics on forums, etc. Fortunately, the developers have provided a search form, which is located at the very beginning of the list. That's what we're going to use:

In order to understand the mechanism of work and get used to the exchange, we will choose the most light work- comment.

  • Price - set up to 20 cents
  • Type of work - from the drop-down list, select "comment on a blog, forum ..."
  • Text type - any
  • Category - any, as there can be a lot of topics for commenting
  • Sorting - price descending
  • Like/dislike - do not filter
  • Click "search"

Before us opened a list of available orders. A couple of tips when choosing: carefully read the terms of work, if you do not fulfill them, then you will not receive money! At first, do not see high-paying tasks - the conditions in them are very tough and there is a high probability that you will not do everything as it should. First, we practice on easy tasks, and gradually move on to more difficult ones (You yourself will understand when to move on). The order card itself looks like this:

  1. Price for work done. The number of characters in the text and the time allotted for execution
  2. Order discussion. A very necessary thing, it allows you to determine the reputation of the customer and decide whether to take on an order or not
  3. By clicking on the avatar, we will get into the customer's dossier. In the dossier, I recommend paying attention to the number of paid works, the percentage of failures and improvements. If the percentage of the latter is low, and a lot of work has been paid, then we boldly take on the implementation
  4. Order text that describes the conditions
  5. Options. Here are the keywords that need to be used in the text, what time of day the order is available, how many times it can be completed by one person, etc.

We carefully read the card, and if everything suits, click “Get to work”. You will see 2 buttons - execute and refuse, naturally click “execute”:

A page with a form for adding a job will open, consider it your workplace. Here you will add the text of your comment, its address and, if required, a title:

After completing the order and complying with its conditions, go to the page with the addition, insert our comment, a link to it and click “done”:

For some time, the customer will check the work and pay or NOT pay for it.

A few tips for work:

Your task is to get into the customer's whitelist. The white list is a list of verified people who regularly have high paying job. Mostly on Advego, good orders sell like hot cakes, and you have to try hard to grab something for yourself. In the white list, the task is given only to you and the price for its completion will be much higher compared to the general list. If you completed the task and were paid for it, you can ask for a white list in the discussion. You can also get into the white list through the forum, where you can often find trial tasks, after which people are recruited for long-term cooperation.

There is also a black list - those who do their work in bad faith get there. When added to the black list, you will not be able to complete the tasks of the person who added you there. It will also become impossible to participate in discussions of orders of this person.

If you were unreasonably denied payment and added to the emergency situation, feel free to knock on the administration. You can do this by going to the forum tab and clicking on the “contact with the administration” button:

Describe the situation and if you are really right, you will receive the money, and the insolent person will be blocked!

You can control your orders on the "Notifications" tab. All your actions on the exchange are indicated there: when the order was taken, when it was handed over, when the money was received, etc.

With orders figured out, now you can try to trade articles.

How to sell an article on Advego

If you do not have the skill of a marketer, do not despair, an article can be easily sold by following a few tricks. First you need to write your own article. It should be without errors (praise to those people who invented Word) and on the topic that is of interest to you first of all.

When the article is written, checked for errors and uniqueness, it's time to put it up for sale. To do this, go to the tab “Job”=>”Sell article”:

A page will open in front of you with an add form. I want to draw your attention to the fact that you can trade articles only after completing 10 tasks:

  1. Select the category of your creation from the drop-down list
  2. Next, select the type of text for your article (copywriting, rewriting or translation)
  3. We write the title. Here I would like to give you one small but very valuable advice: write a catchy headline that will literally make a person buy your article. Here you can focus on pity, indignation, anger and other human factors. In general, experiment with this parameter!
  4. Insert the article itself.
  5. Highlight short text. Short text will be visible to a potential buyer, so when writing an article, try to capture the reader from the very beginning!
  6. Keywords
  7. Description. We also make the description as exciting and creative as possible so that the buyer really wants to read your text.
  8. Through the “attach file” button, you can add images to the text, which will contribute to a quick sale
  9. Set the price for the entire article or for 1000 characters. I advise you not to bet exorbitant amounts, because there is a risk that the article will remain gathering dust on the shelves of the store. I recommend starting with 80 cents per 1000 characters
  10. MANDATORY uncheck the box "do not put up for sale"
  11. Put a tick in front of "agree with all points" and click "add article"

The article will be sent for review and within three days it will or will NOT hit the storefront. When the article passes the review and is sold, you will see a mention in the notices.

