How to make an inventory of an attachment to a registered letter. Inventory of attachments in a valuable letter of the Russian Post

The information society not only has not abandoned traditional means of communication, but continues to actively develop them. However, the use of postal services to send correspondence is associated with certain risks. Documents and valuables sent can be lost, stolen or destroyed. To improve the security of shipments, forms such as registered and valuable letter. What is the difference between registered and valuable mail and which option is better to use in a particular situation?


Ordered letter- a type of postal item, which can be an “M” bag or a small package, a parcel post or a secogram, a card or a regular letter, which is accepted at the post office without determining the value and handed over to the recipient against signature. On the direction of this type of correspondence, the sender is given an appropriate receipt confirming the payment and the provision of the service.

valuable letter- a type of postal item in which a container or parcel, parcel or letter is accepted for shipment, described by the sender and evaluated by him. The recipient accepts the named values ​​against receipt and checks the content. The postal operator bears liability for the loss of such letters, the amount of damage caused is determined unconditionally.


Thus, valuable and registered letters are used to increase the security of forwarding correspondence. But there are a number of differences between them that affect the choice of a particular option. Thus, valuable letters have a designated value equivalent to their content. They are used to deliver expensive goods, the loss of which will cause property damage to the sender or recipient.

Registered letters are deprived of such an assessment: the post office does not lose them, but cases of theft are not ruled out. The cost is much less than that of a valuable counterpart. In addition, registered letters are divided into ordinary letters, as well as class 1 RFP. The second option goes through fewer sorting stages, as a result of which the delivery speed is slightly higher, but the cost also increases significantly: several times.

Both registered and valuable letters do not allow you to send money: for this you need to use the transfer system. Everyone knows the difficulties in the work of the Russian Post: correspondence is often lost or does not reach the recipient in full. It is for this reason that for the delivery of important papers, where many names, objects and valuables are indicated ( mobile phone, gadget, etc.) it is best to use a valuable letter. The addressee will be able to make sure that the parcel was delivered in full, everything necessary was handed over to him.

For ordinary documents of importance, it is better to use a valuable letter. This applies to shipping work books, insurance policies, books, etc. In other words, it is pointless to steal such items, but their loss or damage will cause significant harm to the recipient or sender. Correspondence delivery times are determined internal documents operator.

Findings site

  1. Price. A valuable letter is sent with an estimate of its value, a registered letter without such an estimate.
  2. Departure type. As a registered letter, you can send a parcel, a letter, a postcard, an M bag or a small package, a secogram, as a valuable letter - a parcel, a letter, a container or a parcel.
  3. The presence of a description. A valuable letter contains the entire list of valuables and documents sent to the addressee, a registered letter does not.
  4. Service price. A valuable letter costs a little more than a registered letter, since the Russian Post is financially responsible for its loss.

Each person is faced with the need to send a registered letter with an inventory of attachments and a message of delivery. A sample document can be downloaded for free.

Every person in his life is faced with the need to send a registered attachment description letter. Most often, this activity is accompanied by related service- notification of delivery. This event can be carried out at any post office by visiting the institution in person. The form of the document is present on each mail, it is quite easy to fill it out. On the presented page, you observe the generally accepted template for handling the attachment inventory and you can download it for free via a direct link.

This common action has a very important legal significance. To this day, no more original receipt of confirmation of the committed deeds has been invented. The Form 107 under discussion, called the Attachment Inventory, is familiar to all people. Any person can handle filling out a letter with a list of attachments. Completing a sample form 107 in advance will save time in the queue of the post office. You should issue 2 copies of the attachment inventory, one of which will be a confirmation of the sent information or goods. The specialist who receives the correspondence must make a certain schedule of actions.

