How to open a sewing studio. How it works: how much does a tailoring and repairing atelier bring

Russians actively use the services of sewing studios. In workshops, you can order a unique product exactly according to your measurements; in addition, the masters can restore their old clothes. Even in conditions of high competition, the demand for sewing and repairing garments is not fully covered, so opening your own workshop has prospects. The atelier business plan below details the main stages of opening a business, important points for accounting, as well as approximate calculations business payback.

Project Summary

The services of sewing workshops are popular among Russians. Competition in this market is high, and yet firms and individual craftsmen are loaded with work. The demand for such ateliers is growing every year.

The most requested services include:

  • tailoring and restoration of fur products;
  • tailoring and restoration of leather products;
  • clothing restoration.

The key to success is the high quality of the services provided, the only way to gain a foothold and get your market share. It must be remembered that people take the choice of workshops seriously, and in this area big role playing word of mouth.

According to this business plan, in order to open an atelier for the repair and tailoring of clothes, an investment of just over 1 million rubles is expected. The article describes the main stages of opening a case, as well as important points which should be taken into account when organizing and promoting activities.

Types of atelier

There are several types of ateliers, the opening of which will require different amounts of investment.

1. A clothing repair shop will require minimum investment. The demand for these services is constant, although the market supply is also large. It is not difficult to find a master who will restore and renew worn-out clothes. This direction can be developed at home.

2. Ateliers for tailoring are divided into two categories: narrow-profile and wide-profile ateliers.

In the first case, the company manufactures a certain type of clothing (for example, overalls, etc.). This will require big investments, more skilled workers, but getting from business will be really much more money. But there is also a minus - a narrow-profile company limits itself to a certain circle of clients.

In the second case, large funds are invested in the business to purchase expensive equipment and employ a large staff of workers. This atelier offers services different categories private and corporate clients.

Workflow and customer service

Let us describe an approximate scheme of the work of the atelier.

  1. The client contacts the firm with a specific order. If he needs repair (restoration) of clothes, then the person simply leaves the thing, explaining what needs to be done, leaving a deposit. If he needs to create a thing, then he describes in the order what he wants.
  2. The order is discussed by the designer together with the technologist. The possibility of manufacturing the desired thing, its price is discussed.
  3. With the consent of the client, he leaves an advance payment (usually half the cost), measurements are taken from him.
  4. The client either provides the necessary material himself (most often), or uses what is available in the storerooms of the workshop.
  5. The material is cut, the thing goes into production.
  6. After the first fitting of clothes by the client, it is finalized according to all the comments.
  7. After the second fitting, if everything is in order, the client takes the finished product and leaves the remaining money according to the price.

How to open a tailoring studio and what is needed for this?

The main expense item in organizing a business will, of course, be the purchase of equipment. There is a wide offer of various sewing equipment on the market; in order to choose an option that is suitable for price and quality, it is recommended to seek expert advice.

Table 1. The amount of initial expenses for opening a flower shop.

The work is supposed to be in a city with a population of 1.5-2 million people. Additional costs include the cost of communal payments, promotion, preparation of premises, etc. The amount of tax deductions is not taken into account in the calculation.

What documents to issue

It is necessary to choose the organizational and legal form of activity - IP or LLC. It is easiest to work as a sole trader, however, to work with corporate clients it is better to open in the form of a legal entity.

When registering, indicate OKVED codes.

  • 17.40
  • 17.72
  • 18.22
  • 18.24
  • 18.24.4

If the atelier will sell clothes, code 52.42 is indicated " Retail clothes."

A license for this business is not required, but for tailoring certain types of clothing (workwear) you will need to obtain a certificate of conformity.

Room selection

The size of the premises depends on the scale of the enterprise.

Doing business does not require a large area. Enough 30-40 square meters. m., where it will be located:

  • workplace with installed equipment;
  • dressing room;
  • a trading place for demonstrating your clothes, serving customers, taking orders.

The choice of location depends on the size of the available investments and the plans of the entrepreneur. You can rent a room in mall, make a spectacular design and advertise your establishment as an upscale atelier, but you can choose a simpler place.