Now that we have reached the minimum withdrawal amount ($5), we can withdraw money to webmoney. To do this, go to the “withdrawal” tab, specify the amount to withdraw, and click “withdraw”:

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Advego copywriting exchange is one of the pioneers among content services that has been operating in Runet since 2008. The largest portal combines the interests of customers and performers in creating content. Thanks to the job exchange, hundreds of thousands of freelancers receive stable income, and webmaster texts for filling and promoting sites. In just a few years, the exchange has gained more than a million users. In this article, I will try to tell you objectively about how to work on Advego.ru, about all the main nuances and pitfalls of copywriting, indispensable tools and services for work, and how to make money on Advego for a beginner and survive in a highly competitive marketplace. content. It is very important for novice rewriters to choose in order to reduce any risks to zero and not be disappointed in the chosen field of activity.

Feedback from copywriters and customers on the Advego copywriting exchange

Reviews about the Advego copywriting exchange are mostly positive, but there are also unflattering statements from disappointed users. Customers most often complain about the poor quality of content. This fact is not surprising, because the prices on the exchange are not so high and comparable to the earnings of copywriters on. Copywriters, in order to earn something, have to do more work, which affects the quality of the text. Rewriters are mostly dissatisfied with the low pay for their work. However, due to the low rates on the exchange, there are always a lot of customers and a lot of work.

Pros and cons of Advego content exchange

  1. Detailed instructions for working with the service, revealing the features of the functionality and capabilities of Advego.
  2. Feedback. Any user can ask a question, express an opinion and claim by contacting the support service. Not a single appeal will be ignored.
  3. A large number of orders. Due to the high popularity and rich experience in the copywriting market, there are always a lot of orders on the stock exchange in different price categories. High speed performance of tasks is very profitable and convenient for customers.
  4. The lack of a rating allows novice copywriters to compete freely with experienced users. For performers, only the number of completed tasks, efficiency, the number of refusals, delays, and refusals to pay are taken into account.
  5. Useful services developed by the exchange make the work of both performers and webmasters more convenient and productive. Programs help to analyze seo-parameters, the uniqueness of the text, check articles for errors.
  6. Communication on the forum. The forum allows direct communication between performers and customers in their free time.
  7. The store of ready-made articles allows you to select content without waiting for the copywriter to complete the task, and earn for the performers. Particularly smart users manage to make money on the resale of articles by buying texts at a low cost on other exchanges and selling them at a higher cost.
  8. A simple interface with intuitive navigation makes it easy to work with and helps beginners navigate easily.
  9. Minimum size payments - 5 dollars.


Despite the large list of advantages, the Advego copywriting exchange also has disadvantages, as indicated by negative user reviews.
1. Low rates - (about $ 1 per 1000 characters). This affects the quality of content for customers and lower earnings for copywriters.
2. Clumsy and not always fair support service, for which the customer is always right. This is where most of the negative reviews come from.
3. Due to the presence of the "refuse to pay" button, copywriters can be left "with a nose" and not receive money for the work performed. Although this is more the exception than the rule. Such situations happen extremely rarely and for objective reasons, if the content is really low-grade.

How much do they earn on Advego?

Tasks for Advego are paid in accordance with their complexity and time costs that will be required to complete them. Rewriting here costs from 15 rubles for 1000 characters, copyright from 25 rubles, translations - from 25 rubles.

With such rates, beginners earn from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles a month.