Mandatory paragraphs of the letter with an attachment description

  • The type of message being sent;
  • Complete details of the recipient;
  • Sending list;
  • Cost (optional)
  • Signature and transcript of the author;
  • On the same form, a mark of the post office employee is put.
Paper can be filled out both by hand and in printed form. There is a special item in the form - the cost of sending. It is not necessary to fill in this line, but it is significantly reflected in the event of a lost shipment. The completed set is checked by an employee of the post office and puts his own marks. In the notice of delivery, if it is attached to a letter with a description of the attachment, you must also fill in the appropriate lines. On the reverse side, upon delivery, the addressee puts his own details and signature. This notice is given to the sender.

AT contractual relations between the parties (both legal entities and individuals), as a rule, business correspondence is used. Quite often, letters are sent through the postal service. In any case, the parties are trying to protect themselves from a legal point of view, having on hand paper evidence of the sending of letters.

Registered mail

Enterprises and organizations, before sending a letter, register it with a number and date in the internal registration journal of outgoing correspondence, then make a copy and leave it for storage. This will help in resolving disputes between the parties, if any.

When sending a letter to regular envelope there is no evidence of the fact of departure, and there is no information about the date of its receipt. Therefore, it is wiser to prepare a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

To process this correspondence, fill out the notification form in form 119, which indicates the type of notification (simple), type of departure (registered letter), full name, postal codes and addresses of the sender and recipient.

Further, having paid for postal services, you can safely send a registered letter. The received check for paid services must be kept as proof of the fact that the letter was sent. This is especially important when it is addressed to government bodies in order to protect rights in judicial and other instances.

Postal employees register registered letters under a track number, which serves to track from the place of sending to the place of delivery to the addressee. If you have to resort to legal proceedings, you can make a request for such information at the post office. Having received a registered letter, the addressee signs the notification, then the postal worker who delivered the letter also signs the notification and puts a postmark.

According to the type of shipment, notifications are also divided into simple and registered. A simple type notification is not subject to registration and is not taken into account, it is simply thrown into the mailbox. A custom-made notice is attached to and sent with the mail packet and is only received at the post office.

When incoming registered mail arrives at the addressee's post office, mail employees deliver it either to the specified address or to the post office box along with a special notice (form 22). In the notification, the recipient is informed about the correspondence that has come to his name, which is subject to registration. To receive it at the post office, the recipient must present 3 documents: a notice, a passport and a power of attorney (if the addressee is a legal entity).

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Valuable letters

Very often, legal entities - enterprises, organizations send various valuable documents using mail services. Forward financial statements (tax returns), statements of claim, claims and demands.

For more reliable protection From the risks of losing letters through the fault of postal employees, there is a way to send valuable letters with declared value. This correspondence is also registered. When submitting an application to without fail the value of the documentation is declared, that is, the amount that will be paid in case of loss or damage to the documentation. Receipt of a valuable letter by the addressee is possible only at the post office by presenting a notice. The postal service does not deliver or hand over valuable correspondence to the address of residence or location of the recipient.

Rules for filling out attachment descriptions

The acknowledgment of receipt is the actual proof of receipt of the letter, however there is no proof of the list of documents attached to this letter. The way out of this situation is to send a valuable letter with a description of the attachment and a return receipt. To arrange for such a transfer, you need to prepare a completed form in form 107, which guarantees the delivery of the documentation in full. It is filled in advance before sending the letter.

A postal inventory of the attachment is attached exclusively to valuable letters, but not to registered ones. In addition, it is used in the design of parcels and parcels.

By entering any post office, the sender has the opportunity to take an unlimited number of forms. A more convenient way is to download the attachment postal inventory form by filling it out in advance.
There are rules for completing this form. Prepare 2 copies of the form, and without allowing corrections.

In its upper part, the type of departure is noted (letter, parcel, parcel). Fill in the name and address of the recipient for individuals, for legal entities- the name of the company and / or full name representing it, the legal address of the company. Line by line, a list of documentation with a note on the quantity is entered into the table, its cost estimate is announced. If the sender has decided not to declare the cost, he puts dashes in the corresponding fields. The last rows of the table contain the total number of documents and their total cost. Below, the sender signs the form.