The most important thing is to have people nearby. It is advisable to locate the company near the central interchanges, shopping centers, clothing markets; in short, where people go shopping and may need additional services.

Required personnel

The number of employees depends on the size of the enterprise. For the work of a small atelier for the repair of clothes, only a few workers are enough: an administrator, a master (s). The masters will be engaged in direct work, and the administrator will deal with interaction with clients, purchase of raw materials and consumables.

When opening a company for the repair and tailoring of clothes, the required staff increases: you should hire seamstresses, tailors, cutters. The payroll will grow significantly.

You need to hire an accountant to work with paperwork. This can be done by outsourcing in an accounting office. Do not forget about marketing promotion. This may require specialist support.

What equipment do you need to get started

Required for tailoring various equipment. When organizing a business, it is necessary to choose equipment in a favorable price / quality ratio. It is not worth buying devices of well-known brands - the price is high, there are high-quality equipment and a more adequate cost. You can use supported equipment - this will save additional funds.

We list below what is required for work.

  • Overlock high speed.
  • Straight-through sewing machine.
  • Straight line machine.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Loop machine.
  • Button machine.

It is necessary to purchase additional and consumables: needles, scissors, oils, shuttles, bobbins, threads, patterns (rulers), etc. Ironing equipment (irons and steam generators) will be required. All necessary furniture (cutting tables) and accessories are purchased.


If the atelier will serve private individuals, then it is necessary to effectively convey information about the new workshop to the public, high quality sewing, restoration services. big cost advertising campaign won't require.

  • leaflets (distribution, distribution in parking lots), announcements at entrances, etc.;
  • advertising in popular newspapers;
  • advertising on asphalt, installation of small advertising structures along the streets, etc.

If the workshop works with corporate clients, then you will need to hire a sales representative, arrange mailing offers to emails companies, etc.

Financial plan: profitability and payback

The amount of initial costs - 1.140 million rubles.

To calculate the revenue, we turn to the average market indicators. The cost of a check in modern ateliers is in the range of 500-1000 rubles, as an average, we take an indicator of 700 rubles. We are talking about repair, tailoring simple products.

Under the terms, during the first year of operation, the new workshop will receive the following number of orders (subject to active advertising):

  • 1-2 months - 10 orders per day. Monthly revenue - 210 thousand rubles;
  • 2-4 months - 15 orders per day. Monthly revenue - 315 thousand rubles;
  • 4-7 months - 22 orders per day. Monthly revenue - 462 thousand rubles;
  • 7-12 months - 30 orders per day. Monthly revenue - 630 thousand rubles.

The business will start to make a profit only for 4 months of work.
The total amount of monthly expenses is 400 thousand rubles.
Net profit (in the developed state) - 230 thousand rubles.
Under such conditions, the sewing workshop will go to zero in 13 months.

Table 2. Economic justification business ideas.

Basic indicators


Amount of initial investment

RUB 1.140 million

Monthly expenses

400 thousand rubles

Average number of orders per day

monthly income

210-630 thousand rubles

Net profit per month (in developed state)

230 thousand rubles

Payback period (according to the calculation conditions)

Business risks and cons

Before starting, you need to make a SWAT analysis, identify strengths and weak sides cases, risks and threats.

Several disadvantages and risks of this line of business.

  1. The risk of buying low-quality equipment. The choice of equipment and the possibility of its warranty service must be taken seriously. If a breakdown occurs, the case may simply stand up for a while.
  2. The work of unskilled personnel. Poor quality work of the staff will lead to customer dissatisfaction, which will negatively affect the image of the workshop and lead to a decrease in the number of orders.
  3. Changing fashion trends. It is important to constantly monitor changes in the fashion world. The more relevant clothes the atelier offers, the more people will be consumers of the company's services.
  4. Seasonality. Summer and time new year holidays- off season for the clothing business. It is especially necessary to act actively during the period of preparation for major holidays, Knowledge Day, graduations, etc.