I will share my experience with you - I completed my first order as a copywriter for 10 rubles / 1K signs, then I began to raise prices. For the first month, my earnings on the Internet amounted to about 5,000 rubles (this is part-time). In the second month, the income was already about 15,000 rubles. And from the third month I began to earn from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

How to register on Advego?

If you don’t know how to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange, then first of all you should register by indicating your pseudonym and email on the official website at the link advego.ru.
After that, you need to follow the link that will be sent to you by e-mail to confirm registration. If you do not yet have experience in writing texts, then the article will be useful for you.

After registration, you must specify an electronic wallet for withdrawing funds and fill out a profile. To do this, go to the tab "Service" - "Personal data".

How to work for Advego for a beginner: types of tasks and their cost

In total, there are 4 types of tasks on the Advego copywriting exchange.

  • Copywriting - writing unique texts. Payment for work from 25 rubles per 1K sign.
  • Rewriting is the reformulation of the text for the purpose of uniqueness without changing the meaning. The cost of this type of work is about 15 rubles per 1000 sim.
  • Copy-paste - searching for information on the Internet for a given request and providing it to the customer. The minimum payment is $0.2 per 1000 sims.
  • Posting - comments, reviews, posts for blogs, forums. Payment - $ 0.6 / 1000 sim.
  • Translations - from 25 rubles. for 1000 characters
  • Completing tasks in social networks (likes, reposts, invitations)
  • Text proofreading
  • Creating new topics and comments on the forum
  • SEO services, work with behavioral factors in search engines;
  • Audio and video transcription;
  • Search for information;
  • Photo and video (for example, record a video review, take a photo of a receipt, etc.)

How much you can earn on Advego - it is with this question that beginners begin their acquaintance with the service. The minimum payment for rewriting is 20 cents per 1K characters. For likes, reposts, joining groups in social networks here you can get from 3 rubles.

To select a task, go in the left corner to the "Job" - "Job Search" tab. In the central part of the screen, you can select the type of work - copywriting, communication, social networks, miscellaneous. And on the right side there is a filter system that allows you to select the types of tasks down to the details by cost, type, time to complete.

Sale of articles on Advego: ready-made content store

On the Internet you can find a lot of laudatory reviews about the Advego article store. Its advantage lies in a large number of texts for sale, strict moderation, which guarantees high quality texts in terms of literacy and uniqueness. All articles are manually checked. If errors are found, the texts are sent to the author for revision.
How to sell on Advego to make good money? To solve this problem, it is important to understand which topics are most in demand. For these purposes, you can study the statistics of the Yandex. Wordstat to select the hottest queries. If you do not know how to write an article that will be bought on Advego, then it is important to remember that the content must be written in a relevant topic and have an attractive title. In order for customers to find your article faster, it is important to correctly compose a description and enter keywords.

To place a work for sale, you must write at least 10 articles on the stock exchange (or buy the same number of texts).

To place an article or buy, you need to go to the "Article Store" section and select the "Buy an article" or "Sell an article" tab.

Advego how to start working?

How to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange - the most actual question exhilarating beginners. The simple structure of the site allows novice copywriters to quickly get used to it. After you have registered and filled out your profile, in order to proceed to orders, you need to select the “Job” section in the top panel, then click on the “Job Search” link.

With the help of filters, you can filter tasks according to different criteria (type of work, amount of payment, etc.). Orders on the Advego exchange are placed on the basis of a tender and with automatic acceptance of applications. In the first case, the performers submit applications, and the customer selects the best author. In the second option, the order automatically goes to the copywriter who meets the specified criteria, who was the first to apply. It is very important for a copywriter to complete the work on time, otherwise the order will be overdue. This threatens with a lack of payment and a decrease in rating and trust in the eyes of customers. The following parameters are usually indicated in the order:

  • title or topic;
  • the cost of the entire order;
  • the required amount of text;
  • deadlines;
  • type and category of work.

How to perform work on Advego?