After completing the inventory by the sender, the postal employee must verify the written list with the actually enclosed documents. Then he signs the form, indicating his position, notes the date of compilation, the branch index, and seals everything with a postal seal.

In order to avoid errors in filling out the inventory form, the Russian Post on its website published a sample registered letter with an inventory of attachments and notification. There you can also download the form of the inventory of attachments to a valuable letter. Also, the description of the attachment F 107 can be downloaded below.

Entrepreneurial activity involves the submission of reports to the tax authorities. To avoid queues, but submit a declaration or other document on time, you can use the services of the Russian Post. To do this, you need to send tax documents by letter with a description of the attachment. Let's talk about the description in more detail.

Inventory form for attaching documents to a valuable letter

Attached to this block is an attachment inventory form with the ability to individual filling straight from the file. Also, an inventory of the attachment can be prepared manually, for this, print out an empty form and fill it out with a regular ballpoint pen. An example of such a filling is shown in the figure below.


What is a description?

inventory is the list of contents enclosed in the envelope. An inventory is filled out on a special form of form 107, which was approved by the Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post dated May 17, 2012 N 114-p “On approval of the procedure” with the appendix “The procedure for receiving and delivering internal registered mail”.
In general, the description is embedded in

  • parcels,
  • parcels,
  • valuable letters.

We are interested in the last point.

What is the advantage of such postage?

When accepting a letter, an employee of the operating room of the branch of the Russian Post will put a stamp with the current date on the inventory form.

Important! The date of acceptance of a valuable letter with an inventory will be equal to the date of submission of reports.

Thus, even if for some reason you do not have time to submit the report on time and the last day is left, you can send documents by letter with a list of attachments, thereby avoiding pennies and fines for late tax returns.

How to fill out Form 107 correctly?

Attention! The inventory form is filled in two copies! One form will be sent in an envelope along with the letter, and the second, with a date stamp, will be given to the sender.

In form 107, the lines are filled in:

  1. table nested documents:
    • serial number,
    • Name,
    • amount,
    • declared value (in rubles);
  2. The overall result(in pieces) items and declared value amount;
  3. sender(full name or name of the legal entity);
  4. signature sender.

So, attachment description example will look like this:

If there are blank cells left, it is allowed to put a dash. And if, on the contrary, there was not enough space to fill out, then it is allowed to continue on the second sheet of the form and make notes, for example, “Sheet 1 of N”, “Sheet 2 of N”, etc. The total of the quantity and amount must be given in total, for all documents enclosed in the envelope. Again, such a chain of forms must be completed in duplicate.

Important! Corrections on the form of the inventory of attachments to a valuable letter are not allowed!

What is declared value?

Since the inventory is needed as a fact of reporting, and according to the rules it is invested in a valuable letter, our shipment must be evaluated. Each nested unit is evaluated separately, and the evaluation amount is assigned to the entire letter. You can not assign value, but put a dash.

It should be written on the envelope: “With an inventory, the value of XX rubles.”

If suddenly the letter is lost, then the mail must return the amount of the declared value to the sender or recipient.
For forwarding the letter, the operator of the mail room will take an additional + 4% of the amount of the declared value.

How to send an email with an attachment description?

You need to contact the operator of the operating room of the Russian Post with:

  • unsealed envelope,
  • documents included in it
  • two completed inventory forms,
  • the amount of money in the wallet for the transfer.

The operator will check the data entered in the form with the envelope, the correctness of filling out the inventory and the envelope, put a stamp on each sheet of the inventory with the date of acceptance, sign on each and give one copy to the sender along with a receipt for payment.

Speaking of which! For example, you can send a tax return in only one copy, your copy remains with you with the inventory form attached to it with the date the letter was sent.

Where can I get Form 107 inventory forms?

Inventory forms are always freely available at every post office in Russia. You can take them home with you and better with a margin, in case you have to refill the form due to a mistake.
Also, form f.107 is available for download on the Russian Post website and on our page.