A sewing studio can become a source of permanent income for its creator. However, in order to achieve sustainable development of the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account various factors. It is better to prepare well in advance for opening a business, to understand the situation on the market, in the features of doing business. It is ideal to find an expert in this field who will talk about the nuances needed for success.

Nowadays, the service of individual tailoring is quite popular. This business attracts many entrepreneurs with its small investment and relatively quick payback.

In a previous publication, we touched on this topic, talking about and. In this article, we will tell you how to open your own atelier from scratch, how much money you need to organize a sewing business, and what are the payback periods.

Benefits of a tailoring business

  • Small investment. You can start your sewing workshop business with just small investment and a strong desire for self-actualization. This business is most suitable for people who have certain skills and master the art of tailoring and repairing clothes. But even if you are a complete zero in this field of activity, this does not prevent you from using this business idea;
  • The need for exclusive clothing. Today, people are very demanding about their appearance including the choice of clothing. It is considered very fashionable to have your own designer who sews clothes according to individual sizes and in limited quantities. Therefore, tailoring services to order are in demand, which means that we can conclude that this business area is profitable.

How to open a sewing business and what is needed for this?

Let's discuss what it takes to open a tailoring and repair shop. It is worth noting that the clothing business is segmented, some open ateliers exclusively for tailoring, others prefer to repair products, and still others combine both. Therefore, first of all, you must decide on the direction.


This activity requires legal registration with the tax service. You can choose the substantive form: sole proprietorship or LLC. I recommend that you focus on individual entrepreneurship to simplify accounting and tax accounting.

Premises selection and rent

The number of orders will depend on the location of the atelier. It is advisable to rent a place in a large shopping center. The advantage is that in such places there is a constant accumulation of people. After purchasing clothes, many people require sewing services (to shorten, sew in a thing a few centimeters). But, there are a few downsides here. The first is the cost of rent, it is quite expensive to rent premises for start-up entrepreneurs in elite shopping centers. Secondly, it is competition. As a rule, such studios already exist in many buildings, so you will have to try hard in order to get customers.

Video: How to open a sewing studio Do I need loans ???

Required area. At the initial stage, you do not need a large room, 10-20 square meters are enough. m. In this area you will have to fit a workplace for a seamstress and a fitting room for clients.

The cost of rent is quite different, it all depends on the city and place of rent. Approximately a month area of ​​20 square meters. m. will cost you 15-50 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

The main equipment, of course, is a sewing machine, it must be multifunctional. You will also need a special cutting table and sewing accessories such as scissors, needles, threads, and more. The approximate cost of equipment for a sewing studio is from 20,000 rubles.

Staff for the sewing workshop

It is very important to competently approach this nuance, the success of the whole business depends on the professionalism of your employees. This is especially important at the initial stage, when you have just begun to win the trust of customers.

Requirements for employees of the studio. A person must be a professional in his field, that is, have skills and experience in the clothing business, fulfill orders quickly and efficiently, and be able to communicate with customers. Restraint and accuracy, punctuality and professional performance of work are the main criteria by which candidates for work should be selected.


I want to say right away that it is quite realistic to find a good master who will work for a small salary. Therefore, look carefully, do not stop at the first available option.

Medium wage seamstresses from approximately 15,000, plus allowances for additional work. You can find out the exact figure by analyzing the labor market in your city.

For starters, two seamstresses will be enough for you. They will be able to take orders and perform small amounts of work. Further, if there are many orders, you can hire additional staff.

Now let's calculate all the expenses and profits that you can get by organizing your sewing business.

Video: Bespoke tailoring: a new niche or a failed idea?

One-time atelier expenses

Equipment for a sewing workshop. The cost of one sewing machine is from 20,000 rubles, respectively, you need at least two, it will cost from 40 thousand rubles. You will also need furniture - this is a cutting table and chairs, a mirror in the fitting room, and so on. The cost of all equipment is from 50 thousand.

Monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - from 15 thousand rubles per month for a room of 20 square meters. m.;
  • Sewing materials. Consumables, such as threads, needles, sewing tools - from 5 thousand rubles per month;
  • Seamstress salary. If you have two employees, then about 20-30 thousand rubles or more will be spent on wages per month, depending on the rates in your city.

Profit from a sewing studio

Let's say your average number of orders per day is 10. If you provide clothing repair services, then the average check amount will be from 400 rubles.

As for the individual tailoring of clothes to order, here the cost of the service will be many times more expensive. It all depends on the complexity of the product and the prestige of the studio.

Therefore, by providing clothing repair services, your sewing workshop will bring you from 100 thousand rubles per month. If you take away the monthly costs, then the net profit will be from 50 thousand rubles. Agree for a beginner, this is quite good.

It can be concluded that the sewing business is a profitable business that is suitable for both a novice and an experienced entrepreneur.

I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Suitable as a form of ownership IP. It is inexpensive to register (around $30), and bookkeeping is simplified as much as possible.

OKVED codes choose from a group 14 - "Production of clothing", it describes in detail each type of service, you need to choose the right ones.

Other documents:

  • Certificate of registration with the Pension Fund;
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority to work in a particular room.

List of services provided

The atelier will repair clothes and sew to order. In addition to clothing is in good demand tailoring of curtains, bed linen, children's clothing.

It is profitable to sew costumes for artists and dance groups. These are guaranteed big orders.

For a beginner workshop, a large proportion of orders will be small repairs of clothes. There is nothing wrong with this, in this way a client base, connections, acquaintances are developed.


best location- a lively place in the sleeping area. In the center, rent is expensive and unjustified for a beginner atelier. Good options: near large supermarket, market, in the basement of a high-rise building, surrounded by many houses.

As many people as possible should live nearby. potential clients. The main condition for placement is high traffic.

There are no special requirements for the premises. Make sure there is good ventilation, because the workshop working with fabric and thread is in danger of constant dust.

To avoid problems with Rospotrebnadzor, study SanPiN 5182-90- "Sanitary rules for clothing production."

Room area - 45 square meters : 30 sq. m. - workshop, 15 sq. m. - a reception hall for the issuance and reception of clothes, fittings.

Rent will cost about $ 600 per month, about $ 700 will be needed to repair and decorate the premises.


It is necessary to separately equip a clothing repair workshop and a reception hall.

Equipment and tools for sewing

What you need to arrange three jobs:

  1. Cutting sewing table– $300. SewTech, Sampson, StolPro;
  2. Straight stitch sewing machine(2 pcs.) - $ 600-700. Brother, Juki, Aurora, Welles;
  3. industrial sewing machine for work with dense fabrics - $ 300-400. Juki, Aurora, Pfaff, Gemsy. Used models of good brands, such as Veritas, Singer, Pfaff will cost less ($ 120-170) and will last a long time;
  4. Hemming machine- 200-230 $. Velles, Protex, Joyee;
  5. Overlock- 250-350 $. ZOJE, Juki, Janome, Textima;
  6. Ironing board and iron(steam ironing system) - $ 900-1000. Domena, Sofiant;
  7. Tailor's mannequins(2 pcs.) - $ 300. In order not to buy several mannequins different size, it is better to purchase sliding ones (fully adjustable in size) from Dressform, Royal Dress forms, Siera Dressform;
  8. Instruments(5 pairs of scissors, rulers, pattern, tape measure, organizers for consumables) - $ 100;
  9. Cash register or forms with continuous numbering. It will cost approximately $25 to print the forms.

You will need to purchase materials for sewing: threads, needles, zippers, hooks, thimbles, bobbins, pins, crayons, buttons, etc. These are also monthly expenses of $ 60-70.