Before taking an order to work, read the customer's dossier, this will warn you against unscrupulous users and the adverse consequences of such cooperation. At the bottom of the order are the requirements for the article. Before submitting an application, be sure to read the terms of reference, make sure that the task is within your power. In the Order Discussion section, you can ask questions to the customer.
To get started, click on the green button “Join”, “Apply for participation”, “Suggest a topic”.

How to withdraw money from Advego?

You can withdraw earned money to a dollar or ruble wallet Webmoney, Qiwi or bank card Visa, mastercard. The minimum payout amount is 5 c.u. The dollar exchange rate corresponds to the banking one. The content exchange commission is 10 percent. Payment terms - 3 days. To select the withdrawal option, go to the "Service" - "Personal data" - "Payment data" tab. Here you need to enter the number of wallets or cards to which you plan to withdraw money. In the "Units of Account" tab, you can select the currency option - rubles (it will be much more convenient this way).

Affiliate program

If you want to increase your earnings and receive passive income, then you can participate in affiliate program by inviting your acquaintances, friends, relatives to the system. For each attracted referral, the exchange will transfer you 2.5% of the amount of his earnings or expenses (in the event that you brought a customer).

Advego plagiarism: how to use

The Advego exchange has developed its own services for checking content, which facilitates the work of copywriters and webmasters. "Advego Plagiatus" is a service for checking the uniqueness of text as an application for Windows. To use the program, you need to download it and install it on your computer. The service provides for the possibility of a quick and deep check for uniqueness with the specified shling and the size of the search phrase.

I want to say right away that working for Advego is not at all difficult, but for this you need to have such qualities as perseverance and determination. Money itself will not fall from the sky, but it is quite possible to earn if you wish.

Exchange articles Advego. How to start working?

First steps on Advego

So, you have registered on Advego and do not know where to start and where to click to get your first rubles. First, choose your avatar. The avatar should be memorable, because customers pay more attention to it than to your nickname on the site.


Once you have registered on the Advego website, you have a number of restrictions on your work. For example, you can't take on multiple orders at the same time, you can't take on work more than once every 10 minutes, and you can't use the article store until you've completed 10 orders directly from a customer. These are the restrictions that I paid attention to, so there may be some more, but they, apparently, will not interfere with your work much.

To remove these restrictions, you need to perform 10 any tasks. Any! Therefore, I advise you to do the simplest ones. Don't even look at how much they cost. Your task now is simply to remove these restrictions. And the simplest and least paid tasks are working with social networks. Such as like, repost or join a group. If you have one account in social networks and you don’t want to clog it, then perhaps we’ll limit ourselves to likes.

How do you find these same tasks with likes? In the upper left corner, click on the JOB tab (1) and immediately below it in the opened submenu, click on JOB SEARCH (2).

Work searches

After these steps, you will open all the work available to you. You can run around, look at the price tags. But now we need to set up filters to select simple and fast work. On the right side of your screen, notice a bright orange shape called " Work searches". This is what we need now. From the entire list of filters, we need only the item " Search by name". In its field we write the word " like” and press Enter (or click on the “Search” button at the bottom of this form).

We only need works with likes

When the page refreshes, you will see all the works that have the word "like" in the title. It can be any social networks or even some other sites. If the social network suits you, then read the task and click on the “Take task” button. To complete such a task, you understand, it will take no more than a minute.

First job on Advego

Then you need to click on the button " Get the job done' in the same task. If you have closed the page with the task, then you will find all the tasks by clicking on the icon " Backlog» at the top of the page. In order for the customer to accept the work, insert into the form what he asked for in the description, most often it is your name and a link to your page on social networks. And submit the assignment.

Jobs you have accepted but not yet completed

After 10 minutes, we take the next such task. Until you complete 10 tasks to start working for real. Another such moment. The task is considered completed if it is paid by the customer. And such small tasks are not even checked by customers, as far as I know, so you just have to wait until the verification period ends and the money is automatically transferred to you by the Advego system. In such tasks, it can take 3 days +/- 1 day.