The list of attachments allows the addressee to know exactly which documents and in what quantity were sent to him. Thus, the probability of loss or damage of any value in transit is eliminated.

In order to send a valuable letter with a list of attachments, the sender must fill in two copies of a special postal form F-107. You can get the form directly at the post office and fill it out there. It must be remembered that a valuable letter with a list of attachments is sent open, that is, it should not be sealed before it is handed over to the postal worker.

The attachment inventory form indicates the postal address and name of the addressee, as well as the name of the enclosed documents, their number and the amount of their assessment, if any. If the value of the enclosed documents is not indicated, a dash is put in the "declared value" column. After completing the inventory, the sender puts his signature on each form and sends them along with open letter postal worker.

The postal clerk, in turn, must compare the list of attachments in both forms, the recipient's address in the inventory and on the envelope, compare the enclosed documents with the list presented. If the attachments correspond to the inventory list, he puts an imprint of a calendar stamp on each form, signs them and puts one form in the letter.

After sealing a valuable letter, a payment receipt is issued and, together with the second copy of the attachment inventory, is issued to the sender. It must be remembered that for checking attachment descriptions postal service takes a separate fee, in addition to the cost of sending a valuable letter. The cost for sending a valuable letter with a list of attachments within Russia is very small, but it is still preferable to bring an additional amount with you or call the post office in advance to find out the current rates for this service.


  • inventory of attachments in a valuable letter

Any mailing you can submit with an attached content description. This will avoid disputes and disagreements with the mail and the recipient regarding the presence or absence of these things or documents. For example, to the objections of your opponent in court and the statement that he did not receive claims, but only blank sheets of paper in an envelope, you can present an inventory and confirm the validity of your statements.


For registration, you should first of all post the form of the established form (f. 107). It can be taken from the post office operator or from the official website of the Post Russian Federation at the address at the end. Some services offer users the opportunity to form directly on the site and an inventory ready for attachment.

After receiving the form, proceed to fill it out, following the instructions placed at the beginning of the lines. The introductory part of the document begins with the name of the departure. It can be a valuable letter, parcel or package. Next, write the last name, first name, patronymic of the addressee (for individuals) or the name of the enterprise (for legal entities). On the next line, enter the recipient's full postal address.

The main part of the form is presented in a convenient tabular form. Here, list all the attachments that the recipient should receive. Indicate for them the serial number, the name of documents or objects, the number (pieces, pages or copies). In the declared value column, you need the cost of each item. Put a dash if you are sending items (or documents) that are not subject to assessment. At the end of the table, indicate the total number of nested items and their total value.

In the final part of the form, sign in the column reserved for the signature of the sender. Now you can transfer the parcel to the post office operator, along with inventory forms, to check that the list matches the contents of the shipment and the correctness of Form 107. The postal worker will fill in the remaining line with his own hand (position and signature) and stamp.


Do not forget that you need to fill out two copies of the inventory, one of which will be enclosed in the postal item, and the second (certified with a seal) will be returned to the sender along with a payment receipt.

Helpful advice

Please note that corrections when filling out the inventory are not allowed.


  • Attachment inventory form, form 107

One of the most popular services provided by the Post of the Russian Federation allows you to send important documents(passport, marriage registration certificate, driver's license, etc.) and valuable papers(stocks, bonds, lottery tickets etc.). For clearance letters with inventory you will need to collect information about the rules for such a departure, since you can make some of the preparations in advance.

You will need

  • - Form inventory form 107;
  • - a sheet of paper for writing;
  • - envelope;
  • - pen.


To get started, purchase a special Russian Post (form 107). It can be found on special sites that provide forms of the established form, as well as from the official mail of the Russian Federation and. You can take this form directly at the post office from the operator. You will need two copies of the inventory. The first of them will be enclosed in an envelope along with cover letter, and the second, certified by the seal, will be kept by you.