In the workshop and hall you need:

  • Three tables and three chairs for seamstresses (2 ordinary work tables with tool compartments and one industrial) - $ 650-750. Jobs specifically for sewing equipment are offered by Comfort, StolPro;
  • Table or wall lamps for each workplace (3 in total) - $70. Elvan, "Aurora";
  • A simple reception desk for the lobby is $110-150. "Orizon", "Southern Trading Racks", "Fortunat", Acrilian;
  • Sofa for visitors - $ 130-200. "Felix", "CD Furniture", "Unitex", "Cambio";
  • Racks with shelves for things (2 pcs.) - $ 60. "Stolplit", "Southern Trading Racks", Expo;
  • Wardrobe and hangers - $ 100. Unitex, M-service;
  • Sample cabin. You can organize it yourself, but it’s easier to buy an inexpensive metal structure with curtains. Such a cabin costs about $45-60. Manufacturers Poliver, Westcom;
  • Full length mirror - $30. Poliver.

It will take about 5 thousand dollars to equip the studio from scratch.


When opening a sewing business, you should hire three seamstresses and one receptionist-administrator. Accounting is outsourced (about $150 per month). The optimal salary for a tailor is the minimum salary plus a percentage of the completed order. $2,000 is spent monthly on wages.

Common business problem- fulfillment by the employee of the order "bypassing" the studio. To avoid such situations, follow the mandatory issuance of receipts to visitors. So you can control cash flow.

In the lobby, hang a large sign for customers: "If you have not been given a receipt, the order is free of charge." Then no one will agree to order "cheaper, but without a receipt."


Good way to attract attention - to organize the distribution of leaflets or the distribution of flyers in the mailboxes with the action "bearer discount on services."

Costs and profits

  • (185)
  • (102)

Why is the tailoring and repair business becoming so popular? It's all about the prices that have developed in the market for such services. Their high marks put both professional and home workshops on the list of profitable activities.

How to open a studio? First you need to decide on its specialization: repair, tailoring of women's, men's or children's clothing (of course, you can create several departments at once, specializing in a variety of areas). Also, you should think about what audience your workshop will target: rich clientele or middle class?


There are three areas of services that your workshop can offer.

  • The first is repair. Today it is the most popular option. Very often, customers ask to fix minor problems: change the zipper, change the buttons, adjust the length or size. It is this range of services that is most in demand. The downside is that it costs a little.
  • The second is tailoring. Many people cannot find clothes in stores that suit their taste and figure. This is a fairly common problem, for the solution of which they turn to professionals. If your workshop offers tailoring of dresses, coats, trousers of non-standard sizes, then it will earn great popularity among the part of the population that is used to the fact that it is unrealistic to find anything in a store.
  • Third - modeling and design. This niche is not yet fully occupied, so you have every opportunity to make money from it. This, of course, is the most difficult thing, requiring special skills, talent and imagination, which is why you need to hire specialists who will create a unique wardrobe.

Room standards

A high traffic area is an ideal option for opening a tailoring studio. As a rule, these are shopping centers, complexes consumer services, first floors of multi-storey buildings, etc.

Start with a small area - only 50 m². But, if successful, do not give up the prospect of expansion. To do this, you can rent a neighboring room or an apartment in a neighboring building, for example, so as not to lose your regular customers.

In any workshop there should be three types of rooms:

  1. Reception : fitting rooms, samples of fittings and fabrics;
  2. tailoring shop: compartments for pre-cut fabric processing and for ironing;
  3. Sanitary rooms: storerooms for storing maintenance products, toilets, staff room.

Necessary equipment

In order to open a clothing repair shop, you need to purchase special equipment. If you care about the image of the future enterprise, we advise you to buy new tools and machines, and not save on old ones.

So, you will need:

  • Several overlocks;
  • cutting equipment;
  • installation with a steam iron;
  • loop semiautomatic device;
  • ordinary mannequins;
  • steam dummy;
  • improvised tools (needles, scissors, patterns, meter, etc.);
  • consumables (zippers, glue, threads, etc.).

Except technical equipment take care of the availability of furniture for visitors, a cash register, a fire extinguisher, and lamps.

Confess, industrial equipment for sewing is more expensive than conventional machines for home use, but the quality of tailoring and the speed here are several times higher. All equipment will cost about $5,000, but if we are talking about serial tailoring, then of course you will need to use a few more units, so the cost will be about $25,000.