Well, now you know how to start working for Advego as a beginner. If you have removed restrictions from your profile, then you already have some experience in work, which means that you are no longer completely new to this business.

Sometimes, by the way, it is necessary to confirm the work done with a screenshot. More precisely, a link to a screenshot, because when you turn in your work, you can’t upload a picture there. .

you now know in in general terms how to work for Advego, but still do not know anything about how to make money on Advego for a beginner. We will talk about this further.

How to make money on Advego for a beginner?

Life as it is.

Naturally, we do not want to work to work, we want to work to earn! Therefore, we are SHARPLY finishing fulfilling orders with likes, which, by the way, cost from about 1.5 rubles to 3-4 rubles. Not thick, right? Further performers on Advego are divided into 2 camps. Some people like to do the work of customers, receiving timely payment for it, while others prefer to write what they want to write and put the work in the article store.

Work for yourself or for your uncle?

Both the first and the second have their advantages and disadvantages in their work.

Benefits for those who work for customers:

  1. You can always find a job and get paid within 1-3 days (and sometimes even within 10 minutes);
  2. You can be added to the white list if the customer likes you. Then, if this customer has a work that he cannot entrust to just anyone, he exposes it with the mark "Only for the white list." The price for such work is often above average, because the customer needs quality.
  3. You are in the ranking. You can reach different levels - specialist, professional, expert, guru. By own experience I will say that you can become a specialist (top 5000) in just 2 weeks of work. The main thing is the price of the work you take. If you do cheap work, you will not advance in the rankings. A with good rating and pay for your work will be more willing and more.

Disadvantages of those who work for customers:

  1. You are completely dependent on the customer. If he doesn't like the job, he may not accept it. This will affect your ranking.
  2. The moment you decide to work, there may not be suitable categories. Let's say that writing articles on computer topics is easy for you, and in the proposed works you see that customers need articles about textiles, about weddings, about fishing, or something else.
  3. Timing. For example, you took a job, but your plans changed dramatically, for example, you were invited to rest for the weekend at the dacha. You have to give up work and again spoil your rating. Or refuse to relax with friends, which is less likely.

Benefits of working for yourself:

  1. You write when you want and only what you want to write about. Don't depend on anyone.
  2. If your article has already been bought from the store, then the likelihood that it will not suit the buyer is simply negligible (but there have been cases). Because before the sale, the work is moderated.
  3. You can write an article for at least a week, and no one will drive you in the neck. But we must not forget that laziness big money won't bring.
  4. You can put absolutely any price tag on your work that you want.

Disadvantages of working for yourself:

  1. The article you posted can lie in the store for a very long time if its price tag is too high. Of course, you will be able to inflate the price tags, and inflate quite well, but only when you have a lot of articles sold and your profile has good statistics. And it happens that articles are bought directly in batches.
  2. You are not included in the rating. You can attract buyers only with sales statistics.
  3. Too strict moderation. But maybe it's for the best. There should be no spelling, punctuation or syntax errors in the text. If the text is written in the first person, then be sure to indicate this in the description. Etc. Well, you'll figure it out for yourself. Just moderators will send the article for revision.

In the following articles, we will talk more about how much you can earn on Advego, what is the uniqueness of the text and why it is needed, as well as how to withdraw money from Advego, the very money that you yourself earned on the Internet. For someone, making money on the Internet is a dream, and it is about to come true.

You can write in the comments what questions you have left open. Let's fix the situation. But in general,

Making money writing articles is very easy these days. It is enough to choose a suitable text exchange, register on it, and you can immediately start working. This article will focus on a popular project among copywriters. Advego.

  • Working since 2008, during this time more than 2 million users have registered and started their activities in the system, a huge number of positive reviews about the work of the exchange guarantees honest work.
  • A large number of work varying degrees complexity is available to performers at any time convenient for them. Users can choose the appropriate tasks for themselves according to their skills and level of knowledge, ranging from simple likes, reposts and votes to writing highly specialized copyright texts.
  • Free schedule makes it possible to build your working day as efficiently as possible for the performer. Advego is ideal for both additional income and the main source of income.
  • Own tools to check articles for literacy and uniqueness. Also, any user can conduct seo-analysis of the text thanks to the free software site.