When buying machines, pay attention to the number of operations that it performs. The minimum requirement is 20 transactions. Such equipment will cost you from $600 to $3,500.

To open an atelier for tailoring or repairing clothes, you need to hire specialists in this field, because they are the key to your success. As many experts advise, you need to hire those employees who are interested in the quality performance of their obligations.

A seamstress may not have an education, because the main thing is a certificate of completion of special courses. But having practical experience is the most important requirement, because a person must not only be able to work with a machine, but also know the intricacies of work, be able to calculate various nuances.

To get started, you can hire 4-5 seamstresses for a trial period of half a month. If during this period potential employees do a good job, you can hire them for permanent employment.

Additional staff- Janitor and accountant As a rule, such employees do not enter into labor contract, but only a contract of work or employment for periodic services.

The monthly payment of each seamstress is approximately 12,000 - 18,000 rubles, the cleaner receives approximately 5,000 rubles, the accountant - 8,000 rubles. The salaries of a janitor and an accountant are low due to their part-time employment.

Your expenses

Let's look at everything point by point:

  1. Room rental: from 10,000 to 15,000 rudders per month. The higher the status of the building in which you are going to rent the area, the higher the amount of rent. For example, the highest fee will be in shopping malls;
  2. purchase of equipment: sewing machines from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles per unit, mannequins, lighting fixtures, furniture for visitors, mirrors, overlock, steam generator - within 100,000 rubles;
  3. expendable materials: tools, threads, scissors, fabrics, equipment repair in case of breakage - within 10,000 rubles;
  4. wage: a seamstress - 12,000 - 18,000 rubles (you will have 4-5 of them), a cleaner - 5,000 rubles, an accountant - 8,000 rubles.

Total amount: about 500,000 rubles.

What documents and permits do you need to get? First, you go to the tax office and register your workshop as an individual business - an individual entrepreneur, or LLC. We advise you to choose an individual entrepreneur, because in this case it will be several times easier for you to keep accounting and tax records.

After that, you select OKVED codes:

  1. Basic code: provision of personal services to the population;
  2. additional codes: tailoring - basic, special, other; making accessories and repairing damaged wardrobe items.

You must also register with a pension fund, obtain a permit to start activities (Rospotrebnadzor), and a permit from the state fire inspectorate.

Potential risks

  • Risk 1: There are no good specialists. This is the most common type of risk. Many owners today complain that it is almost impossible to find good craftsmen, because there are not so many representatives of the so-called "Soviet school" left. A new "Russian school" as such does not exist in principle.
  • Risk 2: off seasons. So in the field of tailoring and repairing wardrobe items, summer and January are most often called. New Year holidays end in the second half of January. Since many church holidays fall at this time, potential customers travel around the country (to relatives and friends, on vacation, etc.) and remember that they need to sew or repair something only by the end of the second month of winter. But the so-called "passive" summer begins almost immediately after the May holidays and revives closer to the beginning of the new academic year - the second half of August.
  • Risk 3: It is not possible to know the reason for leaving clients. A decrease in the number of customers indicates a low quality of services. But, the problem is that you can't know exactly why a regular customer left.
  • Risk 4: format hostages during the crisis. This is the name of the employees and owners of the atelier offering tailoring of designer clothes. If you choose a clientele with high incomes, you are a priori programming yourself to work with people with an income much higher than the average, so during a crisis you will not be able to quickly switch to tailoring cheap items. This means that you will only lose income from this.

Your income

Is it profitable to open a studio? Let's count. If the average number of orders per day will vary between 8-15 pieces, and average cost will be equal to 300 - 400 rubles, then a day you can earn from 2,400 to 6,000 rubles. It should be borne in mind that the cost of services directly depends on the fabric, type of clothing, as well as its size.

In principle, ateliers that have been operating for several years and have acquired a stable client base, but accept new clients, earn from 13,000 to 15,000 rubles a day. At first, your amount will be significantly less. But, the skill of your seamstresses and the quality of work can quickly bring you to the level of 10,000 - 13,000 rubles a day.

Earn a good reputation, and then you will be contacted!

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Today there is no problem with buying ready-made clothes, but most people still prefer custom tailoring. And this is not surprising, because tailor-made clothes always fit better than purchased ones. In addition, by sewing a dress or suit in an atelier, you will definitely be sure that they are in one copy. Demand, as you know, gives rise to offers, and many people who know how and love to sew, think own business. How to open a studio? We understand the issue.

Atelier as a business

Let's start with the fact that you should not expect big profits from the studio at the initial stage. First, you will need to equip a tailoring workshop with everything you need, and this will not be so cheap. The costs depend on what you plan to do and what kind of equipment you decide to buy or rent. But, in any case, the investment will be quite an impressive amount. At the same time, the project will pay for itself in about a year, since this business is not one of the most profitable areas.

If we are only talking about repairing clothes, then you can get by with a small room and a couple of sewing machines. After all, in order to replace the zipper, shorten the trousers, fit the dress to the figure, neither a large staff of workers nor special equipment is needed. So it’s more correct to think about how to open a mini-atelier, because when organizing such a repair shop, the main thing is to choose the right place and provide services of proper quality. Then you can count on stable income within 75 - 90 thousand rubles monthly.

Well, if we talk about a full-fledged atelier, then it’s worth first clarifying: it will be a wide-profile atelier or a narrow-profile workshop that will specialize in only one direction (for example, in tailoring uniforms). For a generalist atelier, more variety will be required. professional equipment, as well as various specialists: seamstresses, cutters, fashion designers. To increase the profitability of the atelier, experts recommend combining several types of services (for example, sewing outerwear, clothing repair, sewing bags and sewing uniforms) and attract generalists.

We draw up documents

So, as soon as you have decided on the specialization of the atelier and have considered all production issues, you need to draw up documents. You need to do this in the following order:

  1. Decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, rent or purchase premises and go through state registration. But before that, you should decide what you will register: or individual entrepreneurship. In this case, it is more expedient, since it is much easier for an individual entrepreneur to maintain accounting and tax reporting.
  2. Choose . The choice depends on what exactly you plan to do: tailoring, repair or several areas. As mentioned above, it is better to choose a mixed direction, which means that the codes should be as follows: 93.5 Provision of other personal services to the population (main), 8.2 Production of clothing from textile materials and clothing accessories, 18.21 - production of workwear, 18.22 - production of outerwear, 18.24 - manufacture of other clothing and accessories, 52.74 - repair of household goods and items personal use not included in other groups.
  3. Register in territorial body pension fund.
  4. Obtain a work permit from Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Obtain a permit to work in a specific premises of the State Fire Supervision Authority.
  6. Buy or rent equipment.
  7. Find staff (unless, of course, you plan to use employees).
  8. Organize advertising.

Where will the studio be: we evaluate the real places of deployment

Even at the stage of business planning, it is worth looking for a suitable room for the atelier. If you have to choose between buying and renting, then at first it is better to prefer renting, because you do not know how the business will go. You need to rent a room in a place where there is a constant flow of potential customers. For example, in a shopping center. Or you can go the opposite way and open a clothing repair shop or a small workshop in a residential area. A good option is to open an atelier near fabric or clothing stores.

As for the area, at first you can get by with a small room (about 15-20 square meters), which can be located on the basement floor of a residential building, next to a shoe repair or key making workshop. The proximity of other workshops can play into the hands, because people who come to repair shoes can stop by the atelier along the way.

So, when choosing a place, you need to be guided by two criteria: the price of rent (it should not be too high, the best option is 40-50 thousand rubles for 15-20 square meters) and the high traffic of potential customers.