Creating a personal account on the largest text content exchange is easy. On the project website in the upper right corner there is a registration button. After clicking on it, a window will open where you need to fill in only two fields: come up with an alias (nickname) and indicate your valid email address, it will receive a password from personal account. After confirming the registration, you can enter your profile, fill out a personal questionnaire and start looking for a suitable job.

What difficulties can beginners face and how to overcome them?

At first glance, it may seem that huge competition will not allow new authors to break through to expensive orders, but this is not so. Yes, there are a lot of performers working for advego, but there are enough customers.

Sometimes, fulfilling even an inexpensive order, you can get a permanent employer, who will be satisfied with the result of the work of the first order and will continue to purchase content from this author at a high cost in the future.

Bidding system of appointment to order, which is difficult for beginners to win. Of course, if a user with a low rating writes in his application what he good author and promises to fulfill the order competently and on time, it is unlikely that he will be able to compete with “pumped” accounts. In addition, more and more customers are asked to indicate examples of their already written works in the application. Where can I get them and can a newcomer win a tender? Quite.

In order to have something to indicate in the application for the execution of the order, it is initially necessary to take care of filling the portfolio.

It is easier for those who already had experience in writing texts on other exchanges and have several decent articles in stock to post on their profile. It is worth noting that after paying for his work, the author loses the right to use it in commercial purposes, for example, to resell to other customers, but, in agreement with the buyer, he can use the sold texts as an example of his work.

A good portfolio will help not only to become the best in the tender among job seekers, but also to receive a personal order. A large number of customers visit the forum in order to view the portfolio of performers and select employees to write texts for their projects.

Not every newcomer can exhibit their work for free sale. According to the rules of the system, the user must have completed and paid for at least 10 custom works.

It may seem that with a tender system and a zero portfolio, this is very difficult to do. But, it is not necessary to choose orders for writing voluminous texts, and not all works are declared a competition between performers. Any user can easily complete simple tasks on a social network: write a comment, join a group and invite several of your friends to it, like a post and repost it on your page. It is enough to complete 10 of these simple tasks, get paid for them, and you can freely exhibit your work in the article store.

How to start earning on advego correctly

To find suitable job on this exchange is quite simple, for this you can use a convenient search: the “Job” / “Job Search” tab, on the right is a window into which the user enters the necessary parameters and selects the orders that suit him.

It often happens that, due to ignorance or inattention, at the very beginning of his copywriting path, the author is denied payment, which negatively affects his efficiency, and this indicator is evaluated by customers when choosing a performer.

How not to ruin your reputation from the very beginning

  • Do not take on expensive orders from the very first day. To begin with, you can complete several orders for writing comments. Not only are they easy and quick to complete, but they will also help you get positive numbers in your profile statistics (efficiency and commitment).
  • Pay attention to time. When choosing an order, you should pay attention to the time given for its implementation and calculate your strength correctly.
  • If there is no portfolio, you should not waste time on orders with tenders. The customer is unlikely to pay attention to performers with low performance. On the exchange, you can find a job without a "competitive" selection. Of course, the payment in most cases will be lower, but it is much easier to get such an order to work. In addition, this is a great opportunity to develop a portfolio. Therefore, even low-paid orders should be treated as responsibly as possible, always checking texts for errors and uniqueness.
  • The order must fully comply with the TOR. Whatever order the contractor takes into work, it must always fully comply with the TOR. Otherwise, the customer may simply not pay for the work, without even sending it for revision.

Receiving earned money

Payment for work on the advego text exchange is made in US currency. You can withdraw both in dollars and in rubles to WebMoney and Qiwi e-wallets. The first transaction is carried out within 14 days, subsequently the money earned is withdrawn per day. To order a payout, there must be at least $5 in the account.