Necessary equipment

As for the equipment for the atelier, today there are a lot of necessary and modern devices on sale. But there is no point in buying them all. It is necessary to clearly define the list of equipment, without which it will be impossible to do, and purchase (or rather rent) only the most necessary. In order to start working, you will need:

  • straight stitch sewing machine, which will be used for basic sewing and repair work(you should choose professional models that perform twenty or more operations). Such equipment will cost about 18-20 thousand rubles;
  • overlock for processing edges and seams. Buying a quality overlock will cost about 12-14 thousand rubles;
  • hemming machine, which is used for hemming the bottom of trousers and skirts;
  • an ironing board and a good steam iron (in time, if the business goes well, you can also purchase an ironing press);
  • fitting room (it is better to choose a screen or just fence off a corner in the room with a curtain and hang a mirror there);
  • cutting table;
  • accessories: cutting scissors, rippers, needles, patterns, rulers, threads, zippers, thimbles, measuring tapes, etc.

When buying equipment, you need to pay attention to its reliability and versatility. If you decide to purchase a used sewing machine, be prepared for the fact that you have to pay for its repair and adjustment.

Other equipment

Do not forget that if you decide to open a tailoring studio, then in addition to a professional sewing equipment you will also need some furniture and, of course, lighting fixtures. As for furniture, here you need to pay attention to comfortable chairs for seamstresses and furniture for a place of rest for staff and visitors, as well as hangers, hangers, mannequins (if you are going to sew clothes from scratch).

You will definitely need high-quality lamps that need to be installed in workplaces, bright ceiling lights and, of course, fire extinguishers (their number depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room).

You also need to take care of forms with continuous numbering, which will replace cash register. After all, receiving money for services from clients, you have to write out receipts.

Personnel decides everything

A crafts vendor embroiders a woman’s name on a bonnet being purchased during the Apple Blossom Festival at South Mountain Fairground, Route 234, Arendtsville PA. 2008-05-03.

Asking the question: is it profitable to open an atelier, most individual entrepreneurs understand that a lot depends on the level of the masters who will work in it. Therefore, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the selection of personnel. The best option is experienced people who are well known to you, who can not only sew perfectly, but also communicate with customers. If there are none, you can hire employees on the recommendation of your colleagues or good friends. If there are problems with this, then it is worth posting information about the vacancy where it can be seen by those who interest you, for example, in a college where seamstresses are trained. No need to be afraid to hire newcomers, they often demonstrate good level possession of a profession. But, when recruiting unfamiliar employees, it is better, nevertheless, to set a trial period for them.

As for the number of seamstresses, it all depends on the direction of the atelier. If we are talking about repairs, fitting and individual tailoring, then for a start it is better to hire two people and set them a minimum salary and an additional payment - a percentage of the atelier's revenue. Gradually, if the business goes well, it will be possible to expand the staff.

We have opened!

Must hang before opening a bright sign, which will attract attention, and put up advertising posters on the nearest streets. It would be nice to organize the distribution of flyers offering discounts to first customers. This will be enough to get you started, but what you should think about carefully is the time of work.

As a rule, ateliers are open from 9.00 to 20.00, so that people can enter the establishment on their way home from work. But it is better to focus on your potential consumer. Most clothing repair shops accept 10-15 orders per day (the cost of one repair order is from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work, and individual tailoring of clothes will cost 1500-3000 per unit). But, of course, it matters where the studio is located. To increase the flow of customers, you can arrange with the nearest clothing stores so that, if necessary, consultants will recommend your atelier to those who need to fit ready-made clothes. Everyone will benefit from this: the store will sell goods and receive revenue, and your atelier will customize the purchased clothes and also receive revenue.

Issue price

Having decided on all the components of the business, you can make simple calculations to understand how much it costs to open an atelier and how profitable such a business is. So, you open a small atelier that occupies one room with an area of ​​​​about 20 square meters, which employs two seamstresses, a cutter and manager/hostess (with the function of chief accountant). Let's start with costs:

Now let's calculate the planned income:

Based on the calculations, it can be seen that all costs will pay off within the first year of operation. Of course, this calculation is approximate, because the success of a business depends on the demand and quality of services. As for initial investment, then they will be:

So, to summarize: the creation of a small studio will require 170,000 rubles, and the project will pay off in about a year.